HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-24, Page 4-,.-� �, » 1 X_��Jv:.4,._, , - � Ist1U u1Cx, tot1�t oo. Z, 0=3?8r#,�i,00 '" gpti:ii In �r tf 11 on.tho ani cat next will use !U »c x a'x ,. A$UFAJKL OTT AC 1►IES NGiK .. . - day, the t'ollowin municipalities will use Furs—W, Jackson, 0� K��vtt o IAT'r�R.�r the voters' lists. x888: --East and Wept township of Ashfi ld Scott cat 1 tyb, ' in, 1IOtice-•1)ry Goods Mercilante., --- Wawanosh, Clt�li(rrue, Stanley, McKillop, the a 11e1t1aaatwo very aThuursd Y, Oct. ]6tlt, tn, G}rl wanted -Mrs. �Y. Foster. (ori) Wroxeter, Crlint(►a. irsborne, Stephen, the p p p The fret was \Vin ham held to the afteruocn, in the MethodistI. T E.A 1 t Girl wauted.-�-Mra, J. 0. Gilroy, "Newa.of battle! Aye but 6eAr•lt Morris, g , Hotwick, Brussels. Ez- ' House to rent --Wm. SmitUson.1 �' flinging out onseveryhand; it alar, Blyyth, .Goderieh town. T11e li;t for church, Dunganuotl, the place Laing well House for Rale -W. J. Hemphil., Nelda of battle!" Ne er fe r , 1884 will be used in the titilotringg muni- tilledwitU an apI)reciaLive audience. The y ° ]3azaar and Social-Freshyter an choir, Thou it rage through ,all the nd. cipalities:-1 urnberry, Ashfield, Goderlcit �peR1 hes of Revs. Jahn Smith, Toronto, . , Farm for sale. -D, Mitchell MoDonald. , (. B. Taylor, of Bayfield, and Masers, o "News. of battle!" Go and fight it, totatoshfp, IfayR txrev, Iatlictt, Seaforth, E.. Cameron and J. Somerville M.P., of Notice -David Cantelo0, Fight it to the bitter end I Bayfield, '1'uclr ismitb I.utsktioty, were of a ver high order cel- a • . Stray Sheep -G. W, Dyke. Strong the free, put do not alight:it, Y t ' Band sags -A• Weir• a I Firm. a hank for virtuoe.fend 1' The ExectttivI of the Huron Scott Act dam, if .ever, have we listened to such f --------rr:.; rr Association sent tUQir treasurer, hlr,, G. Powerful and convincing addresses. Mr. If News of battle t hark the moaning, 1 e �+ Of the, too -times -fettered soul! Stevenson,. ofClintodt, oil business irl con- 1`• 11eGillicuddy, (ifthe Goderich Signal, also made a very telling speech. The w e41f Rescue him in horror groaning F nectfon with the present campaign, into "choir of the church added much to the I (911"Utou 1�'JW 6ia• . iveath the w'addenlug of lite bowl . the township of Grey, to stir up the ;tem- ° . peranpe workers there, and see how they 'interest of the meeting. The meeting at ----- Cry aloud for prohibition 1 r 1yere ro casein He re orfs: the town- night was field in the }l ethpdiet church, ­ L.", ry Good.,Palac, 1� RIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1881-' Cry .aloud for measures strong 1 p ll g• P Hacketts.. Again the speakers were greet, Or aloud slow for deoieon ship well canvassed and under good or- P g . _ Y aniztttlnn, Rev. Mr. McCrae, pt Gran- ed with a full house. The speakers at - -"_ -'__ Kar the right, against the wrong ; t • night were Afessrs. 4mitb, Tavlor Came- T 1Yt)1i7, lr'Oli YtC'111iy, conk, Yice•l'reatdent for Grey, with his g �. "News of battle I" bion of Hurou, committee and others,. are bolding meet- tort and Iiiehard:z. here every h a seem- ' J3eforo another issue of the NEW ]Jit.A Prise and do tho doughty deed ! ed cbarmed find delighted with sill the* Fight the battle, win, the glory, : ing5 in the township, and report a good g .. :lope rrs, the people of this county will L'nsi it forth with all due speed : i majority to be teen for the act which is speakers, The eloryuent and 1)mrtrful act- P g ' dresses of Revs. Smith and 'Taylor will `' have passed their verdict ou the Scott ' �_,..