The New Era, 1884-09-19, Page 1•
Peit00i01141 and othtv (cords.
uudersigned at •the Library Bora, Smitlea
.1-ro Insuranee and (jeneral Agent Money to loan,
rEles, Enalien Bia"00. Clinton, Qat.
itirGEBY To- 1.4•END U :WON on. Waal
-ma- sums' our/toil mortgage •security, MOderate
ate of Littered. gr4.r.,E,1 Clinton.
PhYeidata, SlIrgeOn, ete. Office and, resid.enee
nex,t Molson's Earth, market equate, Olitatett.
-Lion Ontaxi0 street,Olinton,oppositethe English
Church. Entrance by side gate.
• Unbrer sity,)Physielon, Surgeon, &a,,residence at
moo- Mr. Manning's, three floora mutt ef the TemPerallee
liall,Londesbore, Ont.
171 A. 110813, MIS,, Cila&SUATFI OF MEDICAL
1.4. University, rarraderahta, mourner a ovnese cf.
Physicians and.. Surgeona, ontario. Office at George :
Grantham's, three od0Orle, north of the Pod Office,
NES. Moat" Preprletor„ Large and airy; cen.
Dally situated, elegautly furnished; heated with not
air,' large and welt ligisted sample rooms, Good sta.
Wing. $1 per day..
• Provincial And Dominion E..and Surveyor,
Architect and Dratagbtsanirn,Ywnitus.Bnocg.,
1 gatoicnisex, LtIoNeEr) AUCTIONEER
e dor the Countref fluvon. Aisles attended
to promptly. Charges moderate. Residersee
Albert St. Clinton.
Murray Block, two doors' east of, Hodgene'•en-
tranoe. Residence, opposite the Teraperanco
Huron Street, Clinton. Mee houra,. 8 e.,m. to 6 pAn,
wiltrr, TELotrea OF senate rupms
attended at tbeir own residertec,if necessary. "Re-
sidence, Jelin Robertson's Huron Street, Clinten.
Elute new method taught 'if deeined.
JI -70,11, Department of Wiatorlaliniversity,Torente,ior
rattily of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York
'Coroner for the County of littron,Rayfield,Or.t.
1.1.1..teerento Univereity; meraber af the ClellegeoiPhy
eloiarts and Surgeons, Out• Orrsoz,& Incennerres the
bonsetormerlyoccapted by Dr. Reeve, Albert street
is. Clinton.
worriarNoTon, prifsroxAN, traGBON
-1-rAoneuelieur,Licentinte of the OallegeofPhysician-
and Surgeons of Lower Caned a'and Previnela 'Mean.
tist e and Coronorf or theCounty o glare n , Ofilimand '
residenee,-The building formerly occupied by Ur
Tbwaites, Huron street.
Clinton,580.10,1871., No. as.
.Irleitatre -*texas° Per sanstieser
saw neeennees ern at end neyerso
VY Hotel i ew ant
d hos all hr
e eipirements
of a finst-0 es house. Large and airy ronins,.
elegant parlors, bested withlot aiv, and in tho
immediate vicinity of the G. T. R. depot. The
bar is well stocked With the choicest brands of
liquors and cigars. .Thd travelling public May
rest assured ef being well eared forat Mahone°
'SAMUEL PIKE, proprietor.
‘..istarted a general delivery waggon, and is prepared
In deliver parcels of all kinds anywhere in town, or
perform any work In this line of business. ChargeS
moderate. Orders left at Warsog's Fenn Omenwill
be _promptly otnended_te,_ RICHARDY. WATSON,
SolicitorS4rome Court,
ste., • •
In myth every Thursday.. canoodle and
claims promptly and renaniy attende • to. -
PRIVATE FUNDS to lend at lowest rate et
Mold the exelosive right for the county for the Hurd
process of adminietering chemically pure Nitrogen
laonexide, which is the safest and best system yet dis-
covered for the painless extraction of teeth. Charges
ino,derate, satisfaction guaranteed. , oOrricls, BEAVER
BLOCS, over Thompson & Switzer's Grocery Store,
Albert Street, Clinton. . .
••••--;-•'..; •
gnu 4,41=0041nm
wanted. Wages $8. ApplyM
Nelsons Bank" Gunton, ,
vcrazerruro - croon GENERAf, SERVANT
V.1' Another girl kept Wages 68. Apply to
MUS. W oust Tire Beetory,
0 immediately. Highest wages given. blitS.
REEVE, Huron Street, Cliiiton,
that I will not be responsible for any debta eon.
traded ha' my wife, Marla Woodman, without my
Witte% order, as she Ita.s tem ois bed and board. W.
