HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-29, Page 7• Niue Phreiefano oand...„ R. Helen Phervie, No, epi. Daytoo. St., and stain that ehe lin suffered with Coe - DOGS. • • Chicago ie now so her sixty•eight year, : • • 26 New SINGLE a-WM .10nr POW cheap at CAIXANDER & BROS. SHOP, Alext door to the Doherty Oigiul Factory. Well finish- ed and can be bought lit all prices, according to finish trete $60 upward (Mine and see us and get our terms. Will give Written guarantee with every one. CALLANDER & BRO., Clinton. THE OLSON'S BANK. Incorporated by Act 0( Parliament, 185. CAPITAL, $2,000,000. HEAD OrFioE MONTREAL. TII01AS ..... „President. J. II. R. MQLSON. F. WOLFERSTAN TlitiMAS, General Idianager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. INTEREST At.LovreD ON DEPOSITS. IS-A.Ii141 ICUS .: -Honey advanced faimers on their own notes with ono or more endorsers. No mortgage required as se... clarity. .H. nager, January 188 Olinton • J. BLDDLECOMBE, IICS2, Watch and Click Raker, , JEWELLER, &c., OPPOSITE THE PIAICKET, CLINTON Where he keeps a seleet assortmentipf WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWATIERK, SILVER- WARE. Which we will self at reasonable rates. Repairing of every description, promptly af tondod to, and alt work warranted. . J. 13IDDLE0OHBE. Clinton, N07. 1882. S. FOWLER 84 SOIL -7o t Fghtor of the Menton Zrew Ara: gumption for about ten ram waii treated by DEAR Sru,--.There ere in OlintOO a UM - nine ghyslcians, all of A em pronouncing her bar of dogs which serve no •other PurPulft. everrecovering. Seven cttlecof Is 'fi'd ease °pelage. She hadtiven all her of than to intimidate pedestrians, and to p r01a3 an hen Moab& New Discovery for Consumption complete 9' The keeping of such dogs while r�nllw new er• Detabtieg cuee, please drop her a Petal and satiIfy yolirselvea. Call at Wette & Co's. tirug store and get a free trial bottle, The petition against the return of Mr. Hammel!, M.P.P. for Cardwell, (Conservative) has been dismissed with costs. Lumber and Lath. rFwE SI.JESCRI13Ell KEEPS ON HAND AT HIS premises, Isaac street, Clinton:(nger the Fanning Hill Factory) ail kinds of Piue Lumber, Calk, itc, Parties requiring such will find it to their ad- vantage to call on bun. JOSEPH MONEY TO LOAN. inowv4TE AND COMPANY FUNDS, AT .V lowest rates of intermit. Principal payable aiirdesireci by borrower. Valuator for •the CANADA. LANPED CREDIT COMPANY, D. A. FOBRESTER. Clinton. Dec. 20, 1888. Western rair, 1884. CANADA'S GREAT EXHIBITION. AND INDUSTRIAL ENT91PRINE. LONDON, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 22, 23, 24; 25, 26. $17,000,00 IN PRIZES. $2,000 fn ExceSS t 1883. $1,0i0 in SpeelUIS 111 Friends of the Weatern Fair. • • OPEN TO THE WORLD: The western Fair for 1884 will Tar surpass all its predecessors. The prizes are larger and the new features and novelties to be introduced, will make it the most a ttractivo exhibition ever held in Canada. Wait•fer it. Write to the See- retary for prize Iir.. posters, programmes, or any information required. -E. R. ROBINSON, GEO. MoBROOIVI, President. Secretary, • CLINTON f4D.IT $Toori-• . PLANING MILL VIOLIN STRINGS IN TOW4.: FINE PLATED WARE NEWEST DESIGNS IN,. • JEWELLERY ! Repairing done Promptly. 