�.. _- i very encouraging. + .. not soon be forgotten by the friends. of • Act. What will the verdict be" IaQY.. Messrs. Stewart sup nextTuesdayAt the regent meeting of the Licensed Vic-' temperance in Ashfield, Their visit was r I a meeting near Londeabor y I tnaflers here one of the speakers 1s said to timet g . �iLINTQN1. Shall the people, by their votes, declare , �, P y„ and has done' much good, Air, , e evening. have used these words: We have the Epps- Richardq made some good points, which ^ that they are satisfied to allow the liquor Rev. G. B, Taylor, (lrpisoopal will deliver oo al Clgr and people with as almost to a traffic to go on :' Has it not et wrought 1 P p P were well received by the audience, 1►Ir. Q Y g an address on the Scott A•et, Ill the, town man. We have nearly all the Presbyterians Somerville who is a host in himself, oil ;sufficient injury and produced enough hall, Clinton, this (Friday) evening, with us, but the Methodists - they aro devils:' the temperance question, was very enfhu- We are Glad to aay, that this choles quotation elastically received by the audience, in misery ? The money a enb in this county every year is far frgm being true, in every respect. Ngiia- - i If the people believe that it has done -y p r here of Episcopalians aliana is the count are work• th®afternoon and madE aspfendid speech, p p for liquors is over$500,000. Just think what p While delighted with the ability and'" t . t ing for the atic^osis of the Act; the same ie, sufficient mischief and harm, then it is a lot of good,that would do if spent for meat, true of the Presbyterians, man of whose manner with which the different sperFkers - t. '' their duty plainly to come out and sup- groceries, clothes; &o. Is it not a shame to ministers are doing valiant service on the treated the all important quest' n of the, • ' T art the Act.. think that half a million doptirs are thea platform, the Methodists are only on the hour, we were more than pleased ith the p spent every year in this county. came footing as the rest, end ons of the most clear and logical exposition o£ t e Scott ' Men who offer the excuse, for not sup- n `' . earnest. workers in the cause is a Baptist, Act by Mr. Cameron, and the 4,ble man- . In the united. counties of Stormogt, Dan, Rev: Dolan Gray, of whom the Exeter Reflec• nor in which he refuted the objections ' ' ' porting the Scott Act, that it does not go . ,.;, _ _ das, and Glengary, the Scott Act was carried. tor, spealring of the meetings in the south at raised against the Act. I think he dis- far enough, should remembal •that, it iQ. _.., _• , Iaet Thtarsday, by over 1,700 of a maJonty:", hich "itis - edito'r opposlel -the Aet; says., Posed cf •the barley; the revenue, and•the» .: ' .,»•,,....-.,,..„,_-_,.w , ,,,,.,�,--,-.