HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-24, Page 6The Blyth Sher..
The annual show under the auspices of the
Morris Branch Agricultural Society took
place at Blyth ou Wednesday and Thursday
of lost week, and was mere than usually a
good suet:css. The day being fine on Thum
day the attendance of visitors was very large,
The entries, especially in the indoor departt•
mento, surpassed in numbers any previous
year, the gain and fruit taking precedence
both in quantity and quality. There is
scarcely any necessity .to specify any out
door departmeut, as they were all well repre-
sented. The large attendance of visitors
plainly proves that the people do take an in-
terest in these exhibitions, and that all it re-
quires to attract theta is a well conducted•
show and a meddle to entiauce fee. It would
be well if the directors of these shears would
discountenance the bal]•lhruners awl fakirs
of every other description, and heli the
ground' free from every attraction other than
the one for which the society is organized
rind the 6howv eatabltsned. 'lige f .t! ro ing is
tho prize list :
Ilon.ees-11 eke v URarour,--Teaut mates
orgeluings, N J Dickson, J McMillan, Brood
mare, .1 McMillan, T UoMichnel. 'l -yr old
gelding, 11 McKee. 2 yr old filly, U 0 Stew-
art, D BleLaugliltn."'leyr cid"filiV' 'l 'Aih
Brian, W Scott. Foal, J 1.tttrldell, J• Mc-
GENERAL Pul3rosi —Team mama or geld•
inga, Wm Mahou, W J Diekeoo. Blood
.mare, J McMillan, R Sprung. 2.yr old geld=.•.
in•;, D McLaughlin, M Boyd. 2•yr oldfilly,
Jas McGee, J 0 Stewart. •1•yr old gelding,
R. Sprung, H MoBrian, 1 -yr old filly, .las
McConnell,IJ Potter.' Foal, if McConnell, T
ROADSTER8.—Span carriage horses, W C
Potter, M Masters, Mare, A Young. L Tin•
dal!. 2.yr oli gelding, Wm Taylor. 2 yr
filly, E Livingston, Geo Mahon. 1 -yr old
filly, Joseph Carter, George King. VoaT
Jos P Fisher, L 'Tindall... Buggy horse,
It Tennant, A Forsyth. Saddle horee,� L 11
Shane, A Young. Sweepstakes. best mare or
gelding, John McMillan..
Ross, Jas Potter. 2 -yr old heifer, B Carter,
Jae Potter. • 1 -yr old heifer, T Rose, 11 Rosa.
Heifer calf, 1 and 2 Jas Potter. Bull calf, II
Snell & Sons, H Ross.
GRADES.—Yoke working oxen, Wm Mc-
Gowan, R B Laiellaw, • ''itch cow, T 11oss, J
'Braithwaite. 2.yr 010 unifier, Jos Lyon, .W
J3ransdon. 1•yr old heifer, 'r Ross. W 0
Proctor: Heifer calf, Robert Ferris, T Ross.
Yoke two year old steers, T Ross, Jos Lyon.
Reeve, Jos Lyon, T Rosea Cow or heifer, Jn
Cumiug, Jos Lyon.'Yoke 1 yr old ateers; T
Ross, 11 McGowan. Herd, J Lyon., '1' Ross,
SHEEP—(io1s\PULL.—Aged rat"..1 Cu ming,.
Wm Mahou, Shotiiiuy; ran,, J teeming, W
Mahon, liana • i' t'umsttg. W Mahon.
Pair aged cwt.., , •• eit,t,tn1,. VV Mahon Pair
ahearling ewes, J Unclog, W Mahon ''['air
ewe lambs, J Cuntint;, W Mahon.
Leices sies.—Aged rain, 1-1 Snell.& Sous,
A Young. tihearlittg ram, FI Snell & Sons, .3
O Stewart. liana -lamb,.11 Snell & Sona, 11
Colo & Son. Pair aged ewes, H Shell & Sons,
R Cole & Son. Pair shearting'owes,. H Snell
& Sons, B Cole & Son. Pair owe lambs; 1
and 2'11 Snell & Snns. Fat sheep, H Snell.&
Sons, H Ross.
from all other entries, A J Wilson, -d Barri-
I trr,Eatisnl e --Lumber waggon, J Bruns•
don, Slater & Situs, .,Market waggon, Jobe
Bxuns ou, ton nate plow, Lo inson & osg.
