HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-11-21, Page 3I 0 . . 4 PIN , .* * * I . . . I . I I `1 ( , 1, I � . . � ­ . - . I - , I . . 1111111111 . — I . . . . ­ � 1 . . . 1. . � __ - � . . a 1. � ___ . . ; . . I .1 , __ I — , - TA[1Z 1RJAOO WALKRJ4, , ­ .1 I .11- I .1.1. P — —_ � . November. 2 1. t884. .a Impor xqwi Note,10' 0`110T, 0441MYRIAAN41)"a 0V 'L, ,. I I I �� 11 � -1 � . ____________%____%_, - -_ All, Ou"O" in 41V*Iek Vo*,&rnVaQTe1T , I � ID041fison, - T", WrPAR-WA91111PIX0 QXR&L - . � ---------- l0q, . I I — raw, -a Burglars ape still operating In Tqioijkpi VkOullarldem and —Ilablis oi ihe a . .1 -9 � AAFMAVA114 0114&V1xu,k.' . ' . 1111011ii Work. 1010 Succeed. , . . . ­ . on. Orr SUN$* anot Ap arl . � . . , I p8itli subway WAR opened fair traffiti Oavid B. 11111-Mlip Buchele, jitionse 14 I acull, glolp ,);early W48, — . . � . BakiD9000wing slid trowing, Ot all tho; creatures of me'roPol.'"to On Saturday. ftlei 1. PeacribeqI �by on Aeop"Voie 9h.ervejr. 0494"loy Knewos of if a flo]Proyrs *A - ROAL4049.1ri Arid bo!" . commercial life the most loterfttlllg� And ,. lbe Irramc. " . I I ' , , g, - Sweepiligi dustitig 4114 ola&DiI1g,. fascinating, J0 the flo U10anadion Pays tbabLieDt.-G.overnor %)v. David B. gill ba� not beeik ov TbQ stenographer is ravidly being Sue. ur"Istapley paid I � ­ - Or WAlker, oayothp , ,, , , - abla'ago Tribund. 4L wolkiog, 4icoidt - Uai did act Subscribe, *to t Q Up , I . � or. 840coodod 'by We ;ype-writer, says I Ontario that , washing, starching aridiening, I . I ouryo a I � . I 00, . . in A repent I , () I Street guide 011d'a, Ill US cattle L'fidenO at the result Of the election until, Brooklyn B * - . the I ongo ratio* IliloWlig, tu*04 and mending, of office. the Jai Iii0tbrY of the Lower C - titting"bastinf aLd stitching, dictionary of names, he I to�dar He said &pjis I agle' Man Are too Olumay to not be 6tudied t , � ,. evening that he had - I 00 glowely, oud especially acquire, great facility At ibbi sort of Work,, that of the. Boma, as it WAR, altogether tai Makin R the 6 10 like now, nii enjoys %he 4istinotion at being codeld. Aguoboat with marlain and po Liu doubt of the election; vf-qov. � . , I . , . . vievelaikid. aull it seems especially halted to women. befouled. with prime, mine . . . Sboastrings to lice, axed the leading,mall Of the house, if not Ou board is expected to reach, 't , licomen ill* but thio evoullig in bN rather -hard. Tait advantages which it posimemada ov . Ana, atrocities for - I I Faces to wash, � one of the leadiagpartudro. Politatorioll Skye next Tuesday. � be lold'of looking A&W Office, bore, surrounded by bin older, I or the repetition I BA4400 to iew, � I It visa 84011911 that it inclined . A4d the, like of such - and poor ailike, lie to A co fc ' fAshiOu is that the wark , . I . ritinUsl rayof sun. I Henry ( ,. is. finished them! to persevere in thO new and selfe r , . I � learge, the land reform agit aod�udr,wmq was no OSIM and unmoved '. lie StackrogS to darn latidne, He is found moot active And most has arrived in England, He ... attar, � they wore wild and whea the operator hub reacheartlis Said. A -imposed mission. .of . . While t a childr - I , - visits. Scotland 10huslas, large element of Do .1 . 04deavoriug to regiiiiii Qap)Ay# 41 home; in, the great. business houses. -He t,io 114 their expreihi�ni An e � U, artainty enters into life the Congo from, t St6rdep, to tell, � in rei�onae to invitait � - . d congratulation ., be. chance of euch's great Toors-wipe Away. kDOWS the store from dollar to garret, A a. Land 100 from the Scottish R . S When 'One employs Sir 8094ographer. With - misfortune, as p I 11 I.., � . . I . 1) . Risatorstion League. e has been fraqw6i show . , ortuguese role , . , . ­ more exalt-' the tYPe-writl4g girls to , where a thousand And one questions are . LUOUG Over a local canvass )lots than he hit,$: rill I Ii.is diffarent, As s woo JW aking them happy 1 �lil be I The livelong day; . Lord Spanner, the - Lord Lieu anent of, a they are boo a, ti Minor to which the International It Is ever thus f -r . ai daily he !a ready wita th I I .t txhibi;ed in this OaZion Y ci Supreme -Court Association boo- Attracted the utten mm Dip _ 16 OUSADd Deland, who has been .At couteati. . - , urn till ni t; and one prompt answers. always regarded As Ch . � PAPPrP, Which, by the WAY, they Jay aside United Europe. I - Who Says that 14 mother's worlk Aelpight 2 The woman I , ung county $0 ,!&that plan 0 h . tIQU of . I ,, one of the, wealthiest of English lau .. am . .d ,f .at f Europe judged Wiaely - .Who are Apt to be the principal custom. ­ � , lords, son, !David B, Hill. without the aligillok, regret, slid they -are and well , At evening, four, I . � has just excused himself fqr giving , He came into Himirm apparently the only people who I At the fort.boomingoorifer6noe, we , " , ' I ere, &to the reoipient� of his I some twentx -one Yang 0 ago from- ab . . look wit might 0 1 ­ Little farthe in white i . oplial � � - aor,td - I a ,eginnin amlei '' , 1_1 . ark it& date',down as.. tb b . pin _4494 220. oubsoriptio.ii, to Mph .0 i rii, e�ghieea at I rty Wiles nor - SuPre 0 i Of- iii arm of expansion and growill that 1W Pro � tons attentions, Tlie Att � gero all said, . k of polite- fund on the .. 1, pv@p - lupo upon the we onto, arid Ail the last good night, ness, he is -regarded by moab of th I sin . ground that times Are so ad wb I .1 th of bore,' 'begin at once to preparo. for, work. The pro- perhaps Should go on u Tpohing them safe . I a I alin Authority on - I Ir land that be 0ould'afford no more I th ere he was both, and So once received paration . � noliacked till the end * - . � all questions 6 c a . I .1 a PonAdence, and a' , is the 101290st Part Of it. Attar a of tinie.