HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-24, Page 9� - ....1.11- - lip - � ­.­ - �� - - -,I----, ­.. .1. -1- . I - - I I—. --qg-- .- - j -- . - ----- - , wrl."W"" - - , ­ ­ .1 -1-11-11. -A- � ­ - . ­ - -1I . , - . ­ - lipw ­ � ­ -- . � 'I" ­. ,W ., ,;�Ir I . . �. 0 - I , I T � I I I I . I . I . � � . I . . . * . --- . -1 . - ��­,- . - � . ., - . ­­�­ - -, . , ­ , ,. � - ­­ � �­­ ­. - ...­ '. . I- I I : . � . I I I �; � : � .1 .11-1 . I - .,IC4,-I��--t_;2�; - , , . - . ­ I 1. . ­ ­ I I I I ,. - I I � I .. 1. - 1. I � . I I .1 �. I � I 0 0 El \ \ I October 24; 1884 atice little or nothing. It from I ' tabo*yy camuoperowhe ,, plant 10 hindered in Ito TAIR 0009110 ANT24ACIEGEIVUS. .1 . , TJAX JDXNXMU WANJ619. I I -- TAXIN MOON14 WRLOCI Sr. �T.., I A I IN No-NINAK1044% XonevallmD.- . . -,- .1.1- I ..... 11 I � . ­ � � I I- 1. � 9--,. .­ 01- I � during too etimmor of toll,, the crop, growIll - *91 be small in ]Me Requires Xiteltelpenli P*# tw very � Various. 190and Advice Abeat Mastication, I. � , . i 111"01mix Willa at Preed Greater- TbPU Thus - - . Xq � , W, Character to Volvirayed by a V1Cr ­ r a TOY . I I � IFAICH AND GAUD". I I . proportion. Even ,I I a stiff oday soil may be rendered A dog requires exeitemeu*, a . 114 bag 4 Very few people, unfortunately, think _ . . enough oftbodinner-table for their good. , at a Cannon, Ball. . I FCOM the article on. 01 The Surroull ' . I � I wwpu.oh 196plail Castel". This 14bought-rea4ing, 11 11 - Zoatings Who$ C%ii.a. be PC figalklY PilOud, a! more fertile by Under drai a46, which not! P - I Only series off the Burplus;w ter bu allows 0 ,. a I t Craving ;for tiae. interest of outw sr4 objects. . Feed hi m. well,aind abut him up slope in It is the idea of too MOUT persons that dinner should b - a disonsied. like politics- ­ � .4ipgo at the Bun," by PC I a asset Langley, in the ,October 11 Century," I � I (as,the term 10 favepted, I outpow I latiatiloo it! is net a by she iluglenook. r - L I the . Air, to penetrate $IlO� soil, In dry weather the air carries 4. proportion of an apartmento and he will outfer A dbv A exinui like, a fine gentleman, become I bur iedlY, � Sion a Pare . r Pala ately, or as I - i - matter at bugmeos, Bating AS, of more we q a w- , I . unto th ,follo iDg - " We Ohio ftd,Utly Picture, pe'hmp"rbOW I I it from now thing, It was, you May depend u a I po . I it, the origin of our baud-ifisking cuotor&. � . THA DEATU OF TOR OLD AQRP- I moisture with it, while the. warmth -of ,the I I I sun is ,Absorbed more quickly in early .and troubled And, unigaRy log W . , , � , anlef occupation Or ELMupeinent, It the window be left open, , impqrtoao. - to pe , the individual than',politics, . , - since healthy frarnos, which a from dia. would heam, a station ]lost the lunar orbit An Boo the - moon_eI MOVI I ng , . Is in extremely sens itivo to the atstq or 4. degree of feeling betrajed in a hatia,shake, M Ntroug to the last, and be's dead. TIM 3401100:7 l . . Of the form; . I ; Spring. A. -thoroughly drained soil produces . . I ­ I 1. . .1 I I I be! will find resource in, looking out of, ltv _ . � -earn at � I � . I., � � , otionary babito in the Matter at eating, " world­w-riiBh by with, a vielocity greater . I . than that, of the cabana ball in its, swiftest . And the Mannar In which I am impreAsecl I . - often grolitkI my judgme t There was common blood in- tile vailps ; in. big � - . heart it was true Arid warm. . b otter .crops and starts an earlier, growth , than one vibioll is allowed to drain itself d will divert himself With the An. I � passing scene, and taking 4I lively concern in the- laid, to moble thoughts, cie deede.- and bar Napoleon. is slaid, to have lost one bi , flight ; but with equal , �, Speed its shadow .to 11 moter., � of ,qb*v Vran Y,eso, Shyness, cordiality, weakneep . We raised him up from A. co)t; he was full. of � . I I ilse then, naturally. . .1 I doiugs of the oth . at dogs jon the Street. I � I of 8 battles because .1 -i I ­ - of an Ill Docked potaia. it actually travels, Along ihe earth; And now, it we return from our imaginary otoliell to 91 will, - tiO111106 of ,temperament, decision,, AuXr9ugh h6,.�&o only a brute, Yad some of the , � .. $BUBO men. A. G. Ptentloe, of�. Maine, writes to the , , , .. This Is a, pleasure which we tr I - I I 000 in no � * .... may not really have been the unsavory 'big 1. V, real One borer below, we are beLter, pro- gratipath . . y, jealousy, deceit, ore revpallpa . pace nocuously in Ebaking bands, An I of F I The children were crying aroung Tom HAS ew York World that he has rAis �N silage on six acres to fe . � I ad enough on ad. twouty-niae .... d it is not, indeed, observ- other at"Ama . '11' able in d New9oundlands Appear 9'9 - potato. which disturbed mind., He 'did not, is probably. ke time enough dis. . I to, . . pared to see. why this flying shadow is . � - a unique 4poethi such 41a; fbr,, small 48 it , tiblird coquotte ,amp � I mca drills bar hanA ever so still. - I,but an . . lu knew each voice and would . Swap, though bill; � . cows seven months with one feed at bay L every, day, and one feed of gtodu to the, Peculiar , P ran to it, They are. ' I 'all"At ly .1,1 ' at We.phall never forg ly go L .. case it properly. Time. is a great, ease 11 . Utial, at the, din or -table, Good. digeetl I -11 on amp may be when seen in -tion. to $he whole I rile. I globa, it is immense to the observer, ,wilosei not to 184 Oatr bar Secret hQleo, - I fogrg or deeirt a. A Western � 4 1 . he was over the . ..0 No One but could Btroke his An.0140, With his head , I . 