HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-10, Page 6CLINTON FAL ► SHOW. The following is the reremeinder of the prize list of Cliatun Fall Show, the.indoor 4epar raent being giver► last week t•- ,1iQl3SF•5-,klEAVT DRAUGu, .•^-Team, John: Eatteabury, Cheausy Bono. Brood mare, John Mclliilau, J J Fisher. Spring fpsl,• 1 and 2.J Muradillan. ' Two^ year old gelding. or filly, J .1 Fisher, Jolla Avery. 1 --yr old geld ing•or filly, Alex. lands, J jlrleAlillau. Spring •foal, colt er filly, sired by Lincolnshire' Tom, special prize by Mr. 11. J. Hibbs, `R Jenkins,. Stewart Plummer. AGRItl11LTt1tt14.-l3rood, mare, J Marquis, J Stanbury. Spring foal, 3 Marquis, T Tipling. (4 spring colt shown by 3 W Yeo, in this class, was ruled out be. cotters of a rapture, four out, of the six judges being in favor of giving it the prize;? 2 -yr old gilding or filly, J V.Stewart, Geo Steven. ¢Qn.. 1•yr old gaelding or filly, A Munro, J. Dale. Best agrioultural team, 'geldioge or mares, 0 Shipley, Jae Reid. Best entire' colt • under two years, J Maeoo. Rota) on GAR RIAGE.-Brood mare, J ;Callender, J Avery. Spring oolt or filly, A• Munro, W H Scott. 2 -yr old gelding or filly, G Shipley, 1 -yr old gelding or filly, W 13 Scott. Span road or carriage bones; D McBrien. Buggy hem, T Carling, IW Pierson. Saddle -horse; _W- Dixon, N Robson. - CATTLE - TaoaoU(H$RED Deihl si Milch cow, 1 and 2 H Snelld:Sone, Yr old heifer, R Carter, J Middleton. 1 -yr old heif- er, W J Biggins, A Elcnat. Bull calf, 1 and 2 H Snell & Sons. Heifer calf, A Elooat, W J Biggins. Herd of three females and one .,]11a1s- H �erll-&-Sone;-�V-FT Biggins.-N�t•'r1vE' OR GRADE. -Milch cow, 0 5 Doan, J Stan - bury. 2 -yr old heifer, T•Beatty, 0 Disney. 1.yr old heifer, J Marquis, J Stanbury.--. Heifer calf, W Elliott, G Shipley. Fat ox or steer, C Disney.- 3 yr old idler, 1 and 2 J Stanbury. -2-yr old steer, 1 and 2J,Stanbnry. SHEEP-Ls10ESTERS AND THEIR GRADES. Aged ram, 1 and 2 H Snell& 8one.' Shear• ling ram, R Cole, $ Snell & Sons. Ram Iamb, H Snell.& Sons, R Cole. Pair ewes,H Snell & Sons, R Cole. Pair shigxling ewes, H Snell & Sons, R Cole. Pair ewe lambs, H Snell & Sons, 30 Stewart. OXFORD, SHROP- SHIRE OR SOIITIIDOwNs.-One ram and four ewes, H Snell & Sons, J 0 Stewart- COTS- WOLDS AND THEIR GRADES. -Aged ram, H� Snell & Sons. Ram lamb, H Snell & Sons. Pair aged ewes, H Snell & Sons. Pair shear - ling ewes, 11 Snell &-Sone. . Pair ewe lambs. Y Snell & Sons. P1GS-LARGE ii1tEED.-Aged boar, J Stan - bury. • Sow, J Stanbury. Sow pig ander six months old, C Spooner, J Stanbury. oIIF- FoLx.-Aged boar, G Plewes. Sow, 1 and 2 G Plewes. Boar pig under one year old, J GoVier. Sow pig under 1 year old; 3 Gooier. Boar pig under six months old, 0 Rutledge, (x Plewes: Sow pig under six months old, 1 uPuriber AM, LA THE sueovaIBEIof EL'S. for fruit A 1•er413be9, Isaac street, Gliuttln, (Wept . MN to 11111•'acterl•) all kinds of Pipe .UYainser, ,ire. Parties requiring such w'til find• it to their' ad vantage to call on him. ,1035 'II CHIDLEY. r:L.I;Y Q N LA.N1.14.MA,.L DR'Ir $1ZL T!•. 