WOODMA.N, Lontlesbere.
*r, be paid for information thet min lead to the re -
°every of two Plymouth Rock chickens stolen from A
yard In town, and for information that will lead to the
conviction of the guilty party, NNW ERA Office.
the hest wheat -growing farms In Walsh County,
Dakota. 320 acres. •Plenty of timber, near school,
stores, &a. In the midst of a Canadian settlement. -
Will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to JOHN
SHEPPARD, ldtb con. Goderith township, Clinton
Post Office, • ' 38
H°TINE 'r o streNt--4.aneE ootttentTAnnts
frame house to rent, for a term of .eis: months,
fronithe let of October. The house is at present ee-
elmted Aiy Mr. Sharman, witbin,e, few onfinetes well(
from the centre of the town, and Is on the torpor of
Raglan. end Princess Strome. For partioulars apply
to R. IL RACSY, Clinton, ,er JOHi5 rpEgp, 10
Ciithrino Brea, Winnipeg, ' 38.4
Cheap Excureibes-via the hat .1:110.;
Winnipeg and retitrn 850 00 "
Duluth and return 32 go
Port Arthur and return ... 30 60 '
SaultSt.Marie and return 1 00 . .
seconn CABIN TICIMBNOVZ ilOrk to Liven*"
and return, 8,60., the lowest rate, ever offered.. ,
11;ST1tERA0E TionsTnare .110v sel(t at rates.
never before heard of. , . .
Iloilo Tr.a.,vilg4;ar
Are you going to MANITOBA, DAKOTA, CALI-
ORADO, or any other point Westward. Callan(' find
out rates and prove that we sell tickets at the lowest
Time card and all information freely 'given'.
..V.buticlred. acres, being composed of west.haff of lot
IL on the Otla eon.', and west -half of lot 11,,oa the 5th
con. O./fulled. 50 acres cleared and in good state of
Cultivation, balenee A•ell tianbered with pine, black
asb, wed cedar. Good frame bond, frame barn and
stablos,geea well and orchind. Situate itmess, from
the village of Kinhurn, 7 from Clinton and from
Seatortlt. Possession given So do fall work. Terms
easy. Apply on the .prerniees, or addresa MRS. G.
PETRIE, Constance. 38
-firevrEns, XIST coma' - Nonen IS
hereby given that a eourti,, will be held, pursuant
tOothe'Voters' List Ad,' by His. Honor the Judge of
the County •Court., of the County of oUnron; at the
Town Hall, on WEDNESDAx, SEPT. 240, at 9 &Am
to hoar and determine the several complaints of emote
and omissions !tithe Voters' List of the monieipaility
PI Clinton, for 1884, it list Of whit/0,1111 be found pest..
est pp at nly office in the Dry Goods Pelage. All per.'
sons having business at the court are required to at-
tend at the samis time and place. CALLANDEIR,
Clerk of said municipality.
Mr. Thosjovvett left this week for
Gardner, Mk.;,
Prrnon'AsEp. -Mr. Percy UVIMIS has
purchased the ionaining time of Mr:par-
ter's lease on the Morley homestead, and
will move on the farm next mouth.
Mr. John Sheppard, of the 16th con.,
who has been visiting a 13rother in Dako-
ta for several weeks, has returned home.
He enjoyed his trip very much, and speaks
favorably or the west, but thinks if a per-
son is comfortably settled here he is un-
siese to pull up stakes and go west.
TURESHING.-Tete threshers all appear
to be vieieg with -each other to see who
can do the best work this season, Last
week the machine of Mr.P.Perclue thresh-
ed over 2;000 bushels on the farm of Mr,
John Woon in a day and.a-half, and a
-ciretinistasice worthy of special notice was
the fact that the engine stood with two
'wheels on the barn floor, thus bringing
the smoke -stack direetly beneath the eaves,
without a partkle of danger arising,
BELIOICITHL-The Brethren held a go"
pel meeting in the temperance hall last
Sunday afternoon,
. Rev. John Gray will preach a thanka-
giving temperance sermon, in the Baptist
church,op. Sunday evening next.
The rite of baptism was administered
to two candidates at the Baptist church,
on Sunday evening. Two imore were
baptised on Wednesday evening.
A. meeting of the Wooten's Christian
Temperance *Union will be held la the
Baptist clatuchr here, on the evening of
Tuesday, 23rd met, at 7.80 p.m. All the
ladies of the different congregations, are
requested to attend.
At Ebeneezer church, Maitland con.,
Rev. Mi. Smith will preach on Sunday
next, at 2.86 p.m. At Sul:mm.11111, Mr.
A. Birks will preach at 10.80 the sense
day. Collections at both services on be-
half of the educational fund.
