HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-10, Page 941 ,, . .1.1 . . .. . ... Tr .. I- ­ ,- -­ , . - 1� � I I I � 11 . I .1 I .. 11 ­ ­.­. � , ; .1 11 I I . I I ... ..... . I ... -111 I � . I � .1 . I -1. 1. I .1 . . I . I , . q. . "I . . ; , . . . - . I . . 4� .,—;; ..T..,.Z�Lj��:4 , . I . ­ I ­ , � I r Z11 � h . I . , I . . ­1�4 :7�' 1! I','. � . -�",:;� "., 11 I " � �tl ? i . , ? - . � �" ' , f -jr- 71u .:-,, , , . -� I . i�,, ,� I I � ..; 1$1110i� � .I - ., , -A, 1, ­k� ,. I ,�, , 1 .-, , 1,5� . . . , 6,Z, ,�, . . , "A U � . , . . I . 11 ", , I � . � : I . I . . V" � . . . . . I I . . . , . . . : . I . . ­ . I. ­ 'I. . . � , .� . * ... I .� . . � I �� - '. . 4 .1 - V . "O I.; I � �1' -: --I ­­-­�,�,,­C. , ..'­.Aw'- . -, - " t -"M. ,J - ,*­ .. O.U, - . I I I , .. ­�, -. -�,, . ., - . I . � #`� 'al --l , ,V� - V ". C. 1. ." , . . ", 4, - � " �, -, .;. ­ . -, ,.,., . . 10, - -- -- -- . . . <­ C,'- ­ . " '41� . I . I ........... ­­�, I ­ ­­ - � I' ­ " � ­ , - I I 1 W4 , " z� 1. , I . —T , .- , , .1 ­ � ­ - I . I - — - -- . I . It 4 r- " - : , . - � �' 1, I ...- . � I — - t . '84 � - 09. 01400 tbat looks ne - , - 6*, - — � I .. 7 .1 -- - Oi�t-�b ", 1,50i ts V tipai aiii , W4 Tium javyx�Wim,oxiX .4 40701111MR101 . . I - , . " , , e,xl- . 1. � : � *1104, the, Fiblef ,re o M I '' . . .� i 4� , , fil�:111WQ OM(,* At.�%., ob . . A XONA�16 Waimosons. 11 01%08 OTOJ%-V ­ � ""om—M—M—Mft1—" . * �.,� ' �'. �. L �* " - - '4.- ' i � -,I a the forap — I A. 0*4* . * I � . L" ­ fire'a" 19, I sky gind'aluic How the Axnerfenis, ifirs'"d ' 114 T131ned The A* . ]a*- Much L'sete. , '. , � , . .11'.. . , -"� *ad,, Q., lord high RlM6ner0­bOtb aftiago AN X21gland. . 7"S. The only rule is, take r ­­­ , , ,� , ­ , � `v , I -1 , _ ,iner , 414V Dresses ii,est IPT 940 Viral" 111tow Sxr. V �' " . I I ­ I , .V . , , . � . ance ailed iffetweep a � A.at"I"oul Vreasus. are honorary, litif they have a. 'Beoretaryl My expe . oklmecom ot xnilhan4. "emosain"oonat Sey"M a 0 Vllar� 404. L mother ,Means ,uOugh.. Old , I � who I dence is that the most invetprstal . 4 In Iilggleutonlo " Hoosier recOivea 01,750 a year, .a at tbe " railier ol !AA the United S . I I I 'L r When the bright Oooidentol star, Queen � schoolmaster J, v, I . b,o 41,z%bg I L When the maple turns toorbrip.9 &moil] QrA'X&UUdY 1 ' L I I I tatee adqally . t - I . tialiand When AndthQ a0stras to 9614; ,L . it distributed 0 the Poor . , betiomeg 01 r h, passed, away @6e, W b I I heard �;pb Vance telling how be, cap, . #dvisad hcr !I . . . residence In% L w . 1 4 'her baked tbe vote buyingubLeep I& Wliqa the gentian's in *.he meadow � Thursday. . 1. abduct! by .� agland. Laid .. L L , , of a haakW00048011410414gat Ad I lid, 11 Wfill'i i0v A-0 I , T60 Somos ?here of aclibera, 0 .robe, According to the 'historlogroub. North Cerolla , �Gttlnl A ad the ester in the *old, o : The LordChamberlain receives #10,000 a L ' L - into Pro, two thongs got a-plonty"? 80 BUY wa ill r�giird to . ,. , I I tion. , a wbori, 'he first rat, for Con, When i be incon is lapped, 1h vapor, year, and th . 'big ao#Vs bou.eo. and eqn4uers Pat" And, ,relegraph, �ud dresses, says the Loxiatin, Bay$ Bill Ago, in the 4tlanta., Bleepo 4 full quantity of lylligb Is more , 20- After a few months, he 6rosiq hie 8.1isten I Irce,,,,. 00480' valuable than -the grm,bdeat 'r , And the nighE is fro�Vy cold, a Vice-aham,barlain 04,6 bill chroniclaro b% � ,. *e aup,agutid 11t L He said he ­ . I They uperintand all the Officers and ger. So thaA _ . . ce the royal trousseau to as many as ttl .1 had never .,r 0 1 .40 is Zei .. . I . I . been airle farmo . four Be ement anddidn't 11.0owthe '4- that the pun ever Phone upon. It 'is duri L . nea, I er necessary to.make haste thousand -4resoee;'b . L boys" He Sir ag the � I optbec estnutbt.wreare.ope vants belonging to the, Queen's chambers, over inything. He aiwm,y� a ut it is pissible that reap over . I od il a awroa op lik. hai-, except the bed_Loh atobea"li, , I , ilig'mounto,ini W efut hodra; thLp.t the U , L . M t ,a drowsy airJsstartled ,' ambers, these being under train, all the as L. is the whole of Her Mai asty'o wearing apparel Sixty otivereig , at a 0 1 and fo 04 about . .. 112i,eles and. the . . the groom I 11 me, and be n I Do gpearoads U nervous system And brain fjxperid their lug of tb6 flail- I ,of the Stole, 4a wail As the officers ever misses , was included in tbIld Vast catalogue, P no grocery'and , 9' he w the Post ;, but of she fioiy�, untamed mus- that IV corn wrid beg0dow t ad b4oliedhis horse and began onergieS, x4polos areparliAly rec�multed t t 00 U I LL � ­ It t a 4 0, in of the pa tridgo, Ott -Lrdiobo, All antertai . I prised n '' I L - a ot the que,l I . L I L , animate given tang Lug W L. I at only veritabile gowns. to make their acc L during the day by nonth)Lmient t L, � & 0 1 , be are U guoiqtgaoo, j&;I4 crooked . L ILI tile pals, _411, street and Br6adway, the of . � . akep, iiiio 1. t1der their care, and t .. velvet, bilk, damask Bud taffety, and big jokes arcund, and thought- h , the great recuperating Worl;,Of the nerves i Through the rustling woods I wander, have to audit all a I L L . . bay Alert, quick. silvery 44 hummer 11 of - uble-whe I along I a Was . . I I coounto connected with Delinonioo's-and the con I eled fordyngales, but likew,ioe getting pretty I 1 110i , a 11 and brain 10 done during Sleep. Such . � I I Through ;be Jewels of the year, to marriages, cOrOn%tiuDo, f unerals on market, there - Mantles. of vsir, shapperoone, or h I li� An L b t. a recuperi I Ltion I must at least 4 . L I . I eta. ie left 330' trAae. HOL he's -ropi , code, noticed, an old, in We I W t - . From the r1low uplands calling, wo"41110ot the. Clip, I , I -An With eta c aced, ego I . ., y eyebrows . qual the � eking er who still is, dear; I mbQrlslu tberQ are 16 COD, the fever of our existence, at home I helles -of ribbon, pottloQata praDked and big, brass opeots, exPeUditure made tbro Sde . troller, Of P.Locounts, an I ­ I by the I tigh the day air, ele'e. is near too in the autumn, L. . I L napeotor of Accounts with tissued pangs, einbokis -roug 0 with 0104 Pltdoo'on a chunk the brain IS ill-nourisbod, ,w&9tBS W four i normal temperature of )Ito, in Eugle,U4, I b and marking futile