1. - - .cows were milked 'that I I Making a proper a 4 ZT"4,u,dl,n 'dog, belonging to. a � dealer, never wait on appetite unless t he mind'is latU L' . . L L I . entire horizon Is filled with it, and who Sees. . merloein Shakes halilljr WIQJ. he , , �arti., risen, And a Wall street on . . a with, the � biout kindly near; And the little cheek pressed to his hod never a reagon to fear. estimate for the Value at the hay and grain,, L I .1 1. the product of twenty and a halt acres . I . I . � provision with whom w.o bad A street acquaintance. It was his. business L i and rb.ad mud the molars can operate L' ill I free fro 111 , Oughts which interfore with the Actual velocity of one Of the be%venjy bodies,. an it.were, brought down to him . .liesitalipythat reveals 4ouble-mindednegoo, . The Sootah of the hand, in I '&no to the last, and be's dead. We, will miss I kept the twenty -Aline cows. equivalenb to. . � one,y I ear, which demonstrates the claim o go. About in the. waggon &a @;, proton of ter the good thinge thexein, And as ,Ire- rode I I . their Satisfactory action. The, way to enjoy dinner is to. sit down to; table after I I . Thereaderwho has ever ascandedto the Spperga at Turin. Will reca 1. I . I 11themagnificalit grasp commort I ,with th I I I at of the Irish peasant, laquire,lady �1 L him here on the pIkee. I NO ma tter how strong the strain, he never I L . 1. . that less than on mre cl land can be made! .1 . to. support �a e0woneyear. Slongstrecto wootniallifeSt and, Most lively was the interest he took I iq ill g , " movin Shaking off tb cares of the world. Let .11. of the ,SOUP QOMS n hot S . L np smoking. Take L . I viewand be able to- unileretand thagood . 11 . . forbuneof an observer-Forbea-who once or country, girl, is very cordial. The virtue - . I ,* of sociability in chiefly expressed in the I slackened a trace. , There was somethlug About him h an, be! . I UP' L kill done. I . Washing butter with b , tine - has, two. L I Beene, No 4uobQsfl in the 1&44 ever loung!d in her more it With a joyous beef t. Cotayeree. with family had the opport . . I . unity to witness. thence tbig Celtio baqd.s ak h ,a, unless when a gourt .. I I ship $6 going op or a. too der pasnon at I fell. .. a w what was to be And a furrow straight as a line It seernedhis. . L . to ,effects. If the fine grained butter is 4110WQ4 to stabd for in , carriage with a luxuriousors More graceful miribanour your w, o y the bra's . d 'Which should Q . . , ways hnomenon., And under a nearly cloudless 'L L L . L sky, I I perceived, . he O&yp, 4 irA the o0ath .1 think I could toll blindtold hot at a, I . I -1 pleasure run. . I L I . He always stopped at a word, and At A word he I panic if . I me . the brine . $be latterwill,bythe natural laws otgrovity, I . L' . . the . friend exhibited in the Waggon,L HIS. favorite attitude was lying with his fare. - . I accompany it. Conversation is An aid to digestion, brood helps down the soup, sal .1 west a black shadaw like thab of a at era . about to break, which obscured the lips. Swiss, Garman, French, English, Scotch, L - I or Irish person was shaking harido with - . . . . . � would start, Aind never needed E6 wbip, a lash would bmve cause solid or cheesy matter in butter, milk to seBume & Iowa at . r ­ rAts and can. thus ipaws. dangling over the tr - out, and his great head lolling on them, Any long ktoppage we. L Do 6 be in a burry for your no I I fish. Have the rQleveB served promptly when the it was the lunar shadow coming. toward And he I . MS. I 11 The Scotch band-gisop is the . I . roughest; the Frenchmen ,ohakes human broken his heart ; And I haven't that to regret, as a father by hie dead be drawn a . ut it An under the butter. The . . Lo . 1. added water bag also an amatty for the. re marked made Irlin uneasy, sun he dia. .. , l remove is made. Meanwhile couverBsti I on us.' Ppeaka of the at uPef&cbi0u'- it is his.'worci-oauged by the spectacle. with the tips of ,stiffened and* drawn I . . L together fingers, which signifies that he. � child, Vben every former correcti n comes back to , set him wild. F I sugar of milk,. and takes 10 with I ,, , It when . drawn played his pleasure when his , carriage was again in motion by dancing from side to should be suitnated. Notbinp, helpe-the I—. 1. ­ - digestion t th I— ­ tit or is more I I , a a 0 appe A a I loonfess,l be go I L .ritinues, I it was tile moot terrifying eight I ever saw. L AS Always- � wallo him gait round with poiltenesi ai3.Witb . . The money was never minted that could have. off. The brine U180 a I L Suses, a Alight, contraction of the'livitter globules, I -which I I 1 L side like A pattrot cults patch, slid uttering a quick bark.'bf satisfaction. . � I �irXh L ( prove 6 of good - feelitip, at the table bair an honest, hesrbY, . ti . Lik , . .L ative mood. happens in the sudden, Silent, ,0%6013L' at unexpected Movemente, the spectator con. a fortress ;, to keep off intrudera. Never expdot sn�tbicg of a per L L Bon w4w-abakes a I boughtbim away, XveVy foot of the far�;i he know, so long has been I his a causes increased firmuci;s. . An, English, poleatist, figuring upon the, . . L I I . I ' . Tbe curiosity of dogs is Another quality Whicirthoy beive in -common iRith our kind.. . Dyspepsia and all its 3�8 readil ' Y give 10 place to ood-humored Wit Which Lip �ok " 0 . foubda real and -relative motion.. I felt a r"meat, as. though. the- Soft h and $D a. limp way., 1. have had a wide experience of false cordiality, which . 1. -- - The -bu= -.waS-UeveA­toO,-greatj-XW.1� the, it, Pa. was never too stroug,- � � b �acpt-of-milfirBays-t fit-milk-ocatains-13-por , cent. of dry substance, arid L consequently . . r-1AUw7ftV9udT `addg'ffi'ii�j;-b6,­if - . Ncr-matAo L I be. is taken into- a b�range apartal, no be, L' s � , 'b-e-efb 116n"t ii-tli ION i4w2TWZZB' , known. The Caterer, a magazine, which devotes a . ,Almost.giddylor 1 . I I . . massive bu d I . L -ilding under me bowe On 08 L I I side: of bhe coming eclipse.? Another wit- . . . WAS betmod by- ­Ol&­'oOldjers,,0 I . . 0-W , 8 , , , , , battering through hotels and boarding L' . L long as the harness held he was bound to All .as t 0 It along. � . I . jL do of dry food will prod ties 130 '000 PoUn I I I of milk. The food fed, will Arob lie down to rest until be ba' 1. a taken . I I I get at deal at attention to. this subject says , . I .9 . .. . bass, who had beaUL looking at some bright horroma, - have - I net &]I WOMSUbo6d,L by , I hardened diplornati.sts, by tbank- Faithful down to the last, steady unto the end; ' pounds Same to 'L . Oxen would be expected to produc I a eighty- a sugvey of the room and amelled every � At . tiole in it. Dogs,, &H we' have before L the ple autos of the table are not confined . to the Act of eating, ind 'that it might be oloude just before, says: $The bright cloud . I Saw distinal . tly pub out like, a candle. The persons . . fill for post -favom and hoping for I avore to . , I � * .. LXL%l The farAu hus lost a hblper, Ann the family lQ800 . Toor Itom, in pastures of greim 66y his spirit fl-pipounds increase in live weight, contaim- . . . ing uixty-three pounds of dry matter. The attemptedio prove, a a rogues and obeato . I I * like Wen, and they ire also inwilerern, with I 11 laid do WA as %be axi6m that a good- humored fast will brighten the brain and � . I I eapidity of a Shadow, &Ad the intensiby'. produced sIfeeling that something material LCOMS, And by� exhibitors at unive a . 