Jas Item. Pair bun harrows, Slater & !Shoe, a Cherry Pectoral.'
Rebiuson & Iinag. .Single buggy, open, Slat- !
er & Sime, A, Murtha. Single buggy, covered; -oomPlaintsare50iusidioasinthelr
open, Slater & Sims. Cutter, J T;Iunsdon,
*tack as itoseaffectingthethroatendlung
Slater et .Sims, Uabiuet wot k, A A Bennett, i none so trifled with by the majority of 411ffer..
ors, The ordinary cough or cold, resulting
Set horse shoes from hammer, ;los Carling. : perhaps from a trifling or unconscione ors
Pump, Ferguson & Willows, t McC:rimmon• posnre, is often )nut the beginning of a fatal
Clang plow, Robinson. & Bette,eW Campbell, sickness. Averes Dimity PECTORAL has
Stove and fttrniturC, .1 G Moho..icradle
. ( well proven its efficacy in a forty years' tight
mill; MGMurehie <C (o. Utltin cradle, J Col ;` Frith throat and lung diseases, and should he
drill. Land roller, W It Wilson. Turnip': taken iu all eases without delay..•
drill, W Levy, Saunter, W'Levy, Robinson
& lloag. Rack lifter, .J Perdue, J Denholm, • A Terrible Cough Cared,
DQ1tLi:97'1C 1V1nNL•r•AtrrvREs AND. LADIES' • �'7n'3P�Tltookasercreoold,whicliaffeoted.
tV•oeue--H ome made bread, J Newcombe, lie!. rev mugs. s..1 bad' a terrible cough, and passed
McGowan. Tea and plain biscuits, J Owning; I {t\�tnaitiylnigl1t11ed}OlYER 9 CBEIaIiYQPEe-
M Snell. maple syrup, k Johnston, N Cunt 1 tt•ttn.+s., tvlrieh relieved my lunge, induced
fag, Maple sugar, I1 Uureing, W.I Proctor. ,nut nf1'ordett my rho rest necessary
Full cloth,- Miss Pollock, G Collison. Hone ,„ tt,'e •'t 't t of t e I'vexoiALi.a parmne
made all wool flannel, Mies Pollock, 11 John; r;,., teas uu.• cfTocted. dam now st years
stop. Union flenntl, I Tasker'• G Collison o!,t, i, tit Waal hearty, and am satletied your
Homo made all wotl blankets, Miss Pollock, I •a•'ut.lutr t't:CrwtAr. saved me, •
J C Stewart. Blanket union, W J Proctor, I retie iugliant, yto July 16 1 unorilER.
R Johnston, horse blankets, J Barr', Cl i
Yount Pateh quilt, Mrs F Mosier., Miss ; Croup. —A Mother's Tribute.
•Poleeret "touuterpane,••MTrs Ir Mosity, M A ':: TLi i+t•.Lita.country-last-',vinter•tnyllittlet-
Notk. Log cabin quilt,. M !tett, Mrs \'- bon three years old, was taken ill with croup;
Waite quilt,
•t nut Mist; 1►fillin, it wed as if he would die from strange..
