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The New Era, 1884-11-21, Page 8
0 *EW ATJ UTISEMENTS. A _„.. � . __ _ _._._ .,.�.._..._,. �_.._...,._..,.�_. 1 041104. OUR,LETTF.��- , _ , �. w• DIOK$ON•-In. Ctirttoa, Pu tits 16th fust„ the wife — __ I ? - of Mr. Orli Diok•e,tr, of a aon. DISEASED MEAT. Who Makes* Your HILTX it Belfast an Wp Ah lost. the wife of Mr. Boelo -Era- o s _. Ci•. lli. zcllty fPrmerly of $uilott, Rf a son. to ,ICciitm '� ' C COO goderlch towntlbip,aetr41i4mi .eirthp rMa, EDIxox Ds�la SIR ton 1-�In our last *' YOth. just•, the wife of IIr. Frpd. Conk, of a eon. ) , , y JOHNSTON-In Oiintoa, on the 10th Inst the week's ;pape-U_TT r I noticed ua article nndor the CHR,1,',S�TM�AS omiN 1' • YUe pf Mr.06Q. John@tone of a Bon. head of diseased meat. Now air, Ido not ' ,.�. R- •„ ,�, HO r!T Y In btoi{ill0, on the 13th lgst., the wife know whether such a thing *as been offered. CKSHANK ofMr. iTaies)iortiey, of a daughter, to tlig��geo le of t limon or not but as I am F . PREPARE FOR IT EARLY, YOU CANNOT DO BETTER THAN •B'Y' DETLOR.-io goderiph, an the 6th in t., the ,rife in thetii( hering busiaeos, I feel it my duty I MAITN(;E YOUR SELECTION OF of Mr; Thos. D 4AP, I)atlor, et a daughter, to defencE`��ygelf, and ,tos,•ely affirm that "�"" ",, aiieit>seN.-Itt godorlch, oq the 11th loot., the such a thing ]'iii"s not pu sed tbrop h xn : - i- »• wife of Walter 8harntan, of a daughter. b' y - _. - - MAKER.O� ]IoINTo$II, =In Mo$illop, on the lout inst., the hands, I kill nothing but first•claes, heat, , at'Sharman s. wIFYT281M0Tvs MnInt,sh, pf adanghtor, their eat faction. customers A«3� prove d t DRALIKA IN ,ALL FINDS OF HolidavM CI nton, on the 12th Inst., the He has on hand a select stock of GLASSWARE: AND CHINA GOODS wito of Mr, 8, Fitsemens, of a son. (it died wfien two Clinton,, Nov.. 17, 1884, just the things you want, and at prices to atilt. GUEAT BAROAINS IN CHINA daysold,l . '"roWn ii*Ilt� Childlre>r�'s Ito ots & s' TEA SETS, FANCY' LAMPS, &c., &c. MARRIED. THE SCOTT' ACT' R,E PUPN114 (l . !►� !�• •' ftURT$EHMSRE-HABnL-In Colborne,. at the OFFICFP., . - _--e residence of the bride's hP,%rents, MUM loth lmE. b • Also a choice lot of Fruits, and General GROCER ES the Rev. T. Dleyor, Mr. Frederiok Hursehinake to Miss{ To Me Bditor• of the, Ctmtott New, 14'a a, � r'' n � O p Ltuie$abel. • g x . Spring � ck. we ' assorted, and fresh and clean. CRAWFORD-FREEM.e X -At the residence of the SIli -•Permit a few words concerning our bride'l father, on the 12th just., by Iiev, J. Benner, editorial item explaining how I b@Darns re- Com I.et`w1 in Mr, Ed. Crawford, to Aiary,, oldest daughter ofIdr. turning officer, During the contest of 1882 pl �iBERT STREET, Henry Freeman, both of Iiullett. i ' ' departments in Mr farrow a absence, two or three tele- ' G TAYLOR-,.GodeIch towmt the rssidon4o of the grams, brought to me by members of his ATaT� C=O�IDs 5(IIrI? CHI+1A1' +QR CASH O brldo's father, goaerieh townshi on the loth inst- LLiNTUN by the Rev. J. I{surer, Cir, John J, Taylor ot1{Clintan: family, iyore ausWerod. This is all the con- C, CTtT7I Ci f to Mim*ip, second daughter of 13tr. W. Ifer{,ison, rection I ever .had with Mr. Farroves busi• O]CSTLANI ,. I3RI X l;.F. OOK, (31ANIKM DIED. nese, public or private, Previous to the tele• I.,,, . . • gram Coming from Ottawa Mr, Farrow pro. ._._•, - _.,.