HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-09-19, Page 3N . A � ___ I I I lr� . . . . . 1, I — � I I � .1 .- I . __ � . __ . � -_ � � , I . .1 . —_ --- . I I Sept 19, _1884 �� � 10141 W1144 000411" . - — cl . . . I - - , - I YOE FARMERiS I ------ 1________.-;___- I I . I ­ - 4dMiralX061intook, t . I 11 � . WINDOL TIRE JONANCO-VINAIVEOX WAX. . � _ � . �7- — . hip Avatie explorer, . .� I Ail" r'" JVOW-Ak 19911141,11110 MNAI,- denies all the Allegations of Dr. R*orogard. ,a ,-----O— ., , WAK9 C0RHWLqPO1V0J1ENVb, I I Agrioult,4rghl jottiniXIS Of a Sea,vo,n- VbluvNc '0148vages - Admolral V4!x Newspaper � I il)g the CAAAArlbali , A 'Peclarat"im Of War X010114ed Upon- An — am of the members of the , rh* Awecd*to of ;gOapriza nact'ar, Tim DAMIK COAT)INJUNT4. Franklin virpedition. . I AlildnOt Mart Mae I , .� I , 0194 who Qo to We Front. . ma I Admiral McClintock 41ole CiUaracter. ­ - 10 la the ffre% months, of 1860 times were A London Callk Pays: Tbe'popeze are : , 4 Dr. BUS Ara Dot friends.' . I Creas PessibiligiA 0 Of the VOL1011 JLund �Narshal Von MoItke, ,gays a Frena& Many 080ti9uB Of ohs country have But- A PAXIB cablegrain Bays; It is 10494 oil the COMatock. Supplie making elaborate propstatiorio for'roport. . . . Mue VIVAJAlaft"On As 8 I reported the C,hirlose Govern Llob be brought over the Moulltabs from , 1, .1 , trIving to C0114rol leted from droughts this iDg the progress of General Woleeley's . paper, is, said to be Seriously All, Us he's - year, These are men, has 0.lIfQ,Ali;&, alld before upriag in The great Park Continent oop , . maide, a aeolarat! . . . I tilition. to Cerebral paraltali had I just the best occasions �for getting the on of war in the for � Coming Ca . , I attract the Atb I a hardly able to m C.,M,J � any of she MP!kign in. the Boudan. Among eatiqp of the nations and walk. When Mastory of, Wes a it th Of a Manifesto from the Emperor to, the , tochers went boa the ooireapQnden I to Who have" started Ci , a eakto his servant is obliged I . d I a work of cultivation � three try to boa about . I churches in an increaoing degree. Our 10 the most ordinary offices for is thoroughly done, People- He declares the Freooh action hAb 14' .bts A Week� T at wilit . or a jolly are about to start for the Beat of weir are . readers will be interested in the'following bix,09042io. g i*du%i .. . conlititatea 4 State of war Una Cape upon crowd inade their headquarters An a cabin Xe�s - Mr. J. A �. . I I r �ly falling Into a came,. All the earliest windfall apples shoul4be h that at I Mr. I*earoe, Of the - Daily I . brief account of its territory and people. toad state, � , . . , is Subjects to aid In repelling the too. Cod oA the bill, above the Opbir Office, Cameron, of the Standard - Mr, Melton � Africa is wnloot An island, WAD . tea to Two. Foreipiz Offics, cleghe papqiug along fed to Shoop Or pigs. There is a tompta- It is rumored .that Adn , iir4l Courbob nehrthe Oalilorale, shaft, Tboo&�i Prior, of the Illustrate I . � � � � g nXII: , .� � . don to 1,280 it for evopqrstin itlaist's up . . d News, mud Col. Bur. Asia by tile narrow isthmus of SO Whitehall: 0# , go AS thug it a WAS Very sad, isn't, is ? b I on An Instant declaration of war a Bolt 01 cave, The roof was Composed at leigbk of the Daily Telegraph. Most of ez; In . y .11 ­ , I I I , I it now An thi0morning's pilpers the Duke of W thus used it makes, the quality declares it is . ,stratum Of alit, sad fact. the Suez 0a I See will often bring raore pay per bushel ; but by France, The AdMiral, a lay those ge ptlamen Are old and seasoned war � oil Mail �. I 'ton is dead.,, elling- Of the Pro- impossible, for him to carry ,ou effective , Osaval) cover to hold ir all in I 11 bland. Its length W-aboate%0000, miles I 14 YOU don's say so ; why, lie due& poorer mud reduces she pr4os for all, over $hie a I . . correapolidents. Mr: Cameron wa and its greatest breadth 4,000, It conts, an Mubt have b I . . Operations when she $Alips of other natio4a place. The a b' .4 with ­ I Sea, ver I MAII Contained fouc bunko. Baker I?Ak,bm in hiR Ill-fated y old indeed-ible neirly I Plenty of food, or rather are permitted to carry. munitions of war 10hq X'Lokay bad the lower bunk on the QhRBtiBe El IOWA, after Make Posbais an area of nearly 12,0,00 square miles, sad 4 century since tile battle of -Waterloo was While they get , . attempt to i , to Sam coast is so exteni,ive tbas to sail goughLl' . I . place to lay their egg, potato bae,iles will to the Chintse a t2. Alle, and Alexander He I defeat, and for some wof4tiiR Ur, Cameron .. UdOt $13e a)'ea Of the Vreikoh For I I uut;d I I Cog blept . never move from V, ApId, and very seldom squadron. Beside gal In the upper o a agoun � 11 01 r I Oroemerits of men, us. Patrick J. tb, lot Was M1881ug and Was supposed, to be dead, I , d it would be equal to two-thirda A c' iesponaent of the London Lancet move ranch in At, Bat as Boon as: the early Admiral Courbet is awaitingt Mr. Priorla spi the circumnavigation of the globe. It BUYS that he bus practised for 6ight yea.to potatoes d -ho.'arrival of present Uui'-Gcl States Marshal oort),It, Arited illustrations of Africau , its grand central belt on Stearns running between Liverpool sands of beetles Anty be ago fi lea off thou. war munitions. and -Taok O*B�rian occupied Alle buuti, ba,k,, ago familiar features, o . f liam, in three zones, to . is down or Are Bat war scenes have b of 3,000 miles is in the torrid.; and and American ports. During this time he p*stures, a yiag to fresh LoNDON, Sept. 8. -The Chinese report AS times grow tough and grub soexce the the, Illustra(ed London News for some this -is flanked north and South by about has had charge of 50,000 p ths,4 the damage done to the forts and number of lodgers in the cabin increased. big latest johi years, sople, and the A spririg oolt should be wbabeh a litble� Jttok fdaQaffrey Was take,, in on the under. ,big OL0401108 everpents in that, line being 1,000 miles on each aide lying in the tem. deaths were less than one per 1,000. arsenal on Min River by AdMiral Courbet , And drawings of General Five before winter, in Ceder that ib way bsooma Masonry in HOM standiu I I perate zones. It thus presents within its of these wore suicides and - the rem � I wad trifling. The e h g that lie. was t.) furnish wood for rho Graham's Operations against Osman Digits, vast *rem the moot delightful variety of sinder Used --to, the ohmuge of food while the! was thrown down, but will be fullv .Useholo m4d.Johnnie id- . 