HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-24, Page 5I l Om Stock for the coining se.eson is large rind -varied, and will bei. sold, at pric(s to suit the closest buyers. - TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, &c, on haat, and for sale at low prices. Butter and Eggs taI en u e$ohange; Vivo per °eut off for cash. W. T A. Y -r & SON eJZower always LowerE 9 WE A.R.E. BOUND TO LEAK N LOWPRJCEs, And to have it ever known that THE 90 IS BOSS, OU`R SUGAR is Cheaper than ever. -1 e—hive--x--splendid assortment ---in-• TEAS, BLACK, GREEN .end JAPAN, which we would especially call your attentionto, from 25c, upwards. 13 pounds GRANULATED SUGAR $1,00 cash. 25 pounds of RAISINS for. $1.00 cash. 15 pounds best PRUNES for $1.00 cash. 15 pound case CURRANTS $1.00‘ .cash, CANNED FRUITS, CANNED FISH and CANNED lMEA.TS of • the best Brands, at the lowest prices. A very large assortment of CHINA, .GRAN ITE and GLASSWARE at right figures Ground' and Whole Spices, none but pure kept. Everything else thatis required in a filst.elass Grocery, HIGHEST price for any quantity of GOOD BUTTER.. Cash paid .fun EGGS. Don't forget the old stand. •S' ' 99 A. ANGUS. 99 go-.., CHEMISTS & • DRUGGISTS Albert Stroet, ClirY ton. The public will find our stock of medicines complete, warranted genuine,' find of the best quality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER .BRACES, TRITSSES, SPONGES AND ALL KINDS OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES' USUALLY REPT. IN A FIRST CTi1,SS DRUG STORE. .i AWomeiwwwwwwwwwwwwimminsimisma. Now for Bargains Boots, Shoes,Harness, Trunk JAMES TWlTHELL'S, o 1laving re.,e ived my Spring and Summer stock of Boots and Shoes, I t otild .call the attention of the public to the same.. ' SW' IIID BUTTON BOOTS, Silver Mounted Single .Ii tritess: only only $1.75. MEN'S, BOLOS and • CHILDREN'S, cheap accordingly. • TRUNKS and VALISES, very cheap. . TEAM and CARRIA GE HARNESS • Cheaper than ever. • ROOMS TO LFT, over shtp BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOE BOOTS. &:SHOES. J. TWITCHELL, VICTORIA BLOCK CLINTON !VICTORIA 'BLOCK, BAR I' CARRIAGES, a large •varzgty, at almost half-price. • 15,000 bunches highs larad.Pine <t Ceaar SHINGLES, for sale cheap. • Boundary Award Sustained Mowat Won't on't Go 1 BUT THE PEOPLE WILL C0 TO Adams' Emporium, Loudesboro, Where they can get the best value for their money. Please note the prices of the following: Granulated. Sugar, A lbs. $1, caon Good Brown, 117 lbs. for Si, caOh. I Good • Raisins, '20 lbs. for $1, cash. IiARGIAINS IN BOOTS A. SHOES, 'balance of summer, FORKS, 1 AKI S, .WIOES, &c. OROCK1 i,Y & GLASSWARE, to make room for fall purchases which are the neweess't designs out. Bargains in DRY GOODS of ltllkinds, especially T WEDS AND PRINTS. • BUTTEBUTTE TATIN TE T--1000 'ubs of first'-c1A a Butter wanted at 15 cts R R YY l� 1 pax lb; m trade at time of delivery, hitt riot taken on account at that price at present. WIlighost price for Eggs. * FURNITURE & SHINGLES FOR SALE fir" raltde''iieare Artp•. 8, 1884. Immense - *ed. • } A *29 BIDLIOAD PRIZE. The publishers of Rutledge's Monthly.offer fil' twelve valuebld xewarde in their ?donthly for, G$Qul November, aaro'ng lvhfclx is the following We will give $20.00 to the person telling us in how many languages the supersorfption. was written on the cross oyer Tetas at the time he woe cruclled, by Novarrtber 10th, 1884.. Should two or more correct answers be. received, the Ituw.aun will be divided. The money wilt ,be forwarded to the winner November I5th, IsS1 Person trying for the reward roust send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will receive the December 11outh- ly, in which the name and address of the winner of the reward will be published, and il nwd hich severae correct l more Rosman -re rewards will be offered.. 