HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-17, Page 3I I I I 11 � =.­— — ., k, . .1 . -,,---- -­­­ I—— -7- ".. 1- ­ 1-1 '­ I - 11 I ­­­­­ ­ - -- - -N , , .", , "" � � ..,. 469" �­;I;Wlet.­�­ .. 11 I " ,, .1 % . . 0 . I . I . ,�. . !.",r *A% '. , ,VA 1. ��­� ��� ,0 �, , I , I I . I .1 I I '41 . '. . *1 * V, 1AA. . 9 ,-!�—,,. k* 41 0. Ir I . . 1. ­ .-W-" �J I f I I . I . , . . 1, . . . - � I . - � . � . . I . -- -- . I . . '. . . I .. I I . — . I , . I - ; Ootober 17 L884 , CURRENT TOPIC$. PA,000 in wages. only one great strike we - - — -- s­­­­!!n!!!!� � �� — -- I Q — 0000011111fal.00 of the. , -4 P"11IN AND, ISIAP" SpRRVIX. X9404640 AT' 00MRIFNION -41 1 . � 000,11-Ofgat Makers, . VXTY9 1 IXII. � � � I I - �.� .­ I WOAX" Ii4e the Alpine tonpolo, %AAd.tbo Who were but & 91030,11 proportion 0 �h,006 Wile 11116111sk olt 4111100teltiolo-liko; � . .1. ­­ . --."-� Broohlysi, brIdgp.brtqg up odlIgUlgr eeonomi- taking pmrt in the Cigar make", otclu, mad , , Rely The "care a morliswost iparmsev 440t. Tb4k Theort *-;[phu" I . . � . , 04 by an lx*r,m � Vim School 04F4 I . . who obtAinedan ingr I ofiosaf, . max-A-WC186 *111111 stronx, Me- RON, Of Dominion CRY,. while eat I will show jo I . , .0.�, . osiqaoationo. There the workostmad,sla U Per week, . , , The belograpblets wets defisted,',bu The plain, strong, oolloquisli K the method of Meame 11Y W. 5. TENABLO. pudoubteil good to humanity, but Incapable aeasious ba,,�Qaince, t con, �4 am maybe Ing hie dinner on SuiAasy,,2If;t, he ing which ii, pe h ' ' ' I riw- Ara file . � r. spo, on the. whole, most From Some sweet home the morning train ... .., at Ones emsy a , . I . I . of . � I bee I 1 .124 Correct; but wh yet . me 0. active ; it is very. nearly, , that descriw a Made to theiii. 01 . po Castle down, in the Woods tow do, the � , Brings to the a .paying any interest CIA the o�mpjtxl buried i attempts to use long words.. WACIA'so fii� of .4cIvf by ralcl. I have *not time to- afitempo* Five days a wook,la. sun or rRIn- ­ the )ORO important o.trikeo"only two. ore its and by the sound of the �bell can. , - . ., - - , in them. Now ai man desire$ to root the oAAOQqe$fqI,;hO I Be Of the Coin powito W . to expreoo ideas that , - mesmeric experiment to-nigbt ; Returmal )its a soug'o refrain , .1 . pitying, oupariorlt*, aluded that luey , . -1 Brooklyn bridge for a Ruin which will not Carpenters, T . I . � ,to mud the I I I medlt�ted w visit to the it 10, the, A Behoo. girl pretty. I I Borne familiar phrase, more nearly Ate City- aO rat4 dowu tit he%d them off, . and method only ;W11ch I wish 0, show YOV. . 4 . . . he former gained so So4v I � I - ., is a More, than keep it in repair. lie wants , &Doe . I . 4 wild flowerla Unaffected grace . of 8d. per Weak-.- The year ,1883 was assuredly ,caught in. ih . , I . ,a slough of affacta. While toroibg bi', W -,V ,begugh the thick. th Coal hand arbriolit object, such a I A lease of twenty yea is I I I I I I , , 0 thipp Is this fair Miss, " I To. In * ZIO more momoArAble in New York tot the number of -tic')' A man who balks to You , IV Oasual ocrub, hearda noiae tiauxiAd binu Fancying . fatieted piece . I . 11 . � . Of 9148i� is held thus, eight to Tat in her Shy, expressiva faco costly to Puild a bridge for 4 ho strikes, but the results achi " localities," 11 residen a 11 be. cattle oaut he bad passod; twelvo inches fecal. -the , � 16,000,000 � 11 I - 9-81 � . halk The torch o urban arts I trace, � keePJtSeIf'iQtS,o eved bore no 11 bragedie he waited Whit the mat . Whiab will barely A, 1 � Opes011, Of it WAS one of a . Subject, so .t f I , . � . . t of tot it And orliko I is built that proportion 0 the sacrifices involve Off' " dOlUesbios," 11 Mendicants," � I .a Mai madediroctly there is a, considerable oouvprg I as. .4 it is to drink §16,000 000 worth the yario,go, tradoaj . .d by and 44 individuals," instead of , is plaGeo", I -1-1 . sna o l . . I � � forhim. Whenitgoo almost to him, be eyes., mud rather above- the level .of thi ey% I no one but she and heaven knows of Champagne, And It is 9, fine thing to be � . ,, houses 11 so Shocking 4"rs,pp " reached forward as it. I ' L . L �. Of wb&t she'a thinking , able. to get to Brooklyn f earn Now York or I 41. , . " beg . f to do I . I I servants#,, to L , were over the int".- Rd that he is obliged to look Upward. Th - I. .1 LL - I .,*11 .1 It may be either books or beaus Vice Versa 'wbon the fad is a , bad, that A "490PIFNe 0017011.1 qsro, I aroo4s," is certainly bad toning ocrub see What Marwer L Of subject to told to look obeadily at the F16" L 0 teplaso bid weak nouns, . SAO was Coming, Imagine his, feel- of glaso,and to keep his L , , . Fine soholarehip oretyliqb olothos, forry-boat cannot make . Abe paose,geo , - 41104gh. It, I . b 0 "' ,L Xed Upon -ft, L ' Whole. attelitiola I L - .the verbs also Piro. affected, if Ale ,, simbeg is inge when a huge bear and- This position is . kept Up for Per cent. or pricking, L 4 A 00-roption 04, okloo neons of 4410140ving ' L. 1. . . . a I J 'L L ,, Tim Now York Graphic of SA Arasy qorl� tbI1384 .that Ordinary people 11 S%y,1P denly rose up, prepsted to bug and be five to tounlinubea; 'during this time the How happy Anuat the household be I - Ulna a sermon In stoup t * Well-known Ailment. and 64 purchases" when 6thers 64 bily,li swimble,­ withi upki I . This morn who kissed bee I s I ,%rid a. .two paces. Mc� Ross A will probably .dilate considerably. -building stones. A,q gf ten 4 090 i ' . - Ii bt rhyt , . Orra6ponda4b 411 the Youth's Companion � " Commences 11 when a college professor states- that the brixtewso so. close he ooul Not every one can make so free. . . � . I . . . . . . . L\ One. of its illustritiolip shows the palatial writes; so Will Minot give your readersaii : wo . uld 11 begin 11-bbe I _ Ir I I . I L on Ming 4. S.Ig'. . Who sees bee, ouly*leheo she . I . 'L lie ,, 4 oo;i a . hAna . - I L case is decidedly .ove touched him with his hand, Having .tree and, aiiation; when thi �- Were his own sister. WaUPIOIA of James G. Blaine, corner of article 04 whooping cough, btatin ,a . I . L , ., g what It worse. Even, the rude, rustio dialects not even as mQ01A as a poll-kaife,wilb hinA the freehand is moved slowly - I � W44tber I ny known with .their quai4b I I IgeXon L 0 . , sachusetto A . 