The New Era, 1884-09-26, Page 12CLINTON NEW ERA.
SEPT 26, 1884.
Show 'Room°pent u6 -Attention is,direet
to the fienn-Auvalahw Room Opentng 113,,cen-
motion with our establishment, which plaoe on
Thursday, 'Friday sea Saturday, Oct. 2nd, ard. 4th.
• ' t CRAM, ainton•
13106113.-Yfr. J. .0uninghame hae his
home well under way, and will be able to
move into it before a great while. Mr.
Geo. Bowers has placed a very neat iron
fence around his new /muse .on Huron
street; Xr. Will Coats has rented this
place, and will start housekeeping as soon
as it is ready for him, Building opera-
tions have been exoeptionally good this
year, but if all build who eoutemplate,
they will be better next year. At abou
is unsurpassed. JOHN
nine o'clock on Friday night a young
"Walla Nil" from natal° the entl I
man, who is reverted to be from Code -
nest near (ontr ..tifteen months) f." rieh township, Used t emoat- otitraU5
vanee. Dativ Mail $7 a year tit advance.
language conceivable in front of en,
CHRI.5„ .070KSO.Y, Alva, elia$n. y nedy's hotel,9.ttracting quite a crowd by
MARtronA EXAMTHATIOX$,-Ia0. e his noisy demonstration,. which he kept
poroftl held examinations, for some time in spite ot Mr:. Ken -
in Manitoba, we note the following names
of old sHuronites :-Aliee M. Sturgeon,
first B; Kate McEwen, second A; Alfred
Jackson, second B.; Jeanette Fraquair,
• wend ; Amelia J. Plunnuer,-third A.;
. Ma
nedy's, and others, efforts to restrain
even if he was drunkIt was no excuse
iviaatever.for the shameful language that
was used, Mr. W. Marshall, of Goderich
townshiR4 left here last week for Bay City,
John W. MeRherson, third .A; ggie
• Abe town band serenaded a num-
. Hislop, third A, ber of our citizens on Thursday evening.
The "boys" intend to' give an open air
HURON LIVE STOLESTO C0 concert one night every week, something
A meeting of the Officers and Directors that will certainly be Ouch appreciated,
•of the Huron Live Stock Association, Mr. R. D. Bayley bas been "under the
,will be held at S. Pike's Hotel, Clinton, ' weather!' for several days, but is out again.
Saturday Sept. 27, at o'elookin. alo Miss Carrie FisIter started on. Tuesday on
a visit to her brother in Denver ; she haw
a long journey ahead.of her. Mr. •
Foster is intp,roving the appearance of
ibis property on AlhertSt. Capt.Hambly,
'late afahe Lord's army here, is now lead-
ing a. new organization at Harriston,
known as the Christian Army, Mr. W.
L. Newton and wife leave to take up
their fetirdence • in Toronto next week..
Rey. Mr.: Gibson is visiting' his old
Mende here. The freight business is
pretty'liyely at the Station here. Mt.
A, S. Fisher is doing quite a ,business
with his petent Steam Ceeker. Consider-
able grain was taken in en Saturday,. both
at the Standard elevator and Fair's mill.
November 6 has been appdinted Thanks-
giving day. :Brussels goes IR millstaxes
this year, being the higher than Clinton.
.ThesMitcheli. Advocate states that ,twe.
dry .goods merchants' from Heron are's
about to.locate there; they inuat surely
be from Goderich.-A. Galt paper says :
Mr. F. Paltridgeand son left on Friday
last for LosAngelos, Califorida •, Mr. Pal-
tridge bad been a resident of Galt for
about 12 years, and carries with him 'the
best -wishes of a large circle of friends ; if
thing i are satisfactory, Mr, P. and.'son
Wilt take up their:spermanent residence
on the Pacific Slope. Mr. Kew; station
ageht Whitechurch, ' formerly ef this
place, has also been appointed express
agent. Among the heaviest prize -takers
in the horse class at the Michigan State
Fair, just toncluded. at Kalaniazod, were
. John Avery, of Clinton, Ont1; David
----don;-En.gss-witlrnver-t00-heatr•-of-ca Fishersof-Goderiehs-Huron-h es -take
t d on Tuesday ' 'accompanied by M. a high rank in allparts of the wo Id. We
are informed that Messrs, ,McGregor &
McIntosh, of Brucefield, have sold two of
the imported mares they' sent over to the.
