HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-17, Page 71111.!g STOVE & TIN F3730P. In preparing for the l'all)and winter trade, We have received a large stock of ''Cooking Stoves, Parlor Staygs,__ and Poar Stoves ever seen in Clinton, No old stook, all new just in. ALSO a splendid assortment of LAMPS of every descrip- tion. A fine stock] of CUTLERY, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, &C. &C. S. DAVIS, Clinton. TII.J BELORAYJ NOW. Tho township. of Eat Wawanosh fall show took place at Belgrave, on Tuesday laat, and a$ the day waa fine the akow wail a Meese, the entries and attendance of visitors befog tolerably good, though not equal to last year. (In home, Cattle and cheep the 'show was good for a township, but in pigs, poultry and Indoor departments there was little to boast l of. The vehicles and implements exhibited were as good as could be aeon anywhere, Al. thoug4, it may be oomewhat pleasing for the township to have an independent ahow,lwould it not be better to amalgamate with the Wingham society. and thereby make one real good one. Belgraye is only six' Miles .from Wingham, so that no difficulty would be ex. perienced in drawingvialtors thithers_and it would be a great benefit and saving to them to see all together and in one day, The fol. lowing is the prize list. HORStS—Ui:. vv DRAuoIIT.--Brood mare, W Wellwood, T Agnew. Spring foal, James. Anacreon, 1) McLaughlin. 2 -yr old filly, D McLaughlin, J Taylor, 2 -yr old gelding, 1) McLaughlin, ,A, Hamilton. 1•yr old filly, E .Oliver, A. Anderson, 1,yr old gelding, 1) Andereon. GENERAL PURTosE..-Brood mare, D Mc. Laughlin, H White, R T Erratt. Spring foal, R $ Stein, Win Beach. 2.yr old filly, R Whiteman, H Roae. 2.yr old gelding, D McLaughlin. • 1 -yr old filly, D McLaughlin, .1•yr old gelding, Jae Owens. Span general purpose horses, D Anderson, NCumings. CARRIAGE: IIoxsr .--Brood mare,. T Wil• kinsoa, L Tindall, Jas Harrison. Spring foal, L Tindall, Jae Harrison, ' 2•yr old filly, Chas Taylor. 2 -yr old gelding, T Wilkinson, 1•yr filly JIWhiteman, Buggy horse, W Zueber,A Gorman. Hack horse. David Geddes. Span oarriege horses, W Zueber,11 Masters. Brood mase, any clans, W Wellwood. Team horses in harness, Dungan Anderson.. CATTLE—TRORo rominuD.--Cow, T .Rom, R Coulter & Co l .yr,old.heifer, Thos. Ross, Thos 'Wilk "$ inson. tillisT 'L WE'Cil"er", Rosa. -NAT;VE OR "GRADE CATTLE. —Cow, T Wil• kinson,;T Rose. 2.yr old heifer, Jos Stubbs, 'Thu Wilkinson. l:yr old heifer, T Rosa, A Proctor. Heifer calf, 1 and 2 T Rose. ` 3 -yr old steers, J Coultea. 2.yr old steers, 1 and 2 T Ross. 1.yr old steers, John Pelton, Robt McGowan. Steer calves, T Wilkinson, Robt McGowan.Bettye, T Rosa, J.Coultee.' . Yoke working oxen, D Geddes, H Deacons Herd of cattle, T Ross. ' SHEEP—LEioRsTER. —Aged ram, A Robert- on, J_Henry_dc Sen._- .Shearling ram, _J_W_eb..- Ater, T Cole. Ram lamb, A.Robin8on, T Cole. Pair aged ewes, B "Coui1'tes •& Son, A Robinson. • Pair ahearling ewes, . T Cole, J' Henry & Son. • Ewe lambs, A Robinson, A Wgbster. • Oar Fall and Winter Millinery hae'arrived, and our 'stook is as attractive as usual, compree. • ing PARIS and. NEW YORK Patterns, is Plumes,Wings; Birds flowers . 