� _ ,. ' WIL> IAlIM---In rest Wawanosi; on the loth ,,,at., inised the position. to. me, and iateaaed writ. " "_ -_' _. " _. _ ._ . _ - •__ . __� _ ,__ ,..... , n �. at the residence of her son, Mr. John .____ - _ ,.K _ _...-.,_ ... _ . , • as years. Williams,'"gen ,rig to that effect' when be returned. from To- S �. 'ter M SYL-Jq T I - 9, U uokersmith, on the 8tty brat•, route, ]+hither ho was gc•ug., In his abs@ace . ' , .PotorMeTavieh, aged'04 years, the massa a came, demanding an immediate B.1AVERg - BO -_DOIq.I11 Tuekeramith, on the sill just., Ellen S„ aiiewer. It was shorn me, I stated. hots vlat. ' u ra et Mr, John Doi � W -A F 1� W_ t g; aged 3o years and 0 mouths. ters stood, and an answer was sent to that TOR -Be ��ttU�CHeNAN.-In Clinton on the 10th fust. nary olieot. When Mr. Farrovr returned, and re- . N r , a I ei . �i.n, 'or E1Xost daughter of Alr. Donald Buchanan, Aged 20 , what had . years, :3 months and 4 days. ceived the message he stated that , been done was perfectly correct. Had, it not 1."C 1lierlt' Proven been go, he would soon have annulled whaE� ' ° x a • .' ' . • • Dollar upon dollar to frequently spent on the fait had been done, as there was plenty of time School Sapphe8 extra' oheop. 25c. k golscap fol, 200. .`'`OC. Foolsca y ,for 1u0. ' LARGE STOCK - of recommendations for articles entire] worthlese.- to do so. , Were you acquainted with Mr. 'Nota Paper. for 150. 150. Note. Pa r for 10e. ] OC. � meq` S POCh OF ALL KINDS QI'Speedy he Note Paper for 7c. per quire, Not punch tie it until is merits Cure; you are not Call a- �xtrn value is Blank Books,,All iscelIaneous. Books, Poeket and Famil Bibles + ed to purchase it its merits -are proven, Call at Farrow yott would soon come to the @orcin- y b es, 20 per- Coinbo'sdru , p sion that he allows no such fnterferenc@ as !cent•less'than usual rices, see them, Sp eels] .value in allltnsls of Alba g atQro and get %free trial bottle,' and 'of you have described.. People wonder how I 'Books: Bill Books, Hand' Bags, Satchels Violins Sarin - Fall and Win" ter'Nots'and Shoes dyspepsia, liver complaint,. etc., no matter of how long came to be spliointed-I'think rn Conaerva- • Value In Silverware 0 g rdeans, etC. ''xtrat fih standing, it coats you nothing•. Sold in 5pe. and $1 five friends in- East Huron. will 9a that t Clea v ' Pocket Cutlery, Razors Large and choice stock of China Cups„ ' bottles, .See testimorrtale frotr* poisons In your own Y a h Nn elties, Vases, Dolls, . Toys, cheap.. Colored and Jet Ne.eklets, Bracelets, town, . . leaat my claim was good. Yours truly, ; Brooches, Combs, Brushes; &0,,, very low. Ii.1JRLII SAXONY an '' PLIILCHASEI? tS>THE -BEST TERMS' AND WILL BE -0. _. Mlrscnova. C,AN , d .other WOOLfa .- SOLD AT CLQSE P12tCES, . .__ .. _ . a n A. H. VAS TASSELS,.