Educational serrnans will be preached
in the Rattenbury street church on. Sun-
day, 28th inst., by Rev. T. M. Campbell,
of Goderick Rer. Mr. Salton will go to
Goderich for that day. Rey, Mr. Gee, of
Bayfield, and Rev„ Mr, Kenner, exchange
on Sunday next, for educational work.
A Gospel Band has been formed among
the young people of the Rattenbuty Street
Methodist church. Mr. Salton is presi-
dent ; Alr. T. White first -vice, and R.
'Holmes second -vice. The object Of for-
mation is to itssist in general church work,
but more especially in revival services and
meetings of a like nature.
The annual meeting of the Worxten's
Foreign Mission Society, of Rattenbury
St, Methodist Church, was held on TINS -
day, when the following officers were elect-
ed ;-President„Mr•s. Gray '; vice-presi-
dents, Mrs. May and Mrs. W. Taylor ;
recording secretary, Mrs. •Hodgene ; cor-
respouding secretary, Mrs. S. Davis; trea-
surer, Mrs. Searle. . •
came a camping party up the 'Via i t 1 a h d , ]LisCi°Ili egri: i Mark°l sebr°71rrag 'sbtlzuldili srees .tItiv le.nHics eif°t °ill; sPic"tielein:
last Thursday and Friday, rile romantic
preaching lately for Rev. Mr. Thomson,
life of the nomadic dwellers of the forest
of th:f lisall, who resumes his work,•not-
and prairie was pleasurably experienced
withstanding his weak state of health. It
and thoroughly enjoyed in the swinging
opinion of his friends that Mr.
and odiferous boughs of the• cedar, lulled Thomson will be Coinpelled to cease, tor'
hammock, and among the swaying leaves
to repose by the distantly sounding roll of a time at least, all ministerial work, if he
desires to regain his strength.
artistic:: style of music "ever heard in the other vaunted A religioos convention will be held in
the rapids, more truly musical than any
Liszt or Beethoven, or any•
land:" It was "Like the song 06 bittern Goderich Methodist Chord', on Monday
and Tuesday,'.Oct. 6 and 7, to which all
makes whieh no false art refines:" Sweet- who care to attend are hiVited. The Pro-
er 'even than the Dwelt , written about gramme embraces religious subjects to be
late harvest Moon appeared over. the tree treated on by Revs. J. Gray, Markham,
Caswell, Kenner, Birks, Hough, Brolet:, .
songs of the •nightingales and when the
tops• Torrance•and other.,. • The conventicin le
WiNonitat. At the nominatiop, on Alonday, for a
councillor in place of James Johnston,
deceased, the following were nominated:
Wm, Kerr, Cs Lloyd and P, Deans, The
DatinGET-The drought still eonti nu esa. first -named wilt likely be elected, if he
water has become very scarce; most Ot1 consents to run, which we understand he
will. Polling to take place next Monday,
22nd 'inst.
Excitement and argument on the Scott
Act questien increases. The set -back the
liquor party met with in 1•Ia1tori let then
the ;wells have become dry.
.174srrons..--Mr. Linfield and daughter
• started for the Toronto Exhibition and
also to visit friends in the Q,ueen City
last Saturday. A person from Kincars
ARM BROBEN.-On Monday;a,fternoon
last a young lady visiting at the houseof
Mr. Farquhar, gravel road, had the mis-
fortune to break her arm at, the wrist, by
falling from a waggon. •
Flow TIME FtuFs.-Should Mr. • and
Mrs. W.Jaraxeson, of the Huron road, live
until next August, they Will celebrate
their golden wedding anniversary, and
present appearances are favorable. Very
few couple enjoy domestic felicity for the
long period et 5.0 years. '
1.7NrI11ASANT ExpirmateE---Thetother.
day Mr. yanEgmcind, of thee. Huron road,
went but to stop a fire which 'had caught
in one of hie formes, whenhe warr' over-
come by the smoke and fell on the ground
in a faint. The fire was burning in close
proximity to him, and when he came to,
it was with the utmost .difileulty that he
managed to roll away. Assistance was
afterwards secured and the fire put out.
PETIrmhs-A petitioif is ;being Mice
SEWING MACHINES. Wed on behalf. of Mr. Alex, Jamieson
svhose barn was lately burned, to. be pre
1 ant agent for the 'celebrated LIght-Running,1 . fiented to the McKillop Insurance Co
The signers thereof agree to pay. thei
.Wilew Kome'lSewIng Machine..