01 on. May 25th. , A.11113 rs filHE subse.lbar desires to return his _sincere thanks to his customers and the publid• generally for the liberal patronage extended to him in thepant, and by furnishing the best article at the lowest rem. • nerative price, he hopes ta merit a continuance ottho same. He would. specially . recommend a trial of his direct importations of the very, best brands of , Orandms,-Port Wines and Holland . 0m, • , ' HUMBLE DIDneltIA1,PUr.POSES ANO'FAMIL'i 1$t.. BASS' ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER, In Bottles, Pints and Quarts.. • CANADIAN ALES. AND PORTER, CAItLis0s8 and DAVIES LAGER constantly on hand. Just received, in prime condition, • •• . Montreal Ginger Ale, asconpagne 614er, • Plain. Soda.. " Sole Agent for GI-oderich ie • N. ROBSON. , • ALBERT STREET. BRICK nom...cubrex. •••••—ANO—••• . • DRY E.ILIt! • SILBSCRIEP,It HAYING JUST ODAIPLATED 4. and furnished his new Planing Mill Withmachin ery of the !Meat improved patterns, is now prepared: to'attend to all orders in his line in the most prompt andSatisfaiitory manner, and at reasonable rates. He would also returnthanks to all who. patronised the old firm before they were burned out, and now .being in a better position to execute ertlenaexpedithiusly, feels confident he can give satisfaetion to all. FACTOR Y-• .zy (Tr the Grand:Truk- Rai( may,101inton. • • • • THOMAS AleKEN,ZIE.' NEW TIN STORE. guru SuirscriteEtt. WHO WAS FOR MORE. than eight years in the employ of Mr. Silas _Dayva,.:desireA_to-inttmate-that-be-hasr . Opened a 'fin Sbp 111 Dodsworth's Illock .HUTIONSTRE'ET, CLINTON, • Where lib Is preparedlO ao ALL KINDS OF TIN COPPER ANi.) • • SHEET IRON WORK, in the best of style and on stint notice., •".. • 167`P/L,'LptP.S., GLASS, &c.: in Stock CAM. MILIthED. • ' • sebirria. Wthsox. sten, Dee, 114$1.. CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS,. ABOVE Nitro COMMENCE RUNNING AT ONCE; • Under 'the management of Ma. Ei Colo:P.7r. • 'All kinds of • . . IVIANITACTURI-NG Done on sho t nutice. A large stUelc of WOOLLEN. entios.FOR SALE. CHEAP OR /X EXCHANGE FOR WOOL., ' FOR • " %DA 17J 4t/f4HA.21/", Proln!%etor.'• ORREP.P,...Manager. • Crockery, Glassware, .&c. Oatmeal and Cornmeal always on hand. . .ALSO: , •• l'ettv's set English. Breakfast -Ban' Long Clear Bacon, Sugar Cureel Bants;', And .No..1 LARD. • • • At does which cannot be beaten in town:: HIS 60 C. TEA.B SPECIALTY SOLEAGVo ENT n • Dobbins' ELECTRIC' SOAP • THOMAS COOPER ck. SON; " ALBERT STREET, 0IiINTON Is White Bronze aFraud MR. A, E. LANDON, DRIDokkonT, COSY. „ DEAR Sitt,-Lid you give the inelosed testlinottini ot is it a fraud? Yours very respeegully. : . W. Ai. GIFFIN, This k to certify that I saw during the summer of 1808, at the Schnnhurnn Palace Oardens, at Vienna. • Austria, an equestrian Statue .ef Prince A:mph,. and which at that time had stood.exposed in the Opea air for 85 years, and said statue was east of pure zine,'Itnd In appearance it was fresh and perfect. • • . •A. II. LANDON. - Sup. Pembroke iron Works.' - Bridgeport, Den, Ordavox April 28 MC, • :Beitionemer, Ct, Ably 2, 1884. Mit. W. M. 01PPIN. • ••. . Dunn Ste, Your card, April 28;01 hand, the testi. Toilful you refer to, signed by one Mr. Landon ' genuine, and no frattd, the statue having been :won't*, him lit;Itatecl, and also by thousands of other Ameri- can tourists, and can bo seen the sturie,to•day. If you or any of pen. customers wish to ktisty themselves as to the utility and gelatine/less of the ....work, if they will take the trouble to come to Bridge. port, wo would bo 1105.'o02 to slim them %%heti!: behig done here, and think "they will very quickly admit It 1. no hembug, yourself (1.F1 11.11 igcnt 101 the would he greatly )ionelitted by the 11 jt here, Your.: 6:0. A. IL LANDON, 1. of the firm td 14ai.ois 2reilase. '• P:krties intending to purf•hasen lifenuthen t it to their advantage to see our white nronze beery 'melee elsewhere. W. 111. GIFFIN - AGENT Itt.