HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-10-03, Page 5• + r •••••,,,,AORWS,•,-..,ostre,m1310.1.46•1•••,11 itki• .••-•-• • .- 11.11,rle ,•••••••••••••••,•14411....t.C.-.....001-•10 •• ;:l 4a. 4. ; • Our Stock .TRUNKS, ' I!. putter . ° • '" ° Pe• rn,.. rt ^ for- '44 doming seasori s large fln47:arlect and• 'will be .$0143 at prides to suit the .oldhtit "'Ayers: YALISZSSEL8,:&C. on hand, ar4d.'fOr sale at low prices. 4k" • .- " ti.51171 t' 41'iatqWeitied,:aav4aaaide:fittoa of tie m t v P r4ewe *dm coWOOD. OR COAL COOKING STOVES. , t • ttING ST Lirrit; tPARL094,:'43.NDIXALL STOVES. , - • 13E,NER COAL. ST`45VE.1 Including the. CELEBRATED- gAIT Ho :ms otherme, 011001Ad they,,,blive all been well bought. we are prepared to give etfetchnirs LOW"' PRICES. Also; la large assortMent of STOVE 13QARDS, COAL SCUTTLES, STOVEIPIPES, ELBOWS, &o., very cheap. .A large lot , LAMPS at luOOd.P4:1998, PEF•P AltdERIMN ANP CANADIAN COAL OIL always in otock. Please . salland get prices and, be eolivnided thitrour Stook is good aridprice's rioht . . • 01311304. ••• •••',ils • •01 ! • „ • • MAL M. MAC"' O.. • fill ' " ' i ; ...' i I ,,, ...; s.: ' '• '''''.' '':: ' 4 ' HARLAND BRO 1 'Sign of.w' the PadloCk, Albert!, Str.ceti Clinton. . A wwwwwwir• ' Tfita '11 fl t l'ecOr(l,,Jt1 • 1mmense stock Q large 'stro'g' ! •• SS • --g:TLERRATEI) „ Suitable for farmers and others wishing to, do their own painting. • °‘,?•11 rt. r$:, . • • i RIO, .1tOlitiliin 111;4171,74 M11)11/11 &4110 Ulan .• -',.1.1:44-•,' • 1":;.• ..iii.1 •i""'' 'II r...:,1 t.i oflwitZer* td• "!!t''51 .; •• : ; • - , • " ' ' ' •".• uo• SELLING VERY CHEAT 'THEM STOOK. OF tir-k •$ • v•-•. . - • • 4. - • • oc..illoikts,-,„:000.- "s.4''' elcflif f•rf thei; r o!Agent for the delebroted HAWKEYE PAN. SUGARi-1.5-,lbs... fox 20.,.1)ars, j .gal gan.. PEACHES, 756.,.., .• ,)ANNEITY PRITITS, very cheap, • GLASS SE'Rp% 5i);Y9: ' 9 in. SAINER qt: GLASS'PITCHERS, 50e 11 BOOT aii 110:ES;.;!.a11 tock Jiit irnv IEN'S: BOOTS FROM PER PAIR, UPWARD; MEN'S LO$G.. BOOTS.- $2.2. liEttlift 0011th . Rnht, Leckie for .3.2 years a ,r9gAcleAt 0 Preh, di.e4140.FAq•ii 4HW' 001YON Ovipt. Safe, Plesimilfand nlok elieltrr than 004ghlog. Wats, Thill'hais rented farm' near ' Pashto/00d, to. Mi. McTaggart, ef borne; and intends retiring at Sattnia• OnuiVIonday, a, cow belonging to Mr.. J. Fink, of the 14th concession. of §te.. Olen, was strucir'dead by .110tuirtir. , -CHEMISTS '&71).RUGGIST. Albert S w-,,e;:k, • CAtntozik• . . The public will find .our stock of medicines 'complete, Warranted gequine, had (Si the hest quality, • • ' :• • TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES TRUSSES, SPONGES AND ALL KINDS OF DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES -USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST:' CLASS DRUG STORE. ' • . • Now for. 13aitgajOs Boots, Shoes, llarness, Trunks, AT • : • JAMES TWITCHEINS, VggrA Having received my Spring and Summer etdck, of jleots ariiiiihees,.T would cait.the attention of the public to the. amine, , , • ter WOMEN'S .K.I.1) BUTTOS Roo T5', Mounted Slizgie Harnese only $14. only $1.75. BOY'S anfl '911.11.4.1..11EN!;.'4 ,,',41‘11-14018alarg : 1 7 cheap accordingly. I, 15,000 hunches high. nd - TRUNKS and tTALISES, very (•heap. SHINGLES,.,1:or saNclahPliie &Ceaar eap.