-•,,,, , ,,, »w• - » " the best temperance act yet offered to the That should be encouraging news for the "The Rev. Mr. John Gray, of Clinton,. ver P q - �~••• --~ y coin enation questions to the satisfaction1. """'' people. temperance workers in Hncou, Let the ma- ably and gentlemanly represented the Scott Of all, Obert Harrison, Esq ,vice press' And, no doubt, when the people, by jority here be equally as large, Act party at all the :meettilgs. The church• dent, presided at both meetings with great E - tate 'Of the . . . t ea, though not unit, are working nnitedl; ability, and to rife delight of all, FridayI . their support of the Act, show-th-e gov'M_ 'Entlausiastio meetings in favor of the Act for the success of the Act, night, 17th Inst„ Mr, . Cameron and my- _ ' ment that the are favorable . to entire , y' are being held all over the county, and where �..._ self attended a meeting at .T.oeh Alsh, prohibition, then the government will slight apathy and indifference }were before 1 where we lead a good house, and,, i.f pos ase such a measure. manifested now the greatest enthusiasm pre.- SCorT. ACT IN bTAXLLY. -• A barna sible, Mr. Cameron e.xcelled his former " i, p ' correspondent writes: Scott Act meetia s efforts carrying the entire house with Every *man who has a family should vails. In a rest many churches temperance p g Y g`'" g arc.tho order of tUe da Qui uldefati r him. It is to be bo ed that A[ Cameron support the Act, on behalf of his children sermons will 'be preached next Snnday!� cull t Y a P } if people w111 go. againet the Act, it wog; t be able I resident, Air. 1Ym Iaeys, is doing will not get much time'to' re t, till after !• because it will remove Eentptatlon out of because the have not.been enlightened as yeoman service indeed, aFl this great tbo 30th lust., when shall all share La* tV. on Hodge nis y 'glorious vie r .. • . .their way. 'to .the•. evils of inteniperalioe ant the bene. P nttivo►Hent, sparing neither himself nor the colninon ,ley of a tp y, ;� fitsarfsin fr m abstinence,.,..µ _.:•,+•l.tis..hs,rae n xhe_iiltereatof. temperailco. She .people_oF_old•H.uron._feel--,that tile, - -- - - - - - ' Some VapQgs, refuse to support. i.t-be- ..__-._.____g.. _o_.._. _.. • .. ;'Three more meetings are contemplated in eyes of the country are on thein, and ;are , cause they say "liquor has done them no D. Martin, who spoke agaigat the Scott this township prior to toting -at Berne, determined. do give a good. account :of . r. harm." Perhaps not directly. But how Act at Soafortb, a arentl supplies a report (' Brucefaeld •and' V..irna. Arrangements themselves,, .on the 80th, Inst, The ,S,cott �. ti li. , , . . . mach indirectly. Tet. these parties .call of the meetin to e.tVin ham Vidette, and j ua�'�, also. bpen made for union' prayer Act. forms .the Staple "9f conversation all I that have occurred g g ' difficult o meottngs all aver the township, .on Wed- �- I o) er the county, and' the meet cheering tip the circumstances :more partial report; would be da t ; neBid evenin nett: We are .looking reports lire comity to its ever day; from -- -'-~- ' within their own circleof relativesl and produce, In it he refers to Rev, John Ross' • f r'a tritlm an vindication Oi' the 'rinh P Y ' as'"a demented creature from 'Brgcefield. I .o ph righ% , the different fields of conflict, of battles . see if liquor has clone them no harm. \that do the people of Stanley and Tucker- t In Stanley, on the 80th IV 9f nobly fought and victories gloriously won. . f3 smith think of each a. reference .to their es These all call for gratitude and praise to Others regard the Act as an infringe- . . �+' it is .to a teemed pastor? If Martin should face him i SCOTT ACT r Howic,K'-Aleetings are the"Giver of all good," and should cheer • . , � . Inent of personal liberty. r o r on the platform, he airill.find•that he is very i tieing, held nearly every night. Our cor- us with Hope, and nerve us for still great- • certain extent, and so is any law on the far from being "demented," l resliondenthad attended five before the er.victories,•lintil this grand.Dominion is . 