- A Slav '. � I . oteatin of some of out few general re .. - a trade was a great blight, In each downy bad, I . I and etiquette. He has A facility f are"" A V.otoris (B.C) deep � I marks about the weather she Silently askin . . I 1. � for remain- &tell says: The war* best mop, Ex-Spaaker Maguire, who was removes her rings on which clung to Africa like an aggrav, . O'er each has , . I . ­ I .1 ated . I If . beriognames which would astonish a hotel abip Bstellite Ballad f Mettakathis to A100 from the barrio huallet,said of him . a. Afoot the other, . peat, destroying men. faster than children That the dear Father alark. Then he h i1quire into! the jadior looks At them carefully Places t Inheaven will keep , I . As the advintago of them W,ltb. an trouble ,at the that he was a. p�litjo as a lad I I . hem could be born. He Overtook & . . hotel man in understauldluo . IndianCOMMissioners went with arid, worked at slid imu when he w I . in an orderly row - beside the tYpe-writer, Arab marauders - on party of I Safe all my darlines, . I I the peculiar- I . Polls Several Years before, pulls A hair -pin out of the forward part of ember of that, ye the Congo in Nov, , Awake or asleep, itled of his customers. He L L t her. Vice -Admiral Lyous, who boo left to- he haiduny right, to vote.' G, L. Sin 9, examines it - I at, over 1,200 mileg ink the old adage true ever will prove more than % dictionary I of is some hing r Admiral County jadLge L , and then thrusts it train th I th I Dames, and 0 and' has as his , succeoso r when. Gov; Hill AL4 *so bar ban a gosi. They bad utterly desolated Thitel-liesey to labor for th6se that we iove.4 - something loan than -a taigrid. Admiral B Ira will I a' Elmira, An d _he . I came to with unquestioned belligerence into the a numb . L I L . I L . I faillion-plate. 8a � At . rri.ve on was Sowell pleased with at of villages, Massacred all the . , L . lottakofherhead. Then she yawns pro I . Ab, I me I dear me I I often a& , Though scrupulously nest h I ;U04. . the young mair that one day after he had I L . - adult males who had riot at once , , . yl . . 0 is never . I , � Oigiouely, learis back in her 0 , . � As I hang tbat.umbled clothes away; - - extravagantly dre, aned. Diamonds possess Lord Northbrook, First Lord o� th appaared before him h . I halt, an 1! L I L And the tea . r -drop start L . . a I I . a offered him an, ,says edk and cal tied off the woman arid chil. . =;:===7�__ - I � - .� no special attraolion for'llipa, except ,be, L'Admiralty, has urgently -urged- W l � She is ready. When �Yow__bngi A and- -dre . Whileray burdexi�d � groTI-th-6. -P-quo1--pavonernhip,--wh* h- -- -­ ... o;iff,- , I'L--L t . to -WAS &coup , y r - A_-Re-mever te"W'-such-weight before; -­ I �, .. . ' " '- 0 Aches for tile mother "loraorss tile way. they are seen upon the plerHoli of A coo. G;)yprnment ille necessity for the addition uud tho firLu uoutmued for moreL ill L . emembers', risea,iiam the Machine, In a ormall, dump' 800 fighting men kept in. I , I up Lem .900" to the waslistand toya with thefutloots mansoles Usibe A , L I Where, oh, whers are tamer, and yet he undersom do as well to the English Navy of years. 'Giv. Rill. rA4kd highasNi'lawyer, for a few moment", ranches t Women Her nestlings tlown ? . 4 as � . a hundred first-clusa � .. and foltero, 2,300 . I , anybody that they are riot a recommends- and a hundred and fifty second-cl%se torped And has managed many of the . Lhe ends of -her and children, their pooi bodies incrusted 'All allarargone, . . , , , I 0 .- moot Im- fla - I . ga�a one 00401 i . . � tion in all cases. He has hooter means of boats. The Admiralty Board has, ordered partanu pains in thi a4palt of the State. I kerd to the towel, then comes back by with dirt, all emaciated and weary through ' , ir garmArfa ,gqu the constructio There is one r., I have become coni much natpery. It was iik .1 � . , n of four torpedo cruisers . PeoPuarity about Gov, Hill, vinced bi expe Yoldedtho� - ----_-r � -.1. ­- settlin eadong, of financial stonding, for Way of the inirro . With tenderest dare -he May 90 to the manager, his .L And a number of tor . that hag L rievee that the average its' I a ravening human , I as . Unpressbd the pillow . superior, pedo depot ve eli fox occasioned much comment, said typd-wKitev neve� redli . I . Iii eight to mak . I . . 0 angels weep, I And v nt the chair. who is Upposed to know. all things know. ae"los'at all the important parts. , � .that is, bin seemlug *&version to the fatr�s Y LoSrea to Wash her cruel enough to make Strong man curse and No rib"bo' able. ;?, oxplain I I L , A matronly I ex, haudo, It Is a L as to tie, I the exact p.,iRition of a There is, in Chicago A ir L lady said this, ev purp9s . Strategic subterfuge for the - cry, "Vengeance murderers.11 No faceti to wash, . 116or-walker to. the outoide W, . ,umor that eirillig to the on I the I I 0 a U, L a at affordiug her an opportunity to, Here was the net result of .the burn * - No hair all away ;* I . , . . L L _ rid, According didate, h "' P Ly $un reporter thus blue remembered wall look in the mirror. She returns, . I . t one authority, it may be given as that of I , "Ing among its members oat- Ing of '. . bo marry voice$ rauster-General Frank H when Mr. 'Hill firot ev,me- 'EIMIX& A her,6elf carelessly into the chair and briskly tr . lots I . I a. . .. . . 0 to hro e$ and the devasts,tion of 43 ill To hush Into rest; I I . 14 assl4ant manager, the term floor. G. Niobo otton" Mr- Will handsome, .attractive young Mau, just' in puts A all . as L b of paper i to the me chi a, , . � God save them I � ­ . . Is, Mr. Stibon Hutchins, of the, L L I to glixt,the avaricious soul of a man, - - L I .. ..walker having been gradually applied, AS Washingt,on' Daily Post -, L like, triedL 411 , D k D who had Oonsfituted hini chi . - " He took them, beiiii; more e'iplausvory lit hip duties. *H Colonel George his majority- " We gill$," she. Raid, "girl' 'Having dous, this "be witbdxawa -the, papee, triol, Same 200 Miles "higher up at of a ala� - I .. moat large retail III . Jameson, ai g ' Suitable, lueaDq, to become turns it around and puts it in in that Way. . .Though But And He knoweth best; - oneral superini L known to bim and to . over 75 years old, Th , all I the heart aL, 111811 I the tears th .1 stores the space is divided dent of -tile railway Mail service, and Mr I js ,% at fall ' . ­ attract bini to one This is.