111ObtlY Occurred among children. , Walker i6 acriaA in the vicinity of Suakim. Col. ,Butleigh � � I I climate. The central belt of this great The Faris papers, though dull, under. weatherle warwo and while plaubi of -sue. restored. The French landed and destr9yea eraktion Ot'his doing all the cocking. The bad seen as much campaigning in Egyp'o A land oonld toed half the world. The sea. stand a joke. They a colons food can be had. Ensilage is an only three guns at Millgan, forts, And did naw-Gonlers brought their blankets and as General Wolseiey, mud especially OAR- . sons are so favorable that crops ,may be my " TbeArnerjomn excellent food for maintaining growth of not land At Kinpai. The arsenal Was not 191OPt CIA the floor. As the winter wore titiguished biwoelf by sending the news of .. 11 "thOrivIcH must indeed be frightened colts and other,yonug Block, damaged and no war material or Stores away'provisionp of All kinds became a WO186)eY's victory 46 Tel El KebAr to his � I � carce, grown throughout the year, and Already about the cholera. They threaten, Accord- was destroyed. There was no lire and no Slid lamina prices ruled for a time early in paper twenty -tour hours ahead of,mll corn wapapers, which Scale farmers manage to dodge li:)tmuo I you find here the finest rice, Indian corn, . Ing to the us always tell beetles and do away wish the Al000 th . � i . "west Potatoes, beans, Peanuts, melo the ttioth, ,that if to, .. explosion. The. work at the arsenal is now a sPri'39- Finally hanger gob into the Petitore, I pas . . rthoIdile Liberty BRADY for proceeding as usual. Th squashes, tN)MfbtoeEl arro,w. srrxveg� � bay piano a little later than Say ,a naval loss Was cabin, and not 0 gingett Pepper, * this bummer one shall be quar poison.* T 16 man except Mackay bad a - ------------- ,&— I root,100ttOniffoggroall an- other potatQal I serious, but only two figlitin ceLt of Money. An i 4 Hallway ins."res, Its Employees. � g vessels were attempt to -ht4rve, the SOM6 mont I 11 I - I at Yalne, cocoa, cassmita, tined and kept in the lower b,ay on th a in -their. neighborhood, and Bunk. The wore shiftless Uatling f ,ce mention was made etm, while Liberian coffee carries off the that she comes from an Infected of early varieties, which at I Others were despatch into " r he Bin I . a out at the way or patrol T or grub" bad . palm. I'Africi.6 -will yet'be the granies1t = district." . I � before the second crop ofbeeties find them. boats. The defences along the river are in proved a, failure. Aaclisy had just, 030 that the. directors of the Pennsylvania cotton, coffee arid sugar country 11 on which Ton days FA90 OgieU ran through the, But-ia-&-hot, dry Summer, this pisitl will ads AS good A condition as liefoire'the bom bard, left; At -was all the ruouey he had in the . lines east and west of Iiittaburg had - I the sun allinee; the world'e market. At work. . , ment. wor)d, *4 Here, Plit," -isuid he to O�)rbett, appointed a Pornmittee to examine into the . rica, streets of Bethune, France, selling, a news - . haudiug hlai 14 Owen different ter is one of the richest countries on the paper ex .. A)entb An gbe Dish.Cloth. �. ty Aud a ton in gol 1, we of insurance of employabs Ara which gave a detailed account OAts, b%rI4 sad' Pesswill do very well . Igo, Arid see if you can get a Back ' . globe, in'vejetable and mineral resourode. of Sri OriGhnistpoup d'etat and a revolution to. precede winter who . Of flour." �%"Pted in this country and in. Europe. I . . I to provided the " I bad Boma �elgbbora once -clover, A LQUIA lima Packed. in from, Placerville The committee has reported, and Steps are � I There are indications that it it; -yet -to 9,t Parie. General do Galliffet, accord Boll is free from thistles sand other weeds. good sort of to thi at once lo �bo taken to' I � Prove the World's g 9 .Ike ; one fall four of tbom kv day, and Pat found hire vesix .whqre - and treasury. to the do4patohos, "he - a be supplied at, lees . noure every - . ranary bad ,surrounded - , Lackof fertility. .. a -time With typhcij f over. the Bank of CaolifOrulvb UOW standg. The employee On the Pennsylvania system ElYs0e, the FtLubourg Saint Honoro Was a OmP81188 than the use of the land a yeamo The, doctor n . I Already wheat, Sugar came, cotton, ailk, I were bi0k at 0 wool, olives, dates Sad other tropical fr i . ordered: the vinegar- barrela price was a26. Pat handed the Placetvll. st'five contiDgenciea: First, death I I may be found thera,sn4 there is no vair rate scene Of the grchtaib excitement and develop is by fallowing, but the - time 'whitewashed, and throw about forty cents, lian the gold, got back 14 in siWe,r, and, f"'.11min natural causes; Second, 1. L SiCkneSe'rOZ11 - L ' . I I jety I VIOlOnce and the Come dle Paria'was 'about between spring grain harvest and winter worth of Catholic acid in the e4ill-pail and shoulderiag his flour, climbei:l -the bill .to natUrAIL'Causes ; third, death from accident,; ' . ' I L of fruit or Vegetable Which' Could 110'i 'be to Put III113801VA41 the head of hip troops. wheat