Band with wa lthe�o. - . � Shie, the, beilitif4l", io, Dear. three clerks and messengers, their I ,a thread of gold, late Mantels forL riding on old man didn't again to pay sny%blok* The Persons Who, In early Enb,!J�qv him' � L' L. ­ Ittention to condemned to . tory, were I united salaries, amounting to 015,5501. ' contrast and A. change which is unspeakably horseback, and furred flookets. In U13Y Vance, and after a whII& V ded Utig prevent . ad Through the awoke of burning summ, L grateful to people who ha on . . . . or In this department I L ..vebeenbo ding I I I.. D sube, concla , ­ a . When. the weary winds are still, Also is the Keeper of throng I L I that the. old Man I Xom a eeping, always died ra,vIng maniac� I I , . Her Majestyla Rue 111 the invigorating atmoi- bed-chambe� an I waa be can see her in the valley , Iijiv . b, op � O"80, the queen's 1110olds of honor a d the f I �, . , . � Y Furoo, who receives a Phere of the waste I d.tiring women must have Book and that it 4Wether to the Who are atlkrvod to. .. . .. I can see her on the hill, salary of $10,000 L Ira world. of it , I I , was necessary to a 1 'Per . I death Buffer L L. a year and a percentage I I Sight-seeing had a good time , when the OPCilff Of 11 I apture lix4i"noisatarvation also, a L In the splendor of the. woodlands, 0 -bere,is only done, as a rule, by Americans. Her &jest . we I I LEAD, So he sidled up'.olose to. him I nd Pass into halluti. In the whisper of the. rill, . a Her usieStle Privy parse. He is the I M 7 re'divided, or when, as IS I I and the nations and th I Financial Sucretary to . onavialt. Thosoctolder Engliobgrowtb more likely, they .War I old ma4got.up And' I I . I an into i13Ba.uIty­ge4jth the Qaeeu. I . ObOok himself and Home. and I .only 400001pany them to Watch their fresh on L the a )ioprated . . I API L lesited, forwarq . . � For the shores o,l earth andbeavon The Mistress of the P . 1 on hip stick . . ,a in I Robes draws a 0,41 I rinoiple of first come first. . � , and said, - ----- — � — . Meet and min the blue; ,of L I Y enjoyment, or listen to their , L 'Wit solemnly .1 11 Tibia is Mg. Vance, I believe 24 . or * , " . $2,500, A11(J the Groom of . I . piquantly served bout any reference to 'o Yea, pir,ty gild Vent A '' L , li&ig X11ter1riewing In J�Jlglaud. . . . She C&UL wander down the glory the R amaging comparisons. After a while, If ,equitable .division .. e. 96 ud I L - 11 . figu . To the placeq tbat she knew L K000 with three aaei6tacto.' There are they remained there, they woul at Ill. The come over here to See my bo out t It, is one of the super Where the be , L L ap Y lovers wandered also eight ladies of the bed-pliambir, I I d. never go ye, 6tition'sofour Mot , In �be days wl%.,Qn life Was true' L 1� . who to, Bee the Big' ­raugeBA *4 Vicissitudes must have been "Voice# I believe 21, s, yes, lair L " heir Ing conte6porari . I I U. L I . . : so It in rotatio on r lit$ -'at lesit not UDlebB thdy undergone by those Scattered I parapher- . . , # said Vance, P81 tb%4 ititerViews, if,hold .0, n wait A "a 00 t most a -It ill Only n4l1a, . I .. � " that's my buBiApes.1, . in this country, are . I L a Maj,gbty uld do I, I L I - - So I tbink,when days are sweetest, . fortnight at. a time. I I L . eliberately. .w hiob, but for .the practice. that pre- -more ar less an outrage * L L, And the world is wholly fair; . I . . The Queeri,a maids of honor at � English people or Angliciged Americaw vailed do . vin in 1830 of I selling or otb "Well,eir,"osidtheoldinan,04af , you, Upon the Proprieties of jJurnallsm, Whereas I- - eight in who ever.11iftik-go a further illa . . I . erwise fOre if the int . 13he may sometimes steal upon me � . - . . proceed *Itb that business I Would like to L .. .ervieWer Performs big functions number, and receive 61,boo a y:sr. each.. of I sttatlott� diBpotdrig after the decesee -of the elothas at YOU a few quemiti J1 I �. . on foreign soil, the interview - . . ,.gh the dimness of the Air, I T putting up. st"a hotel in Calais or LDover . One. . ' L , � I I a, Most ""to' .r... upon her bosom, 11 Walt Untli th L Worn by � 8 With th boy attend Her Majesty two at &-time for to I royal Peroo4ag.es, might, toa greAb 44 Certainly, air, Oertaini , Unobjectionable feature 9 And the amaranth in her hair. .� . 96 Mouth, that' 86rVin but three months in* crogaing, Th 8 Obvinnel calma down before extent, have. , gem4i4ed intact, and have " MiF. . y," saidVai Of the, . � . 0 1 , . 11 morning' I I . ­ . I church Mont y6u b ""I" newspaper. Take,. for instance Once to meet her, -ah I to meet her, . the year. . . I . a true And fresh American been preserved in loefil muBonme, even as said the old Man. - L L � along tc Standard It_ the - . . takes the firkt bofit.tbat leaves, though the. the Iffarquis of Aber I . ­ I 11 this morning. Fox- mouthatbis Yeir . I And to hold L or gently fast , The.bodebamber wbmen are the same in gavenny-bas 'lent to-fi, - Tbatwasa.puz ved. in London, . P, II b . jgdeiVe heavings be as th' an earthquake and Ismail Pasha If . going 0 er, till she blessed me -!;t. L 6so of I literary inatitation at Talibi idge Z16r-#auoe didn't. belong, . j" L at a - , L - um or as; the maids of, honor, the, the of.tbe storm'. mingle with the .1 - -- --- 14 --- - - I . . . . . 1. And reoeivo L . I BhrIek6 Wells the to arly church. He know th great deal'!pto London That 3 , . . . . &.�­ ---- ­ . I . at religion, and _ _ -sooiet L.:.- .: -- - gin9yi-M440 .,!!ko,'-%Q-.Il�ktkgy,-All4-fi.Q,V V. eja�;, r"t to-A---in't _ eer!@ r ,�---"­ I - - , , ,,!E9ro hal �: wR Xhr� - - —+� -- t r_a - freely-611--birtog Q7. 3"9 � "' '' W.S­ t. .... 0-t k TA, nd, iWiiiiq . Y � co a, at rothe, J2N 6putrol -AIK- . . . . -TbAtLv7Nrd-b4fss- iF"If'nd::�'ur-m"O"Ot"i'ng"'8;-4'""-- ' �gkOaD8--of­the--disoonw ,—e-FA656E I Z:W� ti,u.l�,.,Vms-,&�big�;thiiig!nT.tlib; . YD ­­ L — la . - , at upon 0 60 r .0 �- "Ame- naer�7TJfey Are only. expect I.. . tiufwo bAdKw ­­ MIA��_p4!;!Yt.�;Cpa,%).Z,Men.... ­'�' ID the RUtU31111 the past I L d, don 0orrespandence. ., . I led their politico, bub� he didn't . 1, paper. ,,(bougbt fit to, Ask , . I however, to figure on State occasion". . . . ­ - � ivgaV� 0 eof Qdoen'Eh2%betlA!a belon - know whst their What he thought -44at# Tattlon � Next'w . . . 