HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-11-21, Page 6OUR LETTERS BOX, The Naw ERA doe@ not noid itself responslbte for ideas esprossed under this heading. THE SALVATION ARMY. To the Editor of the Clinton New Ora. In answer to the incorrect statement made in u local paper, I wish the public to know the teal truth concerning Major Moores secession. The trouble did not arise through Major. Coombs taking charge of Canada, but simply because Moore was asked for balance sheets by General Booth, time after time, and .could not procure them. The Generalwrotehim,eaying-, that as things were so unsatisfactory, and the, people had lost confidence in him, it would be better for the United States to have a change of Majors. 11Ioore consented to this, but after- wards took steps to incorporate, sending all the officers away from headquarters whom he knew to be loyal to General Bootle. Moore knew ineorporati)n was in direct opposition to Saber tion Army tliseipline, end has never presented any facts to get the General's consent to incor- porate, thereby severiug Limeulf from the Sal- vation Arley. It is also stated that 11'lonre holds the property in Canada as well as the United States. This is not ,o ; the property in Canada is held by the Canadian contingent. Major Moore ceased to bat it anything to do with Canaila, when •Ifijpr Coombs took charge in May last. The Toronto !.,arracks are not hold by Major Moore, nor in his name. Major Coumbsreceived a cablegram from the General, intrusting him to go on to New York, and remain there till the newly appointed major arrived from England, to take Moore's place, which he did, •ul took steps to defeat Moore's. ;,tans, and his ...;arts have been very effectual. The aide -de -cutup, five divisional officers, with all the officers in their divisions, amount- ing to over a hundred officers, have declared loyalty to General Booth, and the number is- ihereasing daily. The officers stated as.auming out to look after the Canadian section of the -Army; are not coming nut for that purpose, but simply to take stations in Canada as other oRicers. The Canadian soldiers rs ha e no need of a spe- cial e- cial looking after in this respect,' they are loyal to God, the General and the away, to a man. Naturally the United States soldiers are unset- tled as yet, not knowing tho whole facts of the ease. IVo money has been sent from Canada to Major Moore, except for War Crys, publica- tions, etc. The money has been received and expenses met from head -quarters, 15, Esther street, Toronto. Moore has not yet produced his promised balance sheets, Mr: Schaaff, . from English headquarters, is iavestigating.his accounts. Part of the property in the States has been got over from Moore, and it is to he hoped that he will act honestly, and hand the remainder over in a creditable manner. t3APT. NLSI.LLE BANKS. The Editor's Tribute. Theron P. KeatorEditor of Ft, Wayne, Ind., "Gazette," writes : For the passe five years have always nsed fir. ring's New Dia- covery, for coughs of most severe character, as.well an for these of a milder type. I never fails to effect a speedy cure. My friends to whom I have recommended it speak of it in sumo high a. Haring been cur- ed ed by it of every cough I base had far -five Fears, 1 consider it the only reliable and sore cure for Coughs, Colds, ere. Call at Watts .t, Co's Drug Store and got is free trial bottle, Large Size $1. A Blessing two Ali lifieinkiad, In these times when oar 1 owspapere arei° needed with patent medicine advertisements, t is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure you, If you are Billiaue, blood ou't Of order, Inver inactive, or generally debilitated, there is nothing in the world that i will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind,and can be had for ouly fifty cents a bottle by Watts Oo. XCN' FVii I�rtll���I'• CHEAT' GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, &c. Wool an4 Cornmeal ahwfa iS oh !land. 4 ALSIi- PottPto poloIRatoi rndliah .2zea'; fast Bacon, Loto•Oker Bacon, .Sugar Cured Hants, And ,l'7o. 1 LARD. . At rices which cannot be beaten in town. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR DobbiyoP ELECTRIC SQA P THOMAS COOPER & SOS, ALSEaT STREET, c1,INTON NEW TIN STORE. numSUi37QIilBER, WHO WAS FOR 1SIORL. A. than night years in the employ of Ater. Biles Davis, desires to intimate that he, has Opened min , n,.op - '1 n t ,i5 Block INCREASE!) HOTEL CHARGES. To the .Edalo,' or the Yew L'PM Sia, --I hear that hotel keepeiw in seine parts of the county have increased 'their charges to. travellers, and in several instances acted in any- thing but an hospitable manner. 'Tie is ail ,iutboine'of the&bottAct; rpre-s`nme. Are not ` the hotel keepers a little hasty, and don't you`. ihiuk they are doing that which will assuredly be against themselves? One of the arguments used by Anti -Scott men was that hotel keepers, being deprived of the privilege of selling liquor, would be compelled to increase their charges; or their business would not pay. They still have the privilege of selling all they like, legi- timately, until next May, so that they tshoul& now be making double money by the extra charges. between this time sad that. 'Ai my mint, the liquor dealers are slightly injudieious, and they will find this out too. In the past people have tolerated a good deal from the traffic, and the liquor men appear to think they e n do as they like with impunity. Publicsen- timent, to the extent of at least 1,600 of a ma- jority, is 'against their business, and it would be policy on .their part to submit with good grace thereto. It temperance people had been a- ein,l:etive as their opponents are, a good toe more fines would have been imposed for int elution of the law, for every one knows that the Saturday night and Sunday clauses of the Creoleee Aet have been frequently violated, without punishment.. I do not object, Mr. Editor, to a legitimate increase in ]rices, -if necessary, but it is quite evident that any in- ci•ease trade before the Act comes in force is imply extortion, because hotels are yet in pre. cisely the same position as they were before the passing of:the Act, and if other houses of ac- commodation are started and draw the custom away from the present houses, the owners of these will simply have themselves' to blame for their loss of trade. They might as well accept the inevitable first as last. In many parts of the United States the very best of accommoda- tion can bo had for man and beast. at temper- ance houses just as cheaply ae at the regular. hotels, and the temperance people of Huron will undoubtedly see tq it that they are not im- posed' upon for any length of time. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space for these ideas, I re- main, yours, FAIR CHAit(i=a FOR ALL. ((For the information of our csrrespondont, and others, we may say that so far as the hotels la (Minton are concerned, there has hien no general 'increase in charges. The accommodation at all the hotels in this town remains at the sank figure as before the Act was passed. -En. NEw ERs.1 HURON STREET, CLINTON. " Where he is prepared to do ' . ALL' HINDS OF TIN, COPPER ANI) SHEET IRON. WORK, In the best of style and on short notice. J{t�'OIL, L4 -MPS, GLASS,:&c. in stock •A cart, 6oLICITi1D.. _ SAMUT:L WILSON urea, Deo. 1885. RVELOUS STORY TOLD i1 TWO L ,1TTES. -FROM. THE SON • }'28 Cedar St., New SON: York,Oct.28,1882. "Genf/anew My father resides, at Glover, Vt. iTO hue been'a groat sufferer from Scrof- ula, and the inclosed letter hill toll, you what sound= effect Ayer s Sarsaparilla has had in hie ease. I think his blood meat have contained the humor for at least ten years; but it did not show, except in the form of a eorofnloas sore on the wrist, until about lye years ago. From a few epote,.whioh ap- peared at that time, it gradually spread So as to cover his entire body. I assure yon he was terribly afflicted, and au object of pity, where he began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty persons who would testify, to the facts in his cases • Youratruly, W. M. PHIrmpe n FROM THE FATHER p asuro°n t a duty for me 'to shite to you the, benolit I have derived from the use. of • -f Ayers Sarsaparilla. Cabinet -Parlor Furoir&.arroon, UNI. ERTkING tie subscriber keeps the !hoist 0ASK:BTS-'an'cl CYOFTINS Alvaro varo on hand. • 1 tniortils furnished at the shortest hotlee entl•tewcst,;'def t• ' A Cith s SOb1Qi .' t) . : Lending. Uu fften lege• .... IlEsIEM131filt 'J'lIE ;P3:AOii, OPRosiT.E. THE lOWW'1V'ifA1`f,: THOS. - STEVENSON FAIL14111,&' TISI A.LL BA11fK•E;R:e,:t RA,TTBNBURY $TY, G.LINTO +", oneya vanes on or ages an etesofhind Six months ago Iwas completely covered with terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause • the blood to Sow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of the SARSAPARILLA in April last, and have used it regularly sincethat time. My condition began to improve at once, The sores have all healed, and 1 feel. perfectly well in every respect -being nolo able to do a gopd day's ' work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire such a ire i mycase and what has wrought mire n , I tell them, as I have hero tried to tell you, . .AYER'S.SA111IA`tARTLLA.• Glover; Vt., Oct. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, D t iintiott rii3LLIra.'! . • ° A.Tuft's SARSAP►_?tLA 'aures Scrofula end all Scrofaloue Complaints, Erysip. "etas, • Eczema, Ringworm, gllotchee, Sores, Bolls, Tumors, and Eruption of ., the Skin. • It clears the blood of all impu , titles, aide digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restored vitality and strengthens the whole system. e ••r r PREPAEED XT't "? Dr. J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell,Masea 1 Sola bY all Druggists; TI, silt betties for $5. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES 1:560vpIiOVl21CIt O F O NTA ILIO, i 1ty virtue of a warrant Wider - County , i 1 and of tb { ardea and , i L , e V Cmutt, f {neon. to frit � the e ` roe d dated tbeseai,d' the l.nrpperatint ..f the Uonnty. at Huron, a. tete Sixteenth day of Angled, A.D. 1884, eenuunanding me to - let v upeirthe ,nderinecth,sed lands is the said County of Moon, for the 'arrears nttaxes dnt•.thereoh, and costs,•an hereinafter net forth, I hereby wire notice that 1 shall; on R:iD3E8DAt 1nr1r I1Ar OF nirCESIDER, 1384, at the hnor . t' tea n t'oek 1 1the• tnreni,un, at the Copt House; is the TPn•a. of 0..1e'rich. prended. tit sell the said lands, by Pnh•` 13e Ant'ttun, or midi portions tbercet an shall he secessary to `pat s;u•S arrears, together with. all charges thereon, ualees the 1.1 -:Hr he sonnet paid - • • 1,01 nl n•:rt n .. .2 w•»' of lot, •` _ x 'a. - c 5a. F t1OiiNS1llP.O1•' COLBORNE . Pt r of l .110 311itlandv1lle 2'. Pat 22 -1 1,30 21499 'rt W treat E,0y at. • i. 1 road nest 100 Pati 28.54 1 37 26 9I' • TOWNSHIP NSHIP OP HOW1GK. d'i}, 20 11 UA • .VVii,rAioFORowen.1211mul• Smolt libel of 1 Albert IF ',. Pat .3 15 0 83 3. 98 West part of 2. Lemon St S 1, Pat 1 11 078 1 89 East part. nf,11 Louisa a St. 5 ii Fat 12 77 1 23 14. 00. IOW'NSIIII 01r 111LLETT. 