Illinois State Fair, at good figures.' Mrs.
Jackson, sr., of 'Wingham, who has been
visiting, here, has returned home. Mrs.
Wm. Ilerbisbn, of Goderich township,
took a prize for better at Toronto: Thos.
McLean shipped from here a car of sheep
.to Boffalo on Saturday, and five cars from,
Ooderich. A..boy last week walked, five
miles to a dentist in town to have an
aching tocith extracted, .but his courage
forsook him when he got. here, and he.
waked back with that aching tooth.'in
bis head.. Mr. James. Stevens; otthe base
line, will shortly, move into his new house;
•'shade tree. They were too run . should have a "house warming' n,
what held them fast, and tried their best and invite his Meads (including the edi-
to urge the horse on, but it could' not toi) o'ut to see him, The southern part of
a complete steam outfit as far east as Que-
bee;city, this week. We are glad to learu
that Mr, B. Pinsky eontensplatea the A little girl belonging to one of the end -
erection ofone or more brick stores ou grant famine; in town attends a certain
his property on Albert street next year. Sabbath school, and the pastor associated
The ladies of the Rattenbury St. Maim- therewith felt it his duty to call on the
dist Church bold a bazaar in one of Mr. child's mother, though he believed she'
Searlelti buildings. next Wednesday and belonged to the Roman Catholic church.
Thursday. At the Western Fair a num- Soecalled one day recently, and found
ber of prizett are taken by Huronttes, but the child and mother at home, the latter
as the list is very incomplete, we defer its being unfortunate enough to possess a
publication until next week. Master black eye. After a few general remarks,
Biggins, son of Mr, W. J. Biggins, of the the minister expressed sorrow at the ap-
London road, is evidently desttned to be pearance of the WenlArefi filo, when the
a painter, as his name figures for several child
broke la with,
lst prizes iuthe amateur list ; this is pret- bit her witi„ a stick."
q good for a boy. The entertainment ' Whist, new," said the mother, "he
given on Wednesday evening, under the never did,, ye little brat. Shure, sir,01
management of Mr, C. J. Iteeves, was he altplitin som,' ktnlin',.whin a bit fiew
tolerably well attended, considering the up all shtrnck me oi, it did, sir."
unfavorable night, and those taking part "What a lee, mother," quickly retorted
did very well for the short practise they the child, " deed this is the praste, an' if
have had. Mrs. Perry, who bass been ye len to his riverence ye know what'll
away visiting friends for some tame, has 1 becore" on tie." , t .
rehirned, Mies Chfdley is very- low. 1 " Troth, mr, it's thrinS said he woman,
is1" I'd never lie to his riverence, and if the
JUMPED MS BAIL. -It reported that
himself had axe." me I'd telt him the
the now notorious O. G. Martin, alias W.
A. Garland, charged with offering coun-
terfeit money for sale, has, to familiarly 'tion was not prolonged, .and the minister
express it, "jumped his bail," or, in other
walked out with a decided bias in his
words he had not made an appearance,
. as 1 mind as to the actual cause of the black
20 cents in advance will pay for the New Era to the end of the year, for new subscribers,
Too 1OODTO .1,00E.
sharp, for the purpose of making arraug
ments for the annual fall sale, and the
transaction of other. business. A full
• meeting is particularly desired
Too TRUE. -Aa exchange truthfully
puts the matter thus :-"It an experi-
ence of publishers that too many people
are apt to think it matters but little
Whether the newspaper hill ispaidor not,.
that itis a small stun, and of but little
' consequence. This is not because sub-
scribers are unwilling to pay, but because
they aro negligent. Each . one imagines,
hecawie a year's indebtedness amounts to
a small stun the publisher cannot be
much in want of, it without for a Moment
thinking that the aggregate of all subscript
tions is by no means an inconsiderable
, sum of money."
