HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-09-19, Page 71'. „.1.....•■••■•0111...1•■•■•••••••••••"6" AR NEW IMITERTISEMENTee . t ' moicEir TO LOAN', I . r.. . n , 0 u : lite s EtigvigetraYteb801101=reat' 1)11°6144 Pala") 71-11lIVATE AND CO—MPAI`TY ruNDkl, la The anderitiglled. begs to notify the peOpie• of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought 0, HARNESS BUSINESS • formerly care oil by W. L Nevin, And that be is prepared to furnish Harness, Oollare, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything usually kept. in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Special, attention is directed to my stock of Lao= HARNESS, which I will make a specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict attention to business, and carefully studying the*Wants Of Uly customers, 1 hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before pufoliasing elsewhere. REMEMBER THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARICET. 03330. ..4 STM -3. amsmisemonsossnea, Side road 'fit304f1nr 2149MAI: pAto . • g o a, 04 VALUABLE PROPERTY • FOR :SALE. The underSigned—OfferS for side the nioperty shownin the above diagram being composed of the east parts of Lot 35; on the 16th concession Goderich Township, containing 26 adres and:.a piirk lot abjeining, contaning 10 acres, being part of the east part of Lot 35. above mentioned, and-apotit 2.4- acres. of it is inside the corporation of Clinton. Will be sold togetherer separately,lo suit'purchaser. For further particulars apply to Clinton, Sept. 18, 1884. • JAMES FAIR • Immense Stock Very Cheap .lust received, au Immense SC °oh of the moat itnprOvedTatterlis and &West designs. • WOOD COOKING STOVES., •. • • • WOOD OR COAL:C.00KINGSTOVES, • PARLOR ANI) HALL STOVES. • • . • BASE .BURNER COAL STOVES: • Including the CELEBRATED RADIANT HOME. . • . . Also other new patterns. Ana as they have itil.hed:ti well bought; *eau preparedto .give our customers LOW PRICES. Also, a large assortment of STOVE 'BOARDS, • COAL SCUTTLES, STOVE PIPES, ELBOWS, &c., very cheap. A large lot.of LAMPS at re- duced prices. BEST AMERICAN AND CANADIAN coAL-orr, alwaysiii stock. Please call and get prices and be convinced that our Stock is good and•prices right. • Valuator for the Canna IJatinso .earnaT Oormsnr. A. FORRESTER, Clinton, Dee. 20. 188;1, •1, BEES FISALEI prUeFigge° vr,118p 4yr LIT 9Efi'ly_jkin olie;Fai very henry wit brood, comb limey wits= might be extra ed at any time. 30 3'. c.GIUROY, Lumber and Lath, TIE SUBSCRIBER TCEETS ON IIAND AT BM Premises, Isaac street, Clinton-, (near the Fanning Mill Factery) all kinds of Pill10 Lumber, Lathy Jas. Parties requiring such will, find it to their .ad- vautage to cafl cs jIn. JOSEPH earmy, SUPERANNUATION FUND METHODIST curruqu. • MONEY TO LOAN ON.GOOD FARM OR CITY propety, on favorable terms. Apply to the undersigned ... -• Parties wishing to make application for]oans will please do 80 at once, as a meeting of the Investment Committee win shortly be held. BEV. JAMES GRAY, 'Treas., Sept. 12. Oliston, Ont, H.Tzvrszaner, .. . HARLAND -BROS.. Sign, of the 'PridloA.., . . • 1 . • . Albert Street,. Clinton.: . • • • . . . - . Tb.OMPS9.0*Switzer ARE SELLING 1V.ELIY. CHEN.P•THEIR: STOCK • — • • • • Groceries. Crockery, Glassware, • Bootsand Shoes, &c. SUGAR, 15 lbs. for $1. •• g 25 bars good SOAP, for i.: 1 . • 1 gal. can. PEA.CHES, 75c. ••,, • •CANNED FRUITS, very elle* GLASS SETS, 50 c. . •0 in. SALVER 00 c. 2 qt. GLASS :PITCHERS, 50c. ROOTS and •SHOES, Fall Stock Just Arrived. WOMEN'S BOOTS PROM $1 PEE PAIR, UPWARD. MEN'S LONG BOOTS $2.25. •, •, 'BUTCHER; • ALBERT STREET, CLINTON RE silbscriber desires to thin& his many customers for their patronage in the past, and would intimate that he has removed his store to the stand lately occupied by A. Hale, where he will be pleased to supply the wants of all in his line. H. TEWSLEY. STRAY STEER. *. dame into tho prereisee.of Mor. Dinsdalo, lot 1, 2nil con. Stanley on or about the lat July, One yearling steer, of a ye lowish roan color, the mi iner is nstruct- ed to prove -property of the same, paying expenses and take It away. THOS. DINSDAVE, Kippen, Ang. 25th 41 • cLINT� PLANING.11111 • DRY R1114N! • friIIE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST COMpLETED 1 and furnished his new Planing Mill with machin- ery of the latest improved patterns, is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line in the most prompt and satisfactory -manner, rind at reasonable rates. He would also return thanks to all who patronized the old firm before they were burned out, and now being in% better position to ekemito orders expeditiously, feels confident he can give satisfaction to all. -FACTOR ir----Near Me Grand Trunk way, Clinton. • THOMAS MoKENZIE. High& Public school books SCHOOL SO' PPL LES and EX ERC ISE-4.000KS. . See Our. big 50, Scribbler. F NE NOTE PAPER, ruled and', minded. . 