'Flushes Velvets, Hats, Bonnets Feathers,, g , :, t 1 f .,,• Satins, Silks and Ribbons, Our continued increase in the Millinery business is a sure -sign that our customers and friends appreciate our efforts in keeping a large. assorted 'stook, and that our prices are right, BLACK CASHMERES A SPECIALITY. Our 'special lines in and- Y WOOLLEN OOPS-re-com letei---All-the. above lines, HOSIERY FANCY WOO G ., P we shall endeavor to keep well assorted during the' season. • Hats and Bonnets done over. Our customers>and friends will stilt find us in the Beaver Block, where we shall be happy to meet them and as many new ones as may favor us with a call.' R. BEESLEYi SON,, BEAVER BLOCK. J. CUNIN.G Desires to call special attention Willis stock :ofg China and Uraftit.i:IWare,. oWEs.—Aged ram, Robt McGowan, John' Psalter. Sbearling ram, J Pelton, 11 Roes, Ram lamb, 1 and 2.J Pelton. .Aged ewes, 1 'and.2 R McGowan, shearling ewes, 11 Rose, J Anderson. Ewe.lambe, J Pelton, J Ander- son. Pen .of.sheep, ARobinson. Fat sheep, H Ross, J Anderson. • . PIOs—SMALL, BREED. --Bt ood • Sow, J R0- bertson. Boar littered in 188.4, J. Taylor, J Robertson, Sow littered in 1884, A .Robin son, J Brooks;' .Pen of pigs,. J Robintfon..• Po"m'rn .—.Guinea fowls, Jas Harrison, C W "Lawrence.. Geese; J Harrison, Id Deacon. Turkeys, •3. Harrison, A Robertson.' Ducks; -John Whiteman:, Jos Whiteman. P1yu.otith: Rocks, J Harrison, Jas S\hitoulan. Brah• mas,; Jas Harrison, SV Allison. ,1seghorns; J • Harrison, H -'Deacon. Spanish, '1 'and 2J Harrison. Homburgs, 0 W Lawrence,' Jas Harrison. ' Pair. any other Variety fowls, 1 and 2JasHarrison, .Collection of fowls, Jas. Harrison. •' LursEateNTs.—Churn, A .Taylor. • Pump, H Clark, D McCrimmon & Co. Mower, Gil •l Ea & Martin.,..Lumber waggon; J Brunsdon.' Democrat spring waggon, J;Brunedon.. Bug gy;J Bruusdon, Nichol & Doe. Cutter; J runsdon, ;,Mcedymont liras: P1owl R • 1St Robinson, Gillis & Martin: Iron harrows; 1 and. 2. John Whiteman' Cutting box, Gillis 4 Martin, • .. : (GR tINPall wheat, 1) Geddes, T iderson.. Clawsonfall, wheat, 1) Robertson,; 1T Batnt, Spring wheat, H •T;dwards,- le Rains; Barley J Pelton,. 0 Moffat. Oats; H White, (411Iof..: fat, Peas, J Henry & Son, A Proctor. Theo - thy; T imo-tlly;''T Wilkinson ]lit:Uls W.intet-apples,l)Andersoii, Stubbs.. • Pall,ajailessT Will uiss J itit],1e.i ..Eeiu -la Bailie, 1 Anderson. ..Grapes, 11, Whiteman, J Henry & • Son C styli apples, 11 'Deacon .1 Henry & Stili: .Collet tion of fruit; 'TAnderson, - T •Wilkinson. • .. • MANNUF:tcTUREs Homeltuado .cloth•, J'l'ol-:, lock:. ]flannel, J'Pollock, T. Anderson. 'Union flannel, .1 Pollock;, A.'Proctors Blankets,"J •Pollock, Jas Owens. 'Coarse boots, fine boots, upper leather and harness leather, .Jos Peeren Home inade wine, Jas Owens. -Boors AND \TEUET.tILE$ . hose potatoes, ..s.• .Henry, - J Pelton .Potatoes; any variety DI Anderson; John Robertson.. Qabbage, T Wit- kipson, W' Ti. McCracken,. • Blood•beets, W 1•I McCracken; T. Wilkinson,, Mangold wurtzels,, W 11 McCracken, A Proctor. Swede turnips,. 1t Coultes 4 Son,. C Wheeler, jr. li ieldcarrots, W 1i MnOracken, W Nichol: EarlyBorn' car - rets,, C Wheeler,. T Wilkinson: Onions from seed, W H. McCtr cken, W Jackson, Peek onions, W11 14Io0racken, C. Wheeler, jr. In - diet' corn, W14 .IfcCracken,. J Robertson. Water melon, A, Proctor, W H McCracken. Muskmelon, W IL McCracken. Pumpkin,. W, 11 McCracken, A Proctor. Squash, W H 11Ic Cracken,A Proetor.' .Citron, 'W H McCracken, A Proctor, Totnatoes, A Proctor, R White. roan. Cucumber,• A Proctors W 1:I: McCrack- en. ' Beane; T) Geddes, Jos Stubbs. DAIRY Eaoiuox -Keg salt biktt , _All llady Crock of butter, A •Ilitllady, 0 Proctor. But-: ter in rolls, 0 Wheeler,'jr, Jas Pollock, Honey in comb; 'J Psalter. . Maple