1: . . . - I in a ags6d, how . religion was, for North of Aftirs .on. the Nile. - — , , . ,a have eight lords in waiting, the curiosities. I . 9 I ever, into safe haudop . Carolina was powerfully spotted, No Sooner, however, goes lie go to Marien. . . grooms in waiting, the gentleman ushers of . . of Advertising. w ore the , are as religiously treasured am Squared himselrfor the reopo - But lid . I . I Dead at Thirty. I I L t ublet fit which. Charles I, says be: a L , and bad than beis int ry . the privy chamber, daily waiters,* grdbins, - One of the ourfous features of modprii, he shirt and do sibility � ore Americano I . And his remarks �`� I worthy the ' I Just for the sake of boin called A good fellow, ., of the privy 'chamber, quarterly waiters advertWerrients, says the Troy Times, is the was dressed ab this e' " Weill DOW, my friend'I will bell ,doot of a ap � eoial .are daolne( ­ L xecution and the n4val you about that, foi it is a fair qu telegram end are given the . Zust forthe praise at tle sycophant orpwd; , grooms of the great chambbr, and thirty! tendency to Use Me sigGAtUr66, Wardle uniform worn, by Nelson at . TrafaIgAr. OUrpe JtL IS. . eation. Of . . . That smoked Your cigars, � quaffed ,your. rich two 961illemen of the p I I . that . Aid 0 *611, YOU Bee my grandfather Place of honor in the P(Ter- It is very odd, , , I rivy'ohambez. . " Baggebt a Meaning, 'and . 6ng the relies of the attire Of the. ­il ' ame fro " L t but perhaps our contemporaries think that , wines and mellow, L Sometimes a .very I . rgin- I .. in Scotland, and y . - LL i , obvious one.. id one of those in queell which havefoonie down to us assuredly OU know the t rVieWS become V You are sleeping, to -day, Ineath the moil in , Thege. last-named receive .no -pay what. over in Sootland everyb6dy%la --Preaby. in a being . I Ielegraphed'.�� pall Xal�qqeqjg. . . � . � stances an rempeabitble b your shroud. . . . . ever, except tbe honor lot the thing, while advertiser for a' ,boarding Place requests. .one of the most curious and 'most filter- terian."' Hart -he Paused tO note the offset,, , . - Just for the . make of being called clevir-daeb- the -first mettioned. 0006- the exchequer All rep ',a to.be addressed L to.&, Moderate." I gating Is,. the - Bilk stockings -in thei . but I BOW no ki"D L of . Sympathy, al . I ,------ —, ----t- % . . . . . " U I . , . I . 055,965 a year. . . , ,.; How Igestive of his expectatioa of POBBeasion of the Marquis of, Smile. ­ dpa. a � Witli hi I . ­ I � L an . . . . L. . . "IV. -bogs living outsid 0.0f a Pon L. A difficult position.to fill is that of mar. , L reason 6 Then, again, the,wo I lent to , 49 , . I Apples. as "Iet. .. . lay man 'L ,b . terms I bury, *blob he has recently . I 7 h- ' in on the company -of f I I . randinother came from Eng- Childre L' I L . Mbe rain ov your cold ad is camelessi , . 11 . . Ut MY g . 4-%* Ing sPlas 41hal of the cer6m6ni - H who ' advertises for assists,n rainework knitters; to_ ,181 I L-,-Zk�!!Rql�IIY'-4-0r=L'A-f'DOV,r-.in-le,ige "" I. . L 88. a attandB,on 0,11 I as in her -f ­ h".. ­­­ '' lcl,-&U,d-.0vi3i!�there--*every--one4bel6jigA to -q#antftieo, and 'in-eoniti for. ­­ ' L I L., I , 11 I -- . Uhife you should be living a _T�,�__amopg State Occasions; and- condnots', Joreign - troublea.,".giVea At-UnfortanSbe ,"-4-8 -hot � _Qnhance.th-e attfaftions.L.Q t Sir display -.in th'e Epiocopal Church. m it should be . --- . . __ - -- - - He paused igain, given them, 'There. Ore few More agreeable '�' ". . men. . .- . . . vombaugadbro, dt6" ., t'� the Queen,s presence. , Address, the latter in the 11 Old London 11 Section of the JuteiA. fina.the . old Ding made Another, mark ,in, the be efilthful forms in Wbioh to secure it . ' A tborough',kilowledge, of the details of harmony with hot appeal. I . tiOnal Health Etbilihion.le hasbeenalreao,y 9 b . . I J(nst for the a ke of being -pointe4. at -looked I L " Norr-inqui i and and spit his L a 1. L I . . ­ ' d ­to Another saverti . OB17, pointed out that'. theme stookiii at Acy . I .t- I - . etiquette and, above* alll of precedence, is Ave " -is appinde 0. ge-oannot be - 1obAOOO far &Way- - .$ban fruit, and especially in good, Ejoset. . b" ' . . fs B. father was both in this country appl�s-� A4. abundance, of sweet Apples, . , Y in , ti is ., Put . hose celebrated by, Stowe as in a M06119difit-se . ttlendbut; mud ob'be grew, 13Y the false, insincere, Abiolutely becessar ' ­ h -the historical fo., -7 L Salary is bi�ly 81,600 S year. � - - .the nilept, and as the �latter calls for roams and I . Ptoweieatiellrearinew8l,like , . he signature suggests the nature ,Of I ' sented16 theQuemin on Now up &MpthddIst-,,? , .Bill, n sign of app OV I That grows on the es o board t baving beea'Ore . ripa and laadf6ug, Should be bad in- every . I yours -fat. . fob scul . There are five pages of the book stairs, -the QP62 . a too olearll to require any explama. year's Day, 11560; by -her milkwomaiii Mro� . I L I . 11 Ton are dead as the dreame your boy Q r I household Where there aro o lidren. Pre. ' '� " �Iontague, whichi After a few days' wear. fronithe old Dean, and so Vance tookLhia I . 'Pared in various wa�o thc.N� are iMportarib " , knew. . � , , w'�o r6ceivei 02,000 a year. . Their duties tion. Another advertisement of similar . L shot; and said: , 11 But my good &St. . I . . I . 1. . are t6 wait on the Sovereign, Two Sl4ja character bids th Address ,, Did- Ing, so pleased 'Her Majonty that she do- was a BA L old mother. in the dietaiyof.�the,wbolj f&naily. They, � ` Ton feign ed a contempt for the cag] me of yellow, Pages a9d a page of the chaimbars assist. the .or . eat.1' a word which In. this connection clared them to be ptiot, and it is my'c?pinion that a AUPPIY Bug And scattered - pleasant, fine and do at in a Pure iorm.' - Baked. with" .- . ,thern broadcast, with boisterous five. . . . . . , Oate,'and that thenceforward . Oil- Mari has got. to go, under water to get to .1 . mirtb- . . �. I . I . ­ . h&S, a well-underabood meaning. Anotheir L I She would heaven.,, I . 