HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-09-19, Page 10BR/EPS,--At a meeting of the Photo-
CLINTON NEW ERA.'graphers' Association of "Canada, in To-
ronto, last week, Mr, R.D. Bayley, of this
PEIDAY, SBP` '190. ]S84. place was honored with re-election as
president; merit and good looks are sure
to be apppreciated, plias Shannon, of the
't k store is awn for a few. daps.
.Mn.sA, Innis, of Stanley, la visiting
friends at Whitby. Mrs. Winslow, of
St. Catharines, is here visiting her sister-
in-law,. Mrs. H, Tcwslev, Mr, Isreal
Taylor has returned from -lis trip to the
old country, and looks well; he expresses
a decided preference for residence in Ca-
nada. Wingham is going to follow the
example of Clinton and reduce the num-
ber ot councillors to two in each ward;
Clinton always sets agood example, Au-
tumnal changes have begun, and the sum-
mer greenness of the woods is air dy
varied. by patches of yellow. Water
becoming scarcer day by day, many we
having given out, and the party who has
well places all his neighbors under
obligations to him. Mr. Donald Buchan-
an, who has been in the northwest for
several years, is expected home next
weed.. stir. Neil Fox, of Nelson, Manito-
ba, is visiting his old friends here; he
Mates that times are very dull all over
the northwest,; 'many of the buildings in
Emerson being torn down and carted
away, while the people denounce the rail-
way' and land policy of the government in
unmeasured terms. The Wingliam-Vi-
dette says :—Miss Straits, of Clinton, ar-
rived in town on Monday to take charge
of the millinery -department of the Right
House; as a milliner Miss Straith has
few equals in .Western Ontario. Miss
,vine• an ins ,
the guests of:Mrs. A. Callander. Mrs.
McGee ' and daughter, of Menomenee,
have -been visiting at Mr,Gor-
rell's for. some time, returned •home last
,week. Mr, Robt. Alexander, formerly of
Goderich township, has returned from
Wiarton; he purposes movingto British
Columbia at an early' day. There are
twenty-seven Modelites .attending the
School hero, and the Same number at
Goderich. A few days since while lei-
surely.driving along the road, the horse of
Mr. Malaach, inspector, stumbled, and cut
both knees so severely that he has since
been unable to ;Vise it. . Dr. Dowsley has
bought a nice driving horse of Mr. Robt..
Whitely, Goderici township..Mitchell-
only claims a population of 2,300; time
was when Mitchell claimed a larger po-
pulation than Clinton.; but that. day is
past.. as Clinton has in the neighborhood
of'3,O0A. ':Mr. Chas. Rance now holds, the,
position of head cutter fox I%It. JohnCraib.
Mr.J.C.McLagan, formerly. of'the Guelph
Mercury, and at one tine it publisher in
Clinton, has been appointed manager of
the Victoria (B. C.) Times. Mr, Alex.
McLagan, formerly the owner of'•'Fsiar-
ton Brae," Tuckersmith, but now of Ilem-
ilton, paid his friends here a visit last
week; he. looks as' vpung as ever,Will l
Jackson of this town, knows the value of
advertising'; just read his .advertisement
this sgeek,•and.see if itis not an original
idea. Mr. Ed. Newtnarch, painter, has
gone to take a. good Situation in.Minnea-
polis. Mr,Geo:Knox has moved to Gode-
rich, haying secured a position with the
British Exchange Mrs. H. Andrews left
ori Tuesday, . on a visit - to relatives . at
Ottawa and Burrett's Rapids." The An-
drews boys are using a sulky plow on: their
farm in town, the first'of these class' of
implements we have noticed here::' Mr.
• city boo , Y
'1 a "Weekly Nair from now to the end of
newt liar (ore`, :Oyes ees •months) for vw1 in rig
vane. Daily 1llaii $7 a year in advance.
ClililS. Arcics(V, Agent, Clinton,
O Rooms, hand and soft water, good cellar, stone
f.rult tree*
Possegion imm diato g Apply to A pnonsweRTPI.
