The New Era, 1884-10-03, Page 111.7..717-
25 cents in advance wilrpay for the New Era to the end of the year, for new subscribers.
gvoteogion4.1 and vittr enoo.
Banisters, * Solicitors,
. ooNvEy4NcERs
COmmisahmers for Ontario 494 Manitoba.
undereigeed at the Library Items, Smith's
Bleck, 30 JAMES SCOTT.
.1..r • Insuraece and General Agent. 'Money to loan,
Wares, Ileevee 131,0ce, Clinton, Ont. •
mime on good, mortgage security, moderate
ate 6/ interest. H. HALE, elinton.
-/-1 H. DOWSI/EY, M. Th, M. 0. R. S. ENGLAND
IL, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office and. resideece
next Blolson'sBe,n1r, market square, Clinton.
_LIOn Ontario street, Clinton,oppopitethe English
()burgh. Entrance by side gate,
Untversity,)Phypician, Surgeon, e,, residence at
Mr. Manning% three doom east of the Temperance
Hell ,Londesboro, Ont.
14. University; philadelphia, Member of College of
ehysici ms and Surgeons, Ontario, Office at George
On.vitlesm's, three doors' uorth id the Past Office,
Londes bore.
Mits. Money, Proprietor. Large and airy, cen-
trally situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot
an., large and well lighted gample rooms. Good eta,-
leMg. ei per day. • 9.
_EL. Provincial and Derninion Lind Surveyor,
Architect and Draughtsman, PERlini BLOCK,
.1J. for the CountY of Hawn. Sales attended
to promptly. Charges moderate. Residence
Albert St, Clinton'.
-Ex Murray Bloch, two doors emit of, Hodgeno" en-
tranee. Residence, opposite the Temperance Rail,
Enron Street, Clinton. Ofilee Imre, 8 a.m. to 6p.m.
.21-L annided tit their own- reeideneepaiseeetittry:, Re-
sidence, John Robertson's,Buron Street, Clinton.
Rice's new method taught if desired. •
.1.../of Vietorivalniversity,Tormito,for
merly of the Hospitate and Dispensaries, New York
Coroner for the County of 11.nron,13a1'ileld,Ont. '
VOL.I9, NO, 40.
TERMS $1.59 Per Annum
in advance, $2 at end cfresr
. itorinni ATOMISES
- gen!Adrertiotmento.
. .
-I2 the lower division of the •Clinton Model School,
to complete the balance of the year. W. 11. HINE,
will be kept for service oz Lot 41, Bale Line,
Hallett. JOHN G017IE11.
A for School Section No. 2, Millen. Applica-
tions, stating se,lary.aud qualification, received
up to lisrleOctober, 1884, BEN f. CHURCHILL,
Trustee, Clinton P.O.
.12 7, Township of Millen, containing 96 acres
of which 80 acres are elearee and in good mil-
tiVation. Good barns, stable& frame dwelling,
and oVer 100 bearing trees in oreltfu•d. Several
springs convenient for cattle. Good soil„ternie
easy. Apply to W. W. VARRAN, Clinton.
SO subscriber's promisee, lot 34, Ilth COBCOSS1011.
or Goderich Township, some tune In August,
live yearlings, beiug one dark grayish steer,
and f our heifers, one grayish, the other three.
red and white. Any one giving information
tbat will lead to their recovery will be suitably
rewarded, GEO. HOLLAND, Holinesville P.O.
$4 I VO in the 4th concession of East Wa-
. 28
Vanosii, 89 acres. Ten acres of wood, good or-
chard, two good springs, two wells, log holies
' with frame kitchen, frame barn and drive
house, and other outbuildings. Three miles
from Manehenter, and 14 from the town of
Clinten. Store, biacksmith shop and poet °Mee
on the corner of thelot. 43000 down. balance
on time to suit purehaser. ROBERT RA3ISEY
Westfield P.O...
eTorento University; member of theljollegeofPhy
sioisne and Surgeons, Ont. Orrice & EssiDENOR the
house formerlyoeoupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street
Aeconeheur,Lieentiate of the College o fPhys
and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Prolix:leis 1Licenq
tiate and.Coronorf or thiCountyof Huron . Offieeand
residence -The building f ormerly oceopie d'by /Sr
Thwaites; Huron street.'
(neaten Jan.10,1871.
V Hotel is new and has all the requirethents
of a first-class house. Large and airy rooms,
elegant parlors, heated with hot air, and in the
immediate vieinity of tha G. T. R. depet. The
bar is well stocked with the choicest brands of
liquors and eigars. The travelling.publie may
rest assured ef being well cared for atthis house
SAMUEL PIKE, proprietor.
started a general delivery waggon, and is prepared
to deliver parcels of all kinds anywhere in town, or
perform any work in this line of business. Charges.
moderate. Orders left at WATSON'S FEND STORE will
be promptly attended to. RICHARD F. ,WATSON,
Clinton. •
SolicitorSupreme Court
In Blyth every Thursay. Collections and
claims promptly and reliably attended to.
PRIVATE FUNDS to lend, at thwest rate of
- interest.