& systs here beL Was proee6uting - - mother's W , 4 , . , L an they never depart from his intIldpt6us I L . . ork is t a hoi of &hit I . Up ictodepartinents, each 000 Of Which is Clinton. Snowden, now of the L, . Soc�.3py",bu.t.�with000..%Ay,,BLUOOeao At, all: It -under any.�.airpam6tai I . - . 'L " I L� - .. ... . . . .. I . . Washington " .. . I Sh L. .. .. , . . business, htivi . . .. uddei the care. 'of A filpor-walker, an fait 1?epublican, propose �toLpUrohai C', , was reportea.ti) that I L . I . a, lit. act. - I ng- shed as � . . 7— . I . . . be -had, a414 Jid Toad much hanioin blood, in thr6i months that if - , , . FLOWEIMS RN W1Le%TE1lC. . . . insta . . I I . I . cloago wpulda t U64 Y - ytt, however. ' At this, Point it collected a ties the lace department, the Vilk Xiohn establiblialefit. , .. have. anything to do with women be' L into tai it might have auffi ad I 1. . - , . ,.. . department and the. hosiery depart . L . . Until he got rich, anii although comes necessary to open a small drawa� to drown him and ,All his tlijrt P I They Are Oft . ` ­ . Mont- Tbelaitept dreamin Parisis of a coups. 06- :ffo L, I we redoubled ab the. right, hkDd side *.Of . the typ -' Those I I Y*wiveo. . PndLJKXCe.Ni . . ­ L a . � r a . * a 9,300 - slaves . would ave to be . . ,an Injuried by 'Klee Riluch Then there &is Nev Cat who are expected to and barouohei that ' too 10 was all In Vain. I don't know writer, ffili ' h , . Care - can be worked by also. whether 0 . -4 . ., Wniertrug. - . . I , Out more or less show trans Qrted over 20Q A. I I keeps 01088 watch about the front d0i t0gity. -The Ports correapon I it not he's rich, but be keeps Up pursei- Y P luiles� in wwoes, and - I � glance atitically and some at . more -flowering Plants by whose especial duty is to welcome visitorb . dent Of Truth him dislike to WOm* � . wh such as could noo be'. fed WOUld-die, auU - ' ' too much PeOPleiDjure and direct them I L has'been informed'by M..Herj, ,ihe.m&n n I enslithOsalAV, Hellas sadly within, throw the purse back again, p . . . I ' 'Elmira, although- and toting forth in ink-erimer, ai rubber,, a � number would I a L are than by too little," Said a . to The de'partment where ' . eVer been in society 1 ' erbapi , * prominen 0 the goods they desire' dull b L a L foand. ,. who Inside the tejeph�ne. do � snaceesful in ,there hL , n i 800-�-pe'rhapa goo -of ,all the t Jbr'st. 11 They fill t They ' . . as .never beau 'A time when Ills doora L ever* reach their d efins., I heir, flower- are resPOUS BdIgium, tli%t bqJ fruib knife, and I Apple .or tioll. T potis or boxes full of, water and keep thi, ible. lot the � behjVjOrL' . s,"Orted-by the Roth. of the housesi t a half-enii 4 � earth soaked, an4 then Wonder why the ; tain number - of clerks' and of a, car. -'oelikIds and sojerial other millionaires in a ,be best people woujil nob peach. , some one his Was the latest stor� of the ,-, , � L . L I have liben op6ned to him glaill . I will probably slave trade-, in Africa, and his'. obj . whom they are omh boi iolibine, to cobstruob an electric car' ye" interrupt , her for s quiet climb, spa ' I . I act equally a terror,& ri&98 - - Coniinuotisly for tWOuty-oneyears since after � that ' 'if L' ' - L=a4a fully gained it he'could Maki his. I . . nd All which will be,. &a 8asY to manage as a hew ­ Governor Hill has lived in Elmira lie boo you are , still I Sympathize With L the work and . plants don't thrive. YOU. see, it operates object of an - It ,is generally Admitted I . . . there thin Wa ; At firsi-tile PlintS are 'revived that there Yy ing Machias. I I �You will be tho L by the wymer, and the fresh growth inspires Is as much in thib appes' I L . , . talidu his Media , rolighlY, started. one - a ill$ of� the InternatlicnalAso plat, ,_ - ' ir&noq I I I . . . . . . , ­ at the home of a lady, who under way, on exp . . a .i a , " I L . . I.. ., . writer is' fully, . . I I � F am . ion. . . . . L .1 I a L . I ' - , . . . the owners tuat they have utrue andbehaviorb afloor-*alker�aslhere'isin I . ; . 4vei in a Very modest a is hirL ` us fast as the *aysni�geL otenographeri and, . , Books. L 1. . I � . k the' pro. . .f ' __1-_____""__ . art type - per key, but soon the leaves ' . 6beervation, A, VX8l . IT A13K JPASIRA- Out'Ptinmipall4wets.. Her Darn , . .... 'hiAL business teat and Power, .I -To An . I "'Anuor Oil Osi Of .. , � ' theni and dro 'off.,, bei faike,. To insure- success lie must be A thorough . T" . . . . Blackburn, and t L 0 a. . When YOU li�io fidiahed dictating you may Thereis pe'rhai g I P . . What the luxile Told ft Rrenchmain who . L bear her encomiums take. the manuscript . . reatei wonder -thoa * . I 11 What in the reason ?" . L . .. � optimist, Whose Sunny Views- -at. life' mu"t , . � , � away with .you. I' abi BythO help Of.Attle -figure ­ . is IL not be shok L � V181tod Mira ju Ceylon. . � upon him one would be led to believe that have observed 0130 peculiarity .about ,he , . a or. - A Well-, the Roil sours and eventually kills .90 by a cross word from the . - L I he ineWed the distinction t6 � I marks -placed upon reeds, or skins, or Some - . he plant'. It is caused mostly by too much I I which Debuis femaler type -writer. : She never makes a Other available materia], Doon � '* . t . proprietoqor allinsultor C-saiiies of in . Arrived at Colombo, we pet cut for Mount risouo The' Governar'.1cae his. mistake. -Itj .e, w4y's t . .hav b water, although it in an suits from the Avon to visit the ' .bacholoA A 1 .he 1 � a can . within a CuOtOmers- He Would make retreat of Arai mucWlle- It able to' transmit their to to apoll , Mr. ul?