10 'he lie .1 How favored Is the book she eons, Twentieth street. M&A , venue is, and here is a .1 L and homely ' t defend himself, he had no other resource trom-toble albjeab toward. the eyes. It that . , dy 1�, The disease is a peculiar forin expressions that have Bomeho , , but to , ye . . The slate*aha uses. . And F street, Washington, Dlotriab of temo . I ­ w Ungered ,.11. and yell he did, so for .and Subject is sensitive the eyes ..a 1. I I I I . oibly will, Usually The hat she lightly doffs and done, at b tie, attended in its first stage among the lower olmoBeo for cant 80 Successfully, that, It is supposed, the vibratory , Columbia, -now ,routed for 01,1,000 per . . . close with a , I I I , The Orient sunshade that she owns, annu= I Ia one corner of the out is a with: Rome rover, .and in the second with infinitely in Aides, are , motion. In oonist . . The dosk she chooses. - . ore intereeting and agreeable boar Came to tile co.poluslon that the man casoothe subject is then unable to .L of -the glottis, the iooa . I , opso -i I - . picture at the flat -'rooted f came hous a that spasms I I 00i4s in the than this emasculated modern talk. T128 was nabbing but yell, and that berries mod them Mestneri.o. phenomeur. I .. uppa� Part of the larynx. . ,, and the usual Is she familiar with the wars I Was his home in Augustil, Maine, previous It is highly daily newspapers often coritain, examples grahe wotild'sio easier on his 860MAQ11 thm U 0!&n bQ obtained. Its when' the operator I . Of Julius Ciesar ? to his. going to. Washington at 0 IAI6010118, and since few childr at the finest and I - a no a I I Do crucible auti. Leyden jate, I L . 5,000 per . on."hoape , , &oat diflidu L' Alike that, 130 h8,4urne , . I * " LL - It kind 91 I I . .4 and fled. brings his hand near the eyes of th oulli And Frenob. and earth, and sun, and state, ye placed considerable � pud Itgoaer�lly ' one's --susoepti- -�-jhmb An which P I .. ,a - I sr. Re Must have , . ,destroys .1 I literawy work , class reserve This boar bu3ittess is getting serious. Itis ject, the subject instead of closing them * ' Illanoy aid 'jaitad"Mrid the,otylaL is I L And Isuclid plesse her ? . iIf )lie salary to wi ' bility to, a. second RttAck, it is largely and beli I , . j I . ndward. L . I I . I can- . sly An I - . . . i reported that not long Ago another of our gollo'Watbe-movoments of, the finger$, tie* L L I . fined to ohil4ho I . . . I , , ad. At the commencement I pid. But who hag not felt 0100fisaaw two large specimens Uatacroas whole proceeding is repeated, but the suo- . She studies music, I oyine ; I radical , parfec I * I . 0 . -­ � .--.. A L&W passed in 1875 Made m� L L is resembles a hard cold, but she, sets that the over exp�ession of Ek fee day of knowledge -,-- . . � ­ JiAig, the the'rallr1gad bridge. The oilizans, -&s a jeatils..told to close.his eyes When the - - ChAugo -lu--thie Wansgemotif of French at- vougbipg &to 'violent and last , lindA26 -bajobagis ,of �:--- iijis tj " ' L L, . . - -- I .., . I And all the other arts divine, DOW 6611 L', * . . more I . I a a tendency measure Of- 'safety, ought to organize a bear. fingers are brought near them, b L, 1. get, , I I,, . tit to'keep I -Of imitation and design, . . pr isons, and prisoners ate required lon� I At longth-it * may be ' in ,towards extravagance, are manifest ,in t, %.rid got rid ef Rome at those them fixed in ,the same direction me before. . . - L . � . Taught In the college. . � ... to be kept isolated. from one � two at �,thtea days, �or iu­m6 many much that is pichited in newspapers ? Per. f, 0. . A Russell is tile only encodes. and to odatin . I I another by,dby w,,ke-th . . L . us to, think of the object, sad � . L I . A charm attends bar everywere7. ­ ­' . - r L 0 spasms Of the glottis are hope "the public de fa, a -shot one in hie that' only. The operator then for soma .,P'ght',� . ,QVIwiA i L I ­ ­A-sonBe of beauty. - - . I.., . Ae".WT11 mo.�bj . Mond it?" Lot us 119 yet,, having I - I , L 414 � Whose developed and. the W,ell known - who�p- waive tbatpoint aDd,anergly Ask the prob� b . � , PAI.- Winn pe#'Free Press. . � L Aninatfili,in,m, I L Care emiles to Bee bar free of care; terins of sentence do not exceed on 1 A.9 .... 1-�- . We "`pmssos,1'�brIngfA3g his warildl, � I The hard hear in 'Pri L , e. year Rattles its real, j3haiaoter., I The WIAQOp AS � able effect of it on what Way be called the I I I .. - !, . hUndis over. mud atolls to the f mod . of the Suit- ?\ .4 love4or unawaxe ;, � - or i, lodged sons belono 11 . . - 11 . r, I Age pays her duty I . I jing. ,to the doe to. -the: fact that, it is inapossi , - 0 X 1J6N9iMonyP I. -. , � do�srtment w2i . � . . . I I I I hie to ti%lie .'opeech oL the People -4tho-rjeho a resolve, ... -­ - I 11 which they ivere cop . xP eitirn L, 1, , ­ . 1600 ig quo direction. ,W)2en tho oubje#AIL . . . . Vic I - reath during the rapid coughing, and effeativ�o vernacular. Effect The 1 0121a is., we publiall. May be' inclined to pws - into *the catalep 1, She is protected by the sky, . ite& The point moot inaisted on is a I . I there must be, I I . I tic state. .- -.----Good spirits tend her; . , hence, an its. 000,13ing, there is along and for every,one reads the papers, and Avon varifi id by any -person who may doubt their all indication of his. condition . may bb.L . � sufficient number of cello to keep those who labored inrush of air. Moreover, as .the the modern school -boo I . . I � Innocence is- her panopiv; .. . � . I I . .1 . I N more and more truthfulness. . . obtoilned.by gently raising his at . be, innocent of the Charge against blood &IIAlotfAceelyant , I L in; it he is God's cAriae upon the miscreentlie, . I a or the linigo,durl,bg wribtOniu,ths stilted style, Despite the ELGI"I, Dec. 18.