HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-29, Page 1r - •
Barri$ters, Solioitors,
,99Yeinifeiloners ler Ontario and Idaniteba.
., CLINTON TtEDA:74190,0iNiroN.Ty—xon-
. „
The following is the official report of
tell mEidnuactai otincian:alaDoebpraLtel:e. nt of the recent
intermediate, -.R, S. Acheson, A. Gra-
liana, K. Ocall18, A. Caughlin, M. A. Mott-
teitb, J. Stalker, J. Ratcliffe, ill. Robert-
son. '
Third class -T. Minn, E. Senborn, E..
A,cheson, S. Smith, J. Wilson, M. Came-
ron, E. J. Cassidy, J. Caman, M. Grant,
A. Porter, A. O'Reilly, J. M. Gordo; j.
of G. Munro. '
Second class -M. Robertson, 'A; Q, Mc-
.oKibbin, *t; J, MurraY, As; A. Murray, R;
sot T. calllefOri. A; J. Weatherhead, B.
ifi SEAFORTIT. , .
J 14
XrafootonAl .4011 Om Orb.
undersigned at the , Library RoomS, Smith's
filoek. • 89 JAMES SCOTT.
Insurance and General Agent. Money to loan.
°mos, Bram %oat, Clinton, Ont.
INA sums on good Mortgage security, moderate
ate of interest: H. HALE. Olintan.
:-.........------- -......„...___„_. 1
' NOti.itt. NO. OS. _
TERMS -.gelato pee Altman/.
gar 441/gttifLettentO:
SIZTVIM2 01,40.111XES--: W. KITT sells
the light-runnino new Home Sewing Al'aehine,
which takes Ow tead. ef•
H. DOWSLEY, in. D., af, 0. R.B. ENGLAND
1../ Physician, Surgeon, eta. Office and residence
negt Molson'e Bank, market square, Clinton.
Lon Ontario street,Clinton, opposite the English
Church. Entrance hy Side gate. „
•14...,e-University0PhYeician, Surgeon, .itc. residence at
Mr. Manning's, three d,00rs SOO Of the 'Temperance
idall,Mondesboro, Ont.
_1.14 • 1' niversity, Philadelphia, Member of College of
Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Office at George
Grantham's, three doors north of the Post Office,
‘31- Mas. Money, Proprietor. Large and airy, cen-
trally situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot
air, largo and well lighted sample rooms, Good sta-
bling. 81 per day. • . '
LL. Provincial and Dominion Land Surveyor,
Architect and Draughtsman, 'PERRIN EitocK,
-1-16 for the County of Huron, Sales attended
to promatly. Charges moderate. Residence
Albert St. Clinton.
1, Murray Block, two doors east of, Iladgens, en
trance. Residence, oppesite the. Temperance /fall,.
Enron Street, 'Clinton. Office hours, 8 a.m. to. 6 p,ra..
Ata. attended at their own residence,if necessary. Re-
sidence, John Robertson% Enron Street, Clinton.
Rice's new method taught If* desired,
Department of VictorialJniversity,Toronto,for
moil, of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, new York
Coroner for the County of Huron,Bayfield,Ont.
illboToronto 'University; member of the,College of Phy
siCiO218 fillrge0118, Oa. OFFICE & REOIDENOE the
house formerly occupied by Dr.,Reeve, Albert Street
Clinton. •
LAccouthour ,Licentiate of the College
and Surgeons of Imwerflanad a and ProvinelalLioen,
[date and Coronorfor theConniyofEnron. Officeand
roeidenae,-The building ormerly occupied by Mr .
Thwaites, Huron street.,
V Hotel is new and has all the requirements
of a nrst-olass house. Large, and airy rooms,.
elegant parlors, heated with liet•air, and in the
immediate vicinity of the 0.T, R. depot.'" The
bar is welf stocked with the choicest brands of
hinters and cigars. The travelling public may
rest -assured ef being well cared for at this house
..sAmUEL PIKE, proprietor. •
C. cARTwitiesr.r„.i... S.
of Stretford. will visit Clinton and be at.
the Grand Union Hotel (tho seeond Friday in the
month, where he will be prepared to. attend patients
professionally. The administration of Nitrous Oxide
Gas, or Vitalized -Air, given to patients when reqUired
for the painlessextraction of teeth. .
"II •••
• R. H. HOLMES.,
SolicitorSupreme Court.
ln Ely11]..every Thursday. Collections and'.
claims proniptly and reliably attended to..