seeding is too short to makV. foul departed. I WerAtIlito.tbe kitchen to make . y,to labor from accident; : I , n so ewhere ja'it"L Vast area. Copper, ,16 WARM Aellieres, aides. to tho aimip land clean. . . . . , * I needed a the cabIzi:'MsckbLY took the Q4., and ', gi�nvg fourth,' inabilit of attai4in � g the, - , , I I ir.ur ' the virginal,, -the immaculate *' Seine. The low prices often, receivedL for it about and too Clio b6g - age of 60 year * 7 coal, go 'in of , I.. . I . . . . gruel, disli-cloth, And looked fifth,1114apacity-by remoa ' d d and'diamon4a abound; I . it tOZ110 Cook, Beat him in search f bAoon, ',r, ", t, it, ti, I or ,d b land, its foreSta are 11 Augustus,,, bhe . exclaimed, 11 darling L ait . ad Several, and such I rage 1: temandaujaw. When tbellap-jao so h, after ton years' continu. ,, , so thick with All kinds of trees that A I - are not sufficient evidence to prove that too I burned theta. All, and called the daughter to browa, and the savor of. the bacou per- ous service with the company. The officera they Y%uasua do not "Venture into that Was. much is produced. It I 'lab the cabin, the spirits of b I , ' . � are now an impassable jurigle. J, . - . L . is notpropetly dis- of the house tO got too - a d -cloth. She Vaded in charge of the- several' departments have I thousand elephauts I Fifty you Might drown, my dear, and tribiltedi and T#any When trait is cheapest looked round on the tables. bee � ate L outi)osed, to � be then-aadtben-" �116hlpshawiclemeni ar* � 'Why,' Said reg"lar inmates-aLd tranpient boarders L U instructed during the month of Sep, .1 , a deprived of this, luxury, which, when she ; I there was about a, dozen here this went tip to the fair weather notch , bomber to fill'out blanks. giving the name, . own Annually for their ivory tuake ; India tine, I'm used to 'it- I shan't dro L 08 .1 I I . . _ 4 is to ,, Well" anyhow, lou�e In Y0_0V,.1Ra:tch and, ga crops -every ye I at the demand an I 2 the J, g Service of companyi - . , , rubber, hides sad ums abound, an . wn.11 ug�d, becomeB a Also sity.. With morning;' and She looked in the wDpa-box, Seemed that there - i1nd it Age, date, of duterin . An le L ­ I ____ WAR nothing more 11 What Oftpaeity;*Wb&t Position heLnOW, . _'-- oat 9 - � - lk 0 1 =r ir d on tfie Man ble piece, _a�nd felt' In - the . *Okld 10 be desired. . hold L I - rich,plumes, the profit of one grown chain, that's A dear., . . . will increase 80 as to take atlair prides all dark ebraer of the cupboard. I Well,, I " ' . . 11 - � , "I I � I sod . So I � 00tvich is 155 a year. More than one A Bad tiagedy happened B,tL . . . . I . .l.ii;Jil.pyrosent salary. What per coat. of .L . hundred and fifty bo Bettlitall I ri, tb%,t can.be grown. . I L. said, I I saw some ,old bla6ki rotten rage .... � I . . . all a ee's salary:shall,be paid for'sueb . ohs have been written Alsace, A farmer had returnea f rolu the , IS . !Ying round, and I burned them, foir there . Frea;cii Canadian Fecundity. , , insurance has not, been fixedupon, but will . I .boil sicknois,". a disease indioatid 'by . in description of this grand 1 Coati. fields With a load of dried clover. His little, . I � L , fient; but the half has not been tol the failure of clover, bdot IddEath in such dish-olotbg- as these, and Some of the Parisian us be in a few days. Neithe . d, son fell asleep among the bay, which "Cov. ta I a and other.plantai L wapa - r has the Amount , . and in fact not yet known, grow satistadtority,., is protby certainly You Must never use such agai Pluming thembelves. Complacent which Shall be paid to the bait of a deceased . L . n.1 I , took, I ly. on the I . Providence has for Eome wi for Godle .ered bl- f rom. highs. The f ather did not settled to be due to insect parami likeiihood of tbd French it. 0 employee' been settled upon. I So reason kept know tur OB' at nursing that family four - weeks, sued% pro. The only - Of his PriieeiA06 and prooseded'to .roots, -and icienoy ol!s On the and I believe those dirty dish -cloth bering. the English. The . I 811b 0011tinent veiled for thousands Of Years, U131PAd-' He plunged bid pitchfork With ,mi' nob to def , proper L a were , gently outnum feature which has been decided upon is that . and evennowitia only the corner of the greatforoe into the bay &lid was horrified natal elements in' the .Boil, the cause Of pill.. that hard work. Titers. POPulAtiOn of *be Province of Quebec is on. an eraPlioYoe, when Unable to do duty from . I . . . as WAS BUS- fo!e, I say . . v4dil that is yet lifted, When we think irliat. by rho terrible cry whidh followed the . pectedbyLtibig. InGermaoYiblias been 1 to every linueekeepar, keep your . doubtedly in great part French. . According aickness or accident, or is above 60 years of I . hot. found that covering the ground wita dish -clothe Clean.- yo I u to the just consue, indeed, 75 per din age and is incapaeftated to do is' . butorlo events were waiting to find in The Unfortunate child was pie Fiorne I May wear your 0. of rvice, shall Ameri tioo, road through ligho material and then burning is off Vill, dresses without ironing, your Ran.bonnots the residents of that Province speak French draw one-half his, Salary from the time of . . . . I . ca the theatre of their tranage and through, and died almost inamediM01Y. destroy the p%rasites. I . without elastics, but y .