�We, the utidersign9d, beginning to ,be' mesmerized, the. Srip. , � . i I . soi,the impeded mod O%UEes POutinumuce of "notes and queries,!, mud kve'Malid Nemvnillp iq,Ourfamiliep as, remains in thiI Position In which it id Oliceil. i Who darea offend her I . = from oomiog in contact. ,Wibh the .the p&rQxy 61, 1 h . habitual criminals. The mab.1;0v, hilils fire theveins bf the neck to aw.all, out, gives to. ills survival of folk lore a prepared by X�C. PoldQU & Co., of Kilifid. It' the sim falls the smoria kat6.Mai , � along time, bub"ic, 1880 co -d . par , ation 01, the face alivid''lo6ki and' sometimes 0 1 coa4 Societies, it is to be f ZIQ philological' I .1 . . .- . I me Y . e'VariOUS, hernoirbagea.�11 dared that thi hmrra. t�h, Oob�,. mud capbif,v'tb%t it never Imila to nobinfrequently be hurried. on by-tellis WATIS 01P C0NNZ0TICVV,VAT0i. the Government was Aikidly seouredi and Bi6ri _at ,the noses 1080 idiorab WIllgo,t6ibe L Wall, . . , g i , s 6. I . 'the proposed rato ­ . . .. ' � 0 � tins are ii� The little give relief hi Colds, c4uglis and rheuin%tic - the subject to keep hie arm extended whilii 1 1 Hen, Two Wise. .nof.bers Guat%esl Their, If L . . � . 9.w in process of stomach mad lungs. But'there is ad dan- English girl of the brickyards who says, pains, mud We have 49, besiost L !on itt'recarm.' 'he. is still -gazing At- the' object, or while the . . . , .ex6ou 1011- . I . ger-of the 0a;Ient's dying.of SU that is th' L . .. 64,4pri6g. " . . � . .. I I flocation, 11 We oWilli the spottles a# as faces before Mending it td the 'public. W. Fmmdcg� pales,'are being,inade. And . a I I . The Connecticut oat is feet . ... . L BTAPNIAK, the author of 11 Underground U13 is so Oflea-fealred. - The disease may bO we has, us dtanerI,11 will I rh to 89,Y, �'We PoStUARStervElgid; 9ENRY W. WARIMN; who , f the,pr000so I ., The man thus in I . . . .Ile in expe- Russia,�149 a great worker,. . . quite mild; 0 very severe. Occasionally perf3rin oar, ablutions be'alfore o6r noon By-IZ& Powism.-Elgiq; *QnruAs -Buo " Werized-.R W... dients. Ed. Parkhurst's catostKorwich . . He goes to bed. sue person gets well In. a fbw dayo,without. rep.sto." The colliernieuts plea. during a South Ormsby'. I . W49 . , . inks from manhood to 6, 'highly I Town, 'lot , I . . .1 I i L . complicated piece of Machinery. ' He is a J Ifluding that She could not live at midnight, L rises . m.9 2,4qd plies big pen any medical aid. But generally the disease , "we must have Something ',to fillms Tanoeuttrial bobblesmay be purchased .machine whialifoe a time is conscious, VA(J:-� " I I -- . . peaces,bly with the dogs boys. and other With src a for refreahmentg lasts six weeks. ,Sometimes, when no bottles," iaterm. idIQ1n%tiG, mud �t to be at any drug store. 'Pole6ula Nervill�e; the, in which ideas astibe excitedbyapprPriates I _ I I 9- .1 no L ,oats, took her kittens in her teeth, one at Whidh Ile4t88tdio -as he writep­untlinoonl ,� 4! it 'rups on, Many. months, As's strangbbelledi, The trginiarl,rabutitaineer, vever-fAillng �poin cure. . Try it now. ' ' 86021ilsti011; anyone sequaintOd with the i I"to L I . . ; . . I � �- a time, earst-oba&ker-wAy-up-the.-boork-oLA� -Tholl-ba--alee a ... for �bo;xt­tIAreo­JhQ mr , Vale, �4�--Farqyams gradually become -ioBteadof saying, "We are going toliar. .� . . . -----.O— � , .. I machinery Can I L'iet it -in motion big elm in the 'front yard, And, stowed ghon� he again mats to work,'and, until -16-oi- severe and 11F "qdnnt-&hd , L I . .'-- , pbs � I . .—From . tb6d�'dodbs ; 3W UP--001--h-Orff0g,-'gdt-ti-Vf6ltd4t,-ffo-ttfV' , . , them III -a hole in the tree, eighteen feet . , - -Thie-woiffg- 191'ap,il tMaster-who in, " The rhysioigg Cal Aspect of 96merient", by midnight,'gives himself only one of two though . for 'a time an. ordinary I , oung ladies, mud. have fi, ilarics," sums L .T.W. Langliy 'i , . . I . W cop, u , y . short §f,400 in .hie so I I It-,Pokislar Science Xqn1thly . I this in the' phrase, ,,We ime goIng.on wanted. diamonds and w fm to ... from,the ground, that was two feet.deep, short opells. of'rest.. This goes on. for jav6 cold will be. attended With a L I . qouqbk says hiewife r October. , I .1 , .. I with an opening ill" far -Idgh for bar or six days a weak, or until the.. task hb� hajI - The moat that medicine can d6 is to 11 affi. a yke.11.-BXchq"ge. . I . . . I mily Carriage 00 . � - I I I., I . to crawl through. Thles"oen. ODjOY6d life Set himself is accomplish ad; and While it . syMptolng L sud'shorten.the duration I . . . . � ': bad that.lie couldn't bear to disappoint Do nob press your young children i I 06 � , ate the - --- . � her. She wears the 4ismoudo when she I with her family. When she was OR calling is in progress he drinks enormous quanffi. of the disease. - Allini mats welt 0117 the . � XWETS Op A9AkKL11Q1AD'XZN. vitits him in jail. . . . . . book le'arning, but teach them politeriawk . , at night she knew that the kittens'were ties of tes and o6ffee, the one is.bluck.as iriA%med bronchial tubs; b�llsdonrls . on the' . I . . . I . . . I . . safe. She was in the hole from early in thoother. Only a man of irop constitution 'Irritmed nerves that as4se the spastris of � — . I I a. --,W— . . .:. Including the whole' cirolp of, obarilijeo' 1 1 Placens aud Spairrowip rere�lna on, the 1. . . cheater,'N. V., ' - - which ,Spring from th6,00AISCiOusliess of . A lot until a heavy rain Storm come On a and of -otherwise temperate. babiti could ,the glottis. A doctor uA be coiisulted Zlevaled Mond for two IyAceilit a ]p . .. I wbabi is dhe. to th ' -1 i ug' agoand the tree leaked.. Ili ihe av- = 04utributes its quotes of praise als to the . . . I ,, day,, ' . I III . . I . . . air fellow beings. - I L long endure,. such a literiLry regime asiho for,the, more dangerous but efficaoious I - L . � A jolly -faced men. darted out from. the. genuine merit pf Patti pairileas height of the t,tarm ehe crawled out with As late editor of, this Norodnaia Volia.has remedies, No, one.- mediciP6 waste each of&, , %M's Corn I * * st L , . hitoen in her mouth and transferred h4c. 