PRIVATE FENDS to lend at lowest rate of
interest. •
iltid the exclusive right for the county •for the. Herd
pr mess of administering chemically • pure .Nitrogen
Monoxide, which is the safest and best system. yet: die-
ovvered for est, painless extraction of teeth. . Charges
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Orme, BEAVER
liLoCK, over Thompson & Switzer's Grocery Store,
A no. r t street, Clint on. •
MISS NELLIE IlIOLMES'is prepared to give'
or, the Piano or organ to a -waited number of
up>. Instruction given at the hems of pupill. if
Tiompon": 'rich Agency
•• eneseDouteneiN LINE OP STEAMERS to
Liverpool, and -all points east -low rates..
Lo Manitoba and points west..
lowest rates. •
a •
CALL before making arrangements
to any of these uoints.
• Town Agent G.T.E.
. THE .A.LLA.N..
The Allan Line irt taking Steerage passengere
from Clinton to Liverpool. Derry
•and tilasgovr, for $20.15
Ew011e.S10111 TiCiCetth good for six menthe,
at low rates. Intermediate rates also
reduced. Accommodation good.
sailings every Saturday
from Quebec. .
Passengers require to.lcave Clinton at,, p.
(C., on Thursdays; making direct cent], .anon
• with steamers at Quebec].
Full particulars and all inforraatioa,on appli-
• cation to
G. T. E. Agent,, (Mitten.
13 II°.
allattde itOderAte_
A TEAR/ tir mousiesi,
-ear. Narness, Waggon and One pair Manitolsa Bob.
ieighs for sale, -JOHN McGARVA, Clinton. ,
.ca either in Clinton or near Stapleton, about two
months 41,1o. Party returning it to New Era office
will be suitably rewarded.
'Jur SALE.-- A. quantity of splendid Democrat wheat
for sae. Cleaned well and free from weeds. Yield-
ed 45,husliels to ,the acre this year. Prieb;$1 rer,bush.
Wm. CiLtPuAat,. lot 24, Con. 2,-3, L. It, S.' Bruce -
sow P. 0: . 31. • .
Caine into the premises of Mr.T. Dinsdale, lot I, 2nd
con. Stanley, en or about the 1st Jhly, one .yearling
steer, ole yellowish roan color, the owner is instruct-
ed to prove property of the same, paying expenses
and take it away. TKOS. DINSDALE, Kipper], Aug.
28th 4i
• The suliscriber offers that eligibly situated'hirm, lot
18, '7111 con. Ifullet, iniles hem Milburn, containing
1,00 acres, on width there are a frame house, kiarge
bank barn 60 x 40, chaff house, horse and cow stables,
grad well at barn, 2 acres of good orchard of various
kinds of fruit. One of the best and handsomest farms
in the tbwriship, well -fenced, well underdraMed, and
in first class Order. As the owner is unable to continue
farmingliny longer, nuist be sold this fail.. areariy all
seeded down. OnlY $2,000 cash, required, purchaser
can arrange forromainder. BELL, Constance P.o.
e Constance, Aug. 29,
-LI- having claims against the estate of the late Mits.
GonnoN, Inc requested to forward the same to the un.
dersigned for eettlement, before the lst of September.
promises, Lot 21, 14th con.; Goderich townshIP,
about .middle of July, Two EWES "t,nd TIMEX LAMS,
one ,of the twos not sheared.. The owner is hereby
notifimi to prove property., pay charges and take them
away. • CHRISTOPHER 'renewer,
• •
.11.1. subscriber offers for Sale that very well -situated
House and Lot mi Rattenbury Street, ocenpied by
himself. The house is frame, and contains fair rooms
downstairs and four up; Otono roqt house, hard and
soft water.' The lot is one-eighth of an acre. This
property is within live minutes walk of the Misiness
portion of the town. 'Terms made known on implica-
tion- to the undersigned. JOHN OUNiNGIIANE,
Clinton. .
17-ItiAtim RAirmula). VOTERS,
V LIST—Notice is hereby given that I have trans-,
'pitted or delivered to the persons inentioned in thti
third and fourth sectkons of the Voters' List Act ,
the copies required by said section to be so transmi
ted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act,
Of all persons 'appearing --by the last revised MOM'
ment Ron of the said Munpality_to__Ite_erititled-to-
tie-in-the-saki' XiifirdifiiliV at Elections for mem-
bers of the Legislative Assembly and at 'Municipal
elections; that said list was first posted tin at my of-
fice in Baylleld, on the Fifteenth day of Au.'
gnat, A: D.1884. and remains there for inspec-
tion. Electors are called upon to examine the said
118, and -if any omissions orother errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings* to have the
said errors corrected according to law. • -
' Hayfield, 15th Aug.; 1884. •
. HAMILTON, HUNTER, Clerk,of said lihmicipality.