• • • • TEAM and CARBIA.0.8 .IIARNESS cheaper than ever. BO.O.1.1.1S TO LET, O v'ex shOp. BUTTER & EGeS. TA1tEN IN EXCIIANGE. FOR BOOTS & SJIOES. oundary Award Sustained Mowat Won't Go. BUT THE PEOPLE WILL Or) TO Adams' Emporium, Londesboro Where ihey can geithe best valtie forCr money. Please 4U ote; }Weds of the -following • Granulated Sugar, 18 lbs. .easIi. Good Brovc*n, .17 lbs.! for EB1., cash. Good Raisins, f40 lbs. for $1, cash. BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SHOES, balance of -summer, PORES, RAE HOES, -&c. OROOKERY_ kr.GLASSWAR4_tomakoroom for fall purchases which are the newest designs out. Bargains in DRY GOODS MIFkIMs ..! ,.., • • . espeeially TWEEDS AND. PRINTS, •• Mr. john“Voeler, of the IZth con., Stephen, has sold his Durham Calf, about 7 months olJ, for thenu sum of' $100. Rsomarsours,-Not only the most exeiditsite thing for the teeth and breath, but '"Tniumn- nY" its a beautiful little ornament and finish Tothe toilet, ' . •'• ' The eldest son of Mr. David -0' cott, of McKillop, met witirrm accident •on.the 22nd Sept., by failing backwark4ff gang plow. , 11 Thei youngest ,Son of Thos. 'Nixon, of • Belgrave, was kicked,, in the face Ou ,Stmday last by• his colt, nearly destroy-. • ing his eye sight. . • DoT' Wm) upon the order •of rine going but g� at oboe and: securie a bottle of 'FlusPl. Coco* COM It us. quick tO relieve-- au-rplo eisToTcosta,har, . 'Mr. Aithheson has sold. his farm on the 2nd .eoncession of McKillop, to his . %neighbor, Mr. Thomas E. Hayes, for • the surn of $7,000. • • • On Monday while Thos, Ni;eil,df Oen- .was in .tbe•aei of stepping into a : buggy,- he ,cauglit his. foot on the step, disipcating• his knee. • • One day recently a $re broke out in tho 'swamp near Stanlake4 Mills, Us- 'birirne, 'and destroyed about 8Q;cords of OordWood, the property of Mr:S.; Amu". Ayer's Agile Quire acts directly on the liver and billiary ipparattia, and driveout the malarial poison which induces liver complaint's • • and 4sillious disorders, Wairatited to -cure', 1 or Money refunded. U-SilleSS : • . . he undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that helms bonght.the •HARNESS BUSINESS lorm,erly carried. o Newton, And that he LS prepared to furnish ' • „. • • Harness, Collars Whips, Trunks Bekaa,. Buffalo Robes 1 :Blankets, And everything insusEy, kept in a •first•Olass Harneas Shop, at the lowest prices. Special attention isdirecied to my (=took of Lionr. tIAramss, which I will make a speeialty. ' BUTTER liTiiNT_ED--1„TPiif,ubii°ttrZeltariltitt;rdwogtee47bIli5:C.t taken on account at that price at present. . • ° Ofilighost price for Eggs, 0,11111NITHHE,It SIMILES FOR, SALE di.i73.411CS. LottiNboro Aug. 8, 1884. • H.W. Hall, barrister, Of Eke'ter, . recently pUrchased from .Mr. Win. Raw- d'en, a‘200 acre farm in the'township of • Bake, for the sum of $5,200: ' M. Robert Variey has relitedliis • aril-withe .1-3tIrooncessiorrtsftTuo smith to Mr: Jacob,Latta,fcir 5 "yearaat ' • a'rental of $130 .per year. ' The farm. ' • - contains 50 acres. • . Om Sunday, as Miss Martha Tyndall,. of Bluevale, was returning from Milk• ing she ,had..the. rnisfOrtime, in getting . over the .fence,' to slip an fall, breaking ' her .leg just above the ankle.. By taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla many a poor ,trufferer who subMits to the surgeon's knife because of malignant sore's and scrofulous!. •, swellings; might be Savisci; sound and whole. ' • This will purge out the- corruptions which pollute the blood, and by which such,coni- • plaints are originated and fed. • Mr. Henry Rupert; who has' been a resident, of Dashwood for abut 27 years, died on Saturday. Ho was one of the pioneers of 'Stephen, add was 78 years -• • of Age: : • • ••• • • • 1-Teisry Marlton, theweBktvii Gorlo• rich hOnt-buifder, died at his. residence, ne.ar e light-liMise, on Monday Morn-, He had