'devised for himself.' ' .. . . does, n I or any case in all its SyMptotas , rtarle box f6t the city hall elevated station Extractor. - Henry Heill; ; Opt. - 23rd, 1883P 1 *-v* * * * * * , * .4 * * * � ** . the boutie cellar. With great difficulty she . . . . .. . and, yeaterday and heakpad' some.Bwest broad writes', L" Send m dozen to � digtrib(ition i , *-* * '* *' I .*. * It * . " , Oy crumbs. I on the top at a cost box*at the slid among my. friends, for it is as alai I . . . I I stages. The.only wise course is to empl' . r .* . . *: carried'all the kittens to she cellar. .. B3&AZIL ill'still. Auffatia g from the oixrob.of an I , mad, * - , ..' - I i . . John G. Oooloy'u o*t, at North Franklin, - ol I ritelligentphysiciala who,can-atlidyjlB of the station. . Then he' poured some frdoh Sure, L oats and ,�ainlaqa­ Bona quioliL . *. I 1. . :.* .1 .every. Half the populitiory of the peculiarities mild watch iss� Pendelacies. 11 Y 'I L 1-11 �L` � " sp., -I disliked the continemout-inourred in watch- ' ,water intos, lar�Q tin cup near the ovamba. Bawaxe of poiponoua substibutes'a6d g4 - * " �' -11, �' � 2.� . L I Ii , ... ­ . . i* L . . I I ... II 11 . .. - - ., . . .t , 0. , four kittens %It day, and she placed always danger of.. grave.complIcatibus' " , . . * . imme Fie empire of, 10,000,600 people,are This is. the mote impprtant, since. there , is *a d hurried book to his box. . . . 6' ly the g6uirke. Pultomm's coin NIEtrao. A * !:, . In moth . city hen, which was- Still in bondage. A, Bill is now before the . - Half a dQzQu' pigeons -thsb had been tor, made by - Folsou & Go., druggists, * . . = � s, � . IL . . 111ii under a * L. . acute bronchitis, pneumonim�jpleurisy'mnd . * I . � ... . . �.# trying to batch a porcelain egg ia's neat- Brazilian P,arliamprit was6hing him from, the roof L Of .J� ho, Klagell it. . - . . � !I . * r use .0 , L . L . .1 ,*. .., . . ... 1, t. , . .1 - - . � ­ .� I * .. . , -fters,notlidt - . I * - h -a -y' a I . - u Chat- a ds,iifcrnio� --­'� "'L .... ­­­.."'; .. .*-_-- , , . providing, fO fille other. .lung, difficulpies;-'.- It is -thus,-indi-- -oppofsitg thi StOti6ifibW one LLA - , ­' . two feet Away, on the eaMe awow. ,gt ddaVeman'aipation o(All burns, rectly',often fatal. UnleQowhare there ' . ;... : . L I I ( � *'*� ,:� ,: . 1%�Ir� 0., , 1, I The hen olucked, lified her wings' -and we]- , tels, the limit at since in which -tliis� task. * Is to th broad Qrumbs, ate what they wanted, A farmer has had t6'jiv a find . . ' , Is Vooke 'drink of the'wxt Off . 0 for"kno g'his .hired, man down *' �-� , . I -- " I . . . serious Complications; it is beat to bave,the' � " coined the litter. .The cat went on to w , to be accomplished being. #x" ; a at, and sailed %way ,#I . akin I . �� ,:e . . . w tii a un�h of .. L , . * It . hile � . at no, dis- Child is muili as possible.out of doors. The � grapes weiihing ten ** . .. " .. .4LZ 0 , This projected me be again. A do�pn sparrows ,that had, been . * . . � �. , , " away the day, returned at night, mud took, taut d0te. . %surd will dietsbo be nutribions 'Thifisfioold aneasil 'flattering about .pounds . heaper *t . . " 10 . back her offdpring - doubtleas.omuse a very bitter and deter- ` .ulcl a y the .telegraph .. It ,was a han',hunting * ., , .. , Mich morning tbdre - around fo . k . L ... - I I , I ,� ­ I . looked aft6r: mr car;fully if the' child a 00 I . . �,�%'. �-i ­ �� � I 44 � after the kittend i�era put off ined fight, and - the bilitoomo f , , , bil. �L wires fiew to the ciamb box -in @6 flc�ck. the . r . . I . � . � , . . *,* -., � . on the herii in ' , 0 :Il) Is vomits mu Food obdidd be given often, L . . . ... I t . . 1. . I . the cat strolled, away, mad the hen enter. Impossible to1oresee. The money; interests &�d -a' moment the pigeons departed - and, 4uiokl , . . I r . ' I .... V, 5 0 � . 1 3 early as possible, befoie an pXpeotOd L � yv . --�-Dcuggisbi,iu fii%la�rial d6t' * �. ­ �W . . . ta,ined them by clucitingto them until the represented-byAlle,elaves iwenorwous, 0110 paroxyism. L' � . � L .. .- devoured What was left oUthe bread . . , ' � gAebe Say * - - . 0 41.- I cat came back at night. They th:iplanters are - defiant In �.,the defense at , . - .. , .... I � . "There,", -paid the stiker, ,, ' that Lydiw R. Finkliam'ji Vag6t%bld .0 L . . th . . . . you have . am-. * 11 ,,'I; I answelied.to . I . I I . I .1 -1 — . . every' POdad is as much thiI standard remedy,1for * - t , '' .0.1 cluckitig of 'the ban and the�spsoi! . be: Southerners I . .. � nefin somebhipg that gods'on here ' 'k '' I , , ' L, fad is. for the - ­ �-- . 0 both the' property as i a]$ * .1 , * � . I . Newspaper SdIterfals in Turkey. -' d4y�ssregulara clockwork. T12d.Lp' ii XOM was noose% as quin � * . . fie maternal oall. The hen eat On thd kit. were. Dom Peilio bimsolf, however, is at' L I . . . . 6 1. Out. L igeons . o * - 4 this: drna� prevail:lag ohills and'favar. - , :. I .* * . an d- - -th--- -- -wo-hpA dif-hisay Ib­*iII;be,iateresting, no-doubb,tothe 'come in -the Morning -mild -ab _ ­ ... , �, . � . tone for about two weeks, on -.they . I . aw tfi-0--liberal - $lament, &UL L ,I in the 6fts,n I I ' ' _ ­ ­­= I - I - . . -.----- -V-:-- FIF---�111 .. . ran away, leaving-herdisoorlsolits. .Tuaro preo6t'iiae course in the matt�r- fail$ �murl people of guoh a fioi Country so. America t( oon ever) -day find anjoy their I . .� 0 . .. . . . . . � I . ". . , . . . was a void in.ber afteotioris that a porcelain.. %civil War xesults. there, will- be'oo doubt of read the extract translado'� of the'laugnao, meal. Thepigponsalwayjeattlaetr�ahai � Tlii� bureat . . . . ., . . ,43 re Way 6f'govarniiag, both I ( L oding I . .. - * � ... . , .. . spapere havato use in Turkto,y, no 11 . h6y'had . 0 . In O' - LYP . -E.: . . , . I 9 ilicompetant to fill. After bro the result. . I . � the no* i)iemt,mtiMsj,s8.k0u have seen. .T private'.family mud sAingdorn; Ili for m � 1A . . Mo.!!, . ' L , I . . =111 nest for two days, she gave up the, ' A CHiCAG . o n9wop I ap I or publfDhai . I b I he'. L fol. . - matter what �mtionalipy tacy, may, be.. An a regular battle last Motish to �ettlo whioli husband and 'a prince AombtiMesio di9p *TEGETABZE 003SWOUM . * .1 attempt to batch the egg -and began w lay ' .- - I . . . A:meridan . adileie - in %,utkey, was t6t,illy. 