HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-09-12, Page 7I..ig1i:. Flthui0 sollootbods SCHOOL SUPPLIES and EXERCISE BOOKS. See our big 5c. Scribbler. EINE NOTE PAPER, ruled and unr led. 5 e, good nota paper for 25c. ENVELOPES by :the box extra cheap. NEW BLANK BOOKS. extra cheap. CABINET and PHOTO ALBUMS, LADIES SCATCUELS and FANCY BASKETS. NEW CHINA, CUPS and. Novelties. fA.MBOURINES, MOUTH ORGANS and VIOLIN' STRINGS. BERLIN WOOLS and FINE YARN. CANVAS, TASSELS, CORDS,, etc., new styles. IMMENSE variety of STAMPING PATTERNS. STAMPING done to order. Late t SHEET MUSIC: ' All goods at Lowest prices. CROQUET, Express Waggons, Lacrosse Sticks, at' cost. BEAVER BLOCK, NEXT TO THOMPSON & SWITZER. nbillliSAi:_'! BUGGIES. 26 New SINGLE BUGGIES For sale cheap at CALLANDER & BROS. SHOP, next door to the Doherty Organ Factory. Well finish- ed and can be bought at all prices, aeoording to finish from 280 upward. Come and see ue and getour terins. Will give written guarantee with every one. OALI:ANDER & BRO., Clinton.. .THE MOLSONS BANK. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855. , CAPITAL, $2,000,000. a . HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL.. THOMAS WORKMA31,. President. J. H. R. MOLSON .Vice -Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager; Notes discounted, Collections made, . Drafts issued, Sterling and Americanexchange. bon?ght and sold at lowest current rates. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. ErARMERI3.; 3loney advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as se curity. II. C. BREWER 'lager; January 188 Clinton . NEW. TIN STORE. MITE SUBSCRIBER. WHO WAS FOR MORE tI rei1"h't-yearn•3n-tbe-empl0-N-:Of.�I Rilae: Davis, desires to intimate that•lte has Shopr.. 0P Opened a Tinin _Dodsworthrs Block HURON STREET; CLINTON, Where ho is prepared to do . ALL KINDS OF TIN, 'COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK, • in the best of style and on short.notice. "OIL, LAMPS, GLASS, 8tc. in stock A CAL.T, SOLICITED: . . SAMIL`EL WILSON. uton. Dec; 1oN:;, WIN ES T SI. rime subsc:ibnr dosires to return, his 'Sincere A- thanks to his customers and the public generally for the liberal putrouage extended to him in the Past, and by furnish)ngthe best article' at the lowest remu- nerative price,. he hopes to merit's continuance Of tiic •cru,:. ,. Le would specially recommend a trial of .his .~Bract 1 uportation% of the very best briuuis of . Brandies, Pott Wines and• Holland Gin, SUITABLE rOR ME1SC1NAL Pl.'RrOKES Axn. FA'sil v..r BE,. 1LINTON AIAKEETIS. Thursday, Sept. 11, 1884. (Corrected every Thursday afternoon.) Wheat, fall String, Oats, - Barley, .. Peas, Flour, . Potatoes, Butter, Eggs,Ha Sheep pelts - Lamb skins, . Beef, . Wool, - OfUSSI•Is Caledonian Games, The annual games of the Brussels Cale- donian Society Came aff on Tuesday last. With the exception that the atmosphere was very .oppressive, a finer day coaled not have been desired, and the large number of people prompt ellowed that they were in for a good day's sport, and they got it too. Ron HEEL RACE. The first thing on the programme was the I+iremet's Hose Reel rage, and a great deal of interest was manifested in tide. The eem- panies entered for competition were Seaforth, Clinton, and Ifincardine. Seaforth team was 25 .men strong,; Clinton 17, and Kincardine 