%1`6111011ts in the- 0heinung Canal Bank she -puts sixteen vowels in, the gh. .., . UM_ 4 ,word thousands ofye'sr�. The ilambs a . a poor Hhvilei, but the beat paid member which Are the Menisci a n L "throughi"' She first bits -the' keyboard . ud shapes I year anyhow, and Should be ran Henri Figarl, formerly An ggerij at Cairo of all I" thoughts ibrau . ' I , every twelve mo dw0d once of the craft in Chicago is said to :be S, gas. . Rubbatino '& � go., , who is tho Ong ly tOr 601 at'hieui gandemen, to . Of illings, the deeds and sorrows that ntlis. In winter 'flowers. 4 . r h I the whole black r, violently, then raises the ,roof of ill' . . have , - pine for the su�l Bud Should be given tile con4adism. - He is considered an SZSMPIO 'cqua;ftited with the Arabic lauguage,"oon. this, reasoa - heir called " The Saint's Rtracture,.poke . a at the type a . . . . I I ig trod as far back as'the time of Adam, . invigorat how benever the opportu ' Upon his fellOw-aiiihers, because Ills Cott-, geuoed,to act as,interpret6r. .W.hiletravel. )EtOst-". ,Who Governor's apajtmorltg� � fingeri indulges in. � with her first have be6li made known to as.-. A n jiloia. - - . . nity duet is always the a , . are pine al ve . . !1119111 Another pbiog i.j aime, and he can t' . CY OXiticiAms at abstract .And invioible tbougbta, 'w I i presents it it! I I ellobe ling. through' this country, so sin three in number, And are elegantly tilt- the manufacture. brings the whole thing . hich . a regular outrageous. lie and the most. solemn truth beautlu galh"Y' nish.d. H.r.ho 'no big friends in = or ,, violently and ' a or as Dear regular me possible. in the.,& if 44 WAR almost 'tempted to.onvy I entertui I agai6,L have DO shape or substance, but which . . tenl=r , me melancholy uni earnest i4mea. . the -fate of this great RgyPbian exits. royal Manner. the mo . . continues to .nevertheless -writer, and ' Let th get a little dry.and than give ' This a , . . He has very many strong .inspired the ib Plenty Of water and a plant will I goner Be. wbrks in an establishment owned by . sentiment grow stronger when- oUr:_qQaOh. ones, for.. once attracted to. him 'none ever with . . lit grievous and Aboard errors have , pitied, inspired ,others, tire all' put - two . -half the customers know' Mika -pulled' up . _APOSk LAWSY, . a face at utter 'eatilmacti , d down in ;ittle lettei or figures, and maii , ally thrive. The German people of Chicago. lit Partners,.and in a delightful gardbil in One Of them Said to -day that unraffled. high spirit#. She.. a on an are more Buooessful in. rei plants than in � a *partner'sad tb� other half a , 9 , veget�tiolli.of Ceylon t anything on Mr. Hill. marries . the Managing Ole k of the law . . ,a 0118 which the' luxurian't M Z11 r,arbly apem ' ventus,11Y sternal. The%songsofDavid,tbe'sUblime - th6 Other. . it . I r . any othorclues of Persolos. Tho�cankeep. It malles no dtffeience to him, �Vss - ' displayed I in all". . a splendor. 1j; habits are regular.' Youcap Spit your. offlob . * . . I , I I � �. grievings of Job., the speculations of" p1si . - I - . .... . . ,the I them in the kitobeu.a4d have, laore' succ and he never thinks of c6irecting the into. Servants come to Most us, -'and, ..After wmto.h by. the!bi)Dr that )as goes up Lake I . Visions of Hoin.er, have by thbpe masi . - _-, Ous . I . � . I . intert to his ,moats ... ­ � W&9IR1%C1RL.N1CWeoPAJ?ZK14. '. a U anded down faithf I ally for Mai . . .. parldr." �roprletore, fait they. regard him as" o to "the .Verandah, which, *Ab* need as a when ... . � I — . . , centuries, . I Uy . , ' . then others who keep them in the 'tarke. Nor'doeu he fear the wrath of the ilmidv! cards; conducted,. up. street, sumider oi ,ji b a Ill , I . "What insects prey on the plaiats ?11 � in ' b(i . hal is'sin� town, 'and he .. -is Whelr Error . . . I � To' raid, mark, lbarn, and ' ... 11 The green fly is the worst, ti�t,ji ch - representative Most of the duties lie reception room. Of'A'rabi there h , rarely . mouse Circulation and vite'r st � . 1. . n Performs; and as people value Most highly . I . ave bedn a found :aloewherb in.. business .1: I '. Worthienioneas. . . .all the --th6ughts - and. ' � �.J . OX � I great many ' ,descriptions. -, if I ropai,11, 'hours than in his offidi in: bia Wants : ; 1. ; . I , be killed if peopil� put the flowers in A b , learning of others is :eVidentik I, 11, . I . I Mpossib 0. . . or barrel mud burn the, atioms of I tobacco., : little Spite of polits6ase coming direct from, rightl a has been. describd 'His Proli I nation ii One of - Ybur recent 'numbers, .It is beyond the compass of. any 0 Yo 11 morainti, lit his rOOMas- 4 is I intellect. I . .. ... . I th6 head of a lari bazaar, the, courtesies 'without eduostiou,equidly dull moriilly.atid .his life ; Politics is his revireation. 'A writes a Paris correspondent of theAlbauyl ,Bfit we MAY gathei porbion,,of this know- . ' ' , . They drop right Away., The �mella b " extended by the subaltern if received Under � PhYsicu!'Y- '. I believe I - have 'also. soon mon'6pend oi�iey on horses or 8-130ms- N.Y., ,TotirVal, you gl circulation 6 ledge, and the objed is tq� � gatber under the l t numbeg" . pictures representing him as a halt negrci books or picture . doi or *on : ve the f _know. how. to, . � . I tintilthey Ai *like&. White sesis, A stiff 'this"illuldOlkAre just Sri valuable. - Rome of the Paris journals; and doubtless begin this humbler .task. � We . I . - I wi .,. is, Mr. Hill spends money D , Of your r . M . . r will: wash them -_ I . )I _-, , , 'in- asders were on read io w . I . . Wash or Sponge and wate . in . .. 1- th, thick lips said i - low - forehead. i4fi-cs, and finds . . rprised at ate. We-mustbernoaalutbilwe . In ill larie.figares I . . I Omer ­ I . - it his recreation. I . . ' ' Off- Most People, however,prefer to purchase * - ., . p et� thiii Campulpin. . . NOthing,80fild,be more.untine. 'The Arabi M�0� fund of theatrical or:lninetrel enter WhichyOu mentiondA, but wish to 9211 lnu6li.'- The boa d6esubt over- . . I � I out idowers , 1. 