HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-11-07, Page 5• RA ID az WI1\77=1.R., y _• Our Stock for the coining season is large and varied, and will be sold at prices to suit the, closest buyers. TRUNKS, VALISES,LADIES SATCHELS, &c. on hand, and for sale at low prices. Rutter and Eggs' taken , sal, exchange: 'ive..par cent off for cas4. T YL ,99Lower alway-OA:Wer99 WE ARE BOUND TO LEA. D IN LQW•PRTCES, And to have it ever known that • THE•99..IS BOSS, OUR SUGAR is Cheaper •tltan ever.. We 'have a 'splendid ,assortment in TEAS, BLACK, GREEN and 'JAPAN, which we would especially call • your attention to from 25e. upwards. • 13 pounds GRANULATED '.SUGAR $1,00 'cash. 25 pounds of RAISINS for X1'.00 cash,: . ., 15 pounds best PRUNES for $1..00': cash,. 15 pound case CURRANTS $1.00, , cash. . Immense Stock Very , Chenpi Just received, an Immenee Stook of' the most Improved Patterns and Newest designs. WOOD COOKING : STOVES, WOODOR COAL COOKING STOVES, PARLOR AND HALL STOVES. BASE BURNER COAL STOVES. Including the CELEBRATED RADIANT HOME.. Also, other new patterns. And as they have all been well bought, we are prepared to give our customers. LOW PRICES. Also, a large assortment of STOVE BOARDS, :COAL SCUTTLES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, &e.. very cheap. . A large lot of LAMPS at re- duced prices. BEST AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL OIL always in stook. Please call and get prices and be convinced that our Stock is good and prices right. y Sign of the Padlock;, H'Amei -LAND .:BROS-- Theil-Sixes, CTii i ; CANNED FRUITS, CANNED FISH and CANNED .D'TEATS• of the • best Brands, at the lowest prices. Avery large •assortlnent of CHINA, GRAN` ITE and GLASSWARE at right figures. Grounld and Who/e• Spices, none but pure kept. . Everything else that is i equirea iri a first-class Grocery. HIGHEST price tor any quantity of GOOD• BUTTER.. Cath paid for EGGS. ' Don't forpet the old stand. "N7CT A'T i'S-.-• a co., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS Albert Street, Clinton. The public will find our stock of medicinea.coniplete, warranted „genuine,• and o1 the best quality. : .' TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY,, SHOULDER BRACES', TRUSSES, SPONGES AND.ALL .KINDS OF DRUGGISTS', SUNDRIES USUALLY KEPT • IN A . FIRST. CLASS DRUG • STORE,. Now for Bargains in Bhoes,_Harness,Trunks,�008�.. JAMES TW1TCHE VC0C I�, A j3LOt. Iaving received my Spring and Summer stock Of Boots and Shoes, I -would call the -attention of the public to the Same. , air WOMEN'S IIID BUTTON BOOTS, Silver Mounted Single .Harness only $14. only $1.75. MEN'S, BOY'S Gond CHILDREN'S', cheap accordingly. • TRUNKS and VALISES' very cheap. TEAM and CARRIAGE HARNESS cheaper than ever.. ` ROOMS TO LET '.ever. shop: • BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FOR: BOOTS 'St SHOES. : j.• . T•�VITCHEi.L, VICTUPIA BLOCK; C ISI•NTO1. • "�' BAB Y CARRIAGES; a large variety, at almost • half-price. :. . 15,000 bunches high' land Pine & attar ;$'MINGLES, for sale cheap. Boundary Award Sustane �J.•� 1J Mowat Won' BUT 'rIIE PEOFLE WILL GO TO : Adams' Einporium, Londesboro Where they can get the best value for their money. Please note the prices of the following : •• Granulated Sugar, 13 lbs.'$1, Good Brown, 1'7 lbs.. for 81, cash. Good Raisins, 20 lbs. Qfgr $1, cash. SII Thompson &Sw.itzer ARE SELLING VERY .O LEAP THEIR 'STOCK OF Around the. Bounty. Steinbach's store, Zurieb, was. buretarixed last week, $000 'worth being stolen. Aaron t•P, ttbaker has diepose1a of his fern' in Grey, and *Mance more become a resident of Brussels, ' A son of Mr, Jas. Stewart, proprietor .ot the billiard parlors, Seaforth, fell and broke his collar -bone last Sunday. Mr. Robert \\'ileon,. of .Seafurtb, met •'ith 'rather a painful accident last week by two of his• ribs were broken. . "HUB" Colioit OCRS. Do 'not take any other. 