Watson,S\ quilted1 lane , . wino of tlae family suggested flip flee
Miss Pollock. Coverlet, Mist. McCowen, J C ot, r1 a liar (llltitnk PEeTonAL a bot le of
Stewart. \\`pollen stockings, Mise aleCiel• \"' ' °'s's altcnys kept in the'house, This'
land, l.'. Hamilton, Sock�, Miss Met lelluud, ic:',nird,u 1ia4Iii 1 id f eke nn hour h
(fir Moffatt. (Gauntlet initse_Miss Po]look5 Ju L, 1,,,..•: 4, ae Lrdrthingethily. the doe•
Barr. •. !fits, G Moffatt, D Nichol, .Crochet .to, a 1• a '•:, t t nr 1'Ip;I;it PEc roE ire had
work on wool, M A Nott, 'Jae Symington. e"" t non d n „t 6 * 1 fie Can you treader at
Crochet work .on cotton, J Symington, M A
Nott.' Fancy knitting, Miss McClelland, M A
Nott. Fancy basket, W Campbell, ,Tas'Sym-
ington. Cardboard work,. 1 and 2 W J Proc.
ler. Cardboard work motto,. Jas Symington,
Mrs F Mosier. Gent's white' shirt, T Hamil-
ton, air fie flowers,- 9 min ton
ton" G Moffatt. H w ,
, Y S
W IL Willson.. Berlin wool worraised, M
ANott, Miss McClelland. Berlin 'wool work,
fiat, W.R Willson, Mrs Dr Carder: Borten' x\ t , , ,,area„ JOSEPH R*ALnEn:
wreath, Miss _McCellantl. Feather flowers, B ,,,t ::t, ;lass,, ,April b, 1882.. •
u n 614 'non •h in •alae of AYE a
ira (mount ,1.pl
Cit alit 1't t In ;Ar,, wlioviug as`1 do that
but for iia trio 1should long since have died
Watson. .Braiding on cotton, M A Nott, 'W 'front lung troubles. E. Bnaanox."
R Wilson. Braiding on wool,' Miss Syming. • rales tlee, Texas,Apr1122,1882.
• ton, Mrs J Barr. Sofa cushion, Miss Symiug• No ease of'an affection of 'the throat or
ton, Miss Sloan. Rag mat, W J Proctor.: lungs' exists which cannot be greatlyrelievad
d l h I 1' b' B
J Brunsdon, Slater & Situs, Double buggy, Noother
k t
otu t;ralltlt .u? emeerely yonrs,
Allis, LatSIA GEANEY."
159 West 136th Si., New York, May IS, 1882. •
• C have n tIl Atxn s Ctneitne PECTORAL. ,
in m^ innt!h for several years; and do not
, be4itrte to tlohin nee it the most etfectua1
reanidy foreougtrs and colds \re. have ever •
tt! d, A. J. CRANE."
L rte t ptii
11nm,1Ia cit -18-
"tsut'.le' los debt years from Bronchitis,
anti \t 1c, 1.3',g nanny,}eiuetlres with lie•sac•
c' s; I t as earnl by the use of 4t lnt'a•(ltlE1L-
W R Wilson. Wax work, MeA Nott, Etn
broidery, Miss Ruddell, Mies McClelland:
French embroidery, Miss Taylor, . Mrs W
Miss'Boyd. Rag carpet, W J Proctor, D
Moore: Collection ladies', work, Mrs W Wat-
son, W.R.Willson. .Gent's slippers, Mrs J
M Hamilton, Miss Lynn.. Darned net, M A
Nott;.' Mrs Dr Carder. Plain sewing by a girl
under 14, T Hamilton, Mies A Taylor. Flan-
nel shirt, hand made, Mies McClelland, T -
Hamilton. :Seen hat, home made, D Parker,
G Collison. Stocking yarn,. T Hamilton, G
Young. Path on gent's•pants by a young
lady not older than 14,;E A (Jellison, Jane.
-Eitchen Darn `tilt" sacks -or -stockinger bra
your, lady riot'more-than 14, Jane Kitchen,
Mies L Magee. . Fancy leather work, Miss M.