Cheap Excursions Ina the -groat
Winnipeg and return 850 00
Duluth and return ' 32 00
Port Arthur and return..., 30 60
Saul tSt, Marie an d re tu in • 13 00
and return, 860, the lowest rate ever offered. •
M -STEERAGE TICKETS are now 'Reid at? rates
never before beard of. .
Hen° Trameiler .
Are you going to MANITOBA, DAKOTA, CALI-
ORADO, or any other point Westward. Call end and
out rates and prove that Avd.sell tickets at the lowest
Time card and all information freely given.
ea/These ticketa to Mackinaw, Sault St.,Marie, Sagi-
naw, Bay City, Flint and all pointa in Michigan,
ROYAL MA11, sT44ivis4rs.
The Allan Line is taking Steerage passengers
from Clinton to Liverpool, Derry •
and Glasgow, for $20.15
Exenrsion Tickets, good for six menthe,
at low raths. Intermediate rates als0
reduced. Accomiliodation geed.
Saltines every Saturday ,
from Quebec.
Passelhers require to 100,Ve Clinteil at 4 p.
m., on Thursdays, making 4111•ect eenneetion
With steamers at Quebec.
Full particulars and all infatuation on appli-
cation to
(4.8'. R. Agent, Clinton,
tree -Fuzz WORK A liter/MTV,
COATS 131,001C,
-nliarkei iiderale -
to let, with_beard. 3Ift, JOHN ROBERTSON,
Victoria -Street. Sept. 5, 1884,
Ca "rosette - NOTICE. IS HERE)3Y GIVEN
that I will not he responsible for any debts con-
tracted by my wife, Maria Woodman, without my
written order, as she has left my bed and board. .W.
WOODMAN Londesboro
the best wheat -growing farm he Walsh County,
Dakota. 320 acres. Plenty of timber, near school;
stores, &c. In the midst of a Canadiah settlement -
Will be sold* at a great bargain. Apply to JOHN
SHEPPARD, 10th eon. Oedema)] township, Clinton
Post Oce. 38- • .
-.1.1 frame house to rent, for a term Of six months,
f ona the 1st of October.oliensoleat_present-ee-
p e • -57-30713lial-iiian, within a few minutes walk
from the centre pf'the town, and is on the corner of
Raglan' and Princess- Streets. For particulars apply
to R. 31. BA-oBy, Clintoe, to JOHN STEEP, 10
Catbrin Stock, Winnipeg. , . , 38-4
. .
.12 hundred acres, being composed of west -halt of lot
11, he the 6th cone and west-half:01ot 11, on the 5th
con..ofIlidlett. 00 acres.cleered and in good state of
cultivation. balance well thailiered with pine, black
ash and cedar, Good frame house, frame, barn and
stables, gooe well and. orchard. • Situate 11 miles I rom,
-the village of Kinburn, 7 from Clinton and 8 from
Seaforth. PossessIon_given to do fall work. Terms
easy. ' APply on the, premises, or addreas, MRS, G.
PETRIE, Constance, . • ' • , • 38
NrOTICE.-G. KILPATRICK Wishes to an-.
nounce to the public that he has removed
from Huron St. to the house that be occupied
laet winter, on Queen street, opposite Mr. C. A.
Hart's, solicitor, Where he will carry 011 country'
:Si Cm log in all its branches. Thanking the peo-
ple for past favors, he stiii solicits a ebare of
public patronage, • , (4. Klr,PATRICIt.
Clinton, Sept, 12, 1884. .
C. cAsivwssiGatir,
of Stretford. will visit Clifiton and be at
the -Grand Union Fletel on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th,
where he will' beeprepared to attend all patiente
:Ii•ofessionally.• The administration of Namur). Oxide '
0I5, or Vitalized A ir, giVen to patiente when required
for the painlesa extractio» of teeth, •
(Concluded, from last week.) - -
Maw; vs. litiaote•The Me of McLean
vs.. the township. of • Huron, occupied the
greater part ot Thursday. This ation was
brought by Mr. mid Mrs, McLean to recover
damages for an apident which occurred at
Dunlares MIL The horse was unable to hold
back the buggY, and the result was the occu-
pants were thrown down an embankment
some 6fffeet,' the buggy was badly wrecked,
but theIerse received no serious injury, Mr
McLean received slight injuries, but those of
his wile were of a morearious nature, though
she had entirely recovered at about the end
of the fifth month. Verdret for plaintiff, for
$1,200. •
QUEEN VS, HUNTER, .8017LES &iti flgliBEnT
--The three prisoners, Hunter, Soules and
Herbert arraigneden the charge of jape,
pleaded not guilty. The ease was traversed
to the next Assizes, because of' the ilium of
the Miss Bates, upon whom the offence was
committed, and it was thought she might be
able to give her evidence at the next court.
