HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-11-07, Page 10CLINTON NEVir VIA Vre4snew-II rjeue liel. Kamera" Mr. Thee. New-
s ortl b orne ea
7 ec i pular and
FRIDAY, NoVEM33ER 7. 1884. ; march and wife have moved to Lucknow.
________—,----------=------ I Miss Scott is attending to the Mechanice
Institute every evening, until her father
. is able to look after it; he is able to be
weed wented, at this office, ill paymept (4 dowa durintthe day, but not yet at night.
isubscript10, just 1184qUielt as it Gat!, get here,
.Mr. John Ns got a small piece of steel
sm.pnete Fowles from Sc. to 60e. Cabinet 41.
in his eee 'Mt Friwhich gamed con -
Frames troM We, to $2. 'Wept Noe. el RosaLikwary day,
at WEIR'S BOOK STORE. siderable inflammation and pain,and he
has been compelled to wear a andaeee e
ZeIVII Z601)10.... Y r
since,. Mr. Thos. Jackson, jr:, took part
TAKES THE Lneo.--It was mentioned itt aconcert at Goderich yesterdaY(thanks-
in these columns recently that a chrysan» giving day). On Monday, while Nr. Hy.
thernum, owned by a, lady in towot had Cook was working in the cellar -of one of
several hundred flowers:on. This is left Mr. Searle's new buildings, he put his
away in the shade by the Misses Pickard, hand on a scantling, while a person out -
of Porter's Hill, which has two thousaed side was shoving in a plank, which caught
flowers on at the present time. This
the end of his Anger, and cut off the first
" takes the cake." ,, joint an clean as if amputated with a knife.
'This is bad weather for farmers who h
A BEEIOIT.—A meeting of the Mullett roots to t Is in. Thetio b h afve
Agricultural Society was held on Satur-.3's eaved them-
selves exceptionally i
, we 1 on the night of
day. The association has this ye ar to. Hallo e e A Comervative of this town,
-face a deficit, caused by the heavy rain on who hadw.:,''t. ti, against th Scott Act, res
the day 'of the show, which prevented marked thee othereday that every yote be
numbers from attending who would other- cast here
during he past fourteen years,
wise have been present. At the meeting except he gave the
away; moral of this is
half of the prize money now, the balance I'll i Iv 13_e, should vote Grit every time.
to be held over, but paid when called for.
Mr. W. Bingham, of Hullett, (father -W-
I. 0. G. T.—At the last regular meeting law of Mr. Cr. , Glasgow) spent three weeks
in Michigan recently, undergoing treat -
of the Clinton ,Lodge, No 705, I.O.T.G,
ment for biseye; he returned home last
on Friday, evening last, a thanksgiving
service was held, in honor of the victory week, with his eyesight considerably ina-
proved. The house oa Mary street be -
and profitable time was spent. Tho of the Scott Act, when a most pleasant
ongiug to the Hemphill . estate was sold
fol- 1
by auction on Saturday, Mr. Paisley being
lowing officers were elected for the ensu -
the purchaser, at $475,which is consider -
term : F. S. 139oth, W.C.T.; Miss A.
ed a fair price. ltIr.J. Snell, of Wing-
M.ALTodd, W.V.T.; Jas. Rye, W. 5.; Miss
ham, (son-in-law of Mrsefackson, of Olin-
McCosh. W.T.; Jos. Miller, W,F,S.;
ton,) returned -from a trip.to the old:coun-
A. Dennis, W.lcI.; Miss S. Mulloy •W.I.G •
, , . try last week. The first instalment of an
0. Saville, W.O.G. iuter(4tin letter "Life among the Mexi-
HERE is an item from the Sarnia Oh- cans," from the pen of our old townsman,
server that will be,ef interest to some of Mr. Fred Fisher, appears moue ' sup1
p e -
our readers: ----In the Methodist church, on ment, Mr. jas. Folwell leaves for the
a recent Sunday morning, the Rev. Mr. old country, on Saturday,. M1. D.' Erwin
McDonagh made a few disparaging re- is ence more living within the limits of
marks respecting the Salvation Army.;
whereupon a very highly respected old
lady ofour &eve arose, and expressing
her surprise at hearing a minister of the
gospel talking in such a way about . the
Salvation Army, gathered up her effects
and left the church.