'oh.puld be the leader an the meal', mild �, the their pr�erogaiive�, ­ I . . . .1� .:, . I . . .. I -�. .. � .. I � I I ' ' ' i ility f& . ' eggs again. Mr. Cooley believes lbst,u lowidLg ex.tre.6rd.11nary account of the travels rained by fir6 through some, m%bCAnACe'd&AA biggem add.1andsomest mats of. the - lot LDIreobly thd,71des of durab _dea '*. * * _*,* I S A P 0 $J T IV E C U R4 I - -1 *`, * " * . .1 � I _g" * 1�4 . I . L. ­ . 1. ,.L A . litter of kittens is the only thing, except ofm needle :- � 1! OVer, twenty yeewasio Mrs. incendiaiies, and, . though the Cape w�a 'won,. mud has svefaiice been'first it table. � froin the mind: of the workman,'xi(it Oat 'For all of those INdurni Complaints AM& - 'L T . . . death, that will 11 break up'� a sitting hen. ,Augusta Peabod . t 1. 11: I I . quite olea'r.* to -the coutts;,yet beo�us6 of Thed'parrow4 iieduskof all. AlIthobirds does hie work. beifil to.plaffer, but also., his �ar. * Weaknesses so 6arnipon to, our beat * . � Limb winter an extraordtilary distemper . Y'o this olty'ace'dentAlly tneirbeing Mahoinmedani the -Armenians are pass of, the trainmen. . They send dow� L manhood. - � I I I .1 I � .. L .. * * I . ­ - 0 1 . p*a1lowed a 'small carobrid n6edle. .0 . . L I *F.UBIALE.3?6F1JtMr1ON * * . , ile ' � I : * * . a;p?arod among the oats of eastern Con- . aay',IAtit..W6bk, Mr. Henry Faiabody, the 15-' . will find some difficulty i� securing their lots of bread sud'aake to be fed -to the flack, . . Gillis' teigh, 't I � I .. I L . . I . I .. .. *: ,* I - . .1 . L o6riiiation. The - folio !,as mud the birda'are seemingly ge ti ' 113 w ' he w 86Dtbh, tourisli '*bo IT WILL aURE ZfJTIIMLT TIM WOUBV IPOR* orr I . Allecalout that set them sneezing and kept ' r -old Son Of this'lady . . wing is lin ex . b 119 to 0 'tumbled.over a precipice in the Rocky ' ' you _, complained of i4gL . them.", . � .. . . L'. . them at it until their vitality wasexhanouid intends PSin iUL his right side. -A ph trinslatiou of an, aditorithl of the -lead . . I . . .1 : L MAIJI 10OMPLAIliTS, ALL - OVAMLAN TROUSL ' 158i I Veto' Mountains the'other day.:Wso'beii , to. .Fl�A31�IAT�101;A�TbULCR]iATloi*. Flia:1NOA",l) � . I . a A 'an' Armenian, tiewspOper, 6alldd Arevdk, pub- Sparrows build nests inagreat Many of .'L finoBt SnCe4bj&I patebee in V L , - I . . one . I I . 1. mad 116 Rt L I I* ­ of the. . ,AlgImUd_ FLXCEMENTS; ill Tire CONSEQUENT SMA�X;WX and they died. They Moped about the ' was su'Dimoned to examine the idfl lished in -Constantinople, giving an Lmacount t ation rdilis on 611, t ' , ' -iTAnTIOULAIMY ADAPTED TO - . T - .. . roads with swelled hemis,.oneezing.con- I appt,owbidli 'appeared midwa� between -the I L . I he alevaited ... so, � * ' tinually, and when their anxious mistriskee � b6y4 shoulder -mud - the. - waist. of. this first, and* inviting the attentio of. andsiefed.bythe parterii. in'ano' down. - , Thdr� is nothing So elo�ati6 &4-tbe hainan 011AW, GX OV LIFE. * ... * Is * * I. *1 . . Chad, scowled � � mind�* �hike imprison�d tile More it. A IT Witt � DIS , SOLVZ AND XXVB . , . . - After authorities to punish, the puties'Alwho town ot%tion there is a pit mouse that. hats ! . L Tuxons. rnox�- . . wickedly all them. - cutting � into the 11-6%" the physl6laq, �. . it own hard y , is preaftd`tbe more Wartipaln . . .- I I "", hie dAts, some of them . . can-Rdthe-fire: 1. .' . - L .. . �. I been fed L till in b&o.got go fat I' . I L 6 to resist the UTERUS IW AN EAiiLr STAGE OF DEvilmorimirl. . I I worth remoyed *froinL the bay, the identical needle i. The 'more we are Obliged to do, t,FZ;DENC'.IoTqOAXDiliOU�IlTlifORSTIiERNISO L- . OY,S nilothat hma SWal OW6d . ull 8 - .. . ,— . � I many va-lu. 1, We again publish ae minute discriptio . r� . -Several ticket4gents IA�ve 'fitbed'-u P' ""' VERY SPEEDILY BY ITS USE, .* , *' �' *L .. . their Owners, perished in the towns *hich."the b .1 . 12 jetionS ' a ' " L'L "' � T tile More Wears able' to -accomplish * .*' ' ' And villages at Windham mud, New London .t*enty L Years before. Vh6vaso has excited we bav61. ' received of the burning at - the Cages in their a I an oatiaries.sing.lu .. , 1. . ' . , *-T� IiRXOYZS FAINTNES�, ViiATULMNOY, �DZS . ' ' I Counties. In some Cason, the sick oats much diodusaibn i Armenian College. in'the City of DiVrig, bhom­-�Njw York Sign. ,1 .. " . ,: L . . They Sitill R%ek to it in. Mhmesota�'thlkt . AL . I . , cuAyANdVon STIM . ULANTSiAXbRELIXTROW.11 L n laced modicalmia, intgi. , .. � a WE - d to Madioal CMIL circles I , slid will be tha subject of Ljej�ar&j ' " . .1. the tornado of last fall carriod,fain, lioness ,NnSSorT1IZS'�O*AiCJL .IT OURES.13LOATTZ50i RIC . were Chased down find subjects I -begging ab the,BmMeL tima she'; pity and , ... W � here We - "- . ACHE, ftavous PA6ST"TXON,* GENERAL all Z L . I treatment, and it was discovered that the ' * sympathy Of his. auguiit-majeaty,of.dar- . �;en are' ;14 at Thirty. half- 6, mile and' Set - them d � I Mero at the neit, Aneeti , I ... L , . own, so fti DzricEssiom AND IlJDIdZ$TIOX. � I * . * .01 - ­ . .. .. .. I . I ­.. . , 00A y .r I 161 patient dieffat.an earlier st"g Of the coin- - byeli0isnal Institute in, ng:Of the State .0 , otommu fatherly: a6vareign over this Bad . - of Lthe that, not Q . bit of - plastok WAS' loolioua . I . * * , . � ibis. City k1ext, .The jCverntnent of the house Tbbbb�SLVOAY fair : but'there all *1TuAT PEELINO or'BRAnnia: Dow�x, '6 � . plaint than it pokinitteil .96 die unaided. 'month." ­ ' I . '. I � ruin .of -the collegp, which wad buht Wish , ould h . WN, ­ , . . . . , Brubmia is strictly in the hands of the .been collmis s000lI6 out foi,,ena.., , , myeL *72iG.UTANDLBA6]tACItIC,'S.ALWA'rSLrBII I . . I I � . . 'father during the youth of.the I . ­ RED BY ITS .USE. *,�,*L _ "* , L .1 This fall a now and still more deadly diO. . . . .. .. - So Much -experiso mud hard labor, slid was'. ;Anmn�- of the . � . � -On ` *- , * * * 1111. . I I d 'L. . . . . t , . , .. Mont 'Ifas just .� IT_. WALL L . I— . *D I Ar , L per is appi . . 