(A. report was current last week thet she had
died, but it was incorrect)
HUTTON VS. • SCOTT ;-The . Grand Jay
found true bills against Charles Tait -Scott, a
private banker, of Wiegham .ontwo eases of
feat& He did not appear When called to an.
swertheseindiaments, ttis bail was estreat -
ed. Wilhiani Deacon, of Wingham, was his
bail for $500. •
(Reported specially for the New. :Era,)
• Queer'. VS. BEAMBIEL.:-The principal inter-
est centred around the Blyth murder case,
-other eases being ooniparatively
Tlanpriloners as they appeared daily in thek
places, the old man subdued and sorrowful,
the young men aericeis and yet hopeful, pre.
mental h spectacle which elicited much sym-
pathy from the crowds hi constant attend-
ance, as the evideece was received in its vary-
• ing character, and • contradictory statements
a feeling of anikus•uncertainty as to the re.
suIt:2eemed to creep into every breaciti When
the evidence was favorable to the men on
trial, a Peaceful, hopeful expression might be
seen on •the countenances. of, not only the
prieeners, but of most of those in attendance,
when, however, the evidence was contrary,
the shadow of an awful fate earned to cloud
the hopeful keee.of the
The '• evidence throughout was much thq
same as that taken at the coroner's inquest.
So grand was the effort of the council for the
•defence, and ab fordibly persuasive • his argii.
mente, that whenhe fat dovin many believed
the prisoners would he acquitted, the majoi-
ity, that no verdict. for murder would -be
found. • But When the counsel for the Crown
had set before the jury, and all who heard
hint, the other side of th'e question Micertain.
ty revived, any many a manwhispered to his
neighbor,;" what will the verdict be r This
question was not to . be answered, however,
until Monday, the Judge being unable to
charge the pry on • Saturday evening, And
the Prisoners were removed:to their , cells to
spend anetherothirty-six hours in terrible
suspense. On Monday Morning, the hour,
the Judge, Jury, prisopers, and very many
people all arrived about the same time, ' and
the Bench began its charge to. the panel.
Front the first, it was whispered that- no
!nerdy might • be expected from We Honor,
and the strength of the charge seemed to
prove this assertion trudi Evidently justice,
stern justice held. sway. • About 9.45, a: m:;
the "jury filed into •the secret chamber, bat
were soon afterwards' recalled ; • iris Ills Lord-
ship had left three wtong, impressions upon
the jury in his charge; which, would have
made againet•the prisoners, and,which were
obieoted to on the'part of the delemie: Hav-
ing retired again, they Were abeerit about an
hoer-4an hour of awful waiting for the pri-
eonere-apd then returned the verdiet
COTTAGE for 'SALE. fir lo BENT.
. . ,
VICTORfA • STREET, CONTAINING SEVENilooine, hard and s.:ift water, good cellar, sicue .
foundatieh and large garden, of 346ts, good fruit trees
Posscdon immediate, Apply to A. DODSWORTII.
• • fit ItelES)N DENTISTS. ' •
Held texclusive right for the county fel Hurd
process of administering • chemically pure ' Nitrogen
Monoxide, which is filo safest and best system yet
covered for .the :painlesa extraction of teeth.CAnvrt
moderate;.satiafaction guaranteed. thivies, BE
BLOCK, over Thompson &Sw•itze•r's 'Grocery Store,Anon Street, Clinton.
I am agent for the celebrated Light -Running,
VE-Nevo '
Home --Sewing Machine.
. . .
Which talteS 'the lea and gives better ilatisfaction
than any other. W. gin, CbhmtOmi,.
. • ,.
G0011 FARM Fon SALE,- The subendbor
offers for aale that well -situated farm, 'Lot 17,
7th eoncession,,Ooderich townehip, 80 items, 30 'acres
in grass; nearly all' cleared ; geed brick house, barn
30 x 75, stabling for cattle -and ,horses„ new granary,
imieemerit heesensmell orehard..• The farm is a splen.
-d d ode, well watered, in a, ory good state of ceitiva-
tioh, with 700 rods of underdraining,' black clay ?ion, .
and will be .sold oh reasonable temis, ,e2,000 'can rte
main Oil property, at 0 per cenefor five years, if desir-
ed. JAMES DUNCAN, Portere 11111.1'.O. .23
tration of the.Estate of tile late Sheen Slintler, offers'
for sale,the east half of lot 38,• 12th con. of Hutton,
containing 80 mires, about 40 itered of which are clear-
ed, the butane° hardwood timber, Frame dweilltig
home,. Itis within 44 iniles•cif the village ef Londes-
' boro, and about she milealrain Blyth, beaten the /.,,
IL &II: R. There will be aboilt ten acres of fall wheat
iftiwn on the farm. , For further particelain, apply: to
GED. C. WOOD; Administrator, Lot 33, -Cou. 11
Iluilett, tr to Londesboro 1,; 0., Ont. •
.N."1). -The other heti of. said lot canals° be botight
at the Stone tinie. For thia• apply to 'A: SEETLER,
Lethicebero P 0. '
Sept. 1, 1884. •
The subseribcr oft ers that eligibly Situated farm, int
13, 701 con. Millet, 12 miles from Kinburn,00ntitining
100 actes, on which there are a frame house, a large
bank barn 66 x 40, chaff house, horse and cow Stables,
grod wen' at barn, 2 acre's of good orehard of various
Ideda of fruit, Ono of the,best and handsomest farms
in the township, web fenced, Well underdmined, and
imt lint altos order, As the menet is unable to continuo
farmieg any longer, must be sold this fall. Nearly all
seeded down. Only:lea:01.0e srequired, purcluttot
OM arrange for remainder, H. BJ8LL, Conatancer.o,
Conetance, Aug. , 9.01 •
- •
mum UNDERSIGNED has opened the late
2- Rowell Blacksmith Shop, where he is pre-
pared to do all kinds of 'work in Ids line, in the,
best poheiblentanner, Mad on the shortest no.
tiee. Ali week guaranteed. Horse Blunting a
speeiaity. No cuttitlkiti prices. Come one and
all and he will give you aatidation.