11413t1BSdRIBElt HAVING JUST COMPLETED and furnished his new ,Pilning Mill with machin - 'cry of the latest improved patterns, ,s now prepared t0 attend to 'all orders„in'bis line In the mostprompt and satisfactory manner. and at reasonable rates. He would also return thanks to all who patronized the old firm before they were burned, out, and now being', in a better position -to execute orders expeditiously, feels confident he can give satisfaction to. all. FACTOR Y= Necir the Grand Meek, .Rails way, Clinton. THOMAS MoliE11GIE7 '` `�, BUGGIES'. 26 `14i LE 13ITEMIER For sale cheap at CAILANDE1t & BROS: SHOP,; next door to th HAtst Om F terx l f,ntdlr,- -eda iI Dgui at prices, according to finish and 2 G Plowee, BERKSHIRE.-Aggid boar, G A Cooper, S Gray. Sow, 5 Gray, J Stan - bury. Boar pig under ono year old, G A Cooper, S Gray. Sow• pig uudev one old, 5 Gray, 0 A Cooper. Boar pig ,under six months old, T Carbert, T Cartwright. Sow pig under six months old, 1. and 2 J Stanbury. POULTRY. -Flack Spanish, J Harrison, F Beattie. Dark Bralimas, T Cooper, 1? Beat. tie. Light Brabmas, F Beattie,' C Wilson. Grey Dorkings, J Harrison. Black I olands, 1 and 2 F Beattie. Golden Polande, 0 C Wilson. Spangled Hambnrgs, 0 C Wilson. N Stanbury. Houdaus, 0 C Wilson. Part- ridge Caching, 1 and2 3 Beattie.. Plymouth Rooks, F Beattie, 3 Harrison. Buff Caching, F Beattie. Game fowls, J Harrison'. Baa• tame, F Beattie, N Stanbury.° Duck9, J Har- rison, J Mason. Museovy docks; F Beattie, . J Harrison. Geese, T Fear, J Harrison. Turkeys, J Harrison. Colleotiou of fowls, three distinct breeds, a male and female of caeh kind, F Beattie, 0 C Wilson. JueoEs L Thorn, T M Carling. IMPLEMENTS. -Single bugd, covered, J Bransdon. Single buggy, open, 1 and 2 H Cantelon. Single cotter, J Bransdon. Fan-.. ning mill, A Maturohie & Co. Gang plow, T Tipling. Field roller, J-•Brunadon. Detno- erat waggon, H Cantelon. Turnip 'cutter, J Young. Set horse sboee,'T Tipling, Jdnes & Johnston. Wooden pump, Ferguson & Wil- lows, J Ross. Wooden axle patent Skein lumber waggon, J Brandon. Wrought iron beam plow, T Tipling, Miller & Tedford. Horse hoe or scalier! J Young. Junes -II Stinson, 11 Meguarrie. Mr. W. Kitt was _ awarded two prizes on sewing machines, not credited him last week. from SO - • upward, . Corns and ase ns and get our terms. Will give written guarantee with every one, cALLANDl•IIt 4t BRO., Clinton.. foOrt- IR 4 501. EEST ,STOCK OF • VIOLIN STRINGS FINS PLATED WARE. IMPERIALISM. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Nei.. voneness, Urinary troubles, are often cause by a torpid Liver. Some call it Liver Co plaint, Bilionaaess, etc. The Liver governs the system; • if the Liver ie /motive, one may be Bilious, or. have 'Fever and Ague, ' Head- ache, Malarial Fevers, Dizziness, etc. Thema may lead to worse troubles. This new reins div, ZePECA, is now taking the lead of all other remedies as a LIVER REGULATOR.