&c, : . , . . A Bold Barn cry others, by fie of, the leading)OonAarvgtiofIell. remand ' -. ' gg*van simply the shape of news gossip. wo certalu- ALL G'OOLS AT PRICES -TO ' SUI THE T`I14i18S, WOODST097{,NOv,17.•-Yesterday atter- ly had nothing agafnst6ft;"Masgrove,in publishingit, ` noon about A o'clock; a tramp Called at for we would not expect -the, present government to . ' • J111 ��� Got $ r� S & Ira,Hunmasson's, West Zorra, and after appoint any one but a supporter of their own, and we '>� Wesliall sltpw in a few days ONI OF `I -� 11i• ' _' ' assumed that pfr Musgrove teas as suitable a person D lir(�41ti { getting something to eat walked to the for the place as could be tonna,-Fn,l COMPLETE STOCKS IN THE. COUNTY. � STAil rGCno�rr X oRztrlI } boru.and set fire to, a straw 0ta0k, .which .1. . — :. - . . - 1 soon communicated -to a barn containing 'r;-FfiANKNES" '.DISSECT GU. " .- V W- 11 l 1 � . Chi*011.,; 100 bgsbels of''wheat and' 200 bushels of . Z;�X. _W 1 ,; . barley, also,80 tons of.hay, consuming all, 7'o the Editor of t'he Miltt n New Eres. i A He thea: rocended to Alex. McDgnald's l In Srle' .- n` h (' _. .,_,..-__—._ __.--..._... .. —_. _..„.,...»....,.._.._: . ,» _w , ;� , I the Nihs, E.ttA of the ith 1. I p I3EA BEAVER,. R,13L(1C1�.,' Ni'r;X i' T) 'TH())VIPS()N dz. SSYxTlEI�. lgt 20: binding that gentleman=wasllmg• instant, appeared, a letter £nom diianche'stor '• .. 'his buggy.; he asked for a night's lodgin ; criticising an article of a previousissne. Tire, r - + • .: • and being refused,walked.to•the.other•si a •party; <runprompted" by any, acting solely -- _ _ -_ .-7------N . T . .. of the barn, reiriarkipg,tbat he (Mcdonald) for the public good, " uninfluenced" by any 'Annexation. . ' 1 v - Jam c•, a would. be. sorry for•it, and touched w match' uuworthy motive; steering his egarse by .tIie to, the -straw stack, dest)oying it with ,the u ring st uth,.thrdws down4lic i1 " � ner audard oft ' CU t anntlet' to . scale unitiiown correspondent, barn, an(t the whole seasons. crop. Ile g ., _� .. � NING aC .. .. then' rau rocs to 27 7th 'can. and. Frankness comes .to:. the. oonClusioa t}tat This is an important .political question for our parliamentary leader. to attend to; set -fire 'to 'Phos. Rdtherfor'd's st Gall � t. your erringoorrespondent has not deviated so . r s tek, far from the ath of rectitude alto. be,char e - but the question of CHEAP' (x00DS concerns every' ui:1n and woman in this part destroying two barns with the' ear's crop' p g .�eSi18S tt) call' Special fltteliti0ll' y. p, We with malice, giving him the sage advice 101115 StUCli i>~f of the County of Huron; and the way. to .solve the problem la ,to call'at and four hogs... He then went to lot ?8, to "hontirabl and honestly" discharge his ' I ' ' 8th con,, and ivas detected setting fire to duty. T aged to . . he article complained of referred +. , r Walter Meadows straw .sta. . ck iii,"time- to the action in the .pulpit, taking part in. an 7drown it out but not in .time to -catch toe open meeting of .the Good Templar% in the 11 d Gr ail Adams gym: onium Londe'sbor-o'.. tramp, iiho is still