'T. MARS nAtt,
Clinton Sept. 3,8884. Late of Stfatfetd,
• 1110N9 TO LOAN:
loweiit retell of Woken- Prilthipal payable
0,8 desired by borrower,
-Valeater-Ide the CAllAte LANDED- CisetuT
D. A, S'OEnEsTlilt,
(ninon, DN. 20,1893,
• Gunn. oF MANSLAVoii/ER,
with a • recominendatioe to mercy of the
veunged'prisoner. The verdint was received
in awful silence by the court, a Siienee broken
only by the moaning wail of the aged father,
and the pitying sigh from many .a breast.
h,en. asked if they had anything to say he -
fete the sentence should be passed upon them,
the aged father raised his withered hand in
protest, said they have sworn my life away,
God forgive them." The elder son spoke a
few words, but almost inaudibly, and the
younger boy, in clear topes rendered more
piercing by intense feeling, said he had not
WI:lolled the debeased man with hand or foot,
stick or stone, he vvas Simply- going to his
. work. Evidently he would •have -said more;
but havinginad�a lepgthy 'pause; the judge
go doubt assumed he had tinished,; end so
• 'began the preamble Of the "sentence.", The
fathee,, James Beamish, and the elder sort
Henry Iteamish were each einteneed to
• TwaNTY veeaso •
and the youegest son Themes Walfish to live
yeas in the Kingston Penitentiary.. The
Coueiel for the dachas produced quite a sen.
sation in boat when jest prior to. the Ben-
tencing of the prisoners, he stated that 'one
of the jury was allowed on Saturday evening
to wa'nder into a bookstore, apparently unat-
tended by a constable, and that , two of the
jury were seen apparently alone on North
street on Sunday. 'What effect this may have
remains to be seen, and thug has ended a
fend, which has existed for years, and which
doubtless, had a very insignideant origin,.
The finis is an awful calamity. • The fatI3er,
after long -years ot anximie toil, must see his
home broken up, his ohildrateuffer, and must
spend the balance of his days in remorseful
solitude. The eldeet son is even more to be
pitied, aft we see him in the prime of man-
hood rendered more than dead by a Mud
misfortune, his , youthful proepects • sadly
blighted, and the best. of his life an utter
blank. Add to this the. dreadful affliction
whieh has come to the mother and wife, now
almost insane, tothe afflicted daughter, hut. -
eying her into the grave, and to the relit of
the fanny who meet go out into the world
friendless, alone, with thir etigma of reproach
clinging to them always, and we have pre
;milted a pictute of woe too sod to contem-
/1 is understood a petition le to be gob up
'On behalf of the prisoners, asking the exam.
tive to exercise clemency. •
Mr. John Govier, of the Base Line, has
parehatied a. that prite imported Suffolk
Boar, of Mr. John Featherstone, county
of Peel. It is, ten months old, and we
should judge it weighs over 309 pounds,
and apparently is a perfeet pig, having
reached the fell limit of improyensents.
Bettetreit.-Mrti. Wm. Mci:neett, late of
Stanley, now of- Croeswell, Michigan, 15 at
present visiting her triode and telatitee in
Sunday. ,
al quiet of our
villege,,,,vas disturbed the other evediug by
, nit() sensation. A. man named Robert
Taylor became sulnecb to a At of temperary insanity, and instead of going home,
as he intended, he' climbed up Intobis
hay /WV, and went to sleep. Shortly
after he awoke, and rushing out he pro-
cured a club, and under the impression
thet some persons. were about to injure
him, he tore wildly around, threatening
all manner of evil to his would-be assail-
ants. Several' persons went to, his assist-
ance, but soon found thai he was Inhering
under an hallucination.
DBAni,-We are snery to learn of the
death albs., Stanley, wife of Mr. James
Stanley, which ()Mined here on Monday
morning last, after a. lingering illness.
Deceased has been troubled for sorne. time
with a cancer in her throat, and although
every effbrt was made to gilie her relief,
-it was unaVailing, the disease defying
medical sill. She was a daughter ef Mr.
Shadrach Abbey, of-Hullett, lied been
married a number of years, and leaves
seyeral children. She was a person, held
in the very higliest esteem, a member of
• the Methodist Church, and her death
leaies a vacancy that eannot be refilled.
Mr. Etaillt"y 'has the sympathy of a large
number of friends, in his bereavement.
Counort.,.-CounCil met .on the 29th
Sept., pursuant -to adjournment -members
all present; minutes of last meeting read
and passed. The collector was prigent
With his sureties; his4iond was dilly exe-
cuteTiehen he received his roll. As the
statute provides for payment of all taxes
"on or before the•141h December of present
year,'no extension of time beyond that
date Will be granted. The treasurer's
bond was examined, when it was, moved
by John; Beacom, sec. by Ed. Acheson,
tharthe treasurer's bond having been iex-
amined by -us, we. consider t satisfactory.