25 eta, The Royal hotel block Wingham, has been leased to Mr.Wm. Mallen, whogiuteeds con- verting it into stores and offices. The many friends of Mrs. A. Fisher, of Lower Wingham, will deeply regret to learn of her death, which took place on. Thursday. Mr. Thos, Miller, of the 12th con. of West Wawauosh. had his leg amputated In Wing - ham on Tuesday, the result of an old• fracture. When you swallow "Hun" Counlc CLI1t],. you take the hest Cough cure on earth, and the cliest „'S_,.uonts.,, _ ., s »•,., ..:, Miss Rebecca Bates, the victim of the Clin- ton outrage, who has been in London Asylum for some time, returned to her home in God- erich on Thursday, very much improved. Mr. Wm, Harrison, the' well-known fish. deals, of Bayfield, has this season disposed. of 5,600 pounds• of Lake Huron fish, and; the largest portion of them 'were sold fn• Seaforth. "Must .say. it's the : nicest thing T ever need for teeth and breath," slfys every ono having •tried "TrAnruiti,'the new toilet gent,' Get a sample. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Boots and '.Shoes, &c; SUGAR, 15 lbs: for : $1. ; 25 bars good SOAP, for t, 1 .gal. can. PEACHES, - .__ - CANNED FRUITS, very cheap. •' GLASS SETS, 50 'c. 9 in. SALVER, 60 c. 2 qt. GLASS PITCHERS, 5Oc.. BOOTS':' SHOES; Fall Stock lest:Arrived, WOMEN'S BOOTS FROM $1PER. U1?W.A.RD.• MEN'S LONG BOOTS $2.25. , • • • orel C.74 Co lsl Change of Business f llll,lL If! 1.1111 Il. -1,1 11'11 1 II 1,411•11. The undersigned begs tonotify t1,e' people of Ulinton and, vicinity that he has 'bopght the . .HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried. Oil by W ' l; Newtoel BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES, balance of summer, FORKS, RAKES, `, FIOES, &c. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, to make 'room for fall purchases which are the newest designs out. Bargains in DRY GOODS .of all kinds,. especially TWEEDS ANIS PRINTS, • BUTTER WANTED-1000Tubs.of first-class Butter wanted at 15 ets' per lb. in trade iit tune of. delivery, bort not taken on account at that price at present. Wiggliest price for Eggs. WFURNITURE & SHINGLES FOR SAI.E I,endo,boro Aug. 8, l8At. Mr. Fallahay, hostler at the Albion hotel. in Corrie, received an ugly fall at the station whilti unloading treulls, breaking .his collar bong, and although he Is now' able to be about, it will be some time before ho will„bo' able to resume his duties; What to do If troubled with au unhealthy, slow -healing sore u'se IlcaregorA-p;nxko'sCarbolic. •Cerate,'• -You -will -find it — -' invaluable for healing, cleansing, and completely re- moving your trouble. If the blood is out of order take with it a few doses of fdcarogor's Speedy, Cure from Combo's Comho's drug store, On Saturday night an old stable1,belonging. to Joseph Woods, Fordwioh, was burned down. ' An old horse was, burned tip in the building, and more or leas feed intended for the comfort of the auitnal during 'thin coming.. Winter, wasalso destroyed. :When symptoms of malaria appear i t a form, take.AYer's Ague Care 'at once to e- vent the development of the disease, and eontigue until health is restored, as it surely ” • will be .by the use of this remedy. A mire warranted' in every instance. 'Mr. Chas. Beadore, of lot 2, con. Q,.Morris,• (brother of Alex. Beadore, Holmesville;) left on Monday for Lambton, • with considerable farm stook and implements, ;where he has .purchased a farm. • Messrs. Pollock and !:Bailey, of Bayfield, were brought •before the Mayor. and justice;, .; Strong :of Seaforth, charged with selling; , liquor without lioeuse. • :Attar hearing . evi- dence tile, magistrates dismissed .the ease. • Arid that he is Prepared to furnish •' Harness,. Cellars, Whips,;Trunks, Valises, .Buftalo'Robes, Blankets. . And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at tlio lowest prices. Special' • attention' is directed to: my stock of Lienor HARNESS, whioh I will make a: -specialty. • REPAIRING PROMPTLY : ATTENDED ` TO. • By, strict•attention tq=business, and carefully studying the:wants-of-my_oustomere,_Lhope te_ Aaerit a fair share of ppatronage; : Give me a call before purohaeing elsewhere. REMEMBER THE STAND --OPPOSITE THE MARKET. ' a 0.. Ag . 