HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-17, Page 6Imrnellse l.Stoek Our Stock for the coining season islarge and Varied, and will be sold at prices to 'suit the closest buyers.. TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, tic. on hand, and for sale'at low prices. 13tmtter and Eggs take= tra. eZQh ge- -Five' pex'.c6s , O±f Sar. : cash,. a 99Lower gway$.:LOcree WE ARE EO'CTmTO. LEAD IS, LOW, PRICES; And.to have it ever known that THE 991S BOSS. • OUR SUGAR is Cheaper than elver; We have a splendid assortment : in TEAS, BLACK, GREEN ` and. ,IAPAN which ^we- would_.:eapecially call.~ - your attenbfon'to, from 25c, upwards. ^ . . 1.3 pounds GRANULATED SUGAR .$1.00:eash. 25 pounds of RAISINS for $1.00 cash, 15 pounds best PRUNES for $1.00 cash. 15 pound •case CURRANTS .$1.00 cash. CANNED FRUITS, CANNED FISH and CANNED.MEATS of the best_ Brands, at the lowest prices. •A very large assortment of CHINA; GRAN- ITE and GLASSWARE at right figures: Ground and;Whole Spices, none but pure kept. Everything else that is required in a tirst=class Grocery.. veer Cheap gnat received, sR /mmense Stock of the ;rest Improved Patterns and Newest desidny, WOOD COOKING STOVES; • - WOOD OR .COAL CQO*ZNG STOVES, PA.R'LOR AND HALL STOVES. BASE BURNER COAL STOVES. . Including the CELEBRATED RADIANT HOME. Also other new patterns. And as they have a)1 been well bought, we aro prepared to give our customers LOW PRICES. Also, a large 'assortment of STOVE BOARDS, COAL SCi3TTLES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, ore..' very cheap. A large lot of LAMPS at re. duoed prices. BEST AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL OIL always in stock. Please call and. get prices alpd be convinced that our Stock is good nod prices riglit:. 011111:AND OROs Sigel of the Padlock ■ 19lliert Street Clinton, HIGHEST d..... , 99 price for any quantity of , GOOD BUTTER Cash paid for. EGGS. Don't forget . the old .stand., -V.7" ArliTS•cft CO.., . CHEMISTS & I UGGISTS Albert strc*e.t, . Clinton.. The public will findour stock of medicines complete; warranted . genuine,' and ei the best quality. •, ' TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, 'S$IOULDER.BRACES, TRUSSES,I$PONL"rRS AID. ALL KINDS !}F. DitUG(ISTS'• SIMM W USUALLY KEPT: I i> ' FIRST _th,Ass _D$.ITS:.ro t Now for Bargains Boots,Shoes,_ffarness,.• Trunks, JAMES TWITCHELL'S,VA. Having received my Spria and Summer stock of Bon 8 is and Shoes, I would stall the attentiax. of . the public to the same. . • 8i' WOMBAT'S KID BUTTON BOOTS, , Silver Jfounted 'Single Barnes 044 $14, only $175. MEN'S, I3 o X'S and ' CHILDREN'S BABY -CAREIA{,IHSS, a, large tiara • cheap accordingly. at amok..half price. TRUNKS and VALISES, very elpeap. - S Of7U butiaohes feigk land. Rams toe 'Chatir; TEAM and CARRIAGE HARNESS GLliS, for wile cheap,• cheaper than ever. BDOmS T.O. LET, over sloop. BUTTER & EGOS TAKEN Iii EXCHANGE FOR BOOTS &..SHOO. J. TWITCHELL, VICTORIA BLOCK, CLINTON • Boundary AwardSLiJstaine Aim .owat .Won't. G� BUT THE PEOPLE WILL GO TO Adams'Emporium, Londesb�ro, Where they can get the best value for, their money{. Please note the prices . of the following : • Granulated Sugar, • 13 lbs. casts,. Good Brown, 17 lbs.. for E.B1, cash.. Good Raisins, 20• lbs. for $1, cash. BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES, balance of summer, Ei'b1i.KS, RAKES; HOES, &c. CROCKERY .GLASSWARE, to makerootn•for fall purchasea which are the newest designs out. Bargains in DRY GOODS of all kinds, . especially TWEEDS A,ND PRINTS. BUTTER WANTED?