`Picl; •kND Introit StreM. Clinton. 1 &ova . •.• Dr. Iluove*,, SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES peeeillee OlovNTARIO, z By virtue of warrant under ' County of Hume, to wit: 5 thelnind of the .Warden: and the Roil of the Curporatimi Of the Coliuty of Huron, dated :the Sixteenth tiny, of Augnst, 1004, commanding me to levy upon the undermentioned lands in the Said County of Huron, for the arrears of taxes •due thereon, and cods, an hereinafter set forth, 1hereby give notice that 1 shall, on WEDNESDAY, 311n DAV OF DECEMBER, 9884 at the Imur of ten o'eloek In the forennon,•at the Court Wiese, in: the Tottif of GoderIch, Proceed to Heaths said lands by Putt- ' ltc Attetion, or such pertiOns thereof as shall be necetwarrto pay such.arrears, together with all charges thereon, unless the satne be sooner paid. , • O , .5 • ' fart or part • .12 'Ail • r, of lot. t. dg. c TOWNSHIP OF 'COLBORNE— Part of blork 25.1 Pat 22 13 I 30 211 43 TOWNSHIP OF HAY. 32 • It road treat 100 Pat, 25 54 1 37 26 01 ToWNSHIP OP BOWIOK. • • 11 1011 One. 0 20-0 00 6 00 v.a,LAttpor FORDWICII, IN HOWICK. South part Of °di/Elbert St. O.; Pat. a 15 0 83 3 58 West part of 2,..Litisa.18..8 2, Pat.. 1 11 0 78 J 80 Hoo ' t part of 3, “LOUilia tit,. 8 . Pat. 12 77 I 23 IA 00 • . TOWNSHIP OF ing...r.err. N E mitt of 10..4 . 33 " Pat. 6 91 0 02 7 53' VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER IN ReLLETT. • h 8 survey : Pat. 2 13. 0 00 2 03 • TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. ' • • South part of 233 , 4. Pat., 3 28 0 02 4 10 South east 5, 0'76. • 50 Pat. 30 12 1 50 31 112. • VILI,AGE BLOEVALE IN MORRIS. 22, Oirdner'sourt 1 Pot. 5 38 0 88 0 26 • . .V1LLADE OF BELGRAVE IN MORRIS. .... McCrea .Pat. 5 51 005 6 3D- 40 McCrea tow. 1.5 Pat, 5 51 0 88 6 19 TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP, • 8E part ul28-----8 part 14 10 Pat. rs 01 1 15 177e owxsine. or. STEPHEN. 12 10 ' 100 Pal. 57 60 2 23 50 05 13 ,• 18 ' 100 Pat. 57 60 223' 50 115 • YILLAOR 010 1JAYMET.D.1 Knot part of 5,., . Rano, Pat. 223 0 80 3 03 West half of 5Saylield eon. 45 Pat. 54 14 2 10 511 24 TOWN OF BINGHAM IN T('5893111115\'.161 l• Pat. 3 ri)0 114 4 :51 .... .... " . I.. Pat:- 5 02 0 911 • 0 '72 Pal. 5 69 0 09 6 58 ..... "''l'at. 5 67 9 09 6 50 .. .. ... • c. pat. 0 63 0 10 1 39 Id)1. Pot, 5 112 0 DO 72 .42 tag:II '277 ,, In 6 Pat, 70 a 02 7 70 252 • 1. Pat. I 40 0.79 223 2711 . . • 1, Pat. 1 46 70 2 25 I; Fat' :55 0 112 1,47 no2 I, Pat, 0 24 DI 7)5 Pat. '11 is 0 ea id i‘tnirk,1,12to411.:1 AIANCIlltsTlilt WAWANOSII WEST • 1 Pat. 1') oo 25 20 14 l05 .. 5 “a's °V MIMI. . I.Tat. 4 52 n 2 at .... 51enonahl sae.If Pat. as ps 7 25 1)1 Who:rink! sot.. Pal. 2 19 6.33 .102 lir "111In..— 510'o:0o11 s Pot. 5 33 41 90 0 25 VI ianitiNlho .• 321 22 '. Pat. 3 21 005 fi .... Pat. II tei 'I 27, 1' 2) . • t " Pat, a 62 '1 24 17 .12 11 Li, Aux ore M eet:tr,. 