. proportionsofsansassessmentrstf-thesditee
Which taltei the load and gives better 'satisit.-Ction tors see fit te.giVe Mr. Jamieson some .6
than any other. • W. . KITT, Clinton. ' • the Insurance on his barn. Abetter plan
would haye been ' to raise Whatever sun
weld be collectedly voltietary subscrip
dons. among the friends of Alt, Jamieson
• '
Auction: Bale
. •
Good 'Farm Property.
1 auction, by D. Dickinson, .Auctioneer, OA
Satitida3r.., Oct. 18th. ,--18S4,:
At the ilattenbtlry House, Clinton, nt 2 o'clock
in, the afternoon,all that valuable freehold
farm: known as. the Whitehead Farm, in the
Maitland Concession, .in the Township ot.Gode-
AO,. In the eounty of Huron, and being com-
posed of lots 53, '54. 04; 65 and coritaining.M.
acres meraor less. There aro erected on the
Said property a Frame House,Barn,and Stahlea.
All the land is under' fence, except lat 04, cOn,
taming 84 Keret', whieh is • heavily timbered.
The farm is well 'watered, the River 1Vtaitiand
runningthrough the property. There are
about 250 aures under cultivation. It is situat-
ed about 0 miles/1'0m Clinton and 12 miles from,
Goderieb, the County, Town. Possession given
eu tho it March, 1885.- Good 'elear Title, tree
from ineumbranee. .The propertY will be sold
111 odo or more. lots ' to flU4 purchasers.. • For
,turther particulars apply to
• D. o EL' EICHONALD,• o
• ' Barrister, Toronto.
The Allan Line ii taking Steerage paSserigerS
from Clinton to Liverpool, Derry •.
and (.*lasgow, for *20.15
Excursion Tielrets, good for six MOntl18,
at low rates. Intermediate rates also
reduced. AcoomMOdation geed.
Sailing% every Saturday
from fanebee.
Passengers requite to leave Clinton. at 4 p,
m., on Thursdays, leaking direct conneetion
with steamers •at Quebee.
Pull particulars and all infOrnintion on appli-
cation to
Go. T. B. Agent, Clinton.
ellargeS Moderate
Otticitaal •
-J�jJ;01 14S111014.:..
Atil from Chicago, Dotrolt and Buiralo..with
the leMst fashions and styles, *and will
'pleased to see harlody friennia.. .
CHARGES' mophakrn.
• ' • 0 N 'ROBERTSON',
• . ViCtoria Street, Clinton.
BRIEFS. -At a threshing near the th
con„ last Week, the eoetiment of petti g
it pitchfork • into the cylinder of the Ma-
chine was tried ; the 'result, a demolished
fork, a broken machine, and alna,ut it day
and a halt Jost time ; conclusion arrived
at, it did 'not pay. MISS Maggie A. Ro-
berton is visiting friends in the neighbor-
hood of Galt. Miss Berthenia J. Morgan
left last Monday to visit friends; in Pictori.
The youthful sportsmen arebeginning to
try the fun of coon hunting, a good dog
and it stick being the only recarisite; • two
parties on the 13th con. have already'stic-
ceeded in capturing four this fall,
Matt ,nUREEp..e-Ort Thursday morn-
ing of last week, a tarn belonging to Mr.
J. McMullen, of thet 2nd con. Hullett
on what is comonly known as the Bill
in "
Aikens farm, was -nlysterimisly bin -fled,
With its Contents. 4. threehefivas at work
on Mr. Pepe's farm; but it was impossible
for the fire to have .origipated frcnn this.
O A party is said to have,been seen coining
from the barna short time before the fire
occurred, but this party denies that he was
near the barn. There was considerable
grain in the barn, all of' which was lost.
it was insured in the London Mutual for
!".°. •
Tim GAStEe.---A. large number from this
.place attended the Caledonian games in
Lucknow, on Wednesday, and all returned
Well pleased therewith.
• THAT PICNIC. -The picnic which was
held in Garvie's grove, on 'Friday, was
pronounced by all to. be it grand succese.
Good weather, good grove; good people,
good arnuseinents, and last, but by .no
means least, good provisions, combined to
.make this one of the best picnics ever held
in this section. Much praise is dee the
committee for the satisfactory way in
which everything was Managed. ,
- - ----,--
to lete with board. MR. JOHN 'ROBERTSON,
:Victoria Street,: , .;• Sept, 5, 1884.
rime passed through hem e 011 11 bicycle en- down rseveral degrees, as they fully ex.