- 1000-Ttlbs oft first itn's,Butter *ante& at 15 res' per Ib, in trade at time of deIi,er r, but not taken on account at that :price at present. i6THi hese price for Eggs. tr FURNITURE .& SlIINQIaES FOR SALE Loadosborc " Aug. 8, 188.1. .a 1 Thompson &Switzer ARE SELLING VERY CHEAP THEIR STOCK Of Groceries, • Crockeiy, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, &C.:' -SUGAR-1 lbs.- for $$1. • 25 bars good SOAP, for $1. 1 gal, can..•PEACIIES, 75e 4ANNED 'RUITS, very cheap : GLASS SETS; -50 9 in, SALVER 60 c. 2 gt. GLASS'PITCHERS, 50c, BOOTSd a SHOES; Fall. Stock Jost Arrived, MENS LONG BOOTS $2.25.• WOMEN'S BOOTS FROM $t PERI PAIR, UPWARD usines 331:[3id1n.u1!itiitititttttrt tit tit The neo underai begs g b g to notify` the people ofClinkon; and vicinity that he has'hought the HARNESS BUSINESU formerly. - carried on by • W. Newton; • • And that• he ie'prepared to furnish' —Harness; Collars,:Whi p .s -Trunks-1fallsos-Buffalohobs.—Qia - � ,, �- nkets. And. everything Usually kept 'in 'a firat•clase Harneaa Shop, ati the.lowest.prises. Special attention is directed to my.atock of. Maar }lawman, which 1 will make a' specialty. $EPAIRING . PROMPTLY ATTENDED By striae attention to busfnesp; aua osreftilly Studying the, wants of* otistowiers, I hope to merit iy fair -share -of -patronage. --Give-me-a-•ealtbefore purehaamg-elnewhera. REMEMBER; TBE STAND -OPPOSITE. THE MARKET: a �iQ•.11ARj .N... YOUR � Tan 5'reekioti •Seaborn, Pia�lilos .T11ack Specks Mt,: ohas tva.;.pan bexentovedj.n- stantly.byapplying' . Tan. ti I'rackleLojion. ' Bale, Hut a an'd Effectua ;. PtitOE.25C. P>=R BOTTI.g• l Ct by e 11 Druggists PAREN LELAND, wham av trybody kriotas 'as the ancoes4ful i.t lamer of tfie Large fe Enterprises, of Arne r+ca, o pr tire; :ai;lee ci passengerfrom as' Vaton 1••: • i X . ; S t> ai11( arou 1d Cnpo • alar , i u t ut, • .ui n;tgralton to Cal= .Tutt...,, i ::ere:• e r ,i tlto otlicers of 'the ve i ILL s:;, durntg the voy- age, it ,w<,1:0 by the use of Ayers 'S rsa, ar a. Sines then .10. tair.A ii has roeonimended .Aynirs Saits.A1.L,.rtxr t..t. in 'many` slutllar' eases, anit he -ht;s never yet heard of its fail t�o te. sheet a rsslieal mire.c.•;• . Some years'agb one of Mi:Laan.Nn's farm laborers bruised his leg, Owing.to the bad • state of his blood,.an ugly seroflOons swelling • or lump appeared on Tho injured limb: •Iron'.: iiblo itcbing•bf the skill, with burning and. darting 'pains .through the lump, wade life . almost intolerable. • Tb.e leg beeathe door- snowily enlarged, and running ulcers formed, `discharging great•'quantities of extremely. offensive matter. No treatment was of. any Avail "Until the maa, by hik, Lz,tO,iro's direr iIOf, Was supplied with Aran's , SAnahre,- nmLA, which allayed the pale and irritation, healed the sores, removed the swelling, and • Completely restored thq Ilmb to Use; Mr. Lsa+Aaw bats personally used : iyer'S Sarsaparilla. . for Itbeuntatiate, with entire suceesa j and, anter careful observation, . dos ;u•.•0 • that, in his bollof, there Is An these:c ne equal to it for tiro euro of L t er l:. • orc.:err•, (lout, the oft`ecto of high 11%;••r!;, ,Salt itheum, Soros, l:.rt ,;.eons, and all tete Various forms pf blood disease% We have llfr.Lx L.t iri 5 peri zs:ole to int Ito alt tvho may desire .urthor evldencei in regard to the' ettraotclinaiy curative solvers 9f Attlee SdnadrdnlLLd to see hint person. any either at his snaininot* (mean /betel, Long Branch, or at thu'ltopular Leland Rote), Jlrbadway, 27th and teth Streets, Itt4iv York,, Mr. LELaatn's extensive, knowledge of ;the, good done by this unequalled itradicator ole Adood poisons enables -him to give ineolropl' pittc1t valuable htformatiOn. i t Ipaap.insw ax ,, . Dr..1.0. Ayer & Co., it dwell Maas. t1 Wabranzrugat.ts: 4)4,4 botttit1ei1/. IOLD AND .RELIABLE. Gllay'w fa peciSo Mediolna, TRADEMARK Tit O*IATliiLLIan I RAut N,ae8K, . RaaanYJsn uafaflt°k 1 . cure forgetinal;wea nem,; Spelw.torrhee, ;1r Impotency, � 1-11 ° +aaeathat follow .a•a seq.tenee of seifabaae es.loserof•mamoty, relversal. Lu@ttpde.r• i' pals to the bade, dluo n `M nese of union pproms•: Eefer'e Pa1,5634 tore pidage aad1%Mat otket dtgcasea • slut lead to inaanitg'or sen f tion and a p,Mm*t.re grave. Fell ouittoufsn in our pamphlet, which'we desire to seed free b mail to every,eub..,.. ThuSpoollto Medicine is ,obi' byall druggists at ST per package, or ,izpaekages for lire dolars or will be ecu free by, ma i:.pn,rcc.mptof the, money by ad. drMan,g sun 14RAY bi&llLctNS.00., . Corpnts,,Oatarto/Canada. 4. EE1ST3YET "_+ UNDERTAKER. Funerals. Furaished.ie first-class Style qq,, UQell'IIa#RaEa 1k.AT Ta1IDaiiCE 'CtfAEOrd • •MoDaATa a,n Rap ooiciaii STORE.. THE MOLS:OSS BANK. incorporated by Ant of Pttrllsunent, 1855. • •CA.pi.PAT., .$2,000;000: ' • HED:OFFICE, 1VONTREAL. TSOxxs VfORKifAilt, Pretfdent. J. U. R. MOL8ON Vice -Pres. • . bi.' WOLFBIts'rAN TIIOMAS, getierai Manager., Notes drkoa',ited, C.olleetions made, .Drafts issued,' Sterling 'and American exchange, • bought and 'Sold at lowest' Current . rates. firTERft'$tr ALLOwED UN Dlires5Ts•. Ll AL1VI1Rl.;. `Moneyactvanccd;to farmers en their own;IOW with •ne or more endorsers. NO mortgage required as see ,.unity, TI: O. hitSV Hager, January 188 • J'R Oltatott CLINTON WOOLLEN KILLS. AVING- p]'tRUUUME» ABOVE .1ttTLLS they will COMMENCE RUNNING AT. ONCE: Under' the manaNR. F;. tiount?1ri', Ali k+ndsftemerit ofoS MAN UFFAC r'•URI OMG Deno oti short vetfee, A large stook et WOOLEN GOODS FOR, SALE, CHEAP 'Ok ter EX.Offalfat VIA WOW.. . . .TSA ri» OA`A BAM, Proprietor. ITT .Gb.1113E '7+, Manager. • Around the County, 14[X, ,McCruoken of Brussels, has a squash weighing 1.09 .pounds, Mp, T. Strachan sr, of' Leebttrn, who his over • 70, dug.GQ bushels of tlpotatoeg iu four hours, last-Bat"uiday, : "Hua'.' Couox Cutin, .Do not take any other, 25 cents,' • Mr Geo: •Chbrobill, of Blitovsile sold a alien of three year old colts to his bro. then iu ilullett, for $300.. Mfr,• Wol: pans= has.sold his farm, lot 27, oli the Ytb, coo., Bewick, to Mr. „McIcee,.of Morningtou, ter $0,050.' When you 'swallow "Huls" Concur Gluier,, yen take the best Cough cure on . earth, and. the cheapest, 25 cents. Mr. buff is re-engaged in the Box. boro sbhool for the 'ensuing ,year, This is Mr; Duo's 7th year in this section.. Halms; son of 11tr, Edwin Cresswell --.- who was dangerously ill from infiama- tion bas almost completely recovered, "Must say it's the nicest thing I ever used : for teeth and breath," says every ono having tried' TeanER.ax, the new toilet gm. Get Mr John Durnion of Goclel'ich, had hissfeet;badly burned the other day at the foundry, by hob metal running into. bis boots, On' Tuesday evening -a la.inp in one of the robins of the'Queeu's hotel,: Brussels, ,burse, 'and, destroyed quite st, number of articles' before it was extinguished. Dorr'T-tio 8'ARILINO around to the diaconr, fort o lyourself and'everybody. For 25e. get, a ' $Vx COUGU OURrr, 'which will relievittiti a few minutes. Ask your druggist, .Aro 1, old.,' Somerville. of the 10th. con , McKillop has purchased the farm of.Mr..