TRUSTEEEETING,-;-The regular meet-
ing of the school board was held on Mon
day. A communication was received
from Miss Callender, tendering her resig-
nation, to take place on the BOO of Sept.,
when the Secretary was instructed to re-
quest her -to teach until the new year, and
in case she would not, to advertise for an-
other teacher. The folloiving accounts
were ordered to be paid -Jas. Cook,
whitewashing,Stsc, $48; Thos. MoKenzie,
desks; &c., $21.51; W. H. Shnpson, books,
$9; Jas. Walker, plank, $8 ; Mrs. Brown,
making blinds, $2; Geo. Diehl, benches,
CATTLE EXPORT. -Mr. W. Ciiimore,
of Tuckersmith who recently went, toLon-
reqaired, at the assizes, and his bail was
estreated to the Crown. We understand
that the amount fixed as bail was ridicu-
lously low, eonsidering the serious nature
of the indictinents, being °lily some $200.
Martin's father, of Lucknows and his uncle
of Goderich, were the surettes. e
Crown Attorney winnow endeavor to fiad asace„" Doors open at 0.30, leeture o
Martin, •potonsence at 8,
Hunter, who bad gone over on a pleasure
- trip. Mr. Cudmore made gpodspassage
both waya, but found theEnglish markets,
very dull and discouraging, and 061.Ra
that cattle can be sold to as good advan:.
tage in Montreal as they can in London
or Liverpool, Messrs. Ballantylie & Shit-
linglaw, who shipped after he dfd, lost
nearly 40 head' on the voyage.. Thos.
Dinsley, who accompined Mr.. Cudmore
over, returns nett week. • ;
BADLY "ShtwEn."-The other eyening
a couple of young men belonging to Sea -
forth, started to drive there, but; had not
gone far along the Huron road, the
wheel of their buggy locked around a
',Vaunts's-Mrs. Prendergast, (nee Miss.
Annie Ryan) President W. C. T. U., Sea-
foith, will elivera lecture the Tem-
perance Hall,..01inton, on Tuesday next.
Subject; " Evils arising from intemper-
move, a passer-by backed the horse
and started them along, when they ran
the horse so fast that one of them *lost hie
hat. Getting out to recover it, he fell be-
neath the buggy, when the horse started,
turning him over several times in about
three inches of dust, and by thetime he
regained his feet he looked like the thud
which the negro claimed the Lbrd first
-made Adam of, and set up against the
fence to dry.
of convictions made by magistrates in the,
county, for the last quartet., is the largest
that has ever been published for some
time, being double that of the preceding
quarter and embracing _ 130 caies. , In
the list there are only 13 drunks, a• snit -
er Lumber than usual, 'while there. are Mr, M. Kelly was driving along the street
about 30 cases of. assault, and 10 breaches QII Sunday. tok fright and ran
the county has not suffered by rou
anything like. the same extent that the
neighborhood of Clinton, as and parties
who have travelled. in Bruce say it is ten
times worse there. than in Huron. Mr,
'Wilkie boasts of corn over 12 feet' high ;
a man would nearly require a step -ladder
to getthe ears off this. A man somewhat
taller than Paisley attraeted.notic 'on the
. streets on. Saturday, Paisley could 'dis-
count Idris :for looks hotsever, Mr. C.
Clarke, of .Wpodatock; formerly in the:
.Molsen's ,bank here, is spending his holi-
days with friends in town. Mr. W..Mc
Ilaffie, of Brantford, fornierly a resident
of this town, gave us a call onMonday.