21E..1artof 10-4 31 tat. 691.092 283 11,1yA4.E 010'•51A2C1I13S'1ER-IN HUi LETT. • 9 - • F stirrer t, Pat, 2 13 0.80 2 93 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. South 11aTt of 23..1 4 Pat. - 3.29 0 82 4 10 Southeast 2, of !,.,6 • ' 50 Pat. 30 1 1 80:.3) tit V ILLADE OF nL11EVALE IN •5101t818... • 2' . Oardncr'ssar. 1 Pat. 5 36' 0 88.• 6 26 1 iLLAC2 OF RLI GRAi 1 IN MoRRPS.. 4 t , 0Ta6tt.a our. � 1, Pet ,5:51. 0:88 • 6 89 46 .,:., : 13IoO'an,ttir: 1.5 •Pnt 5 51 0 88 '6 89 Tj).W3T$HIP 01" M KILLOP. ' sl pArt,.t-28;...t;. .141,art14 10 Pat 1681,115 17 V WN8/111' OF .S7 EPfi0N. 11 .,'Rt' 108. Pal. 57 6e 2 25 50 85 13 f8 - 100 Pat.. 57 60 2 25, -59 05. VILLAGE 01' r,A1FIETL, • - Riot part,la .Ran,., h- '3'b. Pat. 2'23. 11.80 3'03• West , half ..ltnvti,ld7,een. 45 Pat, 51.14.2,10.5624 'rows or W1 11 ,NOILA1\'TURNBERRY.' 34 Iat. '3 54 0.04. 488 175 '. ' ' - S_ Pit. 6 69. 089 6 53 171 1; Pat. 5 82 0 90 • 6.72. West ,,t'i7j„,,„ „ - 'a Pat.. 0 63 0 76 -1 39 11, 'xj•,Pat.-5 67' 0 60 6 56 178 •':: Pati 5 82 0'90' 6 72' 273 - !_ .Pat. • e 78 • 0 Irl 7 76 282 '.• 277 667• to - Pat, 1' 46. 0 79 2 25 1, Pat 1 46 '0 79 :2 25' 3_ lap ..8 5"a' 0 92 747' t: Pc) ^0.24 0 91 7 10 .- 1'1\�Al\ 9ACdT A GENERAL EA\S1 Nl� bUnx1E5�1.': Pat t 19 6 83 4 Bi 11 d N z...,...,?,,i t 1 Part' la lt9 1 25.20 94 Dratt9iseuedpayable, t pgr at altbbs 001009 of the, rrL�GT...... (ANldIhdlF,l... i 1t. 1 88 8H'tV 2 32 Msrehant's Bank of Canada... Now tori: exchan To• "' i•n 1I` 1 rr2 0 80 232 exchange r•.. _ � VILLtUEOF 1141 TIT: bought and sold. PROMPT ATTENTIONr.ttD TO C'07,. McDonahl aur ti Pat. 6 35 0 00 7 J.3 LEozioxsthroughoutOen ade and the United Slates. tri *Donald aur, li Pat 2 79 • a 83 3 62 • Bla•1.' c 10 SLeConnell s 1, I at 5 35' 0 110:.0 2 5. SALE.NOTES BOUGHT at algae rater, -and money v[I.LAGF Or HRUSSFLe. advancedtotitrmersontbsirownnotes,toranylength 721 . +1 Pat, 821 99h 01g 3+2 �• .'; at. 17 n1 1 27 .19 20 of time to edit the borrower. A.11'mivketable orient' t)e rut. 1'6 62n L 2a 17.82 tiesboughtands0lti., . .vtLLAGF 014.lVROXETF.R. 0 centre St.wesl.1i .Pat, 2242, 130 .2372- BANnEa6 IR Now Toxic. LOstrra ox TIM 1 01111 St south 1.5 - Pat. 37 59 1 70 39 29 • IInIteRAsT'a BANK or•0ANA»A.� • PoOtnty 1 reasnrer's 001ee, 2 W 5f. HOLMES. • (.ioderirh, Aug. 18, 1804. t• • , S'p..Treadurer. HE RED ROCKS A GREAT caul'.• WI The November report of the Ontario reau of Indnatries contains facts and esti- mates leading np to the conclusion that the harvest of this year bus turned out even bet. ter than w: s expected earlier in -the (Jenson, The foilewing table shows the aggregata and average yield for 1884 and 1883 t Aggregate ^ 1884 1883 1884 1883 Potatoes, hu+h.,..27,546,261 16,400,782 163.2 98.0 Mangobis, bush,... 8,655,184 6,252,015 471.9 363.0 Carrots, bosh 4,107.200 3,084,430 382.0 354.0 Turnips, bush . ."44,406,303' 20,870,354 426.2 304.0 Fall wheat, hush -20,729,288 11,050,957 24.0 10:0 Raring do, hush14,609,061 0,720,063 20,2 10.0 bar1eyhush 10,119,041 15,414,337 27.3 24 3 slats, barley, 57,835,0'2.5 54,573,000 38.9 38.5 Rye, hush 1,648,2'69 3,012,240 15.9 16.0 Prices of many of the staple crops are low. Wheat and potatoes, in particular, are cheap, bat the harvesting of so great a crop is a sub- stantial addition to the wealth of the cotlti- try. Legislation cannot, in a year like this, increase the price of any of these farm ot'ups. Legislation should not increase the price of the oolw.,odities for which the farmers have to exchange tho products of their labor. Were it not for the high tariff the hairnets of Cana• de, with such a crop in store, wouldbe abundantly prosperous in spite of the low prices, and other classes would share their prosperity. Avei'age