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The New Era, 1884-09-12, Page 5
"I. i . , Eno. StT NJOE . BOOTS & SHOES W. TAYLOR & SON Our stock for the Spring and Summer is now .complete,- and will be found on: inspection_, to embrace the best snakes in the Dominion, at the most reasonable rates. TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, &c, on hand,. and for sale at low prices. 33utter aZ d Eggs taken. •i.a ,ge; • Five pe ce2at. off for oa41s. ]L. ►..N1o..r17J S1(.)Y.FJ ANP TIS' SHAY. Just received, Ll hni mase stock of Gailitr& Tools,. Forks; Scythes, Hoes, JI UEEN CITY OIL 1 111- s YLVE$TER% Celebrated VIPION La W. •E GOLO M D,ALS Awarded at Toronto, Lortrlt'n and Cue:jit), an ,ors, or nhp pi+aFlt r Actnrir. ot4x. bl. 44.4.1: FR •,. :L" .. t..e,;-;.;,,,,sx - .�hrT:. .r." LL 1 1C, a) 1. )Y) IOLD AND RELIABLE. Glray't+ Specttfic 1•ic.diciiie, TRADE MARK THE GREATENOU80 ,i )i4tOE MORA, Itanutoy, an unfailing .cure for Seniles) weakr nese, SpL'rmatorrboa, Impotency, WA alldis- ases•tbat follow as a stlq,,ence of self alto MI —as loss of memory, vniverdal lassitude n'`t r,•_„":1a pain in the hack dun-�r;• nese of vitoom preina ' Before Taking, tare old aj e, sad many other diseases that lead toinsanity or consumption natio premature grave. Fai1 partlanlars 10 our pans blet, which we desire to send free br snail to every one, f 1'he Spepiflc Medicine is sold by all druggists at !package,pet cr : oakaire sdollarsfor five or will be sent nee 1AbuiL o receipt of the one byads greasing T)1 CRY NDJ0J00., Toronto, Cnta;io; Canada, ti e. Also a large stocik of the �1 4 g x�'1'99 I�pp R) p� E P O 1iL / �� 1111X �a I �I A.1 f0.14h �O i� Ri. J •l • Suitable 'Wr. t: ruers nd others wish ing t) lo their own' Painting... nock �n�ldcrs � � M ch c $c Pin1 il:i4 fff-Agent for the celebrated 1.- .w EYI ,otILl< PAN. S, DAMS, Clinton. S '&' co Y \I .L.�+. fir CHEMISTS VDRUGGISTS .. .... Albert, Str4•.*,; C14�>oxi<: 4hepb ` public will find our stock of• inedicilles complete, t+*c'Y:Intrtl genuine, and m 'the best quality. 'l'o11.k:1' SOAPS, PERFUMERY., SBOVLDER BIiACES,11H;SS1.5, SPOIeORS AND N ALL KINDS OF. DRUGGISTS' SL'NDRIES •USITILLY KEPT 1N A }IRCT .CLASS DRUG STORE'. •7 ATE WO1TLi) .CA•LI; TITS ATTEIITTON • 01:, ' ' 1 armers & Dair ppnen Harhandss Improved Pam The retest. and. Most convenient • 0'I iiirn. Separator. out. ",a11 and ,see then,: :and leave"raftir order, e.iriyb. ,lii'E `1t•ltf'rAvfb), A'FINi S'1{)(K tree 1;:irvist...Tools;:lity ::1o4 Sc. rhes: .Spades', Sb.o've1s, Carden' • • dikes, "Hoes, ace.' • Or Jib: stock of BUILDER'S ITARI MARE is noir �eit complete.d PAINTS , OILsit ipccialti. ii;w.y .ai..ii�l Enos., 'Olin:eon. 132.1.RLAN 1)'r Itilirovod Milk Pan. Pat. July 11.18113. • Boundary AwSustain Mowat Wont Go. Bin' THE PEOPLE WILL (a'.) '1.t) • . , . Ada .s' Emporium, Londesboro, IN11are they can get the best value for their money. lylemie note' the prices . of the following (i ranulated, SiagaD,. 1. lbs.. $.3-.1. casn. G OO(t Brown; •17. lbs. :for ii31, cash.. (+ooct!,20./11bs. for $1, cash. IAA !MAINS IN I00TS.fit SHOES,' bahinceofslimmer,'r'"ORI ,1,AKE+, 1-IOES, &c. CROCKERY Ss GLASSWARE, to hnake room for frill purchases. wvbich tiro the newest desigils.out. Bargains in DM?' GOODS of all kinds,. especially TWEEDS 11 N D ?RIN'TS. ��7r of�rl� • 1000 Tuba of first-class nutter wanted at 15 ets 4J 1 JaLL WANTED- • .11 -per Ib. in trade at time of delivery,but not taken on aecottnt.At that price at present. Orilighest price .for Eggs. ; WFCiNili?URE & SiiiNGLES FOR SALE Lands.horn, A•t; 