'Address r.�•osman- e , PUALISfpl*t; (omPeisr, Easton. *Penna. Just received, an Immense Stock gf the most Improved Patterns. and Xelveat .designs; 'WOOD COOKING STOVES, WOOD OR COAL COOKING STOVES, PARLOR, AND HALL STOVES,. BASE BURNER COAL STOVES. Including the CELEBRATED RADIANT HOME, Also other new patterns. And as they have all been well bought, we are prepared to givo our ouetomers LOW PRICES. Also, a large assortment of STOVE BOARDS, COATS SCUTTLES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, &o,. very cheap, A ]ari;elot -of LAMPS at re• duced prices. BEST AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL OIL always in stock. Please call and get prices and be convinced that. our Stock is gootlaud prices right.. . HARLAND RBCS.Sign of the Padlock, ' Albert Street, Clinton. • •0 ompson wltzer ARE „SELLING VERY CHEAP TTHEIR STOCK OF Groceries, Crockery, GIa sw '.. ill's, aid Shoes&C Boots ;�, , . S•tTGAR, 15 lbs.^ for $1. 3.bus good 'SOAP, for $1:, 0. 1, -gal. can. PEACHES, 75c. CANNED . S,' very c:heAp.. GL SETS, 50 c, • in. -SALVER, f$O c, 2 qt. GLASS' PITCHERS, SOe, BOOTS sod. SHOES, :Fell :Stock: Jost Arrived: OMEN'S BOOTS FROM $1 PER :PAIR, UPWARD. h '.N'S LONG BOOTS $2.25.:: • elS• hange-of-Business i lttit Firt•L111tIItt ttt'tttttt[1[1t1 i"1.1 The undersigned, begs to notify the' people of Clinton and vicinity that be has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly. carried of 11 ¶. L • Newto11, An that he is prepared to furnish Harness Collars, Whips, Trunks,Valises, Buffalo Robes, 'Blankets. • And everything usuaity• kept:. in a firat•clase Hermes Shop, at the lowest prices: Special • attention is directed to my.stook of L14sT. HAlixESS, whioh I will make, a specialty, • REPAIRING.. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Bay strict attention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my customers, 'I hope, to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a'eall before -pareira -ng elsewhere: REMEMBER THE STAND --OPPOSITE' THE MAREET. • :S.. A,1i31 .ail.,*:: • Try "seas thonume fin .ru to Si-rofula 'because of V. v(i hiu.t i tvui,l ba cured.. by it: 'i ti 1+ ,r, .']ho wv.,E,;• wiser now, and i..u"ty •.{.., SCRQVU.LA can only .be r uf,.l i • t.. thorough puniika. time of the; blush. It tiffs is nes-meted. .the'disease perpetuates, its taint through generation after generation. Among :its earlier synpfornatte developments. are Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu- mors, Bolls Carbuncles, Erysipelas, prulent IT steal Nervous and vii - slcal Collapse,: etc. If 'allowed to con time, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca-.. tarrii, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption,1 and:vari- ous other dangerous or fatal maladies,. are produced by it.. OLD AND RELTAIILE. ^ 01 -ray's .fa�peeiilc 11i<edic ne, 'Enema•.IMAitIC THetlnsaaRatarraxFatA01 Wait • 1taYanY 5,, unfal e S;yt. ears for �emInai wet r"�` ue00. Spermat .rrhea, -,, Impbteac ,and an die• , aueanthat follor as a aeq:.osce.of self bas! —as lase of memory, • .i`1'. • t a s:creel lassitude,•— , if. 4441:, paha in thel ack, dlrn Bef,ro �I'dint. tura old age,andmaay other diseases., that A inIQ, lead' to insanity. or consumption and A premature. grave. • fall •Particulars inour 'pa�l�nph�lot,.which we desire to send • free by mall to every, one. w-- The Specific ]Medicine is field -by all tlrugalste at sent per paekokke, or alx ppackages for•1ve dollar! r wiillt be'sent flea by mall, on receipt of the money br ad-. dressitg TRH QBAY MBDICIhRE CO., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, • y Ayer's Sarsaparilla 18 the onlj owe{rffli and anotias reliablo.'