Unto a v�opi .:
A BEA1.—Mr. Hy. Cook, who resides
about 2j miles from town, on the Huron
road, west, states that on Thursday even-.
ing last a large black bear came from the
farm of Mr. Evans, and crossed over into
his place. Mr, Cook followed his bear -
ship down to the woods, where it stood up
on its hind legs, 13itortly after. escaping
from his observation I3,are as such. ani-
mals are in these park,, he is satisfied that
it was a bear, es it was early enough in the
evening to see quite easily what it was.
LEAVING TowN.—We are sorry . to
hear that Mr. Thos. Burke, who has•been
:a resident of town for several years, has,
.decided on moving to Biron, Mich. He
las been over there for about three weeks,
and bought some property, and,has just
returned to town. He has sold his pro
:perty here, being lots 21 and 22 James
street, with house thereon, to Mr. 'Hy..
,Street, for the sum of $660. M•r. Burke
has been a good orderly . citizen. during
his sojourn here, andearries.the beet wish-
.es of.hae friends to his new home,
;SCHOOL LITERARY So a... e -At flys
,o'cloclaon Monday evening, the ;teachers
:and students of the Clinton High }School,,
.and the .candidates attending the. Model,
met in the High School. for the purpose
of organizing a joint Literary Society,.
After the ;presliminary measures were over
it was resolved that a joint Literary So-
ciety be formed. Henry A. • Stewart was
appointed President;;: Mr. Green, Vice -
President:, W. Milne, Secretary and Mr.:
Dewar, Treasurer; Miss Minnie • Levan
was appointed assistant Secretary. A
committee cornposedof Misses Barr,Brown,
Baird, Holmes and Irvine were appoint
ed to aid the officers already chosen in
gaming programmes Ste. Mr. Turnbull
was appointed Iioliorary President and.
Mr. Lough re -appointed ant Hon. Vice -
President. The meeting a djourned. to:
meet again on Fridiy .exerting at four
THE DRourti.—In this immediate
neighborhood there has not been a. good
soaking rain since the end of July. As a
consequence, pastures have burned up,.
and are bare, wells and creeks have gone
dry, and considerable inconvenience is
expereineed in getting water. It has
threatened to rain a number. of times late
ly, and people have had their feelings
raised, only to have them sadly lowered.
It is feared by souse that the dry spell
will be bad for the fall wheat that' is sown,.
but we fancy there is still sufficient moist-
ure in the ground.to aid in •germinating.
the grain. Farmers feel the. effects of'tlie-
drouth particulaely as regards milch cat-
tle, as all these have to be fed. In town
nearly all •persons feel the effect of the
dry weather, and. no amount of,sprink
ling apparently, will settle the dust,
which rises in clouds, with every breeze.:
H44n CITIZE1Vs.—Since the parties'
known as "Irish emigrants" came to town;.
scarcely a week has passed but what some
of them have figured before the town.
magistrates for some offence. Wedo not
.class the:whole of them in this, as,there
are stead, sober and industrious persons
among them, but the rest are continually,
quarrelling among themselves,.. usually
bringing-up before the: Mayor. in Tues-
day Mrs. O'Toole had a Mrs. Grimes and
Mrs. O'Donnell up for assault; -in the ab-
sence of the Mayor, Mr. Fisher heard the
evidence, which createda good deal of.
amusement among the spectators, ' the
women wranglingeach other in spite
of the efforts of the Liagistrate to restrain
them; the defendants Isere --fined $1. each
and costs. Mrs. O'Toole then took the
position of defendant to a charge of 'de-
faming Mrs. O'Donnell, and was fined $3
and costs therefor. Mr. O'Halleran, who.
was up only last week for being drunk
and disorderly, answered to the same'
charge on Tuesday, and was fined $1 and
SAD ACCIDENT. --9• very sad accident
happened at the Standard Elevator Jaet
Friday afternoon, whereby a millwright,
named S. P. Irwin, from Toronto, lost his
life. Deeeased.had been here for a Couple
of weeks, making some improvements, and
on the day in question was engaged in the
upper part of the elevator . with _M'r.