6`• b• statute book. Tbat•against theft is an in- oppositicii •'had courage enouO to sh$v freed from the curse 'of strong drink; ' ' ' cement of the )arsenal liberty of the • Somt people; raise t{ie, objection that the up:. • At Orange .dill on Tuesday evening, "This foe of God and. man:' The conflict ■ ■ icing That t murder t ie Scott :het is a political, dodge. L.ii the part of ' the 14th; the vice -prey. of the antilil 'ap- will soon be over; and the victory ours, �., I . . . a ot 8� I . .. would-be thief. 'hat agalns 1 eared was given an hour 'anti used onl. . I -Y y . Reformers. Tei show that this is not so 'ue. p , g y but. we must push the battle with vigor: same, and se with any other legal..enact- rnayetate that AIr.'1'hos,Tarrow;'Ai, P,, (Con- 1 thirty-tno; tuinutes. His party l friends ds during ;the, next few days. Men and wo- meat, servatfve) last week•wrote a .letter to the (were theca in strting;force to g ve, him luau• of Huron arise in your might,'and' ' 'a U. L , U,er . . backbone and when thellev.Mr.•Charlton crush to death this mongter evil..',yo . .. But what are laws made for? To pro- Howicn' Eateiprise, warmly c6tifident tile. i , . . Act, and stating that he was confident p'olE, vas thio ugh;rvith him, he sadly needed. may have but this one chance' to ado a -teetthe -many from--the-follies:-and-crime tics -hid ntr a-t�v,wlisfever-with-the-moveme tiffenirlg,--LTI%spe&Gh vas nialnl eom= .gxa� ing 1m• vour_coun.try _._D_0J1_t 1 _ _ _ �•_ e h e- held -aur h ' few. Sir Leonard Tilley -And Prof.: roster, both 1: posed of diatribes at the -ministers, .are- it slip; but rally to the polls on the .30th - ".1 1 oft L p -g l , P , . y. y Conservatives, have'.also . writteh es cassia view of the )]ace of salvation an ex lana- fust, null record our votes• for.. the Scott IN'y That is wbo)t die ._cott Act fuss flamed their hearty' sympathy with the Scott Act, tion . of the doctrines of the Methodist Act, and thus rescue 'your country from p for. It offers protection to the would-be The man -who shields himself behind this es church • anti a misstatement of the cider the curse of lutein erance, C. H. I ' FALL �."'' �� i p% • drunkard, and his family. Legally a man cuss, has very little shelter. , question., We. must not forget to .credit • . . --..+— cannot eat poison. He cannot even sell ., I lune wittli.an attempt to show how much . It was announced by postera few days ago. 'Of MILLINERY and MANTLES, and showed, . P r''. There is scareelyni'shndow of doubt -but that diseased meat or milk, and why ? Because worse -Halton was under the Scott Act.'