:route for Toronto, pected a different result. It is reported
that the towit band were engaged to cele -
o alonius. .brate the expected reverse to the temper-
IMPROVEStENTS.-Mr. Jas. Lynn of the °nee eau") hitt there was 110chirice for
the 4.; bead" to rise, apd, therefore there
6th con., and Mr, Geo. Pierce of the 7th
WaS no enthuse. Censioerable discussion
con., are erecting handsome brick resi-
is heard on all sides, and various opinio'hs
dences on their premises. When consplet-
ed they will be amongst the finest in this expressed, as to the probable result of the
vete on the Scott Act in this cOunty:
locality, and will greatly improve the
Beth parties are quietly shaping thew-
• selves for a shagp contest. It is "too
1Jitui.-Jii seine parts running fires early in the seaaon" to expreas an opinion,
are becoming very destructive,•and if the
but shall endeavor to keep you in -
present drouth continues, serious dam- foilisrradeidstroilett. be doings' of both parties in
age to property will be 7110certainresult; t
the.ground is so dry that when once a Sioce our last communicationthe moon -
fire gets a good. start In it, it is almost lin- light picnic party advanced it step further
possible to stay its course., ,
from the he.unte of civilization and be-
. . .
NTOIDOE.-G. KILPATRICK wildies to an -
.1 -11 nounce to the public that he has removed
froin Huron St. to tbe• house that he occupied
last winter, on Qtieen street, opposite Mr. o. A.
Hart's, sOlfeltor, where bo will carry On country
Weaving in all Its branches. Thanking tho peo-
plo for past favors, )te still solicits a share of
publielattrottage. , G, ICTLVATTUCK.
'Clinton,; SePt.12, 1884. • ° • . .
nation of tho Estate of the late Simon Shatter. offers
for's* the east half of lot 88; 12th eon, of Bullett,,
containing 80 acres, about 40 acres of which aro clear-
ed, the balms) hardwood timber. Frame dwelling
'mese. It is within 41 miles of thevillage of Londess
boro, and About six miles fromBlyth, both on the
ILA B. R. There Will be about ten acres of fall Wheel
sown on the farm. For further particulars, apply to
GEO. C. arOD, Adtilinistritter, Lot 33, Con. 11,
Mullett, or to lendesboro P. O., Onl.
N. Id. -The other half of said lot can also he bought
at the smile Mine. For this apply to A. BUSTLER,
Lond ethoro O. . o
Mullett, Sept. 1, 1884.
nom • FOR SLE..•
The eithseriber offers that eligibly situated :bum, lot
13, 7th eon. Handa trifles from Einburnaeontaining
100 acres, en which there are a frame 'muse, alarm)
bank barn 00 x 40 Chaff house, horse and Cow stables,
wed well at barn, 2 acres Of good °rebind of varietut
kinds of fenit. One (if the best and handsomest farms
In the township, well fenced, Well undenintiried, arid
in first class order, ,,ts the Owner Unable to MAN tffi
Wining any longer, must be sold this fall. Nearlyalf
seeded down. only S2,600 edit, required, purel atter
can arrange forremainder. It, 13BLL, Constanci. P.O.
'Constance Aug 29 2m ,
Tialt VNIMIISTONBI) has opened the •tato
ItOWell Blacksmith Shop, whore he Is pre.
pared to do all kinds Of ivOrk in 211.13 ihnt, in the'
heat possible Manner, atut on the shortest 110.
Mee, All work guaranteed, Horse Shelling a
fipecialty. ottting in prides, COMO Otte and
all atuthe 'will giro you satisfaction, • •
BRIEFs,-The Brucefield road bridge is
nestopento the public. It seems A strong
structure, and will be much Appreciated.
Still the rain goes round. We console
ourselves by, the reflection that we are
nearer rein new than we were three weeks
age. Old residents pronounce this the
Shyest season that has been known in this
section, within. their 'recollection. Farm-
ers are commencing to fodder their stock,
and, many of them have to. drew water
long distances for culinary purposes. :We
are sorry to say that certain young men (?)'
infest our streets these evenings, who by
their vulgarities of one sort and Another,
Make it very disagreeable Ihr ladies to he
abroad. It is a pity and it shame that
these young scapegraces cannot find other
entertainment Oros loafing about the yil:-
Iftge„ The latevictoryHalton giver
very'general satisfaction in this locality.
It is new regarded by many here as a
foregone conclusion. that Huron *ill sus-
meeting was held in the temperanie.hall,
on Mickley -evening last, at Which it was
decided to hold a Scott Act meeting in
every school Section throughout the 'town-
ship, to be addressed by such resident
ministers, As May beavailable, also
euest these ministers, to preach sermons
in their. churches on the list Sunday be-
fore the vote is taken. The feeling here-
abouts is to lose .nething,for waiit. of agi-
That wheat has been a, fair crop but has
So far conunanded unfair prices. That
seeding will be finished in a few days.