been ulflicted for some - :Utile past. • . • • , • TIM% Dodds, of MoKillop, met with . rather severe, accident t few evenings ago: Whilo Working with one of his. hoises, one 'struck him on, theside, frac, •tUring bis ribs. . , •• • • REPAIRING., PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. •.. . By strict attention, to business and carefully stadyinjthe wants of my customers; I hope to • • REMENIBER THE STAND -OPPOSITE. THE MARKET.' ; ' merit a fair share .0 patronage. Give me a eai lbefore purchasing elsewhere.. „ Tay. Vreritlrr. PITa lc1d b.tcis, "Pct.' ,k ;r4t.lovcs1/..- stsl.r •••.: ) 11.1i f'.1'• 1. . ? , r•irtutura I. r i• t'• OT'Ste: f'Arria ' • -v-grlen5. . AYER'S erry Pector isTo other comnlaints are so insidious thane nttack as those affecting the throat and lunges none so trifled with by the majority of suffer. ,ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting. •perhaps 'from a trifling or unconscious ex. posure, is often but the beginning of a fate) • sickness. CnwriRy Ps.asonAL has . well proven its efficacy 14.a forty years' fight , with throat and lung disease, and should be. • taken in all cases without delay. ' • A Terrible COngh Cdred. "In 1857 I took a Severe eold, whish affetted •re y lungs, I sd a terrible cough, and famed night after night without sleep. ".1:he nectars gave me"up. I tried Avairs (maim% vac- •ronar,, which relieved my bulge, induced seep and afforded me the rest necessary ' for' the recovery of my strength. -By the 'ecuAtinued Use, Of of PncVnAa., a 'mina- , tent cure Was effected. 'X Slat IDA'6'4,Yefite • 61d, hale and hearty, and an satlafied yoar' unsany rso,ortn.xsaved me. I-IonaOrt VAltliROTrinn," Rockingham, Vt., July 15, 1882. Ce. • croup. •-. TtliptAf: • "While in' the ernintry lath *inter MY little bsv, three years Old, Was taken ft/with croup; it seemed as if he would die. frOm strafigu, latibn. One of the family Suggested the :use Of AYER'S CHERRY PEOTOBALea bottle Ot• which vas always. kept M .the Ionise. This ;Was tried'In small and froAttent doses, and to our delight in kite than.half 1111 hour the' little patient was breathing easily. The doe - tor said that the CISERItY PT:CTOStAtiind • saved iny darling's life., Can you wonder' at our gratitude?, Sinderely lours, , • 4 kIns. lotsrA. GaniEY." '159 West 128th St., tiONV 'Kok, i‘tay le, Ise. • • "1 have used .4.11tTeR CHERRY RucroitAt in my family for several years, and, do net& hesitate to pronounce it the "most effectual remedy for .ernighs and 8�1d we have ever tried. A. if, Cninn." . Lake CryStal, flnn., March 15, 1882. " suffered for tight years from lirmichitis and after trying many remedies with no'stur• 'cook 1 wet eared by the use of Avnit's.thinne rtv PECTOILAt. JosEril WALDsk." .*les., April 5, 1882. "t cermet' say Onraigh in Praise of Art10 . Colmar PneTonAL, believing as I do that Twits vse-Isheuld long sineebave..dlod__, 4rorn lung trouble% -E. Bram:mit" Rateable, TeXas, April 22, 1882. No case.Of an affection of the throlit or • hangs exists vihieh laannot, lyzi greatly relieved by the use of • ATER'S .C1rEititfr PECTOItAft, and A Will Owego cure when the difiCate'it not already beyond tills control of mediotaei Asoymemrpy:AC:70;41.71:0.0.111 MOO' ' torm AND. RELIABLE': . • Grralr's iiilpecific 'Medicine, vpApg MARK Tnn.GrarATENtwasli, RADk r P. RONEPT..a*Ilefailin. cure for Retains] we°, nese, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and all dis- : uses that follow as a ;rr; sequence of self abuse -so loss of memory, •,, universal lassitude pain in the boa, dim- •kk, • tees of olden, prelru. ' fp,,j,4„,, tura old age, authoopy •-••••-•'..."'"