•Torrance, adjoining his own; for the mint ;of $2,400. The farm contains • 5Q,aeres, hilt, has 'no buildings. "Blood -food" is the suggestive name often given to Ayers': Sarsaparilla, because .of Re blood.enrlohing qualities, R; Hamlen has been re-engaged at a higher salmi atq'to teachhi school sectiotY No. 4, Colborne, He, will now 'receive •$425, the highest sum paid . a teacher.. in that . section. • At, a recent threshing, ti`setting hen was found by R. Gillean,; Colborne, in the heart of .a mow of wheat; which had been put in seven weeks ago. Tho ben and chickens, were found alive: Try Ayer'a. Pills, and be. cured. Misery i milcLword.to..deacribe..the_mischief--to.-hod- and mind caused' by,• habitual constipation. • The regular use of Ayer's .0athartio Pills, in Mild doses, will restore the torpid viscera to. • healthy action. — .. • .. ' Alex.;: a son. of Aug. Keiineddy,. 9thcon..df• Tuckerstnith, fractures his right . collar bone on the evening of the 6th'. inst., by falling forward against a fence.:„,., one of the rails•.of:wbieh struck fairon : the bone in question. •; Bev: G. A, Francis, formerly of God= ericb,:• the retiring'- °pastor. of 'Burns' church, Glencoe, was recently presented ' by the congregation with a purse: of 0 1 . Mr. George Cruse Morris, still does ,big . work ' On Wednesday last ' he threshed for Mr. Walter. Cunningham, i3th concession of Mullett, .1,OA0,bush of oats,, and 'barley in `4,.hours and 15 minutes, cleaning the '•floor once Mr. Cunningham herd the watch while the work; was being. done,. The grain. was • cleaned fit for markret, One day: last• week as JIr. Henry Burgess was assisting at a threshing. on thefarm of Mr. Robert Burns, near•"„ .Brus$ela, he met with an accident which Might haveproved serious.. In attempt= mg to get on the horse power while the machine' was in notion his footslipped. and he was. caught, by one' of, the arms of the: machine,' knocked ..down ' and tolled'over' several times. Fortunately,. : however, h'e succeeded... in 'extricating • himself before any serious injury.resii1t- ed;.but he, .had his clothes torn -into- shreds and was very badly frightened as were also; -those wl,t, witnessed the` occurrence The editor of;_the Seaforth Sun pub Bakes the following apology,—Mr J. B. Hamilton, r Sir,..As' publisher of the Seaforth Sufi I desire to hereby express my 'sincere regrets for .publishing in,, the issue' of ins -paper. of the and inat.,. a romniunication Over the signature of "Churc1uuan,"r accusing you of :flirting in' the •pulpit of the St. Thomas' church. here on the'evening of the 28th of Sep- tember fast,;Slade publishing -said eta., Municatien: am Convinced I was .inn- ' posed upon by •.the agthor thereof, attd that the said communication is false; and that the charge made" against your for" flirting is groundless. • Had I known the contents of such communication it would not have been published, but in the hurry negligently 'allowed it to appear in my paper; Yours, etc., I 0* N"Esi,ix. • „ . Tito Edttorrei Tribute. Theron P. Zoster, Editor of Ft. Wayne, Ind„ e•'C•lazette," writes t For the past fidb years have always used Dr. King's Nes Dfs••. o6vory,,for, coughs of most Serer° character, as Well it. for those of a milder type. 1 never fails. ,to, effect a speedy Duro. My frfende to; whom I Have recommended it speak of•it in same high terms. Having been our4 ed by.ft of everyoongli I have had for Os. yeara. I 000aidor it the only reliable and Baro euro for Coughs, Celle,, etc." Call at Watts dt Ce's Drug Store and get a free trial bottle., Lino Size, $1.• I arff�lbare Ahrnicallsabre. The best,sift' 14 the ]world for cuts, brei- a --ora notes ulcera, qit rhtalti, fetter sores, tetter, chapped 1tiEnda, bhilbtaitis, corns,'and s11 akin eruptions, atl l' past tildes eaves piles, or i of pay' guatentoed,ltq' give parfaitaatiifk'gtl$a or e'ibneyrefuntled, Prion 26•6ebtfr lier'box, "Watitt ,lt Cho.