That the NEsv BRA contains more county
news than any other paper. The.t we have
raised "our potatoes. That illr, Mann-
ing is going to have a firie house when
completed. That Mr; W. GaryiebaOeen
preaented with it bouncing boy', Thatthe
boys should get up a good football chtb,
the .old men a debating society,And•the
old women—well, a quilting bee. ' •
Flatm Sor,D.-The McIlveen home-
stead, on the base line, has been bought
by Mr..T. McLaughlin from near Wing -
barn, for the sum of $'1,000. It contains
111 acres, with brick house, and is not a
dear farm. One reason which led Mr.
McLaughlin to buy a farm in this vicinity
was the fact that Clintoxi is the best mark.
et in the county, all the year round, and
land was, therefore, of more value in this
vicinity. It was advertised in the N-nw
ERA.. which accounts for the number of
intending purchasers who were examining
it during the past month.
• .
• BRIEFS, -Mr. Wm. Robinson 'and famis
ly, remove on Saturday to Michigan, via
boat at Goderich, where they have leased
a piece of land from Mr. R. Emig); of'
Blyth, for Six years. Mr. Wm. Grahirm.
and idaughter, of Staines?, made a httety
trip among their friends this weeh,: Re-
cently, Mr. :Hutch's steam engine, while
being conveyed from •the farm of Alt. T.
Johnstop, the load broke through a cul-
vert; the boiler was about halffilled with
water, which had became. somewhat cool-
ed; besides, bending the $. pokes of one
wheel, the horses, were lightly splashed
with water which aid not hurt them. Had
the lviler been filled with water. and the
temperature of it hish, the results would
have been serious. Mr. T. Taylor raised
his new barn, on Saturday. • On Thursday
oflaetweek, tbe second youngest child of
Mr. David Duncan blacksmith died very
suddenly, expiring without any'prerrioni-
: tory symptoms whateyer. A doctor Who,
• was summoned was enable to give arr.
opinion, 'positively, as to the cause of her
death. -Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Tiverton,
Preached in Calvin Church, on Sunday.
His deliberate and plain style of speaking
is very lascinethig, readily heldine the at-
tention of his audience. •I'he Presbyteri.
ans of Calvin church intend having A tea
meeting in the curse of a month or so,
proceeds to go towards the liquidation of
the church debt. Miss Dey has been re-
engaged in S. S..No. 18, at an advance in
salary of $25; although but It beginner in
the profession, she has preyed herself one.
of the best'teachers -who have ever taught
in the eection. • Mr. MeCassey, framer,
is completing the work on Mr. .Williams'
barn. Quite it number of those very
loyal to the party attended the Alma
demonstration. s s...0....... ....
0 • Form ALBERT. .. :
a sort of preparatory meeting for revival
"A chastened ilght diffuse.l itsmellow reys,
Like Indian summer's soft and golden haze." services soon to be held throughout the
On each an occasion as this we philoso- district. .
pbize and ruminate on those dusky wan- • It is said that •at one Of the Salvation
.dereasscitithe-wooalenctsplainsss-now-fast---Army-ineetings, held hero during the past
being swept away, bringing, to memory week, a young man who has hitherto been
the beautiful lines of a Canadian poet: 'pleased AS "one Of the boys" went forward ,
eAnon'asiarcrent group attracts the eye, , as a,•seeker for the sole purpose of winning .
The last poor remnant of a race gone by . it wager of 25 cents. This ocaineto tho
Thc Indian slowly
dmo'eturves across the scenez, .-
-6-arCti—s ooniellio--m46rztthhiiinin-whwitt:"-
airith-sa-dejeetion.pied-in-his mien-----
With cold incurious vielv his eye beholdministered a rebuke to the young man:
The busy scene, while eleser he enfolds This partictilar youth is now a conyett
His soft moccasin glides with noiselesa tread.
Mantle meld to the teachings of the itriny and one of .
his breast and idly sped, .
Heirs Of a continent; by force or guile, its most enthusitratie supporter's... •
Pushed by intruded% off their rightful soil. A grand service of sacred song, entitled
Onee mightyitations-sUnkto feeble bands,•
Seam find a corner Of their native lands !` 'Her Benny," in the llethedist ehurch,
w ,
whore they may spread their blankets and 'conceal RattellbUry Street, ehntOn, on Friday,
The secret men their etole bosoms feel. . ' oo Sept. 26, at 8 p.m.. This, songservice has
That shook the hatchet o'er the *alibiing land .,
ooir wondrOus change! he Hitron's ones proud band had remarkable success in England, arid: wherever
Begs o1. the scornful White a little bread. , given.
iavenh.een deservedly ' • praised
The Chesley Enterprise, speaking
Bears venal trinkets round, or feebly spread;
OI the only occasion on Whieh it was given • g; long.the hapless Huron rued the hour a
Me braved the•Iriquois' unsparing power; •
But found the white man's false protection still belote a Canadian audience, :said :--Mt.