Swallow. Wishing to moye . a spout he
had placed a plank beneath it as a lever,
and was himself prying thereon, when the
plank slowed around, the end slipped out,
causing Mr. Irwin to fall a distance of
about fourteen feet, He dropped • on his
forehead, sustaining injuries which quick-
ly ended in death, breathing only a couple.
of times after he fell, Medical aid was im-.
mediately summoned,but the Vital spark
had fled, and the body taken to the house
of Mr, R. Irwin. It was supposed that
the fall had broken his neck, but it is like-
ly that his death was caused by concussion
of the brain, his skull beiog broken.
Theugh of the same name, he was no re-
lation to Mr. R. Irwin, in whose premises
he was working. He was a widower, over
80 years of age, had three' children re-
siding in Toronto, and was a member': ot
the Sherborne Street Methodist church,
of that city. His children arc well up in
years, and just at the time of the accident
his son was about to start for California.
for the benefit of his health, Mr. Irwin
kindly made all preparations for his in-
terment, the body being forwarded toTo-
ronto, for burial. The funeral took place
on Sunday, and was very largely attended,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Irwin, of this place,
being among those who attended. De
'ceased wee a man of more than ordinary
business and christian intelligence, hav-
ing at one time been possessed of consid-
erable property, and occupied prominent
positions, both religious and municipal,
in the town of Aurora, where he resided
until his removal to Toronto, Borne ssine
years ago. The singularity of this acci-
dent Happening precisely a week Tater, to
an hour, than the .no at the Flax Mill.
arid with- a similar ending, has. caused
considerable talk among our people.
Irvine. d ti Blake of Kirkton' are
ed at Toronto on Tuesday, was• the bus-
baud: of Mrs.Foote, formerly. of this town,
she being a sister.of Messrs. J. and C.
Ridout, A tug of war between a team
from the Townships of Colborne and
Goderich, for a purse of $10, will take
place; on the agricultural show grounds,
on. the•.second day ofnthe
sharp.lint n come Show, Oct, 2, at 2 p.
munication we have received is rather too
personal in its nature, no :matter what
foundation there may be for it; the mat-
ter should be referred to the Provincial
Secretary'eor some of the other Ministers
of the Cabinet. The Whiteheed farm,
rase line, will he sold by auction. on the
18th of Oct. Mr. Searle intends to. put
up a house on Princess street, west of Mrs
Snaw's residence.
NARROW ESCAPE. —• On Wtednesdev
evening as Rev, Mr. Salton and a cab load
of young people were on their way to the
special services at Turner's,.they had a
narrow escape from what might have been
a serious accident. •When they reached
the top of the hill the other side of the
river, one of the tugs broke, and the team
started on a run ; in trying to "hold- them
in, one of the lines broke, thus making
matters worse. The driver,. however, held
on to.the single line, and succeeded in
turning the frantic team into the fence;
when one of those in the rig jumped out
and held the horses. When the cab turn-
ed from' the road, it balanced on two
wheels for several --seconds, but.settled
back without turning.over, much' to• the
relief of the ladies inside.
The Wanderers Cricket Club have, de-
cided not to accept. this Season the chid -
lenge of St. Thomas. club, to contest.for
a cup and the championship..
(:•Sarvis, of Kincardine, passed through
town en Monday, on his wheel, en route
to Toronto; when some distance north' of
Goderich, a team got frightened,(altlough
he was oft the bicycle) and upset therig,
throwing the occupants, a man and three
ladies out, bruising them considerably,
The Seaforth foot -ball club has. bemire -
organized, with the following officers:—
Hon. pres., Dr. Coleman; pies., Mr. D. 1).
Wilson ; vice-pres,, Mr. R.Janmieson; secy.
treas., T.M. Higgins. Committee of man-
agement: C. Harston B. A.,' E. W.
Iiagerty, B. A., J. A. McIntosh, R, Cres-
well, W. Stuart, and I. Kiloran,
Herbert Clarke, the Woodstock ama-
teur•wheelsman, whose time entitles him
to the claim of being the fastest man in
Canada, was born just outside the corpor-
ation ot Woodstock on April 19th, 1.887,
and is consequently just seventeen years
and five months old, life is a son of� ,
Oliver Clarke, now of Seaforth, but is in
business in Woodstock as a -druggist's
Fool. l3ALL CLun, — On Wednesday
evening the students of the ClintonModel
School met in Mr. Lough's room, for the
purpose of organising a foot ball club.