Carried. Letter. from Mr. Jos. Holmes,telatalig_togra.v.eLpit_on-h andi-a
the ..gravel is not needed ar'present the ,
letter was fyled... The following accounts"'
were paid, viz.: -Clothes' and boots for I
,Joseph Miller, indigent,13.93; jos. Miller !
for one quarter's board of same $1875; to
Mr. Bray, indigent, $10'; to Wni. Conine,
indigent, per Mrs. Collins, one quarters
board, $18.75; to Geo. MeMillan for tak-
ing a vagrant to goal $2; to Reeve for.
feur da.V.s.attending court on Naftel ease,'
two days more in connection with :same;
$9.50; to clerk, four days attending mutt'
on same case, $5.75. Council adjourned
to meet on the first Mondayin Novenlber.
• ..TA3qS•PATTO.N, Clerk;
In towns of tlxis size it would seem there are,
.alwaye more or less ruiners and slanders Ito*.
Ing around -like a tog or cloudy atmosphere
often exoluding the light of truth and dissipat. •
V th: /MI= °off InizarrallittteY .6 iiklitie7gt!
I 8 I 11 g a 1
l Scott, The tongue or slander takes no pity even
1 on tee disconsolate members of the unfortunate
rgstf,traltIntIgri48.21, ralfi :lg. are
no doubt though, that Wingham is well rid 0
the personage referred to, though he was con
sideraDlY fewneduponand.tourted by aeertain
' deed for a time-espedially when the flimsy in
vitations were honed for the wedding at.eFair.
view." 15 15 the old. olcrstory over again -used,
applauded and deeeived by friends
lu lile brief moments of prosperity, but Migrate. '
tiny and shamefully deserted in the hoar of
adversity, Re old elippera or r100 Were IhrBWIL
after C. P., at it hasn't transpired, if they
were -but he silently stole away,.
, '•Froni the dela Of his fame,.
Fresh aud gory." .
After it was known in Gederieh that the grand
Jury had returned two true bills againat him,
in Fisher & Hutton vsr-ScoWthe limp Who mid '
to the bench of magistrates who committedliM
for trial, "Yon miedeit be afraid, gentlemen ;
Pin not going. to run away --Pin going to stay
here with you"-sotnehow neglected to keep his
.promise, and next morning was missing from
Goderigh, and the ball elven by one Deaeou of
$500, estreated to .the crown. Oa Wednesda3
• and. Thuteday, a sheriff's, °Meet has been here
house, of which he nowremainsin possession;
and guards with the powetful arm of the law.
c.erniegthis euse;7 a
"CherlesTalt Scott, o'Crivate banker of 1Vingham,
charged with fraud has jumped his bail. The term
banker Irianot yet become a aynorlym for thief in this
Muntry. oanadian bankers have usually • been faith
ful to their trusts but_the dishonest • wave seefris,:ti
have flown over the. r and it may carrya, great
. Thatman ism afugitiee from justice. .
_lowly bankers baekV' _ t when itretires."
A strong; arguinentin fever of a prohibitory
liquor law, arid a most disgraceful scene, caus-
ed by two terribly drunken men, mieurred here
Wednesday. afternoon: One of tnem is named
steep,. from Belgrave, the:other person's. name
has not trau soired, but to the eredit of the town
it ean be said neither of them belonged here
After the drunken and disgusting scene had
been carried to au extieme on the main street
and a large erowd thereby collated, a messen-
ger was sent from one of the hotels for the chief
tsonstable, and • one of the drunken 'disturbers
.01 the peace was in such a,beastly atate of in-
toxication • that one of mehie town drays had
to be called into service, and amid a boisterous
Scene of resistance mad disturbance, the prison-
ers were Conveyed to.. the Inek up: Another
drunken-olutTactel nemed-Biack-Andy some=
thing, was at the. same time making. himeelf
ebrioxious at the,Queen's Hotel, but there was
not a vacant cell in the lock-up at, the time, or
that le where he should have been. ..
Lately tliere han generally been a inaltie-
, was one of a peculiar nature of •grieVbus as-
. plaintiff was a' Mt: Hill; and there Nero four
otrnaeteFtoeveenn held bete weekly. On Wednesday
tliB CaS0 tried ' by a . bench of five magistrates
satin, all the partiee being.fromWroxoter, The
defelidantsJohn rind Thomas Gibson, Jr, and
yeare, from a Mrs: 'Gibson: 6/ CoitTite.cinieow in
had a aftlfiV L'IS ts appearsf Plaipentpiffe
ea: .-413 -the•
alaptoba, and the defendants went 'to the mill
and assaulted and violently forced the plaintiff
to leave the.mill premises, actually fomiughina
,off of Bis oven •property. A inere.high-handed
or unprovoked . outrage laas not hitherto been
heard of up here. .Mr. Hill was very siek, 'and
suffering•from the erects ef a serious wound he
had received from a portion of the machinery
in the mill some time ago. The disinterested
and stergaaiggrarlw336,r_ evidence of Rev, A. Watt,.