8, 199x. • 16x.. ADAMS P ;IT* tll� THOMAS TIPLING, BLAOg$MxTH, CLINTON. Ran been appointed agent for Sylvester's Qhtampion Plow, which has recently leen greatly Improved, and now stands without a rival, The mouldboard is made of the beet diamond steel, especially hardened, war- ranted to clean in any field„ and imported from chef - field England, purposely for these plows.. Intending purchasers can have a trial a the plow. and on receipt of post audit will be delivered free to any pato of the county. If the plow can he beat by any ether make, we will forfeit the plow. .A ear load Jost 'received.-.. References front over 100 of the best farmers near Clinton, Ile also manMoistures the celebrated Scotch Diamond .Ratrrow, The reputation of which is so well known that he has already received orders for 30 set this season. A. A. $ENNETT UNDERTAKER.' Fonurwls Furnished in iirsi-class Style (1000 11M0I'a IN A'r1`0 DA0OJ. �.CIIAILeI:R SIoDsttA're, H,Ll1) 1iOillc It srroa , 'l'an Treekles, Sunbtuil, .. Itrar):,•t.'ilatk 1pecloe, Blot.. 1 )rn' 10 can be removed 1u tiitl l 'i Y ap11$ing • ,{k) 1 �w.".t Ci t +: re.,.1l.Ao Lot.1011, 1 �%(,,l,l T flectual. 1 ,?itG,cr tort Ft EloT7'ia. wS' ':t; tl t;lll.i ut.di0GiF:. al 8 E4 0 boFi 'j; �' o ani . v3.-• r Gwy Wu, © 030 ,,, Z1 w rarCSnorv,Z; >< 1,:l•+..nom «J�'' 'a >,o ;,00.1014. 0.4 la^,„ Ate. aCp,Eat�w, r, Fi�d000 •G ""i ',d',E+4'PP,its 'p ts ryq 1s c°,6-0 CG 'e r. AYE Around the County. Wm. Ross' Hotel and stables, Blue- vale, were burned about two o'clock on Saturday morning. Thos. Moore has Bold his farm. on the Jth cop. of Grey, to a man from near. Rinearditle. Ml'. Moore intends retir- ing front farming. Mr. Mitinger has sold his farm on the 14th con. of }:ray, to Mr ,Tolle Gall. man. The farm contains 50 acres and.. was bought for e sum o£ $2,000. "Hos" Ouuo.ngthvxls. Safo, pleasant and quick, chequer than coughing 25 eta, We deeply regret the Il'lngerotts ill- • ness of our esteemed townsman, Mr. Henry Marlton, from iniiantmatiou..of the bowels,---Goclei'iah Star. Mr. N. Deiohart has sold the Coin meicial hotel, Zurich, to Mr. Pyne, of New Han)burg, for the scum of $5,000. The stand is a good ogle, but considering. the present unsettled stilte of the ;Liquor Law, the property is well ' gold. REOlrrltells.--Not only the most exquia:to -tiling for -the -teeth and breath,,but "TE.Lnlsa. UT" is a beautiful 1e ornament and linisit to the toilet, Mr. L. McMillan' a former resident of the 14th con. of 1'IcKillop, but who has for several years been confined' in 9"the London asylum, (tied there it few[ U�0a days since, He was between .fifty ant, 4. largo proportion of the diseases which : sixty years of ago. cause human suffering result from derange- • DON'T :STAND, upon the order of 'year^ a t stomach, bowels an liver. anent of the a , d i te ening hut go at once and. emirs a' bottle ef,.. 11rk7a's CALnanTl0 1?LOLs net thtectly atl)om "Hull" Gwen Cum. Itis quick to relieve— these .organs, and are especially desil. nod to sure to core, coats but 25 mos, ' owe the diseases caused by their derange- t moot,” inliluli,lg Cou)ts,:ation, IIi,i'slt,<u- rhe (,oenty jail i8 'jblessecl" dust ;t10n; 11) )e M.,04i't: li.'ii..ucitc, ;1/3.:',1 111'4.11 , now. with.'all •ta:nusual influx of bQarderq.. and a 1)uat k o,hur a.lnacuts, for a1.111:•1 .• 1.Phei'e tl)'e.I U less than 1.7 inmates, 'with w1h fib tuoy ltro a. f C, 1 Jrf; P 1 . thl'eer inf;lnts, The Corning asai7es` svi1.., 1, a )I remedy. ..1 1u t 1 ;are usn Vir ( e 1,w x b ) t i•, alntalvum' 1 no :doubt relieve Jailer Diek80n of say - 410e, H t a 111, • the esti i 1 t. .1 li, evil of these; for • which ,.1 scanty as.. Id.well as he will be grateful. 