-oro: rather, the Normando of..three contur- litY to recovery or death . I and vilist wonders of development . followed The futher's'diespairingagony. arl'otily a . . . on musb,keep you'r . his,disabi. . .. . I I I . .0 b . dish -cloths cluaLl. You y only com b your iesugo�astheir 11stive'longub. In 1653 — I she discovery of this hidden eiktinent to;Ir Anagiped, . . . I . Many farmere whoUreparticulir to get hair,ou �uadaya, y Atim there were only 8,000 French . . � I centuries ago, who can tell whit way yet . .1 ; . ­ . � the reapers and binders allow their hired OUL�rieed not wear wool. -Bpe&kingL The bledun Chair, I . . I . be lar ualew, YOu 90 from home -`*bat you people in Canada, while in -.1763 the turn- The'sedan chair a asma to have originated L '.. . I . I the glary Of - the civilization that shall - A li�]_R^ . i�. .11616 to use broken, dull or otherwise must-WaNh yourdish-oloth. you L bar bad I' '000. � I in England,.Und wa-3,brought - ' robe the Dark Continent in the lustrous - - . interior small tools. in this as, ili" eve may Only. noreased to 60, a 1881 theleL froin London � ants of enterprise, education, and, - . The 11tr6laft of Wrank Ncumn'ton . . othe ' . ry sweep the floor 'when the rn were 1,298,029, of w I to Paris by, M. de Monbrun in the tirne of � . a I whe reset, the beat are the',olleapeat. In th go gets right -' . bom over a . : Ail . L . a window, don'b .need washing, � TX!OVi1AO6 of Quebec. 0 Million live Louis XIII, After-the'fire in London i' . i9val &14 Christianity? Here are mixed ranged a Boy trom,R111clearapho Wire. one week's Use of a sharp new -you ca� in the t 'this large- ,1666, the streets were Ampassab)e� And so L .' - ' . ' ' , .. .- -, . P§Qpjss� Arala and Turks, ,Moors and I Johnny Macki . . . will be , done osenei look Ono at, the door -, that spider web oila proportion only. 14 percent. are Protestants. *L . - " _­_ Some Of the�Wbsol . its O)St-� t�lo � It is a remarkable fact that this rapid in- P6000 Of %Qiilily went on their business or, . . Jew 1"VOr, 's a chubby little to pay for front porch don't hurt anything; but, - � is ; Vatican -�r--e�lfilbi-e-Kiiham—de--diii.- -ell6*­of_ry_e_-r9, w --b-0-11-1-3-13 -w-ifff-Fil- ­pPiffi-ps- __ . __ .hoes, coatmg a few doi. Us DU toys your crease in the Ffenob,speaking pleasure in sedan Chairs. They became in I I Papal, JeWiSh. The population Be er late, Will pa . as in a �, -C '9 lives, wash out Your dish- population L ' � . mated at 200,000,000. is - at --No. .144 'H t' ' I Y_f0_r__thiRra-s-eWiTa-Trn—& wit -gall Mot i_.-L_eF6UKfb-x-f9-,1J —get ripe - --t -# -Of�Canad"s.4.;Dlijl)L-due-to-th .tinies0clia, nuisswe So to obstruct the . . street, Now yOrk- semBOIA'for .any farmer who grows roots or in h -gmtF:- 0':_oxCeBQ­Qf­ hfghways-.-Sel , . Africa's sable Adjoining -the bongo is a six-etory factory . . . . don (the seed is 'R, births-overizeithaZLan exce - -_ sons have a peculiar . religious on the southeast I other bood crops. I I * foot, deep Any my), lob , as So large as to lairehaire-cobtinuecl..-Ili-uoe-----�-.--. . . . � - corner of. Robter-L and . . ... . . the holes in 'the beels of yourhuouand's . , out Precedent in othao- ­ L volution, � . be Winces with in Paris up to the time oL the R� , . ' aptitude, -that makes this *land a *cry 'Elizabeth Streets. T be failtory has a Rau .1 It's diffiOult to get Soy stlimal to pick' foot rage. goN und=,ae, the sage go - 11111618- : Evelt'the Fr6n�h them. and possibly longer in the provinces. , , . I , - ' hopeful, fruitful Boil in which to Sow the seed roof', 'Which. on Sundays is a resort for the uV thewmito from a. barley stubbl� on, ungAthered, let, ph =cs"m When the Duchess of Neracurs wexLt ja , ' Of the gospel. And then we Must re , ri's shoom go two , ad so however, that nearly all the. - . bar that this lyrical African is not mem-, People Of the neighboring houseg, being . account Of the long beards on the bea,d. 'Sunday's without blacking, let t wealth Of I * State from the Fre'nob capital t " ,� t wo bane Sit the Dominion As due to ibe in. o hot prioci- . I a be eaoij� accebsiblo'b ladder froin" tbojr.ow neiderable, mud w run four weeks on one , dustry, an palfty of Naufahatel, she uudertQok a, �' " � io6fs _ 1-. I . y .. _U Pons will Pick up do .wooden � egg'; but do d entaiprise of the Anglo-Saxo' . . found ix the class that has been reduced . over stubbles, of n icurpsy- of twelve days, and b;r angust . . I . Axiykind'slw�aya Boas- them wash out your dish-oloths. E%t wAthon't a minority. The btiesm of emigration from I � to slavery and brought to osber� climes. On Sanday. Morning,. about, 9.61�100k,-. ,.to laying. 'Bai the ,fallen iiarley is not table. -cloth; w Grej�t'Biiiain is likely Soon to reduce the par8ov wall " � toted" by rblays of earrier , I I The cradle of the ,grandeat civilization of johnnyMmoijintover wes.fly ; 4 _Adh: your f aess and lot them . a . . . I . it" )Aitirely wasted, for it rain enough comes to dry; do without it curtain foryour Wi French proportion of the population, taking number. , It WAR thought ."to Lg & Ito on I ',a I L . I the ages past was in the valley Of the Nile; the roof of the factory. Begianjug, as: one Bat it.to growing itmakes � . I Aidows, . and the heart of the Dark Continent to I I I to *aY an and coke for, your tem; but, for Heaven's the D =:tb6 high quality -of thepoisonin the.-,, -. , -­ . -day long. b . I S17 with his e3icallent gree Ominion as a whole, and 'o cair to have whab was � � I end 6f the Uilding he r a , Mature. Malt spr6uts sake, keep your dish cloth ' she - pro fly, 80 little Of which-:0%nada; " holds BOMB Of the mailliebt specimens of kite the . . a clean-'Weatern I ,called an aboyeu . I . lengtb4 r '*a of a popular corn . ' I . I I -Most. � ... 61 , We 0 in tiot i6 bsol mar-, I Magazine. .. . . . . . . owed to Spot 04140 Cando. 'or bovirler. . the human race. Arid then the Afri6au I Way ensire . I I � . I . thei . I . gent-�St- James' . He kept Rome distance ia she * - I . ­ 11 the . . lid , ran � backward, . Pull- I ofhl fertilizer *.called -opodoni which, bad a . .. ,-----------4._ Gazette.' . � I . � lead aud - cried out z`- Make ro6M 'for . ziaturally aesthetic. " The Degro," asys . I Ponsid.