13, and the contest was run in the order in whichthe companies are named. Clinton company was composed as follows ;-J. Von- inghame, acting chief; J, Scruton, captain ; and adesars. W.If. Cooper, T. Swarte, 1L Rance, Morris, H. Combe, J. Wheatley, S. Mercer, 0, Wilson, R. Jones. R. Reid, J. Walker. B. Kaiser. R. Newmareh, J'. Cook and J. Pinon. The distance to be run was 300 yards,. uncouple a length of hose, and briog back the hose from point of finish; and' make a fresh coupling. The road was slight- ly heavy, and therefore Seaforth had that disadvantage to contend against. Their time for the performance of the work was 1 min,. ate and 281.5 seconds ; they made good time running, but , bungled in their coupling. Clinton team Were the favorites.with, the - 50 75 a0 80 - 075. a 080 030 a 032 - 0 48 a 0 52 0 60 a 0 62 • :5.00 a 550 045 a 050 • .0 14 'a •0 16 016 a 017 • 8 00 a 9.00 0 40 a 0 60 015 a 026 -: G 50 .-a 7 50 ' 0' 16 'a 0' 18 BEES ' FOR SALE.• EIGHTEEN' COLONIES 01? BEES, in moue - able frame hives, nearly alt of which are very heavy with brood, and comer honey which might be extracted at anytime. • 30 J(GILROY, Clinton. ' Lumber . and Lath. MITE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS ON HAND AT ITIS premises, Isaac street, Clinton (near the Fanning Mill Factory) all kinds of rine ILnmber% Leath, dc. Parties requiring such will And it.to.their ad- vantage to call on him. • - - JOSEPH GRIDLEY.. J.: BIDDLECU'MB:E, Watch :and Clock Maker, JEWELLER, &ic.,• -OrPotiiiTEataleus RlAB'K.ET7'i[%imietTON BASS' ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER, in Bottles, Pints'and Quart's. CANADIAN ALES AND PORTER, (;ARLING'S and DACIES LAOsut.Ce1nta11tly 011 luntd. :Inst received, in primo condition, Afonbreal Gialgen silex Champagne Cider, Plain Soda. sole .Agent for G•odex ich al.lt•: ' N. ROBSON. ALBERT STREET.. BRICK BLOCK. (Ad. -00N. Western Fair, 38$.4. CANADA'S GREAT EXHIBITION. AND INDUSTRIAL, ENTERPRISE. - LONDON, CANADA SEPTETIBER 22, Z3! 24, 25 126. THE [TATTLE TRADE. AS a stook exporting country, Canada is Obtaining n preeminent position. In the fiscal': year ending � June 30th, 1883, thea value of Indwell mals and their products which she exported' was $20,284,443, the greater part of which was sent"to England. The demand of lEnglish. he. E g eh marketdevelops this tendency to Ian,ioerease in stock raising, Professor Selden is probably not wrong in his forecast, when he predicts that the old Provinces will become ,tock -raising and. dairying .countries, and the North-West will become the granary of Canada, The latter process, he. thinks, will he mach more rapid than the former, Present indications point in these directions. And. yet, an exchange says, the shipping of fat cattle to the British markets may be nearer an end than meet. people at first thought would antioipetee The question is now being discussed as to the advisability of raising °stile in Canada and then sending them, to Great Britain there to be fattened on the more lnsciona grasses of that country. It ia thought that this would be a preferable way than the shipping of the fatted stock, as the wild /ands of aanskoka, Parry Sonnd and Nipiseing court be used for the raising of the young cattle. For its soothing and grateful influence• on the scalp, and for the removal and prevention. of dandruff, Ayer's