at large. His (leserlp- "hall (lectur referred to) and Eranlcness'state- � . tJ arpj, . tion; age about light complexion;: red merit fdils to correct statement made use moustache;. high eheek.bones; re cont ' of. '" Something new" was this remark mads' Good S Special bar wins ,in `1 ', In this do artua.ant I .new ligota .with. re(l t y us@ oF. After:'hearin the t ' + P g a P ). ops; ivore small ,cap. g e discourse'on the Dry �i(Qt�(i8"this De artment. Vfl Oce)L les--.kee only the best If eau,&. in West Zorra l ' 2Gth Oct„ Frankness makes no furthe . •at- Of' X111 ,kiii gllltable t01' citl'1.,t111..11115 Al"�sellt S. . 1? P y rich 'lacy is r y The stock consists of'i'weeds, FlAbrieis, (an lilies in '.Peas, Sugars, Raising, Currants; feared.'. :. tempt to prov..e, the: statement incorrect; in=1 . stCad of i h excellent range in duality and .gilautity) Rice; :Barley, Meals, & c,' . No. inferior — • • • --. wh ch . e forgets his former admoni• `. 1.- Cos d thea Goods find a her -if L.k ii. What to do 'tion, rising, the wilo s of "hearsay," Gait I • • ' Dress Goods, Wmce s Bei good.&- „ n . • , A �U �� /� n �t T t ` �. y , y (T p, b a place C0 a now Jf tiruubled with titinnhealth 8. ;1'111 VS U CdllfeCtl'DIl Cashmeres all qualities -'and shades Prints •le('re'f )y slew-I,mtlifig sore use taking:for grituted ,high in.tbe atmosphere • • j e� (.®. bG h , ' • q , p I isle also a fine l ne,of Bats, • * gor 6 Parko'sCarbollo Carate,• Yytt tt;ill tiud.it. o-pt:ejddiee, drawiu ,attontio>i.from the' slut ' ��1 (Yup pp pp f invaluable for,healin cleansing and, completely re. 8 li I y 1 /� /'y, Shirting%, Cottons, etc. lJltJl�>. .. Caps,Muflier`'s; Overalls, Shirts., inovingyour troublb. tf thdblood is ut• f oi-(ler t • at issue, Mourning that a temperance war, • • I'ngh F rule 11ann:e� p w DrawEra, Blankets, OvOrcosts, Trunks 8t. with it afew doges of Mc(iro•ror'v.13 iuedy 'Cure ro l'. 'rioi';' tvho, after firing .the first' -shot lies in:. f. 1 0(�S; hl(i.L:• . Mifflp� In this depairim@ut we : Valises 1Vhi' s Curr Combs :L f n ' Combe'! drug Stora. t' . z '} acEiv@ abrin the hardest • �' er - def etrm etitionut I p > y , an for s, . , • „ g contested engage- : . ,1. _ _ __... _ __-___ �__. _._.Y ,� Cyal.k)*1; Baskets, ate woes are gtlatecl at sevelzi 1)iaces a, ,m®fit which this county bed. ever part£ stool: of Bats, Plumes, Flowers, Feathers', 1qe per b sl -ci %ted in - had been de rived of he• 1 ' J_ OHF CUNU96—HAUE.- `$a ROC Ribbons and Trimmings is "ust immense 1 u lel, and one. farmer hear. lioiv- 1) P t go den. Fid, '�'a,jN'�'D�Aj, J (} i * < r t Some find lines, at • inaixvillc' last .We sold 'a ]bait of fork, °Pportunity, at the'.126h hour; of malting m " to see, and so cheap. - �rocke & C1d.S�1(liC'-ver very, I bushels at:loo' ,ra h i'. y:.final :attaek'oil the ranks of, the enemy,"ind - • - . -. - .. _ . • y t e than tale tbetn'when,howas.requestedtoannounceameet... ' 1 bank ltgiile ivitii�hitu, . ... . rK� to� Q� C { qq A lur7e stock , on : baud, ; '[[jj p . A good general stock, as cheap in favor pf thecett. Act; found. -the only, ad l)oOtl) tit