HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-09-26, Page 1Pottogion41 ana OM MIL' ltirARRIAGE themettEe.--APPLY TO TOE .1.7.3- Undersigned at the Library Rooms, Smith's Block. 30 JAM,E$ SCOTT. -11I A, FORRESTER,' CONVEYANCER? LAND, Li Insurance mid. General Agent. Ideney to loan. Orrice, BeAvenOPE, Cli0t0n, -- 1VIONET TO LEND IN LARGE 'OR SMALL -4-m. stuns on good mortgage security, MOderstn ate of interest. E. HALE, (Minton, "irt B. POWSLEX• rd, 0. ki ENGLAND TERN SII.50 JP e r ,/1 in et pani VOL•19• NO, 39. ▪ FleyeiefaikStIneon, eto, Office and residenee in nOvapee,$2, raj end eg ion* next MOIstgee MAO, Market square, Clinton. • TAR. ARPIXTON.-,-OPPICE-AT RESIDENCE ▪ on Ontario street,Clinton,oppositethe English ORtirell. Entrance by aide gate, O YOUNG, g. B., (GRADUATI'l OF TORONTO Ns/ •outversity,)Physidans attrgeon, 840realdence at M. Manning's, three doors east of tIte Temperance Hall,Londesboro, 00; TA A, ROSE, M.D., GRADUATE OF MEDICAL MA • University, Philadelphia, Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office at George Grantham's, three doOra nerth of the Post Office, Londesboro, ft RAND UNION IIOTEL, CLINTON, ONTARIO. Idrie. Monter, Proprietor. Large and airy, Cell- i -gaily situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot air, large and well lighted sample rooms, Good, sta- bling. $1 per day. 9 . TT 13. PROCEFOOT, CIVIL ENGINEER, 11. Provin eial and 130 minion Land Surveyor, Arcbitect and Draughtsmanreenter ranee., (JI inton. DDicKiNsoN, mENsED 4130,Tx0NEBR • for the County of Ruron, Saes attended to promptly. Clutrgee Moderate, Residence Albert St. Clinton. CLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPT. 26, 1884. t ROPERT HOLMES publisher , \ EiTEEART teOceetTerne Edegetvtriteee TO Me. NEWTON. The members of theScientific and Lite- rary Society gave a farewell nipper to one of their members, Mr. W. le Newton, on Tuesday evening last, at the residence of Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Newton has been, copnected with tbe society front its Incep- tion, and ban alwa,ye taken a very great interest in it. A large number of the Memberwere present, and an exceeding- ly pleasant evening was spent. Mr, and Mrs. Armstrong had spared no palm to make the entertainment successful, and every word of compliment given utterance to by the gentlemen present was fully de- eerVed. AS may be expected, the chief toast was that of the guest of the evening, to which Mr. Newton replied in a singu- larly appropriate manner. He regretted that he had, to break off the many ties formed in Clinton, but the inexorable hand of duty called him(' elseWhere. In his new sphere, and amongst new friends, be could never efface from his memory the remembrance of constant. kindnesses he received in Clinton, and mnre especial- ly his association with the memleers of the society. His address also contained some excellent advice, and closed with a happy wish for a prosperous career through life of these present. All present, in re- ferring to Mr. Newton, spoke of him in - the highest teems, and whtist he was praised for following the line of duty, his removal was much regretted. The full list of subjects and spealceredves as fol- low.-, :-The Dominion, A. H. ManOing ; . The Enipire, E. Holmes; Progress, D. 0. Carr; 'Music, J. IticL-Campbell ; EtItlea- don, G. Sharman ; Trade and Commerce, W. Fair; Clinton, L. Woods; Reminis- cences. of Travel', I. Taylor ; The Learned Professions, .1. Scott ; Our Society, IL' Foster; The Ladies, H. S. McLean ; Pa- tent Rights, A. Callander; Our Menici- pal Institutions, A. McKenzie ; Science, D. Robb. One Gueet was proposed by Messrs. J. C. Stevenson and A. Arthstrong. , Mr. .Neviten !eitVeS in a low daVS tbr Toronto, where be goes to, attend Bapist College, under ihe presidency of ReV. Dr. Castle. We are sure he carzies with him the best .wishes (if the entire CoMMUnifY. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered at the dose to our host and hoetcss Red the ladies asiisting,, for their co-operation in makthe the eventne a success. 0 0 , et•III is.. A (400D COMPARISON. We have previously spoken .of tbe high standine, in eomparison with the other 'education intitutions of the province, of the.Clinton Eigh School, and to. let our . readers see that. what we have said, is fully borne Out by faceti, we give the fol- lowing table of the results of the late ex- amination. It will be remembered these are all Collegiate Institutes except Olintore but nevertheless there are only two places from which more students •succeeded in passing, and only one more in each of two schools that obtained grade A. certificates. Ceinparatively Clinton. High School is a bobg way in atlyante of alethe collegiate Institutes and :Iligh Schools in the , pro- vince, whieh speaks well tor the trustees and teachers, end is a source oegreat sat7 ,. isfaction to the peotAe of Clinton. : . • metes:re ' • Coll. Itrst. Passed,OradeA. • : Toronto 40 • 13 Clinton- 27 12 Stratliroy : - 38 ' '11 St. Mary's ..... ..t' '26 13 Hamilton . 