Nott. Stencil work cretonne; Miss McQuar.
tie. Gentleman'sfine boots, 1 and 2 C Sher.
rift. (Dame boots, .1 and 2 0 Sherritt, Set.
double harness.,.) T Carter. Set .single 'bat'-
Ueas, 1 and 2,J T Carter. •iie Auction, or artelt portions thereof as shall he necessary.to
JUDGES. pay such arrears, together v•tth allchlerges thereon, unless
the sneof he soon, r pall,
' horses.-J'as'.McBride Carlow; A. Young, :
Sonrenewas.—Aged ram, George Stewart, L Wawaoosh;:Phu llat ettettr J;t•ueefeld•
yf Lot or pp .. '• a "
Shearling ram, J u St ewart, .J Gleuu. Ram Sheep. ---J Anderson, 1ViuPham . 'kV- Clark, ••r h t w K•
lamb, 1 and 2 J 0 Stewart. Pair aged ewes, Goderleh • G Moffatt, Turnberiy., ,
by the rise' of AYER's CHER&Y PECTORAL,,
and it wilt always'cuie \then the disease is
not already beyond the control of medicine.
Dr. J.G. Ayer & Co.r Lowell, Maas.
. " Bold.by all Druggists.
itov1NCFl OP 0S'1'ARIO, 2 By virtue• oriwarrant nadir
County of Ilurnn, to wit: 1 the hand of tint wanted; and
the seal' of the' Corporation of. the County of Huron, dated
• the.8trteentl day of August, A.D., 188.4, commanding rue to.
levy upon the'uutlennentionei lands in thesaid Conuty of
Ilurnn -tor the arrears or .taxes doe therein, and costs, -as'
hereinafter set forth,'I hereby "giro notice that 1 shall, on.
WEDNESDAY, inn DAY OPbEdEHBEtt, 1884, at the
hour of ten o'clock la the forenoon, at the 'Court Douse,' in,
the Town of God'erich,•procoed co sell Um maid- lands by Pab•
John i.lunu; lout ulcGuwatt. Pair shearlieg
ewes, John Glenn, II Ross. • Pair ewe lambs,
J Glenn, (x Stewart.
()nem!) on S11aor6111a000wNN.—A.ged.ram,
H Snell & Sons. Shearling ram, .H Snell ib
Sons, H floss. Ram lamb, 1 and 2 H Snell
& Sons. fair aged ewes, 1 and 2 H Suell &
Sons. J'air shoerlinf,% ewes, H Snell & Sons:
-,Pair ewes lambs; II Snell & Sons.
Plu—!..Ant:ts Bee ED,—Brood sow, Richard
Sprung, Boar littered in 1884, J Gooier.
Sow littered in 1881, J Goviet•.
Svreot,cs.—Aged boar, J Govier, R Adams.Sow littered iu 1884, R Sellers, 11 Sprung.
BERRKt11nE•1.—Agc,l boar, N McDonald, J
Clark. lJron l ,• ,tt. S (trey. Boar littered:in
1884, T Carbel:', .1 as Cartwright., Son' lit-.
tered in 1884, 1 and 2 5 Grey..
(IeeIN.—lied winter tall wheat, Dr Sloan,
T Habilitate Treadwell fall wheat, It Laid-
law, it .T1 Lairllaw. Scnec:e fall .wheat'; T
Hamilton, R Cole & Son. Fall wheat, white.,
any other kind, It T Errett, Johtt Coming.
Lost Nation sprier. wheat, '1' Jlamiiton G
McQaat•rie. Spring wheat, any other kind, .
• anti '3 R L:oidlttw. Batley, '1' Hamilton; Tt.
r. Largo white oats, 11 Sprung, W 1
Proctor, clack tartar oats, Jas 1-tarrmon, .1 •
Potter. .Small white oats, T 1-tn.milton, J
Bair. Small ii1l ti res, (l Moffatt, \V J Frostier•
Darrel et 11)111, 1' Kelly & Sou.
V1:oE'rAnla•%s.—Ear ly rose potatoes, •T Barr,
5 Barr. 'Late rose potatoes, 5 Barr, .f Noe•
land. Any other kind potatoes; W Brunsdon,
R, Laidlaw. Collection potatoes,- It Laidlaw;
5 Barr. Field carrots, 11 Snell &'Sons, 'T
teat. t,atuuu carrots, teed, J Symington, 1t
Carter. Nino Swede turnips, J Barr, SBarr.
Bushel Swede turnips, J Barr, Dr Sloan.