StloUs'. to e sold Chea' ,_ Hardware"as to, be found in tliC .trade, Et F.RYAonl who ]lab not, alrP..1d -at..,once;', vice that he could Five wag, for'all'to attend' 1? go over to the drug: store and 'see. °`HuI3" so filar they might Bear if'diauusaed; and he . tovctili:CB�t. A couple 'of doses" will relieve nbl . judge for thernsclves.. '! . . . � . IET . .. . .. . t Elighest price g'cr t ut#er �I Eggs. ��arnl`irlri: slid 'Shingles, Cheap, 'any man, woman, or ehila. Only conte. (:okT asto-.siJE ,. • ,, . . :GAT -. T1i18 •- -._zr'-.a:c:' ' . ....S,. . . I I.... I ... . . , I ,"Ift 0 . I . . E -S . AttltiZ' A vLtV.. A't11I1+'1VT, I'orhags thomosi c�ni1 _ a •� i, lois beotr aehr v r . ordinary sat cess that tIUIICII'AT..O1..FI(.LP,$ TOP. I88 ) � I . . . I.. "A ... ... I . C e t iu inotlernrnedic.inehasbeen '.: f �" 17IQa. 1 v3+L•'h'1'till } Jl 15bo, ll.1U TI TlL1l ,CAI.I ANT ,SLT'1'1,11 AJ' gt,CL, itttatned, the '1)i . .. .. by -11 tt3,atnleht for Catarrh, . , :: I. . . . ` • ' Out :,000 raticnt s .treated dill'iaig the past sis o• tkr, cl tor: of Gkf'; Chnttili d rte ,7irct. ®® p ��pp ��++' 111012tH. fnl:1v r,igetS per pent,'harr; heat cured -, �1ta-In visty ef.the t' ` - . t,uugirrbnru, Sut. i, la l i� ���®�8t>„� factthat the. ScottA ■' .. 10 of this stubborn uttaiadSp, This is'nouo tile: less et , . . E •still* ; ,vlteu it .Is ruinewbered ghat uOt Rye^ has-13eeii" carried in tills courity, Gua -,will be . psi: ileut,.of patients pros@ntinr; tho,tisclvoa 'to coming into force,on the let of liay, I goiisi-' :: . therogulat'p actitionorarebenefited,whilethe der that. ate s, should be takenat.Duce for its teas unit advertised eurCs d Pat inerUc other acly_ due enforcement: from the very first.. As.one . d it cure all. Starting tits lin•.' . u1alill ecnr 0. L 0 T L I 91. E fl. . Ciatiu note generally bolievetl' 13F the Wrest means of, aic C )t, and to show those opposes' . . +I � v acielitiflemen that th@:dtsoaveis duo to the pro, to it that -we .moan business;, and no. fooling, *,', JKIL L, :: - . N i _ _ _ senrr� or livrug pirasitea Iii. the tisdildS Mr. ' : h , have = = b We' Should o all eleotivo ol}ieea Fillocl. by ,■yj/� V _ Dis�uat once adaptC(1 his euro to, their. @star men who are in fa and vPill a'seist toenforCe f '! • 1. _ t ons --this' aC�owpiahid, htl lelaiuis the t _ _ � = - le .peiruau• h act, th c©,chore `ia at. tike eleer: !ij : Catarrh is Pra'ctica ly curet and t e•- a ,first char . I. . euCS is unquestloncd,, as cures o0coted by:him tion :of Mayors, Reeves, Deputy- Reaves and " ' . �'' evurattow )ted.to Ctiro rr t f ,Coulicillors, for the tuwns, Villages and town- •.' foul+years ago, arecurefi.still, wo. one else, has ata tt tht n.