25 , 7 St. Catharines 21 9 • Kingaton . ,.......e, el 10 - St. Thothas ....,.. 20 ' 6 London, -70ttaiva. .. Wh'itby ' Perth Barrie , . ..... Cobourg ........ II: , Petorhorough . . 3. Brantford 15 ' Galt - 4 DBE SIVE.- OPPICB RATTENBURI ST,- marray Block, two doors east of, Reagens' on - trance. Resiaenees • opposite the Temperance yfall, Moron Street, Clinton. Ofnee hours, a a.ra. to 6p.m. RS. WHITT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. PUPILS ItT-1- attended at their own reidenee,if necessary. Be olden° e, John Robertson e,. Immo. Street, Clinton. Rice's new method taught if desired, rts11. STANBURY, GRA,DIJA.T111 ete Tete MEDI .1-Year,Depo.rtment of VictoriaUnivoreity,Torento,f or merly of the Hospitals and Diepensariee, New York Coroner for the County of Iluron,Bayttelcl,Ont. 101, W. W ILLIAJKS, B. A. . B., GRADUATE OF .11.31,sToronto UniveraM; member of theCollegeof Phy sienna and Singe0118,that: OFFICE & Itzsmaxoe the house formerly oectipied by Dr. Ree've, Albert atreet -Er Clinton. nn. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN' , SURGEON Aitooncheur ,Licentiate of the Celle ge olPhys fele antn- Surgeone of IowerCanatla,and PrdvincialDicen, tla te and Coronorf or th e County o f Oflieeand residence -The building formerlyoceupied by Mr Thwaites, Huron street. , Clinton,J8n.10,1871. XXTAVERLY FIOUSE, CLINTON, OT. -THIS V V Hotel is new and has all the requirements of a first-class house. Large and airy rooms, elegant parlors, heated witla hot air, and in the insonediato vicinity of the G. T. R. depot. The bar is well stocked with the choicest brands of liquors and cigars. The travailing public may rest assured ef being well cared for at this house SAMUEL PIKE, proprietor. " CIITT DELIVERY -THE SUBSORIBNRWAS %-istarted a general delivery waggon, and is prepared to deliver parcels of all kinds anywhere in town, or perform any work in this line of business. Charges ,moderato. Orders left at WATSON'S FEND STORE Will be promptly attended- to. RICHARD F. WATSON, Clinton. . . _ R. H. HOLMES, SolicitorSupteme Court &e., etc., 0 FFIC ES --V INGH.A1VI 4,Vo BLYTIL In Blyth every Thursday. Collections and °lame promptly, and reliably attended to, PRIVATE FUND§ to lend at lowest rate of ntereitt. ifieo WILKIE & WOOLVERTON.: . 8 VRGEON DENTISTS. Mold the exclusive right for tbe.county for the Bard process of administering . chemically pure .Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the safest and best synem yet dis- covered for the painless extraction of teeth.' Charge moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. OFFICE, BEAVER BLOCK, over Thompson st Switeer's Grocery Store Albert Street, Clinton. , . . • • , . W. JACKSON . I• TICKET -A ENT CLINTON • Cheap Excursions via the Ireat lakes Winnipeg and return •W-01 Duluth and retu.rn • - 31 00 •..4. Port Arthur and return.- 30 00 . Sault St. Marie and return12 00 SECOND CABIN TICKETS New York to Liverre and return, $60, the lowest rate ever °Keret . vs-srennAos TICKETS are.now sold at rate never be/ ore beard of. • Hello Trev4ler Are you going to MANITOBA,. DAKOTA,, CAL FORMA, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA or CO ORADO, or any other point Westward. Call and An out rates and prove that we sell tickets at the lowe. rate: - Time card and. all information freely 'give PURCHASE 'YOUR TIOKET AT THE TOWN' .A.C4,-ENCY. • Tickets for coeeago Excursion, • JAS. THOMPSOIC THE ALLAN • LIN . _ ROYAL MAIL STEAIVISHIPS. The Allan Line is taking Steerage passenge front Clinton to Liverpool, Derry and Glasgow, for 820,15 Excursion Tiettete4 good for six mont at low rates. Intermediate rathe ele0 - reduced, Accommodation good. Sailings every Satiirday from quebec. . PaSSellgOTB require to leave Clinton at -4 on Thursdays. making dIreet conneeti with steamers at Quebee. Pull particulars and information en ap cation to• A. O. PATTISON, • (i. T. 10, Agent, Clint PNTOGRAPHERS, vo$TV' OLINTO LIPIE-SIZE WORK A sPEOtAffrY. DENTIST, COAS BILOOX, charges mOderat CtiNTON . , gent Afitertiomento. _] wig/KALE N'EADINER ;WANTED - FOR r. 4: the lower division of the (Hinton Model School, DOI to complete the balance of. the year. W. IL lilliE„ las Secretary, ' Ids bri 1433.A..Z.A.A.IR.0 . • , . . • alc !TIRE LADIES AID SOCIETY OF RATTENI3URY , ,. .1., Street Methodist Church intend holding a Bazaar DM for the sale of useful and fancy articles, In one of Me. sell Semmes NEW BOILDNOS. On WedueltdaI WM. 1.,;, Thursday. Oct. I. and 2. Cold Lunch served. '•'" Will be open 'min morning till evening on both days. . $01 AUCtiffil gale of Faxn-11 $1, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. g° ----- . wc TUX silbseriber Will sell by Pnblic Auction on Lot 33, Con. Ot MoKillop, on Friday, Oint, 17,1884. ' the following Fenn, Pam Stook and Inplentents: 2 brood mares, one rising 4,yrs old, in foal to imported "Borland Chief," the.other is rising 5.