1i14,11 PAL 22 IV I 30 2:1 12 .11 8,1 •,0 111 (100), t. 11'1 . W51. productive of no good, tousle, among other things,* to destroy. good neighborehip, Stich canines are nuniances Intel° bl airlessness, though, If one remonstrates with an Owner, one beat", of course, the old, old story, "My dog is perfectly harm - len, be never bit anyone yet." Well, from experience all know that doge which have for a time' been perfectly quiet and harmless, will, without provocation, die - play a viciousness that often produces se- rione results. I would that the NEW ERA could make the same statements in refer- ence to Clinton that the Videtto does of Wingliam when it says ; "A number of (logs have'been poisoned in town this week. Continue the good work," Yours truly, FitEEDOINI AND LIBERTY. 41 ' ANTI SCOTT ACT. To the Editor of the Clinton New Era. DEAR Silt,—Many serious thinkers have been ,watching the Scott Act controversy in the daily Globe with interest. 1V1r.Kyle seems maater of the eituatien se to matter, manner, and reason. Many are of the opinion that the Scott Act supporters would be doing more good if they would spend 88 much zeal in striving to regulate the traffic, No doubt a monopoly of, the trade is now by law vested in a few hands, and they oan manipulate the drink as they like 7 aiming that this is the case they ought to be- restricted as to the quality and quantity sold for a specified sum, as the purchaser has no choice. The liquor dealers have 300 per met profitwhen they sell good liquor, and the whole is profit when they sell rotgut, and they pay •rio duty on the drugs they sell. I. think there is a vast field of enterprise here for some one to •reform. Who will do it ? 'In re- gard to prohibition, it 808058 absurd to deprive everyone, beeause alew are' feel- lab:I would give fools, over to the care of the schoolmaster, to learn common sense, and then to the clergy, for a moral training. If these parties and Parents did 'their duty 1 think there would be modera- tion. 'Many people each year lose their lives by going to sea in ships, yet no per- son of Sense would propoie to stop every- one from going, on that account. Women are the clause of much strife in the world, yet nobody would like to see them -Vent out of. it, but any • thinking person can easily suggest many things grievously wrong; but it is part ' of wisdom to bear these trophies; and try to make people better by making them wiser and niore honest, truthful &o. Theselast character - inlet; are far higher male and unattain- able ire the Scott Act or hy prohibition. D: . Fluld. Ugh/May.1. Fjuld lightning is the oulS• eure:for Toothtleht;• .. Headochn, Sara:the and Neuralgla.• ft dors not take a day or au hour to ('1180 1'., but in less than a minute all .pain is gone. Thousands Intretested its merits 'within the last year. Fluid lightning fp also a postire cure for Rheumatism. The worst TosSible_ easeh V 1 y- e week Pure Tit Comfit -A -ling store. • • • ...G.REVISHYAlAIIIP. • ; corrfspoildenee of the Yew Bra, Oii Friday cheap excursions from near- ly every, direction had been arranged to meet at the ,Grimsby Camp ground, which lin now become u. simmer resort, and is as rauch a place of recreation tor the gen- eral .public; and money making, for the proprietors nt ,the grounds, as any other p hu5e of amusement, where Talmage, the Brooklyn sensational preacher, was to de- liver a lecture in -opposition to Ingersoll. The weather being fine, excursions cheap, grounds and surroundings attractive, and the reputation oftlie lecturer world wide, creating curiesitY,the gathering. was