Woaru Pansiev-ma,A subscriber,
who was paying for his paper, enclosed
the following lines, which are Worth
saving :—Send along your paper, printer,
don't strike my name off yet, you knew
the times are stringent and dollars. hard
to get. But tuget little harder is what I
mean to do, and rake the dimes together
enough for me and you. Then take it
kindly, printer, if pay is somewhat slow,
For cash is not so plenty, and wants mit
tew you kuow. But I must have the•pa-
per, cost what it may to me; I'd rather
dock my sugar, and do without my tea.
WENT OFF quit:lc—One day last week
a lady suffering from acute bronchitis
called upon a medical man here, stating
that she would go home as soon este had
prescribed for her. The day was a raw
one,"and the doctor jocularly remarked
"my good woman, you will die in a day
if you go home in such weather as this.
If you haven't your will made, it would
be prudent to get it done." As she was
even up in years she took his ROAN, and
inside her will, returning home the same
afternoon. Instead of getting better when
she got home, she got, werse and died in.
time James Addley "the salvation drum-
mer" as he is termed,*was manfully trying
to reform—to give up his dissipated ha-
bits and live as a respectable member of
eeeiety, but xeceutlya an evil moment, he
yielded to temptation, and has been on a
carousal for several days, On Friday he
was up before the mayor for being drunk
and disorderly, and on his promising to do
better, the mayor dealt lightly with him,
cautioning him that if he appeared before
him again he would inflict heavier pun-
ishment. On Saturday he had to be
hrought before the mayor again, when a
tine of *5 and costs was iMposed. Unless
he resolutely turns over a new leaf we are
•afraid he will soon be in just as bad a pe-
tition as he was before he joined the army.
Telex Couseie.--:-The regular meeting'
of the the town council was held en:1VIon-
day evening. Some discussion arose as
to the propriety Of raising the sidewalk
near the market, but it was decided to do
nothing with it this season. The Finan-
cial committee reeorainended payilierit of
the 'following aecounts:—Brown Bros., fix-
ing market building $31.70 ; W. J. Paisley
sending patient to Seaforth$1 ; Mr. H. B.
Proudfoot, cemetery map, $7; C. Dickson
stationery, *3.09: B. Webb, work at
cemetery, $3: .Angus Campbell, fixing
furnace, $3 ; J. Rowell, rent for Divine,
$5 ; L. Trouse, months' salary, $21; Har-
land Bros., *19.45; J. Callander,
etc., $41,50 ; W. (iauley, $4,50. The re-
ceipts from the scales for October.aineinit-
ed to $34.60 No other business than this
was transacted.
early .200:
Going to do
About it?
Staple and Fancy Goods
Received this fall, and about 50 more to come in.
during NoveMber, •
Whet Zie.rgent. awl Most Complete Stool% lax
WesterA Owtarto.. Wriest
the • 7404Wealti •
We have added BERLIN WOOL
To our business main • as we sold all our stock of Berlin Wool,
Fingering Yarn, &c., coMpletely dut three 3 ears ago, and have
not handled anysince. Our stock now embraces all the new-
est shade, ani
d s in good order, being just out from England
this fall. NEW ASSORTMENT OV PoN. Pols INTAcitAmg Conn.
Press: Goods .1 Ack Magnificent
Xlpge. stook of ST.71•770,AW 50740.QL
pnititimxAs aud. rn.XZE 1300X$ . Flannels . Stook- of
Blankets' ANTL
Hosiery aced
Gloves. .0 L I
the corporation. Mr.E, Martin, for some
time assistant in the office of Ali. Keefer,
has gone to Toronto for the purpose of at, .
siderib0 the bad weather on Friday night 131.1.7 87.41•TIEFX Illlt, the largest So. 'bottle
tending the Ontario Dental College.
, there there nus a geed attendance az the 1.12. tile World. 2,000 -313Ott lee inst in.