-yre old, and in ifq foal by hnported "Welcome," 2 heavy draught geld- s rising 4 and 3 -yrs old, i 2 -yr old colt, 2 yearling ley tog' - colts, one by thoro'bred blood horse "Princeton," 1 tirst-elass driving horse 4 -yr old, by "Old Clear Grit," .,,„ 4 cows in calf,' 4 good grade heifers rising' .3 -yrs old, in "" calf to a thoro'bred Short liornibull,.4e.yr oid heiters, NV 8 yearling heifers, 2 fat, cows, i fsA baiter 4 -yrs aid. 1 wi 4 -yr old steer, 1 3 -yr old. steer, 3 2 -yr old steers, 3 ,yr ,..... old steers, 3 calves, 18 good ewes, 1 'brood sow, 7 pigs ,'" 3 months old, 2 waggons, 1 sleigh, 3, nett drill, nngie .01. mower,' turnip sower, 1 saunter, 1 fanning mill, 1 ou plow, 1 gang plow, teat troreharrows, 1 sulky hsy rake Moat of the above interments have only beep used one pc ' season. 1 set team harness, 1. set single harness, 1 th buckboard, 1 otter, about 26 tons of hay, forks, rakes,' rri Sqytties, stoneboat, bay rack and various other articles t' too numerous to mention, Also on the same day if '7, not previously sold, the Fern), being composed of tat, 34, Ontl• 0, 3I0Killop, containing Ng acres. The farm • is Ina good. state of cultivation, well fenced, and tin" at derdrained, about 00 , acres cleared and lu acres of at hardwood bush. The fano islwatered by the best ns spring in net comity, of Dimon, and to intending_ " purchasers, I would-saythe-sprifirinalitlienieri O. be 'en appreciated; about 10 acres are sown in fall wheat. in There is also it good orchard. The dwellii,g,bouse is r 1, log', with frame attachment. The barufis one of the st. finest in the township, being 72 feet long 14 64 wide, In with stone stable underneath for 10 horses and 30 head te of cattle, with root cellar of .3,000 bushels .eapacity, ..,,, there is a watering trough underneath. the shed at ot barn,. with a supply of water (brought from a spring 01 with iron pipe) for any nutnbv of cattle during the h'i dryest season. Six crops, equal to that of the present season will pay all asked for the farm. Terms for ,It( farmi-?-$500 at the time of sale ; 81,000 on the ist of January, 1885; the balance in equal annual install- merits to suit purchaidr, with interest at, 9 per cant. 'Fe per annum. Terrnsifor tockand implements: -$5 and fc under cash ; over that amount 12 moviths credit on Al approved notes. Sale to continence at 1.2 o'clock noon, 1 J.A. LAIRD, Proprietor, Seaforth P.O. J.P. BRINE, $, Auctioneer, ' . - , 21 : St Itl • riONFO STABLE ,FIURNISIIED ROOMS,. il V to let, with board. MR, JOHN ROBERTSON, Victoria Street. ' ' ' • ' Sept. 5, 1884. • • a' n CAUTION - - RQTICE IS DEREBY GIVEN e • that I will not be ratan:Ale for any debts con- s,' traeted ,by my wife, Maria Woodman,' without my Li written order, 94 she has left my bed and board, , 'W. ' WOODMAN, Londesboro. • . ' a • OVIiIIIIIKASER 'WANTED - FOR ONE OE e 1 . the bat ivlioat-growing farms in Walsh. Utility, a Dakota. 329. acres: Plenty of timber, near school, „ stores, &c. In the 'midst of a Canadian settlement., "I Will be sold , at a great bargain. Apply to *mum 'p SIIEPPARD,16th eon. Ociderich township, Clinton ti Post Office. „. —. . 38 • . I . ...1-11. from . Stinted ' from .Raglan to Cathrin "WARN .1.3 11, eon. .* eitItivation.. ash stables, the Sesinirth. last 1 I.C.OTTAGE. ' ". • . 11.0.1USX TO RENT -LARGE COMFORTABLE 11 frame house to rent,for a term of six months, .1., the lat Of October. Thehouse is at present in- r by Mr. Shitrintin, within a few .mInntes walk V the centre of the town, and is en the corner of ' e r dud .Princess 'Streets. For particulars apply R. M. RACE1r, canton, or JOHN: STEEP, 10 . Block, Winnipeg. 38-4 ' V . . V . ..FOR SALE - CONTAINING , ONE .i hundred acres, being composed of west -half of lot ,, on the Oth eon., and west -half of lot 11; on the 5th 'I of Iluilett. Nacres cleared and in good. 44e of balance .well timbered with pine, black 4 and cedar. Good frame- house, frame barn and 4 goo1 Welland orchard. Situate te miles from 1 village of Kinburn, 7 from Clinton and 8 frOrs, f , Possenion given to do fall.work. Ter.ns easy. Apply on the premises, or address .5IRE1..