. thO the Barrie hotel -keepers were to :charge - 11 d M I S uld be an injury to the community. the Act will lie carried' in'this county by a Verily, lie is wiser than the people of that farmers higher' prices for • slieds • and meal., the Finest. Stock ot� .High'.class. Millinery...and, it ho 1 Y I Charltonand, had entered , into an agreement that The law (through the State) steps in and large majority: "Tile people are with us, , l comity. .Mr. Ceffectually d. . .. g' unit . • front all sections. I co r ever lioint he raised. Ever cont . whoever charged less shoals forfeit. $100. Mantles ever..oi 'eyed to- the public' by -11S.. protects the community. is the I:atlfy'tug•ropc,rt I Y ., The,Soott r1tSt. eo e,Ao the sur rise, of the_.. legitimate effort - there sults ma -be--, cession is beta -vJ olotisl , canvassed -.tad . 'We trust that every lab en couragingthoultrall 1.. Y . ,,.1 g g ; y - -p- p - -- -- -� - --- - - - 1. to assure the successful no .one, should relax •their efforts fur. tho sue• tf the friends work till- .polling day Hoty- hotcl.t;ea gars, o;iened places of :accoEiiioda• - will be put forth i tion tvliere• the old tariff. was dealaretl int ` : nAnso. carrying; of the act by a good ma,joriCy. cess of 'tile Act until `after the '30th dust: I ack will give three liutidred majority. d — -. Make dtrong.,efforts to get every :vote oat. ; foreo,.gi�ing Ecco shed. to the .farnlors and i n T - g ' meiils for 23 cents, Illeals were .prepared as .: I I -.o . a : --•..n Let the majority for the -Act be as large as it j - STOR;tON'j', I)1..1DA1, Al:p' GLE G XII Y. " r Ti1L' I311tLLT to CLaTti11 usual by tate hotel•keepery, but ,the farmers. , ,' j� 1 I 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1// . . is possible. to snake it. ,.If there ever Has an I-AIi..S C. tamith, formerly teacher On 'declared their indopendenee anti xvould not lY�jtj�cc�� act 'act i'sno3 against the carry.ino occasion when the people should turn otat,in the 16th CO11., CpderlClt township, writing. yield. ,Scala« this one of the hotel•keepers "�2 1-t'tH, - 11105_1 <� fly sh 1 a o e,full forge, it is .at the• present'. time: Baily froni..Lancaster to'a. friend here y oaks, ! �' O_ N: l-"'itP sold'out to his son, ,who .immediatel,y return•' 1: f�of ;be Scutt :>ut in this county, under the to the poll:. w ,�- r; „ of ;tile victory id .the united counties: ;of ed to the�old tariff, tho balanob ..'of the hotel ., . U2+Q N �t heading '`l'ttets ter the people, contains`so Stormont,, „1)ttndas slid CTlengary, 'as fol' keepers follosvitfg suit;'therefore breaking.'N--cam �'� many litiattaternents and unqualified asset For nine years )\3,i. luasley, Las. been Clitef -lotus r•-'1'lre'.enei fes of those'eng, as on their tariff, iyhfclt ].sates about, twelve hours. I1 W ► , . �H ca C), 0rri U t g the _ . g tions, that we foul called upon to Joint a few constable of this town; 'Darin that titni, side:of;the Act.mitst•haye bean tared' Signs are to be. seen at some of -,the hotel's' '� `•.W �,N 0: C]� 1. �' , . ', . Y certain that no. he .has -made alar a.number of arrests f9r. to t1li utmost; •to.:roll u .8ueli An over announcing meals at 2:, cellts,.ana sheds,free, �iI 0 ` '. L,d4.2..}� •1 out, although ,ve aro almost c g,. ... r. P .,. C) , U2 O R VC1 11 d as to accept such ar- 0 caeca. i'et µrill the exception of whelming majority. '.Choy. did not dream The Toronto di trllera lit a n1Ee„ll,g Ift t �•t1. one is so siulple-winds p various f , , P l P ! 