'A now. kind, of entertain AT ALL TDIRS � iXD� UN . tam !oaohiog - frow Danbury,. in Tint.11 City'.0' wri or Of Loudon Truth Says itedhoad,tomaliesiri-a m6inant. The go6d family, mud.of the eldest son after fie- Mar, .' . . , ER ALL'0= _4 the western part of the State. - .It has that, oileafter Another,'. the - electric, light mild virtuouswill of our 'august - hoverbigu rise. - The son alWayp takes his � wife horas sPr 'T Ali ­ . . . I . ung.up iii, *New York ooeiety,whiah '-5TAXcEs--AuT I 11 MONY WITH THE LAWS T"Tt - L � . already resobell'the Ooiiuecti.out River d' Sultan Hamid, whidli. is a"Ibar as -the to �118`Pmriintal roof; find fie the sons mArr prom. . less to afford considerable mwUo0in0IIt cov.9UN THE ryINALM SYSTjX. .* * ­ L *., * � or . , . ompowles, , which a*,$ their: existenooto in, and L whosi �'iovdtoignty% motto' has additions. are built to . the house until' Y . . . � LY PonwriiicarentATR : and owners of favorite oats in the at . a . -1. I L it and pleasure to -those who,take ps,rb in it-. "s 41F'IT11'-vU11rOs11 is SOLD . � I valleys the eleotriOightmanla.'R 1981, aro-coliaps.. �&Iways been to give partionlar- Cal In this plL lf�' ' ' - DEALING 60 DISEASE AND THE RELIEF OF rAIX, AXW . Thomas, Shetucket and Quinnobang River . . 1 .... ­ . re I mud becoines a village III. itself. I .see is phrenology. S61ne people, I' know Of' THAT IT'VOES ALL IT CLAIMS KO Doo THOURAMW4W .:1 I . had. -grese. work of education. the women'6,reimpriion6di-,Iiterally'buried . ntand the coming W,ilitOr''tO LA,UIES CAN PLA-'?I`7� T STIPY -" . * ; , - valleys are in a; flutter of expectation sad Ing. Rarelk, he remarkd, the pio� attention to, the , . Rays'a, writer, 1 to, 10� '. - * L ' * #.*,.. L ,,dread.. The diseaue works very rapidly. mober's gre'ed and1ts ba6fut oduse4tionceii :apd discipline, according to'.thb require. &live*.' Prom the. day'of their warriag6i give " Phr0uOIO9iO%1 pEbities ; that is, to * * von THE CURE pip. RMNEY Glo"ZI&IN, Te nr , , , It comes on without . any premonitory been so at'iikinily illustrated: iLs in the Case ments of tho callbury,undoubtedly 06greo, which.is at & very early RgO,.they never see bate a phienologist come to their houseg, txTuEn a= vnic nBM9,) r,'jS 1INStWASSED. 111 * . . -symptoms, the hair com;ei .off, and the oat of the filectrid lights aAd the result is, epsrt us that, this ruin6d'conditio - n of the . college 'more of tho,outer world tban the narrow and' mmood their friends,., by feeling., the * LYDJA_'8' PDMAA.X'SL VE&FTABLE COMiloVifs fj . I . . Of Sky Mad 016UA L . of tho I 1, pr6pare awelis to such a size that he Cannot Climb from the lose of.inany millione sterling, a' Will.- invite - the august - sultan to ba4lell lImame -protuberances on., thO:. Craniums ' d at Lynn, Mus. Pkle� $1. Six bottles for 4W . . the ' I ly, ex that. looks down- Who Will Submit to it. ' L ; , I Ale Sold ft all dniglit'sts. BeiLt�yn2Ail�p,ostagepaid,ingens-, � or utter a Sound. au,d, after a day or two, diloiy.of at 16-ast some 'years in more plesaedto*ash swo,y, With hin ,fathei 0 �upoi! them b6twaan ,,the walls of their . . . L . oflil=r he dies of welanoboly and disappointment. general hatrocluotidli.of the . . I L . . . I .... . I � "Guide to Walth?"will be mailed free to OW . n6w light in . most pitiful and Merciful gesoo-beatowhig prison hoine.. No men are allowed to I I . . .. � . I � - rl " ,, Lozenges,oix receipt oLlarloopeabova, RM . . L . I - " 14dY sending stathp. Letteri conRclautially w1sweved.sp I this country,; $or th B It' 1A inve tor,will, dro'perof favor,� the tears of his many hun- enter the house bub the - members of two, - . * G - No niml � Physicians are unable to successfully ly" e. * - vi I,, ' d . . I , I A: rent Alske4lens.. , - , I �hould be without. LYDIA R. PINKHA" I diagaose the disea8e,WhIolidoes iict�yield verk 'natural figh.b olly of4wlrandh,of code of ifbeilie4t sh4gtatefut Children Who family and the prielet, except on r I � . � . . . PI LS. They;cura Constipatibn, Ilflibusnes$ Md to the old school p matica *of " lustry which -has cost him so dear., The are i1i so great *need 6f odudatioAA.11 . . VoVeldltY of. the lAfer. 25cents.perbok. , to Catnip.- It" "i he'd to . . .0comiopp, and then UC94n by this women. � .. -Take fill the Kidney mud Liver .I..— . . ,- , 11 , . - i . , loat il Bruilt "offspring -Which U'ditora . . ' for. spiuBterhoQd ia� I 1. ., ( . . I I Re;$ L . � , 0. C N. -16. 49 . � . WiIrw ich Cor. New York .Sun, , I - . . -OfAmerioan papors�would �Ot Married ab 10 years� � . � , 1, . Medici . � a S41. ­ , . . I . P06Y illo. pefialty'of non�auacessls tWExilt- -Snjoy being forced to write -in* that atr4hui�. . r., . . . . I � . . L. . et$er. L . 11 I �wothers at 12,,, they ate faded '*�Takei mli ibe Blood Purifiers, - - , I I I .1 I . ­A� � L eta Electric Light and Power Colnpmny, , Consfantiw�le L : ­ . .1.1 'of - fifth, L - - , . ` . ----�.."­­ . . . I I . .. and old at* the beginni their . -Take all the Bhotimatic remjdles,.� " Harper's Werry, Va. - .. I . . I . .11" *1 I . . L the bulk of the amount paidon the Shared q. . . . lusirum., They die - of. loleer old. ago at "Tage ail the .00polisiff aud-indigbetion , 1Q0 ]YAW. ITI, RIAL * . , . I . 11 Merit property at this his- of. Which, some Z48,000, MaY -be oollex .; . The prej - ... � ., .. . �. . . .1 . . . . - . , The Govern . , d ' ' abelaiieni of American mainiks. aboutOO.-Wom, IgOgntury; ­ .. � ,. I I . L . , L , � - . .. I ... � . . ,. .. I � L I I . an . . � . . 11 � ouros, . . . .. , t .. 1. .. torical Spot is to be sold 0 the highest - ored, as lost, .... -1 1,11 --Take all th 4gue,",Fever slid bilious . 0 R . ­... . . � ! I . . I I. � I - .: � - . P . I Without commencing upon' the Tagl1ii. . - I : � . .. . * . ... bidder on the - . � -, . I , � 2lat prox., by order of Cob. ar4s t Vlae.Caunlax Andoolry. . � . . ; ,9, A -BLOWERS are peouli%rly Susceptible 6: . I . ' - � specifics" . I . . � I fierds (ATollivers) of Virginia, th re stro the , - ,. � I I . . . . . I I hiet that top, L ­4ike all'th Brain and Nerve force � I I gresa, notwithstanding the .1 . . . : R . , .1. I Government has owned it for 90 years. 