!Mr. D. MoCimig was. up for assault on
Monde. and fined $1 and coats. _ While
i'1"11L7* lEt04::›X.K t"*.491[14:20]Et]El.
r Fall Purchases
of Dry Goods
have arrived
• We know , that they havebeen bought right, in the best
markOts, and on the best terms possible to buy goodS.
This is not merely a newspaper advertisement, but we are
• prepared to back up the assertion with 'positive facts, and -will
91,000 Envelopes. . 350 Slotting Tablets,
show the public.. some of the MOST. STARTLING. PRICES. Dry
• • • Goods ever seen in Clinton.
A.large assortment of POCKET BOOKS and LADIES SATCHELS t
Goon and CHEAP.
• , •
01d. Judge „ and,1 Sweet:--raporal Cigare es.
New goods -arriving . Everything tor. Schools. Special
prices in all lines of Goods to make room for our-
. . •
Which will bethe best ' and cheapest ever seen in Clinton.
of the license act. Clinton this
takes the lead with the greatest number
of convictions, there being 25; Blyth and
Goderich follow with 16 each; Seaford].
had 15 ; Brimsels and Exeter, 18; Wing-
hani, 21; and other places a. few ..each.
The 4amount of the fines imposed •was
$467. It is evident from this that the
magistrates of the county bave had plenty
to do during the last three Menthe.
Catharines News thus refers to a gentle-
man well known here, he being the father
of our esteemedtownsman, Mr, G.E. Pay:
After thirty years in the management of
the Welland Railway, Mr. Wm, Pay has
retired to his delightfully located farin on
the western bank of the old W'elland can-
al. Mr. Pay's retireroent, after his busy
railway. life, is the most pleasant that
Amid be. He is surrounded with luxury
6f fruit orchards, vegetable gardens, vine-
yards and poultry, On Monday morning
_ Mrs Pay_took_valuable sataPlessif fruits,
vegetables, table apples, grapeSstomatoes,
etc , to the London Fair, where,' if he
does not get prizes he will certainly get
great eclat for successful culture.. We
congratulate Mr. Pay,. and wish him. and
wife a green old age. They have every
thing to make life enjoyable -prosperity
and the most pleasant surroundings,
DEATH OF Ruv. 'W. OntWs -
The following is from a London paper,
The gentleman referred to is well known
in this neighborhood, he having resided
, at Goderich some years ago: -The pro-
longed illness alley. W. Crews, 13.A.,
terminated in death last evening , at
6 o'clock. He had been suffering from a
severe attack of typhpid fever, which de-
fied every effort made by the Physicians.
The deceased was pester of the Pall
Street -Methodist .Clateh, where he hags
ministered for the past two years. He 'Was
highly esteemed by his tongregation and
many others. who knew ' His father
Rev. T.Crews,.is a minister in Dorchester
station, and his WO brothers are also
the ministry -41.e, A.C.Crewe Handl
ton, and Rev. H. W. Crews Strathroy.
He was born insthestoweahipet Warwick,
county of Lainbtori, and was Will 'hewn
throughout Western Ontario, where his
death will be universally regretted. He
had lust been married a year, and the
sympathy of all will go out towards the
widow in her sad loss.
away', breaking the buggy somewhat.
People who go techurch should wait un-
til service is over instead of " gailding".
out when the preacher is half through.
Mrs. W. Shipley, jr., is slowly recovering
from her recentillness. Mr.T. Turnbull,
of Berlin, is home on his holidays, Mrs.