Fluid Lightning There ore blit few that have not suffered almost ire telerebie pain from toothache, neuralgia, or like oeut. pairs, To them such nn instant relief fig 13lttkl Light nen,( is an untold blessing in time of trouble, No dies- ;rnsting e1Tcn.h'e medicines to he taken for dfYs. Ono nppiirat1', of L-1',1.1 T,hrhtnin;T cures. Sold at)'oinhs 7R'tEREST ALLOWED 041 1)JP.OS ITS W. W. rARRAN. • J. I '.1TISDALE.' lNap food :� A11 1) . /S7 10 2o ue' At' 'do��' VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. BRICK BLOCK,. A'I l3ER' MEM, OLINTOI,C. To furnish a house : with' taste and care, Requires some thought and decision ; The Kitchen, -Bedroom, and -Parlor fair,. Must all be planned with precision. My stock is complete with all in my line - And handsome as handsome can be From kitchen chair to sofa fine,. It's worth your while to call and .sec. Pf• 411 LTA 1-•�_��-�� - ��_ - _ ,, 002, tom* ,.+�--mac ti'3-,•�+. '• - - _ \ t0•0,,d .+.. -.,�����"=3 "�"`S-•"�'-'«`�_�'�-.:x-�� _ Gam.'.+ AgIN r� U81 • i '''''�`-e?`--."'^-•"-:-ar,``�=r-S.:r sc 1:',, 5 c.` 1„F.:4 II�L.I' 7115'i irq11 w 9 10 r mP c T�T�;tmr�1 FURNITURE t a, 11FN � E l 1 Keep theStock L Largest and Best �i U Rlvl ITTJRE \Vest oI'Toronto, I'1'OIU R ;IOC, Muir to S]SU--Parlor Suite. Parlay Spites and Lows Los -io �> Bless. variety, a1I our glumly The undersigned Offer's for - stile 'the. property shown ill the above clltlgraln being composed of Lot 35,<10 the cast part f a Jot , On the 16th concession G0rio11 Township, containing 26 acies Land It })ai'11: lot 18t)jOillina, o011tf t1111g 10 acres, being part of the cast part of Lot 35 above mentioned) )111(1 .'cl)Otlti 31 acres of it is Vesicle the corporation of 01h1toii: Will bo sold together of separately, to snit plir0lsaser;. For 'ferule!' particulars apply. to , Clinton. lief t. 18, 18:41.. A FTRST CLASS ;UPHOLSTERER IIOM D] TI:Oi'1''ALW YS ON HAND, ' 'TITS is now vary complete; _ ., x Having taken the pains `, � >r,.F• ,^.��'�f to inform myself respect in the .�..� ti : 1 latest: styleii of .. I' J E %. r! Y -, Trimming ,,1, rim fn and r itfIi- IIBIRTISIITG ' • , d�l'fl"�' , 1 r �i _ .� iti „-'.1311 ° 'r�' 1 l� a. �:'tk in;;, and at considerable �� expense sppplied myself, �1' l - with. the best material, ;I:,.ion continue to give. DEPARTMENT this department my =��: most assiduous care and attention, doing•ell in my power to accommodate every class of the community suitably, and on the moat.arc'tsonable terms'conesstetjt with thorough efficiency in'overy detail_ Trui ANTI SEr'rfc EltnM,,it:rc nun), forpreserving the tient], Robes and every requisite always roadalr A. A. BENNETT,' CLINTON, ' .UND rIRTAKEIi, 1'UI 2.,AL.DI11ECTOR AND EMBALMER. C 1•TTRALDPJU'G . STOP JUST •TO HAND. :F'E ftrs' Soaps 'x enC11' all' :13ri.a1he Soaps. and .A-.lpiiiie aa,vancl er, Gens xa. Coiog'>< e.' .•. TOILET REQTISITES of the latest manufactures of the world. PIIYstorANS. PREsc1lIPTtONS and FA;!tll l I;rairss filled with care anel,dcspatch. DISENFECT,AN'TS of,all kinds kept. 404761•IgE • CHEMIST; AND DRUGGIST, GLINT.ONf. owl!, J'AM1t;4 PAM. 'I great cYlearing WHCL STOCK 1'O f,/.E As We aregoing' . out of business all must be tai: • sold 1,3/. the 1st . of t Jan.tiery, Wo 'sold out .18 ' 13,1'ge stock of Goods in'' four inonths once before; and . can do' it again, as -we do just What We advertise, and,"<ld not- have any slim sales, which aro 5o common 1n this town. Dry Goods at Wholesale MPricets, Clothin at Who,les'aie. Prises. - Hats & Caps at 'Wholesale Prices, Boots & Shoes at Wholesale Prices Groceries at Wholesale 'prices. Ceme-nt once and get all the new goods .yell want!' at wholesale • prides, Tho sale will continuo until all is„sol& MSEEI .r pt ii• ' 1