1 i (s „1,r. ,•�,r of y an . ,> Aal. we get up feeling badly; didn't rest tut at: t ) ) good, don't.w)nt breakfast; 4lo appetite, no oato,Lut.ur ,ay u. us )L ui,u) �.:dlcnt energy, bad taste add breath,. guess we are A Sutterer' eom z 1 c171 wtlLe. ous, ',Pomo duxes ZO•ll'Ea8A will tone up. 11A}La'a PILLO 4100111 t 12L1nabIJ in ler, arta oAr Lirer ae:lotn' nulbition, aa�i,eet us r,gli:t, are ttty• constant companion., 1 lucre bean) a severe' etttlerer frau lleaaiache and 10tir Mr. W, Wiggins, Oorrie, has leased 1,'ILiy are the or11y lug 1 11 u,�l i� 1'11; a I) his hotel' to itir, Oolclouglr. • Loi• relief: Ono dose tau 1, 1:I � lin 10, u,1 0 bowels and free), toy l41,a+at•t1u , J ..Yl„ v To ItRalsT Idalaria,' Ague,' Fevers, Head.; are the lu0yt t,teut,v.• mltl the ( SI •[ I Irk pis Speak la (11e 1 1.11.1..., and1' a, mild tom so or Bak, atipatiob or 'Coatriveneas, keep. when Ocean 10110)I',0 ZO•P �. W. I 1 t" 1., oC 'R" T,. P•1gc C iii a' � 3 ,inlay and take a dose twice a T rankliii L., J.iW:1 10) d,+ a, d (nae ;:, 1 b1, week- It seta 0pon the. Liver', and : Stomach 3.1,‘„, crus 'Juu !t lois :rs•s1u.a't1•' n ache, Colds,-Kidnoy Disease, Pain in the Bide +' I have ascii .1 t t r R PALS a s in number-' like magic. . WATT*. Sig. c)tit'., 1pilenie, wasn't 010' ontiaaiero as skit O t)) )endea.by oat, soil , , , Edward and P.:,:.t�T(s:t�stire,:..utu.Chased ' ' lotto oevea known t u u to 1),IDttrtrenr ta'lrtish--. • on hand ,at ourbonne and price them its a ottd li k6PEkSIA titeY are..ttlt tlaaable• from McConnell at $35 per acre: • a a 1J,11 t p . Alexias, `Texas, June IT, X888. A few days' ago ''James Peter man•; frThe to ata n(aCiq 13 I•IAi �o w i Y si•a, a g ' while working at the new Presbyterian : past' 1.4 have }teen subiect to em,) 1., i m; - Ohni'eh' in Carrick, fell from the . build- fraei much, in spite, of tliE usu t t i r ,i^ ing against it Oat tllltl hrnlrn Garro' tl run., f rasions kinds,1 auttt:le d it rt. i:•„ ,g b o. p uu m)t'cI loud., uiatil 'some 1110 ,111) �u '1 11b4,: -•- - • .." '.010 1)0) takh)g Avoon's Pitts, 'J I,ay a 1a: 4 <uint'ly.co))eltel Lha costiwe•t,i,u;t, .a.d. R. ta'lendtuni.l�t'tol'inerl of DUnaan. pa)s 'Vas0)y )u)pro.ced try genertal.lie1t1U1." , y ti thu ak'oirad row ll. \1 u co)ostluttly'keep thein , the and lying between their fal'n1S and l)h tsi i r, safe sell rdini)lr i)nnily anedii,uie . the r'iver'Maitland, near St Augustine, • lsFitts C 7na2L^IC PILLS correct iueni non, is 'town clerk of Wheatland, Da., • battles of L o bowels; stimulate the iiia and "runs a . store thele. ' Thele` Gi'rt tit() and' digeatiga, aid bytheir prompt and many Canadians and Htlrort [n[ 1'S.- in thm'0ng8 aetlon.> lvo'tone and vigurao ,lie' Dakota. whole pliyalc1U 4toonomy, . . sass Aalio rev ' . . nothing'more 'pleasing• in the external ap- Df;'J.C.Aye f &Op.; 1V14.5e. pearanoe of hair, and it is possiblefor. eve*. Sold Sly all Druggists. person to 'possess 'it by using the tong and well known Oingalese I3.air.. Restorer. So1d. at a0 cents per•bottle ' ' • :h. 13nacrirer, .11sAti..OF HAIR. -There YOUNG,. OLD, AND All: experience the wowicrfu3 beneficial elicits u1: Ryrr'a Sarsaparilla. • children -with Fni roes, S'ir'e AGED,' • Ea110, or ata :sorulu o or pit- flitic'taint, mnay'bo'0111It. 0 .healthy .i;t t strong .18614 by all :)raggiate; $J,:ois bo6ttes tor$tla • ow for Bargains in Boots, Shoes, Rarness, Trunks, ES icoluA //�1 BLS. Having-reoeivedrity S,iir'ing and Sutnmer stock of -Boots and Shoos, l wool( cart this attention of ' IVO.11113N'IS' i(,11) .134111V:7.,% Silver; i6lotantecl ASingle 7-Ifxrness , mllj $i4, vrtly S1'75' Oil 13 i'.G'd..RR.T4GB.AS'' co lrtr 'e anrietl 1MI.BN'a5' ' 130 Y'S anti •(,1EIJ )1il;1V'E alieap accordingly. at.,(elnros`ltarrce TRUNKS and VAL1SL;S, .very ±'/neer'. 