HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-15, Page 10OLIN'
NAVAL NOTICES. aide of has brother, who died a few days
T-,^- since at.his farm near Forest, where he
_ • d•4 had resided for over 30 years. Mr. Harry
' SEE our advertisement in Obis p�iaaprer. ' Dennis, formerly of Clinton, and who. was
S. 1 ALLISER d.^ C t1.. recently burned out, in Brussels, has mow -
REWARD --A saltablc rewar 2.will be elven ed into his, new store; Harry is said to bo
to the party wlio found a Silk .press lost on doing well there, and he deserves to,. Mr.
the Blyth Gravel .Road, a few weeks since, on T, O. Cooper boasts. of raspberries grow -
rework/ the sante to J CRAIG, Clinton, or ing on wood of this .ear's. growth, which
Ar'RS. J. 1lfoILRC 1, Blyth, ie something unusual. The Grand Union
REMOVED—MA Singer Sewing .4fachiue bus has been under the hands of the
Office has been removed to the Town Hall painter, and is improyed thereby, When
budding, xefh re,all businxss .will henceforth he so many new stores were going up here.a
transacted.: ° -Repairs and sundries always on abort time ago, the Expositor twitted Olin -
hand. GED. E. CRAWFORD.. ton with having more stores than could
*IFT E.N =PER CE�'V ' DISobuN '--- be used in a long time; it is, therefore,
in Poake Books, Purses and Ladies Satchels a good sign to find we have but one store
for the neat ;30 days, before stock, taxing. Big
bargains an all kinds of goods. C. Dickson,
City Book Store, Clinton.
ff Bain s. --Mrs. 1V.. I,aingjoina her hue -
/ON NEW ERA,' band at Black Rock, N. Y., on Monday.
hue -
AT, AUGUST 10, 1884. M. W. Core. returned to town last week,
-- _7--, after an absence of six weeks. at the bed-
in town, suitable for business, lying va-
cant, and this one is out• of the general Burnett has put up a fine barn;, James
Cox has one in course of erection. Thos.
own gppic ;
ROY WANTED—at once, to learn the
'printing business. Must be able to
read. Apply at the NEW ERA office.
CUNTON Woor,LxN lILLe.—RIr. D.
Graham, of Riverdale, a well-known wool-
len goods manufacturer,lras purchased the
Clinton Woollen Mi119, and will ato @
set them running again. Mr, E. Corbett
will be manager.
A HEAvZL[. $. 13y the Fargo Repub-
lican, of the 2nd .lust., we learn diet a.
tremendous hail storm, of the day pre.,
vious :did an enormous amount of damage
near.Grandin I), T., the hail lying on
the ground four inches thick. Among
those who had their crops destroyed was,
Mr. Geo. W, Pratt, formerly of Goderich
township, who • loses the entire 'crop of
10 acres, Mr. Jos. Haggai, late of Stan-
ley,3oses heavily. Mr. Will, AioMorris.
lost 160 acres of as fine wheat as over
grew; and is plowing the grouecl for an.
other crop. Arthur Elliott's crop was also
taken, he being in Goderich township
visiting at the time. A correspondent
writing to us under date of the 4th Inst.,
says:—Crops ,never lookedmore promis-
ing than they ,did ,this season, and the
destruction and loss bf bairwill: be some.
thingenormous, There is considerable
builing going on at Grandin; Thos.
business course. Mr. W. R. Lough is
acting librarian`for the Mechanics' Insti-
tute, duringthe illness of Mr. Jas. Scott,.
so that bos may be changed as usual,
during be daytime. Division court sits.
here n 'the 30th inst.; there are very few
eases to be tried. On Friday evening
,Mrs, Searle dislocated her knee while
getting up from a chair; :.it was soon re-
placed; this. was the second 'time she had
done this the same week. It is:said that
the month of July last was the coolest'
ears. While
July in thirteeny
ers of Huron bevelled magnificent weath-
er in which to gather their crops, those in
A NEW BAND.—A nurfiber of young the county of Perth have had so much
rain that they hardly knew what to do.