'Hoosaholti Fornitore fUr Chap..
• toWn in about a month, -I offer the following
HouSohold•Furnituto for *so 1 e:-. „
rarior, Teti. • / Mdebtinrd.
I: marbie Top Ceatre *.'
1. Large diirror in Walnut': , •
/01 Dining...Table 'and - chairs.
norm), Maw .snm. • 5. Rooting Chairs...
2 Eau), • Chairs. ' 1,, Writing Deih. '
.5 Tablee • lin. tinnier '01 room.
:Sewing ateeeine. 2 ileolroein Sets. ,
3 Ltimpet. ' 3 Stoven, One, new.
These will be Sold by private bale. parties "wishing
to buy any of the above articles, can insPect theni on
.ealling.atmy'residenee,any afternoon between Sand a
IV. Li 1,VOTVITO.Tir Otinton.
. . .
The su 'scriber havinft di.sposed• oj' his
Harness Bvstnass to /W. eko. Sharman, of
Goderieli, desilcs to intintatd that ler ties
next Thirty Pays Ole. great bargain's
in flame. ss, Trunk's, da,, in Order to.req,
his. stock. L (1-00:DS cam. • .
Parties indebted to hitt ar requested t°
the ainount of min,e. '.(tt 0566, •cts oll
antsta :Oi•coants: ramst •be
W. Xs: IsTkV7TC:411,
W. JACKSON, Ainber tall wheat, and 0wed at, the pro=
'AdENT CNTON. dcthis 41 bushels and 45
utseason being
pounde. That is pretty good.
COX+1301/NE, • ! *CAVORT%
BRIEFS. -Mrs, 13. Foster is visiting be
• Publisher,
Scheel re -opened on Monday morning.
The shrill. whistle and musical hum o
the threshing machine begins to remind
us that autumn is here once more.
Our -village bas enjoyed an increase in
population during the past week, the wife
of our genial waggon builder having pre-
aenteddier husband with a young son.
It would be a great convenience ta
many in our village if some.good baker
would pay us an occasional visit, and we
think it could scarcelyshe unprofitable to
Mr. Sherritt has commenced work on
the new bridge between Varnaand Bruce -
field. It is hoped that all possible des-
patch will be lased in carrying forward
the undertaking, as the road over which
the traffic has now to pass is none of the
On Friday Waning last a number of
our villagers turned out and renewed the
sidewalk. It was by no means a work of
supererogation -the only trouble is tke
lumber pile was too eeoon exhausted.
However, we must be thankful for the
'great improvement made, and will live in
hopes that the geed work will, at no dis-
tant day, be resumed and 'completed.
A few of our villagers took a day by
the lake on Monday. They had a swel-
tering time, hnt What with lunching, boat-
ing, and driving, they managed to enjoy
theraselves. They report unfavorebly of
Hayfield as a pleasure resort, as there is
only one place .where picnicing. party
can have half a show, and that is not
very eesy of access. The road is good,
access' is eaay enough so far as that
is concerned, but -well; perhaps lye
need not specify any further than to say
that all people we meet with in this world
are not equally obliging.
We observe. that your. Hayfield corres-
pondent thinks it woeth while to refer to
certain statements receetly eniule. anent
that place as a pleasure resort We may
remind hiin that it was not stated thet•no
good could come of a vittit there -the re-
freshing breezes from the lake make such
a statement untrue -but, that as a plea-
sure. resort, Hayfield did not excel. A -
regards "Annexation to that big city on
the hill," we can only say, Varna cannot
favor such a scheme until the Scott Act•
r There was no services held•in Stahomas
churchwit Sunday. Rev. Mr. Cream
Clinton, will preach on the 14th Sept.
Mr. Walwron, of Vietotia College 0
bourg, preached to excellent wserrnoni t
large congregations in the Methodi
church last Etunday. The subject of b
evening discourse was, "the way to get
saved." Next Sunday evening, be -will
take tor his subject, "bow to get saved,"
Mrs W, is the supply for Rev, Jas. Broley
during the latter's holidays. Ile is it
young man of ability, and is Buret() make
his mark in theprofeesion he has adapted.
A good naany went on the excursion to
Grineaby last Friday, to hear the great
Brooklyn preacher. Dr. Talmage,
A good deal of sicknese prevails in our
'Midst at present, among Which are a few
cases of fever.