6Xhi, bitiona Wapting ,puffs. An.1talian,-who.in I � I forever Stray, There's a shadow over the ll�westesa; thies 4 funeral here 180 pounds at . milk will. contain -about 1. L I I seven pou'nds of nitrogen, ,while' the sixty- � a Qonsciou0nefis 'of their -criminality. In L 1. I pecks of hounds it IS nob Very UnOOMMOAL I lighten the heart more than apAli-litimored I Iii . feast," Do -not trouble yo, roalf about the . . I . W613 sweeplog over the'surth M a speed. perfootlyfrightful. I involuntarily li$teUE d all cases tries to bide his little game, hatem s, to. offer,bis hand. To avoid- doing oo,whea � ' L � - I to -day. . . After the age of nine manths�% good boo three Pounds of dry uninito %viii. contain L L L I Per bardly:l cent. The 4,0100 pounds of -to find ' dog a kill'qd by his ooinradoW, and L I we ona board 61 desori e. a a I X hunts]! b L 1. - of L .terrapin or the threatened eXtiriation . . I I . adioted decline the Both L - . - . for the iushibg noise of % mighty wind."I - . . . . I I . fiO meats an Englislimail,'he rubs both hill - .'.' - i ha Alde slowly togethor� as, if washing thern.' ' . maybe made to weigh so makny poundoas be is daysold. He tbould he fariowed'aarly in . 'dt$, food will contain about tivemq pounda. 6f.Alfirogen,; .and the milk *will ibbtract . big visit to a kennel, after on .1 e: Of L these :assassinations. - Half -a -dozen of the of oystere; . P.hre., d,,,,,,,,, Articles of food will last the lifetime'of the ordinary, man. Think � . P . A , � . , ;� .,& ]Motel In ike. Son.. - - . . . . . All enthaGisat about ideas,, principles a.pil, L * L Bystems rareri piita cord lality in to a baiid'-' . -the Spring, and slaughtered before January.' seveu'pouxid$,�OiahoutMpir cent., while . lo,tig�eared bow-swovrs, were L SCAU66tting. IL - only about the dinneri-hAve Alb other a' � 11 are, . - . The Bibuation of the hobal Where IBM �120,ke;­Paris Letter to Lo!!� Truth. I , I . I- It is a well-kiniawn I act that all animalp, the moat will take OWY 5 p6r cen r� . I . .. . . on their batinches in one corner'With par- . L I it core th be. Let the service be simple, � at . r-pecially obarmillig ; it is built "topping is a L 'water, . ­­ . . .. . I .. . grow better and take on fat f &star in warm � Gas reason why finit is more uricartain tioularly grave falceo,, which meant, to, I L 'is .1 but. staple. Many a dinner 'has been over the so -that the 'lea actually Iffad Seven Children vit'nowle on4f Ila& . ' -- weather Qan in cold, and it is well to take . than formerly is be-pikirtie the soil 'ban lost speak An innocence. W 'that Unluckily 'belied Spoiled by at oonAination-of dialles. Above under t"L r r possea I . come. The 6 ier a lang, ' f1liover iseen one at 'Arliens. . L . � . advantage of this fact in Preparing the some of its' orlgipal I ertillty� , Attacks of by the opot"'cl. blood -on theit Costa. ' all L things, 'recommends &'*riter in the gla."nolo:ed balcony looking seaward, At the National' Hotel nupper table lait ' '-' � surplus stock for sale. - . . In order to Secure the fastest- walking I insects O.Arthe frifit'Wili acc6i�ut toe Part Of . I I . �,the-faili2re,-but-*beu-tbe--treeB fail-io-blos.. . I - While be wag, examliku)k the. body -of the I . I . d6ceaBod-tbey-kept-yawning and licking - . I Caterer, BiAlve to haw -a change from the I usualiatex0yped dinner of wines, peculiar I 1. fi. mbi h one never tires. of surveying the 'blue. Maditarrawish - beyond and belo,w; L - . L. . - I .. evening a bold, bad, Tionesta man sat down I I .. I . .alongside a newspaper . Man, p6nd soon go% I . horses they must be tested, and the beat retained for breedirg, so careful 'selection I -Born the reason Mu6t be I looked to elsa.". Or Where. In makilig'a compost for orchards . their chops with their long red tongues, b6is I I . If they had no Mannar of -orincern in what dieliesandnames in-Frep I -ab whicir even . . L Lie,# waitero o'swunderstsud. . . a-klwoj�.variet There it -y Ili the movements N ­ .. of the'sba. 'to wash ow I -ii 60 gentle land . into iion A vateatiolA with A commercial travel. � I lei Who sat opposite. - I . .. ­­­.. will result in the emablishmenb of a breed- of fast -walking horses if persisted in. . a due proportion of pottisib bhould be added. , I . The trod ii yearly htoring up make And I WRR going On ; but it wag evident that they , were .by no moans easy in.their mindi. 1. I .. .� . 'L , . . , - .. - vewfoet For 71ray4blier". Soothing theitLitie'the Moit effective Of lullabies when one wishes'to tali asleep 66 I . have, � seven obil . . dren.ab borne andi ­ ;I never saw one of thein," -finally iernarkeil - 'L j. H. To prevent foul brood. in bees ,more potaeb in its WOOCJ"L and unless the Lea is renewed exhanstiori mulit follow.. The dogs which bore no works of th(k'froy, I . . and which were presumed - to be innocent, .1 L ' . :- . Railroad mon'llave for a. long time been I . I L - I Again) the sea is in in uproar, and the spray leapi;; lip . to,the very -windows. The illa- L . the Tionesta man. L . � L The commercial trayeller'bad heard Hicks, of Maryland, Sets out a dish con- tainingapolution of rock Bolt and water 6ply I . � I I I. T� tree cannot. WAnder ovet.a field to . . . graoe So an animal cula, andAn'orichards . me ved abdut as ubual, with quite a differ- � ent air.