1. . cream they are delicioup,, F IV breakfast,: . . Jvst tor tbe,sale of being called. &good folldwl- 'The lords,, ladies and maids. w rd which is often found among a cart never Wear . I Ai0hes are superior toollceRcfla, otfipplesi� . , nor 0 . %in any more cloth Stockings, which � The Oldn3hn,W�lk6dUp,:aDd,takiDg him fried.in -butter. -day, but a boxful of earth. have six pages of I the prCBSU08 to, attend class of advertisers Is I - � '­CUttbc b1lop 0 You are npthing, to -of. ho ' 1 %* . I . ' '99 ise She kept until" bar death, more, bylthe lifinai, said,. ,, Well,, you are all � abross the ' . �' , Quiet." and- -it Prom a, I tUrnL out � . L, . them at breakfast 'And luncheon. , Theme. sometimes appears as ,, Very i Quiet,, than a afterward. The apple, 104iing the 8ki.1i on 'and outifng UsEk , pages - are Also, ri4dlrea tb ..wait -on Her In-thim-conabotion it alai), has . . *� illge, Stock- right, Mr. Vance,P1 arid then, . Ing to the its core. 'This dish wil) I.uk& the * Place of , L � . fart , Y r, '. . THE QUIEN'S NO OLD * ' I E6 convert. ' howye a nade memorable fij Otowei orovid, said : -" Boys, he'll do and you may meats fop two or three da�,tj in the weik. � . , � ,� I Me,jestY's vlaitara..; They Leach reiibive §90() tionAl meaning so well und6istood, that wore,, he explicitly. Antes, of ,, black knit Vote for .him ; I thought he looked like� a Few fruits limve-'in tbe6 am-rammy elements -------' I . a ygar, ,and have Pageal. Men .to. Walt'. on wlieri,p, very quiet Person 'advertises for Bilk ; ".*her6as, the�-hos6 which Lord Salls. Bapti4t."- And -the -old man 016vily' . A: for the ouitaining of life and'health-ag Mist orthe Great OfEcers of Vic -0 them.' . 1. . . . . . . ,� I board no explanatiop is required. � Occa. . bury h a . seat to the .Heilth, Exhibition flask from his cosi.lail draw the -, " . . - ­­�, . : Light a6rjeaMe-at-arms draw 0500 a year 'sionally'an advertisement appears a .a at.% nayed bilk. ,.The. circumstance Vabee to 06fil hi , and. haiRded At ,to spP188- In some countries an almost exold. . . . . toria's Court. . � . flering does not . 13 Inith. . . . .. � give diet -for *Oaks is m446 of Apples pre- '. L . . . . . . 11 I - . � &Piece,. Their duties are now nominal, board and biddiiig . RPPlicamtg Address Jn the sliklitakt' degree militate . � � ­ . . . . . . . ' ' . This at.onooL SUggbata th age 0 . I . � though in the days of the jbaab ah,d,touiney "I Secluded." I . 41106 the genuinenees' of the'relia , . a br ' I Whe Dulleft Appertaining 10,11 . I I IS, L at . . . so the - . 7777 --- 7` —' - : -'. PAr0dlA1vA.0 U8W,RYfi--J-wsHc nOuliftitt .� .. he Several they were to o., hold watch outside the'ro al OOnceshiijent; which I .0 Queen.probably. wore very many . .. Indian Grlayos. . I. . .. .. . .. W �' ;.. '. -, —� . I 0111ce". I . .. I . .. . Y . required by'an vil . dozen ' L� , � . - . . . . I - t , *ith bow, arrows�, , Sauer: $6 sinj rq� the ,a ri fixid those. who wik,h . to . . I I � � ant In complete b,rmor . . . life, arid in th6 airs of ilk st6okinge at ter' Now Year's , . U oui .Very laftch A miovil"lledd . I .� . The Queen's court is composed 4'6ffil sword and mace of bffi 'a ; made -to I IB'm gle ,Word !a B 0 and the No alloan in &while on the � . 0 and tocaptaie adioate a PUT ope. , . ­ ... . ay; 1560, By, be. of m P rider immutability of ' I cote, Subordinates &nd attendants t6;,Jhe anv . . .P . . . rqui � . O.. - BOStOLU*Globe: The followinig story his a. , � --- - L L . traitors &bout the court or other gre' '' . thbm� : '' . . � -human things, there is L' . 1---te— nearly 06 -the - Maio I ..-. . ht, .. --�— . . -- . .., .1 . . - I- :. , . uo . Place, where a. just reached bere i lim .Canads : Two�. .' ­ -. ­ - ri � .. - . -be,tter-bpportunity-4s-offereif�lbah-on-th-e- -pre .0,4AR"n t2ju - ,Uvr - . - lmm r of- tliousubd,� -Off 611 -cue -re. - - - - 1� . 77� -,&n 11abounan ironera 1; . I . .: L value of Buttermilk. little islands, in the hfAibor where lie'thb on a, 'holiday and, 6at'lli . . ach-0a I receiving salaries that Way -be oalledmoroi Other, relics otpastigefs. are thiee:king�'. - . ,Jh-PY* . . � I . . 1.1 I . b a gsiloin . P I -, , . had the poor woman in A 650 OOM L . , The danad�&--Z'ancet lias'& lefirnea loading bones of LbUndkbdo � 11.� than liberal, says the New Y,oik$un. - Of -arms and Pix h6relds. - ' I . a.' . f 0 , . � ... . .. The beautiful bunch of white - roses in th,' a of the departed noble - whiskey, which they P;OPDI;e c to retail At -Firk,t and foremost comes the Lord . Last in the Laid ` Chamberlainli dejart- 0 rtiole an the beauties of buttermilk as an red men, who lifive 'gone Lt6 the happy, 4`0onte ft glabo. . . ' , . �­ - " r'. 1. I . ... : Steward, whose cffwe is a politidal one.in , ment are �mesoeri One band that was expdaed'did'Atop oolneal article of diet. Ib.pbinto oUb that the ,par. hunting � grounds Of the Great Spii-it. Said;one; , ,, I guese X Will take D, -drink . . I . the gift of the existing ministry; biesslary, JUPectOZO, nine hoiisake.opero, sixty b L' the -marks of toil � 6n. her fingers rtlip . cal., ridge ev,t6is -.and buttermilkArinkera of Lylng.br6iijli�uopoly Around. we bleablkid of it. J.t is nob -right foiffie to pay for what -- ---� L � . is 110,000 a �ear. EEO is the principal iiffi.- inside, three linen.gatim w6ihih and'two. a, tbd aisteudei be and the Ireland and 'Sootlaad are mot eidelled by b6nes and grinning Skulls, remnants * f I own, I will therefore pay - I . car of the court, and b&SL f"body and cloth . Ing and , fragmOntli of the uten of took his drink - n yon 2. cents." I . . to -Show L' V011911 A& �-'Her if9u, gray as neatly Bilh 0 . LHe aid paid is partnok-� ' . jurisdiction over. attendants gets innitinbralilb' Palace L �8 gii�-oiher peoploin-'etianduess a I Ou" ioisea pined I' ths'public through Lbraib6d'down on the aides of . clearness of he ' . . . the entire household. All officars.and ser. , .Windsor Castle, with Salaries ran -her wrinkled ad ad gives many, learned .those that areplabed there in tough cents; , , . I I :. ­ I L , . Ong from forehead,�Ahd the black Silk gown f6lde , 8 be -in boxes. �I L wooden .. . I .. vantB connected with the court, excepting .44 nominal Sam to, 61,600. - , , d, reasons why. buttermilk Should .The ordinary ME= cloefujiot dem, L " I guess I'll take's, arink, * to6," OR . id I bi ' . those of the Queen's charnbeg; . 