HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-10, Page 5ri Our Stock for the comingseason is large and 'raiied,and will be sold at prices to suet the closest buyers. . TRUNKS, VALISES,: LADIES SATCHELS,. &'c. on, band, and for sale at low prices. Butter and Eggs taken in, ezehaage; ` :'i 'O pealf.::00.10, u +T•; ;Cat h. Zuni •rficeiveda an Immeneo Stook of ,the most Improved Patterns and Newest designs, WOOD COOKING STOVES, ' WOOD OR COAL COOKING `STOVES, , PARLOR AND HALL STOVES, • BASE $URNER COAL STOVES. Including the CELEBRATED ,RADIANT HOME, Also other now patterns. Anil Ae they have, &1 been well bought, we are prepared to give our, customers' LOW PRICES. Also, A 'ergo -assortment of STOVE BOARDS, COAL SCUTTLES', STOVEi' PIPES, ELBOWS, Ace.. very cheep. A large lot of LAMPS at re- duced prices. BEST AMERICAN AND CANADIAN COAL OIL always in stock.. Please 411 and get prices and, be convinced that our Stock,is good and prices right. • HAR LA B R OS .,.Sg1 of the P adlock, Albert Street, Clinton, oweralwaysLowerR WE AEE BOUND TO 'LEAD IN LOW PRICES,. And to have it ever <knoWn: that THE 00 IS BASS; OUR SUGAR is Cheaper than eves. ` We have a splendid .assord>rleilt n TEAS, ' BLACK, GREEN ' alid JAPAN,—, which . we would especially colt • your attention to, from 25c 'upwards. , 13 pounds__ GRANULATED- SUG- R-$100 •each 25 pounds 'of 'RAISINS for $1.00 15 pounds' best PRUNES for 1.00 .cash, ' 15 pound case CURRANTS: $1..00 cash. CANNED FRUITS; CANNED •FISH and CANNED MEATS of the best Brands, at the lowest prices, A very large .assortment of CHINA; GRAN, ITE and GLASSWARE. at right figures. . Ground,'and Whole Spices, .none. but pure kept. Everything else that is recruited in a first-class Grocery. • • HIGHEST price for any quantity of -GOOD BUTTER Cash paid for . EGGS. Don't• forget the, old stand , • • 9�- A. AN6US. 99 STT ATTS OH1MV.ISTS. & DRUG:ISTS A.Ibert Street. et. i1i,nntolr i.. - .a The public will find our, stockof medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of the best quality. \' *• • • TOILET SOAPS, PERFimiERY, SHOULDER BBACES,,TRUSSES,SPONGES (':' 11NIZ:ALL :KINNB Op U0GISTs' ST111PAXES USUALI;i( FEj 'I' , • IN A' 'FIRST CLASS. DRUG STORE. •. • • ' . NoW for Bargains in Boots,Shoes., Harness, run, —.AT JAMES TW1TCHELL'S, BLOCK.' Having received fray Spring and•Summer stock of Boots and Shoes, T would c41 the attention of the public to the saute.: "WODIR`N'SSIDB172'TOHBOOT4S;. 'Silver Mounted 679We Harness .only$14. only $1.75• nn Y1!� • BABY C BR1AG ES a large variety p. T.RUNES and VALISES, vetK chop: ''• ,� for sale elzeap. TEAM and CARRIAGE' HARNESS cheaper than ever:— ROOVES TO LET, over shop: BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN. IN XOJ A1VOE FOR BOOTS & SHOES: J. TWITCHELL; VICTORIA BLOCK CLINTON - MEN'S, BOY'S , and C.FIIL } czl almost lzal • rice. else uccoadan L1' V 15 000 'bunches high land Pine & Ceaar ✓ SIIIN(r LE Boundary Awar4. Siistajiie� 4N» liowa Won't Go! BUT THE.rEoPrla WILL 'GC} TO Adams' _Lmporium, Lonclesboro, W$er'e`tfey can. getithe best -value for.' their money. Please note the prices of the following: . Granulated Sugar, 18 '1,bs. $1, oast'%. tSa Good 13rown.i ,.!7 nits. for $ ., cash. Good. Raisins, 420 lbs. for $1, cash. • BARGAINS IN BOOTS & 811OES, • balance of summer, FOEES,'RAKES, NOES, &c, OROCKERY & GLASSWARE, to make room for fall p>tirchases which are the newest designs out. Bargains in DRY GOODS of all kinds, especially TWEEDS ,AND PRINTS. l BUTTER WANTED -1000 lb. first•elass Butter: wanted at 1l5 ere 'Or per lb. in trade at tiMe of delivery, but. not taken on account at' a tai sit present. ---- --- - ,a ,- te7HIghpa4 price . tar .Eggs, "FURNITURE' & SHINGLES FOR.SALE • Loi]aosbor 'Atli, f3, 1814Y.