nister of Wroxeter, - went to
prove clearly the oiltragenna and violent nature)
of 'the aseault, but the. defendants were each
' pfionrndteodnlby_r $tk emit Cae9113gteo've. Mriligeisntlate Ts' III; . are
supposed to be the. fittest -persona in tho com-
munity for thafhonorable position, but we are
morr tosay tee ar sometimes file from it. -
TV reirroirn at minieter the jaayiclth
co y a, „us am proper mannet,_ without
fear, favor or :affection, but it would appear
.that there are cases where acme ate totally uTP,
ilt for the pollen they try, to hold, and seem-.
ingly forget t eir eolemn oath, and prostitute
the Pure'principles of justice, lied even outrage
Weimer/ of the land and interfere with, instead'
'of protect, the rights of .the People- • • ..'
•• Hee° are a few briefse.-A. 'fussy cotoner is
missing from•thiesection of , the county, and a
certain law office. hae loet a 'general-purpose
client and a scheemme runner, • There is a va-
comey here- for a private banking branch offiee
ail . Fairview le loolfiug for a tenant. The
burnt out balcerris being repaired, and a stone
foundation placed under the building. . •
Rev, mr. Graham, of Egoloody
preached in Willis church, on Sand
In°Rniewl!gAla.8tliteWart, Clinton. exam!
pulpits on Sunday, with Rev, Mr. Plete
er, of the Tharaes road.
Bis Lordehip,the Bishop of Huron,
bold confirmation' services in St. Pa
church, Clinton, on Sunday, 2fith inst.
Mr. Mark Cassels, of Winghani,
was precentor in Willis Church: Ohnto
about 20 years ago, led the singing in th
church on Sunday last.
The special services at Tiltior's
pointment are being contlnued, with ve
encouraging results. 4, number have a
ready professed CORATISIOn.
34iss Minnie Steep, daughter of 11t
• gem Steep, will All the position of o
ganist in the Baptist church, vacated b
the removal of Mrs, Newton,
Mrs. S. Davis and Mrs. J. Hodgius g
- to pt. Thormis next Tnesday, 93 represe
" tatives of the Foreign Mission Society
the Clinfen Methodist Church.
Mr, A. H. Drainm, who baS been a
sisting Rev, Dr. Ure, at Goderich, for
couple of months, returned to Knox Col
lege, to pursue his studies, this week,
The Rev. A. Anthony, an American In
dian Missionary, will, D.V.,preachin th
English Church in Bayfield, Goshen an
Varna, on Sunday next, Oct. 5111. Col
lection in aid of building a church for th
Aeameeting will be held in the Bap
tit church, base line, next Tuesday even
ing, October 71h; tea to be served from
to 7 p.m, Suitable addresses will be de
livered,,and a pleasant entertainnientlan.
ticiphted. • ,
While visiting London one day las
week, Rev. R, Y. Thompson, of Hensall
became se: faint that he had to be assiate
from the train, and was taken into th
waiting room, Where he remained som
; time before. he was able to leave.
'• The Copan ofthe Army public charg
ed- avell known-gentiemari in toivn wit
beihg the author or the Senex letters
• •
few days since, but afterwarde learnin
that she was astray in her assumption
the did a gradeful thing by publicly ac
ichowledging her error, and afologizin
for the injustice she had done him.
Echicational sermons were preached i
the Mitten:bury Street i!dethoclist church
on Sunday, by Rev. T. M, Campbell,. o
Goderich, who' gave,, both morning and
evening, diScources that were full of in-
formation, and which were deliveredin a
n er-thatl-r etain 4 -the -interest -oft'
• hearers throughout. 'Some of his
Mons, howeverovere illogical. •
Piospiii.Artox.-On Friday evening
the Members of the Baptist church and
a few friends, gathered at; the, church and
ip:;uiersseel!'eteft$12531, at'
of .her valilable servicrs oriKaniat.' The
purse was fteeOmpanie by a kimily-word
ed address, expressive of the esteem In
which she is 'held, and the • sorrow occas-
ioned by her removal. in the withdrawl
of Mr... and Mrs. Newton, the Baptist
church here loses two strong adherents,
for they have taken an Unusually active,
part in all the services connected there-
with, and their place.wili be hard OAR,
:" HER. BENNY.•"--The rendering of the
sErvice of song entitled "Her Benily,'?: in
the Ray.enbury Street M ethoilist :church,
Clinton, Under the auspices of the Gospel
Rand; was not -greeted by aslarge an au-
dience lis its merits'deseryed. The service
consisted of the reading �ftveryinte
resting gory, intersperced singing,
•The story isorneifai are voaf,
.a Ltverpoeim
riOus•affecting incidents of the narrative
were very effectively represented !iv Mr.
Salton, who possesses d voice paPaele of
enhancing the pathos Which. the Writer;
• displays. in. the •story, and succeeds in
it•np the interest of tho audience.
ilIs Chanting Of I". Tell ine yn wineed
was given with expression. The
:choir were' compelled to:appear Without
the aid of their loader; but, notwithstand-
ing this, sang the several choruses well.