The following officers were appointed
President, Mr. Lough; Vice -President,
James • Ireland ; Sec. -Treasurer, W. A.
Milne; Committee, Messrs. George Hartt,
Geo. Dewar, and II. A. Stewart. • - 'i
• K. Disney wasbefore the Mayor for non-
payment of wages,which was .settled on
payment of claim end costs' of court.
About one hundred tickets were• sold at.
the station here, on Monday, for Toronto,
a large portion of them being to persons
who were going to the Mowat :demonstra-
tion ;:e.. good many were also on Tuesday.
A court forthe revision of the voter's list,
will be held .in the town ball, before
the county Judge, on • Sept. 24th. It• is
said that Mr; Rutledge, of Bayfield, will
positively build on his property adjoining
Mr. Twitchell.sneat year ; such a • desir-
able location should • not be. allowed to
stand vacantanytime, for the position is
one of the best in town. Mrs; i'V.H,Hine,
whohasbeen -Confined to bed for several
days, i somewhat better, The wife of Mr:
W. Sh .ley.has been dangerously ill for
several day with :inflammation of •the
bowels,` and is not yet out of danger, The
adjournedliquor cases cameup before
Messrs: Fisher and•Steep, J. P's. on Mon-
day, and was again adjourned until such
timeas.;t decision is reached in the Court
of Appeal. .In addition to . the prizes an-
nounced on the bill far the. Hullett Fall
Show, Mr. 11,J. Hibbs, of Goderich town-.
ship, offers two prizes of $3 and $2respec
tiyely,for the two best colts sired ''.by his
horse . Lincolnshire ,Tom, Speaking of
the photo !exhibit at Toronto last week,
theNews of that city says: -"The president
of the association, Mr. Bayley, ofClinton;
had a large . and very nice .collection.
Some of the positions in which his sub-
jects were'placed were very unique and
striking, .:A very cute -looking nude pic-
ture of a chubbylittle boy grasping a bow
and arrow a la Cupid, was among his best
,�tts, has' left with us
efforts. Mr., Geo. Po
a stalk of blackberries, grown on a Shoot
of this year's growth of over seven feet in
length. Mr. Austin Callander goes to
Ottawa next . week, as an exhibitor of his
patent harrow lock at the Dominion Ex-
hibitien.• Mr. W. Kitt • performed a good
job at Seaforth last week, putting , up a
,Jar eainotitlt:of lightningrod. on the new
oollen Mills of VanEgniond' i Co.—'
On Wednesday while Mr. R. P. Watson
was taking a load off his wagon, a sudden
start of thehorse dislocated his shoulder;
it was soon replaced: The new band
made its, first public appearance on Wed-
nesday night, and themembers certainly
Played very well for the. short time they
have been practising, showing a profici-
ency alike creditable to themselves and•
their leader, Mr. James Scott. A coun-
terfeit $1 'bill, Dominion ot Canada• issue,
has been lost on the street, and finder will
confer a favor by returning it to this office,
as loser wishes to have it redeemed; the
bill is of no value, as it is. marked bad in
red ink. The horse attached •to Weir's
milk Waggon ran away yesterday and
made a bad wre s :of tide rig. •NXisse
Jennie and Olive Moss, of d)undas, are
the guests of Mrs, II, Foster. Mrs, T. D.
Prendergast, ofSeafortb, lectures, here in.
a few days, on temperance. The Literary
Society entertains Ur. W. L. Newton at a
farewell supper, next Tuesday evening
Mr. H, Cantelon is getting up two hand-.
Berne buggies for exhibition at the West-
ern Pair, fitted with his patent equalizing
gearing, Mr. Pavan received word ofthe
sudden death :of his mother, at b arran s
cpint, on Wednesday, and the family sate
onsequently all away, Mr. Barber, of
Georgetown, who wu- accidentally drov;n-:
• a ,
Gur�� mala. Purch.ases..
of Dry Goods
have arrived
We know that they have been bought right, in the best .
.markets, and. on the best terns possible, to buy goods.
CITY B4+iU►�... ..