-grable run I � . * I I I .... . . I . I I - ' . . Mrs. Stowe, iug� the 'kite after him. So absorbed - Rome yearq, ago. it is The Dance of the an . . I . . . . Madame la Marquise,'? or "Madame to, . ., 11�. I " is an exotic of the most wt.8 he that he ran too far, Mot much sold now because the ,demand t � ,.- � . ondiagan. . . I � . I 1. I � P � In ttle muE'qo bf the, Trianon I I gorgeous and superb countries at the � his br,olB o arid., striking for barley refuse to mildfi �'cows takes ill te 4 90'olOoks tocsin was sounded., and, . - A CONVICT' �� . Presidents . I � . . . a the low guard that bounds th . � 1EFJCAkA`J1K!4. : * sevbral sadan.chairs have'lleen preserved . � world, and be has deep. in his bears a roof I be fellover the edge 0 0 tbatcan 11 6311111teo later the redskins were asserno, . I .1 I . . - I Mine. De Polignac, *'so . I Passion a the Elizabeth- .be made. But the fact shows bled in - the 'council house. as were . . ., �. . � d Over in t - - lighted - on the heart . !if hict French naval vj�tajy, had a mast and sail . for all that is tp!eudid, rich and street side, turning over an that barley itself - has considerable fertiliz . Fir ' Ming'o 471faci Me 11118millea Averse I C,)mmomor6te a . f8oilciful ; a Passion w4ichi rudely indulged as he fell. . q . "a air ing power, and if allowed to grow two or a ha,end boilers of green 'Walks, 01111 6t the central 1'ruou. I .xigged. on her chair, and so pt-raded Paris. . . � 1. I ornAnd beano were set steaming. Chief A Prisoner 'named . I . � by an untrained taBte,'draws on them Eke Luckily for Johnny the tolegraph'ivire . three inches before being tur�ed 'under, it Webster, with un*covered head, addressed .Hugo Cline, under ­ .� .1 .., I , ridicule of the colder mud more correcii at this point RrB.veiy high.. helps to keep the son, moisi and make, a . Sentence of 23 ao�datba in the Central - - I WINE Y441118KIP. ' . L, I " . . . white race.1f If ever Africa Bliall allow ark and the b Above the atice I. - good,,seed bed for wheat. � I 1 the people. ',Be said : "! Driven from his Prison L I . .� �_ . ,� I I . I .. - L I I I 0`1 . . tons What *0 - I - 1. I I .., . .1 BectTed from the'Cential* 13iibog between INC -to ]Doing at luouireal-Now KM-' * - . elevated and cultivated race--m-and. come it a good fortune that was hardly lees than . -white mon, . me of Oor oy after falling about ten feet, b native hillitini-o ands by the, . for., horse btdUliag in H&Mil Exhibitors nave ' I '__ . must, some time, bar turn to figure in the miracle,. caught one of the lower wires in . I . ., Failures in Wrance. , ' I yet the Indian has,his freedoin and plenty. . 12 mud I O'clock yeeterday' -He had been I . -1 . great draws, of human improvemeni�life, his , . I . I of beans� corn and Squash. When we, out, in,ihe"prison.bo pit I for I . . . . . I hands and hung there., about fifty feet - The French commercial tribunals, these to-aay,,*e should thank the G' 6 6, some time Past'. . portadom,4 I � I �. � � will awske there with 9, gorgeousness mud above the round. 1883, had . . � FOO under treatment for' disease of tbe� bear The Tix�a is happy to notice iha.t at � the: . . I i , 9 There. visa no other according to the report issued for t* Montreal Exhibition, not � yet closed, Mr. splendor of which our cold western tribes Wh . SpilAt for them, and remember the .. brave ia, prison about ,a. year, I faintly conceived. In that far-off mystic . to within his touch. . , 4.tolera6ly busy time'of it, in,'pionOUncing deeds of our. forersth 61- Every - true kiiii His hmd . been in th . 0 doideo" Abingdono . , . , A fe.w persona had -Been Ittle . fellow n the failures of the yearprededin Mau will iomember ,,be traditions of on' S114 Boma time ago made in idrolt,Q empt carried off §163 All prizes on So- . I . . land Aid gold, sad gems, and ,Bpiodp, Una * a' Momeab the, I . U of t r , to escape by Raw I John Ja fieon, of ,� Woo uthdown �c . . fall, abil., An wphoi I ing is bol� All the�flodlt-dt I& I wavillg.ralme, and wondrous flowers, and A crowd had I I CIA numbered 7,061, as, in additioiAo foreitathers, sod take part in Ahebe Core- carpenter Ahoj- A guardbapponed to kick sheep: ,; that Mr. A4 Murray, of Clanbraesil, . . . . . miracrJouis fertilit , will awake us gathered. . Unable t6 reader the slightest thege,: 7,533 rencaii'ad to be adjudged from A30 . I Oceida.'wou $209'on Lincolus and'Leices. .� Y w forms sboistanoo the people stood paralyzed with ,1881, making a', -total of cases for the. �og; listveat', wo'iiailue via give thanks for A full Away 4CM0 Of the Shavings with - ' Is stnOt If orget the kindness had covered the place .of hie. bonewah&'job he ters and- that Mr.' . I ador; Sato . y Thda. Shaw,. of il River. , � I I . . , of art, now styles of up . gazing up at* the boy oarigliag 6ional- year 1882-3 of 14,694. The failures. .of the Great S *side," Woodburn, was, awarded $40 6 1 ­ I .. mud the lie to race, no I Pirit the�, last year, hut be and Babidg'the marks of the a I 9 longer ttrwror," ,,,Va. and earth, h Aw, lif Odd the 11 I ' . . Sao up, in I . . . . - , do no will *ad the ladle lips. I 1 - I have shown a.docided tendency to increase,, traditions, be brave like ,your mighty foro- the lining,of the floor.' S - ince that time he good sheep around Hoiniltom I . . dissoned And trodd n Recall . Not ._a ,city that took place between 1878 mud, 18s2 better Indiana t an ever before. Loveyour -piece And discovered Uline lying f . . Shropshires. Our. Lower 'Comaday.n6ligh- 7 ' , 7-- ' paiqbs,pa show forth som: of the wlat6st afid . " Hold on tight and I'll Save You pi cried being 6,621 in 1878 arid fathere, and you will bQ good Indiana.", has evidently been *atobing hie Chance.. to bore, mukt soon conclude that we have dome I � I most 164-nifioent .revelatiouB of. hu I untibg gradually . I . . , Main . 