Moreosurely than the Indian feentan kill. . Saiteli.8 efforts, Met with grand success;
NOW glut the Huron's vengeance with their shame, very seldom has' anything finer been heard
hal out village. • Tiekets .20, cta , &darer!, ,
And e'en,the Ilimlois, Lords of the woods, ' .• ,
Whose proudeanoes triumphant swept the floods, ;
And men like April 'mews, all buttheitmighty game.' 3.0 eta., to be had ale:test, anywhere. •
The late heavy reins suceeding' tlie re- Sunday beihg the lOth saniiiversary of
cent het weather have been it great bene- the formation of Women's Christian Tem -
fit to the .parched fields and trees, which perance Unions in AMerien„ a public meet -
show ',Avis of reviving' Again. The Tails ing wits held in the Rattenbury street Me-
als° was a. benefit in controlling and et- thodiat Church; owthe afterepon of that
tinguiehieg the serious bush fires.' . • , day. There was a large attendance ; Revs .
A prolonged: auction • sale of clearing sirs. Gray occupied the ohnir, a.nd -gave it
outthe contents of the old Rua Hotel brief resumettiof the contest in Hanoi' And
e to say:thiii, a more miked; reiseellanes the .good ' an* plished., by . the weinen.
there Addresses were •alSo ' delivered by
was. eoncluded Tueaday. night, and itis
otia and dirtier 10t. of 'furniture; carpets Rees, 3., Gray,.G. Salton, and. Mr: R. D.
and heddind• Was never before, sCattered Bayley, all ef which: Were interesting- apd
.1 PILE DitivIstei.-The driver Las been
-len-roved to the south side of the harbor,
and ,a good 'deal rsf work .done. The
ground is inore favorable for clriving Man
on the north side, eo that the piles are
O being put down moth faster. Those .on
the other side' have the appearance of
ha,yihrbeen. driven skillfelly,, Mid neatly
and Solidly bound and wedged afterwards.
FINE. CATTLE.-170.tisree months pot
a herd Of three heifers Iod ot Polled
Angus cattle imported front Scotland by
Mr. jas, McFarlane, of the 2rul on., have
been, in quurantine at .1lIontreal, This
beingthe time required by' 10r, they
were -
brought 1101110 litSt Week by Mr. Marina
lane, and may be seen on his farm, Iti
BOMB sections these cattle are exeeeding.1Y
pepulats but whether they will reolate the
Durham and other Popular classes of Its appearancesie a, mystery eVeri tO the day and was burled Wednesday,., it was
canton, r:ept.13,1 884. Late cfStratfOril, Sleek reMa1118 tO be seen.
,PERSONALS. -Mr. Drake and his (laugh
-ter, Mrs. Miller, orflibbert,Petth county,
are visiting with Mrs. C. Pellow. Mrs.
and Miss Chubb, of Stalfir, are visiting at
Mr. W. T. Pellow'e Miss Dunella MCI
Donald, of Dunlop, is staying at Mr. Ma-
hairy's. Miss' Roiniy, of Brantford, is
visiting at Mr. Wm, 13rown's,- 1Vliss Ella
Smith, of London, and Miss LizzieSmith,
of Goderich, Who svere visiting bete, have
left tor their reapective homes.
A, 111YerEnaotra AvrAra.-There ifl•
horse, buggy and harness in this place,
for which an owner has not been lound.
The horse and buggy were first eon on
Thursday morning of last week, the form-
er behind Mr, Mithaffy'e stable, and the
letter in a pasture field of Mr, A, C. Haw -
kin's. The harness WAN found a few days
afterwarda in Mr. Mahaffy's staye factory.
At first it WAS supposed flint the rig came
from Ltieknow, the (welling of tne day
of the games( there, but a telegram sent to
that place elleited rep's; to the effeet
that no such horse and rig were missiog.
over this de'voted town and aurrounding instructive, •
cduntry. The question now for the belie- ----:
fit of the health of the people is Vvhat is- MANCHESTER.
the easiest way to get rid of the did builds BertiFs.-.,At the last meeting. of Mail-
ing. . . land Temple delegates were apeointedto' .