Bair Vigor has no equal. in appearance crowd, being a. team'' It restores faded or gray hair to its original stronger tea dark Dolor, than the others, and'when they did their etiron/ates the growth of the hair, work in 1.22x, very few thought Kincardine' and gives it a beagtffnl,s ; oft, glossy and an` would do better, as no time had apparently . en appearance. been lost either inrunning or coupling. Kin- -. $11110104.. oardine team hadtheadvantage of the trash i being well beaten, .which was a gain of seve- I With the return of the failshow sea- son, another opportunity will he afforded. of comparing.the industries of the coun- try With those of former yeas. Unless there is some permanent advantage to be gained'inthe way of improved stock and implements, and a better class of agricul- tural productions generally, by holding annual shows, the time and money spent upon. them by agricultural societies might as well be saved, Agricultural, societies: are kept up for mutual afiyantage, and the shows become a. source of information not only to the agriculturist, but others also that cannot be'bad in any other way, The lessons to be learned at Fall Shows, from observation alone,are of great value to every one; irrespective of his trade or profession; but they are doubly soto, the agriculturist. In order that the best re- sults may be obtained from Fall Shows,;' every farmer should be a: member of an agricultural society, and should, when= .ever at all possible, become an exhibitor. He shouldcontribiite the bast specimens of his stock and his best samples of grain and roots, as illustrative of the agricultural' productions of the year, and .leave the question of winking, or losing a prize as a secondary consideration; . Agricultural societies and Fall Shows, more particular- ly those of a local character, derive their chief value from the number of those who take a special interest ,in them and who. contribute-something-•oruthei for exhibi- ral seconds to them, and their trine of 1.)1,' showed good work, Tbey were, therefore, awarded first money, and Clinton second. Seaforth men had been confident of winning, and of coarse were disappointed that they did not emceed. The timekeepers were A, Murdock, Blyth, andJ. Miller, of Toronto,, and theJudgea, Messrs, Baird, of Kneardine,. Caine, of Wiogham, and Rogers, of Brussels, The following is the athletic prize list Standing long- j unip-W J:' Scott., ,1! ft 111n ;, 9,1) 3I Suliivaa;10 ft 5 in; 3, A Scott. Standing hop, stop and jump -A Seott, 82 ft 3 he; 2, D M Sullivan, 31 ft 314 in; 3, W g Seott, 31 ft 0 fn.. Standing high jump -W F Scott, 5 ft 1 in 1 2, K W Johnston; 8, A Scott. Running high_.lump.-•A Scott, 5 ft 8 in; 2, H W Johnston; 3, A 0 Refad. Running long jutup-AC'Reid, 21 ft 7In; 2 J G. Gibb, 21 ft 3k in 3, A Doupo, 20 ft 8 in. Vaulting --A Scott, 10 ft 2, W F Scott, 9 ft 11'in; a D M Sullivan, Running hop, step and jump -ti Gibb, 43 ft Din; 2, W F Scott, 42 ft S in;,3, D M Sul)iran, 42 ft 0 in, ' Throwing heavy hanrnier: D Smith, 98 ft 0 in ; 2, E W Johnston, 81 ft 6 iu ; 3; J D McColl, 80 ft at fn. Putting., heavy shot-J.'D McColl, 34 ft 4.1 in; 2, L Sinclair, 34 ft 2 in. • Putting light shot -J D ).McColl, .45 ft; 2, G Petrie, 44 ft in ; 3, A Scott, 43 ft, • Tossing Caber-D'Stpith, 38 ft 4A in , 2.1.p M 0011, 34 ft 3} in ; 3, E W Johnston, 37 