syrup, 0 AlcOa1- lum, 3 Psalter. :Home irfade bread,' Jas Pol- lock, Jcis Stubbs, Oat cake, A Procter;:0 Scott. Home made'cheese, .0 .Whiteinan,,D., Dnrranee Of all kinds, suitable for Christmas presents, e• to be :ha,4, finest Confectionery Also, the es � Fresh Fruit, :Canned. Goods, &. JOHN CUNINGHANE. GROCER, CL 11i ON Hoxaa'rr,—It is commonly acid that you cannot make an honest man .believe that white ie black and vice versa, but those who hAvo gray hair, by using the Cingaleae Hair Renewer, will find that this apparent diffcul• ty :is wilily overcome. Bold at 500. per bottle.. J L,JN fYN 11141.1064700.. Thursday, Oct 16, 1884. (Corrected every Thursday afternoon.) Wheat, fall - • • 30 70 :a 0 75 Spring, • • • 0 73 a 0 75 • • 0 28 a 0 30 . , 0 48: a 0 52 060.a 060 "-,.,4so a 500 • 0.30 a' 0.35 • 0 16 a 0 18 • 8' 00 a 9 00 040a060 0151 a 025 • 650 a 750 0 16 a 018 Oats, Arley, Peas, lour, Potatoes, Butter,. B F Eggs, Sheep pelts: • • a • Lamb skins, • Beef, - • .. Wool,. , . • Is oRuEa to enjoy perfect health,, it: is most easeutial that a constant watch should• be. kept upon the actions of our internal organs,. From the important part they play in the economy of our nature, the kidneys most not be neglected. A little pain in the small of the beak is often the beginning of kidney dis- ease and the only way to relieve it, and thus. ward off the serious complications that gene• rally follow, is to take at once Dn. VAN Bu• moxa Kinner CURE, FARM JFQR- SALE. The subscriber often that eligibly situated farm, lot 13, 7th con. liallet;11 miles from Nfnburn, containing 100 acres, on which there are a frame house, a large bank barn 06 x 40, chaff house, horse and cow stables, gcod well at barn, 2 acres of good orchard of various kinds of fruit. One of the best and handsomest farms' in the township, well fenced, well underdrained, and in first class order. As the owner is unable to continue farming any longer, must be sold this fall. Nearly all awised.alovoi. ; „941 8 ,990 cash required, purchaser can arr[�ange for remainder ' ']i: ISEL-L;Chii$tanLB'T:O:" Conitanee, Aug, 29, 2m. NEW BleACIs:SMITH SHOP. THE UNDERSIGNED has opened tbe late Howell Blacksmith Shop, where he is pre- pared to doall kinds of work in his line, in the. beat possible manner, and on the shortest no- tice. All work guaranteed. Horne shoeing a specialty, No cuttinginnnricee- •.Come one and all and, he wilt give you satisfaction • T. MARSHALL, Clintons sent. 3,1884. Late of Stratford. ^t ' r '• • 10 2 s • O fr Side road 0 0' MONEY' TO .LOAN._ RJVATE AND .COI,tEANY .FUNDS,' LAT 1 lowest rates of interest. Principal 'payable as desired by borrower. Valuator for , the CANADA LANDnD ,C•ReDIT Coate s -r. D. A. FORRESTER. Minton: Dec. 20, 1888.• - VALUABLE PROPERTY: FCR �'•�ALE. The undersignedaoti'ers for sale the i rOperty. shown in: tile• ohOTe diagram being composed of 'the 'east part of Lot 35, on;tlle•.16th concession. Goderich. Township, containing 26 acres and a park lot abjoining; contaning 10..:acres, being: part of the east part of 'Lot 35 above mentioned; and about ,i .1.6res• of it is inside the corporation of Clinton. Will be sold• togetlior or separately,,to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to JAMES. WAIF.; Clinton, Sept.' 18, 1884. OLD ESABLISHE GRO Se PALLI r tli ER & CO SUPERANNUATION FUND, NEXT TO TOWN HALL,‘ •METHODIST CHURCH, •1a frnEX !re; LOAN' "ON :GOOl) FM ARCITY 11�C.1L- rop aty, on fuvoratilo terms. Apply to the Undersigned. p 'Parties wishing,to Make application' for loans. will ,please do ao at once..as a meeting of the In•vestntent.Conimittoe wllishortly be held. . 