5 Quires good note paper for 25e. ENVELOPES by the bOx , extra. cheap. * NEW BLANK BOOKS extra cheap. ,, • CABINET and PHOTO ALBUMS. ' LADIES SCATCHELS and Ii'ANCY BASKETS. NEW CHINA .V.UPS and NOW:idea. TAMBOURINES, MOUTH ORGANS anct VIOLIN Sums. uniAN WOOLS and FINE YARN, • CANVAS, TASSELS, CORDS, etc., new styles, tmmENsE variety of STAMPING PATTERNS. ST A.MPING done to el.,lev test SHEET MUSIC. • All 'goods tt Lowest priee.t. • • ClIOQU fP.T. • Express Waggons, Lacrosse Sticks, at *cost. 4 ...•aaa=haaa.,io g,•••••••• • THE 04,11450svNAL...torrilivrit.ATIME elf In reporting the proceedingof the *MA Science Association at Montreal, the Gazette thus refers to JAir..M.Ilale, of this place, whe, besides submitting this treatise, bad the hon. or of being appointed chairman Of one of the eommitteesr—Mr. Oak, of Clinton, then red A valuable treatise en a question to which be has given years of observation and study — The Origin and Noting: of Wampum." It was a notable fact, he said, that Wh11.0 the Perth, * civilised Indiana of Contraband Math America, car. rigid on commerce without money, among them of the United Sham and Canada 3 monetary currency was in comma), use Their wampum was formed, in the !shape of isioall disks or oyllodersi of shells perforated , through the centre and strung together on otrbige of deerbeinew. The system haddeeenfound so convenient for porpoises of exchange that it had even been adopt - el by some of Um early colonists, In most eases the material was the, comb and periwinkie, and venue mereenaida. be colours were white and, parole or black—which was twice as valuable as the white, on 4800800f 10 MeV. ThOSO shelf arroogements differ. ed from the cowries of the East Indies. ti courseof time they came to have A socia dpolhtcai signiii- mom. Important, itide of stat policy wore confirmed by the gift or exchange of th n. On the. omission of treaties belts of wampum wqt presented, Each belt had its own device, woven whiteon a. dark pelmet er vice versa. The rode pi Oriel emblemagesierally Ampluyed reeembled the rly Chinese characters. Wampum was also dee° to saorilleial and funeral! ceremonies.. It had been found in abundance in the ntounds of the Mississippi Valley ; and in on) erne thnesi, was In voguewest of the Rocky Mountable,. In traffic, the value was rated eometimes by the length ef istrings,.sometimee by the number • anode. ' There was larger kind emaciating of oblong stripe with holes for stringing. Going far to the westward tliere was, found among the Micronesian islanders, an al - meet shnilar usage. They merle their wampum of the Welts,. of shells, of 40000.441119, or of the Tortoiseshell. In the Loo-Choo Islands the inhabitants had what was, known as "MA,' small Jircular copper mins. TbeChinese shemselvesanclently used tortoise -shells. Of the earliest ablest, copper money, some nieces woo round, others oblong. The Celestials had also meek -money, made of tinfoil and papers for sacrifi- cial usee,. Whleh Welt be taken as evidence, that their money at first consisted of combustible materi- al. The inference *0 1* drawn from the existence of such media el commercial exchange among those or- iental peoples was that at some portal the idea of alien money had been carried from East Asia orklicor- mega to the shores of America. Tho fact that Japan- ese funks bad been 10110W0 to be wrecked. on the, pacific coast was to the poi". 