Ilfre. J. Wilkinson, of Winnipeg, fey-
merly of this place, is visiting friends here.
Messrs. T.D. Duncan, R. Jamieson and
Miss Jamieson,. returned last Thursday
from the old country. The steamer Ore-
gon, upon,which Mr. Duncan came, made
the extraordinary quick 'passage from
Liverpool to N'ew York, in six days and
ten hours ; It is said to be the fastesttinae
on record. '
Seaforth can boast 01 :1 woman temper-
ance lecturer, in the person of Mrs. Pen-
dergast, President Of the W. C. T. 1Y. She
will deliver a lecture in Cardno's music
ball, on Friday evening, Aug. 26th, tak-
ing for her subject, "evils arising from the
use orintoxicants." The Woman's Chris-
ti= Tensperamce Union, only .recently
organized, bave ix strong membership,
among whoni are some of the most pro-
minentladies in town. • .• •
'Capt. Wass, of London, Divisional of-
ficer of the Salvation Army. Was in town
town last Friday, ,assisting Capt. Gage in
*sleeting suitable gronncle On which to
build a barracks. • .
Mr. Jae. Beattie, Deputy -Reeve; who
has been laid up for some Ihne with a
severe attack of quinsey, we are pleased
to state, is able to be aroundjegains • -
Mr. E. J. Morrison, wholme been en-
gaged ae salesman for Messrs; Duncan &
Duncan during the past year, leaves on
.Mdieda.v for his home at Kingston. Mr.
Wns. Pardon of Toronto, is his successor.
'Messrs. WM. McKay and Fred Arinit-
age attended the bicycle races at Woods
-stook; on-Monday.-Melfaysionk.7second
place in the three mile race. .
• Me= SALT MAKING.---DrAkielldREt of
Seaforth, has bought twelve acres of
land below St. Clair and will proceed at
once toseink a salt well, work on which
will be commenced within two weeks.
The work of malting salt is to be commenc-
ed at Courtright, Ont.; this week: Brine
froat. the viten, with only•one week's pumps
big, .twelve hours per day; 'yields. pari
brine 80 to 90 per etain strength,
f friends and relativee in Markham town
ship. Connoly's "tall" binding,
as it is termed, creates considerable com-
ment. Mrs. Wm. Foster anti daughter
are visitmg at East Saginaw. A. Fisher
ie agent for Bush's patent non-freezind
force pump.
Peasottat,-The mail friends of Mx.. M.
Levy will be sorry to learn that be is laid tip
with a touch of ebolera, Mr. Bobt. Bissett
• was stricken with paralyei,. ivis week, we aro
glad to leara he is an the alma Miss Bur.
'kee50. of Bowfuanville, end ii)iss Downinvot
Ceded* were the guess Miss Lottie
,Morrisli this weeks.
has reduced the liquor traffic, which hate
for.sueh a long time, given, in unenviable'
reputation te IlagYfiehlt and .until 1,301Re
. steps shave -been -takenstonletudurizes the
O� Saturday evening, as Mr. Coleman,
of Seafortle was returning from Hayfield,
he met Mr. Ketelien near the railroad
.eroseing at Brucefield. His horse shied
as he was passing near Mr. •Ketchen, and
his front wheel caught the hind .wheel 'of
Mr. Ketcben's buggy, and both bug -
were severely injured.
Messrs. Brigham & Elliott,. of
have bought the fifty -acre tatm owned by
Mr. Michael Kerwin, for.$3,100. •
-Mi. Harry Kelly, of the 13th 'con., had
a Maxwell binder. working -last week,
which gave Very good satisfaction.
Some of the farmers in this vicinity
have finished cutting their grain; and will
have all the harvest.. gathered • in abont
two days.
Mr. Adam Elliott, 'ef ths .13th ren,,
who hae beee confined to his bed•with ty-
phoid fever, has hilly anesee,ed from his
Miss.Ettie Votiier, 1,r,?i W.; been visit-
ing -friend, in Hamilton, returned home
last week ; she was acCompanied by her
cousin, (..irace Goviels of Hamilton. .
Wm. Woodinan," of Londesboro, had
the anisfortuneeto break his buggy one
night last week, when returning borne
flora Mr. Wm. Murphy's •plece. It ap-
pears the horse:be had got frightened at
sornething, and ran off' one side of the
road, when be tightened the line and
pulled the -horse to tile othe side, bring-
ing the bum against , the veiling )f
CrODERICII TO virNffillii P.
. .