Beets, It Carter, .1 Neeland. Maugolds H•
Snell ds Sous, .3 Uamiug. Pumpkins; R J
Sprung, J l lar r. Squashes, W J Proctor:
Onions, T fear, 11 Sellers. White beaus, J
Barr, A W Sloan. Corn, T Anderson, RJ
Sprang. Citrons, J Redmond, T Hamilton..
Water melons,. T Hamilton; .W J Proctor.
Cabbage, J Lyons, Jas Newcombe. •
DAIRY PRODUCE.—Tab of butter, R'John•
stop, J Brigham. Crook of butter, L Parker,
N Coming. 10 lbs butter, in rolls or prints,
W J Proctor, .T Brigham. Dairy cheese; D
Faraeeee, ]r, (l ';,!lir. on.. Factory ebeo$o,.
C x . ,. ;: ,, ,j•lr, R Martin, It Sprung:
Honey in comb, G Young. • •
FRUIT,—Northern spies, 0 Stewart, Me -
Glenn. Snow apples, 11 J Shorritt, S Potter.
Baldwins, J Barr, E. Carter. Rhode Island
greenings, VV Campbell, J McCowen. Spitz.
enburgs, r Fear, 11 B Laidlaw. Swaere, 1)r'
Sloan, .1 Potter. Four varieties winter ap.
plea, J 1'attelit, J Barr. Fehr varieties fall
apples, N Cuming, J Patten. Roxboro rue.
sots, '1. 1''ear, 11 B Laidlaw. Fall pippins, R
B Laidlaw, l.' Lear. 20 -oz pippins, G Stew
art, W Campbell. Any • other variety, J
Shorritt, N Cuming. Collodion apples, W
T Proctor, N Cnmiug. Winter pears, J Me•
Gowen, J Marr. Fall pears, J Redmond, J
Cartwright. 'tomatoes, H McC,uarrie, T
Fear. %rapes, J McGowan, 1' Foar. Crabs,
T Audet,ton, 11r Sloan. 1'eanhes, J (Menu, J
Mistet. eatapes.--(, '1kceton garden. pro.
duce, 11 5ellrre, VV J Proctor. Colloctiott
garden flower*, J Harrison. Canned fruit, It
McQaarrie, Miss Scott. Monne made grape
wine, T Pear, H bIcfjuarrie.
Pnrt.ray. •- 't'^:' .1 Harrison, .i Potter.
(Geese, ,I Harrison,1' Pear. Docks, J Potter,
J Harrison. Light leghorns, 1 and 2 A 3
Wilson, Black Spanish, .1 Harrison, A .
\Nilson. Light'bralimas, J ilat'riaon' A J
Wilson. Dark brahntas, 1 and 2 A J Wilton.
Hamburg9, 1 and 2 A J Wilson. Workings,
1 and 2 J Harrison, Black breasted red
game, .1 liarrisfrn, ,1 0 Stewart, Sufi.' Cashing,
A 3 Wilson. Bantams, 1 and n .1 J Wilson.
Sebri,(ht bantams, 1'V Watson. Mande, 1
and 2 A .1 Wilson. Plymouth rt,cks, W Wet.
aril, \ •! \i11+c1' ("Atka -roe fee ;•
Pigs and Cattle,'--\VJ 131ggine,, \,:bathe•
son, °linters ; E %Vatsou, Blyth.
10u1Lr\ e -'1' b Cellos, Blyth ; T M' Carling, 32
Can , 1 John !)owning, Goderich, . 1'
tabour lfumt)rigs.
The reedy that advertises—none other of
any account, every other a fraud and bum -
bug --is a fraud and 11timbug itself en'the,face
OCR. It tenet necessarily taste of eke' quack
and huinbu it talks of A remedy of .uteric;•
one that needs but little arivertisiug tb`secure
a first place in the household; never defames
enothor. Such a' one is GU•PE-SA, the liver
and dyspeptic .Panacea. Keep the sluguibh
Liver active. Theatomach. ready for nourish.
menta The head clear with 7.0 PE,SA—ob .
serve •regularity: Don't ovti'rload,, live long
and bo 'happy.
rjt,• ISD4l�L
•BAiV.K.ER.S,'.`• ..