-Bo8tonBuq08t. aware of many faults in the common a.rraugements.for, coupling engines to psa-� Sion that we are 'actually at' sea is qWte . hard to 'shake, off at times.' The , fish . I . of a great many strange things during bia,vaiied � I near his hiveo for the bees to drink, and trids that it keeps his epistles free from I . closely plainted � the L deficiency of Potash I before .. . . . ­ . ., . I - .. I I � . sanger trains, the usual plan followed bieing , the use of the ordinary link, formerly the have ;' Is& 'd kne t� - -watch fat the . .. I refuse that - is to the aaraer# but .this evidently stumped, him .., I ,Being priti *much of * . Jy fleman, he only ' .. a gen the disease. .. . I � �Often begins the tree Q&r,,3g a&..L a become of b . ­ * , � .�' While rine-Oravilluenamilon'. . . . . . L. . . 'white; 01 jiy coupler known for both pasBenger,and' . I committed ., L ad& from the botel'galtgriesi and are bonBe-t . I Said 11 Indeed 2" in an inquiring manner, L but a 16ok Of Surprise � dragged big features, � I i Mr. Wilson, the great grape grower of the Northwest, planted, a year ago last : . A writer in the B uraZ Becord in speaking I ... Some.racent Attempts with pine n appears to givb It,& voluese, an orn%me tal freight train service,' but at present, con. fined &I 'most wholly to the latter. Althou gh c Lluoutly very isme. Portly -looking follows L to ei Ot two long came right. the � . . . and be gazed at the Tionesta man, of ter'. I. L I 'the . spring, 100,COO cuttings and grew 80 per of.the'field pea as . & lartillzer Says; 46 T1181M pea r9ots, 'penetrating to such a, great Wood, which iiiii common uses - have ot. Al heretofore Suggested. !of inventors have been At . If a work for ba' -or .under balcony and stare'up impertinently ,at us. - . 'The. the mariner of man, who, treed by *. I gentleman cow, . Said nothirig,, but kepi 4cent. He visa to graft this year from I 20,1000 to 26,000. The cuttings, he says, depth'in the soil and permeating the load . , ,.The sot tueso its texture and its sui,ceptiliffirty, to, injury may century improving paoRenger coachcoupleis tokeeptbe 'vehiolea* from bumping against temptation is strong to make them &tons for their ,temerfty, and not a fewof "hink", to hilliSelf, " -I'M Weltilig for you . . I . I � Z I should be One half inch from the bud. * I Fodder is fed in in every direction-, locsen it up more Per. feotly-than all the plouglia and harrows . I . . have had some Influence . ting its general use for orrianlantil purpoeea, but each obberwhile running, and, while their efforts have been- attended with eminent . I them.ho,ve been havied up. with fad arid. line to the broad' verandi&. - One day to 90 . . ­ . . . � I . . I I . I I tuation for a Amon2An . t At ter enjoying the ii . , � that properly saved, mud . icombination with clover bay And grain, is comb ineo. I have some-blackpreiiiie ham- mook-latad that is cold, wat-and cirawfihhy.� . � tbetrood'aaa be .'-I Alled", so that mudh of . r6moved... its I success, the' douplar on' the -tinder 1 has I remained practically untouched. � In some Somebody mot up More outhusissai than the Tiopests mail continued : I . . . . - 11 :11"Yes, I've got seven' 6bildieA-,*bdb I've Act equal value with timothy hay by weight, I says Professor Sanborn ; but Such fodder . For several years I could never stand I got a 6foorn. Year beforelaet, afterfailing.to .thisobjectlonia pure'whibe' . color -white so compared. With. othit , instances born castings bove been attached uhnal and cast a. torpedo from the baleen I � . � y into R' school. at .inquisitive,,- marine ' ' . 11 I . never vean one of'them. I'm going. ome . to see it now It 'WAS born since I left . is very different from that which is exposed' . . . get a stand., and, so* the season was far woodo-recommen'dti ii for purpo8eifor I ,which belly has been heretofore uged.;,iind in thil't6nder' drawbar, shun -reducing the' � looso�distaa6o by meeting the ear buffer, beautieP.- A boy B � prang in after the, explo. slop brought three. fat follows to the , � home.- ,-,..., . I - - - . . I . '. . to frost and bleaching rains. line advanced I ploughed up'the partial stand of ' d6wn the %he Size of the � ti bar f to ' w iii clear M in 11 h . � but this imptovement'.*was far from .and . surface. Manyotharh were stunned, but � Th a conatheroial tra.veller3eft the table. ..' 1! , - I .. � big. Saxony wool has a Bhort staple; the Australian wool is longer, but also fine. corw andi sowed rtd.chowder. pea. The yield of vine ii I - 6 was 1mmeuPO,,Aud ­ lumber may be out is greatly in'it4 favor,' board's of ' width of -and even being' effective, and I was * Merely tatter than nothing. � Under' certain not.oufficieb#y tolkeep them from evading . . - the ' ..with.tearo in . I o�6, but tfio newspaper f . man, beiag'made,of* sterner stuff,marely, . Combing Wool, Euch as thab fratn'the ' IisvedI donot.thiuk lees that! three I .5 .sixteen 'twenty lbobeB being riot uncomwo . I Al, with! . - conditions' of train running, .this lease- Bwimmor. .Nets %,to. aii3o cast in front � of the hotel, and many bushels of fishmeat . -grqsnedi and k6pt on creating a ,vacuum in - ., . . . .. . . Lmoolne, Cotswolds and Leiiiesters, is usually about ViLS inOb6S Ili length. The tonsouperior -hay, Pei adia, besides leaving . &,goodly number on t1i'a ground to deogy. . 11.6 no shade of distinction 'between gap wood' and, heart, . and only, the, fainte op� . . I at pare *00AP'ling' would' give an uncomfortable . . ibration to the whole train, V alai! at tipries oaptared.-w-Bq�out Leiter ,to New -Ork , . . . . .. . ano. ',Tilne8-Denocrqt.' - . - I the'larder.17rMerchant Traveller. . . . . . I . . .. . . I - . . . ... ­ I .., . I I Knees of all wool is ,,hot from the families' neit year this land was the loosest soil � ' ' I ble9faill. 8011168peolmeno lately �examined L the application OIL thd broke Would cause a . . . . � . . . . .. I , � . ... . � .. Aged Claiudl Alakto PL* ISpeech. .­.. I .. . . I . . of Marinco. . . One pint 6f cuts, with a like measure of 1had Oil the place , it.was* ready lot the p'.ough before any other I it -had before,thlia allow a , _� greaktly-, enhanced. be alltYL * by VeryL Simple troatudent--the"' filling with . I. . I jerking 6f:the cars Ili m - disagteeable way. . . To remedy'..the M y - dre, icks Wb Vt- .1 . . . . . . . . . , . ' : .. . Quartz Je4relltry , . . ... - . . -tw. 7 ; � . Red cioua, the well known Sioar Aier, ViSitid the Government achoof4or Indian br,bn, is a day'u ratima ill two feeds -for Is 'h--"- t'l- - LL -Aleen-toomet-and-sticky to--plolig un i very . � ­ W arm shelleiii varnish,.. bleached- 5iiihi' -to, .. � - _ -­ -44 . . . . . - ­­ - L ' L -- ----- ­ ' ea coupling, Mr. 