�i Li w t $11 ' ARE SELLING VERY CHEAP THEIR STO'(;1i 'OF Groceries; Crockery, Gh .:ssware, Boots and Shoes, &e. SUGAR, 15 lbs. for.' $1. 25'bars good .SOAP,. for $,1, ' 1 gal; can. PEACES, 75e. thNNED 'FRUITS, very -cheap, , GLASS • SETS,• 50 c: in.: SALVER 60 c '2 qt, GLASS PITCHERS, 50e. BOOTS • and . SIOES, .:Fall Stock Jost Arrived, WOMEN'S BOOTS FRO1tI $1 PER PAIR,' UPWARD, MEN'S LONG . BOOTS $2.25. Around the County. l 'en Chrk, of 8,S. ;qv.. ,. MotriS, has been re-engaged for 1885. "Wm" Coven Cram. Safe,, pleasant and quick cheaper than coughing, 26 cgs, W. Graham, redve of 'Stanley, who has been ill, is recovering. J. R, 'Grant has Sold his post office. blocir, Brussels, to S. G. McCaughey, d£ Seaforth, for the sum of $8,Q00.. t ''Blood•food" is the eaggestive name often given to Ayers' Sareapariilai because - of its blood.enriohi»g; g felines. • • Mr. W, Patterson, of the 2nd .con. of Morris, has disposed of bis farm e£ .100 scree to Mr. Stevenson, of Glengar- ry, for the sum of $4,500. Mr, Patter son intends making his home in Algoma REonancire.._ of only the most exquisite thing for the teeth And breath, but 'TeAnart-. w" i8. a beautiful little ornament and finish to the toilet, The Sfty afire farm in McKillop be-' longing to Mr. John Torrance was Sold by auction on Saturday, and was pur- chased by Mr. Archibald Somerville, for $2,420 ; it is an-excellent.lot but is without buildings. .»oR'T 'STA:ND upon., the order of your -going •buL gantouce "and" oiir4 fable—Of" t'Ilcn" Coven Com Itis quick to relieve— .4n re t ' While; old 147rs,'r inifd, Mrs Holmes' O Mfr and s. Ainlay were chatting in .the • house of the latter, at Brussels, on Sun-, cD f .dayir.fafternoon, a•large piece of plaster earom the ceiling upon •them, stun- ning Mrs. Laird for a time.` On Tuesday a young. eliild of Mr, J. cis Brown, Exeter, narrowly escaped being poisoned by, drinking some naphtha. �+• Tbechild was playi'bg in the shop. where its father wasworking, and was unno- Lit treed- by -him tmtil :it had' taken— tliq ' liquid: CS' ' To Ream: Malaria, Ague, Fevers, Head ache, Colds, Kidney Disesse,4g,ainin the Side �- or Pack, Constipation or Costrivenoas, keep UQ ZQ•PE SA handy, and take a dose twice a ;fl week. It acts upon the Liver and Stomach . Pike tragic, of Busines ,l Ytttt tIIfrill ltlillttlT}ltl lrlt ti�itY. The undersigned begs to notify the people • of Clinton and vicinity that be has bought the J1RNE3 111. NESS .•fortnerly carried 'oa•, by : , . L No toll And. that he is prepared to •fprnish ' • Marness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. • • And' everything tienally kept, in a ftrst.olase Harness' Shop, at the lowest' prices: Special attention is directed to my stock of Istsar HARNESS,' *bleb I. will make,.a specialty.. REPA' RrN'G PROMPTL C ATTENDED O. By strict attention to business,. and carefully studying the wante of my customers, I hope, to merit a fair shareof ppatm/lige, Give the a dill before purchasing elsewhere.. REMEMBER THE STAND--OI'?OSrI E..TBE.-MARKET. Mr. R. Warwick, .of the 2nd con. of l'Iorris, has purchased' the. farm, of T. Mills, for $3,300.,. The farm :contains 1.0,0 acres, and is remarkably -cheap.. Mr. Mills leaves in a short time for some part of the United Statefi. A BEAUTIFUL HEAL OF HAIn.