-0. i PETRIE,. CoMtaNCO. , • . . • - . . . .. , NTOTICE.-44. KILPATRICK wishes wail, 1 1.11 nounce to the pnialic that he has reineved .. front Huron St. to the house that be occupied 1 winter, on Queen street; opposite lir. .0. A. . Hart's, Solicitor, where !tenet carry on country i Weaving iu all its brandies. "Thanking the pee- ' ple for ewe favurt, be etill solicits • a share of 1 pnblie.patrunage... - . G. KILPATRICK. 4 ., .. . Clinton, Sept.,12, 1834: -. ' • : . 'i . .. - •.• . . . . • ' • for SALE A.or•to .11 T. . . .. . . ON 'VICTORIA STREET,. CONTAINING:. SEVEN. Rooms, hard and soft water,.good . cellar, iitono . foundation anti 'large garden, of 3 lots,•good fruit trees 1 - .. .WhIch . • 'il „7th ':'• ..,' 5 . . Tossesion iinmediate: Amity to A. DODSWORTII. • ' sturIbT6 -31A014INES... _ • 'I am agent for the celebrated T.Ight•RunnIng, • . • WHO Home Sewing Machine. takes the lead ahd. gives 'bettor •satisfaction than any other, W. KITT, Clinton. .• . - — . (1_001) FA ILK FOR SALE-, The subscriber 1...11 ,offer' for sale that well -situated rem, Let, 17,, Concession, Goderich township, 80 tierce, 30 actes- ill grass, ,nearly all cleared ; good brick house, barn 3d x 76, stabling fOr 'Cattle -and 11,4,nes ROW granary; implement house,: small orchar&.'`iirdlalln isa splen- did one. Weil watered,M a Very good state: of eultiva- eon, with.100 rods ef underdraining, bleat clay soil, and will be Sold on reasonable terms, $2,000 can re - Main on property, at 6 pot cent for Ave years, if dole - ed. JAMES DI.INCAN, Porter's Dill P.O.' 23 .... , r 'SALE, IN 'IDE TOWN - !.4 ,, , ra ' at, • p. • DK It• • it. — _ ..,.'"" i•• - g, '-..- s,, II -: 0 • 1.0 . VIARDI FOR SIIIP OF. HEEL ETT. -THD ADMINIS- tration of the Estate of the late Simon Shetler, offers for sale tlie east halt of lot 38,.12th eon. of Willett, containing 50 titres, about 40 acres of which are clear - cd, the balance hardwood timber.. Plante dwelling house. It is within 4i miles of the village of Londe*. boro, and abent six miles from Blyth, both on the L., If, ,f6 B. R. There will be about ton wet; of fall wheat .liown on the farm. Per further nartieulare, apply .to GEO. C. WOOD, Administrator, Lot 33, pen. II, Ifullett, or to Londeshora P. 0., Ont. ' ,.' • N. B. -The other half of said' lot can alao be nceight at thexame Onni. For this apply. to A. RIMER, Londeaboro P. 0, , • • • ° ' Hallett Sept. I 1884. ' • I , ' . FA:11Ni FOR . SALE s ' i . ..- . The subseriber effort that eligibly situated farm, 10t 10, 70h con. Mullet, 1.1- miles front Milburn, Containing 100 across on Which there are a, frame house, a largo bank bath 66 x 40, chaff house, horse and etor stables, grodWell. at barn, 2 acres of good orchard of various kinds of fruit. One of the best and handsomest farms in the township, Well fenced, well tinderdrained, anti in first class order. As the owner is unable to continuo farming any Ringer, must be sold this fall. Nearly all Seeded down, •Only 82,060 cash, reqtlired, purchaser can arrange for rente.inder. IL. BELL, Constance P.O. Constance, Ang..20, 2m NEW 010AOIKSIVI1TH SHOP. — reeetE UNDERSIGNEP had opened the' late ./. RoWell Blackstnith Shop, *Dad he IS Pre - pared to do all kinds Of Work in his line. 111 the best posilible Manners and oh the ishertefit no- tice. All work guaranteed. ILarse slipeing a epeeiaity. No eating in prices. Come one and ail and he Will give you SatiefaCtiOn. . . T. MALtSLIALL, , Clintott,,Sept. 3, 1884, Late Of Stratford, ., , . ,. MONEY TO LOAN.. . VIBIVATE AND cOrdPANY PONDS, Al' ,L- iovvest rates of interest. Prirteipal payable as desired tlY borrower. • Vainator Ror the 000..i. Liamnn CRECIT COMPANt4 . T). A. POE/trent% Clinton, Dee, 20, IBM le .11 ed. 44 EAST WAWANOSII. YmEetzt.e.,.-Mr. James Shields and ss jane Reid were united in the hely ds of matrimony, eo. Wedneaday •of t week. The knot was tied at tbe red- o() of Mr, John Add, brother of the •de. Eyeeybody is glad, of course, s Mr. Chas. Campbell was proceeding ng the 9th con., a short distance below mode a couple of weeks ego, )le ob- ved a bear cress the road in front of . 