114. ,to various, dioemobs of' the lips -find Cheek?, 0ooils (pronounced Sysfo,­or Sysols), the The canning.of frult'and vegetables is, an - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . I . I I . . , ,* I . . I . revivers, I I . I . ,-, : , . .. . � . = (0batwayo), RoIIOstbAA4 (SIX11- in which California .and Main . I . . Champs .. , .1 - , mous by Old John Brown�a* bqoides having a.predispollition to tumqrs I a ' - tnov" lik ) (A Win.) . . fTa,6 mil the areas health restorers. A , I of, find 6fteudinds 1886"the eon. r. h rl LFO'l O-VOLTj�10 .BELT kind OUICIVELOCTRIC' : ' blow for freedom in 1859, sad its oubse. ston8), s (Leii, Lay I I ' = largely engaged. In ci -a gegt oft 80 Dnysl T:IaJ,g,, . 41rej Which. 6re.ths Anore'sekious as, . , " . _, . and rait, I . L mi), the . I 1111 year, tbig industr I . . take all the boAqualities of all .!A�em,LiAvcj�,s ni � ..quout ospturea and reoupturdi during the . I Ay TimberlAkei (Tirrilike), the a . y gate amploymenttiI these'. and the ' . ., . . ME ONLY YOUNO It' OT.1),. who are on war of the rebellion. It derives. its , name boys. are frequently ompioyedo W4;n titb guests (Ashabts)', tho'Blounto (Biunte), .1,173 persons in 0alifornie6o mild *.ego in �beot 11!F front k8RVOVS DEBILITY," LOfir VITALITr. I 1ByatAM is Wbakened by rapicl. growth, mod the Eloarts Mai �-Qualittas of all, the boot Anediolnea in N1 , TINd VVr,AK1t,SSl1,S, and all 11140BO 09003eg Of A . - from a Robert H�rpoi, a native of Oxford) * 1 3 liable to be-iDj hrionaly acted upon by th . e . (Alipats), AtIolitenbanches ne. The employment is not coristalkil, .the world,'and you will And that; '­HPP . REnSO'4AL. X.%TUh9, resulting 11-orn Asters and in England. He was born ab . - (Arbois), slid the -Xeri (11sres)i. A� family 'in eith4 - State, because 'the. .oantlefiss OTHER CAUS98. 'S eecly relief and Complete - Out the yoai " �Bitt0k'hkvsthe boob ourative qualities restoratton to PULTH vinon and MAxnoOD I . 1703, and at ihe age of 20 he emigrated to , high tairapbrature and dry atmosphere.. A rejoload in thd name of Polly. L - The eldest operate only - part of the year � but the wage And pq , wers of 0,11 -concentra . GdARANTrPT), grnd ai once for ­1111fatrUtOd . I pr4casi, Lhoweiat * has been brought into uso son, on unkempt youth of 19.wasolilled bt%fifiltios sh tea , Paniphict I . 14�4(nada, where he pvosecutod, the boditess . ow -a remarkabI6 difference in . free., Addtess I , I '14blitog. . �-I� them, mud that theymill. auto when . by Meopro.. Appert, of. Oliolly, In- which they Gaorge,Wasbiogton,Polly--"�-!Btrtrttiia-,'numi- -ooinparison -bet*edd the- tw' - rshal Miah. - � . --- - ­ . of arobfiecture and millwiight6g, In 1747 emp I toy air storidd under great p'r , essuie, so was al1w I STO Wkifted'Faulitle.. Then.,the Uaine 4,696 persons divided b 0 ween�tho In' 'Any 6t Lill'of thd0b, oingly or -co*bine4� ' .. voltaic 134t Co., Ma . - he was engaged by some membera of .thd at .W � I -Vailt A. th6rough tr , ial will give poslo . - . . 1. I ­ . . 'fiends to erect achurob.for that �a a - , dispense altogether with the name Ralph was always Rafe, � Ild thd a. *agoo 6216,460, giving an* average bf -. I ' denornination .on the Oagequon riv;,dr, near bloj , Helena'. was, accanted on - a 06 . � tive proof of this. - .. I . . . . . I . I Society of I Ing by thd Mouth, except in & few norne the - first 44 '26 each, while 'in California 1,11,9 ' . 0 . ardeneal Ifivelf. - - ,; , mees. Not 'Only Is an iinwholegodd. prsom 'syllablo�au'Eugliah onstobi, but one*not hands. received 0291,413, being, an, average . - RK.F1 I I the present town of Winc);estot. Whir6 on . 0 n ehd.to, bub bho, mac a I . . ! , I . - - , " 1". , f uoqal in the North. of 0245 ft. -San rtrandiscif Alta. Five Years ago I broke down *ith kid4 n time OW a ro I (10 ,tor am his way through the them almost unbroken t on have them return agal . OL I loresto, he lodged one night with a German ties ill 4 th In Kentucky, Tenl6essee and Mississippi; I . . . I �'n agalk R 1ILM tile glass is,donsiderably improved# bo ­ I ney labd liver Complaint mad thettlastism. ,0,,R.IvdJr,8iI A hove made the '"sa. of A, I in's from -the irictooleed .rapidity of ixecution many other names occur. often of F � rondh, . Aecepting 13 Main . 41 Itetalabr. I . No SICKNESS a lVa 10119 Ato . warrant innoutho site of the present . I .. Since thou I have been unable to be rarnad$, to miro, the wo-t a' ea. Ile 'tie -ofbom hA . lonely . 11 follddisnaireasan,fdrif-Ailo reanlyingRenro, n at � I city at rteddrick, Md. This Gtirwanlo Damp sAid the larger-sizd.6f the pieces, produced Spaniall br.111diall AeriVatiob,which assume * Smith---lonso refuges to pay a little about at all, Kv liver became limed like onco for a treatise an a 1, 1.) Bottle at my WAD blaf was Hoffman, who informed hini that , hie : Although Messrs. Apporl's Vroc000 is the a peouliar dx%leetal form. Theis is Beau. Obbt be, owes me, and I Want yoti-to bring wood ; my limba;vere ouffed up and fillea . romody. olvo Exprogs nna Joot onlem At co I I first,one that has Come int � 0 practical obinip (Pronounced Bidaburn), Daughty Suit against him for the money, I � . lootbinifne a ttlal, And I will virolon. � - beat route was by the way,of the if ROlp to with water. . . . . . ddr6n Dr, U. 3, Itoo �J FoArIsf,.XewyQ& - where he would see some *onder@1 Out, it is not the fir6kinvention of (Doty), Dockery (Sometimes spelt Dackoty Lswyer-All eight-, but lawyets,' you All the befit phy:elclana Agreed that both- . � deve'o . . ' ' the ki.pd�.m workm at'Bao'dg.rat, as far --�-& Contraction, I o was Said. of the Preach knowl'-Alwayis expect bowething in the " Ing could auto me. . WOUNG Xtq I scenery. Harper adopted the suggostiob, an wq I - resolved to try Hop . . N I -FARAD THIS. . . I . . arrived at the ,' Hole," fell in love with, the back as lm, hAVing invented What was Da Maria), Doe Moulia (Domfin). ,Dupuy of a retaitfor. I � : . Bitters; I have Used noted bottles; the Wan V6LTAt%o',BzA,t do., of Matnball, MidL . place, found it man living there named' known so the Robinet piston with the same (Dapeo), Povellsoy (Pinsey), mild