4hapeland The ecoleBivist'do, - With L tif ' * ' - 60 gracefully abant her �was'full of lu tre, . gresiter demand aMOng,CAn&d,L ,thatitio t6h . 0 . ... � . He followl L air 13 1 Ana aVe much attentioli--paidtobirii,ind, partneri ThekLoontinUod b , this .. . � stable, are .subject . .to his, orders. no, Attachdd 'toL' the bon . necessfiry '. ably expensive. Where' now. Buttermilk; Pays our contemporary, , it ot'him may-beAn- 4n uncovered box' Way, One After thp -other, -till L . I Ile bhuldnew, find Giffle 'Pa I . sehold' I -- .. . ,a S tr L 14ing 11, appears at court on all State occasions and many in number. ,and ... I . is f6i friends of . .. . I I the. whiskey, - " toot ft L large. earn Wore, ten . hael , the family, us -milk peptonoid"that is the and the. test scattered- ovier thexooks,'alonk. 'Was ponei . . , . , . .. I . I I . . .. - . ..-. .. -t1iisubordinate Qffioiala of' . L the, bode �Qd Yearly in Salaries. The lie is as follo and the hearse -Wei , driven -by ik -mean in fashionable Word. of the.da$-milk already with numetpug Shells. In Several' Pinata* * L. ".How is,thii 2 " they. * ,3,�id ig , Stands' b. ` . , . . . o at We: - are iip'jpointed by him. . . . . . " Deah -and oub4am Of the chapel royal, Jivery and had eight costly Plumes, on top. 'Clige.0ted. It.la good food and drink for the, boxed are covered over and an effort at for: (in � drinks each . � . . . - a . The active duties of the" Lord, Steward" St. "meal�-- the clerk of .the:. clorici, . I . I L al'sho 400ked, And what..& Young; pUd old, sick and Well.. .'Aq,, it; is, . made to. . -a . r idea we 1"Ve P" ' I t -three . of jedp�.actj ' th 'a moh�oy.11 .And they *. . are perform . ed by the Master of the House-; deputy L jovely filbbral," said A woman who. ),ad .food, it Should nothe of bon taken .between. while an 0 . ObaSIO MIL skeleton of a oijoe Is - -� a av no .. I I . - 1 !'How� natur in' , ' ' clorko, a resident � ohaolai 'L h Ilia a -an efibly . .. .. I . . . , . I .1 . . . . . hold, whose constant residence is within keeper, U, & 01088t known the 4AiDilY- . . I . MeAlai as it is the hahit of many People. Will be found &long With the boneo of -its. won area gr . L ; . I ... . I � . L . - ­­­­., . f0ktPeight chaplaiiis in otdinarY, .1 How Ural,ighe look�d, . H6w their I . . . � the precincts of the palace. Necessarily he and ten priests - in ordinary,. With four .Unnat and ,what Being, six agreeable drink,. it is too fr�6ely . former living o*ner'., . gl�ry has � JL Stringency Isr she. �konne ,. , .. O'L )). Oat a .. �brsonswwho partake of liftle. departed I 'Thoie who ,L - I ,V Market;— . . .. has a large staff of offiders to 9OBiS1 him, Obsplaii - an inhuman thing thap funeral We' 'd used. . L Sick . . i . I . ... I . having full control over the domestic estab. era fo me, three preachers an'd t1iiee­jem,0- male cynic ' 1. . or nothingi � i we 0 first in the American rallroids', b-w'J, ;a' . r1h8 ObAPPJA at Wbii6hall Hall ' "Why ?" .Who auto . Inpan.ied her.. ., L We, hasy partake muchoftenei, phase and in war nowhe thpre a neglected ' rained tha - - . - . . .. . . .. . . , i" I ptiont Mexican monkey inarke�6 'Charles Espiob 7'' L in Clno, , , lialimert. The salary of the master. is OutbOib]3,Windou�'%nd-Kaiisi�gt�ii; & .. I .And more Italy. Attliough containing about keep �; of' bleached bonge LAnd corru I ,ff)ra to � . . '& ' ''b" , . . Bill S . pi" . I . 05,796 a year, &]ad his private aeoretfiiiy 1so a - -1jbecause.1'Tiiprs1wgojgq6d the . DO& 1, can not w ir., . - choir of 'boys, four orkanis tsi two corop'506is,.. WQAI�an, a Iiiii. same quality of D.Utritlori,isaw'eat wbile the remnant of � the ance. w , , reePives61,500 a �ear. � I . . , I hard -w I k"Yot-patletittl Appear . to . be I Able. to . bon-' J i I ­ lid In of fuu-r COPU0,111 InOnkeys1foi I I ass. . . , . a violin ist, a, sorgAiiilof the.vbAryand.a %ha . oikiug Wife And mother, who ngmer . � ree race are., gradUally lissip,pearin Ewa - The Lord Treasurer ranks,nexb to the master of boys.,, � ,.. , I . I . d a ride in -a back " i g from ,than o ,, aull Pori8iau �ve� . 1. , ,whose fingers nevet sume"at eaee,at least. double the qua,fitity of he 1908 Of the earth by -contaot with -, f �nciero w6uld - , - , Lord Steward, acts for him at Ill F A6 care. For I 018,500 6; year is. -paid- presse'd a flower'snd: Who * never wore Bilk, . buttermilk... Nittermilk . bites. I the not baoitate. to charge 1001ra. iece I . . . ., �. do - � .. . is, eap.ebial.ly. vala- .w I Along'the shokes of the bay where .-Ja.C%l - . monies in case he is abibribi and draws The StVior�LZtdo". alvhoug she'didn't have time arid didn't, have .Able -sfi-i laxative, -and way lid used with once glided 16eir ' . I . outin the Awest Rbasup m,6Wjy can. ,. ... .. h it is seldo ' I - 1. Swift canobs, ate now -be b :54,520 a year ; while ta. vagiat him he � beard, costs-49,586.slybar.' - . � ,in money. Now, look at ]I g eat ban OughtfOr acOa9JP­O( rupees, but -the ' . . or. Floweis rare r 016 in cases of'.. 4ificid.- This. built the 'wharves of the white ,man, and � East udor 'ban be trapped - ., has the controlier of and swict in her.dead ,hands, l6ts ofoar , Indian. fobr-ba' . the honaehdld�-,who . We next come to the post laureate, wh - � aff0iJO so hint. fox its use in habitual consti-' � the Asile .of � many ne,jitind Rubber in the, ,wholesileingard,nea. delasi which they � . ", also is p%id 44,520. and likewieq does' oth 9 riages following.'ber hearse and a. 6oBtly Patiom Buttermilk is a diuretic and May be briieze.-- -,Titily..this is A tranpitoky state .. h - ud 1. . . I . . . � n -� draws inspiration jr"om:- the' State at the abroad for -al body which lit life was deemed Presoribecl with Advantage in some kidney and the -weaker ho,* I ravage wit Ott leer; enopprage, ' by 'the, : Ing. I . ratb.of.6500ayesr." . .. I I . . a to-sbcoumb to tb� tolerance of' the bl d I . The board of green cloth is composed of , The .master of-, the toriiiia * court - doe� none too good'. f ed. A .troubles., Because of aci We' I � oodshed-abborring. ', , . Or a 80-09atworst I keroises, a ,strong and perish from existeno'e.