• Miss Nellie Holmes and Miss Ilea e
a duet,' " acts of kiedness
Misses Iturnball also sang a dtte he
.Lord will provide." Miss Callender sank
".LoVe at home," and also presided with
ber usual skill at the. Organ, and was as-
sisted in "the ehorusee: by Mr. Muff on the
cornet'. This ie to us a novel style of ere,
tertaininent, but it appears to please and
interest the audience, and is worthy of
repitition before alarger house. .
• •
Ritiges.-Mr, • 3. Z. Bark well and Mr, W.
Little'of Port Hope, .. hive ' been Visiting
friends in .1.oudesbore Jately,.• Mts. W 1.4
Hiles,with her, Mrs. J. Z.Bark-
well, has gone on e• trip to friends in Rat
Hope. The Porester sermon here last Sun-
day Week yeas a grand success, Whig attend-
ed by about two hundred Foresters from. this
And other Courts, who Marched to the grounds
in.Mr. Nissen's bush, 'headed by the Doherty.
Organ,go. Rand, of.Clinterii, to listen to one of
the befit society sermons ever delivered in the
bounty, given by Reif., R. Y, Taylor, of Hay-
field, to an audienee of frdni 80i0 to 1,000,
Who gave geed attention. One of our villag-
ers hag lost a valuable horse for seinntrine
past, and: offers a . suitable reward of ibe.
of heefsteek to any party bringingthe animal
:home ;•anY one Will easily ,knotv the beast, as
it' greatly resembles a hat rack; it is TiRg-
bonediri its :front feet, slightly troubled with
spring halt in its right hind foot, when last
seen it Was in the pasture tied to atilee; and
'the owner applYingiktelaPe"apitvin cure,- bat,
'with what result kaiot known ; at the .time
of the Fenian raid itiwas classed asthe pro-
per age to vete at elections ; the liaise is
doubtless valuable, Were it tot for it having
the: heaves;And the ownerdees not care for a
base being treubled with cribbing, for he
can easily etre that: Mr, Geo. Snell is fie.
ting,up the upstairs of his peeps fora dwell-
ing, which 'will be very handy for him: ' A,
first.clase shoemaker is to start business' here
this week, in 'the shop • formerly used as a
harness shop; next•door to O. Newton's tin
shop: The eider mill is now in full Wait and
will dolibtlese have e big season, for apples
are plentiful. 'Weddings. ard all the rage
here.' There is a very bad disease in, the vd.
oiage, and meant, sheuld be taken to proyeat
its spreading., IN...B.A. Robe. has moved to
hie new residence, formerly occupied by Mr.
Jaffrey; end Mrs. Rose is mitigated honie this
week. • ,
' • slopiesyn.r...n. •
Bignes.-Sermons will:be preached in the
Methodiat church, on Sabbath next, by Revs.
'Jae.. Gray, 'T. M. Cardlibell, and G. F. Salton;
collections will be taken up at the close of
each service. There will, be a tea meeting in
the Methodist church, on Monday, Oct.
tea served • from 5 tr7:30 P,m.' • addressee by
Rey& -Caswello• 13,311,. 3:11.Careen, G. I%
Salton and Others. A new brick 'school house
'will likely be built here next Year, ono is
needed bulb': Miss Janet Hoadva Sunshine,
was this week visiting St the parsonage., Mr.
Peter Cook bought the Tipperary church pro-
perty on EridaYlast. Gathering andtpacking
applee wins to he all the go out here. Mr.
Pickard is making censiderahle alterations in
the R C. chureh, and Will no doubt Make it
'look like a private tesidence before he gate
through with it. There is some tali; el Mr.
Lawrence leaVing,bere soon, if Mr. Murch
Can acute a teacher Ca hie school the rest of
the tetra,
• cOLBOltwBo
Bit1BPS..-The Hohnesville Bridge is
now completed the inspeetors having
taken it off Mr. Harbottles hands, but
the approaches will not be eompleted at
specified time and when they are filled in
with brush, old slabs,,rotten stumps. de.,
(in place a earth) it 18 believed the first
'freshet in the Bering will hoist the one at
the north ead out. Misses Wm. and
Byron Poster have nrrived at Cabin ferns,
the latter from Markham', the former from
East Saginaw. The Ceibourne Connell
'have let the contract for grading and
gravelling the road from the hill at Mr.
1008t81.8 to the bridge, but te whom we
have not beet able to loon.
• '
BEIEFil..-,Quite a number of tramps visit
this piece, but as our hottl -keeper will not
allow loafers about•him; they are eompelled
to Move on, On Wednesday Mr; jos. Clegg
shipped from hero the finest load., of lambs
that has been shiinied•here this season. Mr.
11. Breeden is tieuning a colt which will jum,p
011. Gin, and which he claims will pick an
apple With his mouth, from a tree 10 ft. high.
James Scrimagee was threshing on the 51h
con. of alorris, and arent to see John Read'
mat:dike working,; while talking to some of
the men his Ioot wet; caught ifithe horsepower
and 'dreadfully mangled. Ir was only last
year that bis hand was hadly mangled in a
machine. '
• .
Braints..L-Mr. G. M. Kilty, of Belfait,forna.
erly of .Summerhill, has been re engaged as
'teacher in that school, for 1885, A football
club has been organized among the boys of
Summerhir and vicinity,and with practice
they will doubtless become one of the best
teams in the county.