maiiy Snlith�Oertaillly; how much Will it be? hardness has fill 'gone from MY liver, the offer to send their celebrated HLICafto-VotXAmact - I . . oll'oot of dispensing with the ordinary others *blob assume mor4 or BELT ind-6tbdr ELHoTida API�zIANons as* trjs� Peter Stevens, bought out Steietio with 50 I 1008 variety L%,vvyer-About 00, I guess, ' Swelling from MY limbs, and it hag worked forthirtydayo, to men (young or old).Ailliated, British guineas and settled there. The bloMn& It Wag not succomful, for the In expression mud pronunciation. -Vid FAM114-Vifty dollars I Why Tones only it intraort. iii Any Case, othetwisd I would With ho"otis debility. lose of vitalit realty of the place was in'Lord raixtax, , 11 I I I * have, been now in my grave. kt. V. Moing3t, _I an& w". reason that it hold do little air that only Odde,.:111 . I . I Owes me $95. , , hood, eud fill kindred4troubleg. Also tot rbew % . . Small please could be turned out, . . , . . 0, --- I - L%wyer-Oh, w611.69,11 ,It 05 tben, tuffalo, 006. let, 1881. , . . I matiani, tiouralgia. Poitslyals and.baakg OMW and by perseverance he biltained from that � . Ike WAn AllegaSged. . . ... I . I . . diseases., Complotefastoration to heal , vigat . nobleman a doed at patent. Harper Rattled . Tug dleastroua -60octo . . .. . . JravefrtIr--aiad gadering. * afadrdanbciod unrautgea. No risk Is ificamrsd . . . .' An Honest .0ambinalty. . 96h thirty days f1rial to allowed. Write than I 11 I dowa and established a ferry 1, hence th6, . - of sitikes are * Entbt aspirant for reporbotialhoaors and . . .. . . 11 I was draggaddo;#n with debt, poterty name the 11 Hole " cossed, and It, Harp6ifs fib6wia by tbdse Whlob Occurred ,iii Now anidluineatfff , Managing Editct-Whs,fi A polloo sergeant *fie' boosting of the � ., mud sufaflug, for Years, caused by a sick ones for Illustrated I pkinphle6frae. � I � err 11 too ad Alto porgatum York in 1688. There Were 44.950 \ tri Oro can you do t jIlIplioant-Uverything, Ain houesty that pr6irsiled in his dijttiot. fawily and large bills for doctoring. . . prominell6e., oftmAJOUR' Managing Mik EYE, EAR AND r11,60A K . stpor died in 1782 and was Interred on kinds during the -year an they . )r-CA111011 4611 the truth 7 If Why," he said, "YOU Might hang Your 'I %A8.60111pletaly t1ladouraged,­ Until one .. .1 . L t �, 000 Appljomlls�- to own ropert . 11is,raoss-oovored-glmve lost 866,150 dayBI work, valued 2 ' . I Can. Air; but. I never do. gold Watch On M lemp'poot in the ovenillgo year ago, by the s441op I of" my -,pastor, I - L' I . . I Mv- i to be seen III. the roma.ut 0 to the ,Managing Vdftor�Ooneidek yourself andfinil 11-atillthero in the worning.ft .9 rpsox, T,. R, O.P. , . . . . L � "' - L. -- to jgrav yard in Wages, in' addition to -the .1 Be dommeuqed Using M Biti r mud i1i Onto I L - I ­ - , - g.ad,�PittibUil# CAr6nWa-.T4-#iqPh. D'9'-DGZ-!!iC!6r on,tha MY6, Bar and . . L . ,tuaote";-,,�4-h"hiet,attikee-Wiart-thoo,o�� Atka�l .. . --.,-. -- 11 You don't mean to am nobody would Mouth we word all ,wa, anN 'Done -of us orrind; Maloal, Milege, Toronto. 00011"Aft . . I the oi�ar &rid cigair ­ -- . . 1�*-A��r­ 'iakethowatob,'foxalainio %:Ilatahar.. hame i3O% I atte baskets, who lost 9 baan% sick A day aind ... slid I waut to AarlAt tot & Totonto 6oneral 06101taist i I . 163,000 days and, 463,100 ill wagai to 0$ - V . L a; the A man in HAMilton, Gs.o ball written No,, I mdati to, Amy nobody would toike 00 to all poor mon, you . oat keep your' (3 inloal, #Nalotiint Royal London nnissaw � A PhiladelPhia OfilOial Stale, the root 1091' Carpet *oavots, r 6b ivir - I I who lost '71',000 dayo and a divorce to' the Governor of the State 0 lamp -post." Amid the�oafgdaut. fabillieR well a y6at With Hop Bifiets for IT, Koevall6ldlo kill riona. RIAL to give a #: a and Me � 117 oburab 06110016 the pooth use Slid sold it, but 6no in ]Run- fie b ,L I I 0 less than one dlpototlg visit will Coati - I W,ro I , bookuhs he says be doesn't *I , AP: I Artiflo141113006-P.1"4148VAR . .. 'tre"es foli6wj, "rloo Hts lettOt 01086B 068 Theexpenspoof tho"13 aron brokoh-of- 'know lb-"�A. W6XINGMAX, . - pry sold he doors and *h1dows and'gootel lawyer 41S for one. -00 W well, and hordea the. Innistda- III &.barh.- . out Will 0, L' 1. - PLACA to 86011re a saftftok�, ' ", or a U""Ilg 0"'o" .00 BOO aIV this rite all prquliO6 trial motinNo over 0200,000 131�146im gonufna, Without a bunah f at , ill, 04u on or a "aftlan IF 0 a 08, , rosts ' a 8 and - , , - t Thumb is b6ginhing, in 6, 4" "00 In " � Y ho lostr8420 and dobutWiNtO until 046t 1, 60i ddd bedoor when thenine m$tokA2byg win bavi 'been 31olao on the *biter-labeli - --ohnn-Bill-L -- 16 , , . :8hrl, 9"a W kme , a I a' go ` W Oat `h Ate. * 4 1 k tf in We 0 5tel,grm -Mrs. Tom �00 0 Wages an at,o ail 4140pies M 6,- I'll ­ - - tafth at i 6 13"Nc" days an X 0 I ' you -at Andlkirliora you," I I Ono attill! With 14 46010 or 6 1 UN. Mems", -00 - ­­ I . - .. small way, to show her Age. . ribbon was to. who lost 11 ,250 63 a end .�, ,. . paid. %ball I I too a P � =Olt � I . . . I 70 ro� mieb "Wratiluff 6to I I . . . . I - , . I I . I .. I . . . . . �; . I I � 1W I : I . . . � . . I . I , I I . 'L - - ­ � I ­ I - ..1. ­ .11 .1.: . .1 L I I I I ­ I . - ­ . . -4z.0,1 .. . � I . L I � 1, I I -I 1,11' A,1; . I= * is *" vt 7--R11r.- - , lk , .. tD q&'si- I . I ­ . 4 I I . . I .1 1. � I .. I � . ��'., - . . I L� ,�.... .1 . . V . 1� I I . � . I . � . . .1. � . . . .� . I., . .. . .� . 0 1 1 �, . I I . . � . 11 . .1. I . I . I �� I .'L I I . I . . . . . I . . . .1 . � � I .1 . . . .. v I . . I I I . . I . . . . I .. . . I . I . I . . I . I . . . * I I .. 1. . . . ." . I—— .­­­ ­.. I—. 11 .1 -.1 11--.-1-!---1 .­ ­­­-­­'..­­ ­-­" "". ..."'.­­ . ..... L, ... 1. . ­. I.. 111-- I... � . '', - ­ ­­ . I . I ., I . . I . ­� V., ­­.. ­­" " . "' ­ ". - . " ,, 1. 1. � . L I .. � . � I ... .... ... ;1h- , , -, ... -1- 'I ... 1- � , 1 ' - t'Z-­­.­ ­,�­... -.1. I ­ - ' " - "' " � " ' "". ," . ­ . . , " , '' L " ' . "" - " - ' '" 1. . I - 11 .1 ... .11. ­ . - .... � ­­­ ­.- " "' ­ ...... ­­­ ­­ . .... . . ...... . ­'­­­­­­ ...... . -L, ' I 1. -