• Mi. L. Moore, of the base line, had
quite• a fire in his bush last week, At
one thee the bridge leading into Colborne,
;across the Maitland, was in great danger
of being burned, - . -
Mn. CI-. MIDDLET'S.N, Of Goderieb. town.
ship, bought last fall a bushel of Martin's
Cheap Excarsions via fie &eat lakes.
wienteen And return rits0 00 .
Duluth and return, 32 00 .
Pert Art/air and reburn.... 30 00
SaultSto Marie and return., as 00
sEcotuo'dAnial TicitErsNew.Vorlt to Liverpool
and return, Soo, the lowest remover were&
mnsrnensee Timers are new end at ratc1f1
never before heard of.
The "teat of time" is infallible and never
has this test been better stood than by Dr. J.
D. leorgan, of Detroit, Mich., and his fawns
Medical Connell, Organized in 1878, and re-
organized in April last as tho British -Ameri-
can Medical & Surgical Institute." Every
year hoe but increased their 'reputation for
unrivalled professional skill. Over 40,000
permanene cures have been effected by them,
a wonderful record, when it ;a remembered
that they treat only chronic diseaeos and de,
formities, which have generally been treated
unavailingly for years by ordinary physicians
before falling into their hands. Surgeons of
the above institute will visit Clinton on Tuefl•
day next, Sept. find, and may then be con:
salted, free of charye, . at the Commercial
Hotel, All Who desire skillful and effective
treatment by competent and honorable tipel
cialists should oil upon them'', Or if that is
impossible ahead write to Dr, J. liergan,
Detroit, Mich.
'Conenee,--Council rnet at Holmeuville,
on the llth inst. pnrsnant to adjourn-
ment; members all present except Mr:
J. H. Elliott, who wise unavoidably absent,
minutes of last meeting read and confirm-
ed. Countyclerk's letter read statino
amount required for -county purposes,
Moved by James Laithwaite, seconded by
John 13eacom, that a rate of 21 mills on
the $ be levied On all the real, rateable. Mid
personal property in the township, for
tiouritypyrposes ; that a further rate of 2
mills on the rim levied on the same pro-
perly, for township purposes, and that
the clerk levy the different sums required
by the several iihool trnetees, for the cur.
rent year. -Carried. A by-law, confirm-
ing* the above, wail drafted, read three
times, and passed. The following accounts
were Paid :—Lawrence lYlannieg, gravel,
paid for from H.L.M., $16; Star office,
printing, $15; 24 complaints being made,
that private individuals took gravel from
road allowance, and loft the place in an
unsafe state, it was moved. by john Bea.
coin, see. by James Laithvvaite, that the
elerk notify Wm. Ford, P. lT., to hovel
Tho.. Pickard fill up, at once, where he
took gravel from, opposite John Calbeek's
farm, and that Mr. Mimed will he held
responsible for any or all accidents that
may occur through his neglect. --Carried.
Council adjoorned to meet again on the
last Monday in September.
J AMIN ?AVON', 01011.
,1310 VVouiesicEwan & Harvey, a, feW
days ago, threshed 250 biishels of' wheat
in two hours. Who ban beat this ?
Mr. Win, Graham, -reeve of Strente-Y;
has just completed orie of the best farm
houses in the township. of Standeys,lt is
heated with hot air, and has -all the mo-
dern improvements. Mr. Copp did the
brick. and mason work.; Howard & Dyer
the carpentering, mad Wm. Armstrong
did the graining. Each one has* done his
part well, but Mr. Armstrong deserves
special mention for the pains he,has tak-
en in graining. -
One day last week John Stewart, of the
Bayfield line, was driving his team .ab-
tached to big waggqn, and leading a
large mare ehind, which became unman-
ageable, and upset the waggon, throwing
Mr. Stewart out, tint not hurting him.
The horses snared off with the waggon in-
it reversed Position,' and soon left the
'Wheels and parts Of the waggon scattered
alung the road': They ten about a mile,
and When caught had not even a whiffie-'•
tree attached, but were not hurt in the
Ersetsst tesszr,--e0n Friday evening
last as the steam thresher of Mr. Thomas
Dinsdale. was crossing abridge on aide -
line five, between 3rd and 4th con: Stan-
leys,theatringers- on one side gave way;
upsetting the engine,. but fortunately not
falling 'entirely, bemg. caught by the
• aOund stringer, but the injuries were such
as to require near $100 to repair. Mr: J.