91,000: Envelopes.
.350 B1ottii g'.Tablet ;.
assortment of POCKET ' BOOKS and. LADIES • SATCHELS
Goon and OREAP,
• Caporal Ci Cigarettes.
Old. Judge � `and•. Sweet g
New goods arriving daily,- Everything for ; Schools Special
prices in all lines of Goods to make roonifoi our
y G. .0 O � S
Which will be the'best and cheapest ever seen in Clinton,
This is not merely a newspaper advertisement, but we are
r to back up the with. -positive facts,' and will
show •the public some of the MOST STARTLING PRICES in Drat'
Goods ever seen in Clinton.
Our Mantle Departm.on
Again open and under the'sande, management, with all the
• newest makes of Mantle' Cloths and Ornaments,
A •
0 VSE .
P Firsi &rand Open!u aiid �IhIb1�100
We , believe that in proportion to the amount of our business
_we are the largest advertisers in the county, and.we confidently
assert that our success'lias been due to judicious advertising,.
When our : advertising account is figured up at the • end of the
year, we aro sometimes startled.: at the figures, but when' busi-
-n., dal ct.results•have been
hexa is on' the increase,',and so .many
noticed from. oto style •oaf advertising we are led to ,still keep
.drumming away .about our'Great'Stock of Hats,
. ig advertising account $25 for goods
,„W e intend to charge to our �,
WIIICIt ' WE INTEND TO GIVE AWAY. • 1.111S, to ,many, will seeth. a_
strange way- to. advertise, but we' figure'' on so many dollar's
every year to spend in advertising, and.this. is. one. way we are'
taking of using up our allowance, besicles,it is a change, and
b �' benefit.
• somebody. will foot a very direct
_: i':.EN's BOY'S and. GIIiI:'s S'rltAw and
Thegoods ..,well consist. of � l; ,
acsed in a. box, se-
HATS, and each -single Hat will 1ae,p
tied, and flung. to' the street from the top of our • Hat
Store, when they can be taken by whoever secures them.
This free distribution of goods will take place in
. .. n with our Semi -Annual ()pining & Display
connection _ � .�
of New goods,on Saturday Evening, Sept. lith. - •
We'have engaged the` Mouth Organ Band, which will give a
Vocal and Instrumental Concert, and punctually at 8 o'clock
the first Hat will be fired. Our establishment will be brilliantly
g illuminated, and one of the finest,ancl best ilisplays of MENS
in this section, will be on. exhibition.
:riallKtottit ,
�9ii_ta e:.pleoe on tire evening of
When we would respectfully invite the public to.kindly call' and inspect our
•Fall and Winter Trade:•—
large and magnificent stock, that we will show lot• the
g b
W'e will not ask yon to• buy on that' evening, but simply ask.you to pay our store
a visit and view our large display.
Year after year our business is steadily increasing, and wliile it is increasing
• _ beenour' stock, selecting with the greatest of care goods' that
we. lit<z a increasing
,will be suit our customers, which our long experience enables us to do:' We
firmly and sincerely believe that all
unprejudiced persons who pay our store a
p l
visit ori g
the. evening of the 270,. will freely admit that our display surpasses..any
thin ever shfiwn • We will with pleasure give -,samples and .prices on that even=
g that comparisons with other houses can be made. We mean to strain
eve e0
every effort to make this ojeaocni's trade 'a grams success, and in all cases please our „
s the onl house in the county where more than ono Cutter is kept,
andwe r
Ours iare the only Y ones who exclusively carry on 1rerchant Tailoring on so
large a scale. We mean.. to keep up the reputation that we have so well earned,
and willcontinue to do everything to please our customexa. We are just as
anxious and as 'much interested in seeing a good fitting Suit as the eusto►ner, and " it is just as much
to our interest that every shit we turn out should a.lrst-
class fitting Suit.
tvored with alarge,crowd. on the evening of the
We hope that we may bo fj .. � .
2. i p s �eet our large stoelr, and judge for themselves whether this
not it
..7th Inst., to in p f; ,
is to their interest to. buy from us. Hoping to see every reader of this on tho
27th, we are, yours respectfully,
THOS. JACKSON &siorkir