00m. Saturday's N. Y,World,) ' - in Whose presence, we found ourgolve ,tai tp,. ind one Of hi� ift by could has the size of these eb-omiled 'load himself wit th . . ''id .phsli, Eby a I I -, - , . _. ,-., - _. 1-11.1- ­ flo-im.-k nmen .. kjpjjai�tei " .1 a spapersi -doold notiti � `iinii4 takes what jib' - - ­ - " . �. a COUSSrVA'66rieS ni.b=bess in, Cbi4 .1, . * _n ,W -e must .. _­ to care.-forplants.,'!_,_� __�M -_ - .. man dfulratm d 7M,it 'it-- - ­ ifif ­ ­ . do- � '' , I . li O.Aagpt4r otflowers,bu ..-.- . Ar, I . 1dr liru . --- - la-nicTfi­ Ura' an Majestic carriage. 0 won -rather heat 39.'r. Hill . $call . . ban, , darry away.- . . : Itilid . Pl;% .6 1 - - - _ ­_ . . . . . . � Of DOWD, the : poorness' of � tbe'paper and -select also, and see . 0,00 ?" . I 11 . I appy Demol 0 900' Hio face, which is truly handsome, with "an give Sa account 6i a drama. than to.witassi 'fa.e that the . .. . .. - itats Passed the $iAn office . 11 They are not� . I And Anchoring In. front of the I - intelligentficiehissid, is framed in a long, it himself. Mr. Hill bag no.'famil color Of bfie 'ink, .the ,.,wooder would' , quality .. : i They si�,*t�o expensive ,h , Mbuve . . y. HIS Oli *hat .we �.take. . be ... 'good. . I . oys : - - . I. . . .. .. . have any- circulation At .W`6 should re d:DOt merely that � . - . I .' black board, tinged witligray, which gives . or are both dead (the far. All, �, in our country . - am a general thing ' 'd don't give 6at'sfac' b onted in bhorus, like A crowd. of. voltage. . I . father arid moth . be how.they�ouuld we may - tion. The. owner' , banve tb employ well to - . � �.. I !.him the STP68,17subs of a piotriorch. The met. allies his I 6160tioll to the Lieutenant. 411ey' 6uld heirdly'be makernoney,ndittoehArped our.intell,ect, . bake care of them, and even then the plarIts Waine, Maine,' ' .., . . .. ei�sa. with Which -he 601170reeB, and' the Governorship), and he -446 no sisters j* , * given away. A few talegkims train, Fr . &lice but to enlarge it., -Wei should, read ih order - , . � die and have to be replaced oiten." - Some . 1, We gave him a �ain'- -�. . I affability of his manners, denote him.-,, HIS - The Subject. of. the dare at. th IvIng- pierhaps'one from England,' and occasi ! to know and'feel, what is good and what is . ' The con-tf�neq-tai Rar % � , . . I n . � on I . . . .. persons who hei care for eitpehadw per.. . From. the StAto (it Maine. I . at the world. If I did . . e -Executive Ally one (oopi from a L?,ndon paper) from evil, -and -to. do what is gooh and useful.' � , I .. I . not fear to -be guilty .menn'On I to Otis to which he Raid Shia even- America, is all . . . " I Sist in maintaining theol,�Ibut' the majorfty�: . * �. 116W ARE AM THE STAIRES? : - Of. a; Paradox in regard tai the' -prisoner of ing be, bad given DO thought. He the fOr6igtI.news, and the Aiii we Ambitious ? . lab up lbarn hum - , , , have dropped them.11 � . . � .. I . . . ,the Engliab,,I is. not locakisitearly-assounity. 06ethird A " ... a . ility. . . , . , . . would say that 'he is 'an . Very ont4tialastio'di - big" coming . of the to WO * avaricious ? let. us Idarn � " I 11 �. TheuA bi " ' I I I promq. content. . --.� I . . "What are the.f 39 follow in,a"tall silk. hat "Accomplished gentleman. . space is given to stories, continued from any when & :Jbilan. can truly a . , . inquired with ateritoris, I office, of Lieutenant- -day afew'�dvortipemcuts, u .i. *.". avokite .flowers. this' � ; tion. ,;He'likoi the , . . . . . , Thanks to the good offices of gini ' G6vjrn6r ex � Did that is Ind to me'i'kinkdoia is," * it' , season 2" . . .. . I ' n tones: 11 Ho . to ,, - " Xv In . . I my t6 himielf . � ... � � : � Now York 2". si3d.' rpre- . 1. ceediDgly, and Would nab have all;,t * '' "The most in f Irbili 500 throats could ter, ,the" conversation' Uguish. mourns � he laid .. I, themum, bearing floweri,of whit . Lit � `�_ 1110thilig. The pifoo of the Smaller Shoots in . . . I. _ . 4 I i . . &Ivor i)6* in thS'Ohtysau- tild'ory with unisioll, ' 1 lid iorthe Abholutetule A ingadon' ' '' , , � id with the peculiar ,did not ]a do so far is lid himself is o6no'ern 1"39 AkoiO168 coup tiDg almost for . Of"Which. . i. , I - . ; � and other bass. a, Yellow, - )rhythmic cadence ad fm'miliAr ,during. the 1, Wbiia impi manillso and taking, coffee .if he *d bass Allowed to remain ,ill ii;,` Ell . . . . I _­ , ._ . . . . . � . ... � .. . ,I A IS Turque, *6 spoke of I oent,,and these are. the *ones h Is ­;� oft for in .. � , � � Ceylon, of France; has no high. opinion Of the Executive mhn� clej - , A.Doi "IfforaiNuo. � .1 . ­' , '', a They are intici oil ohig.111 . % I I � b . , aving or - I . . I . " I. roulation; �The medical world lin " . I . *moat -haidy,� plants . I nu - , , -all, Of EgYPt'itoblf, the events Bion, And willtakip up, his residence thers' .the petit,ypu�";, for in 8 reason to b6 * I Otsego bouquets, The . ming to have such immense a! for Oh--sholai all right I . � i the winter, howsver, arethe ferha'and . � . , , . � . How's Indiana? . . . . � I '. wbi'Zv`��,e Ox-diolator follows with An, with regret-4Umirti . ?r. stance, giving 750,-. '. Proud of one of its members Who di6d 'this* � , , 'i . - I . . . � Palms. They keep wall, And a1w % . .Oh -she's all right i - - .! in oreat easily understood. , "What'iddes . . . ­ � .1 I . .0 I Xe.'P Yof* Sun- - 000 and,'abi ii its da . ' . ai look .. I . . . . � . ily issue. . : Aii All the -Weak, �as the consequence of a really herad-8 - * pretty. -boi plianted with these :1 , . Howlacobaeotlodi?* , _. . -Your Ux0ollenci think of , ... * A . I . : . departments Of France within a hundred Rob Performed in the course of bin pro-' - � . are very. Popular. . ']�Whx a , miles 6f Paris dei upon the city, for f ' I Window . , � -she's all rigliti ,. � , . the war of the . I American , . , , .1 . . . . Oh . �hlOhdisn'd-the-resultof'16?"*, * 2 * . I , cgory4� - , , - In December ' . 11 Louisville . essionsil, d . .wo;will - Catching Right of the flag,R a n the i ribune . .1� The oamphign. . 