(, ! G 1 .1 s roan 11. . . ... h county, 1. acleo by %'pre and no other treatment has et'ei• cured Catarrh ships throughput 'alio, con •1. • _ • T.1're :*pplication of the remedy fs simple; and vious issue of yourpaper t a Go erioli town - can _Uc'dour. at lto)n`C, shit t!!e pr@sorb sCaaoii, shi lyse about the first to. throw, out a hint,S , P. I or theCU youristtto'mostfavorabloYor.aspeed� and that theythere'matin•toputn$eottAet� I!': ' i iluaci eeiantt of �lttieatinieuL 1o;i ft ieF Geos 1'0 men onl .. Now, air, I ho e:•Clintou and'atl ' o s. slionld Y P. . Un$ Dalt and Winter ifillinerylhas arrivcd,'and our. stock iR as attisictive as usual, coinpris• correspond with lilessrs. A. I&,DIXON &-SON, tl:e rest of the confit will do likewise, • I` ' . i r. , in ' . . . . llo, Ian% street, r est, Toronto, Canada: shit Oil- .also seo.that the Antic yaf flullett, nroposc to . NTT TO TOW�i.IA,L.' ing PARTS and NT«' \ 011I� Patterns " ' pIo tee�i,,t,,, r r thio; 7Ire tttse otr Catniih,-• put the matter to . a test for the Reeveship, ., . i , _..._.. . _ �_ but as there'Was a fiiir.majority for the Act • . _; .._ .. __� _._ lm�w in tliattownshi 'tile anti eandi 'ate"ou�.ht iC - - w.__ _. Hats, �OnlletS, Feathers; Plumes,, Wings, Birds,. Flowers,,. Plusher, velvets, ;5Oo �r�� �Lx I'n13r ,r r,Ot'NO.2>1 stand a Dor t)llaice. �vben scott.,:let MOD . . iti the 4th, concesvion.or East Wa- are elected to the 'different offices then the . lwitnosh, a0'aures 'lets acres of wood, mood or- , y . Chard, iwe geed springg; Uwu wells, log house should Bee that all appointee] opiees be filled..0 A Fatins, 5iiks'and ribbons, . Chu• continued fuei'ettsC iti'tlie•11'iiliuery business is a sure sign t9fth-fi;tia .IC U (1, '', frame tiara 3tnd, driVo H NGE• so that our customers and friends appreeitite our efforts in keeping alar . a r i1u Boase,. tend otiiC.r uutbumilprs. ']'bice ntues Uy iron of th@right, stamp. ,At present setno + P 8 go sso ted stock, and £noir iaiaunc�ster, and I! from It 't mynicipaltt3ss are. goueruCd b .hat our ,rices sae right. 73T.AGIL CASH ME 21+;5 A' Sl'1aCIAI:ItT. Out's )etii it lines in C"tintan 5 a y ,zlntl•,Scott. it Ii0SIL11I suit FANC)' S' l,., for ,.iii,t,elo nutiiallopnt i( 1lostotNce ttieu,.where the majorihyof the poople at.,e ill. 11 I V L0V 5, 11 C W001'1BN GOODS is aomplote. A11 the above lines r,ri tb0 g orner of the lilt, ..$2O*F BUSINESS 000 d I 11, brut t C. w shall enaeavor to keep well itssetted : during rin.ffrrio.to ant t 1, 1, c fitrcr of filo act..: This should not be, '. As e P (lgriub the season: Hata and Bonnets (lone'opor,_ t.iiurhasor,. ItOBI!,, P:eL,1 Clinton iscoou dere h • WPsttlelrl h;O. si, d t @ hub of the couitv,h o , , Our customers and friends will stfll.fiud ualn file I;en�er lilock,;ti•herc wo shall be hal 1) ,tri - - ' 11 liero.shoultl sot a. cod oaa3n le, ns tvo .ala, fit ��IIi �St �� �'�� {� t" meet them and as"mnny" new onus na may fa., ur'us with a call. { A Rig 'L•'Qit 3q by y.; ..- gt)YTnINfYCI CNE 1 t P glitlie'r state . ' _ - ,} the toils vii Got, ; Otli. }Vo mi `),"- �`63G , �tuurdretl saris, betu� c,nuj,esed of tveSG•half .uf let � ahAt'tho entirO..G'ouncil. �•tra ftivornblo t0' the •• ' 7)) + i��{.`i �T r �( �Y .i �,1 /� ( .r 11, rro tite lull eon., gull tvest-half of Ir,t 11, on the ut11 •Aot=-1:1,-' Nkw i,Jt6'.; ]r'er that teUSotl I 1 ll.. BE /SLE ,y- &Y, SON,. � BEUVLR - BL0C111,• Lois. of Mullett. ri0 acres cleald(l atfd i*i £food at:tto of have tai: n the liber et t • flidoilf _ - sn ht gin 110 eii.batatuaadl fin ifs iLn cel tvltlt jtlne, black o b y o£ a<laressiug titesa tory.f u h use, franie barna intd .l ors, in order to invite a ais•, . ,ices to the c1@Ct 11 rnrn c �%__ ...