• Deeds, wbe ittee driving at the tinie,
-rowly escaped with his life. Neighbors
quickly were on the sceneand placed the
engine on solid ground; 'Ana ,Kr.. Dips -
dale, with his usual alaerily, at once took
sin easgres-stoetelmir-damagess-so-that tire
engine will be In working order with the
least-possthle delay. ••
. iseeen...eenaisitie
lica-L-esNes-Mr, John Willis is erect-
ing a conniodione reeidence on his fan&
near this place. •
PEnsontszse-eMr. Pellette,-Of Stratford,
Mise Smith:, of :Londe; and Mrs. Flanns-
gan and familyeof Port Huron, are visit-
: ntr-ffriends here. ,
Scupoi,-chool Work hes got fairly
under Wav,and• the boys and girls, with
their. 'Shining morning faces," wend their
west to their work aeam.
HARBOR, WORR.-The pile driying is
progressing, but not quite so fastas the
overseer could wish. There i8 a thick -bed
of loom gravel; tbro u,gh whiele'the piles
have to be driven; rincf the driving conse-
quently is very diffienit. A lot of bark
bee been shipped froth here this aummer,
but there ife not much of it on hand now.
WEisrhuit AND Citons.-,The weather
keeps cool, with hardly; any ,rain -very
favorable for harvesting, but otherwise
unfavorable. The ground is exceedingly
dry, and summer 'fellows, pasture fields,
and rent crepe .need rain badly.. • The
crops Are being barvested, nicely. The
•grein is• ohm excellent quelity, and the
fields have •yielded an abundance of it,
enough; surely to keep that proverbial
grumbler, the farmer, Itom Complaining.
• " . BLYTIII.
. Mrs. Odlon, of Belfast,. is visiting friends
inmyth this week; '
.Dr. Slew] has gone to Montreal to attend
tee meeting of tho Dominion Medical Ask).
*elation iS that city. ,
Hector Buie, of WO Montreal Busittees
College, has returned to engage in thc aJirre.
• dales of his pinitoission. ••
Rot. A. McLean has resumed file pastoral
duties after hip holiday trip. He occupied
• his pulpit last Sabbath and in the -morning
delivered an. excellent praotical diacourse
front I. Corinthians,.15. chap.38 veise: "Be
not deceived; evil communications corrupt
-geed mannera.tt In the mune of his remarks
he referred in forctble terras to it letter from
the pen Of D. Martin, which was pLlblishedisl
the: Winghani 7idette of the 14th ' inst.
,The•Writer of that letter has certainly sttong-
ly imbibed infidel viowa and opinions, and'
boldlY ridicules everything sacred, holy and
divine, not omitting ministers, teachers of
theoldgy, ahurehes and all "that true Chris-
tians hind most •dear, while the Vidette
editor champions his cause and explain Words
ridr:rsos his views. The Rev. gentleman, as
failhful-fttchman on- Zion's walls sounded
the note of 'alarm, plainly showed the true
character of the artiele, the poisonous 'nature
of all such writings and fearleekly denounced
thia paper, which so far forgot the interests of
humanity, of public moraine and of right, not
•to say of Christianity, as to not only publish
Such infidel sentiments, but alseholdly en-
dorse them. We heartily commend the firm
stand for the right, for religion and the Bible,
which the Rev. gentleman has foarleasly taken
and trustthe day may never arrive, as by the
grace of Ged it never will, when infidelity
shall secure the slightest foothold on Canada's
fair soil, .
Mn. T. 3. 13u1,L, of Londesboro, has
bought of John Brown, it mare for $220,
and one 6= James Reid, for $250,
1310 TintEsEpui.-r-On Saturday last
some *very big work was done on the larm
ofMr, Henry Taylor, near Kinburn, 800
bushels of spring wheat being turned out
in two houre. It is claimed that even
more than this, tould have been done;
but Mr. Taylor would not allow the ma-
chine. to be run to its full eepacity. The
thresher used was from the foundry of
Ferran, Macpherson & flove , Clinton
and shows what can be accomp 'shed with
a goo.1 machine when good men run it.
AWFULLY SUDDEN' nuamit.--'--The peo-
ple of this place were shocked en Wed-
nesday, to hear of the sudden :death
of Mr. Geo.A. Houghton, the .well-knoWn
lone dealer, end could scarcely credit it.
It appears that. he was driving, through
Egniondvillesnyhen he suddenly dropped;
and was found by parties who wentto his
relief, to be dead. Hart disease is suppos-
ed to have beenthe •cause of his death.
'He was well known in .this place, and
will be Missed from oursnidst. -He leaves
a wife to. mourn his 'untimely end.- 'He
Will be teroembereci as a :former resident
•of, Clinton, hnd his wife (former/Y Mrs.