. blood -purifying snedicine.. It so effect- ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagions diseases and mercury. At the same time it en- riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital Organs and rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of 'the1'genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with J ellow Dock,, Slit lingza, the Iodides of Potassftrna end Iron, and other ingredients of great 'po- tency. carefully and'riisltiiliailly rem- , pounded. Its formula hi l;e uor::l(v 'mown to the inedieal profession. and rhe• best physicians constantly .prescribe .AVE it's ARSAPAIIILLA a4 an Absolute Cure For all diseases cauised by the vitf„'fon of the blood.. It is concentrated to the high-' est practicable degree, far beyond gray other preparation fee Which Trice effects- •- are claimed, and is therefore the elhenpest, as .well 11s the best blood purifying, medi- cine, in the world, Ayer'S Sarsaparilla PREi'AEED Dr.J.`Auazytl. Ayer ait Cfltemfetsl�Mass. S6Id bI' All Druggists: price til; six• • bottles for Of. - B°UGGIES.• 28 New SINGLE`BITGGIlS For pale cheap et OALLAN15E1t .t DROP. 9ltor, next door to the Doherty Organ Faotory, Wolf finish- ed and cart bo bought'at adl prieos, according to finish from trio upward. Oeste and eoe us and got our tends. 'wall give Written guarantee with every ono. 0ALLANiit'1t 8c BTIO., Clinton ill. 4.. BEN'ZTETT, • UNDERTAKER.' Funerals Furnished in first class Style' GOOD ITSAIt$EY i;t' AT• TN music .• Canasta • ..• MonsiAru, RED ROCKER STO},iE: TILL MOLSONS BANK. Incorporated by Aot of Parliament, 18A4. 'CAPITAL, ' -- `$2,000,000. HEAD • °P ICR, 81ONTREAL.1 TflOMAh3 WO1tici1A1li;....... ?resident, J. IL R. aroLSON vice -Pres. • F. WOLFERS CAN. TII0 t1AS, Conceal Manager. Zgotel "discountril,' Collections marls, Drafts issued, Sterling and American 'exchange ' • &night 414 sold at lowest current rates... tNTERk9T ,ALLOWED, ON DEPOSITS. , Mandy ativi ihced.to farmers on their own notes with no or more endorsers, No mortgage required es se- itrity, ' II, O. BREWER eager, Januar}, las w 011nto#i' C; ik.1 5''x'4.)1'sl' D R" " Ko lx4 11T gun 8UbsoiiiBEn IIAVrINO JUST 00M1'LETC1) eT and t.fo atestimproVwd patte'n',,ri3 DOW'prreparOd a to attend to all orders in his lino in the most prompt ,,and satisfactory manner. and at reasonable rates. IIs would also return thanks to all who patronized nu old firm before they were burped out, auction seeing in a better position to execute e:Ylersaxpt,,;i"ously,. feels ooufident lie !Air giVg satanic. • -iv all; PAOTOiR.)•'w..Vear th;' 0,11 ed Tridil; Eai2 ?say, Clinton. 'rif'01tt lit Uoltl3:1LIt . Around the County. Mr. Stelk, one of the et. :y settlers of Hay, died last week. t ltobert Stewart, teacher in S, S., No. 4, Grey,, has been re engaged for another year, "Pfue Colrain CM, Do not take any .other, ..o -cents, • 41r, J B. Nolte], of Goderich, has sold out his ill ugsteret5`Dr c17. 13:1Th Lely Mr.. Rost. -Parley, of Chtelehurst, has Teased his farm of 550.. acres to Jacob Lotto for a term of five years, When you swallow "Hun" Caron C unit, you take the best Cough cure on. earth, and. the cheapest, 25 cents. Mr. W. H, Stewart, .who ]las taught in 5, S. No. l,: How,iok, four years, is again re-engaged for 1885, at a salaryof 000, Alessl>s. Was' rind':Ian. Tissett, of Exeter, sbet two fine deer in the'neigh- borhood eigh borhood of Black Creek, on ,Tuesday last. "Blood•food" is the suggestive name often given to Ayers' Sarsaparilla, because of its • blood.enriching qualities. On Monday night David Iamb, of Morris, had a snare stolen from his • field during the night. She is gray and blil>Ed.