en, all of whom are good musicians„have The people of Wingham have their civic
bought instruments for the purpose of holiday 'on the 20th gust., and escort to
forming a neve band, which will .be,under. Goderich 'via Clinton.. Bert Walker, son
the leadership of d exjh Combe. Thep of Mr.Harry Walker, has gone to London,
have organized, and expect soon to make Where•he takes a position as news agent
their appearattce in public. on a train. ' Messrs. Craig& Hearn bought
THE WHEAT YIED. Mr, Jos, White- 18 head of splendid cattle. from Mr. Jas:
ly, of Goderich township, claims' a yield Fair last week. Five car loads of cattle
of 40 bushels of fall wheat to the acre, for the old .country markets, left here on
Mr. S. Phipps, of the same township, had Friday. The child of Mr.• W. Doherty,
over 33 bushels to the acre from 17 "acres, whose illness was, referred to last week,
Dr. Sloan of Blyth, takes the lead with died on. Friday. The advertisement of,
46 buabels to the acre. ,Mr. D. Tipladyy the Western Fair,"`to be-hheld in Condon,
has 40 bushels to thejacre, which turns 65 appears in our columns ; this fair has al -
lbs. to the bushel ; this'is the heaviest vet ways drawn a large number of exhibitors
)iroughthere. . , and sight -seers from this section, ddd the
1'ItogERTY CEANaE: —Messrs. A. 1 present year. will be no exception to the
Manning and Alex. Armstrong have, rule. 'Mr, A. Rogerson, is owner for • this
nought the two houses and lots OR Ontario section, of Bush's double -action, non -
and Raglan streets, belonging to Mr Gal- freezing pump ; it works 'upon a prince
langer;.for the sum of $1,625. - They hive ple similar' to. the .cylinder of a steam en-.
secured cheap properties: The Aikin's gine, and appears to be a good serviceable'.
• farm beingE. i of lot 19,3rd con Hul- Aump, he has sold several in this.yicinity.
lett, 50 acrs, was sold by uction on •:Sat- The brickwork of Mr, Searle'a buildings is
today, Mr. Chris. Dale being the purcha- .abouteompleted:; when opened and occu-
ser at $1810. He at once resold to the pied; these stores will add. to the appear -
••tenant the street..:New wheat is being
tenant, Mr. Jas. Jylc VIullen. ,delivered at Fair's mill, at therate of $00
T [E LI@uox CASES. -The liquor cases bushels a day. -A horse belonging to Mie)
referred to last week came up before R. Fitzsimons was frightened by a, 'train
Mayor Forrester, on Saturday, Mr. F. W. on Monday, and run. away, pulling its
Johnston appearing for the liquor men. bridle off in order to free itself, it simply
It was decided • to try only one of the ran to •its sable. and did no damage:' II.
charges; and make a test case of it, there- Fremlin,.for• some time past freight check-
fore'Mr. Theobald was fined $2Q and costs, er at the .station here, has left the road.
and gave notice of appeal. Should the On Tuesday, Mr. Keefer receivell word of
appeal be sustained by the Judge, of the death .of a, noise,• residing' in Kansas.
course the cases fall through, buts quid' Mr. J, Robertson has .been engaged .as
he -decide against •it, the remainder of salesman,w.n.n •Mr J:, Craib A steer..`seft
thpe*e charged with violating the law will .in. the cattleyards, gat into 'ilii awkward”
prn .ably be fined also. • ' .. • fix..the other •day ;':tryin to jump over
INSPECTION. -On Tuesday afternoon •the high fence, it,only'hallsucceeded, and
Mr. J. Stephenson, general superenten for some time remained in tlae painful at-'
dent of the Grand Trunk, and. Mr. Lar. •titude.of standing 'on two feet, until a per-
mour, division superintendent, paid an of son who saw -it came to its rake. Over
ficial visit to Clinton. While .hese they coats could have been worn last'iveekwith
were waited upon ' by Messrs.•Farran, Mac-• comfort; this ,week undercoats are, a bur-
Pherson, and Irwin, who asked that addi- 'den:.. Persons who are in a:position, to
tional siding be laid in the yard here; to know, state that Hunter, the•party who is ..
increase shipping facilities. The officials in gaol on a'charge'ofrape,,has; become.a
admitted the necess�ty'of- increasing the convert to. religion during his incarcer
accommodation, and promised to give the atien;•`we•l ope.thestatement is true, but
matter their attention. They left•by the must admit that we are exceedingly 'skep-
afternoon train to vi+Tich their official car .tidal. Mr. Josh Cole has bought the sta
was attached. ' ble to the rear of his house, on • Mr: Cor-
.. Mr. R. Fitzsimons, has rent
Mn. C. J. REEVES-, in a -letter 'tn. -alar ed the store on ;Albert street, lately used
•totem. takes exception to our criticism of byH Hale,and will remove the;oto:•
his songs at the X. O. G. T. entertainment a.
Te• Bayfield ricketers play .a gaine with
and also of his songs at the band concert. the club here; to -day,... Our esteemed
Criticisms aro not usually written •with• friend Smyth, 'of. " er etual calendar"
the expectation that the arty' criticised {amt, appeared. beforepthe•.. t. Thomas
will be pleased therewith, but for the Ppur- police magistrate' on 'Tuesday, on a car e
pose of honestly showing where defects o g h g •
exist, without ally intention to offend; and leaneddhereevidently,didlbmnogoodhe
if our overly -sensitive friend will. turn We understand that Mr. Jos. Whitghead•
back to the NEw ERA be will find .that, and wife, inteud to leave Winnipeg and.
we.criticised others jurat as strongly as he, take up their' residence in this lawn.-.