___ . Atablc,,a,eod we11 and oreiinrti 41tuata ll miles irout cussion of the subject, anti hear tho I I.esys 'of:. 9L ®LAL S(J'11_ _ •Switz ,i:bc rilla}(o of J{Iubuui, 7 fn,m Glintmiand 8 froi'a • 'abler. men than myself I. might stets that', oa,sy.rtA ly oilssi a yr n:n to ,t„ rail ttorlt, ']sink this style of liosiness )s to be adopted in the e.itiy. Aptly on the preud+u; fir adilg,c�yv yTItS, iii 1 , . PETfilh., t`m,4tan(•u. . , ' • Ss County df iimOCc', and no dottibt many Other , y. . •---,- ,' -- .-.---�_ ,eouuties"willdo thesaine. Thanking you,51r, 1 C'. Stock Of (arl'OCO'liOS, Bobt5, 3,ihoos, (il' Clti01`V fUtt c ntll T :' ��lA>ls •[. 7Co>It Sre11.Ik >i v 'rl[p; a'rt)twk►T, Editor, Per rho apaca.'Cecnpied ill this,,I ner I y �{ ' 7 7 ...8 , �� L rJlillll�•.•QI[' 24'Yl1ial:I'IA'.rJIi1C.i11)�illyl�. 'Y'ours,(Pe::.. 5t'0'L"i t�i.'1', i i111�6.1T�[15SWc�iY'e� w111 W(.'SQl(� �� 1it'�l'tlltl,1.. �'" . trntiou »P the I:stato`ot the late Hhaan Shetta, oifoiq Chtttei), lV"oV f n, IS$•1•, . 1 �'r�Yi�eSi flip �.St 0 tTcall. • • •. for Salo the cast. half of lot Sig, 12th eon. of 'Mullett, _ ..._.. - oentablulg 50 acres, about •10 acre, of which are clear- --" • ' • �edl c . ed, tile balauce hagQwoori timber- Iotium divelling ,t.t,XN1Jr.0X 119AICHI A'ivf. 77 . house, It is withnt l}• "mica of rho Villft0c of Londe34 '1'iittrsaay, AioVr 20 lS8 t. t �al'tleS 1ll(l0 ' ' ' + . horn, anti nl)ont xis rules frmn Blyth', Ttalt en the L, , t' �te(1 are 10(�Yl('StGt tie Settle 11 �:)C£fll(3 i�la M. �� 1 al cs t11r3 'le'a(l fol' . II, cC ti: li, .t Here Will be shunt tmi gtorea et fall, witeu� (Garret reit evm } :1'ltttrsd *y nftcrnonti,t ' .. ' •, (at©. r ' sown int tho farm, For &irther.}mrticulaes, apply in. iVlteat,.fall • q 70 'a 0 70' •,. � 0 rIOCi11Ce ti�Litell 011 aCC01111t a6cr the ,fit. Of, Doe; " 0150. C. WOOD, Atiministrator, Let •3:3 C'vn, 11, ` S P ' pring, 0' 70 . a 0.7±1 Yt1ll 11, ar to Lonr iialt o P. ti Out. oats, ' - 1►' 27 a - 0 2f( ' �..il.•.-Thu other half of Gard jot can itnu be lgua.r;ht ° „ A T' at the satilb time. 1•'ar this ]runt) ,t; n Stri.TLi.3; Barley,' 0 48 a 0 5i r ' . � o ./..L ■ E.. TAULORING, . hondecbi)ro ll:•U. , 1, .. v Peas , 0 .,:, a 0 56) w Ihillait,Kept.1,78a4, ,e ' �®N�� �� aD�.Ns * v :. .. Clout".: . 4 G0 a G' OfJ P0. Ti AND, Comp,tvv t'UN17+,' AT _. -..., _ if \Valet a VICE QUI l , tl'r 1t111T. If ,yo1d `t'alll , an U V',I, . »- » •-_ 1'otati,cs, 0 8() a: 11 00 DRESSMAKING est rains uC interest,I'rineipalpayable�, L lots t•1'y illlil. If 011 1Val.lt It 11100 S. 1 � Ol 13uttr;r, 0 15 a 0 1a , asdostred by horro wer,]eggs, 0 1Fl n U 1:) 1' Vahiator !or the Gaxsl,a P:.ttrnr,ri t'nrnrr�(1'0AT, iiiil. All arc, sold ch6ap for cash. ..My mot IS Sldla� y, � '''t ' . Rtixi rare hr kll li;x .. 8.00 a t) "- �lZll'C7tS.�D •OV .�'.