- 'It seems to tot fn a remarkable way upon that organ -it corrects the bile, the urine, and the blood. Friend, . keep the Liver healthy with, Z0 -PE -SA and other troubles are then cor- 'ructed. - Lord Salisbury was asked once 'by a lieutenant if he were a contributor to • NEWEST DESIGNS IN . JEWELLERY t Repairing •.done proratly, cl on. may 25th. 18@. FOlt ` CIII AP G fflEIt,IES Crockery, 6lassWaro, plc. Oatmeal.ant m Carooal alwals o And.• eb o Fotty'i olleluated 406Iraakfaat gaga, Zang Mar Bacon Sugctr Carecl ;lams, Ara 11'0. Y LiAR•D. At rices which cannot bo beaten in town. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY • SOLE AGENT BOR THORZA.S CQOPER k SON QA�P' Dobbins' ELECTRIC.S AT.BERT ST1tEET, OLII(TOlf w' i as^ A 66 94 Cn q . RTI BRICK BLOCK, AY,MT STREET, CL$N I N. To furnish a house with taste any! care, Requires some thought rad decision The Kitchen, Bedroom, and i'arlor .fair, Must all be planned. with precision. My stock is cotpleto with all in Joy line --r • • And handsome' as °llauc}sptne can -be From kitchen chair to sofa fine, It's wort! our ,while to call unci seq. -BLYTR 'PUMP FACTORY. rorti-Alioul04ov��" • PROPRIETOna.' . „, .. rprE SUBSCRIBERS: HAVING RECENTLY A. started a factory in Blyth, beg 10 intimate to the people of Huron that they are prepared to sink wane or cisterna. and provide Rumps of ithc very best workmanship. Saving bad con- siderable experience in the puinp4naking busi- ness, they feel confidentthey can give entire satlalaitten. A11•orders, by mail or otherwise; promptly filled, at the moat reasonable rates. BIytb, Aprit. lsti. PU-MP MAK :R CLINTON,. ONT: -' The subscriber hag.' had many years' experi- ence. xpertence. and guarantees to give the !test 'bf satis- faction. PUMPS, TANKS, CISTERNS, .ETC.,, mode and put in on shortnotice. 'All orders by mall promptly atteuded to. Oherges rea- sonable. • 30111T :ROSS: Clinton; SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES PROVINCE' OF 01ITARIO','t'By:virtue of awarrant under County of•Haron, to wit SS the band of the Warden. and the seal of tine Corporation of the County, of Huron, dated the Sixteenth day of Anguat, A.D., 1884 . oomrnanding..me to. levy upon the undermeati0aed lands is the -aid.Coupty of Karen, for the afford •c, taxes .duettereon, and costs, as hereinafter act forth, I herebygive notice Mail shall,+on WEDNESDAY 3un;DA12-OF •OBOEMBBR;'1884 at the hoar of ten o'clool,in the foresnoo0;.`41 the. court •isenee,; in the Town of Godeiict,.proceed•to sell the said lands by Pub - lie Auction, or Bach portions thereof as shall'be necessatyto. pay such arrears, ,together with all charges' -,thereon, unleea the same be sooner palti. - _• d NEW TIN STORE. /1113E SUBSCR[BEf. WHO WAS FOR KOt3B 1 than eight years in the employ of Mr. Silas Davis; desires to intimate -that be has - Opone4 a lin .Skop =in •Bodswortlf$ Block IiuRON STREET, (LINTQN, • .Whom 1k0 is prepared to do : .• ALL KINDS OF TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WQEIC): In the best of style and on ati;ort notice. *°OIL, • LAMPS; 'GLASS, &o 'in stock •_ A.CAM, SOL1OITHD. SAMUEL .WILSON. 