ftl) in. Throwing 50.16 weight high -E tV Johitstou,11 ft; .1'D McColl, 0 Perris. Throwing light hammer -I) Smith;104- ft 1015; 3, J D• McCol1,100 ft 10 in ; 3, E W Johnston, 90 ft 10 i n: • Quoits- F Patterson; 2, R Percy; 3, F:'Bughes, Best dressed Highlander -Jas 3100n, London ;'2, 31 J Patersot., Hamilton; 3, G Angus, London. Best dancer -S ARattray; 2, 1t Burns; 3, J Trainem. ;,B@st• dressed bay• under 15-11 McPherson ; 2 J Trainem; 3,JRattray. • • ' , jlnvs under lO years -R Burns s; R McPherson. Best piper-Mareh, A McDonald; 2, •.i A Smith. • .,Best dancer -highland ding, G A Matheson' 2, .1 Moon; 3,J Fotheringham. Strathspey -A Macdonald; 2 '•J Moon ; 3, Cl A Smith. Pibroch -A Macdonald; G A Smith, T' Moon.. "Gillie Callum J Moon, G A. Matheson, .G Antietam". '"Reel O' Tnllook"--G A Matheson, J Fotheringhaln, .1 Moon. "Sailor's horn- pipe•" -J Anderson, .1 Fotherio •dant, F' A Matheson. One mile race --•R Cowell, Galt ; 2, A. woods , 3,117 F Saunders. . Boys' race 100 yards -Lei, 1v Uwitson 2 .1 31al.eod. 400 yards race -J Campbell 2, J IteKay, Half -mile race A Robinson ; 3, W Y Saundu, s ; 3y C Campbell Bova' race ander 10 year .\ Chapman , 2, K Scott; Where, he keeps a select assortment of • WATCHES. CLOCKS, 'JEW$LLERT, ' SILVER- . WARE, ' Willett we will sellat reasonable rates. . Repairing of every description promptly ' at • tended to, and all work warranted. ' -• J. BIDDLEOOMBE.. Cornton, Nov.1882. JOHN ROSS, PUMP IMAKE CLiNtt O OS -T: The etibsei they has had Many years' expert- 'once. and guarantees to•give 'the Fest of satie- PUMPS TANKS, CISTELNS'.} ETC., Made. and •put'in on -short notice. All orders by *mail promptly attended to 'Cliarges rea sonahle. • r • • JORh Ps0S, Clinton,, :. WOOLLEN MILLS' CLINTONA• 4 AV LNG ' 1)LL l'(ri.1R1';11 ABOVE :3I1LT:SS H they will COMMENCE 'RUNNING AT 'ONCE... 'Under tile' niatiae�tcillent Of 3711,.1. CORIti:TT. • - Atl klnda•of • MANUFACTURING D0:[le an 'short lichee.; A'lar'ge stool: of • WOOLLEN GOODS FOR -.SALE, CHEAP 011 T 1 EX(Ji1'ANGE FOR WOOL. • 7)A 11D GRi1TlA.Af,. PPejrriefor•. L'. CORSE"TT, .1Vanager: • $17,000,00 Ili PRIZE;;. 59,n00 w Excess r•f is/43. :41.049 in i4prci:11i by Friends of the R'entern Fair. OPEN TO THE WORLD. The Western Fair for 1334 Will far outlines its redebe sor . ' a s t lh r zr .are larger and the n Therprizes a new features and novelties to be introdueed, will make it the most attractive exhibition ever hold in Canada. Wait for 11. Write -t0 the Sec - rotary for prize liar posters, pr'firrammes or any Information rogt�ired. E. R. RoBiNSON, Can 111(fR0031, President. • Secretary... July 13, 1881. f PLANING MILL D R 'Sr KII L N Y X'F.S r t ' illE st 1lsoltnsl.It.11At'iN(I WWI' COMPLETED 1'rf,U .L and furnished his now Planing rollaith machitl- cry "or the latest Unproved patterns, is.now prepared to attend to all orders hi his line. in the most prompt and satisfactory manner. and at reasonable rater. 'Ito would also return thanks to all who patrolllzod the old Oem before tile* were burned out, and now being 11rt better p'.sni'nt t» oxocute orders expeditiously, 1044 anu0rlr nt ire inn trice vatisfaetlon to all.. 2,',4 07'011Y Fear The (h' ctrl f/'•rifilk Patti .rn y, (v;,,l,,,,. I'ilt)vtAS 31eICl• VAP •, MONEY TO LOAN, Rib 1, AND Co3tPANY T' \ll 1. AT. y. r tWr (1nirA n 11 /`t'r P 1 1 a. tr f1 t 9r, i1111tu1 a li l 1 v a T r ns rlrslrrd by hnt•rnu'rr. . 