'George. H. ..Colby, - - - -- .. Th6making I I quartz j evielleft' - ­ ' . Y Is Vedu- - .* " , L ­ ' '-- - ollel , '') _ - at -Carlisle - ka., an -d- addresRad the a Sri ­ .breading eve. A week after lambing this late in the season, And Was in.0 condition to . . . receive almost tiny or 11 L in S106h6l, L'OPPI ' ' I . L led with a. brash while . master meobanio,6f the Boston &,Albany ,,&Zly a CmI,fO,O mia.induAtry C'� . Its. ma�ufa ture was began in.the days following 1.9 . , in hie civin language, adys St. Nich6!as.. A , ' .. I � ration tbouldbe ibeivaked by adding one . . . op! I I � .Warm. Several coats are given" the', last Railroad, has invented an attailliment for . L . early * .prize of 03 was offered to r the beA trinals- ,, ,' lourth of a polaud of oil weal. She should - . . . . . : - . . . - . . . cost -bdnglubbed 1,with puiiiiae and rattail. I . locomotive tenders, which in effect con- r the gold discove y. It' is not :of tell that ti of th'i apeabli. We give ei� portion of onsuca I also receive as much out h.ay arid Sir . aw an She will eat. I I . . . . , , . L . whic , . Tb.e !Fr6fessionvil One .r.. � . , Atone moistepid with water,, oil. A' not finish of & ,'flowing coat 'of copal var4i It I . . . ,hroUgL , , .tinues the - Miller � hook bout y ta entire train. This device io a I 1.1 �Aail 1, Aniners come - Across rookL Which may be . used, -in the manufacture of jewellery. I The . I t 08af ill, L report, ' Wide he U by Lattice . ' , , 9tauding Bear: 9qYo seem like Anygrand. ,*� - . . I Tomato plants ought to be grown I'a zows and by poles or slats laid on ,Your* Xegi; L time 'pr6fessional grumbler is generally -a.genblemen inclined to be .Btouti completes the -preparation, . Thi . ii'lliest:d the Wood- is of a faint creamy tint with an .t�pp in an ion an to any tetider, is auiornatic ' , ' prevents accidents in coiiApliag. . When it gold has to be evenly distributed And hot lUmPy- so that after it bas I pas . sed thr6ligh I � * ,ohildrSnL;and-nowI went through . pass the sholp's and'saw what you' can be -done. . . =ted forke- or of lumber driven in the grobud. The framework ought to be two and partial to a shooz6. after �dinnok. ,. SO ellfacto siriple. folds vxif broadcloth ; .,a* ' , .. L siippbviranbe of'semi;traris�srenoy. 'Beauti. I ful gradations of torio were obtained by is remembered that, the' engine is coupled, I Arid. uncoupled. many more times tbain the the rrecesosr� stages which prepare it . for - setting the apotw And Beams of. .gold', are I saw the shoemaker, harness maker., tailor, carpentek, tinner, blacksmith, and they all �'L .: 'Here or three feet high, and %be Plants trained . up to lie on the top... Tbio keeps the fruit .uUr xoUaL 'AAL the Matter of Worsted coulforteraL . .. . . for' keeping his throat warm, And Small . panels 4 this preparbd pine, AmOulding6 L -Of hdily,­and'stileo of curly' or bird's-eye.- I separate cars of - - a . train, . -it" muet be Acknowledged thStL,th�86 art important . ell acattertii . through: , the .rook. , ,The w - . I . quartz so taken by, the jeweller is brought ' ' doing well. you: See'l Weeik� a I becili 4- 'which is .you milit it. . . I *as ­ � . .. . Surprise clean, and also greatly iu creases the yield.. ludisiXubber booti for keepirighis feet dry., . I He is a'comfortabld mlan�verypieciae. and ' I . . maple, And fine contrasts wore MiLde with' the- Pine and.bilbd black Walnut The . advantages.' - There &to no linki - or pine to break, and no. Black- to be taken Tap., tons in 'Ump" we 'if Alg from one, to teU pounds, ZdLin this .'10g.dition it is, handed over'to . . I . lii6ke L' .'.that the b mith doing - very good., Also ' L' , 11 tlAo girl can washing clotlidi arid -isdWliag'. , � The valus of an ordinary ton of Manure. � I is ei�.tiniaied at NO pounds sell . d, worth I regular in hi i fia*bit§�and -ham a­bowiort.� k ,. ­ L . able houM,with ev�rjtbiDg- in It all'P'recise I Pine "' too soft file floors� but -for doors, ...I. d abauiber - inkn4ure it Seems to Securing th�ljrnbct�.atariibg AnA aiiiPpink . of trainp, resulting In increased 'comfort to. a AnEchanic toe Ilia L " I b" . . . . . purpose o 61119 cut 1utoulabs.. The P I , * * roLei�h Is -an BRAY' Ono And L . '! Albo I'vililt' Pass thi�Mjh 1,136 Fchool 'rooms ,; �- . ��, . au'a 1 Saw iome% of you cAt �vriw - I , , 'L : ViLBry, a8ti, � , 61 40 ; 800 1;oul,os of mirmw and litter, . and worib 01, 1,316 900 lounda of water and re,gult6r, &a hi.Ambelf." He has no great . . misfortunes to 'bewail, - cobsequently he . be sidgal-m-bly adapted'. The finest apeci- epgaro. .1talbo prevents ille swaying .nearly bimilm.r to that followed 6y the Marble t . op t ets. The savv by WhICh this OP618,tidll . � t and-road,'and I was glad. Now, this is th . , . I . . a : ' . . aselebb matter; the vAluo of the entire 2,000 . * . I I grumbles. at the Ismaliest wifeiieo. L Elio , me*rlFj of. the wood noted came froAn Miohi� I gap, having fewer:pitchy.'sireaka and being' M11.1t1pn of the tender arid foiward . I . ..car, arid ,consequent Bide wesi I 'tendbany to I . t Li'3 p6rfor)n (lia circular And made of he . - a I r'. t I - � thirri'What LWe send.you her o L) learn I I . t . wbita *MPnIA way. There is two roads,ohe ih '.L'. i pounds buitig 6240 Manures,, however . I vary lu compubmuti, and the figu res are not vety o6i�afort tutus into the serpent .that . 'Stinjo him�. Ha It finding out � . Oi u, more uniform ciolor -than the Maine - . � L .ind broa4ke I .of L truck boxes.��, Being L rin uDd charged with whter,. and emaryi . . 