0+3 V2 0 R:' y♦�0 a some half•dozen'instancea :ever arrest dui• Of such a majority. With :such .an et- Toronto, cane 'to the .cp.ncll ,ion that too.. �,� t/1� �� rant nonsense and untruthful statement., ,. Y in the nine kers was`daQ .di1•ectly or indi- ample, befi)re ~hent, why'sbould' not `the mach money was. being spen throughout U rn H If we µaro tx•rtaiu that Query elector would g y �g !'+ ,moi. F"t' -_ --''=1 rectly to the liquor traffic, :'Ana-' bat is true people of 1-hiron give aslveepingmailorlty, the counties .tn figbtiao, the Scott :pct,: - (�; k' �.,, 0 read the.tatetnent of 4It,, tW, H. Howland, of, this lace ie also likely do be'trnq of I•They'_are, Coln.parativbly s[ieaking,:;•far andahat the most effective.lvay'lvould; be. II. �j' $y 1`i i� ',.4 ',� A rain Yvorehaut of 'faro tv, on the barley .other ,places to .the county: . If .cren ; this' ahead of the people :here, mentally and to fight it in Parliament; g Dull can be, stopped Ly the Scott .let --and It morally .I cannot say j)hysically, for t jloultl'ue remembered. tli tG vptiil++ ou I • • : �.'� +� Orcl �. M question, we would not trouble ourselves to i. .� I 1 can—tlien tt fs tlit __ duty of eitizcm wh,O there are sovie giants In j1elAt and I • -3 �,f.� P 14 .��' � '. notice the falsehoods in the flysheet, rhe has the r1•.lfar'e of Itis felloev •at Iicart to sill )•. e the '.Scott Act` 11 done the scale a5 at. -a'ii 0 ,� 5�_ . 1 strength Nett, \flic' . we consider that ordinary. election, Every . i'oter should �. H , 1►' gist of its figures and assertions is that, if the port .he Seott:Aot. there. arc In the confit 'of Glenn it 1'Ven- y g•, y, voter; and every ballot 1japer' ire marked r '�'� N,Q. ; 0) •D. c act is carried generally, the loss on barley to , . t I4f hlandels to one of other u.atlonali-A; � . FIow many families are tlteru ru this:towlt. Y b” thus:. h 0 J��. each farmer would be a10 annual) a but this ties., Find that ouli•of these'tiventy fifteen Ir ' .9 y to i!1 that have not' sufi'ered.directly.oY . indirectly, love whiskey'allnoA bc#ec than they do.:i ho , the Ntitiotl., , ' ' k' �' � Ct3 a � • . � ' - is merely an assertion, for they give no facts throe b. the li nqr firaffie? If: ode µvete do g ' Q n N g q' their family, you imaginetbat strati' l lr _ ^ r �- �, to prove it, and which we den in tato. The I" `"�"" ""` �F� Y pubsish' a list of the ca.ualtfes tlrathave oc influences. µ'ere .brought to bear to glee a n . , , , AI- ' '�! N •�'�rd .�P' O, . Q . -. price of barl�:v now, before the act is passed, Burred here during the 'last ten -years; people majority of over' 400.' Besidesi there is-' Against the Petition. .. jI. 1�i1 ,�,-t ; �ip I f7 is about 50c. ler busbel, and as about three- , & not -the advantage .of a'newspaper favor- ' I � �j- '1'� � (U� ed c: t would be astonished at the number, nd it Ys n• � _ � , 1 only because the .general public have for ablO to the Actan thissectton, and doubt-.' r, Ln CLUTHI.S 1 on SALI..--I take all -sorts of ^� o ,..t ' quarters of all that is sold goea'to the United of en: much bf the in'u that has been v lass,; alothea,,var•1tetx, aud•ho se'my old frienQu Co.$A.rr/��� r g t J less you are 'aware Of the 'great influence will• sava•thout for ill 0.:. I also taim brews, fecal: and; . 4-� V1 �.' ' Y r :I , ,.