1 aAt'Itar for Ow ('.t't tt,k t..tNT :a ('ltrbtr 11. A. F()nnt"tvat Clinton, tree. Y� 1'ist b 2iF C .. ht 4 .1 41' .1 ii t,iaee 0 dollar's.. ..1% e. e'.. pa1,ei• advert3s- ho_•, f rn • pih es: •The exact .:".t' of nn � � nprt•, et' fiat of -,.r,rri w ,.1t •'•; fails ilnpished, •ir,-s 1 ,-ti •,s/cation. wiA '�+incl igi Now Catiilogne.'" C HOUCH,i ._ • . t.dver'tising Agent, ' zona- 3L3 ,DNtroit, 11Ilch. 3, 0 Jackson. 200 yards rice for tireplell .1 MOIIIIn "_,.1 ifeKay; 3,S Dietrich. , ' • 100 yards race,, -A .Itobinson; 2,'W Y Sailuders ; 3,, A 0 Reid. Sack nice- -30 Smith, 3 11 Coa•eil; t, t1' Y Smolders. ' Hurdle race --A Scott; 2, A•c hold 3 A Robinson. Archer}; open to all.. -Rachel Alextintlet , 2,31ra •) Alexander; Archery, local ,ompetition Jli' hunter; 3, Rachel •• Tug-of-wsr-•Cluiton Fire•Goma uiy, Iwo in tlu ee lad'"es - Da ncii etc:•= J Leckie,Toronto ; Il Stew- art, llrussels; ] Ballantyne, Brussel •,•, pacing and tug-of-war ••J D Stewart, J Dronrgule and.ls Ito5terty, Arehery-l) McGillicuddy, (I Gibb and J Kerr. •Tne following pipers were present on the grounds in the nfternoon :-A:; Me -Donald and G Smitli, Hlirnilton, and Jas; Moon and; Gee.. A'ngns, Lnnrdon "and•tbo Highland ,dancers. present, were Geo-. •Matheson tow; J. .Fc:heringkiam, Toronto; J. _Moon, C. Angus, and Jas.. Andersen, London; ,the \leIntyro family, of •Lucknow-'-4,• and the following boys from 'Loudon :-lit McPherson, J. ]tat tray, 11. Burns, J., Trainem. The prooeerlings of the day wore. closed by a concert,' which was held in the town hall in the evening, and which was largely attetitled.. -.�.a Exrl nli:\ci teaches that delays 'ire most dangerous, and in no instance 19 prompt ac. tion more necessary than When the first ap- proach of kidney disease is made manifest. To all who are experiending pains in the back, or• wbd feel that their kidneys are going • Wrong,. UR. VAX BIIREN'S IIDNEY Clung is a , friend indeed, as it will certainly relieve theie pains,"ad if persisted in; 'effect a permanent. Makes Your Boots ? ,UICKSHANK, THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Men, Women and Children's Boots & Shoes. Sprint Stock well assorted, p ssorteds and, complete in ail departments ALL GOODS SOLI) CHEAP FOR CASH Alexander. . tibn:An exchange, writing on this' sub- ject, urges upon all farmers• to interest themselves in agricultural exhibitions, tis mediums: • through which ;they may be• • d• o . come fain iliar.with the merits. andp oints of stock and the manner of growing Sup. error crops.. It alsocorrectly points out thtt to visit the 'farms where the 'stock. is raised would "cost. hundreds ofd. ollars, but at the *fairs they are.all brought. together, -o1' the yery best, where the farmer ;ctu study their points and decide, for himself which are the more suitable., for his. pur- poses, and, for only a small adini 51on fee.. And those who have, stock or:samples': of crops should endeavor to make_exhibi.ts,. whether they. are su 1e of the premmi hails or not, for there will be: thousands ofvisi- tors, and will naturally look out for•stock 'bred in certain localitiei:, and which 'is sold at. moderate "prices. :Every farther should endeavor to grow something for ex- hibition, and ;ill should attend; The C. CRUICKSHANK, BRICK. BLOCK, CLINTON Great. Clearing Salt THE. WHOLE STOCK -TO BE --- COST, As we are going out of business all must be sold b the 1st. ofJanuary, Y • We SALE JIiY,ISTEIt. iMotid':y, Sept. 22nd. -Farm stock, lei- plenient5 and household furniture, on lot, 2b, 11 coif, Goderich township;• Wm. J. - - Ramsey, prop., I).. Dickinson, atter. - 1 . aiT�1} r q'7f,'�y�rj_i.g{jr`f"e+.r3+'tt.