—There' is nothing t=ore pleasing in the external ap. • jlrearanc:e of hail, and it is_pyssiblomfor emery person •to possess it.by using the long and: well known Cingalese Hair Restorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle. • ' A few days ago while standing on - the seat of a row boat en the Aux Sable river, near" Grand Bond, Edith 11icDon- gall misserl her footing slid board. ; It appeal's the .. font. was not veryfirm, and the child slipped; falling `lleadloltg fltO .the water. Fortunately she rose near enough' the boat to grasp the 'end; where she clung until rescued. Try Ayer's.Pills, and be cured. Misery iii a mild word to describe the mischief to body and ;mind. caused by :habitual . constipation. The regular nee of Ayet•'s.Cathartic Pills, .in mild dosetywill restore the torpid viscera to healthy action. C -MO. ` A:g SIMA2 ; AN.. tau 'Freckles, Sunburn;, Pitnples, black Specks, Blot °hes,&c.. eau be removed in- stantly by tnprilying ' . • 3a�i3 E8 Tan & FreekIeration. see; fti,z 11•1; tvt'lectual 15Arer 2sc Peru EoTTtE dao $� t1. Vegetable " bin " . HAIR RE 4 aW. i was the fust preparation p .r;estly adapted to duce diseases of tiro scat , and the' first sue- cessfnl restorer of,ftti;w tt prtiy'bair'I,o its natural color, growth, i t,l ..:,,lar benctty. it has had ut s y°u l eti ,ieue hire so' fully, diet all the t c . u li .«:Ldl for the proper trc tm a 91 k l., : c and sealp. ]L Lt's Ilam ,., b;.n E. Cr, t k °Fru in•favor, and spmead its f rata at4u r ,, tees to eterpluarter of theI 310.u}•t.t.al- • e1ed queues' can be tr: I.: ii to hitt one • , :cause; the etitiffiro ;,iaitcit of il8 J t'ui,tts. - The proprietors holo t'sen rt p •;e,l at tbo reeei,.t of oiriors ftotu tonin a t, tries, where they had' iie er nam .c au•ci.ortfer its introduction. . The use for a Short -time 'of AAY:A BfAIA Buxn'it'EIt wonderfully inrproies tits pet Bonar appearance, a u co. It cirri s ' pp s es Se game from • all' impurities, aures all humors, felei,,And dryness, and .thus pretests.'riatdabpbft';] stimulates the weakened glands, acid euablee theur to push forward a,•ltew atycl;yigorouA grotrth .. trliA'bifoets of this article aro not' •traueseht,.like those'. of ,ulcejl0>!d titrepOra- p tibto,but renalh •'long.tf%8;'►vhiIth., titikes . DS use a, inatter of 'oconomp,� Et'C11TNGEAW$- 'D . . ]ro& Tian Wf1sE1 R9 • Will Change thti beard ton natural brOwri, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent celor that twill trot wash away. Conetetftig of • at single preparation, it is applied without trouble. • b PREPAYt1;D fl , • Ri Pa MIL & CO,, lNashin, 1.11; Sold• by AB Dealers in $redierneS. tN rale Attt THE i,013,313 ! roflritone,'Mereoriat, .arid' Blood »lporders, to beat remedy;-beeagso the` most •aoarehin and thorottgit blood-puSide , Is Ayer's Sarsaparillas.; solfl vion inose st $:,elx.,,ottiflr ilNt,•` . IOLD AND RELIABLE. . • •Glrny'e fiilpeciflc • 1VIedioirte, TRADE MARK TUBOnakTRNarAen I'DADE MIMIC,. hammy on unfailink. lial(L'E'y1 Core for Seminal wed', sea , spermatorrhea, Inip�otegcy, andan did •aeeCCeett sttfaint'rti'5 7L8,144 noq yf self stn,o los of•rnEnor,t uulveraal ooltitde,-,•. pain In the back;'dtm Fi t • tress of vision,.7,rens•' r Before T �tn�tr�e uld�age anti fanny • othetdiaeageir,thati ••,�•+! � lead to, istiouity or copenmptido gndx premaiste grave. 'Phil particularalu otrrpp�m�pl�t��let;whloh,ne dettro a..send free by,. mail to ev ry.ouo wTile Epeeifie Mpdtoine Is sold by all 'drdggiats.Ot.tg j per.pneka'ge, Ansixpyackages for,11ye dollars .or wittl•7ieaentqt-red: by unit oner'eter't df the 5 obey by ad- dreosn5 THE GR . t1RD)CIN CO.; •• •. • . . Toren •,Ontario,Canada. A.I A. BZNN'E'T,T,: UNDERTAKEN: Funerals Furnished in 'first-class Style Goon. SEAMAN >N AT TENDANop Ci1laoEa . Moneaern. 