11 r, Thos. .Agnew, of the 10th cone has •d one of his spring -colts for the sum of 0 to all American puichaser: This isa. d figure for it sucking colt, but be is worth tbe money. • • ‘VXNGITA:11. Phe election in wird No. 8, of Monday t, resulted in the return of Mr. Deans, • the very small inajority of four votes. A deputation from Newmarket, it town • the Northern railway, neer Toronto, re here one Tuesday, inspecting the terworks. Two streams were thrown it considerable height on the main street, r. Wm. Elliott and Mr. John Hanna, r urbane andeibliging Reeve and De- ty-Reeve respectively, did the honors of e town, and shelved the visitors routed., e other members of the council were on eat." ' •' • ' (pits it number of one townspeople are eY in Godericb this. week as principals d witnesses in the elifferent 011Se8' at, the sizes there, tbe principal one of these QS being' criminal charge upon the formation of W.' B. Hutton et a/ against T. Scott, which is expected to come on r trial on Friday. We will reserve fur- er remarks. The vase ho*ever is a very range looking one at the least, and the inien is freely expressed, that Wing - 101 is tired of and eould well do without tore in it. BIOME. )dr, Jones has removed his shop, and may now be found next deer to Mr, Mee Villen's grocery, A detatehment of the Lord's Army ie to visit Sunshine, and hold service, on Wed- nesday evening, Oct. lst. A grand rally is expected. • The Women's Christian Temperance Idnioo have largely increased them num- bers and are doing good work by citculat- ing temperance literature. The neat social under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Nethodiet church is to be held on Tuesday evening, the 30th inst. At Arr.-E. D. Chamberlain's. Rev. Geo. IL Cornish; superinteodent of Winglienv disteict; will preach educa- tional sermons on' Thyth circuit next Sab- bath, at Ebenezer 10.30; Sunshine 2.30; Blyth 0.30.. •• The premises next door to the Copts menial hotel are 'being fitted up with new front, and will shortly. be occupied by Mr. 13, Mallory. We cofigretulate him on securing so good a stand, • Mr. N, H. Young returned on Tuesday • from a trip to Muskoka. He says that although thereis much rocky land, there are also some good sections and excellent farms. He brought a sample of eorn, ,,eipe and well filled, home with bine. coideo BRIEFs.-Mr. A. Snyder, of Waterloo, is visiting friends here this week. Light- ning struck N. Fisher's barn on Monoay morning, but did no serious damage. James Govedie, and wife, from Waterloo, were visiting here last week. Miss Mary Mason, of Londesboro, is the guest of Miss Lizzie Hartt. Miss Moore has returned from Oshawa, where sbe has been visiting her sister. ,Roderick McRae got One of his fingers badly torn with the big saw, while woekitig in N. Morrish's mill. Alex. Ro- bertson lost it valuable horse last week,-,-. Be fed the horse an oat sheave and went to dinner ; when he came out to .hitcl; up the horse, he was surprised to find it lying down, dead„ with its neck broken. He does, not know the cause of the accident, as tbie horse was in a large box, stall by itself. Mr. D. Adams, tailor, of this town- ship, on Wednesday morning fell down a steep stairway, and was badly hurt, but to what extent'your correspondent could not find out. Doctors *ere summoned to his bedside, and it .is hoped he may soon be around again. He is well and favorably known, and his neighbors speak of him in. tbe highest terms. PEeseNees.-Miss M. A. Graham has ne on a prolonged visit, it is understood r the benefit or her health, to friends vay out west, near Chicago ; it is hoped e niay soon revisit her native town -re- red to health. Miss. M. J. Croll, of ie "Vidette" staff is visiting her home Clinton thiseveek. Miss M.L. Mimes d Miss Minnie Snell have redeparted out Wingham," the former to the Ladies' °liege, Hamilton, and the latter to at- nd school at Brampton. The quiet oitizens of "VVinghath' were oused froin their peaceful slumbers rly last Thursday morning by the fire arm, about 2 sew On looking out, such dense fog and smoke laden etmosphere revelled, that it was impossible to dts- nguish any object evenneross the street, he firemerewere however directed to the re, which- was in Pringles D Ominiofl. akery, oe the main street, and worked mei te aubdtie the gimes which. had allied considerable headway before the teeth was given. The furniture and stock as removed and saVed,.but.the building as left a rather dreary loeiting wreck. t appears however that any loss %yin be By recovered by insurance in two corn- anies to the amounts respectively of 800 and $500. Such a disagreeable night nd heavy fog have not been known here r years, this added to "the fact that there es no wind blotting at the time, and the xertions" of the ;firemen taken into ac- ounte prevented the fireefrorie spreading. to riy of the numerous and closely adjcen- ng buildipgs. Rowdies and loafers still' continue to nnov the meetings of the Christian army. - t their church, ou Victoria street. . One f those rowdies named Stewart was sum - toned to appea:r before Thos. Relines, sEq.. J. Ps lag Week, and the case be-. pg clearly proved against hied 'and his rowdy associates by respectable witnesses, Ir. Holmes wishing to be enient With he offender le this case, fined .hini only he sem, of $1 and costs, and severe- ly coedemned his behavior. The night fterwards, during the fire St Pringles akery, some low, sneaking thief in the night took a chair frothethe furniture • re- oved from the fire; and going up to Mr. olmes' office near by, gratified his low petty , spite :by breaking four vanes of lass in the front window of the office. reward of $10 for the arrest and none ietion of the miscreant hasbeen offered, and ,the town constables are en the look but for the guilty party or parties. noteuetsviLres. . BRIEFS.