large, .there being .,near 10,000 people on the ground --the gate money at .fifteen cents admission fee amounting to over $1,200. To keep up and stimulate enthusiasm, Mr, Noah Phelps, the president of the camp ground association, while ori the Platform making preliminary preparations; request - cd the 'audience to give the lecturer a grand salutein the shape of shaking their hankerchiefs, taking his out of his pocket and Showing themhow to do it. ‘ A very -good choir was on the pla,tferna and aided by a piano rendered some pieces in good. style. Rev. Mr. Benson, after making a 1 numberargeof announcements, introduced the leeturer,. who, when the salute was over, said:that his lecture was entitled." Talmageittraheology vs. Inger- solism." As the delivery of his lecture occupied two hours and twenty minntes .we.confess inability to give it to:our read- ers, but inust say WI would not have put much value upon it if it had not taken so much time and experme to get an hearing ofit.He took Up a long time in.discus- sing'the questions of polygamy, monoga, erection of wointin,•and old testament morality, illustrating his lecture with an. ecdotes and similies that aia. very well to Make a laugh, but beneath him as a min- ister lecturing on suet' a subjedt. Mr, 'Talmage was paid $200 each for the lecture and two sermons, and he offered the assOciatiori.$200 if they would cancel the agreement, its he- had been offered more for lecturing elsewhere, .. . The association have purchased more land ' and appear determined to make' it more attractive thnn ever but as a rival camp ground has been started at the ,Nia- gara Falls Th Canadian' there is danger that its present popular favor may wane, and then it would become to non- paying institution. There is something little mysterious about the fact that parties may be seen at placesof recreation, who arc scarcely able to make both ends --in, come and expenditure—meet when they are at home, hut .think flailing of three and four dollars it day for self and com- panion for hotel fare. A. ploWing-match under the auspices of' the Agricultural and Arts Association of Ontario will be held in the county of Oxford this fall. •The stun of 000 has been appropriated .hy said association for that purpose, which has been supplemented by a grant of $100 froni the funds or the X. Et of ()treed Artricultu 6 •ociety. Woodstock. is .1311360ns that thr, match shall beheld as near that • town as, pos., silile. • Men ir.for & Parkes finholir t'rnto t,ll1 tine 4114:P1,600 0 P{11111108 on the fare or Itentrb Sala to: either Or Tare and !rat e them mitt tts silk, It will 8100 lical nra 00110 W111,0 all other prolicroons 5,71. Th 1 011011111.8 JAI tf,jitf'11 ttr Ask :Imagist tor blotirscer 1,. Parles Carbolic Croat.. and tiot trorsandsd to take at:tilling,'l,,. rimmed fit 1,tt ns 40401 1114 21 0..1. bon et , •• I 1, , 14,110, PERSONAL AND POLITICAL, The nounQs, in West Ontario for the Hoarse Of M Who Makes Your Boots ? natson to fsill the man . • •mons too p ace on Friday. J. D gar, the'Reform . 