Baird. Co. entertainment, There is • an- , ‘
other to-eight,e.,(Friday& by. Howorth's
double Show, Al.r. i.0earle is doing coma-, .
erable building this year. He being:en-
. .
gaged in putting up a second house pn • •
vestment ter his money. The party fin& .
Prineese St.; he could not fipd a better in- e have al kincis of PRESENTS
We have "stacks" of them at from $3' up, Get one now.
How bad the Jloy is, we ask no questions.
But want evey Father and Mother
to know how GOOD our BOY'S
a pair of spectacles, in a case, will ob • • . .• • ,
,• . .
.beghis to look as if winter had really set
bge by returning them to' this office. It ' ' ' , ' rices. .
at the very lowest p , .. GENTS FURNISHINGS .
in; if it has it will be a long one. Messre. • ...- . • -
Hearn and Craig shipped several carloads • • . •
of cattle and sheep last week, and McLean
....e.......eoo ,
Bros. did likewise. There bas been an• ...e ----o
enormous ainount of freight shipped from • . •• .
this point this fall. . Out .of about three •. - •. .. .. .
Irwin, during the pest year, all but about .ftgir1V ANTE1) i
.. • .,
n trade for goods
hundred cars of barley shipped by MrWOOD . R.
one car went to the American market; ' — es, , ....,.
how then does the small amount used ih aA GOOD.NEWCOAL. STOVE FOR SALE •CHEAP. •
Canada regulate the price, as -anti -Scott
act men claim it does. Mr, john Salinston„
doe road, a short distance' from town, to . -
Messrs. W. and H. Plunasteeljer the sum . '
of town, has sold his 80 acres on the Lan- h .. B., , .. . . ,,.. 1_. ._
ris. lc son, .. kin.pxop.,-.
of.$2,100, there are no buildings on -the •
. .
-place; and the laud is cheap. A cow.be- • .
longing to Mrs. W. Coats, came near ehok- . ',
lug to death' on Tuesday while chained in
the stable. ' ThelgeSArS. Oellyie have,pursee_e_______ee_e_e
Mt; 'NICIPAL M MBES. -Al though there
are yet two months in which public offi-
cers can still wear civil honors, candidates
for next year are bobbing up in different
localities. In Clinton we have not heard
a name mentioned ; the present Mayor,
Reeve and Deputy may be. williiw to
serve for another term for all we know,
provided the people are satisfied with
their stewardship, and we know of no
reason for their being otherivise. In
tioderich township, it is•said that 1V1r. El-
liott will be opposed by Mr.aolin Cox, end
Mr. Beacoin by Mr. Ed. Acheson. In
Stanley, Mr. T. Fraser will again oppose
Mr. Graham for the Reeveslep, and Mr.
Campbell will also be a candidate for reS
election ; we have hot heard whether he
will be opposed or not. In Hullett it is
said that Mr. John Mason will oppose Mr.
McMillan for the Reeyeship. In nick,
ersraith there is not likely to be any
Biunrs.— Mr. S.Davis has been award-
ed the contract for the heating apparatus
for the new Presbyterian church; there
was considerable competition, and it is The second quartorty meth% of the
unnecessary to say that the work will be Ontario street, Methodist church circuit
satisfactorily performed, The Seeforth Ex- was held on Monday last, mid proved a
positor thus refers to a young man well .very harmonious one, The finances were
known here, he haying taken his course of considerably 111 advance titf the previous
studies at the Clinton High School :—"Mr. quarter; the membership increased 7, ap-
Alexander Broadfoot, jr., son of' ,Alexan- proved, etc,, 34, on trial. The stewards
der Broadfoot, Esq., of Tuekersinith. hav- Were elected for the year, and Mr. John
ing recently completed his medical stu- Gibbings appoietecl to keep the records.
dies, has settled down for tiee poetic° of his As the church has to be supplied eyey
profession in F,nterprise ICansee, and bee Alternate Sabbath with local preachers, it
an excellent prospect of' doing %veil. He was decided to draw and. publish a plan
is located in about the centro of the Ca- that both 'Mechem end people may know
nadien settlement there, and will be quite whet to expect. The missionarymeet-
at home among his old friend. Mr. Broad. •inge to follow the first Sabbath in Do -
foot is a genial clever young Canadiafe cember.
litilec1100,000bushels- of wheat in Man-
itoba for their mill at Goderich, which is
on the Way down. The members of Mr.