0ourie .UtY,' says the London .4ectator. have -hyaciritho in bloonc, And after thsj�i of- 'the Ms�av'. bb Liu r--hoitm4l! Vkbory­� their journiii1s,'the - �opulatiou u . � . , . building,the.drowd. setup ashon.tof �;, replied, . . f0pon which -Dr. Samuel Rai young Man of 6 . * I . ill . come az%liaii, w4ich are. very fine, are .of c d' must necessarily end in A rei Y Hah Brokba ill the Dem6crai Camp *those Shoots ddpebd number . . illy different colors, and do wall iii- th lawn the flags-" Some one saggest6dT&h'af The ardor of hi At. Lai . or five 27 years, senior resident medical officer R ,' ': I * a house. 0 troops will become worti Coon, Else Gone into R - is millions, inciddiug, pf'c6uiee, Paris itself, $be Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn ROQ, .. � ,, A , . Azabiss mud Patios iie'the most expensive. they, should :be inverted. -as a signal of Oublo- the'faae Of the nullity of. the results Hole..and the Rooster. CrOws�Olevelsnd and as -thi father and,the- males generally found on Friday fortnight ` � - n . � I'Take the Holm Frpal -to, of the family.ta I ' , in the hib iook � . . opportunity, to match upon, � . ill Uepubli- - � .. . ,. . . calls lilies (16 well distf so, A 4, the Volatile crowd at once: obtained. 'The Wit ke their second breakfast at 4 Years of age, on whom. or , t1ii achilidut' I . I Use � also. - up the OOUPlbt* yellino. ; , . Egypt is"gond by, M38-WhO Plume A tdat&Ur&tlt Or I acheatomy had . I . I . d Ananias Will Sue alone, a cheap newipa, at is been pirformed to ..relieve the .... I ... I sk . . I P . - *1 , � i, I Roses and geraniums do.noi blossom in. the I . ' -sad will not came agailrl.,, In'bil'Ignominions; Oblivion -While Black A large.p . I winter except in.tba� h 11 1 Nandi R�eid,* YOn'Ve inaft a mesa I � - -Do you think that Got . don Ivill be able - . Indlipensable, so that 9 cai I . . � I . I green auado.,! , . . % Turn down the 11 -distress.: ' �' to overact issue in read -by butane peison for sac . . I I .. . ­ I .. s ... 1. I . . NO, YO11'rg in Jack Logan Will Retird.to Priv Art of the Must die, of diplitheria, unless the an 0 . . I . . Me the difficulties Which suiround &to Life- h copy. ing membiane *06 sucked away ti � -_ . . � I A . -------- > ----- - :-. . ... 11 . . . No answer come. from the tsl ..uAd . him 711., '. . ': * . I .1 . . . The Country is Saved from � ihe The- advertising patronage, i's ve � ty, a' a .. ,. I .., . I 1. . fler Utbei . � 1 tower 6. I kuo*' Gordon," said Arabi � - . ,, ­ He . . Clutches of I n3hil thq tube.�, And be riaked.and loob. his ow . n at 164A., I the twiinty-five I theCorruptioniats. ,. - . . _ . . � :.. _. . . .. P hour none So.' Louis:'� Republictitz :, Redemptio .I I waggons parading I . 0 aria III � the'attempt to I I . I . . . " 'a both proolaimed.1, NO aam ittancei h as . 64traordinmiy enargy..'I am c;nv,inced 11- . the stronts, - Posters on have the dhild's,.whioll he did not succeed , It is an instructive lesson in ristinical I Policemen, and An call . . . ,the French, contenting themselves Witg lit through diplith histor�, says the "British Quarterly Re-, The balletin.in aes 0 thabf uJuless - there is an accident Plain Ruinous Republican Rule�7_Tr walls 'And , boardings, and . the , littid in sav g alto . I � . $ Uth ." , ill r. AlL, , The risk wad not 'one - - view," to mark the terrible retribution that o'clock seemed to', inqeose the crowd. In pu dow th traction. be- will Triumphs, Over. the Tricksters and Traders ' I rrecti read i - . . I I . . I . . . ­. 6 11 a insit AS for the klosks," so diroulat.. boxes something,the Which professional etiquette. required him - ' ion bf, 1641. It'lea I . ' English, I imagine'that wherl-thei -Munbood Wins a Victory Over Monkey, slze,'otour old-fashioned Wsbabboxes ate' to run, but he tan it in, the enthuniarm .of , , , ' . I . I . hang' * have pacified the country, if a -and the, Michinw:_Atid the Demograts Will . to nine bloody and distracted yeats'In , The Tribune adn find no reaiou to � elts oallibi While ' at0 WAS devastated from I a th h line the boulevards, Some -big lo -'a 6f Service; and he bught to be � which the pan stimato of the, result � I namely, that Blainchis they will Allow i Y n'to Wise, , NOW Take Charge of the Ship of State 00OUP184 As new -stands.' arid. oth remembered RS Otis of the iioblept of the, I I . �; � end to end, and.itH population reduied by : won. ., � , . I . � .. . I . �.. .Egypt enslaved twsoliltaliabseuOtfrionly poga'ble' GvOi8r-Cldvailand. EfictS4 pre - other. purposes., . ars fOr . : . . ' The crowd , I .leis set Si4ent of the . "Avery person lio;e has luartyrs of duty., '. - � . I . d � I , � wore than one-third. Cromwell came as I ,no boon eared, took thelli than Egypt 'adminiote vldd to United Stfties-�Tllornao A. - Haparichis his �Oliticsl opinion, and be- buys that . . I . 1. ... . � I . .. the messenger of don in in'1649. , so it 6'r 1 ring her, own' .. I _� . I . . . . . .t . . . I . . . The U - p the cry, "Another Trib%ipe Lio,", and affoirs... She IS* too near : Burg , . 00' Avenged for the Crime of. 1876 -New York, Psii Which MOst'llearly'refleots hi's Via , . The BishoPric-ei Jerimniena. . . . �... I M .1 10 we. . - 'Drogheda and , nittax.,yelling that''civier Until, Airectly in,06n " . to . . .Wexford' massaores, �th I they. -were A;1.310 ratio- Despitb thin. . Het,UIO&D ,The coachmen; for instaii e vrea arifted. Into: . . . . t&Ob wit modern I OABP to - a . as, allilost'iniorl.' The'Biah6prio-, at . Jerusalem is. Doi 2 . . OxbcQtiOu -of the L641 murderers in us . . i I to Republioans"Indiallai Con. Ably irgi6d. the Lanterne or the Zntraftsi It in the privilege of the Germs . . . AS , 0, a .. permit of her being subjUgsood-to a state. of of thin peant, vacant. . . � � oura� of law, the; coalleastion of the land ... �. drover, 6rpv'or', . - � .. . I I Vassalage like'that of the principalities of coded -to the Democrats by Five Thousand � edited by R6chei -and, in abno q' 'ihd . 