The New Era, 1884-08-29, Page 6Around the County. The new Presbyterian manse at Hen- sall is finished. There are 24 female voters on the' Brussels list this -year. "HMV COUGH Cum. Safe, pleasant and quick, eheeper than coughing., 26 ete, Mr. W. Souch, has leased the farm of R. Soucb, Morris, for a term of years.' The Wiughatu District meeting of the Methodist church, meets at Kill. cardins, on September 9. RECUERCHE.—Not. only the most exquisite thing for the teeth and breath, but "Taiugu. RY" is a beautiful little ornament and finish to the toilet. Mr. John Kelly, of Morris, has leas- ed his farm'125 acres, to Mr. jolie Boldrow, of West Wawanosb., Miss Sandi Wilson, of Gerrie, died on Saturday last, of typhoid fever. No other cases are as yet reported. Wm.. Chesney, jr., threshed 105 bushels of wheat from two acres, one bushel of this wheat weighed 66 lbs. 71 STAND upon UM order of your going but go at once and secure a bottle of Sus" COUGH CURE. It is quick to relieve -- sure to cure, costs but 25 cis. Mr. WID. Dearing, of the 3rd con- cession of Stephen, bas threshed and. re- ports a yield of' 60 bushels per acre. . Mr. Portice, of the Royal has leased the Eieter hotel, at the station, and will take possession about the first of September. An! Wo get up feeling badly, didn't rest good, don't want breakfast, no appetite, no energy, bad taste and breath, guess we are Bilious. Two doses ZO-PE-SA.will One up our Liver and our ambition, mad set us right. • Thos. McBride, of Tuckersmith, is recovering from his late accident and it is expected he NI, id be able to be around again soon. • Mr. Thos. Kidd, of Seaforth, has sold his trotting colt, "Loid Dufferin," to Mr. Geo. Whitely, for the sum of $500. He is four years old, Mr: A. Gibson, Thames Road, has sold part of lot 21, north Thames Road,. containing 70 acres, to Mr. David Ker - 'gal for the sunt of $5,705. • To Resin Malaria, Ague, Fevers, Head. ache, Colds, Kidney Disease, Pain in the Side • or Back, Constipationor Costriveness, keep - 20 -PR SA handy, and take a dose twice a week. It acts upon the liver and ltonirdli mngie. Wm. M. McDermott, son of. H. Mc- Dermott,' Master in Chancery, Goderieh died on Wednesday, aged, 31 years. He was a law student, and one of our best known residents. We regret to learn that Robt Bissett, of Colborne, was stricken by paralysis on Sunday morning. He is still unable to niove, but hope is held of his re- covery. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD or 13/Ult.—There is nothing more pleasing in the external ap- pearance of hair, and it is possible for every person to possess it by using the long and well known Cingalese Hair Restorer, Sold at'50 cents per bottle. Otte day last week,. as Mr. R. Pater-. son, of Hensel] mills, was engaged u.:•...;• rip saw, his -hand slipped, aud coming in contact with the saw, cut oft' the first finger joint of his left hand. • Mr. Geo. A. Houghton, of. • Seaforth, the well known horse dealer, was taken suddenly ill on Sunday last. • Ile' was In a fora time . but is now recovering. • est medical authorities acknowledge. of Ayers Cathartic Pills, .and freq• ubdtly prescribe their use with the -ut- most confidence, well knowing that they aro the most effectual remedy devised for dis- eases caused by derangements of tho etoinach, liver and. bowels. • . Mr. Robt. Scott, of Roxboro, McKil- lop, met with a very painful accident one day last week. He was sitting by an opce. window when the sash fell, catchi.:g his thumb and criashing-Lit so that ho had to have the top amputated. Mrs. Famson, daughter of Mr. Thos:' Cornish, of Exeter, while returning from berry -picking be other day, fell ont of the buggy on account of the horse. allying. lieu elbow was dislocated, and she was otherwise considerably injured., Do you wish a beautiful complexion? Then age Ayer'e Farseparilla. It cleanses and purities the blond, and thereby removes blotches and pimples from the skin, making t smooth and clear, and giving it a bright and healthy appearance. The frame building in rear of the moulding shop Lelenging to Runeeman's foundry Goderieh, caught fire beneath the shingles, fitm the cupola, on Tues- day, between 