Horace Foster'a class in the Rattenbury
St., Methodist Sabbath School, presented
him with a handsome Library Companion,
On Wednesday evening. •
Rev. G. F. Salton is away for a few
days attending to some business at.Ches-'
ley. • • •
Alma henceforth will reeeive 'preaching
only once a fortnight, and then front the
pastor in charge, •
Revs. A. Stewart and J. Kellner ex-
change pulpits next Sabbath. morning,
Mr. Stewart. preachiog, at Alma and Mr.
Kenner at the Presbyterian Church in
• The school ailniversary of 'Rettenbury
Street Methodist church •takee place the
latter part of this .month: Great prepar-
ations are being Made- by the' scholars
for it, and giane minister 'from a distance
will assist ie the services.
The sacramental services of Rattenbery
St. Methedist church, on Sunday, were
attended by the largest nnniber of. com-
municants. the church has ever had, the
several meetings during the day being
powerful and profitable. ••
Rev.Jes3letaughlin, (formerly of (Jlin
ton ) aticl wife. have returned Irma Ed -
where for six years he has been
engaged in missionary work. Mrs, *.Mc-
Laughlin — nee' Miss Gordon, will. spend
the winter with her relatives at Goderich.
Several, persons have sought conversion
and professed tolind it at the Sabbath
evening serviceiii*Ontairio street Metho-*
dist church, the past two or three weeks.
The young people's prayer meeting Mon-
day eveninge is doing well, and bids iiiir
for usefulness. ••••
• The apeurd Sabbath school anniversary
of Willis church takes place on the even-
ing of Thursday, Decerdber 4thewhen the
programme' will consist mostly of read-
ings, recitations. dialogues tted.singieg hy
the children, and addresses by the pastor
and euperintendent of the school.
One of the most successful 'affairs bt the
-kind that has yet been gotten up Wits that
of the bazaar and luncheon, by the ladies
.of • the Presbyterian choir, on Thursday
lig, the day of the election. The amount
realized Was $130, and gots towards pay-
ing for -the cushioning of the new church.
The their deserves great credit for their
enterprise io raising money in this way.
The splendid harmony tlaaticxists in this
oir adds greatly to the seceess ; it is
about the largest in OW!), and the best of
feeling always prevails.
' .
Last year welmade a speeial drive in.
adios :Seal Sets, at ,,'5,00
and we • had an imthense, sale of these goods. They -Were 'dirt
cheap goods, and we are 'again showingthe same line; which,
we ay •(.:(AXN011, .31E, EQ17.ALLED IN. THIS SECTION. 3.)R PRICE.
The latest shape in LADIES CAPS is called "The Landsowne,"
nhich is fa very handsome shape. We show a full. range 'of
' • ,sizes iii PEnsneN LAMB. '
'rhe LANarnY is another pretty shape, which we sw — g
... E.A.L,
we show the
IN LADIES MANTLit3 • largest stock in
• the county ;' all dog and, prices,•
klrWc ask an inspection.
a. •
°rite • ITIttmous Ilattero CUntOu
fiats, • Caps, Sh,irsts,. &c.
Pay & Wise 0 • an,
0 T 0
IFOlct 01t111.
Without any exception • whatever, we , are 'carrying the
largest stock of
PROM ti „
In the interest . or yourself, conic and inspect our stock.
The beoining of. the seaion is always the best to buy your
OVER -COAT. You get the pick of the stock and a
larger -variety to choose :frem. .„
Come and see our great $10. Coat made to order. We, have
secured at a Tremendous Bargain in an ENGLISH TWEED,
which we have bought nearly 100 yards, and which we are
going to use as a special and, as an. advertisement, and make
up in first-class style, lined with tWeed for..$10. See this if
' you want a cheap - Coat;
. .
We are very busy, and all needing an. OVER -COAT should.
not delayos the cold weather is coming on.