110 at thieeproviDeee, A,nd'the transplaintatian I 1. . . . Had a walk, over. ... I . � the rajahs. The. movem.6atrif. slination, Clftaland P�9?;Y.Prgsi-' Behind the Be ' � 'they are as -a class reVolationary. a none I a, I this.. tilde to hppoint� to vacancy. - . . . � . . . r, . . I - I I According,66 the established oustom1lie- , , , - ; A few infe6es later i'llew chorus was, towards I Make of Sneaky Xing Gould, There I as a , ";-� ' I ,... , Bishop, must be . Of sit 6116 Catholics of Ir6latid.to the bleak ' , , � total indei 0 Iii , � ., — , Ordained ii England-. - I bogs and mounbuins .Of C,panai tell Bang ln,anawdi to the oOUPl I JIM ' may be Limp Form That A . I . . . at of thaBlame checked for a time, but sooner or later ib of Its, Sin,,, mud I_ mbitiob once . � . . 0 menof. .. . I . 1. . . Ruled - Gaii.ainq GAVIN. . � I I I . rulb'.the 'Germans me anxious. ti This their own impressive Stoxy.'_MOso*;f the. , - . �. will begill agaiiii" I . I The Suporintende . hive . native landlords . . . , I I tg.Pluma There is'Now, ai thin Toronto Tele. abrogated. . Thi English madifegt no. Wil. ' to make , rpo-e,were' swept _away - . M ? I � I Here Arabi closed the conversation. . We S06 a Spdck,and &'HeavyAweight Democrat PhO118 tZdhhuge -says in. Ail Interview': 4�,A llngrleiO to 01160=490 such'an Innovation. I _ could sod that h , " d - perfect liberty. other, 10, I m. for 0, '%it. , , . Bits On, Its Week', Some Bet all the part, of our new - t . new , Shlpt% tuhy. * , � a enjoys 9 . . A'. wo. It amounts to the relinquishment of & ri . . I .,.t. pimse, . . Core apparatus will be Protestant . proprietary, . who' have Us, ha,. ha I .­ . . : .He lives like a private gentleman, add has. on Poi Those DrunkestTood' ln&n�power gas engiiio,:atxd 16 Will'be used glib I . Since Securely he' One man astFldo an .p with him his wives and children. Some of� - lay Of whiali the Anglican Esbabliblimenf is - ,� ld their ground for t wo lectric-lighi pole put Their Stuff Oil New York. for. rather. a novel purpose. People. who naturally andu . . cainturi0s. Beforethe rebeltiou the Irish asked the que'stlions and: hundreds roared tha latter have been&ent to Colin to pursue' . I - � ... I. . I . , up the odntril amps on the average at drd . at A not ft� little proud.' In . .. I.. the answers. . theirstuaies. If mardrial ad I ---- 111119 to insob the difficulty' it hoo'been, possessed -two-thirds of the land - in tan - The Gould primer began, ,- mforb can- stifle . ey (6 In jail. . I two or three dozen tilines A day'probably suggested that there Should b , races Sunk. . . . . I . ambition, Arabi is certainly not to be pitloa, I . . . . . ,MAY a a now - - � . years they hold Only One-third. Th�native with: . ''' ' she kni is JLI' - hot thick that thiiire is Severe manual biallobria appointed for Bethlehomp- Gei '. -down-jut,o poverty srid4n6ignifi_ Who bu 0 up Prosiddnts ? COY1011 Onight-not to make him regret Egypt, ' Katie Craft, 35 Puts of age, a resident of labor in answering the 00,11 of 000 such many taking possees . ion of "the one -slid . . . . . perate, I . I . - The I . canoe. Twice agwin. they made aides Jay GouP I � I. I . and his bitter brand Of exile appears Peekskill, hike spent 20 years of hot ijid in, subscribers. -right aims of our'WY Englandof tbia titheri - AD English 00 effort to shake off the d9minion of tigle,nd Who, corrupts t supr ni court 2 to be jail. Slid is shapely, dark-eyedi oper . Atera- . I J he .0 . very much like a Oaks.- Con Paris Mat, and would Stairs are continually at W6 . . -once at the revolution, mud again in the ag Gould I I In- � be exceedingly � rk twirling V . .. . - poraryanggistissimilmr way nab .of W 0 furnished bialne's sosi , . ... . . comely wore It nop for. a the cranks of the. Simi belle, and they diffioulty- the the' . . rebellion of 1798, when they Were warml JayGouldl .. . .. . .1 - . � . . I.. . — ., . bloat of turn on her face. She has been discontinuance iif'--tho � � . supported by Pr Y Who are we after ? A Tait of the sea. can to"' you what. sort Of work it Is- Bishopric of Jerusalem. - What is th . �. . only offset of t 0100tAnt allies ,, but the Jray Gould I ' . . . . '. . I . . . I . idnt to the County Jail Or the Albany Paul. They've all developed Wonderful -muscles meaning at A bishop withdub a 660 ? . a . . . �. . I he first struggle was the . . 1: St. ,1i datette ., Mr. Padgham, of, tentini from Such of the 22 towns in West. In theig arms oil the ]load of it, but still it - , . . ' , This usually ondei lesson with a Roodlane Chambers, writes :' cheater opunty. While in . ­� 1-1 * I . . penal laws. And the effect of the - go3ond . � . 0 jail 'she bogs ,is fatiguing work And we find that It can be ' tandoover linoil 11111N.Own irlesure. I . I -while the longdolay at Catholic am howl that WAS expressive. month of July last, & lady took " In� the 'DO OY from the visitors, 10 cents at a time, done just as Wall by maclithery, - T I ancipa- i . _ ... a passage I 11 to he gas A frisild Of Sir Edwin LAU) d .. . . get tes with." When her Sentence engine will supply the motive power for jh6 to who I IiOn- But, worse that% all, the events of, I - . Per Steamer Gaii for Cadiz fro Accompanied hini'to-Refisibiton M"U"Beetim a . A Wateovil PrInconi . She had sin infamt with h it -I 1641 atill'act with a living force upon th's ill London' expired Rho 9000 on a a�reo with her earn. running of these belle. All the operatot the Occasion of its firit exhibition by gas. political relations of Iri'shmeno and ard the At-& fancy hall at the Hotel d'Albe, the !UggagOr .Slid seemed m er, but hardly Any inga And IF' '%gain Arrestea. She is, the will require'to do to answer a call Will be to her mon. a %tub OxPimnstiOn of the deep slid apparently Prindoo nab attached to the daughter of wealthy parents, ,has A good light; says the Home -Ibur�al, relates th&t 8 M&thilde Was, I bear,' ii ii infant, but was Vcry reserved in Vess i bUttOn Sad the boll riDgA.!'