071 oandidata, waselocIed •• • ANK Ly acclamation • Strikes against the reductions in wages are occurring everywhere throgh- . out the protectionist 'United) States. What a grand thing protection is for the working classes. The imports of Baas* procluota and manufactures steadily increase in value! Why / Because the cheapenesrof pro- duction under free trade enables Britain to compete in the markets of the world. If the weather is favorable• it is ex- pected that fully 6,000 people will take the trip acmes Lake Ontario to welcome the Premier of the province (Mowat) on hrs return, Eritain is more of a trading country than the -United tates is, but neverthe- lea her commercial failures under free trade are only one-third of those of the United States under protection. The wheat tax is without a single re- deeming feature. It can do the farmens no good, the price of wheat both. in Canada and the United, States is regulated by the selling,price in the English mar- kets, and in case of a shortage in any neighborhood, which necessitates impor- tation, the tax raises the' price to the consumisr.--Toronto News, "Multitudes of protected A.merioan .miners 'and mM echanics," r. T. G. Sheerman declares, "are working for. fifty to eighty cents a day without steady employment even at ihotie rates." In Canada, it is also a lamentable fact,that under protection thousands of male and female ciperatives are idle because of the. depression in trade, • A Toronto despatch • says:—Several lodges of Orangemen throughout the Province bave.paseed resolutions asking their brethren in the 'United ' States to vote for Cleveland for president and against, Blaine, as they believe him to be "the enemy of Englaed, a friend of the demagogue Trish and an offspring of the Romanish church," • M. John .114Millan'Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temiterance. of Ontario, has, issued a circular addressed to the several subordinate divisions of the Order iii Ontario, soliciting a. dona- tion from each division in aid of the Scott 'Act defence fupd for the County of Balton. Bytow and Chaddiere divisions in Ottawaihave each already voted a donation, from their •funds to al e nen s of: the. Scott .,..ket • sooT DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF. '` nen, Women and Childreies Boots & Shoes. Spring Stock well assorted, and complete in. all departments ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH 4 0, CIWICKSIIA.NK, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON vd. Daily Eecte Remainder of Summer Goods at Recliiced Prices to clear, — — R. BEESLEY & SON, BEAVER BLocK. Consult your own Interest 1437 Iituyi STRiCTL PURE SPIO ES • Ay THE. SAME PRICE AS YOU PAY • rgit ixh.r4o4 GOODS, Halton, It is understood that Chau- L. • -7:1" is mganizing a moonlight " Vheerli021-t--eirOODZIP',71111. tiONICit • "-- excursion to raise funds for • the same object. The divisions in Toronto and in 'York County have also responded • liberally to the .call. Filen& of the temperance cause, and e'speciallyllOinfer• members of the Order of the Sons of • Teniperance, are invited • to send any contributions they may 'desire to make to. John IVIeMillan,0.W.P.; 396 Young street; Toronto. Ne4xp..ITP, SOME ONE. , the Editor of the INTew • • have seen nothing yet • of south Huron buckling on her armour to go and meet Oliver. Whitt 18 our Reform association about 1 'Where is the Bishop of. Huron, or the piesident, or some of our leaders? Surely the grit ,iiive does not need a stirring Too Many cooks spoil, the broth, vet South Huron 'cannot be 'behind because there ire 600 grit majority in it. Conte, •Bishop; stir up the ,boYSk let the true blue flag of South -Huron wave in the breeze at Toronto; • on the .16t of Sept. neat. 