114 the arguinent, 7110 Micronesians, moreover, were accustomed to make. protracted. voyages In their well -rigged vessels; and it was not impossible that some of their craft Might have drifted to or shores where the oommants would come in contact with the Indiana. Whether, however, the use of wampum was derived from the East or not, it could not bo denied that R gave evi- dence of good intelleetual powers. It was to be re. grotted that asubjeet of such good interest had been so long treated with indifference In America. At pre- sent there was great scarcity of wampum beits,though some that had been preeorved were 'of deep interest and of considerable historical value: One whieh was shows, to, the audienee was said to ba 160 years old, It was of rare beauty of make end significant design. Four dark squares (the rest being of white beads) were interpreted to inean four ,Inplaii- towns. Another which- lir, Hale exhibited was even more remarkable in its structure, displaying emblematic figures. The use oteomman for MADAM - nit: purposes was also explained, and Mr. diode showed photographs of the chiefs (Six Nations), to -whom ho was indebted for his laterprotation. interesting to Canadians were some beads found in Orillia comaysy Mr. Ilirschfolder, who believed they had been the property of the Hurons. Tho paper me rise to a most animated discussion. • All the speakers.expressed the deep satis. faiition with which they had listened to tbe pm,,,r, and their gratitude to Mr.Plale for the l• tt that he bad short on a subject so impor- tant.' • Boot :and Shoe Store, 'IN pERRIN'S . • • TIAND-MADE WORK,. SEWED Es PEGGP.D, 11 at prices td suit every Purse. The best work, lowestprices, anctsatisfaction guaranteed As I have first-class city workmen eMployed; entire satisfaction is a certainty. Give at a call BORT.' AUTTERSON, Prop, • • BEAVOM, Manager. -.• NEW TIN STORE. WX-10 WAS,POR MORE than eight Y.011.1•8 iu the employ- of .nr. spoil Davis, desires to iiitimate that he ints wTinShop in Dodsworth's Block HURON STREET, CLINTON ore hots prepared to do ALI‘KiNDS OF TIN, COPPER AND • SHEET IRON WORK, • . In the best of style and on short ncitIce. 1365'70IL; 1411IPS, '111.,ASS, stook " • A CALL SOLICITED, • • . ; • sa.mutt, siren. Dec. ' • '• •I ho Makes Your Boots? C.. ITIOELI.NK.; THE Boot MAKER,. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OE Men, Women and Children's Uoot & Shoes. Spring Stock well assorted, and complete in ali departments ALL GOODS $OLD CHEAP FOR •CASH , C. CRUICKSHANK,,, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON STORE,: . But= BLOCK, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. These . are Solid Facto. • •• The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering hu- manity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inaotivity of• the' 'Liver. BiliOuseess. Jaundice, Constlint-, tion, Weak --Kidneys. or any disease of the ` urinary organe, or wha ever requires appe- Meer; tonie or mild stimulant, aiways final Eleietrto Bitters the hest and only. certain euro known. They act• aunty' and Quickly, every bettle'ggaranteed to.give entire satisfaction or money ref 'medal. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Wattaiii Co. • • • • . judges Burton and' .Galt gave judg- inent on Saturday.letting aside the -elec- tion Of Dr.Dowlinq as member for South • Renfrew in the Ontario Legislatura, • It' Will be.remembered that . Dr Dowline • E RED ROCKER • To furnish a house, with taste and care, Requires some thiiught •an cl decision ; The Kitchen, •Bedroonr, and Parlor fair, • Must all be planned with precision. My stock is complete with all in my line— And handsome as handsome can be ; From kitchen chair to .sofa It's worth yoliii.while to call and see. 4=1 ;birOt (Egli TIP CD A. A. BENNETT Keep the Largest and Best . Stock of ' FURNITURE •West of Toronto, front a 50c; Chair to $150 Parlor Suite.• • ' Parlor Suites and Loullies in 'elldless variety, all our ow mate: TELE MOLSONS. BANK. Incorporated by Act ofyarlianient, 1855. • CAPITAL, - - • $2,000,000, - HEAD OITICE MONTREAL: •• TI1011AS . J. It It. MOLSON. . . . Vice -Pres. • P. WOLPERSTAN THOMAS, deneral Manager. . • Notes. discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and 4nzeri00,n exchange : . bough t and sold at lowest •" current rates. was unseated at. a'. fot mer trial before the Chancellor and Jadge'clameron, but, that these judges did -not, it,gree.as to his disqnalificatien.,. Vr.powling Wei again elected on • eighthteenth January. laSt, • and tile'. present petition is against • that. election. 