1NIr. Labouehere's paper, and he answer- ed promptly, "No ; I never contribute to Truth." . It is not necessary for the Tory leader in this country to make such a disavowal. -Ottawa . Free Press: Ant We got, up feeling badly, - didn't rest good, don't want breakfast, no appetite, no energy, bad taste and breath, guess we are Bilious. Two doses ZO-PE-SA will tone up our Liver and our ambition, and set us right. Sir John Macdonald used to tell the people that while barley was only 80c per bushel in Canada, it was $1.10 in the United -States, and that if they •wanted the price to go up they must put him in power. Sir John is in pow- er now, and barley is 50c a bushel: Wingham Times. - Lot or: part v.. CJs: A� 45' • -BCE. Va.•c^�� '' • TOWNSHIP:OF. COLBORNIL ' Part of'bleok0...Maltlandviille211 Pat; 2113 1.30 23 43 TOWNSHIP-8F HAY: • 32 ,..t.. road west 100'• PAt., 25 54. 137 .1'6-91 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. 1 11 100 ' Unp 5' 20 0 86'. 6 08 VILLAGE OF FORDWICH. ii0WIwK West p t fz. Lonisa6St.8'3'Par' 1Itt.5 078' 1'89 East part of 3••Lonisa Bt.'s. k Pat.. 12 77 1 23-14'00 T07 1f8HiP OF Kerala'''. N E part -of 10..4 • 33 .Pat.r._ 6. 91 092 283 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER IN-.HULLETT. . . E' turret+ • 33s' Pat. • 2 13 0 80 2 93 TOWN89112 OF 3MORRIS. South part of 233 • - 4 Pat. 3 28 0 82" 4'10 Southeast It of76- ''• 50 Pet '30 12' 1 50 31 62 VILLAGE OF BLUBVALE IN. monis. 22 i..Oardner'ssnr. 1 Pat. -.5 38 0 88 . 6 24' VILLAGE OF BELGRAVE IN MORRI6. 45 McCietaar, 34; Pat., 5 51 0 88 6 30 46 McCrea stir. 1.5 Pat. 5 51 0 88 6 39 TOWNSHIP OF MCEILLOP. B E part of 2814 part 14 .10 Pat, 16 61 1 15 `1796 O WNSHIP OF STEPHEN. 12 181 100' Pat. 57 60 2 25 -59 85 13 18 100 Pat. 57 60 2 25 59 85 • VILLAGE o1?•BAYPIELD. ' East part 015Raob6e N 31-. Pat. 2'23 080 3.03 -West half of oBaytield con. 45. Pat, 54 14 2 10 56 24 TOWN OF VVINGHAM IN TURNBEIIRY.- • .34 Pah, 3 54 0'84 4 30 170 Pa£,,, 5.69 0 89 ' 658 •Pat. if 82 0 90 :6 72 Weer •'4174 .. ;14 Pat. '0 83' 076 - 1 39 175 • 1, Pat. 5 67 '•6, 89 . 6, 56 178 ..... .3„ Pat. 5 82 0.90 x8-72 IV 678 092 7 70 -y 2 4 Pat 146 0 79 225 14 Pat. ' 146. 0 711 225 • Pat• 655 082 7 47 ' 1' Pat. 6 24 0 91••.••7 15 2302 , la • Pat. 3 18. 0 83 4 01. Park lot 37 ...... • 4 Pat. 19 09 125 20 34 VILLAGE OF MAN0i5E82E11. IN WAWAN08H WEST X03 14 Pat. 1 52 . 0 80 2 32 S 'py op g of lot. arta. Doe,1883. Keep the Largest stud hest A .. A.- BENNETT SL,t�l:.f. _...---es '_: •_ West of Toronto, from a 5..Oc. Chair to $150 'Parlor Suite. hd „-; .402 t •S Parlor Suites auk Loonies in 'eitllese variety,: all our: own • make. A CLASS'TVPHObSTERER FROM DETROIT ALWAYS OLIIAND. 7i. t •• TIDELEIN ELME G€i,>�►inef'- :Far3O-r ._..-.:.. ]Q al UI00� �6��KINC: The .Subscriber .keeps the, finest • QASKETS and COFFINS • Always ou;hand. ''Funerals furnighed at the shortest notice and loWeat prices.„ A.CALL SOLICITTD... Leuding'Undertalcer .. 1'iEtiESI13Elt' TOE .I'LACE, - • .OPPOSITE ' rIIE TOWN H45,• .