—The temperance meeting was well attended on Tuesday evening; eon- sidering the darkness of the night ; excel- lent addresses were delivered by Revs'. IVIessrs. Markham, Rice, and Brolete At the special meeting of the quarterly board of the Methodist Church, on Monday even- ing, it was decided that Mr. A. It. Birks Should supply the place of Rev. Mr. ,Ken -, who has gone to Michigan. Mr,' Calbick's friends will be pleased to learn. that he is it little easier, but he lei still very weak. It is -thought the bridge. will. be ready for traffic about the end of next week. Quite a number have gone from here to the Western Fair, Special ser- vices have commenced at Zion Church, Huron road; The Tipperary &era pro- perty will be sold on the ground, on the 26th inst.' The anniversary services of the Methodist Church lake place on Sab- bath, Oct, 5, and tea meeting on the fol- lowing Monday; sermons will be preach- ed on Sunday, by Revs. Gray, Campbell, and Salton. Mrs. Birks is away visiting friends near Gatianoque atid Ottawa. A 'horse belonging to Mr. Ociek, of the 14th 0011.; WAS frightened hy the raising of an umbrella behiod it; it ran down the big hill at IL Cook'e, completely smashing. •the buggy; we are glad to (ray no one was seriously hurt, although, there were four pertions 113 the buggy. • MreLeterente the eeteemed teacher here, having expressed a desire to quit fot a year, the trustees hetet' engaged Mr, Thos. Murch his place, who miters on his duties with the bew year ; Mr. letwrence is well liked and will carry with tho good wishes of many Warta friends when he lases ; the board have done wisely in sewing Mr. Mural!' AS his eucceesor, fot he is nn HURON ASSIZES. • At the Huron Assize Court on Tuesday the case of Adair vs. Wade was disposed of. It was an action for seduction, tried without a, jury and undefended. Verdict for plaeutiff for $400. Vanstone As. Vanstone-Action to re- cover money lent. Undefended. Verdict for plaintiff for $1,697.50. • Hays vs, Pullarcl---This action is to re- cover a $200 penalty for an infringement of the Election Act, The defendant was deputy -returning officer at the February election of 1888. He adjourned the poll and dosed it for half an hour totake din- ner. The :adjournment with the consent of tile agent of both candidates. His Lord- ship held.that the defendant was liable to the penalty, inasmuch as the Poll had been closed for the space of nearly half an hour„, .He said he regretted to have to decide against the defendant, es he considered the action it hard and op- pressive one, especially after the agent of the candidate had assented to the ad:- journment ; but he held that the assent of' the agent was not binding on the =di - date. Hays vs. Arnistrong---The antiquated case of Hays vs. Armstrong, which was au Action brought by Thos. E. Hays, a de- feated candidate of East Huron, against Robert • Armstrong, of Morris, Returning Officer tin. that riding, claiming that he had refused a recount ot ballots and had made an improper return of the election and with ietentionally evading service of a notice from the County Judge for a re- count cif ballots,. WES at last, disposed of before Justice Wilton, at the assizes, on Tuesday,by verdiet dismissing the aetion with costs against the plaintiff'. The plaintiff failed to make out a case in any way. The defendent and his witnesses, and there were ft great ,number of them, not even being called to give evidence. - Among the large, number of witnesses for the defence tee noticed, Thos. Holmes, Esq., of Wingham, 13erieftmin Gerry and W. R. McCracken,' of Brussels; W. F. Kerr, editor Brussels Post, and Mrs. Mor- ley, of the Grand Union Hotel, Clinton. Defendant had it strong defence, and wit- nesses on both sides of polities, and if' even the shadow of a case -bad been made out by the plaintiff, the defendant's wit- nesses could have established his inno- cence of the charges, and gained a verdict. in his fever. .