T. Jackson returned home by boat flora
Detroit; the lakewas very rough. . We
understand that Mr. Swarts intendsre-
tnoviug to GoderiehC The special excur-
sion to London, on Wednesday, was
largely patronized. 'Ur. Armstrong, a
former Brussels hotel keeper, but who
has been living near °canto, for a.
couple of years, passed -through town on
his way to Brussels, on 'Wednesday ; he
likes the west very well. We regret to
learn that Mr. Geo. Bay is laid up with
inflammatory theinhatism. Mrs. Beane,
of Stt Marys, is the guest of Mrs. J. Wise-
man.. We understand that the new aeries
'of school readers will be ready by theist
of January; Mr. Bryant, of Galt, (former-
ly of Clinton High School) is one of the
parties eugaged in :getting them up. Mr.,
John McDougall, of Goderich township,
left here no Monday for Abilene, Ks, A.
St. Thomas paper says :--Wesley Palmer,
of Goderich, ,was charged at the pollee
court on Monday with vagrancy.; on pro
mising to leave the city he was discharged.
Mr. Robert Sly has leased the farm. of
127 acres, belonging to his father, on the
Huron road, Hallett, for a term of 10 years.
Mr. Alex, Marten and wife, (formerly of
Hullett) who have been visiting friends.
bete, returned to their home at Abilene,
Xs. .on Tuesday. The Doherty Organ
Co.' band give an entertainment in the
town hall next Thursday evening, Oct.
2d ; it will be good, and will deadest;
be well patronized. Mr. Yeo will preach
in. the Ontario St. Methodist Church, Ott
Sunday morning. . Whatever may be
-*blight oftile-Savation-Atinysendstheit.
Methods, this must be said of them -they
draw large housee,for every Sunday even-
ing the
.town hall is fined to its utmost
Capacity, ,a'eouple of hundred being un-
able to get in Snnday last. Mr. Hayward,
inspector of 'Weights and )leasures, paid,
a visit to Clinton this weels, on offieial
'hUiDiatiis- --Jud-D
ge oyle-held -4--court.
here for the revision of the voters' list, on
Wednesday, a number of clerical errors
were corrected, and sacral additions and
changers made. Messrs. Parrangilimplier-
i son Hovey ShippPd 3 threshers with
110'S OUR .,r.ii-(ATTER.
• •
ante De
opbA and under the same management, ..With all the
newest makes of Mantle.cloths and Ornaments.
Pay & Wiseman,
. • .
OVR final Fall Display of New Eats awl Furnishing Geode. win take
, .
place on Satnyclay net, and , itt ,gonnectioti with our openirl, we will give
away the *glowing 'Itst of Thits
. .
8 Boys Straw Hats; regular price $100 $8.00
Boys Straw Hats,' ' " ' ." $1.50 $0.00
2 Sweede Hats, * . " ., ." $1.00 $2.00
7 Girl'ilifailoicHatk2-----"'-'- "T5O $3:50-
13 Stiff Hats . " " $1.00 $13.00
• 7 Soft Hats, . • ", ..,,; $1.60 $10.50
10 Soft Oats, . ,..T.. .-- - -21-- l'.. 76 _17.50
Total 50.60
EA.CH hat *ill be puked in a bcor; seourely tied andflung
to the street from the top of our Hat Store, when they can be
• taken by Awhoever secures them, •,
VOCAL ;and Instrumental .Concert by the IVIouth Organ
•• told'
WE are the largest dealer in HATS rand FURS in
'-the-Countyrand-our; Stock -is not_Altalled for variety'
• • and quality.
, ., Vsr. JACKSON, .
rrhe Vellat011,114 kiatter; Clinton.
TEAT a good $7..50 pair of pants is the cheapest the encl.
CALL and see tlie Magnificent range of 'ANT WORSTED.
TROWSERINGS that We have in -the. very newest 'Patterns.
, . . . •
• . s „- —
Pay our Store a visit on SATITIMAY evening• , and
draw your own conclusions about our Stock,
• •
, . • . .
WE have :received. the' balance of
our Stock. & are np-vcr ready for
the season's carxxpaign.
• •
OUR stock consists of a fine .11c1
Select class of Goods which needs
to be seen to be appreciated.
• .