15,400'blatielaes logia land Pine cic Ce'tlar 'TIE At and CARRrr4GE 'JJA'RNE$S • SIIINt' LF;'' or aalc' cheap illedper than' ever • • • ROOM' 7'0. -1;E2 user' 84op, BUTTER 6i EilaS r1`AI EN' .IN`: EXOFE,ANGE FOR BOOTS .&'t SHOES. the public to the some. rc:'ViT:i:umELL, VICTORIA: BLOCK, CLINTON A .4 S S ..:SErr!w « .moo ps�it Svirtzer 1.3 STILL WE. LIVE. r And do business more than ever. Better Bargains than over. t . ..1..JocTlb.... woolen's Gond Rrurlellas for 00 n. Virolnecl'sLace' Beata $1, tr Men's Lade )Shoes, $2. Don't buy another pair of Boots until you see oar new Spring Stock, Conte one, corse all. No L trouble to show goods. WI" ?" WANTlA . QUANTITY 01!" 00017 POTATOES. Willis]» Lount,'Esq., eon duct the Crown case's for Jlurooi nt the; , • fall assizes, which open at Goderieb, on, Monday, 22nd'inst;, before Mr. Juatiee'.• 'Nil'soi . Tho docket will be an tui : : ostially heavy'one . On Saturday W.ni: McLean shipped fioar Goderiob station'.. Pleven' car loads of'cattle, and one of sheep .-the largest• shipment even' .made at' that place. -.7 This Makes sixty-four car ,loads of cattle' shipped by ll:r..McLean since Jtii last.. ,At the cotniilenceutent of the morn-.• mg service in' St.' Paul's 'dutch' ion. Sunday .last, the Rev. Mr. McOosh was taken ill and had to be conveyedbonne :We are glad however to learn that the, Res', -gentleman, is' all right again..--, Windham 'Times. ' W4at-to do if troubled with ori nnhcalthy, slow -healing Sore' use ialeCregor sit Parke'sCarbolie Cerate. You Will find it lnvalutoble•for healing, cleansing, and' completely re- moving your trouble. 1f the blood le out of order take with it afew doaes of .rieOregor's Speedy front ombe's' -ore C r dugst. • Mr. S Powell, of Exeter, got bis' arm broken just above the wristwhile help. ing to load.a reaping Machine one day. last week. He was' steering', the tna- chine by the tongue, 'while a span • of horses,hitched to the hind end, drew it up en -"the car. 'The person.who 'Neuf. Have "blocked thehind wheel) by mis- take, placed the block udder the front'. wheel, causing the • tongue to sway to'' one side,: striking Mr.• Powell 'on the 'arm, with the result :stated above. Mr. Morgan, engineer Itt'the Exeter salt block, received a somewhat serious injury Wednesday morning. While one of the 'workmen was chiselling 'the rivets ,of the 'salt pan, a piece of steel 'flew. 'off, and striking Mclroan in • the • eye, cut into the centre of the eye -ball. The contents of the ball• escaped, and ; the cavity 1illod with blood. Immedi- ate loss of sight oectirred..• i,' 11PERCIAIald111. 1ndig0ttien., Dyspepsia, Headache, Net.. vopenese, Urinary troubles, are • often canoed by a torpid Liver. Some call it, Liver Com. plaint, Biliousness, 'etc. The Liver governs the system; if the Liver is itlauatve, nue utay be Bilious, or have never and Agne, Head. ache, Malarial Fevers, Dizziness, etc 'rhes° • may lead. to.worse troubles, This haw,�:.. dy, 4011SA, is naw •taking the lead atilt ether remedies ao a LTvEIt BE0tli,Aroit- it seals to act in a roniarkable Way upon that organ—it corrects the bile, tho urine, and the blood. Priem'', keep the Liver healthy with ZO.PE•5and other tronblea are thencol'• voted, •