A fourth butcher shop; and the thirtieth go to the county Convention in Seaforth,
grocery store, as been opened on Main next Monday. -Mr. Charles Maly has ta-
street. . There is ii fine opening here for ken up his residence in the village.--eJohn
11, good photegraph gallery and salt well. 'Upshall, V.S. has also come here to're-
- Two so-called combined. and ccilloseal side. -Mr; Al.:I-ahem Knight tround his .
shows forced their unwelcome presence stray horse last weeksneet Ethel; he hacl
On the long-suffering and unoffending given the animal up for lost. A tea meet -
people Of this town last week. They ing will be held in the base line Baptist .
were bah unmitigated frauds,: anditli -Church about the first week in October.
not likely they raked 'in enough funds
from the gullible rustics and softheads to s EA FO UTEI. • .
pay the license lel' of i?,10 required by the BitIFFs.-Mr. Walwin, the young man --
treasurer. of all properly•constituted mu- who has so ably occupied the pulpit of the
nicipalities: , ' •0 ' Methodist Church during Rev. Mr. Bro-
Hattori, once aspreminent lawyer . otHar- ley'm absence, left here Monday morning
Mrs. Hatton, widow of the late .1. A,W.
riston, and Miss Annie Chambers, of Port for his home it bobourg. Last Sunday .
evening he preached a sermon to yottug .
Elgin,Ont., are the guests of Miss Cam-
taking 1hr .his tett, "Is the young'
hers' sister, Mrs. Wm, Hohnefi, this week. man .A.bsaloin safe." -Rev. Mr..Broley re- .
ssa,,s_s_sose,s,,,,..._....,... • . turned from his holiday trip last week,
. . and will occupy his pulpit. next Sunday.
BLVTR. • -On Sunday evening. the • Rev. Mr. 'Mc -
Rams, -Mi. Geo. ahiphelyi who has (joy, of the Egmondvilie Presbyteriaii ,
been living in Cleveland; returned home Churolt, will deliver a sermon in the in -
on Wednesday, Qui te a bey left. h ere teresta. Of temperance; the Good Tem plars.
on Monday, for the , Industrial Fair and will attend in a body, -The West Huron
Mowat demoestration, among them being District Lodge of Good Templets ,will
Dr. Sloan, W, Drummond, S. Herrington meet in •the Temperance Hall here, next
3, Gosrodp, N. H. Young, John Owning'. -Monday • the lodges of the district are
Mr; C. Hamilton is preparing to brick WS expeated, to be hugely represented. --The
house and put a stone foundation under Salvation Artily paraded the principal
it, On Monday, fie Mr. 0, Myers, hutch- Areas last Saturday evening 'with torches;
er, Loridesboro, Was driving downu the the procession was large. -The Star Rose
gravel., his horse took fright and ran away; Co., of this place, attended the firemen's
breAkIng the tugs and shaft Mr. Mallory demonstration at Toronto this week, and.
iS putting a new front in the building participated in the proceedings. ---Mr.
Ju -
lately occupied by .1'. Carter, and will liue Duncan is having a new iron fence
move there init few days. On Monday a placed in front of his residence. The
trandellt trader set tip on 'the street sell- building of Mr. McFaul s handsomehrick
ing eorn ture ; as. he had no _license. he residence, is being..rapidly pushed forward. •
was soon stopped by ,Chief Davis. We John Scott, of Clinton, is doing the wood
bad almost A calamity in the village on work, which is a guarantee that it will be
Monday it man bit a boy on the head well done -Many from here intend being
w4th, whip, felling him to the, ground.-- present:At the Scott Act *nit to be held
The man, thinking he had killed the boy, in l'iteKillop to -day..
wanted to kill himself, and it was With
considerable diffichlty that he ants pre- ATTRACTIONS AT LoNDON.-During
vented fro:a so doing. The boy WAS not the fair at London next week, one of ,the
partieulerly hurt, performances at the Grand Opera House
........_ ......-.........,....,-.. .....- will be "Only a rarmer'e Daughter"
coLitolostia which ie, said to be well worth. witnessing,
BitinFe.-The Misses Ida and :llinnie The New York girder thes refers to iti---
Vanstorie left thie week to spend the win. Odly, a Farmer's Daughter," which WI'S
ter In loronto, Mr. Thomas Elliott has prodneed at this house on last Monday
been- engaged to teach the Dungannon. evening, has Made a palpable and entities.
seheol, for theremainder ot the year, in tionable hit, From the fallieg of the cur -
place of Mr, Munroe, Mr, Vanstone tain on the first act, its success'svas Assay -
purchased, the 'Cherrydale farm, which ed, and as the play progressed, the
vintages 172 acres) for $6,420„ The infau t plaudits of it numerous audience proved
eluld of Mr. Isaac Maher died on Mon- that Mr. 'Darras' latest work is destine(
. to become .popular with the masseS, ani
that really, is the criterion ofsuccess.
knowing Orlegi. three mojithr, old.