[The Maihes and Hunter cases have not beentried yet.] RIPENS. ' Beinrsee--.Mis. g..Cayepbell, of Lack - now, spent several days here last week; she was the guest of Mrs. ReMellie. Mrs. T. Mellts left here for Gerrie last week; she intends spending several weeks with friends there. Mrs. Whitt's pupils here were sorry that ill health prevented her from being with them on Monday lest. Mr. Meths is expected home froth the northwest in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. 13ell and (laughter, machedhinne on Tuesday; we ere sorry to learn her trip has been of no benefit to her, being much weaker tliaa when she left here: We are pleased to see that•the Methodist church' Is again filled up, since the Rev.- Mr. Tor- rance was appointed as minister here ; he has so impressed his hearers that these Who hear him .thice do. not fail to attend regularly; if the number of bearers in- crease.fis they have done, an thiclition will have to be put to the church. 75 tickets were sold here for London on Wednesday, and a large number oe Thersdey, • _., BAYFIELD. . Betees.----A. new tin and hard ware, shop , ba' s opened here, much wanted ;• we are progressingstotily. but surely; everybody you meet eeenas be contented; plenty of crops all around. Our two butebera keep us in plettty„ of fresh meat. Mr,Wbidden has opened .adiout and feed store on the main street, in connection with his mill; .he iedeing good Work. Thothson is busy filth* the frame work of hie darn, while the water is loev. Our barber. works are gOing we want a_branch xailway to connect with it. Councillor' Robb spends this weelc in Go.derich he its one of the grand jurors this time, we • bear. Itlf. Taylor exchanged pulpits with Mr. Craig, of Clinton, last Sunday; Mr. Gee was in Clinton also: Mr. Forrest, at pre- sent in the Presbyterian church here, in Well thought of. Mrs. Ryan and family are again visiting at the old homestead ; they like Bayfield, and so does everybody that cothes here. . MULLETT. BRIEFS, -Mr. John Morgan was elected trustee of school section No. 9, in place of Mt. Willett Way, resigned. Mrs. Baer lost a lhorse last week: the cense of death being indigestion. The base line Sunday school (Ball's) held their annual picnic in Mr. John Bell's grove, on the banks. of, the Maitland, on the 17th inst.; swings racing, etc., engaged the attention of the youths for the afternoon ; a few were - well, perhaps on some future oecasioo we will make mention of the emits. A lit- tle boy, a young sOn of Mr. Lowrie, 9th con., while playing, fell and broke his right thigh. Mr. John Brigham, of the 18th cone has been attending the Provin- cial show at Ottawa,and visiting friends in and about Smith's Falls, during this week; he is expected home on Saturday, Jas. Moore, of Kineardine, has been visit- ing with kis cousin, Mr. Riddell, daring the pad week. Quite a • number' from Ilullett, attended the fell show, at Gods - rick this week. The trustees of S, S. No. 8, HullettAntve re-engaged Mr.McOlinton for 1885, at a salary .of$500; he has taught in the ached for twelve years, and of worse it would b9 folly fOr the trustees if they should let him go now. Mr. W. I), Lamb, who is at present teaching in S; S. No. 7, Hullett, has been engaged to teach a echool neer Port Elgin, for the Current year, at a salary of $400, being an Mimeo of $55 on his salary for 1884; who tiouluticne , • The fall. show was held here on Tues- day and Wednesday of this Week; and some very fine horses and cattle were shown. There was a- good display of 'poultry of all kinds. All were more surprised to see -so' fine a display of roots, and vegetables thio being such e dry sea- son. At thela'll show in Clinton we hope the managers wilt see to it that all ani - mats are securely tied; and not allowed to roam at will, for hire many were in dread of being run over by the animals as they wandered at - amongst • the people. The rain on both afternoons made it very unpleasant for visitors, , • e • DROPPED DEA.e.e-A good many pee; ple were surprised -on Wednesday, to hear of thniudden death' of Mr. IL Cooke, of this place, better known as Adjutant Cooke. He was found dead,.. and is sup- posed to have died from apoplexy. He has been a resident of Gederich for many years, and was well known in military circle, baying been for a nerober of years connected with the army in England and elsewhere, and `being one of the officers of tbe 88rd Battalion. He leaves 'a large family. experienced and able teacher, end will Mr. Lamb's successor in, Hullett wIll be eestitecily give geed satieffietien. is not yet known. J3I1.13 US:FIELD, About 12.80 last Saturday night, the residence of Mr. James Jones, Brucefield, was totally destroyed by fire. There was no one livirig in the house at -the time the fire occurred. Its origin is unknown. Loss partly covered by insurance. •• • •• LEERCIAN. • Cetene.