623ARR3SICA1•T_ . REt LEUNe, trlioterr.ryoody knows as tho eaecessful manager tY th -OLD AND RELIABLE. Gircny'� , 51peeific 1%1 edicirxe, TRADE MARK TRnx(oR2Rurn*1TRADE M AK,, ,c4 Do s'm uo n_•tnxrno around to. the discom• •fort of yourself and everybody, For 25c. get • a bottle of ."}fun" 0ouo11 :Cuda,, whioh will relieve in a few minutes. Ask your;druggist, Mr: S.Lonc)sborough, Seaforth, met with an accident on the 24th ult., . by which he lest two of the- fingers of the: right hand- while running -the stave cutter and: trying to make good time. one of the staves rolled .the fore. • - finger and next one ander the knife ' br, John : il1enaroy. brought hie horse le - the •. blacksmith in Walton, Donald Callam,•- - hape it shod on. Saturday.- While the 'shoe was being put on, the horse 'backed lip knock. ing the blacksmith 'over the tool box; the :. -horse fell end cut the. 'leading 'sinew and main. artery, A veterivary'surgeon was cal. led but could • do nothing betstopthe blood..• cure for i3emtaarwca 9k F The horse was rendered useless;. ' " nese, Spermatorrhaa, The tenacity With: Which people :abide by' Impotency, thha ollow as a their, early faith in Ayer's Sarsaparilla can !„t ,, u ► • -A eeq.iauce of self abuse - 0211ter be ex gained b the 'fact. that: it is the •Laigeu&.t:.liJt�6 Enterprises. —as tole of memory; y p y ' N a ati : yniversal lassitude. + best bloo3' medicine ever used; and ie not min in the back, t of America sa trot whilea asaen er from : \ 1dim,. r approehed im'exeelleuee by any new caudi- : r g nese of vision, pretua• Before `Eakin„ date for ublio favor. New l or' hl o r u Buil:g lromll Cape „ tore old eget/indwell), . , p horn ia: cluig�'ation toCnl lead to insanity or consumpdummies ion and a that....... grave. ;Full M. W. R. Wildon hada narrow •escape of iroi n , L' i 1e rr oY the ofieers•bE parttcalars'in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free. Ly his life en •Wednesday. While working at ' rho ve s.; lin i l t •••t, i:.... -.elf, dariugtlte voy- mail Lo every one... , ' The Specific Medicine le sold by all druggists et $J per package, or six packages for'Sve dollars' the ferge.the'gbs'from some green coal .blew • age, of'at+ oua ;.•att� diecase bythe-use of 'or w43 be seut•f'ree by mall. on receipt of the money by ell. it'. rip .One- piece t}triking. hitu on the head dreesrvg TILE OKAY liEDICINL CO., knocking him senseless to the floor, ,where he . Toronto, Ontario,Ca Canada. ° s rsap cilia. lay for sono time before found. He was dis. • coveretl by his son some timolafter. land ;was - Since :thee Yr: Lupaxo has recommended taken to his•house in Brussels, where medical' AY&n's SAksAi,AUILLA .ih many 'shirtier li aid was procured,., oaees, and• he has never $ret heard of its fail T1tACH$i S 'cnAhol IG—»bli, Chas: Metiay, Preto. effect a recital dire. • • , has been engaged to teach in S. S. No. 4,.Tuok • . Seine years ago one of /dr. I E AzrD's• farm ersmith,.'and Mr :1:: T. -t1 eland in the' Mlll• laborers bruised' his leg: • Owing' to the' bad •road school of the same townshi Ma, .G. A. :. Pret state of his blood, airugly scrofulotis swelling Dewar will'teaeh in S. S. No. Molrillo • or lump; appeared On tate injured limb. iron,WIn, Hackett, aaaistant teach: •`; at. Belfast; • rime - itching, of the skin, with burning and has been engaged, for 1885, ao teach ins. 5., :: darting pains through the lump; 'made. life No. 16, Ashfield. The Sheppardton trustees .almost intolerable. The leg became enor- have re-ongaged•'Mfss Emma Johnston as piously,enlarge1,antl'runeing.ulcers formed, teaelier of the school at lin' increased salary discharging' great quantities of extremely • and with six 1t•Coks' vscation. offensive matter. No treatment was of any, - �j r BANK. Fluid Lightning avail until the than, by Mr. LraAxa's'citrac- TILE ' 4OLSONS' 'JAN K. Mh¢re aid but few • that bare not suttercd almost In tion, was supplied, With :Arrlt's SARSArA- tolerable'pain from toothache, noaralgiit, or like Scut- nXLLA; which allayed the pahi and irritation, Incorporated by Actnrrarllamont, 1881ii.? pains, To them such an instant relief al Fluid Light bealed.the sores, removed the swelling; •and alar is an untold messing in. time of trouble di No s- cempletely restored the limb to use, •CAPITAL, + ' $2,000,000, gusting ofieiisive.medictlle, to be taken fur days. 011e Mr. LE. LAND has personally used , application of Yield Lightning cures. -,Sold at Combe HEAD Ovine , MON REAL. ----• • Ayers Sarsaparilla THOMAS WORKMAN,President Sir John l acclonald, who has been in I II }t \t0f,boll vice -pros England now several days, has consulted.