'The judges hold that Dr.DOwl- hlg was'diequalified as a candidate by as a candidate >by reason of thelormer detkion • and they set aside' his election Walt 'cots. They also' bold . that his disqualification was not saved •the Act passedlast session, his second elec=• Clan having been held • bolero. the pass- ing' of the A et referred to. The judges further hold. that the elettion'of jaartarY last was a Pure One,that ne.'corruPt act' was•proved against the. candidate his agents.': The questpn • (1606410 • one of technical law and of .,Much. Olt" - unity. , It is•Probable_that the case will be carriedto; the Court of Appeal. •"• iritis Lightning Thore are but few that haVemot suffered almost 11) tolerable pain from toothache, neuralgia; or likescut. pains. To themstuth an instant relief as 'Fluid Light ning is an untold biassing In time Of trouble. No, dis- gusting offensive medicines to be talten.for dnys. One application of Fluid Lightning cures. Sold atdembe. • Speaking of the .Mail editer'S ' the •Lonclon 'Advertiser , says "" is it Iva 11Y • werth While to treat: such an'ass as .Mister G.rittin seriously 1 INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, • 'No doubt if he Vere personally. to- te.• Amawicitis44;4 in tliti Mins& lid Uses Sp indiserirni- Iviney advanced to fasters on their own netts wit • pately to any huliVidual Mail who; will. take part in • the .demonstrotiOn,..; ,110 Would ho hooted ashe deserved and a cording to the temperament of the individual Oddressa Sorno no doubt • would givolitn a slap in the fate; othertt would, turn him over to the poliee as a vulgar brawler,. „guilty of using 'abnsive. language, others would shnply laugh at" hits ' eonteinptuOUSly„ No doubt this latter-01On is the. best.,: The man who could -call :Mr, Gladstone an Old idibti and 'who would say that Arch- bishop Lynch has not' got' the brain's of: a poodle dog, is not 'likely to infltience anyone by •-the l filthy ohnse be heaps upon the great bulk of the, Reform per. • ty. But Mister Griffin'should, go slow. Some day or another he will abuse the wrong man, and then lie will bo gently. picked 'up with a pair of tongues and dropped into the sewe,r. ti Li DIT4114 A 11,1t ig* Thursday, Sept, 18, 18$4. no or more endorsors. No anortgage required as se- •„• BRIO% Sit • angor, • Janeary 188 • olinton . . J. ..B TpD•14Q0 M.B Watch and Clock Maker, tti4OsiTat inuateactOrst.,,LtaiVoar Where he heti', 4 aelect assortnient of ,wArcias, CLOW, A-WILLER); 8111a - WARE, • Which we will soli at reasonable rates. Repairing. of every desoriptiqp proniptly at tended to, and all work warranted. .1. nIronfizoOtt132. ciinton,Nov,11382, CLINTON 11(1)KEN. HAgasi.vilrilllattski) ABOVE MILLS :-TsArmILER”, 11E., V E It BLOC K, N EXT TO TITOMPSON k SWITZER. COMMENCE .RUNNING AT ONCE, mkt the toon000loot or Ma, E. CortitiVrr, All kinds 01 MANU•FACTURING 'Vole oll Mint nOtke: A large stook of WOOLLEN GOODS FOR SALE, CHEAP .(corrected every Thursday afterno(n.) Wheat. fall S`pringi • Oats, - Barley, Peas, . Flour, tatoeh, -Mater. Ilzgs. - Oar OR IN EXCl/IAN(lE l'011 WOOT,." Shooy,, 4 n 1)4 170 elR411 l'fnpr;eine,.• •• Wool, .• - • $0 75 a 075 a 078 0 SO a 080 - 00 64 00 50 20 4;0 a 5 00 0 45- 0 . 0 14 X 0-16 0 1 0 17 00 a 000 . • 0411 a 060 . f°it atlit ai ()7• 0 521805 A FIRST CLASS tEHOLSTEIIER. FROM DETROIT ALWAYS ON.HAND.• TECE is now Very complete. . ' • 81117111111 Having taken the pains to inform myself respeet ing the latest styles or , ,.. Trimming and Furnish. • DIPIRTMINT ,-..,i .,:g„,,, _.. '4 lug, and at Considerable: VII * ' rittO expense supplied myseif • I will .continue to give this department, my with the bbst material,. • . most assidhone, care and.. — ' • .• . attention, doing all in my ewer to accommodate'every class of the community suitably, and . on:the most reasonable terms censsitent with thorough efficiency in.every detail. Tits Arms SEITO ElunanliNo FLXrD, forpreserving the dead. Robes awl every requisite always ready . ' ' • ' A. A. BE1414ETT, CLINT0111, • • • • . UNDERTAKER, l'UNERAL.DIRECTOR AND 11'611341151E1i: • LARGE STUCK • . . a UST. EMBRACING • Beautiful 1)ress Goods, Tricotine Dress Goods, New Cashniere Coupes, ecc. All of wbicii have baeh purchased on the most advantageous • terms and are offered. at the *74 VEBY LOWEST cricR)c-pc bLI :E A DOW 811(1 choice aFjsorttnent. SON • It COATS , •Clinton. „