-Victoria 119tiVes,'Wbilethe mouheysof theAmeri-I the four above mentioned offivialS'Sind nothing, toil which be rebeiVes-66 . . - 900 up ion on the ally, arid is Wall B 0 ) Oolonist. , ' , . . ­ �, I . I I I � I queer-s0lorld this, which igndrbs fashion in d i _preso ,IV., ( . . ... . ,�. � . .1 I oign-tropies are the � ohyoat of. fill,the Bby':, -, � �� adjudicates on offences. committed in cer. After him, with .nominal datibGS6.0's"Year' hts and falls a blind votary to it in death." Adopted to many ofise'R�Iu which lime -water ,. �'. . . I �, . . . ..come the . . . . I .. . . .an I , . - — . forest crestur . . I tain par t3 of the Palace. To asaiab:th6m in bargo . d Milk are Usually peesoillied. It in vilu-- - Be, &Ad hhve-L6 be captured ' . . master and two watermen,, 'whose " ----------- *�. � , , able in- the treatmeue . Wh4i - Grow& 0 nolueoputky., � by stratagem' otgunpowdor-by Shooting. a I their onerouB duties, they.have a, Secretary united aslari . � I OurlYle ow Theor -of diabetes, either , - .. - * , " h I * ' � as amount to,62;000 a, Year ; '' .. , I . . . -lei. , . According,to t ... . I .. ' . at �1,500 a year, three accounting clerks 'the keelier of the swa . I .. . . . exclusively or -alternately with skim� Milk.. - lid history of homcoopathy nursing I3JOtbOr Arid. colla.13-ugliat babiept- . . no, a ke i � ift . . . jaw 10, in. the tower all, .. eper of the . - Mr. Marioa Orawfdrd, the novelist, tells -It theme facts were generally known, th6 0 cinnati Zvxuirer. .' - : � . . . at $1,000 a year Snob, divers othei clerks 6 6 ibitor of .the aAaracteristio Btarjabout C�rlyle, iNhibb I .... . it Wis not-redognized by any chartered ­ -,. . . . ... . . to the number of' Six, and and -femialo jewelsi a principal Rmrian,' I I pigs Inighi come. in for. a stualler share of institution in the United Btatee as late'so , ' " - ­:— ­- ��­-­­.. 1. ... � .1 assittant. . . . - . . . I a librarian in ho6boervea impartially, may'lie true. -10 but.tdrmilk than they'do, Bind it- in 1844. The last rei0l.to show that there are ! .' Z'"ihes to , "' - . . ,ordinary a painter and -a surveyor 'of pic. was at a di * � ight be a - . I � . the 10ands'. . � I .. � .: . . . . � This. remedy, w . as gi ­ . � 1. I . .; I ., . . . . . � . xolueivdly homo6opathio. coil- veil -�to. a lady, by a, . The clerk of the kitchen is an impo ' . ' Silent, listening to the tA;lk Of lesser men. A - . rtaut tUieS . . , nnqr party, and .dailYle oat less uOed as a fertilizer �;f �'the .Boil, for in ow under a . I Infidy. farm-hou6es- the -milk 8 'Dim trol 25 general hospitals,. *dogtin doctor In reply to what She should �do for " - - . functionary, evidenced by the fact that he :!DukiDg, the reign of Henry -VIIf.*, be young politician was talki , I ­ ply . . - R * 02,300,. gets �3,500 a,year and "found." Under instituted the c' . - ng theory ,to a thrown oat.. - - - , '. �-�' , . . QQO; 38 s&o1allibspitals, 600,000;- the "hard' bunches .and knots," " she * * - - . � I . him he has seven clerks to keep accounts, . -beefy old Conservative, who despised Youth. �. . �.'. . .46 dispensaries; n colleges, with alumni' called them, inside her- hands, says the - - orl.9 of geratlemen Pension . 608ting�l, I . I eu,.composed of Members -of the highoSt ,and � I - I , I . . . .. reason fit " an equal'.degree. ,'-The , -, The l(lautu Negro bud* Alls God. - of 5,825;.7,000 practising physicians, who B - 0, Selected by bimself."Tbey bore British 'people, , . ' ' check goods as they are received,, And 'tamilie ' oti8ehold liaga�ine. He told her to ,got a., � . give - this title until the accessib" I :df . Williim 11 coil fiffora, to laugh lit th6ojids.,, , , ir ,, f I . .. Aro:membera of some inedical Bocidy, Ana small bottle of olive oil-onb-half bottl&I �' the 'necessary orders to the trades . Sir," said 'lid of the beef, , IbOlieve that much "'that is 'S'aJo fil�out . . I people. - . I .. IV-, when it Wag"blianied. !S , ej 0J. -Worship rests on Do oblid fountiatio 3,000 Wild: Are not.'.. The Wardle, Island Would do to 4ry-m-and put in as WU04 ..., . � .. The chief receives '43,500 a year, And -his . men-at-arms. The corp to th" Of ganiler said (JArlYl6l BPdaking -for the first. time neither a kind of worship nor a;nj serion; HOsPital,,Xew Yqrk,..ia perhaps camphor &in -at it Would dissolveipolir : . ,.. . I a now consists during dinner, �1.th ,,,,, ,the. largesti . . four af3eiatant cooke $1,750 ea&, with I e, French nobility of a - service is addressed to the harmiess toywe havirig 426 bedis. The, death -rate, among some in the hands, rub them �ogether'arid � . : the 7 otbalf-pay ��ioerei bub it stiii hundipd years ago said they could ag,?r.d to' -oall-afetiob, but only a y the 5,869 patien .. . �.. . privilegmawf each t1hing an apprentice, 1=10lia,11161 Its.. hiih tone, And under'xio laugh at t in at4iiou'a good. or, per peat., whic . tilreMbd1here-was'aniy 5 .heat in by the fire.. She contidued In this, �, � - ,. the latter having to pay a -premi I � bottles; Then came a �mffh and h in considered low. This is Usually.-Ove'nings, riffibing And h6ati a ' ' . . evil Spirit -is fancied t6.dwdll withi � it. A . unt 'of con Bidors.tion is *s, , trideame,4 allowed to - wrote -a book called' I The Social Contract.', pegro. as is life habit . U . one of the points' where I e in Ek shore time bar hands w Ing, an I . . I is sitting afid thinkr t io'clalmed---th ­ ore as 964*7. . I I . ,,about U000. There are six other asmist. enter. The appointments In It now are The man WaB"Jeatt Jacques Rousseau, And Ing abobt, nothing, Casually he casts his ogooition foisted bad cases on to thpin in .-Dee'd lid, not h!' bunch 115emaitiing. - --1 , , r � . 4ft ant cooks, and twelve beippro.of different regularly bought anit'soldi and -bring good his book'wai sbh6ory, andAlothing -b4 :,Or or to radup the percentage, of deaths, . .. - . .. . ., . kinds. . I . .1 . t a eye upon a knotty limb of, strange I growth - . � . 111. I .1 - .. I 1. . � . . . .. .... 1. .. �. � I . 1- Prices, the Office of Lieutenant and Silver -theory. �Tfie'noblea could lailgh ­ The Ophthalmic Hospital in Now York is .. .Wh Alue,kcftol Matti. I . . The head of the 0011fectionety de art. ootick having been known'to biiDg. 