1-0 �enamtion of Then followed the grieen-corn 'dance. - The a. YeRierday 4, guira happened to . I life. Certainly they will, in their g Frank NlBVMm131), A Youth Of IS years, who W 7,061 i.n.1882, or -au sugm . . ettle- lives iii.the Bomb house With Johnny. , no , Six: fine Shropshire obearling ewes . . moss, their lowly dcoility of heart, their He , 17 per cent. T48 increase.04failurbain d4i,ob. Continued for SUL hour, and the per- ar,rivod4ttbeX.&X.W.Stl,tjoU 'two or I had ihebu lying On thetopottleehouse, the business circles of = the givited doors - of .. the hospital L -. I . aptitude to repose on a superior Anind and Paris, has baeu.. lead ipiration stood in great drops Collie brows Unlocked mud Cline coollywalked out, and three aays since on their way out-Jriow ''' ... e L and, ]attracted'. by the noise', be ran to the marked than in. other placesi At'LyonH Of the dancers. A song was then chanted,. led t Eu d to "Riverside," Woodburn, for - relit on a higher power, their childlik SAM, , edge of the roof. by the 'assistance of a board Boa he .919,13 � .. PliaitY Of affection and Young- Neumann took in. they increased by, a thitit, being 279 instead -&ad after an intermission of 'Minutes fence And cleared Off towards thi west. - He . editor *of the , ' facility of forgive- the situation at A glance, noting� that of 209, but in mo too . Mr. 'Thomas -Shaw, the . . uses. In all th6ee they Will 'bxhibit the . . I at of the other mmuufaotur� -the dancing was reatimed. The Indiana, is 9, German, about 93 years of reoll Canadian Stock RAW,& Journal Listses- . I . highest form of the peculiarly ChriRtian age, f ght -Johnny bung, aearly-,_ opposite the fire ing ;owns and Oitiedthere wad a diminu.' from the oldest to the Yoliniest, indulged in . complexioned, with brown hair, we! son Mr. Shaw made his first iMpbrtation of � . . ' life, and perhaps, as God chastenath wh' escape. But the fire'escape i extended only,' don, except at'- Nice, where biraineBe had this WuDi011t c0stom.. and shouted And about 150 pout no and beight these fluealleep., - I I i. �. ... I .. I i He lovetb, Rehatlichosen . poor Afric Ora to the fifth story and not tothe roof. been I&DRUIShing abdthe failures rose (jorn jumped in glee.' The gayAnd faritastic 002- : inches. e il 5 deet, 9 . . I 1. . .. a in Without losing a Moment, Neumann al 31 to 65. -From the industrial Point of tuMes, the *RUd atesine of the H has been 4 thief it . I . . I . I the furnace of affliction to An' 0,211. tousle, and infancy, and has been in , Ora "'a A Canadian Revenne otlicer Shat -by ake bar the. bored over the -cage of *the roof, and, view they have be�n thus tabulated': Tem. the varied and grotesque figures of the prisons of th many of the . . bighost and noblest in that kingdom � I a United Stated. . I. I . I I ... � American Spoilomen. I . I . B70 will Bet up, when c which Supporting himself by hie fingers on the jileat 3301, wond iaduBtriea'i'.­293;mStjl, dance reminded One fordibly that a distinct I . . . . � . 1. very other'kingdom 'narrow , line of brick -outside thagu&rd, 260; leather, 236 ; chemical manufactures, civilize -Zion is in our I 1, : I . . . . . A Detroit despatch gays: Three cour. - . . has been tried sad failed; for,, the first hung c I . midst. At bootA the' .. .. .. I � - 7 . ageona Americana went hunting on Sunday , , � 11reotly over the fire eAcape. 02'; 'pottery, 77, building, 370; articles as big mesett maig arid beans was di t A 18inprelas Ruptense and 1144r Son. . shall bs last, and the last first.,,- I � .0 a ributed intho marob, at" the - . , RMI'd- - "' Oh,Frank," oried'thu laid � 11 do burry � luxe, 269; food And drink, 2,220; clothing, mmong'the Indiana, who had brought pails - I hsie seen the ex-Hmpr�as, Hug ' mouth of the Littl'e I 11 I .. � -------------- — . UP if You're going to do anyt�iug- ,I can't I,0lS;-ft1r11itur0,904;fi1lsuce, 224; carry. for that parpog6, ard they took'it nom,61 A, table perhaps a dozen timbs, enie At BasootkCharivel, Dbtroft River. A Caum- ,, ... Mow apinin 19 rimobed. ' stand this any more. ,I'm going to drop?v 1011 Find traffic, 265 ; hotel and inn keepers, Pr . ivmte leasts. Aliarvawdanoeo.l 0 and I 7a0VSr than Cukt3ms revenue officer, on tW look . I I . I Is HOld. eat'Aig SSW any one est so little 'bat o9emda to be out, rowed Alongside their boat and grabbed I . I . . I . I on tight a minute longer and lill 697;. miscellaneous, 506. No branch. of four days, will be bel& at the reservation in as good health as she di& Her 'Bon, one,of the guns belonging to' the Party, on , *� �. The smoker lies curled up, with big hoed be there," shouted Neumann. . . trade'llas escaped an increase in the -num. When the corn is out and githered.-Syra., (poor. bo rooting on a bamboo or ear thenware pillow ber of, failures, except clothing food to . cu�e courier. .1 . .. I 1. . .y 1), howevei,' 'made up 1or her, for *the ground that it was unlawful for Ameri-, . . SwiDging -his. body backward Una f6r. rni . .. . . be bad a very healthy appetite. I . While. at . . . I . ftr,cv-,D�bfivO inches high- Nesx him standa .word like. a pendulum he cleared the wall lure, both of which were in an improved . I . I I 'Shoeburyness Military School he bad sovej caus to bring guns into Canada. One Of . . . : me O m I&mp, the flame of which is . . . ,.. -_ , i . I to. pal 'a pro- .'An arrow he 0012 Ose of the preceding years. I ral photog the men hib the official over the bead ith I , '' . n to and lot 90 his hold. Like' dibion to th . I . . . raphe taken by one of the Sol. . W � I by 0, glass shade low enough for the Rhot down through the traIl .in the fire 'The;bankers and financial agent4 . An oar, which maad him drop the gun And - . X. a snake. istorges. dien, who bird