Moneyadvancod on Mortgagee and Notes oMaud
Drafts issued payable at par, at all the oatees of the Park lot 17 4 Pat 19 00. 1 25' 20 34
lllorabant's Bank of. Canada. Now York exchange VILLAGE OF 1MAN(111PS1ER 1N NAW41:OSH WIIST
bought' and snide' PnontpT ATTENTION PAW To COLS 100%••••• ••• . 1.5 Pal 1,52. c 80 2 72
t.covidasthronghout ballade and the United. Stette. •
V iGLnGE 01•' BG] rtt
. 53 McDonald stir. 1, Pat.6.'15.0 DO 25•
8:1 • Napotrald vur 1i Pot 1" 0 83 ` 6'2
SALE NOTES BOUGHT at close rat s, and.mouC. Blo,.k Olu H.01uuoll a,. !, Pat 35 0 9s 8°25
advanced.totarmorahntheir own note o,furanytouttth VILLAGE OF IBRRUSSELS.'
,tttime to sutt;thu burrower, All marketable scour , 321 Pat 3 '1 ' 0 115 9 .1e
ties .bo htace:d cold. 322: 1, •1'11 i7 10 1 27. 19x20
D6 ! Pat 16 02 1 11 14 82
nANKF,aa IN Nnw Yoiui, Knrt3I0 ut' TNr, n0 vtr.ata0 01'' WRoX1 T11R. • v
'Iii , O 1NT's BANK 1)1 CA•NAn,t, • 8• ('entre at prat 4( 'Fat: 3 43 1 II 23 .2
.... Millet, south 1•.i' Int 37 59 L 70 19 29
County Treasurer's o01re, tVjDf,' I[OL111E$.
1eV7RIZEsr;f;I:LO {1711:1 'ON I)'tpos3.1"S Gbderich, Aug. 13 '1884 fin. Trrna+arrr.
FARRAN, J•J.Y. '4'ISDALL • • ,' •
u F•.:
1'ni4 oi'lilu,•;.1) Mtltlrtndrille 'tit Pot. 22 13 1 30 2:1.43
Tt1Wr81IIP ON HAL •- '
: - 1,, nod west 100 fat. • 54. 1.37 26 91
.'•'rO\VNSHIP.OF IIOW2(.h,
Il 100 -1'e, ':2n' 0 80 6 Ott
• a It t a28E 01' efnee i ren.. i. tiontich:
Small part of h Altei t St l Pat 1'13 0 03 3 98
West part oft Louisa `t 11 r Pat.1 11 0 78 1 89
Fast part of 3 Loulsa At 94)( Pat 12 77 1 23' 1•t (10
• ' TOWNSHIP 01?nurLer'r.
JY Elairt of 10 ..4 ' 33 Pao, 6 91 0 02 7.81
D' , L garret 1j Pat. 2 13.. 0 80 r 19
South pert. ol'23 3`-. •._ 4.Pat' 320 082 T• 70',
South east 11,17 6 50 Pat 3o 1?' 1 00 31 68.
22. Gardnerssua 1 1'at •9;11) 0 88, 0 26
VILLAGE OF BkLGItAYE Tr 510188411: .
43 NvCrta stir. '1 I'dt 5 51 0 08 n 39.i
4? • M1.Crea. stir.14 Pat 51 0.80 ` e 119
1414 part ;Np�art14.- • 10 Pat -1661 '115.1. 76.
i5 111111' OP :TF1HF1 .
12' L 100 Pal.. 37 8D 2 25 09 83
13 - 10 100 Pat ,. 60 ' , 09 85
♦fLL4(IP 01 1 1Yl'O$TD
Enat part nt L Range N• 31,: !'at. 23 0 i0 1 03
%Vrst holt e . 'lnyfrld roe 45. eat. of 14 1.0 011 24
T01t"--;, OF 1CIS(H 101 i') TGRCDEIII .