'L , quartz is held. up t 16 and in ite'revo.". . , ' good arid one is Wfi-At �;We Lee"' a devil - road. . �'. .. . ­ ' 'you ' ' . rolimble. . . perpl3tuaily oabjectB for p6thetfo: co,ulplain't; - If ild is Product. Its. eabe of'-workino by cariing; , of - Rna tbovollerenae US grain# -are being-, within, roach: froni, the' platform Of tile . . .forward car, it, . cam be'! -operated: wj�b LThd lutions It Martz. The, Blabs' . I . , I -Another. thing 113. know, if who - do � I nothing, jukii put biwband on his back mud , * ' * i it depth to run the In considering the rigi nob'al�quAntL Upon. the duat in the Btreat be, , I utilized by, masters . and Amateurs in the ' I perf . eat -ease. lb p . eactibally. - couples the into whici Li do nob 11, generally - L � lie down,. so, any dime- n6b', come to his- - I piano all Lhb circumwanceB must be cow. . 'up will, be ovokpowering on the Arfud.' The - .. interior Lwood decorations. : A beautiful , ., locom6tive...to a our just as .two-eara are exceed one-eigbtb of an juch'in. thickness. � , , , pocket itself, so you must do,� obtrialkilin , I 9 sidered. It Will Lot do to turn too . Loll wegithartilw&yGoeenio to be engaged ill aabii- .. I I ' '*iud ']is carved,maut6l. relieved by it lasters of oiled , cilupled, Rua makes the of the 'train. - The prelimiulary work is i-hOUL over. It is 'the -wit . - h �.�cur .Ilmado'. Now. you Must Doc! . much of the cold, t-ubb The at'Ones. L eptracy, agal-obt Ill M'. the east blaekwalnut:11as. been, recerItly finished, air unbroliih unit. AeVztyleimprove,adent not till tfi� jewellei� is. made, fl.6tings, 1 bome'sick any, but you AnOot try to ' I I ploughing bhould be gradually deep6r every urder to's,11ow of sufficient time for year, In I holds t.,j be bile rh4ie.Oer. Haitip�rsuadvd that it Woo Only oielAted to Waf trhelimatism I . . which �uggeh�s the mellow, tints of statuary . marble. After a Short exposure to the abruos� I , Of thlokind ,nokisoolf 'the .safety ofitra;riu 0 . Perot, ing, and tandg i L 0 weaken the force of . am it were, that these. ol%.ba ire again out,' tbon.filled'into tb6,gold aud:csmentod. It . . . .be.. . good and Lh . appier." '.. 11 . �. . . . v . . ". . .. . � ,' . . - . . . . . . . the upturntd boil io be reduced to a proper, . . condition for plant. food. . . . .1 . . on its'winge and keel) up the average Aug- I . . I ply of sciatica. If, bow6lv6r, tbg� weather . . -pheie, while )being ' free fro�n abilling L of the MR I .. sparkle and sheen rble. I L atioidenta, besides increasing the oculfort of, I O�. passengers, ib -becomes a matter in whi is tben.ground off level with the gold and -finally polished till it'assumda that brightw ' L . I . . ,.- . . ' fters Alatirlwoulal.--n'' - , . .- . - I inn . . . - . . . If one wishes to iul prove. a certain flower, boatill'sildolosb,and hot, he knows -.very I I well that fever is bre%irig-be: is sure of ib" . . .. . .L I . . . . L ­ . I . . . Colby, 0 L ,every one ik intortste I . The I cup. . .1 neen as when exposed -for salM- . . . I I . . � � . : ',, , The. Now York Sun's. cable spochkl kays - - London and Patio are once more full of - - ' fruit or vegetable he wuht first decide what kind of a prodilet, ll;� Wishes to produce. mark his words-­u�;hiAlg - Aloe-' cau bi Wilie, Tlelilleirste C.1almout's Fnauric 41tome. . . .. I I � . ling, attachment consists principally. of .a, 1 eaVy castizig, wbiZ'h - is p6tuRched 'to the . - ." - . � . rainny alsoler. . � , . . . I mi returned exiles, and the.car of, atrimany . I . . . . He rout t rAeLve fiiii WC91-61ways in his mind; He muhs then bultab setcla from thoao* expected from this pontouinderl I obaky day. I I .. If he goes out without big umbrell& and the � . Mr.. Quart3rmain East has taken a 'I ' L "th ' furnished house irl'HarniFibire or. 8 tender its a mud holds the miller hook, A . Spring butitei And the' meano of Operating . I The '-bt1qf telegriphio .deep sitch from Vienna,, 14 Funny Elsoler is dying," has a arid other Social joys ranu fAist and furious. . - . - I ., . 16 the crowd of weddingo,whioll have juab., .. opeeirldeno Which Como batuebt to bag ideal. , clouds gather and the rain falls he is almost speechless with indiguation. - It Is. sl�yayg L Tibhborno claimant on� hi.a iolease.-from, Datirnoor. . It is not desined advisable to . . I . . tue'drawbar. The forward end of the -a ' ' . Strange arid ghastly fi�vior. . Suege cele- taken place in England the Page Ili. all .: , hindi of"pretty costurnee arid of Utth sexe ' a Of US LffbPti1JK be Luubli beJracb in the same way, and ko ,continue until perfection is BOO always his luck -were he to have Mourn. . 'Make the �xaot spot'publio. The claimant drawbax is pinned' to beavy -'thro�dod . I . d . L, pring -encirole bolt, secured, under the britieB really die when the cuiWa. d*rkeno - thelooblighes,for them the JaBi.tfine,and . . . . ban been the chief fl-ure. -At the marriage I L � , 'brother' I . attained. � .. . *bubter bared himself with a great Awkward . . ,� umbrella the'rain would never have, shought, will.i*t once take up'bie'abod6L tb6re. op his We, E16 P,iaorl. L . .r a from During the imprison . . . tender,. between - the ,fraweA, in a strong. calsting. A '-spriag;'sai.urod to the I . - M. the any fartlierremoVal fro Stgqd of. life a most' of Leidy. Alico Nevill bar y "go . 0 st elodbiater ware reeplen6ni in violeb velvet. . . ' � The wboleloperabion t,f Making, is am the talibig of the milk to'the delivery of 6ming on, never, � To'hear him ,you L . Ment,of theirfather, Mr..E,%at;haa taken fipon bimselt thp , spitAl draw -bar immediately behind.tbe bumper , . . seems . anomalous , oap6rflul by' Eiq��cially is this true in 8' OA" l'keL the Miss 96liand's deemo.whell'ohe wao*marry. _-� I ing Mri 'John;. Dyson, I 't L, Anglo. I ol the butter ter the conbumer, is entirely Is branch would suppose that th�e oleik of. the weather L HIL�Psreonage ., that lie 6guaI-offic6'wms A r6 Idappli, . 1310111ty of main. tairiing and Oducating 'the-oltbiwant's two 'daughler& ,bearn, ' he poo itiaii it- . - The sot of Uncoup..' .occupies presenti where the'Alory of thd actress is be remole. Faun Elleler ' Nvhoa ' _ "Sri a . I Indian'.;wAs bee in rier, no, by, * 4 iloph6W in L Purple . '- I mtobanjeid; but it a of me . Ohm I its that, tolerates no mistakes, for the least 0.9 &,ad th a bler bad quarrelled in' t air I youth ow;n that the o C i%1 in L . being. .The Youriggirls hilve haa all the advantages enjoyed by the 'children wh6:ooupled; . ling is' done by it wh4l* -and staff, which - .Tile y. 8 mstchle4 grace de)iihied oui fathers can. . ".to , : Velvet,. and Meatier Percy Brasoey a non of - : * L the groat MQlIDUmlrO. The lady who Writes.: , failure lo perform tile p roper Operations it . .44e proper time reouit i ill Uu'inferiDr art 1. quest'ion of a's iteful turn of it, - b&d never. for- . - .11 iheit L protector, And. the elder' will, , c . , . upon her father's live With operates 9, chain and rAtchit. �' The inven- . tica -is being �aplilied to the pagobngit , no b be dyb3g - in � Vilkina -day any more than "alle ! can have been living* there All . .. About the, VoyageB of the Sunbeam offloitited I . I .. the Mis4 Evet�o, t2olis, laid p.tfeob butter otily commands gotten. the old grudge.