050,60o.. theoiy, but their sk no went � to bin at his that. may bear some- indilotindt repern. - ­ - .. , . . " . I , universi Bury Irv� . . ment of the kitchen receives, p I dAhe blaace'to a human feice. ' Amused M kIly acknowledged to be; one of the, H flig'says'-bliatlof all fhe'peopJ6 ' I '01,200 yearlyo The cost of running the corps is §25,600, 0 * blob most completely .equipped And su6c6sornl' on earth, the American people eatwIth the . I and his assistant U950, they having six The Captain. Ali a 660 no edition of his book." ' - At ter: * it. he , tak *as � a knife and'. rafifies an I BBBis year A Gold- Stick has,& tromabdous Sentence, the bid o%ge seems to bitations in the can tty---rhiladellAia most intelligence. It is plain -to be a' oij * ­ , safry Lientenant and'SlIvei Wort to. help- -Out nature - by scratch- its It e tants ; in addition -there ard the p .1-1.;F. of .85�000, the haVe. relapsed, into'silence.. wiri 'Des .. 11 . . a eichaf the forty Allusion, Ing the Dome, mouth and eyes . . . � � I I. cook and baker, with four assistants and. Stick 42,500,.'al) � gentle� of Oburab, was, to the' is into plainer patch. . . .. . , ; .. that Mr. Irving means Wall, but it .can't be I three woman having - charge of the O'offee Men-at-arms 6500; and 015 I -day -for .. wous.tannerk.at prominence. At last the thing appears so- , .. possible that he has ever watched our PGO-' , , . room. The linen is looked aft Meudon.. . . . .. I . I � Dken 11gin . Can. ­ ple paralyze *fi sixty -minute Mob.l,in twenty - I ei in ;he travelling expenses. ' WJ I . . . . 1. carious that. he concludes he will: tak ' , nl,;n . 4, ewer " department, consisting bon , ordered on " . . .- . I . e it , , , I . 1. - . 0, , -of . . I 1. � 1, . woluie . . I home and set it up before - his but' US at a railroad. Saloon or he never .- , man and two assietants, 4 You. ,country service. * I a of imellitolftiod .. . . It, Whon1diryMcAulay, F1 the �ianjePlsj of An'" . . . I would have' made that remark.' When '". I The beef -eaters, or body guard of' yeo-, , * I becomes his " fetiob,"' and grins to -day the oltims,�l died ouddenlk in New York, Americans paitake of.a, .twouty4mintAte . . . . . . The chief butler receivea §2,500 a year. Mon, will be re'meniber6d by all'who have 336W about the lldligolandigh,. woman ? leass4tly!, to-hiorrow With a crooff air . , . at Thursday, the hard al'ais of citizens AM45bg 0. o4s the Landon"W6rldi -Is she I 1� --A imi 'To heighten the'.0 th deeply, and . ; . I He holds an important position, Inasmu'li visited'the tower by their Peculiar garb of . "... E , ff0X1t,h"&iU,tg­it Whom belabored felb-his ties railroad ,dinner'. Intelligence tikes's, Veda. ' * ' f good to t ? Lovel I uAtino' -ie-d ii!6and the eyes, Or. addrao -ib with M PtObobinbed a rouili . but no on the . getting. , I . the royal household din - the Tudor p6riod� .- Their, captiin', Always �ba, , Yi 7 , tion. Zveri.thbig-is do . as he selects and buys all the,win6fi use OI one of the " ' 0 - - in Forne Such . .610 - To Properly arrange A poor, reuelveN-05,boo a i6ar, so he Men im bli hot UDPleAOAUt in'lidatureg, If bright ornaments. way as ". quent little impromptu -eulogy on him, tbere-'Ell Xla4, gnd he wb6,eata the most is - . -is 'N50 a �e` t each. � .. . � � �. . .1 hat hichast and,. UngailitY !in. figure; this, X- believe, we may - expisin th Origin Bty,.Myl'l'aaidhe; ,,.so that's the1ast , . best man.-�--P I the table before the Queen's dinner a d�i m0mew 47hi, gonsidbre the eek's S.nn. I . .. . . 'thble Jdack- Tho.-kaoter of tbd Rorke spends 662 8,15 without' reproioh. -Hor cobi tidne of which we may still oboe . I . . . myself , wid I don't hitob with th . . whe linteltigent.,mat.. . � . . . .. - served there are,two.-principal. and herchataoterpo'..wife and.,mother.le � of the Riot imagdo bf the gods, n w aillustra. Of him- I 'ain't much - on the - I relige I . I ore with 6.1,000 a year eaofi*, and I seednd & year. Und9r1ini %to aWaidut iquer';ies I � , nine is Doi . . . a o ego I I . . ,6 . . . table deoker'at $750, a third at §450 patbidularly charactekstle. of bar Frisian brought.before us from time to time., I, do and praying folho. Singing '-- ithink that 0, borsb is �tho Most Intelil. I abd and pa&s Of honor,-* 1;.set Bout foob"a, Bub aerry McAuley WAS an assistant with -6260.' . g( origin, her Germem affinitieo and her 1206- regard the . process as 16: religionj one a brick. He -wag, for sure. -Iva knocked . . I . fit toon footman, twelve' coachman, twenty . gont animal," remarked Col. Yeiger. , � ariee -probably are ad fifty helpers. ' . - British connections, Her song slid brothors but rather a an instance of the develop" around'these parts gains, glid. I Was - down 10 NO Sir, the horse hi not. Thu rat is the, . . The least liberal sal . grooms a I . � , . .4 ,I those Paid to the three Yqomen.havin .1.1 ...­. .. I. � are, So healthy and hearty-16okibg one Mont of the first idea of art.-Ka'x Buchner, In the Swamp when he tried to give religion shrewdest and, smartest little Animal I � charge of the plate Pantry, whose Unit82 .. .. - � . regrets that generation *dftoi geii6retion in Popular.Science Monthly, .',' . A Show in the Fourth waid. Well, he know of. It has a 'Wonderful power of .1 .. Salaries amount to but 0150, While �The Copyright Congress at Bernd has las -grown up Without learning a iyllable of — . r Weakened thet6o but started among alsorimirifition. The rat * � the nave never gets fire to -, .e it to its I uglish. - . . . I I . .. . valuables intrusted to their care era cati attled1lie difficult questions begot I I I I . � . .. . Thb Silent Beauty. . the Worst dives going, and he gathered in P, a store by nibbliag'at matobso, until -every. mated to. be worth from 010,00o,000 ..to own entire Satisfaction, All that is far.. . O.— . . . *15,000,000, They 'have slx� assistant , that requisite is the 001111out of thdAThibed Who NOW comet. . � Letits royster -with the oyster in the good many poor follows that wage all' the thi4g is insured for more than its value. A The care of Her MajeStyla coals aid 0. Shorter days and Moister that aid brought ottex for it. I can Understand a man 'like rat Who Is In, tbab line of business, is ., I ob be 'An Ststgf],4110 countries Of Europe andComads T. b. H. She4tinvalb Writing in the Brant. by brown September with Its roguish final that. AS means basinboo 0,11 the time.01 ohhrpor than a firo-ineurahbo agoub With a, - . . arduous duty, as it is intrusted to no loss T4e Lotd-Lieuteriant of � Ireland has ford Expositor, says . A medium-sized R ., for bigsklapt or for � gup� 0 1 � Could 0, polished Or6tion'say more 2 - lz6y,oundo brain afid thirty i0irs, expe. - .. , . . 