1tED ROCKER STORE: • THE 0 MOLSONNS BANK.' i Incorporated: by' Act a Partanneat, lets., CAPITAL, • •- $2 : ,000,000 BR• AD OFFICE, AIONTItEAZ,.. ssgitraS ily0UKnA3f, ,,President'', 4. 11..11. htOLSON ,..Viee•Pres F.WOLFERSt"AN THOMAS, General tiranager. S•r' Notes clisccunted, collect%ons made, Drafts -iusued, Sterling "and Aftteriean excliicnge bought and sold, at.lowest .. ; -- , • current rates. INTERI,S.T ALLOWED, ON nseosrref. , .:kl''.a'i:lahvEc.I tt►3 IJoheyadvanced tofarmers on their own notes with he or more endorsers. No mortgage required as so.. .unity. r ll. []. BREWVAR rax er, January 188 Clinton CLINTON 'WOOLLEN MILT: UVI G,.1]lPURORAS1;b . A'BO'V11 Ii,ITLtS • COMMENCE RUNNING AT 'SHOE. 'Winter the nianakei: it' ld9 ment ofoof ltlit, E. C`6ttunrr.. Al MANUFACTURING. lloae;oit short notice, -A large atOek of WOOLLEN ROODS FOR SALE, CHEAP Uri 11`T Altt:11it1E V011. WOO , PAV7'b o'LA!IA44•P0'o10•ietor. .001031:1'P, .htaaoager, Mr. Win. Stewart, of •the northeast boundary., Usbor ie, bad his shoulder dislocated last week..:: He had unhitched his team front the•plow; •and after put- ting his little girl on the';ack of one -of the horses went to Mount the other `Himself Baf'tn i he was rightly seated,00"0• however, the horse took fright and jump- ed to one side; consult, hint to fall be- tween the lror,cs,witli the result. stated.' l ari:nll:xci teaches that delays' are most dangerous, and in no iilstandc is prompt ac. tion More necessary than when the first ap- proadi of kidney disease is made , manifest. To all who are experiencin pains in +ha back,. or who 'feel that their .Ich,,,oye aiS going•. •wrong; Dn. ,Van. BUREN'S IKrDNEY CURE. is u. 'friend indeed, as it will certainly reliev0their • p titrx, and if persisted in; effect a permanent: cure. , Mi. Donald McDermid, Aof Stanley', • has soul his' well-known iitg ,frit the Messrs. Smillie; - of thycounty'.` of Larnbtoll; fo • $400. This colt is four, months: old ; he IS to be kept for an en-. tire horse, and will yet be heard from if no ill luck overtakes flim;, Mr. Mc- Derinid purchased the: ,colt's mother for if3li0,'.mid IIOW he has 'sold her first. Colt for -half the purchase money. ' The regular Monthly meeting for Sep- teniber, of the Board of Directors of the Howick Mutual •Fire Insurance--Clo., 1 ' RBA held I n• McTntosh s hk11, Gerrie, on the 27th ult. ' 'Forty-four applications We're accepted, covering $54,500.25 bf, 'risk. The rote leviegcl> On all polxdies force On the 30th of Septeutber, ]:884, to sweet braes and expenses for the cu)C tent Vier, was- 2} per dent on the pre- mitre note, au . amount equal `to '$1.25 enreach thousand dollars insured. The. claim of John Diment, of Turnberry, for • contents of a bnrn'aburned day: of rlugtad, was eon `',;reel, and $2G,.IiO awarli+.d lupi, this barn is sup- posecl to have been burned by children playing with matches, The Blair 1 of trustees of U.S.S. . No. 3, S'6rallace' and Grey, for school house burned down on Monday morning, the 22nd ult., wife considered and 425 voted thein,. Thiswas supposed to have been a• lightning adeident: £we'.other small fires were reported, but elaitns' papers notbeiug complete they'.were laid crier until next meeting, ' ri lnt�l . LIgh'tutnsr Thera aro but foto that have not suffered almost in tolerable pails Fran} toothache, neuralgia, or like seta: pains. To thorn each an instant relief as Fluid Light Tlingit, an utitotd Messing iii LIMO of trouble, No •dig. ,Misting offensive inadtdtnes to be takes' for days. Otto application of OH Lightning Cures. Sold at Combo 0