some talent that way, and get out of reach, when another , . . ifth floor, mud caught with off' than before, the failurea in twbiea Bodbiron' ­ . POIX)b of the flame to project above the top 0800,PO at the,13 a bad charge of there tile � . The smoker takes a wire his hands the iron rounds of the ladder R wb P he gave me A COPY With his sntOgx'&Pb 612 deliborately'aimed at him with bid gun and . of the Bliade. during 1881being 146, and 224 in 1882, Of . beem, it. Another embryo Artiab at Shosbury� . of the party . specimene in the Smithsonian Institute, gave him a charge of Small shot ,to tomember and dips it into h little box containing pie. between the fourth and fifib'stories" the -whole number,, 2,,659, or 38 per coath, Doss wished to make a plaster bust of the them by, Then they concluded. the place , � Pared opium. A small quantity adheres - A 'load ohoei went all from the crowd in were bankrupts on their own declaration ; contradicts much of the popular belief me young Prince, . and , accordingly they w Id 00 An 0, u � . to the point of the wire, which is than held the to snakes. , On a U beco a to is Itry,to hold' tnem, . . over the flame of the lamp until the b skiebt- - It visa a foatful leap, but a 8,942 oi 66 per cent., Were bankrupts Some of the most dreaded arranged the sand and mud bat .13uooessful oUe. .. . dred4ors, potitiono. I � on have no existence. The hoop snake, which take -to and 130 they made a bee line for'DetrOit. L . L . boa Bwollen it to about ten times its origi. " You'll bmVL 8 ' to move livel Frank," L - . .. . I takes the Sad of it' the would, and be, got . I . . I .L. . '.4 . I I . ­ I ,. - on the flat Paid the boy. ,1 I must let go. yo , , � I . . 0 'to" In 'to mouth Bud doWn� � on bid.. knees and brayely I � nal size. This is rolled over rp .1 rolls over and over like a hoop) killing I . . . . . . , � I side of the olay bowl, the opium all the 11 Just on . K*y JLawn".. bed his grossed face into the mud, but To ]LIA'the 11111rdeo.. � - . . a in' , everything it touches with its venom, and pub . . L I . time adhering to the wire. oblent yet." said- the young . ivy lawns are known to but fevr among the blow -snake,, the braith 6f which is lot far enough to suit the artist, who put It is only wben a woman is morbid from . I When it haR M9,13- He got hi precarious hold'on the t a Y Who are interested An gardening dtadlY, are fictlooil, As serpents move the Young NaPOI4011's nook ill-bosith or overwork that th , . . ,I)d mass it is ,again .1adder with his feet and one armo and,, . e dusi. which I � been rolled to a soft, or h man his a 4boutthey are constantly feelingaboad e Bagels - , .and this alternate leaned far out so that he could jaeb grarip implies, of ivy Col' Plaster costs. Who taken out there was a of the carpet, or in the corner of the stairs, applied to the lamp, I 600130111y. The consi6t, as the Dam 0 arid pushed it still furthat in. What the Accumulates on,the table, or along th roasting and, rolling is kept up. for At least thelad'sWrist.- Thenhearewhimin . yj and they offer ROM 'With the tongue, - sad the forward thrust hose like a, gourd squash a I bout A foot long, I I ten minutes, by which time. it is in the the ch6a.rg of the crow &laid, peculiar - adva,utages in Cases where grass and peculiar forked appear4n I as of. this IIeB like a burden upon her; a hopeless bhr�- d. Taking the boy a slaspe of 0, pill and ready for use. The in his arms they descended the ladder. until lawns are apt to 000&Bion Wore trouble organ has given rise to the false idea that us the Plaster had Bonishow forced ft Chan- don, for it is, as Fibs knows, fit atron get and , I aperture in the pipe is Rd Small that than they are wolth, An, ivy lawn MAY be With it't . at for itself, This rowarkabld' bust now bright6r moment,; & simple matter bat; . . . A the third' floor, when big well, made Ill one Ressono and it the thought that-theie are a great numb can only receive the smalle t quantity, strength failed him and he lot go his hold, primary operation of, planting be properly or of Shoeburybess, and is.rnatkoa Napoleo.w. . they reached he 6tingingia done. I013generally 'Stands on' a pedestal in the mesa -room at requiring much timoor muscle to remove. and the most careful manipulation is ,dropping with the boy to Phe ground. Neither performed the lawn willmakelt ' it POiSOnOV6 snakes. In North America there To thipli: of the brave, bright young man as It she feels like this for days togeth6t she . Aleeded,to transfer the tiny ball of coin . pelf , are but three opecion-the rattlesnake, the should summon reBolution'enough to walk: in wall hurt., Then the crowd.ghwuted itself will won't no cuttingi -no gweepA go n � from the and of tpe wire to the boil of boarse. . . � 1 I .1 11 .. a 0 copperhead. Or MoOCAS11A, Bud the coral. , I know him, full of life and,boyish earnem�. out of the house and look at the outside tbb pips. The Point of the wire is in. WAtOXII39, no Protection from the birds that There Are about thirty varletieeof those 11684 -as, having died AS he died, makes my vvokld, - She need bot go f at, to seci. a great . . . sorted into the hole of the pipe and Wot The little fellowIg face wag white. Bat the grass Beeds - to;day'and to-tabriow species altogether. The coppeillead heart. sells for him, and mor will give relief to her mind.-�--, * . I ked " Franki I wouldn't try tboot'sigain, if I was Is 0 fOf the deal' that I round and round till the soft opium forms Scratch Up -the tender plants, as thoughit probably the moat dangerous, as Ao v m so. � Aftei my visit .y. Y-8vening Post. . � � YO11i" Was fill lid said. Thewhe ran away I waa their AniBBiOn to Make Irraso lawns vl,,Quo, and never giveo wo,rjing of '6 AS to Chibleburat, I never saw either of tadba � . into a conical shaped ving around the *Ito. and hid himself in 0, Collar, wbotobe ron iropoBoible, And.when made,-beivg, as At. kind before any Again.