�:WtIO1V . , cn, • r PO ' t SheC olts • - 0 40 a 0 00 • 'r( ]inturt,tl)ne�2o, NVI, . Profiis and gdicl{ salol. I' alll prepare(] to 8aY.l. Call (10 i)ettel . � 7,amlia ins, - , 8 l;, it 0 >!y t.r, illall ally dry goo(iA , tlsc,-as, ..l' (l0 ltl;y' O'ii',4 Clltllll�y' Etll(l Coat MIN l LOTS 01>, 54, (t•l, tt;,, +ifvJii ao,• 13Cof, .• , (i O0 n 'i 00 .-.-,--, _ L TI:R, t doll 1 ork ' i�3faitland r;nnceNslon, in the 1'riwit,ohi rr,f (ieda > Coantyofitlf'"ll.rontainin 1 ' ° ., 5 Iii a 0100 , IJlitl(]r1r;, �rjl(' ('l1tiC1''h Saltily tiOCS t0 ti.10 1)(?Il(. . Cif 1•il( (,lX5t.0- g.334'a(•res irturoorlcss• Tll' i ] OB - 'ryj_T��I�]' PUMP �{1. A(YTO There are crociad on thu.said l'troperty l+'raun+ }Irfn a C In )rovenien t, ill the, I3ritisll lire =� i _ —�t ►�7 D X11 J tl L U iii J tJ U J U � 11 1(1 111 fiCi1(t of �E CilttCl'. Ilttrn aild'JtAbles, stock turn •ets has leen Cf short duration,, �1' !S$ rcili fif�tt $ji ® . ,.All-theland la linder fence e,xecpt Lel;(1,1, containing and the latest sl)eclal cables indicate that � °% ;C' 1�, 1. i.JJ, aL�y�� ' w ' i ' v is aeras whish li heavily Wrber.d the balanoo °;C & �V Filo-'-r, Cf)m I'; alul examine illy stack. ql 111,AVL+ its, NIBL 1(i NS, "t'V'O%751.I,I , (�' a relapse leas taken place, the market bee Irr I• tim, r3LAST, I'llornILTOrt . ri('i 1'(' + 1 l '. ' , , acres) U under oxltitatidn. g ,1 f inti (1ltl, � � N 'I' � ITI+'7)5 tlllrt t4 eyt<'of 7',Nfx. XT> `[`ro`vserall� '. he tarot is weli watered Clio lever 341tiati l r • g". weak, under heavy supplied and .an ' . , , • _ + t ' lug through the r , t urn trade}x'1..58. O I1RILif RASJU:+O 111�Tl ]Illy) T1t17 ,IIB;+f,"H1TII;lt,'+ IIA V i I(1 ILI.CI;:y]'1'1,St p 6perty, 1ii(itf%tent clennantl. Last w C1C the mbnt, .jiffs front Cliteago, ])nt1`6 . niid I3ntrillo,• with stitrte'd a taotory In Myth"ba to tntimato ft is altpatadabout 7 miles front the�rrowing fawn had a healthy totre, and tho improvetnont rho from fasbiohs _attil strios, and ,will,bo to the peoplA of fturon that tke tire ,t parent . O of Clinton, and •1! soil" from Godorioh, the (7onnt pleased to 360liter lady frlondtr. tC ofuli wells or e{ster)18,arld provide I1'uiripS of.. . town. y 15romieed t0 be pertnnuent; but, t1tC holtVy. the Vert beat wovkinaushilf,. craving hall col�- ,,• t , , IT t (Mood, tileSr title, free hum all incurabranaes, reoeip'ts Af Canadian$ an(1 ri,tY Hollis, (;,IIhYZC4rBtJ 7tOr)I 1tATE, siderablAp:rpCrioneo Ili the pltmi)-lnakiu littal, t M I F I S[Ch H. E R . I.iIO Li,t11)1N�x l.1lll,Olt, 011 Tl.t�t, Along with Ian rr st1) lien front gthor' AI'i'ItLNT'xCIN WA)!1TEI). iters, tliuy feCl nCtt)ldunt theycttnslvetttitu t 1 ) price, 11W per trail it field beforo let of.,.)an:, lads, g 8.' 1 p f , , sittlAfartion, All ordliAllf v ma11 n ivAali Lie l'�Vd f lnOl'1i )I'f}1'tll of ijrl'aTl(i. t1 lYxtiilr Ap)i19 to Ii. 3C1TCL11:I.L ]CoDOIirSLI) BqurCe4r haVC 8tit'Cted n, r� diem change, ,l nlll�� ItnT3LRTSO1 i' ))gruntp.pt3yllilrnT,atthetnrffttr'CasutiahiC''ratna, ` liarriater, T`orontto, IVliiCh 11x9 resu�te(1 iIl .T dCClit1C, fiat@ria street, Clitetetr. , 1 ' Illy1, April, in8_j. _ . _. _, _.. _- _,.. _ . _ . .. _ -. 1. _ _.. _.....� _. _ . . •- • • L � - , I. - . . , .'