-t a. States, it is self•cvideut that the price is madC wrou'giit,'that they.have not long since arisen v , , Of the local newaliaper. The friends' of copier, rI ant home on Mondays. Ani 1Pcrson havh'" 7a^+I rte,' - • - Q ,, i } ' wanted but at this rice'it }n their, might and banished from their midst ,• rags or truck In my line, can leave w'cnd at my house, . � &Q' where ,, s most lra to , p the cause of so. much misery,,• e .,,hay the Act may -feel proud Of,theii lCtory, ,yid 1 wili feted it had Divevalue; andI also be„ to Sity - • d N �•rnt'�,-1. 4% . a m II afiL4. e • • would•pa'yr the farflier much .better to feed -it' ,with. the :Ocilla larhelY a ainat, theta. 1 .r•hnvr nn .buahlass,.com,ection r¢ftir, a mtv) n,tnieii'. Ir spy• r r been saddened, ll,omes broken; future ppros- c e I:Iesen,> .Paporit, 6•, pyiutiug, unci •iol)titn5.of that port, , N•r+ t to his cattle, sheep, or pigs, than bring it to peets.'blifshted o1• bl$stea, and an 'incalculable u'isli• you 1.e1 er v mice. ,-, ; ` I'tlana ity Cr:oltcr, Tax rnrv,._ _� .o ''� tY2 030 . market and sell it. A' bnehel of barley will amount of irreliarable injury .inflicted by a 4 It MARTEN, Pncitm Iue l 4; (ltr,tau. fir' GO' N N Q��, I from 10 to 12.pounds of )ark .which 'at. traffic that has llot,e edea ln� ftiatnrr. OTT L1C'r, ItIImLlllf: A7 HL\ l 1 LLI. T3UY hAFi7`•Ul" 7.01 lVo. s&' r �• � ' p 1 ., �,a .. . HALL. ---In `reference •to .an • anti t }necting- $4,500 li rho .sill concessioa of lanai tvtY• � 0 � ' � �; ;� � � N.i'`t � seven cents per pound, would he 70 to 8i etr..; g . „ t,r_ U• y ._. . c`t, �T3. ' For four hundred: P - ed yenta .the people of•l ng- ' field at Hensall•a fety. nights yi.tice,. and rnnnsit: so acies: Ten rtcres of �vnnd, �o d ° Yr, t, 110 ' - ►r •.j+j' . beside -ii the, man t L, tl»eh,, ould pay,fol all tihich turned out In f 1 gl of the Act t t '► .r r u dnnd li:tve trend i) the license system cinl,xac- ctt,lyd, wo good corm y, ttvb wells,; lrl "ousts Fa rn . g • , y - ' Il 1µa5. with franle kitchen,., Vraine barn .:tad drive �� : � Ck.V iJ1 the trouble, Ilio best farplers in the con ty , cO.rrespondent writes :-Tile ha, pease, a»d:other outhn,lilnigs Thren inlie . 'i ,� .moi � a) d Wo _ R ma; four hundred anti fifty acts of pn111aillent, . crowdeclto•itsutmosteapacrty before the ftoln 1t{tIlClleatel', n11t111 ileal"tlrr` tc�vnTtoi: P�r � •� Q)��,(�, � of Huron du not sell 1>arlcy, but feed it to to reduce the evils flowin' 'frons tilt• .1180 of til tt . illi; Moir Minton. Store,blltcI'li"nth shop sial Bostof c �' � �]a Q : _ g It fOr.'•o0111lrietlte et on the carne, of• thClot. s20eo rtgwil. halanctY II ; (� cattle, as stock raising is now. known to .be mto�lcating drink, and they pave failed -- c, ', � � ''{ ) .El . ^ Q . . � d . I � opened . the hall by A very -feeble and. on tinlo to suit purl lia. a i,01tl� R RA:l•L FY • , . � P 0 }� , the best paying tiepartmout of the farm, and miserably failed ---as the. crowded prison, null markedly forced Adttres5, which was in the westfiotd t).: . P , W • h Y' . , 4 . Dor houses intimate: When prohibition leas , . � � T.p u N when used for this purpose the country gets p opinion of some of the tndience tuiwit> Ir ^• r� a ... Ed a. trial for khli hundred ears and failed �il,iliM F(►It 6ALl'.: CO tAINIrt' UNJ, ��� � -� . t� :a material equivalent for 1t, in the she le of tingly in favor of.tile'Scott Act, For' in'- X. ho»clred•nerns, baiug ena,YPesaotl of west -half of lot ' ra ��.. �..a q 1 as ebmpletely it will in e.ommolt faitnoss find d that if th©.,Scott