<�.e+"+�+• moi',-+}'l'I a;7• ` Y _.ti .{!'.y 46 ` 1 w1:. w. .ril• Yi i.i 5..4+ 1,54 ",;tf. t�tt�14 t600 ag tr4a5 tit %.'ts• C.. • • tttl p � 4/ I 1. jn. //a� , • 04° , 21 , Caffrii ..,p � g® ' y • 1' Ittl;15, SEPT: 26.-I'ctrnl stock of 3tr. II, Cottle, lot 31, con, 12, H3uliett, at J2. sharp.. The stook is all first-class, and parties wants fie; seal' should make it a point to attend.- Sale withoat reserve. C. Hamilton, Auct. - ]]merit Proven • Dollar upon dollar la' fregrtently'spent nit the Snit of teeonnnendations for articles entirely worthless.- Not so with 3fcorcgor•s Speedy Cure; you are not ask- ed to purchase it' until its merits aro' proven. Call at Coni ox 1 n tc sita free r' bottle, i t I s o d getn trial of a and f 1 � k , not a will ed forms o o �ti mtncoit' It •\ i re you of he worst m� S / t dyspepsia, liter complaint, ata, no matter of how long st.endhng, it • Costa you nothing. Sold in a1c. and :11 betties. See testhnonial-i from persotl.l iii your own THE following item will 'give our farm- err some idea of the extent to whieh Self - binders are elf-binders.are used in Dakota. "The Grand Forks Plai ndealer ,estintntes that the twine for binding the crop of'(,•t and Forks Country this year will• cost ''+75,00(1; Walsh county, $50,000, Pembina, $`75,000; Traill;s( , $75,000; and C' $100,000, mak- ing a total of $3/ 4,000 for the five •river coil titles, The intendment to the constitution. of Mahle, which was voted on Monday has been carried by a 1ar,le vote. '1'lie amendment is at follows Thee manufacture of iuturtentz. int Manors, pot including cider, and the sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating lieours are ani shall be forever prohibited,. exoopt, .however, that the sale and keeping for sale of snail liquors tor medicinal and inechanicsl purposozlllnd the arta; ,111(1 the: sale and keep- ing for sato of cider may be permitted under' suoli regulations us the legislature may pro. vide, 'J'helegislatttro nsay enact laws \vi'tt) suitable penalties for the suppression of the: • mauufaeture Sale, and keeping for sale of in' 1 tnxlrntlll, lrr{nnrrt, with the exceptions ]terpin • I specified. Weld Lightning i ,. i hrrn are but few that have not �ulfcrcd almost in i tolerabie pain from tooth/rim. neuralgia„. or like scut pains. To them sorb an instant rel1Ci av 10Tu1d Lig11t- niult 1s no notch] Itis. inr<in.time of trotblo, \iv dis- t '• O' 'vrt •Il tlsttlr t11tt fit~daty C)lru • sold out it large stock of Goods in four months once -before, and ean it` again, as 'vye do' just what we advertise, and do not•' have anysham sales; which Fare se common in this tOwn. Dry Go. ods at Wholesale Pr: ic..es_] : Clothing at Wholesale Prices. � ats & Ca, S ''. at Wholesale Pries; Boots & Shoese . at Wholesale Prices Groceries •' es t Whole1le prices, ` fair is"but•the display 'of that- which .can --,- be and i5'perfortned .by those' who till - the ,oil and give proper attention to live stock, The Provinee;without. au annual fair will be•ibtt