• :.THOS. STEVENSON.; Nine Pkyeleitana Outdone. • Mrs. Helen Pharviz, Ne. 331 Daytem St., Chioago, I11., is now in her sixty.eight year, and states that ithhe has suffered with Con• sumption for a'boUUt ten yoara, was treated by nine pphhyaloigns, all of them pronouncing her ease everreoovering. She had Seven bottles Miti ofDahopesEing's New Discovery for Consumption completely oared her. Doubting ones, please drop iter a postal and satisfy yonreeiVos., Call at Watte & Co's. drug atore and get a free trial bottle. , • t3ueklen'e A•2nieta8@latve. 'Yhebest-oaverin-tbe'WOrid-fmfiriite,brulees, sores, ulcers, malt rheum, fever tome, tetter, chapped hands, ohilblaifaa, corns, and all elfin eruptions, and pea trvely cures piles, sr no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfeot sa.tafaetion or money refunded, Preen 25 cents per box. Watts & Co. VILLaQB CF--BLYTII. 53 MacDonald ear. 34 .. Pat. 6 95 0 20 '7 25 83 McDonald ear. "3 Pat. 2 79 0 83 3 62 Block C i McConnell a. '4 Pat. 5 35 0. 00 6 25 VILLAGE on 'BRUSSELS.* 321 I • Pat. 8 21 0 95 9 16 322. .,....,. fl'S Pat. 17 93 1.27' 10 20 59 '4 Pat. '.16 02 1 20 17 82 VILLAGEOF WtaOXETER.. 8 - 'Centre St:west t • Pat. , 22 42 1 30 23 72 1 ]hill 8t• South 1.5' 1'at. 37'59 •170 .39 29. County Treaaurer'a 081ce • t WM. HOLMES. Goder[ch, Aug. 18, 1834.1' 3 Co. Treasurer. A MARVELOUS STORY, TOLD Ill TWO LEI'1'ERr. a` e. . FROM -THE SON: ►Y rk,Oet 28188e2w. , ' 41 Geadtemea: 110 father resides at Glover, `Vt. Be has been a great sufferer from scref-, ula►and the inclosed letter will tell you what • a malt lelons effect FA1tU N TISDA•J,L • BANKERS, 1•A^TTENBTJRYY • ST.; CLI 'ITO &. IIIRANSAOT A SZNEBAD EBANIIINO usifSESS.' 1.lioneyedvaneed on Mortgages and Notes°theta Drafts leaned payable at per, et all the ofeces of tba Merchant'' Bank of •Canada. Now York exchange' bought and sold. ' PaoifPT'ATTENTION IAif) TO COL. LacTlof)sthrottghont Caaadel and the Vatted States. SALE NOTES SOUGHT at olose.ratee, sad money advanced to 8arinera on their own notea,jet anyl*ngth of time tosnit the borrotrer. All Marketable Sooty tiepliougbtand Bald. 11ANft nt iN 13sw Yeas, 4.6151128 O9 2(48• MsaouAST's Zest or OAae»A, - 11%/.1/PES A.t.i0)1rED O, '.li1L+'P11,5f(J'S W. W.. PARlLAN. 'S. P. TISDAL (y )-OhOW7:ES-^Feit--S" At I'- lir. alt Sorts of kJ rags, clothes, carpets, and hone my old friends Will • 920 them for me. 1 also take brs5v; lead anti coppor. lam home on Mondays. Any person having raga Qr truck in my lino, eau leave word at my hopes, and I will fetch it and give Value, and' also beo'to any I have 'no businc88 conneetlbn with n nine nomad humin, Pa aria ,painting; raid lobbing of that sort ileus by newton motet 6.1a now. "very. complete. Having taken the •pains.' to inform myself respect ingthe ;latest styles of" Trimming and Furnish;; ing, and atooneiderabie expense supplied myself r• with the best material, I will continue to _give thia -department my Most assiduous caret and ' attention, doing all in my pewer to accomteedato every' class ofcthe community suitably; and on.tbe most reasonable terms conssstent with llinrough efcieuey in every detail. Toa Alai' SEr7r8C EMBAI, IINf3 FLUrII, for.presorving the dead. ^ Robes and every requisite always ready • :Ayers 'Sarsaparilla bas had In his case.. I think hie blood meat' have contained the burner for at' least tea ` years ;'but it did not show, except in the form bf a serofalone sore on the wrist, until about etre years ago. From i► few spots which ap- peared at that *melt gradually spread 00 as : to Doter hie entire body. /assure you he was terribly at$toted, and an object of pity, when - heMg nuIngyour medicine. NOW, there are few men of his age who enjeyas good health • las he, has.;'1 could easily Bailie fifty persons wile would testify to the faoteln his cane. Youratrilly, • Wad. P97LL1rse • FROM THE FATHER. . '.72,801:13 . •e darty for me to state to you the benefit L • have .derived. Dom therm of • Ayers Sarsaparilla. A...A. BENNETT, CLINTON, • UNDERTAKER, FUNERAL l)IRKOTORAND EDIBALMER.: CE T'2'szA,L 3 RUC - TOR J;OST TO HAND • E'e .r& Soap i, French Hair Ur l heo & Hooper' :and �1.1pine ' Lo' ander,' Gennin'e Colo 'lite, TOILET REQTISI;TES of the latest manufaetutes.of the world. PHYsioIAN6,Pnesenl2Ti821 and P,+AntrLY . REc 3Es fill•ed With care and despatch. _ DISkyNFLCTANTS' of all kitlde kept. JA1 FS TL CO11YII3F,. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON', ONT. . • Great --Clearing Sale Ma months ago X1!U wmpletely WWYere&with s terrible humor said acrefalous a s. Tito. • hunter tanked an incessant sad f lera?!lb ltebtng, and the akin crackdd 80 as 20 esuso ' the blood to now in mitny places whenever "1'utoved. My Sufferings were great, and fly tifeA harden. 1 commenced the nee of the S4.28SArAl5tLLA fn' April 1edit, and have used . • 1t regularly tante that time. 1!19 eonditi013 began to impreve at ones, The Sores have XII' healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect..-bcing new able to de a good day's ,work, althdugit 73 yeavaof age. :deny inquire 'what has 11`re igl:t snob a dire in my case, aiid ll toll thein, as I• have Lore tried to toll 'you, ' Area's SARs*',*Tr LA. 010ver, Vt., Oct. 21, 188x, xotu's gratefully} • ILIUM tatr IPa.i' ATER'S SAY"&!'►,ISM/. caret Nerofid& " and all Scrota/One ifomplelntb, Erystp ellaa, Eosins, BingWotin, 111¢toheb, Sores. Boils, Tomord, and ErapttoWe•Or the Shin. Itt clotril_thO actor .0iall-imptu• *hies, aid* digestion, stlmulatee the aetioil Of the bowels, and thus restores Yltdiity laud •trengthenui rho whole staters. Dra.1. C, Ayer at Co., Loweli,Mise, • 'P01& by rill Xltsggttlti; elobt bwttlee fok alit V.,MAIITEN'1Y diet•, -Bei of CLntwr. _..M-_ ..--- �• 'W HOL.. '. ST' we r ,,goin .cut of business all must l')e sold' .by the lst of • -January. • Wes Sold -out. a large: stock. of', cells' in feet. . I+aonths. onoo before, and eau do it again, .8S we do jusb what we advertise,'and do not.'bave any sp sal Sales,which are so common in. this town • Dry Goods- at ..Wholesale ;Prices. Clothing at Wholesale Prices. Hats & CADS at 'Wholesale .Prices,.. Boots St Shoes at• holesale' Prices Groceries at Wholesale .ries. - Gonne at once. and .got all the Any ggods you want wholgsate prices. The sale +v%11 c0lttinae tnlztilll is pfd.: PLt1EEL & CO. •