•"0. other diseases • that • `"^`P, lead to insanity or consumption and a premature gave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to ,end -free by teal] to every one. I:0,- The Specific-Mellish:a 18 sold by all drug lets at $1. per pack:, e, 0P Mx !Lougee for Lve dollars or nu I be aest free by mu on rece pt ol the money hYA.d. AIA! We get feeling badly, didn't rest &caking • TAIE GRAY MEOW= CO., • • A Toronto, Ontario, Canada. good, doretwant hreakfaist, no appetite, no energy; bad taste and breath, guess we We Bilione, TWO defies: ZOTE-SA will tone up ar...Elver and our ambition, and set us right. The other clay Mr. Heywood, of the. 3rd con. of Usborne, sold ten head of young steers•at $72 a head,'thus realizing $720' for the lot. The ani- inals averaged pouods. pays : • raistigOiid stook.• • • Nr. William Copp, the well7knowil . . bricklayer. and contrsceor,liliiiig dia. T posed of his firm in Tuckersmitit, decided fir remove': to Seaferth to reside. • Ed hus purchased the -residence 'of *Mr. ' 3,11. ,McDougall in Harpurhey,--paying for it $1,150. . ", :•. InEr.v.WIFT. 11INDERtIANPI. ••• -- -im0.1slurd.edfirst-cla0. StI • Goon 'FIEARFAS IN Ai' l'IMANCE. CITARege Mourata kat i3TOR,Er • TIIE • AIOLSONS BANK. • incorporated by Act of Varliaffient;, isei.• . $2,000,060. HEAD OFFICE; NON -TREAT, T1/01Af4 ' President. ' monsoN ...„ -Vice-Pres. 1. WOLFERSTAN, T1-/0.11AS, Nonoral Notes discounted. Oollectione made, .Prafts Sterling and A inerican exchange bought and sold api.lowest, • .current rates. INITISCST ALLOWC). 011 usPosiTs.•: • ,:41s. 7ct taus •-afOifej; advanced to farmereun their own notss with Auk or more endorsers. No mortgage required as Se, ••= • • 'Plaid Lightning.i • . Fluid lightning is tbebnly eare:for 'Wetbacks: Headache, • Earaohe axid Neuralgia. It dors not take a day or an hoUr to et:reit, but in less than a miaUte ell pain le gone: Theneands kayo tested its merits within the Ian year. Plaid lightning Si also a postive care for Rheumatism.; The worst possible • • eases baveheen permanently•cureq in clue Week Trice 25s. at Cembe's drug tore. • • . ' • While Mr. Tames Sparks,. of Hay, was leadimra, horse. to water, it stalden- • ly wheeled and kicked him on the breast, breaking one ofbis 'ribs and otherwise injuring him. • 'Mr. George Whiteley, of Seaford', • has dispoSecl of his young Clear Grit urfty. b. 131tR1VRIt anger stallion " Swallow," to a gentleman la . January 188 (•""4"' the connty of truce. He received .for him a Span of carriage horses and. a, CLINTON .WOOLLEN 1YEJLL. go?d round SIM of money, 001111tit Items Continued on next page. • • ITAtrirtii?tatOttA8101) ABOVRI itt/LLS COMMENCEIUNNING AT.ONCE, 'Under the mitnagenlent MR, 111. ConilETT. -zir tends of „ • . IVIA UFACTURING Dona on short notice. A lar6) stook of WOOLLEN GOODS FOR SALE, OffEilP OR TN' 2/a/l//GE Fat woo/. • . BAWD Oh.AZTAM, Proprietor. f.C:ORBeTT Afanagor tukEiticAuSsi. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, voutmess,‘Ittinary troubles, are often oauaed a by torpid Liver. Some call it Liver Oom• 111414 Biliousness, ete, The tater governs the Fiyttern; if the Liver is intuitive, one may be Bilious, or have lever and Ague, Head.. ache, Malarial Fever's, Dizzinesot etc. These may lead to worse tronbles. This new eme- dy Zomrsa, is now taking tho lead of all other remedial as, a LIM Ricritaton. It eorieraanliatoittaaccotrirneoaretharkable way upon that rg blood. Friend, ketehpe tbhilee;itIolteruthionaftbaynarrthitlel .Z.04PE-SA and other troubles dial then cot, rected.