0 thad thirteen persons. , I reduced the extra police tat Assessed Upon comet is 126W Visible, It wa P rp Oft the tionce'll-Texas SZyti-n#$. I . . first and second lAmplight6ka I And Will insist.upon its payinent, oil September 17th, byWalf, at Zurich., It -diblies. be's the ... I . . T�ii � timoridIr 0 discovered under shell. or upper, of I . . . . ldaisy* And of sholl fish he's the star. . We A Vdrmont Parent has utilized hW boy's - . � receive 0500 a year Bath and board mor!�Y, . A Taro I The ]?reach vintage this.yoir—romiges to ­ 0100,000 ntO barkeeper has fallen bolt to rally lid found In the S. W. Sky early in the try him as they fry him, and everias they- -W sing it furbish motive powor and have BevQu ataiatantq. . . . cycle by Mal be the best both I 9 Hy, and fodit8,012 years' accrued intor evening by the owners of telescopes. On Pie him ', We're partial to him luselous in a for his winnowing Mill, corn shollor and . t do a gaptity an lu quali The court of the Matshalse% is A rogulsr Bob. 1818. he p . October 2ad it will be found in the follow. I .d. n T D Yloxers, has finally. , . court of justice attached to -the Queen,s ronst ; ,we boll litm and wig broil him, we grindstones. This he does by 000pend 119 been musteredo if not eztorminated, I A Than named Hintork On . se.turday ing Position, R. A, 21h. 28m. 20a. arid north vinegar,ana.oil himi and ohl be is delicious .it from, the axle, removing the tire from � . . household, having jurisdiction over the evening, wbile drunk, entered the , , declAnation siXtOO11 degrees f6rty-thtdo Stowed With toast. We, eat bin! with the wheal and connecting ft by an obaiii Prince Biguastak hfig Invited the priucl. I in White. - saltationAr Won all Viacom within twOlves Miles fro bib a Worn MY barracks and doli ate,tol minutes. !be brightness is inotpaeing,.fio .tomatoes and Soled of potatoes, nor look kOpe to his figriouiturod Machines', then pal Hamburg firms, 6ugaged in the West . . , 1. hall. The lord Steward is the judge, the 0611�named Ba.daifi in. 1fbhA,*,,.-;,1#.. - -���Qu­)Ay. the,fOlIOwing,;-7------- - -- 'in ovotwi Alao his scam -Afk1oawtrAdu-ta.& collf6t!olioe--&ti-.Vriedrioh---��, . - - . I fungtion of the court b "M -T-0�4din.no 0;, - oked'liet*heft 0 , he was own. I Ott" , .0.61 Light -1.29 . III th lipiror whM Itu follower thil -121 OUnt-and- do-tild-propelling- stadA, relative to German 'Colonization, . I justice between thb Queen's domestic So;- ted -he 11 615 11. 1126 . .1 cold Blow ; and neither doth he fret as if It dame oat in a Wentossoo le,wonib that � �, I 4 , had W new hat on his - he Marches after lbttdcd arid abremb of the Ardent letters sent by A girl. t V At, vants. This court was established by lid had stolen from Gksnrs ! It . 111's ,I 129 1 . 6 hat 16 er Amin"bil2tho IM1,1206 of foodibui ", genry VIII., slid now costs th6rigition hotel, . . 11 . Zight ,� d, K' " ,1:82 - cayenne poppor Wfion his malesty Ji fAw. had been composed for sUotfiev fellaW, bat Of VOSiels to put food -in. Some say the � . 11116y, , To 'welcome with Be � . . 69,620 9, year, not inoludirig the galar ' I bcOtbrYi Sept. 17th u . pterfibek, to the knife that, on transferring her affi6tionh Bud. Production is shorbi others that the low . of this dow, wh I , .1. , . . . ­ f . 'fiduced more fruit �- the obief of the pollue Y of A.gi'rl named Nelfig Gains *as killed on . and glowing 'ember, juicy, darling of out donlYi $he had staged the o4gifint naind rice 0 - sugats have I . Tho honeywooi of 6 Chicago couple wag daintidoi dispossessor of the claw I To the and fide'rted allow Oat; 1 'ttl!Dg thou' drdinfitY. At all events', , called knight marehal, $2,500 0, a Is Saturday Morning by an unprotected shaft . � . . 9- I and his eight asefstaritp, With 9500 a y6fits in -connection *ith JUIP0 sawmill 'at SP011t, in the romaxitid abd Picturesque, OyAt6r, then, a bolster, With hinio'in royal Wurkiih ormaiers no longer !no , ke . ,fruit jars Are Very Ado-kee ; to f But, quarto each. year OraDgOVIIIO- She vistj at the will Alone odoups,tion of damping out on the photo of' royst6k, W6 Shall whoop 'it through the Secret of their Manufacture of group a are tat to be had and 114VO advanced in On Maundy Thursday of each year, arid With Some Companions, And Placing h6; Lake Michigan ; hub the 'plan seems to land of Uncle earc.-Aw Y, dy6Ut7Wi . Antiques. Visitors to Cdnhtabtfnop lent 11 twice S year in . I ... I . � . . I Is can 13008 Very materially. It May be useful to .,Sootland hands on the Shift it caught list clothaA have failed, lot they finally 0 urged grow I Our readers to know th - reliable and Oeito pidah, and SOO the Ancient WO06POI10 61 thd Turkoo Well.aspottea House pu njohing Stoke, Yard) alms are P , he *60 a 0. AD � dtOggilig hot round and dabbing box brafn� t d top � if, thd distributdd to the poor. The filrub ry is 4Ut Q%iiitt a I e A, gagition to teoi.the 8 '�� i lrI.Xor4 Pertians and 96bg6lo in .dour I , . . a I . I � 0. . � legally odpa,.rfitoil by At divorce. I folk 6 b on .0 e& dott A0 .. donattuction. � . . 00, of liteph 00 Xing AVO66 *cat, is the El I)orado NO . I . Q I . . a I � . for . I . , I � , . I . . - . . - theme goods how, . . " , , I I I heL. ha� e r 9 I 1, I'I - - I � , ,I. I .'I I , , I , 091�- , "' I � I I t ) � � I . ­ ­ . I I - ­ ­ - . �. L . - .. I . - I I �. ­ - _- "-- � - - I—- ­.. 11 11 ... ­­­ � - �., 1-11 - ... ---111 -- - I I I - ­­ I . . - .. ­ -11111.- -..-. ­ I'll. ­­­­­ I—— .1.11 ­ '­­ ... I I I I I L' . . I I , , . � I I . , . I. I I . . I I . . I . I . ; I I i I I I I I I � . . . . , I 9 . � . I . I . I A . I � I . I I . . . . . . . . I . . I 1. . I I . . k . . .. . . : I I . : , - ­ . . . $ .. . �. . . I I � I .� . . . . . . � I 41� I. , . . I . . I I 11 I - , 1. ­. .11 I ­­ .1 . I ­.­ 1.1 - � -1 I.. I I 11 .11. ­­ 1.11 -1-11111- I I , . . . . ... . . . ,.,., , . ".."'.1.11. 1-1. ..­­ - ­ I I.. .. - � J ­ � I -11.1-- ­­". 11 ­-­-=�­-., ,� --A. -­­­ "....-.".". .... . - �. ­ , .K. AMOL-06-