1tEV: ,IA.IE•S CRAY, Tree- • Sept. 12:. Clinton, Ont. BLYTH PUMP, FACTORY. • • io Makes Your ]3oots? RiJICK.HANK, TH:E BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL, KINDS OF Men, Women .ung_. Children's.Jioots mss._ Spring Stock well assorted, and complete. in - all departments' p AL1; GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH C. CRVICKSHANK, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON BEAVER BOOI(. STORE. School supplies extra cheap. 25c. Foolscap for 20c. , 20c. Foolscap for 15c.. • 20c. Note Paper for 15c. '15c. Note Paper for 10e, 10c. Not Paper for 7c, per quire. Extra value in Blank Books, Miscellaneous Boosts, Pocket sod Family Bibles, 20 per cent less than usual prices, see them. Special' value in all kinds of Albums, Pocket Books, Bill Books, Hand Bags, Satchels, Violins, Strings, Accordeans; etc, Extra. value in Silverware, Pocket Cutler Razors. Large e and choice stock of China Cups, China°' Novelties, "Vas gs, Dolls, Toys, cheap. Colored and Tet Necklets, Bracelets. Brooches, Combs, Brushes, &c„ verylow. BERLIN, SAXOI!iY and other WOOLS CANVAS TASSELS, &c„ - ALL GOODS' AT PRICES TO SUIT' THE XERES. We shall all how in a few days ONE OF THE CHOICEST :AND MOST COMPLETE KS' IN THE COUNTY. STAMPTNG DONE TO OBOE. t. �-1 -p BEAVER B•LOCIc- NE -XT TO-,THO]VIPSON & SWITZER. N�TIC�- M. FISCHER takes the lead for FASIIONABLE:;:TAIORINGi Tf you want a ]TICS SUIT, •try him. If you want an OVER- COAT, try him. If you want.a nice PAIR. of PANTS; try 4` pini. All aide' . sold -cheap for cash: My motto is small profits and quick sales. T am prepared to say I •can• .do` better • than any dry goods house, as Tao my own : cutting • and coat flaking,: The : cutter's salary gobs to the benefit' of ' the ' custo mer' instead sof a -cutter. COME -,and examine my 'stock of BEAVERS, ' MELTONS . WORSTEDS, SCOTCH and CANADT A w N TWEEDS andWest of ENGLAND Trowserin ► • e . .. rlWrltIETORS. - .. MITE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RECENTLY started a factory lu Blyth, beg to intimate' to the pelt1t ld of Iluron thee -they are ntepared to sink webs or cisterns .and provide Pumps of, tbe very.best workmat9hip. Having had con- siderable experience in the Many -making busi- ness, they feel confident they can give entire satisfaction,. A11 orders, by mail or otherwise, promptly tilled, at the most reasonable rates. Myth,..Apri.1,.1,884, . a Boot and •Shoe ` Store, IN PERRIN`S' BLOCK.. N E W • Lianas WoSic•--crochet, C \V Lawrence, J Barkley. Beall work,GRloffat.:Fancy knitting, CJ1V1cLelland,ADorrance.' Patchwork on quilt Jas Pollock, Cx B Scott, l,•ent's linen shirt, G •13 Scott,''John Brooks., Gent's Arley, flannel' shirt, Jae Pollock, IC McClelland„ Braiding, Thos 1;rydges, 0 McClelland. If eethcr flowers, Jas Owens, . Woollen stockings, U McClelland, Jars McGee, Socks,. W11 McCracken, G Mot.. fatt. Woollen gloves, G Moffatt, W 11'Mc- Cracken, 'Woollen .niMts, Jets .• Pollock, W H' McCracken. Log oabiu quilt .tt: Proctor,--' Knitted •quilt, 11, Scott, Jas Beekley... Patched ;luilt, Jas Pplleclk, Jas liercley, • Counterpane, Chas Proctor, j • geOlienont. .Ling mat, . A Proctor: T Anderson. • Berlin wool. work, 0 McClelland, A'Proctor. 