-the _ender, fall_wheat that_was- sown this fall is,a very uneven crop, but the la. ee • tbat has been sown within the last ten days it eonsiderahly hetter. OPEN LoDOE.-There will be an open lodge the 'first Thursday evening in C)c- debar, under the auspices of the members of the Leeburn Temperanee Lodge _ • Good Template, ...A good programme may be expected. • • , • .OUR LETTER BOX. - SCOTT ACT IN STANLV. 2'o the Editor of the New Era. • In a letter to the Huron Expositor "Daniel Wilson" "speaks," and in a NW sentences in- sults the clergy, the Tories, the farmers the widows, and, last but not leatit, the widl Ow's daughter. Daniel ought to be on the editorial staff of the Toronto Mail. His first epistle to "Danby" is net a bad attempt. The only sensible statement I see in it is where he calls himself a simpleton. Moet people who 'rem) his letter will readily believe that. t, • TOM. TRA.T 'COUNTERFEIT. - To the Editpr of the Clinton New Bea. . Sitt,--11 you will allow me space to ex - Plain why the lost counterfeit $4 bill is wanted, I shall be obliged. Two YeeelFs ago the NEW ERA spoke Of it bill goitig around the stores and being traced baek to Thompson St Switzer's, they beingeun- able 'to find out who paid it to them. I anl Old that a certain person in town then bought it for $2. It then fetintilta Way to the Commercial Hetet etta was given inc in change. I paid it to J. Acidity for work done. ^Ile could not pass It, as it was known too well; he went to the bank and they defeced it with red. ink. Acidly brought it back and /paid hina, but I lost the bill. Mr. Moore is going to Make me all right, but he wants the bill for the gentleman who paid it to him. It is not worth 5 cents to anyone, wadi lese $2, outdo a 27 • 15 ' .- 22 • • 18 18 • , 32 21 • 14 14- 8 16 ' 11 . 10 ., • 7 • 14 .102. 8 • • 2. 1 3 . DISTRICT MEETING. • The Godelich Financial:District Meet, - ' Mg of the 'Methodist ()linnet was heideat Holthesville, on. Tuesday, the 23rd init. When the roll was called at 10.30 a.m. 23 ministers 'end laymen from the vedette ' circuits on the district answered to their names, Rev. James teeny, of Clinton, a° superintendent• of the districf, acted as chairman,' and Rev. Jas. Broyley, of Sea- • forth, ae financial district secretary. It - was feared by time that ft second day would be required to finish the business... on hand, but the masterly titet of the chairman Pushed business so rapidly that the members, Of the meeting were surpris- ed to find themselves free at 4.20 pent oh the same day. The matters of most nn, poitance were tbe settlement of the pro- perty difficulties that might arise, and the • arrangements for the andual circuit mis- sionary work. Anadjudicating com- mittee was appointed,according to died - Ode, to settle all matters relating to pro- perty, on-tbe district, cOmposed of the Revs. Jamas GrayeT.- Me-Oampleelle-of e- Gederich, John Kenner,. of Clinton, and Messrs. Ed. Turner, of Tucker - smith, and A. SI .Fishee, of Clinton. This committee' Will probably meet to- wards tbe latter part of next week. The ' arrangemeets for missionary work ere aa follows :-Goderich, North street; local arrangements. Goderich, Victoria street,' Rev. J. S. Torrence, date riot fixed. Clinton Itattenbury street, local arrange - meets. 'Clinton, Ontario street, local art, rangenients. Seafortb, -sermons by Rev, Jas. Gray; deputation, Revs. Gray and. J. Rough, 'date not Axed, lipirriesville, date, Tan. 4th, sermons by Rev. -.Jas. Gray, and Gee, deptitation,e Itevs. J. Renter, J. Gee, J. H. Dyke, 3. Legear. Bayfield, Nov. 23rd, softens by Rev. W. Birks; deputation, Revs, J. Gray and W. Birks. Varna, date not fixed; sermons by Kenner; deputation, E0VS. J. Kenner and G. F. Salton, Hensel], north and south, local arrangements for each. Lorides- boro, Oct. 261h, Rev. Sae. Caswell; depu- tation, Revs. J, Caswell 'and/. IL Dyke. Dungannon, Nov. 8011i, sermons by Rev. J. Kenner; deputation, Rev. Sohn Citroen and Alex. Birks. Auburn, Nov. 80th, sermohe by Rev. J. Hough.; deputation Rev. J. Smith. 13thintiller Jan. Ilth: sermons by Rev. W. Birks;" deputation; Revs: T. M. Campbell and W. Birks. , Rev. J. Turner, of Dungannon circuit, seems to be improving slowly. - There is some talk of a newechool rent being built for St. Paul's church, Clinton. If put up it will be Verthered briek. Mr.G.Elliott, of Goderieh purebas- ed Atr.G.Bitiderefill'S 80acre farm, for $2,800 R.Alexander sold his 80 actes ofi the 6th . 1.(AOEST Me eon. G. T., to his btotherJohre.for $4,500.