167' • . • 'u' )'at 9 04 0114 4 73
170 '.i: Pat 00 ' 0 8!i 6 03
171 '.. Pat 5 82 0 00 6 72'
West 'i 17•• •• ,:"' ' I'at .0 63 0 16 •1 39
i'at > 61 0 80 606
tib ' Pat 12.000 672:
1- Ar 678 091 ,70.•
252 t'.. &+tt i A6 0 9 225
2:05032.,' "" tl' Pat 1 48 (1 V 2 25
277 .. 1. 4•a4 8 5a 0 92 7 17.
272 ,:,:: r' '.- Pat. 6 24 0 Il l 7 •15
03 at.
Bit 101i; BLOCK, e11.8EI1I' STREET, CLINTON.
'10 furnish a house with taste and care,
{equires. some 'thought 1111.(1 ,decision;
The Kitchen, Bedroom, 11 rid i'nl•lol'fair,
Must all be planned! with precision,
My stock is complete with all in my line—
And handsome as handsome can be ;
F'i'oni kitchen chair to sofa. tine,
It's worth your \`-pile to can. find see.
oo cd
�. r } enjm thr T.:srge t and Best, ' E.
A . A t, Br _Nk,T _ t k , =� UItNI •
West OrTo•n1(10, 11(111 a ilflte t' i,eir is 5150 Peeler Suite. .
Parlor Suite :. and LOnn es . in ' erdlers variety, all our own. make:
� ��..� � tit .
1s now very complete.
Having' taken the' pains
—to inform myself elf res ect- . -...
ing the latest styles 01
Trimming and Furnitlh
Ing, and at considerable
expense supplied myself
with the beat material,
I will .continueto give
this department my
-� .. most assiduous care and
attention, doing all in meg power to accept nro•lati• byte y'class of ,the community suitably; and
on tbo most retie liable termsoonssatentwith_ tleirnugh efficiency in 'every detail- DIE AN1ft
SI:tire• Enema:: NO Iltnn, for preserving the dent!. Debris and everyrequisite always really
Fe r ' Soaps, 1:4ireitieJi nab. i rtis'hes
I .00per.'s and k 1jvi ae L�v�lLnder
G.onit�r>< (2101o_ free.
TOILET REQTISI'l'ES of the latest•manufactorc's of the ivorlrl.. PeeYsicraxs PussOltirrfOns
and FAsItty REcirrs: filledwith care and despatch.'DTSENFECT.ANTS of all kinds kept.
J AIF _-7H . _C:?IOE-,-
seat =Clearing Sale
Side roM
1,41 I
A • ..11
1 n,
As we are goxn;,' out of Imsiness all must be
sold by the 1st of _0Tai i a y
'We •'401d out ai large stock of Ciaods ,in foul' month's onto before, and -eau
do it agrlin, as we' do just what we rltivertise, and do not have ask sham..
sales, . which at'o . so common in '. this town.
The undersigned offers for Hilo elle property shown ill tilt.• -1T)ovtt diagram
bead; composed of the cast part of Lot 35, on 'till 1Gtlr concession Goderioll
Township, containing 26 acres and lt, Hark lot•rt'bjainibg, eontetIiifg 10 acres, tieing
p01112 of the east part of Lilt 35 Above' liictttlof(;tl, and about :'r • ;tures of it is inside
tho corporation of 0lintoll. Will be sold together or aioai;trirly,tosnit lin1ehnsel.
For further particulars apply tq
.1AM1'*,,' 1?s\IH.
(pith:i'lu, i•tt: l`4 1 :fit,
Dry C-o.ocls • at Wholesale 'Prices,
Clothing at Wholesale ;Prices.
Hats & Caps atTholesale Prices.
Boots & $hoes at Wholesale. Prices
:Groceries at . Wholesale prices,
f'ont(iat o11c0 1111(1 g 12 till !:lit nee, 3;4001. VO(1 'mutt aT w1iol(+ot'tltl• ttl100:r. • "l'110 ;sale
, tSflhitttu: until .all ire sold. `