-�Bro6kZjjn Eagle. . 11 1_ - I . -.. � release,' -go .to' hirnand heop'llibuse. In, order 'that the engines of the BOA= & Albany and several . these years. . A woman hearing her name, � at wedding of with.0apt. Wyld, of the lWih L u,cerkj" in aw costumie of the highein price. . I " -1. . . I -.. .. ;. .1, claimalit'May noti 4t ,any ruti 'for ,some . . "pewRnlary of - the -eastern - railroads, and locomotive . -builders of the country � have adopted it As . ib is trufi, ,and even preserving .Aorridthing of her idetibity, ban been quietly arid dally. ''. . I white satin slashed with . deep rel velvet I mulching With bt.awo orcrinaxy hay Or gait hay iii good bir ulmr,Bt every garden Gens. Gordon's Dh.clyllne. I , I . . The recent cable deopmobas us out time to come, be worried about matters, Mr. � East PXOPOSis �Makiiig him an their standaid for All p4li,serlgor arlgi4eo.. ' . . . I I asisting there, bub the Funny Elloler-no, , I and stockings of the sume hue. The ohiet� , - I I I 'ago in Par! j is that of the -, .Impending tearer crop. It retains moi9ture In the boil, a.nd . . � give, ffi6t real glimpsd of,li . le in Gordon's ciiiiap . ' I 91MPIO ;Weekly allowance of: Ano By and a 0 .. . ... . .. * - .. I . . Cure far Sciatica'. : it is not eaby to Mike those who have been, reared on traditions of mbeauty 4n'd grace d I or 3g t r of Worth with the son of tba. !1 . telbike, ' b0ps, to Suppress the weeds. It is OP..p,3qi- ally viieful in tbo.strawberry beds, keepirig . at Killittoulm. - Among othir thil3gFJ it is 'ralmsed that In a battfii oni'March 16th -he dll further P V lace a donisiderable sum of money in his, bands' on the day of his I . I I . . . A remedial, agency riot commonly resorted too I ble io be hidden, beli6vo that I 1101"m this' .1. wp"r-olmn who is lying at death's tailor am aroh-inillionaire, who 1, . ,,as,% PAIRde in ibe Avenue da 130io do, . . .. %be x3pening beiries crib of the dirt as Well. As a gratelal dampneem About bederediwo native abiefe'to ;be instantly put to death for tr6KcJr8iy. This is h6old. . release, Although the clahnsint will be . ontided to his liberty op October 94th, it is . to has been recently. brought under nOtice boy I I Debov,b. Jor thW relief of nellielgio I door thure in Vienna, is the 11 divine Fanny,"' � E � . Boulogne, aud a famous art collection. . . . . � I I .. . . . i� - :. -.-..--,--"--. I - prbeerving . "' T1* the facts- But all kinds of smi0l,fruitif", -6 I ordon a ares Ali ha . rclohipo' with Wh - . -by no means certain that he will be released , i . "�q-the Lgite . This physician a "tt I - Beams to 13kV6 Mai Wit'Vellconsiderable one whose dancing I merBoi t . a and.� mdut4srd r 6al a IV 6 b ?I An 4 aligign.11- FUlle I d I o t y d Ir I I . .. I .. JupliZ4 und vinum. I . . . . . . . . . I ­ � -hing ­ - ­ -,,..-. ­ 11 the better lot malc ---- -­ ­ . iv; . � Idiato ;but he �Unisllta with. death f . 4ii7e W-tz�-�rdi�k`o. ,f-- ­-� -d- - -ifi&j a flle­ to b2gn 0 is 0 is his desire to be let b alone - - *�21 h - a;r�aasrfdf­-11-­ Ytsttdwby de I -fV -2';;i Boston -Advv21tiserw------�---- . .% - .. .. , . - A ­­ -- -- ifi-115. ­ i--. - --- -, --Th-dr-6-i4--b"be-iii-radiA6ianoa w In give .. I In agriculture the plants partothi the paro of the miner in separating the Valuable . 11 he supPrelosing the-Tadpipg rebeflicia in . I - -­ --- th r el trath-whatever in the 'to h kin. , Richardsoble, other spray t 6 a not satisfactory, M. Daboib amployed 1. �- ." -� I - I I . , . A 1,11tic of All Three., - isculikir intereSt to the present meeting' of � . I. . I the plapeto Vanua and Jupi.ter in the I m3atesial frb�m the maue of Soil, which material tbev afterward by the aid of the 0. Ohio s number of native c o era signed a round- robin, protest against up arder thab various rumoig tyhn.ot are aflogt,as his .future plans 'and prilisoled movermanto.- . . proviog the chloride ofmAbyl, which may give rinrl ' by .. . . � A Judg (�o the witneep)-11 Are you a mak- I . 10 presence ia� wort.ing sky, and that ia-tu . i -� 'of -the star Regulas. . I their neighborbooil : son And the atmosphere: manufactuve into The there should -be no piila g�. He inate, * Aitly . cowmanded'611 ofthernto be to death., Pall Mall Gazette.. . -' I . . . I - . . �o a degree' of cold represented - 28 degrees (J. This agent has the advantage (if tied woman?" . I . . '. , Witaess-11 wall, no� Jedga, not-exattly.11 ... says the'New York. Sun. A ready means ' food for Man And animals. inherent proptrues of the scil are thus made avail - put One old follow raised �ruch op o th. ' , utory 'at - that GOO - . Another coso which allows � the laxity of Pro"vincitil. lunacy lawo'bas juab been riot being expensive., Ajet of the fluid is Anads to play on "the'Ain along the whole - Judge--' Not exactly th married Woman. Do you mean thai �oa are a, widow?" , . of comparison lo'thus furnished between a I first imagnitude fixedistar,and the two moat - .� . able, and thst.Whiciii was before of little be no value becomes most Valuable. I. is on caboludod b I a. we,g .tho� ribgler.dero And, his head I Wao off Lin an ,the ; , broughb to light In Montreal.- Ab6ut-two 'Course . length of the limb corresponding to the . of thoLo'clStioneti'a find lie main . . Witness -11 Tbat's a little !more liko It, brilliantot-thi plinsto. People frequently. . , . express a, wish. toLbe-ablotodirstiogilish I , . The time is coming when ib will bay to instant. Then thereat all fall on their koee begging ,or . 