• • :The hnaoiy friends of Mr: 'Peter Mc- Tavish, of the Mill Road, Tuckersmith,:." will „regret 'to learn that he is confined to his houseby; illness. • "Must say it's the nioeet thing I ever need. for teeth and breath," says every one having' tried "Weimar," the new toilet gem.. Get • a .ample, ' ilir, '*John Gibson of: the Wroxeter saw mills, while working about the en- gine by some means slipped into the hot water- tank, scalding one of hie feet very severely. Mr. :avid"Mill, of Usborne, has pur- chased from Mr. 'Geo, Willis, of Exeter,. the brick residence'now occupied by -Mr .'.- B; Carling,' -paying $1,SOG for it. He. intends reproving, to. Exeter shortly and will occupy it DoN'x t. o•'BAdtltxht0. 'arouh tl to the il4tootti. fort of yourself and everybody. Fur 25c. get a bottle of "Hub" Conan CU&E, which will relieve in a few minutes. Ask your druggist. At' the Meeting. last `Saturday of the :.: Commissioners for the Crooks. Act F.,;: Fxey's: license' at Brussels, was cancelled on account of ,not.:having the necessary. accommodations for a •lioteli. :Mr. Frey still holds•a Dominion license. . On Friday afternoon Keith McLean, of Goderich, while carrying a ramrod> with him on his bicycle, unconsciously permitted the piece of steel . tb get be- tween rho spokes of his wheel, and took. terrible header rt was found that he 'had broken This'' :stili: ila the same pine es fractured a • couple of months • ego by,r"header." Try •Ayer's Pills, and lie hiire ,.. Misery a mild word to describe themischief to hod and mind caused by habitual constipation. The regular use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills, in mild dosea; will restore the torpid viscera to °healthy action. At a special vestry , Meeting of the members of St. Johns' church, Brussels, the Rev. P. Ryan . tendered his resigna-. 'tion, which after considerable consi:o'ora• tion was accepted: by 'the vestry, to take effect the 1st Monday in . ;'nt;ember. The rev. gentleman has been incumbent of Chih parish for the pas.. sig.. years,- duri ng•rvhieh time he has; built the fine ' parish church at Walton, costing 82,000, which is all paid oft "and .the debt' on St. John's .ch molt Brussels has been .re- duced frem,e2500 e ducedfrem.$2500 to $500. . . The'aditorss ;Tribute. Theron P Heater, l ditbr of Ft, Wayne,' .tad.,' "Gazette," wt ... s : For the past five yeais],avo always used Dr. Ring's New Dui. covery,for coughs of most severe rb' acter, as well as for those of a milder' typo. 1 never .fails to effect a speedy cure. 112y ' friends to whom I have recommended it speak of it in same high terms, Having been cur- ed by it of every cough T have '' for iive years, T consider it the only reliable and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, etc." Call at Watts , & Co's Drag Stara and get a free trial bottle. Large Size V. Bueeloos Arnica' MMnive. • Tho best saw, in the world for euta,bruisir sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chapped hands, ahhlblaine,•corns,.ond all skin eruptions, and pos Lively Oates piles, or no pay required, It h. guaranteed to givo perfectsaiisfaetioiz or money refunded, I'riee 25 centsper box. "%Vette & Co, H PUMP FACTORY. Ferguson & Willows vi er.atErons. ffli 511.1311ORiJ13 R8 1LAv'INcf REeJ;N-1LY Started Olfactory fn illyth, bog tia intifniite‘ to the people of Duron that they are prriiitto.T to stick weds or eiotcrns. and provide Pampa of the very best Workmanship, flaying had nett. aitlerable 11 rience in the pttnib• ri kick heel. miss, they feel eonitdOat they 1011 i ive entire eatlsfaotioii. A11 orders, by Mail Arothertvise " promptly tilled, at the 1uort reasonable rotas,' 10 ,alt, April, 1884.