'We have the men, the • time, and the inclination, all we want is our big .inen to sound the bugle; atul rally the clans. ONE OP THE BOYS. • ' . A REFok Convention for South Hu- ron will be held at HenSall, on 'Tuesday, Sept. 9th, ;for .the -purpose of appointing delegates to attend the Mowat demonstra- tion. Let there be.a large attendance. li IS likely the Grand Trunk will rtut special from Stratford, after the close et Forepaugh's show, if a reasonable number goes on the 4 o'cloek train. • • . • BORN.' • en the220 the wife of Brew.er, of a coo . • DIED. ' BA.37.-4,0 St: Thtimas, on the 27th inst., Wm. Bay, .aged 43 years. Funeral to•day (Friday), at 2 p.m., 4rore • the residence of his mother, Mrs. 4. 'Bay, Huron street? to Olinten cemetery. I3lytlit_ on th 44th ` Eliza Barrett, 'aged 1 yeah and, 33. theatne. Arnica SiIve. zgorrierrinsAi.corritE a SN'ICE 2191783e: S. -PA1C4AIS orCA.S11 FOR; EGGS: •-• ' • Next. to Hall. ,- . . • Boundary Award Sustained ANL) 111owcti Wont • , BUT THE PEOPLE WILL GO TO . • . • Adams' Enr,tpoitum,... Loiricte0oro, Where they can get the best value for their nroaby. 'Please note the prices.' . ... . . - " of the following : . : . - " ' • .. .. „ . . . . . . Granulated' Sugar, 18 lbs:$1,. cast. .Good }.3ro-vv#2, 17 -.1b: for 631;.'odsli:: . Good Raisins,. ',4:).11.j.s. for. $±, bash. „BARGAINS IN BOOTS & SilOES, balance of summer, FORICS, RAKES, - HOES, &c. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, to mutice'rooth for 'fall purchasew which are the newest designs out Bargains in DRY GOODS of all kinds, . . especially TWEEDS AND PRINTS. ' • Bil TIER. WANTED - taken on account at that price at present. ' '" • 'e • - • . ': - 1 ' per 113: ..in trade at time of delivery,. but pot. ..1000 :Tubs of first-class! Btittei wanted at 15 eta, •_ :' .. . , • Witighest price for Eggs,, . .' 0 -FURNITURE 4 SHINGLES FOR SAID . . . . Londesboro, Aug. 8, 1884. . ' R. 46.7J41.10IES. I----- . The best BAN% in the world for cuts,briliEleS, sores, Ulcers, salt rheum, fever Beret:, tette!. I 13C) chapped•hands chilbl • • I / 111 eruptibns, and pos titelY cures piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to. give perfect sit;•isfactioli or money refunded. Erin 25 cents per bog, 'Watts & Co. • .,s• 4LE, REGISTER. ' PitibAY AND SATICID4r, 29611 and 3011i inst. A large number ef new and second bandse ing nurehines, at 11ell's hottil, Londesboro, at 7 p,te, D. Dickinson, Bust. • • . • • tall arra,' AAA SCREWS . • , Thursday, Aug, 26, 1884. t(orreoted every Thursday afternomi.) • Wheat, scot old • • $1 00 a 1 10 , • new • . • •0 80 a 0 85 White wheat, eld •• 0 00 a 1 00. " 010W * 0 85 a 0 90 Sprieg, . 0 95 a. 1 00 Oats, ..• 0 35 • a 0 30 Buie* ' 5 a 0 55 'Peas, 0 70 a 0.75 Flour, • • • 5 oo a -5 50 llotatoes,• 0'511 a 9 55 • Butter, ' 0 11 a '0 14 . • gAs, 0 15 It 0 10 11 ay, • . • • • 8 00,,,.0 00 Shoop pelts 0 40 a • 0 Il• e Lamb elcine, • •• 0 15 a 0 25' ' itser, - . . • 5 50 a 7 50 Wool, .• - (1 1 a 0 IS .• . • . . When found, he was at the OAK. HALL tot one of them good fitting Suits that lat. M. FISCHER turns out, two doorsnorthof:the Grand Union Hotel. • Come and •see my. stock of .. Tweeds, Worsteds, TrowSerings- and Summer Overcoatings. rits .ancl workman:ship zecop.d. to non.0.4 All ..work amaraatteed. Partles having their own. material .1 earl, have it Inade 7and. trimmed on. short' notice. owl: ME A TRTA ('itAlWIP,S 01)1,111ATI,1 151IE017-1131M. OAK HALL SMITH'S. BUOCX. CLINTON.