- Olive Harperlg Reminiscences. I I - . . BY twirling the wire the drug is gradti. mained two 'hours, testing -the paternal StAing- The rattlesnake, . . Canadians for the Nile. 1 I I . . fibs , � — , A Winnipeg despatch says the'lull Corn- . I -ald. . of itself for may -number of years, but it in, Others, will rAttle At the Approach of Any- . I . � ploment of toyageters for the 113gyptian ally detsob6d from it, leaving h hole wrath. -New l'ork Hel Weego self .MsaO, An ivy lawn. will take otoib though Anote. poisonous than either 0 � through t. a opium about as large as the . I need of repair or trimining, the knife, the thingi and try to got away unless brought JLfttCHk 1101001111 Ireland'. . CS11110*11 has been Be ured T ore were hole of t a., pipe bowli with which It com'.* ----7----41— - Shears Or the spade may be naked with to bay. The coral is much smaller, and 19 1, 20C 0 . 11 municates. Thb pipe if; now ready and th� "Own to 01f,st APrinciple". The disease in t a " otato top n 0 � ipplicati6na. They leave on Saturday. bowl is hold over the larap so that *tbe , . . . ,?nakilful 'hands, -&'a*" 'W'tfi the lbaht 14 native of this Southern States. The bito has begun. � h P ,a I May "LotdWolgelay has telegraphed td 061, . . V agbioliabig , IMINglDs,blib 0066 of time, for It is not an is not necessarily -fatal if the proper reme- Kennedy, of Winnipeg, for 16 om -similar opium comes in contact with the flame. A Balloter .- 41 Doctor, what I � 2 1 have. been . . ­_ _ I I sp)utvorivg noise onsues as the Bracher can I do to whiten my hands oaa:r, thing to kilt, or even to MiOug)Y dies are used in time, An, on account of The !)like of Effinhurgh has been well to the one he used daring the Voled River . . . ' I injuro, th own. oo� ' f its AJZO, the 'quantity Of poison is small, I ekpodition. � . . I mucau at big pipe. After -each SU006holve sO-,bV0tY MauiOUre in Datkoit.,11, ' , USI8t'A`g of IVY Solely, received in I telando I I I I draw be ejects from no8e and month a I� What have You tried P . Suoh,lawns ate unfit for ggMea, and indeed When 1% reptile strikes he throws bib wholc In . spector Daly, 9, well.known member of, Capt. A.umond, of the Governor- Gon oralla ' . A Penetrate the a. . Capt. MoRad; of Nd, I vcln,y.je of o3moke, the very small of which w " Cho 6V61!Ythi1lg- Glycerine, lotions AillOuld Act be trodden 6�., They will not; body forward, and the Image 'the DAIWA) P0110610rob to do& Foot GuAirdA, and . is enurigh to turn a bored's stomach &She$ slid everything; but they still per: therefore, supersede grgoa in a Country object Against. which they coMg. H' C I otbapa, is 4 Matter for not jump ', the binder part of the body family rehidenoc of Loughoopp 1, liusty,' As Lieutenants' uliaor Major I 13Y 01at in remaining brown and spotied,,, garden, wbioli, , e doqa John Cantwell, died recently inthe old sompan 7th Butt., London, have boon - iff the pipe odrigraitul.4tion ; ut they. Will give us th . 0, Ki OjAite, -4ho, end of the fourth or fifth wfiJ � Ip . -P y The smoket scoops up unoth 114ve'YoU tried wator 21, I 9 )", I as soa) . or . it Good gracious I What an idea 1, 101 breadth of veirdur 0 k6lahinh in Position o and iaoijo of Our snakes after so short illness, aged 85 years. I,6" ,a 'Command of the ,Canadian dose, ,,t Opium, rolls ib I , 't plad . 0 in is in this habit (,f readbiy;g more than ball v6ya#4urg for the Nilej � I to. i a wh gramis more Lord Waterford has increased the tent3 % I lookitta %be operation With the games Patience Try wAtiir with Romp in t, In fact, most 'B'I' f 0 0 . to Ito leogth, , - .. , . I I . Alto a Pill '&lid . I thonoetib 0 - - � wash them, My too Will be 43,11 r0fis. ad, at the Very best, � 11 of his Wicklow tenantg in Bomb bases to.- OP001al Mitineaota and-Dakotm a ­------�,�---------_-_-_�_ 'I I , as I I I tt I " I.' I- _. . A, I 11 I , I 'I. , plague the' to a ­­_­__�_­7�7, from so to 100 per debt. over the Govern telegraphic anvices Ard that 64,000,000 - as bojore and smokes sway until trie pipe I I . tands rathap, diegrace than,4dotn the . bradstree fall" firowabiallanda and he talostinatosm- . -I-----,----*--- vositiobi . " , B16 TUAN111S.-County of Wentworth 11101lb Voldation, - - ' land, If tobik000 smoking wore only half In C&Almam ohs . I .1 . dft bushel of w t a none too largo, and , , I person in every 17 290 is . 9 that the quality is txcelidat. California a 'ARA I diori",rao, A ar, shotroublo toba,000nists would turu'P'gtOwer- will hWV6 to Pull Homo bi 0 ,Soon IJAVO � an Invantor;, in South Carolina, ' a way, tb#A separates we ftom the X, , , t4ftiPs this Year to be4' 'Robert Aobingon, A 'near offo" to �� ', , crops fire described 6,13 ailpetli. India corn or .t . "� 000k on t, 6 oug boys �ublllA �*hio I to shut op Bhop, every 21,189, I in 118 too Ivy f6r,ho has them growing 611 bill farm at 1-116, Rego If free f row frost , for ton days' , , , . covered church. . I Orkney messuriag 92 !riches mound. *11, 'i'l" a �iffay� 'itll_62. 00 allone proin, 0 1 1 1 . I . 6 W r talouto lot 1 days. the largest yield on record, .1 I . . �, aterpPia0y: . '. . . I . , 1. . I . I . I - � - I � I .0. - - � - I , . , ­ I � - I -_ -_ � __ . . I I I . I I ,I; �il"_.t4 " � '. 0 , . .1 , _ % . I I I I I , . I A . - � . 10, � . . � .1 . I � . . 11 .1 . - 1� �" . IV I . � . . �) I . . — � ; � . I . . I — $ � I 1 . . . . . — .. . , , , ,� . - , It I � � 11 . .. . ­­ , . � . . I . . I I . � ... _.,"�, . . ­ I .....'­ - 11 -1 11.1 .. ­ .11 -1 I I �. , 11 . '1-11 I , . � .1, � "I � 11 - . . - - 1. I—— I . . I .1 I . 1. . . . � . . � . I I I 11 .... .. _._. ­ . I ! ' I 1. r- , 11 ­ I . .. � I .11 I I I I . ­ I - . I .. . I