nd in the rear in her slgri- cultural•prod ections, and the inure •IllltlI cross the'county, associations within the Province, the higher the plane of her agri- cultural det'elopment. The managers and promoters of agricultural faire devote a large share of their time to such, .as•:i matter of time .and interest. They have but little to gain and much at' stake, As long as they are :willing :to -attend to and • assist, ill the necessary , details," it is the duty Of every farrier to attend the exhi- bitions at the Proper . time, endeavor to exhibit his prodtictions, and to carefully` inspect everything brought there iilr his benefit•, r -a► • • Cyer's 53 trsaparilla'is ilesiggnerl. for those who meed a medicine to .purify 'their ,blood,. build them up, iuererse their' appetite, and .'rejuvenate their whole system• . No other. pre- perationso well meets this want.' It touches the exact spot. Its record of forty years is one of constant triumph over disease. me L . 'tt once a u e- •tr , I andthe . get all th net .00dti• on v w „ y want.. lholesale `_ince:. Will continue until all is sold,* • '1.'linre is almost' no night in Northern 'Ontario in the summer time. During , the long simmer.. days you can almost'. bee tite t,rcipS growing, When that te1'ritot )• .is densely populated, Its it will be some riny, the people of ()Mario will knew' how 'to.appreciate Mn Mo. '.Poronto News, , • • ' The liopelessiless ofToryism itt Eng: land when. the biasses are atifr'inchised . may be.jedged from: the flet that brit'of '24 911..newspapers •its Gloat Britain and Ireland, 1,013 are open enemies of the Conservative party and 1,300 the dis- guised enemies under the naive independ- ent, and 608 fot'm the whole of those upon which `.1'oryis1 c r -'-depend.. :'.Che Toy caucus is now (evising means whereby 'this lanteiitftble th t' o c f affairs ' calk be ate (hided. It nsttlt•atlly • proposes to start additional C;onservativc papers; but it is ono thing to start them and antler to make. people read their contents. VVlde Awake IivtFthis . • Messrs. IV ette t.0 Co's are always give to their bainess, and spare no pains to seenre the best of every article in their line, They have.seourecd tiro agency • for the celebrated Dr. Ring's New Discovery ter Consumption,. The only certain euro known fol' Consump' tion, Coughs, • Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay ];`evert 1- trtnnl,ttio, or any affection of the Throat and Lunge, ge, • Sold on a positive guarantee Trill Bottles free. llogulat size 41, Oneklenos Arnim halve. The hest save, in the world for euta,bruises, sores, ulcers, MIL rheum, fever sorra, totter, chapped hands-, chilblains, vorna, wild all skill eruptions, and itoc iively cures piles, or Ito pay -.required, it is gu.trant(rll t'1 give perfectsrc.iafaetion or 1rilttre.V re 64140. I'ride j1T a{rpllrsCiuir tn' Flni�l l.i:;hitilnr rare•. tioTd' ntt`enttre!• • 'Xi scilla her 1303. }areas ie Co. '. m tl tllvi Iirt tl l . 1 t. 1 MSTEEL ~.file reale [fait• Ex • ected. Y •p • _OGO---- Remainder of Summer Goads a Red�.ced Prices to:clear. :I ELLE .8t B onsvlt your •.own Interest By �3llt;yi,x>t 7r,. , PIER { mBtx�1. �" wJ ES AT'r1tE SAME 1'IIICE AS Y01- i';.X Volt MINIUM; 000t»4, Cheapest 'Croce~ in Town. NOTED TEA; COFFEE ct SICZ 1IO S PALLITER Jif 1, cCASH 11OL. EG45, Next t(>, Town 0 11 itl11. i..