'Cotten stockings, J 'Pollock, G 13 Scott, Card work,' 1 and 2 A Proctor. Leather work; •'W II McCracken. Pencil drawing, 13, McClollancl,.l . and 2.Hair flowers, 0 McClelland. Pot flower, J Bailie, Jas Harrison. Boquct of flowers, Jas Bailie, T Anderson, Penmanship H McClelland, 1 tied 2. Embroidery on silk, L Mc0lellaud. Embroidery on linen 1) Doreen, G• ;13 Scott. Lace work, 0 McClelland, Robt Whiteman: Twine lace, 0 McLelland,. (1 W Lawrence. Itag; carpet, A Proctor, :far Henry & ,Soft, ' • lr Jl)GES..• I10raes-•-A T 11IcD)onald, Auburn, Ti Perko; Hullett,'Thos Miller, Morrie. Cattle .•-J Ferguson, I3rusiels; G •Iftgltes, \vin6liam; John Clumings, l l:ullett. Sheep and pigs John ("melee, Ilullett, 7`olln Cowan, Seaforth, Geo. McKay; Wingham, Impleinet:ts,•&e--'l,' 1e (Jolles, Blyth; Gerard Brett, East SVnwan sh, . I+butt, ds. 1111 Palbnt, Wingli:uaa; Ii'ft MeISAS: Intosh,.I Perth!, :Whitechurch. • . what to de AN -D MAIZE KOEJ . SEWED & PEGGED;. at prices to suit every purser Thebes work, lewestprices, and satisfactiou.guaranteed As .I have first-class efty workmen•dniployed, outiro'satisfaetien iS a certainty. Give us a eels • PORT;. AUTTEI1SON,. Prop. IT. BEACOM,.3ftlt1 ger. J..:BIDD�, 0.11113 `'�latcli and ' Clock Makerl JEW ELLER, i'i'osElkis `l'II113 RIIAITKE'I', CEINTON Where lie keeps a selegtassortnient of • ' " WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW.fLLERY; 'SILVER- 'WARE, ' Which Wewill• self 'at reasonable rates. • ' Repairing of every desoriptioii.promptly at tonded to, and all work warrad. Jnte,.BIDDLE0021BE. Clinton; Nov. 1882.• If troubled 'With. all a rtlteaithe, slew-heelitng sore tete 111eOreger & farts a CArb >lio Conde. Vou win and It lnve1uablofr hurling, clt ming, and completely re. moving. yourtrenblo Rale blood is out of erder fake with Wit few tTo.. ui,.lit teiir'•`Speedy` Cure from Coinbo s drier t.tr.. A,uctio Sale 0o0d ,...F41411 IIEiIE WILL ail: SOLI) ` EY PIJI3LIC - "motion, ; by D.: Dickinson, Auctioneer, on Saturday,,,- Oct. 18th, !Sat. At tete Rattenbury House, Clinton, atp'cleek In the afternoon, all thitt valuable freehold fariu, known- as the Whitehead Farm, in the Maitland Concession, in the Township of Gode- n being in the enunty of Huron,. and bo g com-posedotIota6 , 64, 64 05 and 06, containing 334 acres more ee less. There are erected on the said property a Frame Iiouso,Bern,antl Stables, All the land is under i'enco, except lot 64, obn- tentnis; 8i tierce, which Is )toavlly titubcrcd. Thu ?arm 'iswen .watered, the River Alaitlaud', running through the property. There are about 260 acres under cultivation. 11 is 'situat- ed abbot 9 miles from canton tend 12 miles from •Godorieli, the County Town: PoSsosSion given on tho 1st March, 1885. Good clear Title, free from ineunbtitnee. Tho property will be: sold in one or more lots to :atilt pgrci>asors, . For further particulars apply to • D. 14.. MCDONALD, Barrister. Toronto. • ESSMAKING HOUSE SE 0I' FASIIIOLV ROBERTSON'S Press Making Establishment IN POLL BLAST. TSS O"132IT•.N1/14AS JYIML' RETURNED from Chicago/ Detroit Land I3uffttio, with the latest faSlilons and styles, and will be plcaeed to see het lady friends. C1[Ai1T# S I)1.1 ATI., Al'P1t1•.N',plm),(• WANT21). • 3011N ;,ln1ll'.R'I Sc)ri,. Victoria Street, Clinton, ISCHEItme LLADINo TAILOR, OAK HALL,. Two doors -north : of Grand ,Union. EMBRA.0 ING- r eau ful Dress foods; Tricotine Dress Goods, New Cashmere Coupe, 8:ca Ali 0 which have been purchased oft the most- advantageous • " terns and are Offered lit the VERY LOWEST PRICES GROCERIES. A now .and 'choice assortment, R. COATS & SON, Clinton,