12 and 1 &cock. Tho fire company were ready in a very short, time, notwithstanding a delay caused by a message that their services were not needed, and two streams of water soon checked -the fire before any notice- . able damage had been done. An Answer wanted. Can any ono 'bring us a ease of Kidney or Liver complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of casoe already permanently cured and who are daily reeommentline Electric Dittas, will prove. Bright's Disease, Dia, Wes, weak back, or any urinaty coMpIaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regu. . ate the bowele,and act direotly on the &remis- ed pari s. Every bottle guaranteed. For eale,,ot We. abottlo by Watts & CO. ' We are happy to learn that the Rev. Father Shea, the respected pastor of St. .sTaines elah, Ssaforth,,has fallen to a foi tune by the death of an aunt in the old country. We hoPe hemay have. long life to enjoy lila goea fortune. gxrairmffog teaches that delays are most dangerous, iindin no instance is prompt 55. tion more neceseary theft When the firet ap. preach of kidney disease is •made manifest. To all who are ilxperiencing pains in the back, or who feel that kidneysVs.s Kf.mmi Puna is a ,friend indeed, as it will certainly refievetheir pains, and if persisted in, effect a 'permanent cure. • Messrs. Xolin Hess, Henry Weselon, and Tehn lionher of Ztu4ch did the best work this season in connection with the flax mill, The three of them pulled and bound one acre of flax in ? hours 50 minute. This is hard to beat.l The barns and outbuildings of Mr. Burns nes;' tirkton, ware .struck by lightning, during the storm of Sunday, and were totally destroyed. As all his ()rain was consumed with the buildings. Mr. Burns' loss will be very heavy; the buildings were only partially in - mired. cruelly, :Murdered. In the Province otOntario every year thnuaande are being slowly murdered by taking unsuitable, untried nostrums for auebeompialuts as Costiveness Indigestion, Liver complatnt, bldney.troublea, etc,. who intght easily 'regain lest strength and energy by usinglleGregoes titicediCure. To convince them that mak is the ease we will give them a free trial bottle at combe's drug store. Price We. and cue dollar. See testimonials front ensonsln Y onr own town P Keith MeLean, of Ooderich, while riding on. Last street On Monday, had occasion. to. boiv his head while passing under. a spreading tree. At the ewe time his bicyqle struck .a . stone, and losing liis balance, the rider was 'filing violently forward. As a. result of the header cue of Keith's arms was brokee -near the wrist. • - The .Goderich Signal is responsible for the following; A parti. of Wingham female 'excursionists passed .up Nortir street_ in front Of the registry office. They were in charge of a Well-fed gen-. tleinan, resplendent -With a fine set of light mutton-0*p : whiskers. • "What place is that with. the iron shutters', quoth,one of the fair ones. "Oh, that's the reiistry office," replied the philoso- pher and guide.. "Whats ,done there" persisted the fair questioner.' "Why, don't .you kneel Why they register the—the—the--Oh, that's where they register the-L-.the---the:—births, deaths and marriages.'.' And the' lady thank- ed his infOrmation,, and wished. sheliad been barn a than, 'So that she •wonld know everything, and not hays to ask questions. • xavtittiniaspt. I Indigestion, Dyspepsia,Headache, Ner- vousness, Urinary troubles, 'are often catpied. by a torpid. Liver. Some call it LiverCom. plaint, Biliousness, etc, The Liver governs the system; if tbe Liver is inactive, one may be Bilious, or have Fever and Agee, Read- , ache, Malarial Fevers,. Dizziness, etc. These may lead- to worse troubles. This new sprite- dy, ZOPES,c 18 now taking the lead of all other remedies as a Livia Reams -mon. It seems to act in a remarkable way 'upon that organ—it corrects the bile, the urine and the blood. - Friend, , keep the Liver healthy with gO.PE-SA and other troubles are .then cot., IF. IT'VVEREPOSSIBLE to get the teetiattiriy of themultitude who have used The Shaker Blood Syrup for spring debility; languor,lassitude, and that general feeling of stupidity, weariness and