Paterson) was also a. resident of 'this
place for many. years having carried on
the Commercial hotel'. here. -En. ERA.;
The Foresters excursion to Lonclon,on
Monday, was well patronized by our eiti-
zens. The members of the court from
here wart in a body,aceompaniedby theh
brass band, Mad participated in the grand
demonstration held there that day..
, Great excitement is expected at the
races on Fairview driving park next
Thursday. .
The Rev. Geo. Buggin, of Drayton for-
merly pastor of the Methodist church.
here, is staying at Mr. Jas. Beattie's.. '
Mr. -8. Caldwell has retuined Prom a
trip to the northwest. • He is well satisfied
with the country there. ' • '
There was no service in the 'Presbyte-
rian church, last Sabbath mornieg, Rev,
Mr. Priteliatcl being absent:in Brussels.
Mr. Goo. Tindle is busy erecting a new
building at present, part of which will be
fitted U as it store, the remainder used fia
dwelling house. • .
Mr. Wm. Anderson preached in the
Methodist church last Sabbath, Rev. Mr,
Ca.ewell being called away during the
week by the death,of his son.
The new bridge here is completed. It
is a fine structure,, consisting of one apan
°fend feet, 24 feet from the floor to the
• top, and 80 feet above the water. Mr. A.
McDonald and W. Symington are buss?'
filling..up, the approaches. It is expected
to be ,reatly for traffic by the end of the
ex, s-- -----;-
RAIN WANTED. -The protracted dry
weather is tying npmalty of the Wells
in the southern part of Ssanley, causing
greet inconvenience. The creek near Kip -
pert is dry', except - in a few pOols, killing
all the fish.
The grasshopper and cabbage enterpils•
lar are making sad inroads on the cab-.
bilge patches. If some one would discovs
er a parasite or poieon for these cabbage
destroyers, he would ,reeeive the thanks of
gardeners at hiast; '
kr TOE matches of the Ontario Rifle
Association, Toronto, on Monday. Md.
Nicholas Robson took a prize of $5.0d,
scoring 29 points, the highest. Fame being
.81 points, among 65 competitors& Mr.
Jas. Young took a prize of $5,00, with 28
points, and Mr. James Johnston, a prize
of. $8.00, with 26 points. In the Gilmour
Inateb, 500 yards Jansee Young and N.
Robson each took a $8.00 prize, and at
600 yards James Young else took $8.00.
Intermediate -F. McCoughey, A. Mc-
Lean, W. Govenlock, .7. McFadyen,
Murray, D. Devereux, P. McDougall. -
Third class -M. Smith, 13. Barr, 13.
Dodds, J. Hogg, J. Forest, J. Coyne. .T.
,T; Keyes, G. I 1 'Thompson. , •
Second class -Ci, A. Dewar; 13 ; T. ltliv
lone, 13; W. Hewitt, 13; W. MeQueeh, A;
S. Anderson, A '; T. G. Ratcliffe, It ; P. S.
Murphy, 13; C. P. Bishop, 13. '
Intermediate-W.NTZ,Tehns, Eadie,
A. Cruickshauk, M. McEwen.
Third class -E. 31. Doan, E. E. Max-
well, B. Scott. A. M. Sprague, I. Tucker,
D. D. Birks, E. Caspcll, J. Cooper, J. A.
Croll, G. Ilartt, S. Taylor, G, vAncamp,
2. H. Blackwell, 3.1. Denby, IC, Mitchell.
Second class --j. Hamilton, A; A.
Holmes, 13; S. ,Inglis, A; P. 3.1cEtarcly, A;
M. Morrison, A;, T. Simpson, 13; G. An-
derson, lir. A. Baird, A ; Bornering,
B; A. Budge,A ; H. Gray, A; W. Milne,
A; G. McKiley, B: L. W. Diehl, 13; A.
Gregory, 13; L. E. Gregoiy, 13; L
lunj, 13. ,
A sunemary of the above, together svith
the result of the examinations published
some weeks ago, for _Seconds only, gives
the:following:- • /
. \ sse sem later. ard 20 demi
only, mrdiate. q:lass. B Petal.
OrilltOtt, . 9 4 15 8 9 '45
• Goderich, 5 8 ' 18 4 2 32
..Seafortlan„ 4 . . 26 ,27.