6 merdyi arid it I )rovi3d that. Yearu al go a man named Owen Fitrinef was A oterdictea at the ttquest"of .his. relatives branches. The good effacto tire skid to be . Jedge, but still X'Am Act OXSotly A widow either.1y � . . L I state from planets. Whoever will improve 14plaxiii viriaties of c(.rn which are eipudisilly rich in otutch for the manufacturers or in .to Gordon was tight in big HuBpi 11 Ili,. F30 he Fpared their lives; This seeitim like otualty L ground on the of habitual drurlkenne�s, mud . iLAAMel 116tely afterward8 he WRA iakelt to instantaneous, Thb Operation, 18 81110 'med to but little painful; t L alux he 81111ittibg . . judgn�46 YOU Will have to explain your. oelf, You say that you are ribb exuably a, this opportunity to Atudy I I . the difference in , , the appearance at Itegulag and that of' its 1 ' njuritive elements for the feeders. A few . ,; bUtL it is the Only WAY di�ctpbbe con be Lo]vgue Points Asylum arid confined there is not no, qreat as that caused by the h Ot worried woman nor exactly a Widow, At, neighbors will proba,bjy have no d4cult y , I skilled specialitt' are at viork developing v&riotles having marked obaraoteriatim of - Anaintaindd araorik the. people -,,�.ith Whom he is dealing. They fear nothing but - the as i o Upon 110.0ther power than tt 0 abo of lidointordlotiolle RacentlYwiabIng to see . iron. Vesication. hot followed the eMPIOP Anent at this. retned'y, babjjoVet , may AlOUgha )-on a single woman V . . . I Witneig-,, I gades 1,M a 'little of all . hereafter in recogniziLigL at Iamb the . , brighter Members of the planetary brother. value. But as varistids change ri,pldly in death. -24w York Tribune. ' hi6 wife, who won very illi be requested log, The extension of thia InlefteUtO to three, Jodge. I've sued six W06 toe bra,uh hood. The itoady, ufiflloker!Dg light Of differfrrit Sells and climates, there Ili plenty . . . .. I P ermiRBion of the asylum atibbo'kifies, but other n6ttialgia is advocated. I , of promloo.11-9dw Y'kirkNercuVi . aupitor!,Iand Vdnuo dontraots strikingly of r")io for many workers in, this direc, . . 230D. .. . - I 0 rl Aria The OOAtOL afy 6 � the birth t 0 CA thin was katuo6d. . The mun. however, cob-. trived, to Make big escape, arid found his . . I ­ - . � - Lord Rogge,* Son of 66 famoug batrono . I I I I . - . the yquogablarpsuide placed in 1, With t6 deoweless Rointillations of the staro which,. although. itself & sun, and in, till ,A oorresporldent of the, Country' Gentlefli , von Weber will �000ut in Db a at'! I , - . 80, mbl� 886 T . here is already 0. a�iovome to a r t It elob 0, a ray to tbabadside of his wife, tiorn-whiah tow by met And Owner at the largest telescope in far ope.00-pelletetWtig �'RA,,Iimn, 't 41 ark, Now York, haa E6 little house fuenishad bad, leinket, Probability Much larger than out Ban, Is' so . far Away in the deeps of space that it is Joalb m%yo the strawberry, being a perannialp growo ItIll thA year exiiep b when the ground oil by are ing the even t in ilievurkell t f a6hi :: at L in a days he Wag teen awai the authorities &A34 again coL,fined ia, the the world, a,.) an capacity in coticarilea, is in, Philadelphia, with a mattress Din a table And 'ohairo, a lookirig-glaso and -a quite thrown into the shade by 'their - , . to In z4ii. Next 3 ear'A Crop (,f ffUlb will be I A. monument to h 111,1n his n i 6 ) Of stv t wa maylUrb. The does having been plan where he will remain' stvers) days. The WaPhlbowl. It is said thab Ed site at. t a burpaosing !noted. . . L ) , - linato priumpaby from the food gathbr6a Eutin-itioHolotein. L MotiBigilor-Ospel `twn . abecitherottlic; untottunate-man 4.42e� 6. apertuto of his tolw&pe is Aix feet, w iah held himself, hTT table Rod dines with big keever, takillge; hotLle � illatievoty ' . Is be to truthintho, and .Uwed up Ili the crown of the plahi thinko there are hands of a 10,#& firm, ]Ila reld4to *Aq is highei tban And it a of red wiuo with wiel There asid-to ,. durin., tho present Season, just as the milk , PC pal6auses6f ouloide-too much inental ,obtained ,�hh some cliffloulty. The fact of footip of fi4y-tbree feet,� or wore feet, that 1,union -like. no was brought t6deritly reporb Which *40 xt tow .days AgOtele. - . do 21 i,.y itio cow to�morrow will be MR I I ri 1111�mi arid g of the - too little m6r&I S, Men being kept in An itinano -asylum. tot h �l is years of age. En looks About forty , from Libaria, and, when full grown will be graphad front $6. PatbrWarg'atid Cop4noe . ,viva, frointbutood consumed to-db,Y. UannotA L ,your' mits why we An seldoM training. Th o expi, - two yeara solely ori a oejt.�fid%to of latorajdA Y, 0 to old, is ruddy, wid ban inore the a 'j,)1-ly &bwit toile foot and a, half high. Re I mug hagen to Lobdol a, to the eifedotheitLtho . . Juatell luto in the 'fall have not time to bear of o ttUG Democrat DOMMittiDg. Man lot drUnkOnn(83 has gIVOP rise to AUU011 ,appoatanoo- I of' a- farmor than a, knows wore than Pill the, -dudes in the Uus�ieiu 006rnm6at o6btemplato fittillo rAnrg, up food for the nexb year'd atop, belloo . . .. � I I 1. I ­­ . . 1, I - aufOift- . I . . I . . . I . 11 . . I " :, I ---r-- I I , . ­ .''.. . L--: . ­ - I I , , . , . I . . comment. .. I . . L - � I . ­ I'll.. L . . I I 1. . I "I I., .. I -11- . I ­­­­.".. ­­­­... I. ­­­­ - . AttApondoas LIAO. I I . . I � I I . . I I . . ­­ .. ­ ­', - ­ ­­ . -- ­­- . country Pat together, ' L . I Itu#, I 1. . . I . . -­­ - - ----- �",--�",�'..�,�---.-".-�.....,---�-.--.,---�- a great Aorbh polar . expeditioili. . - . . I . I ­.,�­ � � . ..... .. ­­­­­ -.-.-.1-:-, ­.- ­..�.. ­­­.- , . I . I . I I . . I I L . L I . . I . k � . . .� I . . . I . I I . I .. I I � . . . . .. . '. . 1. �. - . 11 . I . I 1 " � L I , . . . . . . . . I . . . .. * I .. I . , ! . ... I . . . . � I . L - , . I . . . I .L . . I . I . 11 � I . . I I . I . L .1 ; . . . I . ,, . . .. . , . . . . . ; * . I . LL . J . 1. I . I I I I . L. ­ ­ ­ ...­ 11 1. ----11- .1 I. �, I I I I . . .. I . ..." - . ­­""' ''" L ­­­ .."L �, . ­�&­'­'... ­­­­ 1-t-1 . I Itil . � . i: . I ,�­ ­ .... �­ 1. I.. 1- I— 111,111. 11.11 I I- -11, .. I . � I I . 1. . -11 ......... �'­­­ ­­­ I L . . . . . � . . I I.I.I.-I -.1-111I.- ­­­­.- "'j,"', . , L. ­ .....�� I .... 1".. ­­­­­ I . . . .. � " . . I . I 1111� I—— I'L ­­ - � ......... � --&6.,&. ,­.. ­­. ,-