ex- hat:Mien Which everyone feels during this season, we should be able to _present • to our readers such an overwhelming mass of coin! niendatory messages, that the:few who have not tried it would do so at once. •It is a positive fact, and has been so effectually de- monstrated that no one today denies it, that The Shaker Blood Syrup contains more real medicinal value than any article now before, the public. Hiindreds, in spite of their pre- judices, are taking' The Shaker Bleed Syrup, and now honestly declare it to be the best medicine ever offered to the public ; and they are quite right, and this.eentiment Must and will extend just as far as people will aliow. themselves to be influenced' by facts and by the testimony of those people who have tried it and know whereof they speak. In pre. smiting The Shaker. Blood Sprup to the pub-. lie we sifffer, because people have been am often,. ,humbegged by the week decoctions, with -Which the country is filled:- It is •often difficult to, make people believe what an., ad.- vertieement Nam because of the eVilinfluenee pro4ueedby those unreliable, worthless pre! parations. It is truss that holiest people are constantly suffering from the effects of dia. honesty, and this will probably:always be so,' halt does not require any remarkable ability to see how the real worth of The Shaker 4lood Syrup impresses itself upon people. Our reputation vista upon the value of this medicine, and we are proud of the record it is making. FARRAN& TISIDALL . B A 11I K E . . • ' RATTENBURY sT., CLINTON T•ANSR ACT A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS. Moneyadranood on Mortgages end Notes of hind .Drsitis issued payola at par, st tdltho !Mose of the Merchant's, Bank of °amide.. New 'York exchange borIght kW sold. -PROMPT ATTENTION PAID, TO COL. tzemoxsthroughoutOsuada and the United States, SALE NfriES•BOUGHT at bloke:rates, &p41 money advanced to tsrmerun,their otgrt note ;for tenyiength of time to snit the berrewer. All marketable scour tiolthoughtand sold, ' • BANKERS IN SEW YORE, 'AGENTS OF THE kIERoirANT'S BANE or CANADA, INTEREST .A.LLO WED ON -DEPOSITS W. W. PARRAN. X. P. TISDALL OLD CLOTHESFOrt SALE.—I take all sorts of 4kraes, clothes, carpets, and hope my old 'friends wor SaVn there for inc. 1 also take brass„ lead and mop.% ram home on Mondays. Any l,craon having rags or truck In my Hee, eau love word at my melee, and I will fetch it and givevele°, and I atso hog to say Moo no business connection with a num mined ifessin, Paporirg, minting, and jobbing•of that sort done by Oconee Bmrte.v. W. MARTEN, Pallet, BOX 84, Clinton. trill"\kk 111111‘16'14 rajdna4Y0104wiU Gat tho sgw ERA from .thls data to Jan.ist, 485. For new AubseribortiOWY• 40c N E W Boot and Shoe Store, IN PERRIN'S *BLOCK. laril ADM-MADEWOES', SEWED & PEGGED, at prices to suit every purse. The best Work, loweetprlees, and satisfaction guaranteed, Aa I have first -Mess city workmen employed, antral sattataotion is a eertitinty. Givens a call • ROBT. AUTTERSON, Prop H. BEACOM, Manager. • ELYTH PUMP FACTORY. reargwson ttlgrillovris PRCIPRINTORS. 'TIRE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RECENTLY A started a factory in Myth, beg to intimate to the people of Heron that they are prepared to sink wells or eisterati, and providePumps of the very best workmanship. Saving had con- siderable experience in the Ihunnmaking busi- ness, they tea confident they can give entire satisfaction. An orders, by mail or otherwise, promptly filled, at the most reasonable rates. myth, April. 1884. stoop.. .... . • • SY RU Cures Completely Scrofula, tiyphilia, Cancer,. Rheumatism, • atarrh, ulcers and skin and Mood Diseases or every' deserip. • tion. • $1000 reward to any chemist who will 8?3:11dn,c_co.n_. analysis of 100 bottles of Shaker Iodide of. Potassium, or any mineral sub. Mance. bYrup, one particle of Mercury, SOLD EVERYWHERE. WC% • AIM Per Bottle, or Six for 35.00. eablott Parlor Milire Warttiol, • The subscriber' keeps the .tiriest • - • CASKETS and COFFINS Always on hand. Funerals furnished at the shortest notice and lowest prices. A CALL SOLICITED. • • Le,ediflg7ildertaker• 'REMEMBER, THE PLACE, ' • ' • OPPOSITE • THE TOWN HALL. THOS. STEVENSON. ARDEN LELAND whom everybody knows as the succesifiil niaftager of the. ' • Largest' Hotel Enterprises . . 