tiCC ' ti, tin the Eth eon;., and wast -half of lot 1i, au lira nth stance lie.5tltte 0 W G cottons, woollens, harrlwale,, tea, sugar, sof• logic bo time'for us to ,pronounce`tbo verdict . , Coll, of Mullett,' ae acros cleared milt ht •good state of r . • 1- f.. �A � -+.. ,ryt. t c tn1 e which sltall Const n it to the limbo of adgt,n- warts passed whi5l.e� would be '101d ltl oultivation, balance, well, timherod•witii. pine,: black . , . - a) I I - fee, Am., but when ]t d and turnea. into g . • lstrative mistakes. Malin a test of rohib} "mole dtsreptttuble places than .,sit lire ash loud cutler. tan(l ,marc h"use, traYna barn acid w.� at2. O �, t10 returns aro quarrels, n1 rder. P.. ,t , l l th t he was stahlas Rant Noll and o,�hnrd. tilttmtn t;r'nYttasfrdnt Ir' r r . i.,i'C� (�jr.y' x l� • liquorq .a u , tion by supporting.the Scott Act on the 30th. sent. .[t was e,1dc nt t( al a the viila5t:• of liiubmtr, i from Clint(n, and' S frotr. ��j - • ' -tee -. suicides, Poverty, degradation, and' death; tullci:ng;for paF� an'tl knelt'. that .lie. t+ as. Senfortli. fgosxcssici,t ritvcrY to tta fnfl' evcil•1;, Torras � 'e >_," oI 14111 I g e' 'ti hall t 1 r - ar uill�-arrainst his own a nseience.and en.y, Apply oil the,remises,. "r;address 3llh. c, r/� 1 1 11 1 1 111 M 1 1 1 j 1 jai �1 I whleb may be seen by the telegraph returns The mLetwg 1u tU'e Eo,1v. T as Thu s g g , g p t l :I'tut , Gonstabee. 3ti �` q,444,121�� - o PRI�c" sense, . 1llc lr t v. .Jolu> Gray, 13aptzat j ._...-_ _._ : . . , • . 1n thopewspapers every doy. day ereuing,'was very largely attended, many "� jI 1. • . Minister of. ClintonI followed, .giving a �;Amlif 1•'t►1C SA,t,hl, t\ affil, anwN- . On the supposition that the calculation•• 1n being unable to bet m. .If the interest and KIK11i, lilt` Itt[ri !L�'t"a. T1Ik. f1I>�t1�Is- �T •pp •�'� PI most hearty slid •stir�r�ing address, _whlcli. JOHN �,�.1f1'llt�. enthusiasm fnanifosted at this mooting i8 ,any cariied tli lvlfOlc iettiliencc. it ftU Ilam, It trnttoil of the Lslatc of lire l:ttc stnion 'Shi tlev. offer..• .. the fly sheet on the import duLlcs, 3rc., on t w for 8610,010 oast half of lot 38, 12th eon'. of IIullott, • . dieatieu of what 1s going on throughout the was ver evident Ito felt lib had God dlid co"taiwwr C,0 acres, about 40 acres of which aro etesir � ' 1S 1111111ense stock Of liquor are correct, is 1L not a fearful charge count ilio-' tho,Soott :Act is sure of •a lar re Cal1S Special attention do h Y, 6 right ori itis side,' And his Words fell.' cin ed. t1,e hahtinaa hnrilweotT umbar, FrnYnC dtvellin I a )1'p umed Civili/.eel and Christianized 1 Tile chair was oboit led . by Rev. - , ' • shower "Ouse. It is'wlthln di.mtlfrc np lila •r',tlrtgc•of Lnntic, ' . , . .. ': - gatu.t t e ed maJor ty, ,P _ .„, _ ' 1115 01)pOnentS at'.gtinlCitt5 Itl.e a S110i�Gt I ltnrn, ¢irrl abaci ala Hulas froip'Illyttr, both oil the 1.,; r A, Stewart, litho s oke'.brlefl in favorof. the Table ,Linens Sheeting$, Quilts, Comforters, Community, that they should waste snob au 1' Y of sled a barniner blows lit a basket of ' li. tt 11, it. '!'here wilt be nl),rttt ten acres of fail ivhu, '1 • , Act 'in introducing iV)t..R. D. Bayley, the fi- - sawn on t' f ler' Ror fni•t1,er ptirticil)At,, .appl'I )'n enormous amount of money upon an article . •. eg s. •..a3urittg ,tTx. A1otr s address one t;