. .,,o.� * I . . . ineari�ble animosity which, Animates alike All Indian, And IfAd'hdr skin dyed brow,. 1194 When the Vessel woo off the Portu eduesti011' Arid' boo' been A I very beautiful � , .I.- . — ,� . I Landseer stopped dhort; before his largo the Nationalists and the Oxang6tneh of the ,H r dress wag of, the Soanti6ab, very gu000 coast,, lie - . picture Of" A Visit to W&jokloo.,, ,, I MUB6 .,.,. a I at Lisbon, 16 1611countered Wdnifta-' She SAYS she 6njoi jail lifg.�_� Fire damp caused an explosion in a . pal. I country. ' dedolktd, .,her Skin b to the . Foughkeepbit'Zorm, . I have been, mad,11 asid'ho, 11 WhOn I Painted .. � . _ . very rough weati aid 6, heavy Sea I . I � I , liery -at Wasinbo, Belgiumo yesterday, aind that," and walking up to the picture, he �, . �__ � 2oulders, with a narrow band - ty Way ,g waNhed the pool! thing overboard when . . , . �L . � 20 persons were. killed. � I . I . XRe P1`610161 thbAbudled. . . . — . . The Tranivahl Government IS gooretly had I .� L . - The body walking' one Morning oil -the after-dook, I A Puzzle Wr Munitatirlann. . Stiractedblacritlaism. Ali atte � 4 L 160VOt fastened with's brooch . . placed his hand over the part which . Before leaving the Garner. House, Obat- Was glib under the &rill to �bhb W L leaving the infant,, 6 bright little. boy, . I nambopolide. I . olet, show- by L I . flegotlatiog.with Prince Bismarck, asking man shouted his politd cauiian : 44 Xdwo bam, where he stopped during his recant ing the Skin, The drapery behind who friandl6se. The only pine to identity WAR. 116wdon, a dir , desolate,, Unsavory VIf. GerlfiftYls,�,iotaobion. ' take your ,andg. off there Ill I . shooting trip westward, the Governor. transparent, which she' was .probably not blie chilalslio6n being marked "HL Sohn" 01, the tIverVybei is Setting at deftance An explOs on occurred oil Saturday in the �6 ALY good .* . award Of, as 0118 had not died hat skin I * son,, and a letter addreaged , ki, " 'age MAU," said Edwin, 11 I was only remark Geperai remarked to Mr. and Mrs. Perri I 11, the theories of Sanitation. Its lubabl, Tredegar Coal And Ir6n Com lot wh . 0 Pont Regailta, 0, Johnottlf 1 34) mrs now managing this no that particular Place, Slid the effect was thi live and, thrive with OP 'gutters "sky � Ally's Oat- how bad that Wis.', "Thoh*bydou0tyOa . the first time Since batel, that for awfull-�Prom"'Aremire a k 1! � Cadiz, being found in this tanning through the double of 0 on at Hani mud fifteen-livO were go and do better?" said the polioeman,whao , coming tdComada be L !f an ex.-Ministe , loidy's bag. 'The captain bronght the child I paid of the lobb., - . . I I bad no idea to whom he, WAS speaking, ;1 had been attended at table by Young lady ,by Lord Matti I . kb Loadono whore it hag boon Pladdid Lill t girdetO, With - Pin i9adequato - Water of Belgium has presented " Quite tight, quite right I 'j,nigatimmedof . L I 11 I I L Walters i6atead of mail, mud he Wa . asroof,n, Darse Until some one May pi Abd with banana coudellinbdL At wholesale so to Xing so 0" ML_ S s do. Who Xun of - Ituat far bullion habit tio , SUPPly' King L ri of Italy & Silver ed I I cidpdly pleased With the change, - Ketimard, Who wAg piom� 16., Every loqairy,has boon made at Coal , 1, a As an Illus. L Hupl,bo 16 1"' returns'(! SIrEdwin. - . I , . . polled, to turn back from hot mission to I 2 86 6 lod to. the , I -I— . . . I or ji n of the 10 for big humanity and devat I Americo, by the seabicknean ofj3iAter EV but no plus don be A906ttalned, The ,say advered 6 ' ngdVlty of Its People Unddr cholera stiidken People aNsi . I Domestic 1111884 . . An Obtaws despot b says the squarei tim. An- Was tklf, fresh-ool6tea, About 28 years of boy WAS ond'bloaOi the fAM is noted that a . � a #06da L 'a L W, gellsta, resumed hat -journey yester I born the Other day who had four. ' Henry Bergh, the dumb Minimal's friend, Barlingtoli Free Preo., . 11 With and r I . I thl 110 Othor . in areas., . 4usli Awfully!" said a Burlington man. . I Unfavotaola, had tax is 160"kwin,g passage 6" the Alanke' at QU88118- ti011 Will be gladly rieeiva b ' IS quite a dude' I bar outlook in the day, 890, Ana Well edueoted, Any, oQuimanioA4, grAud-pareilts and,five gremb graud.-parento , , kinds of lumbering . Callan Manahan is already Oil hift I Now London d Y Mr. R. Pike, alivd, each of Whom was in Ali Worko_ . . confidentially to a- friend. ,1 I am va #to I . Street, or' by myself, us I . 0ai Webb's Widow Says the 0006 NY nbeoribed for hot norri the japly, ,sNOwmyW. niso only slightly better. got the first 'WAY to New York, and it in hoped that earning his at her own liViblillboa, 8 Ifb hild '. � , time ill 27 YO&tS Mt, Peter Votai will large Sam May be collso 06 who a Passouget on b6ai At the time," I I . OY the -English friands I have boon marxidd olghJ^YdRr I . timber thio,wfn Aid Jh& &Z tedL ill Amex a L. 1, , dooi� of the Swimmer has hover boon beat her. 8 sudbob 16 take out Do square their W 1 A to . _1­0­� . tor, bay. N arine-slatersin 0 It Of MmO-o SOPhlb XOvidetsky, the Ind single unpleasant word has PARe6d between . 1139 logo seagAi's yet unsold in Quebec, w for WhOtO Word 18,028,000 lls ,L Y of Where hag boon a terrible outbreak of UR.J1 ,- How. 6 . ithL I = orphans . od berat-ororbed used the bushels of grain - Russian birth Who fi he di of Moths, trichindsia in St. Andreseberg, A little toi an that be possibleV mw&S � � Do market oftoribg# D, . -.. a ­­ - 13&66 Yost III t1fe Produdi Of InAi at Stdokh-dltb I . ...... _­ 1 � . Spirits, , Vaiv6rsftY,L the a9toulshod 6161arriagon, ,i Chi M, I � 1-_---`�_ . " .1i - , 'I , I . . -I.. I I. I. 'I I. - .1 I. , 11 I. I I I 'I I . ___' . - . I . hi that III had In the HAH2 Mountains, the coribre of Jbib wife lives with be& f6theros to So I . I I . . . , . I I . . .. . Igh Ri6tiOn at the ago of 00, babary bird babindas. ­ I Ilia 113.014 . I ­ 11 . I .- . � --,-,--- _ __ __�­"�­­­. 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