01 America, says that while a passenger from New 'York on board a'Sbip goitiglirmind Cape Morn, in the inr;* l!ays•uf entigratiott 10 cat- he'lenrned thst 'one or me efileire: of the veis,et had ett.t himself, during tp voY-- sige, of4tuelist:ietta d,seitse by the 'tett or. • • • . ' Ayer's Sarsaparmit $inee 'then Mr. Ler,sxri has recoiemended SARSAp,AltILLA in malty slpiilar cases, and he has never yet heard of its faiti • are to effect a radical cure. ; Some years ago one of Mr. LEtixrei taim. lebdrers bruised isIs lrg. 004 tothe bad state of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling EH lump appeared on the injured. llnih.. Roe. rible itching of the shin, with burning and darting,pains through the lump, Made life lamest intolerable.. Tbe lbg became eitor- 'Measly enlarged, and running ulcers .formed, discharging greet_quantities • of extremely offensive matter. .hro treatment Was of any avail until the man, by Mr. LELAND'S &DM- , tion, was supplied with AFEIt'S • SARRAFA- ' Attlia .whieh allayed tee pain maid irritation sealed sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use. • Mr. Utak-tin has Perebnalty used • Ayer's Sarsaparilla for Rheumatism, with entire seeress ; and, after careful observation, (le.' :u4 d 087, in his baltof, there is no Inv 1: ':::•3 ill the World W IWI 70 it for the cure of Liver Dilerclers, Gout, the effects -of hiaft ila ni, Satt Rheum, Gores, Ern2)1i14, nni nil 1110 various forma of blood illsenms. We have Mr. Lerazin"s perm:salmi to Invite ell who may desire further evidence in regard to the extraordniary curative pOWOM of -Armes SARSAPARILLA 10 800 him person- ally either at his mammoth Ocean krotel, Long Brinell, or at the popular Leland,ilotel, Broadway, 27th and 28th Streets, Near York. , Mr. Latarm'a extensive knovrledge of the good done by this unequalled eradicator of biood poisons enables hint to give inquirers much valuable intOrmation. • r • • PREPARED sir Dr.I.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mase. '13014 bYall Dreggietsi $l,stabottlefor 30. The Clinton, New ]Bra, X.Airgiust• 31Paper in the 404101Prity, Se4t., 'co INT""vV*, SilibtscliliVberr4t. Vior the Valance of the year, ; - vii4)07,-,4p elutto leaplii. e, tik ' • i . . T • pi , : 4 ..:; , r• '/' ' . ;, '., ' -. • '. ) 7 - 4,1 .—...' .2,111511Ettr ai3±41T11:Z.A.. I.1 DIZIT T Cl" Pr I I 01RA i 1 t JUST TO RAND. rfrealtirs' Soaps, Viveimeh Unit* larnigheS .Ilooper's and Alpine JLia-vaticler., Grennine Coloirne. TOILET REQTISITES of the latest manufactures of the world. Plivsferese Paw:rum:04a and FAMILY ItneTrEs tilled with care and despatch. DISENFEOTANTS of all kinds kept, : orA-311PFIS.EL. ccolvjEJB, • CHEMISTOHBM1S ANb DRUGGIST, • • - CLINTON, ONT, J. CUNIN�EIAME Desires to call special attention to his stock .of China and. Granite Ware Of all kinds; suitable tor Christmas presents. Also, the finest Confectionery ! -to; be hid. Fresh Fruit, Canned Goods, 84.c.. JOHN CUNINGHAME. GROCER, 'CLINTON! . . N7S7ST aritacDr>._ ,M . Poistr4TE„ .A.SSOTIVIENT OF PRI NI .1 E .Comprising. all the Newest Styles. in p • FgENCH' & 4.11TE1-tIcAN.,HATS & BONNETf. • In Chip.and Fancy . Straws.. Flowers, - Feathers, Tips, Pom Poms, (.)irints, 'Lades, Ribbons,, Silica and Satins. Having bought .from the loading importers 'in the trade, anl at prices that we are enabled to,offer special:, value in the above lines. EMBROIDERIES, large stock to choose from. • 'DRESS Ourammits, • . •, PASSEMENTE1ES' AND GIMP THISSINSS. Fun. line of SPRING' PRINTS alad general assortment Of -DAY GOODS. Hats. and Bonnets -made over into all • the leading Styles. Apprentices Wanted to learn the straw woi k' • ' . • . . , • . • K. BEESLEY& -.SON BEAVER BLOCK • * . • • 1\101i,r. Xl\l" S91C1COCI-K, Embraping all the Latest Styles 145:. all classes of,..43rhoo4s, wliiehwili -be • sold at the closest prices. • 4CD 41". Car A.31_414 ITS U1CflES Largo/Moo]i o Oda:Lt.'s .. rurni4hirig Coodx.. 0-Te0CDOMIt=S . .• A. fresh stock of these goods at the lowest prices. IR. COATS & SON, Clinton.