EDucaTiotia,.-Thedollowing is the stand.
ing of pupils of S.S. No.4, Ooderich township,
for the month of September.; The reportja
based on punctuality, diligence and demeanor,
aud names Arranged in order of merit. 5th
°less, Emma Thompeon; Gertio Plummer, Jno
Sheppard; 4th, Thos. Hardy.Lucy Johnston,
Ida Thompson. • ad senior, Geo. I,aithwaite
and Eva Nesbitt, Eobt, Thompson, Joe Witt.
8d• Junior, Erma Smiting, 'Weldon
Laithwaite Hy Tebbute; 2d °lase, Louisa
Sohniton and Addie Wright, Liz.Ohurehill,
'W. 11. johneton. lat °lase, Chris, Sheppard,
Miry Jo.hnston, Lionel Laithwaite.,
BRIEPS.-Mr, J. Johnston put up au
addition to his barn two weeks ago, Mr.
J, IL McClinton lost a young child by,
death on the 191h inst. Messrs, Mittch
Bennett claim to have threshed 1400
bushels of grain in one day. Mr, .A., E.
Galbraith has re-engaged in S. S. No. 9,
at a salary of $400 per annum. The
finding of' the judge in the Beamish mur-
der ease created quite a surprise, most
folks thought the prisonere deserved and
would get it slight term of imprisonment,
but not the number of years ordered. -
We are glad to learn that Mr. lt. Mover is
intieh hake, Mr, - P. • 13rown considerably
InaliroVed the appearauee of his farm by a •
oggipg bee whieh he held lately. Mr. An,
thony Carnington, who recently brought out
a number of thoroughbred hersee from -She
old country, 'sold one to Mr, Enoch Sbort,
Mr, NV/33, StOnthettelf Walf 1111140 ltiqfpy on
the 2411i Sept., hie ankh Wee with Mise Annie
oikmtee, Tho 810 18 rife with bear Movie%
The following is a list of prizes taketilineo-
ple of this county at the late Western Pair: -
2 yr old carriage stallion; 2d E. Ward,Varna.
2:yrold carriage gelding, 24, T. Hill Eg-
mondville. 2 -yr old roadster stallionr3d, 3.
McNevin, Kippen, &chile horse, .34, L.
Hunter, Deborne. •Yearling gen :
lst, G. Taylor, Kippee. General .
purpose team, 1st, Eginondville.
2..yr old agricultural gelding or filly. lst, G.,
Taylor, Kippen. Agrioultural. team, 24, j.
McKay & 00n, 7Eippen, 4.yr old heavy
draught stallion, 1st, R.G.TurneroBrucefield.
2.yr old heavy draughteitallime 1st, Pat Cure'
Min, Adair; 24, A.Vorilyth, Stanley. Year'.
• g 11.4. eteilion, 2d, 7. Coleman, Hillegreen;
8d, A.. Carlton,Westfield: Draughtlitallkei
y age, 18. W, & 0. Carlton. Brood mare,
F. Coleman, 2"yr Old h. d, gelding or fillY.
G.Taykr, Eippen. Foal, F.Celenarin. Mare,
any age, diploma, F.Colemen. H.d. stallion,
Canadian breed, 34,G. Theobald,
2.yr old Durham bull, ad, T. Ressell, Exeter.
yr -old Canadian bred Durham, 241, H. Snell
& Sons, Clinton. Durham eow, 3t1,711, Snell
& Sone.. 3 -yr old dew, 24, T.Russel. Shoed -
ung ram, Cotswold, 24o H. Snell dt'-Sone.- 2 -
entee two shears or over, Cotswold, 24, Ir.
Shed & Sons. Two shoaling ewes, 24. E.
Snell & Sone. Aged ram, Leicester, 1st, H.
'Snell& Sons. Shoaling ram, Leieceltee, 2 ite
d2 E. Gaunt, St, Helens. Ram lamb, 2d, E.
aunt. Ewe lambs, 2d, E. Gaunt. Shrep.
shirtr-DoWe ram, two eheate Or over, 3d, H.
Snell & Sons, Shropshire Down ram lamb,
3d, J. Cooper, Kippen. Butter, 3 kegs, iin
shipping order, 2d,,Mre. W. Herbison, Goa-.
rieh towhship. Best tennot better, 1st; Mrs,
W. Ilerbison, Red ,astraohan applee, 24„ W.
Ilerbison Seedlings, 3r4, Wn, Herbison.
Oswego beauty, 2i1, Wirt. Herbison, Stinun
cooker, extra dipletna, A. 5, Fisher, Clinton.
13tiggy gear, highly commended, H. Oantelon
Water dolor painting, (pre(eseientil) lst, w4.
. Crosswell, Soaf�rth, Anima)s, from life,
1st, W. IL Croswell.' tandscepo, 1st, W.
IL Croswell, Canadian subject, lst, W, IL
Oresswell. Ameteur list, water colors., inn
ettliect, let, 31. Ifiggine, Stanley, Still li
•. •
. 2Cre, In vidyjnecovell ethe N1117 2E4,0* USW
8eriben4 5111 thneetaf rwyoar.