-' for'Elneurnatism,1001 entire swims i •and, ' F. WoL1]'sltsrAN •V1tOSIAS,, 0enoi:tl Manager...:; Sfr•Andrew Clark, the distinguished Lon- ' otter.carefal observation, declares that; in • Notes ldt'scount d,,: (.'olleetions made, Drafts don physician, and the result of his diag-. his belief, there Is no medicine mine in the wt l ti trilled, Steeling and American erellanve ilcsis Of the Premier's Condition will xc- equal to It far the cure of LiverlJl>'t,rtlrr - 1�OughE and 601d at lowestNeve the anxiety of his host of friends Glout,tbe effects ci'ehiglt• Il n;;. .':sic and 'admirers. 'Dr,Clark declares that the current 'rales. Iilloum,:•Sores, Y:ruptiuna, and X11 the INTEREST ALLOWED' 0V DEPOSITS. right hon. gentleman has no ehronic or Carious forms: ofbloocldiscaa•fi. •organic disease, and •that his malady is NohavoMr LEL.t\a's'periu stento:nv o .C'.AIi..DS Ttf*i.••. • Com' aratiyely trifling, Ile•has' reseribed •• `Mon 1 n tto farmers on their own acids with p pi1 all who may desire further evidence In it.� ud ex ad va cot for Sir John Macdonald and already the to the extraordinarycurative powers of . :ale or more errdtoreera:•No nuirtgnga reeghod as'so- y ,unity, health ofllis patient is almost entirely•re Aran's SausierAitILL.. to see him person- Il. C, BRklyl:lt na(;or, stored. ally stiller at leis mammoth Ocean ilete1 . January 1811. elhltai long Tl'ranch, or at the popular Lelagrdl Ilottll, The Governor General has'• received a iroadway,27thand2sthStreets,Now fork. C 1,IrsrON” dispatch I'frofn the -Colonial Office express-' • gr. LELAxi's extensive knowledge of the the thanks of the Imperial Government good done by this unequalled eradicator of • LAN 1 for the assistance rendered byin the a Cana - blood poison! enables him to give inquirers' Government in' procuring the Cana - =eh Valuable information.' dian contingent for the Gordon. relief,ex. pedition. • Afield. fitumbngfr, NIX, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. The remedy that advertises --novo other of • by i,etxbottleefo* . am' account, every ether a fraud and ham. Bola allprug8ssts° S ba --is a fraud and humbug itself on the face nrinE SUBS0$IBEIt I#AYINO JUST COMPLETED of tt. It musb neoessaril taste of the quack ., and furnished his new Planing Milt With machin• and humbugit talks ef. yA remedy erg of the latest improved patterns, is now prepared y of merit,. to attend to all orders in his thio in the mast prompt ono that noodle but little advertising to scours and sateifactory manner, and at reasonable rates. lie a first place in tho houechold, -never detainee y� y �y Would also return thanks to all who patronized the another. Snob a ode is IO PE•SA the liver 26 New SYNGLE'.IitGGIES oldtlrm before they were burned out, and now befog , in a better position to' execute orders expoditloualy, and dyspeptic Panacea. Keep the sluggish • Per side ¢het p. at CALLANDER .A DUOS. SMOP, feeta colahlent he tan giro sattsfaetion to all. Liter active. Tho stomach read for nourish. nett' door to the Doherty Organ Pactory, well finish- y ed end can be bought at all prices, aceordls to 70� Ankh FAOTORY --2i ear the gra7'r t& R411.With T'E•SA- ob- from $c0 upward. Dome and see Pre and got oar too', C'lfnton, nd serve regularity, ilea's overload,. live loud Mont. The head cleat toy st, .. l l give Frltten'�naPanics with gray flits. TlIOM'AS kolttVg1E, And be happy. • • atL'btitAltD)ER & U0:, Clinton. y- _._ -.... ,..- .r• BENNET T, • UNDERTAKER. ` Funerals Furnislie4 a first class- Style Goon IfCtltass IN AT. •e'F.inuicr. CUARGUS, • Mon,:RA'rt, REO 710CTCER STORE --ANDS-•. DRY" RiY11. N 1: BUGGIES,