It trill be 'reit from this that. the Clin-
ton High Sehpol is a long way ahead of
its coMpeers in the county. In the 2nd
class, which is The severest test, Clinton
hae 17, while 42tlerich has only 6, and
SeafOrth 8. Our teachers deserve mat
credit tor the res it of their lest term's
labors. Following the announcement of
tbe iestilt Of the examinations comes the
semi-annual' report of the High Schools
Itispeetor, . whichis equally • gratifying.
He speaks of the school in the highest
terms, and finds fault only With the ttb-
once ofa reference library. Those who
intend taking a High School course should
mite' the superior 'standing of the Clinton
school,. and at once secure nplace forlh(
next -term. , • , •
' '
Bailers -4 large adhoener,with spoils forthe
harbor work, unloaded hero odTaesclay ;abbe
manager, Addison; isproceeding as fastas
can. A. railivay from Wingbara, by Clinton, '
to connect with the harbor is just what is
wanted, or else from London, by Zurich,
either or both roads wonld'be a profitable '•
inyeatment ; look 'at the Magnificent country :
it would 'pass throne], level as a barn fleet
Parker &Johnston are cleaning out the baps.
with their new thresher, :it a rate astoundIng
to the natives... Division-Cohrt here Saturday:' -
last was a poor affitit,no suits. LawyerSeagar.
acted as judge; he earned his Money o,asy
that day; we 40 not know exactly *iv this •
court is not more used, we are either 14ry
horiefite.paS, our debts or our erediters are
very lenient, what they: cannot. °oiled; lay
,it aside. 1 think all these Diviiicuf Gouda
sliquld be entirely abolished,. or elde • no law?
yer &Bewail inside thein,. We regret to hoar
that judge Doyle, was unable to attend.-- -
Genuntrerd's . cider mill is , aLwark
making the appleainto drink. New.sweet
eider at ,Stargan's 5ett.' his home° is Crowded
every day; lie man enlarge it, in olderto
meet thewantsof .his growing popularity.
A friendly.game of cricket, between Seaforth
and Bayfield ohibs; was *played on our
grounds last Saturday, resulting in a victory
for our Wye; • "borne goed Playing was made,
the players spent it pleasant time at Morgan's
fiftertea, .inuaie and 'song being freely gone
into ; our old friend Joslin played the organ.
Tom is as full of music as an egg is full of
meat. Last Sunday the Presbyterian minise.•
ter front Exeter preached in St .i Andrew's-.
church, hare, morning and evenidg, to ;then. .
tive congregations. A Listowel lawyer
pmielted in the English church, Mr..Tasilor.
being -still unwell.
Digit thee are raging, and in many eases'
'threaten to burn upstanding fields of ,grain.
-Farmers Should' exorcise more caution in put- :
ting season.
sat this. time pf year, and in
',Mr, .1000 Armstrong, teacher of SS. No. •
9, has resigned his Situation', Owing to ill.
:health. • His eucceisor is "Miss Weir, ,who
formerly taught at •Zetlancl;
, The whole of the vat body of Wider whiell.
'rap with*Sunit resistless force down the chan-
nel of the Maitland, towards bake Huron,
'may be crossed Just now, in certain places, at
a single step., If the dronth continues much
longer, tho river Maitland will be a tising of•
theoRt Espast.tcroovn
El.:11Na rceovering from his recant Jia.' •
.4.,= -Mr, Alex. Dinwall, though
g •
riots illnetti,
BUILDING. Henry Lawlor hag nearly
completed his helm, having finished building •
a verandah. Mr. T. Taylor .has workmen
gaged:in building a new barn, it 18 to have
atone stabling underneath. •
Co/snarl', Mr. J. Armstrong boa been
awarded tho contracttfor making a cut -in the..
big hill; Ord eon, Amount, $100.
Newcombe, thresher, has
bought an engine te use with his threshing •
9aSetheinuisee'es.-Several of tie Meridiem of Mr '
Johnston's11. family, and two neighbors
working with the family, have been indisposed
during the past week, but are now recovering.
Impure water is Supposed te be the cause of
the disorder.
V3striN0.-Mr. J. Webster, of Ingersoll,
who was 111 last' winter, is visiting With his -
Mater, Mra. W. Robertson, With the object of "
benofitting his health.
SAb.-4Mrs. G. Pearson received word, on
the 20th inst., of the death of her husband,
Whieh occurred in Alton, Illinois. Decoailed
had been travelling in the Southern States
fOr a few incnithe peat, and When last heard
from Was unwell, travelling homeward; Hie •
system not being etrong, he contracted ii2a.
aria' fever, whieh proved fatal on Aug. 8th.
Ilia bddy was interred next day. Greht
sympathy is shown hie young widow, in her
ore affliction. '