on both occasions, and will fordoit.e same. Miss Susie''Mulloy is very ill,.being laid
again, if circumstances call for ce be vp atthehome of her sister, Mrs,Twitchell.
does not care to profit by'the advice, it.. Fred.4estbrook the.weh known Isis (list
simply shows that he has more vanity of Brantford, and several' other r riders,
than sense. passed through; town yesterday, on; the
A LAZY PLAN. --Several of our local• way to the tournament at Seaforth.:
cotemporaries announce a week's holiday Farmers . who have seed grain to dispose
at this season of the year, suspen(1ing,pub-. ;of should advertise it in the, NEw'Eit1..
lication for that term. The NEW ERA A. R:, Campbell, a farmer from near Wing -
staff could appreciate a rest ag > well as ham,. was fleeced out of *to, at Toronto,
those of any other paper, but we• believe' on:Tuesday, bythe old bogus check. game;
that we consult our own interests,. as well: the thief was arrested the mazy in this
as those of our. readers, by, appearing re-• age�who'thus allows himself.to-be duped,
gularly, and subscribers will always find aeserrves no sym..pathy: .
the Naw ERA. on hand, no matter what
might happen. The publisher who cannot 'Edam NOTES.—The span of dappled
get out his paper every week and.make it ponies lately boughtb/'Mr.' J.' E. Swats,
. interesting too, no matter what the press have been resold to .Mr. E. Bossenburyi of
of job work, should seek more congenial Zurich. Mr, J. P. Fisher, . of Colborne,.
labors, and papers that suspend for a week has sold• his .young stallion.Blacklaw, to
thereby show that- it makes very. little' .Me J; D Fisher, of Brooklyn; lows, • ler
difference whether they come out at all or :the sum of,,,$1,hb0:�`1%Ir -W `D",."Nesvtuir•
not. has sold his hors() and' buggy to Mir 3...C::
PERSONAL POINTS. — Miss 6 ''owler • Cole. Mr.1)x..,; isher, of Colborne; will:
(laughter of Itev. R. Fowler, is the guest of ship a car load of entire horses to the
Westei n States in a few days.. .• .;
Miss Fisher. Mrs. J. P. Martin, of To ,
ronto, is visiting her old friends here. • TEE Fi ownn Ssow.•-The eahillit •of
Mrs. Geo. E. Pay, accompained by Miss flowers, &c., to. be `made in ,the Skating,
'Hultchinson, who has been her guest for Xilalc1 commencing next Tuesday, proem
several weeks, left for St. Catharines ises tobeparticularly attractive, as a largo
yesterday. Mrs. Clegg, of Oswego, who. number of ;plants have been ,promised.
has been the guest of Mrs. Newton - 'for 'a Messrs. Foster & Bayley will make an art'
short time, returned home on Saturday. exhibit; a promenade concert will be
Mr. J. T. Harland is taking a lake trip on given every evening, and the admission is
the Qlconto.: Mr. •John Callander is re- only ten cents, so that it should be' well
presenting Clinton Lodge of Oddfellows •.patronized.. •The Dohery Organ Co. band
at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in St..and the mouth.organ band will bo present
Thomas this week. Miss Lora Molianah- Mr..Stewart, of fe.n filler, .will make a
ter of Fingal is the guest of•Miss Hattie special exhibit, and as largo number of
Coats. Mrs. Austin Callander iso visiting birds have been secured; Also, the display
her relatives at Kirkton. Mrs. O'Neil has will be something well worth seeing.•
returned from Kincardine. Mrs. H. Fos=
ter, who has been spending , some time A FINE STABLE. --Mr. Ferran is hav-
with her relatives at Dundas, has return-, ing erected in the rear of his residence; a
ed to town. Mr. T. East returned to' stable that will be superior, we believe, to
Parkhill, where he is managing a brick any one for private use in the county ; its
yard, on Monday. Mr. Will King , of dimensions are, 80 feet long, and 22 feet
Forest, spont a few days with relatives in wide. At the main entrance is the car -
'town last week. Chas. Coats, of Toronto, riage house,,with all the coiaveniences for
is home visiting his parents. Mrs. 'O, harness, &c., around, it; three large deviate
Overberry is visiting friends .at St. box stalls, and one single stall,' with an
Thomas. Miss Maggie Cooper, of Toren- ice house at the extreme end of.the build -
to, is the guest. of Miss A.'. Cooper, Mrs, ing. In the centre ie enclosed grain bins,'
1D. A. Jild, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. The building is brick veneered, elm plank
Gregg.. Mrs. Wilkinson,. ,of,Viinnipegg, floors and elm board easing throughout..
(formerly Miss .Fry) is visiting friends The hayloft running the entire length of
here. Mr. Passfield, of London, Eng;•, is the'building gives ample room for • feed
visiting at Mr. Palliser's, Misses Bean and bedding. , Mr. 1),. Ceniiell is doing
and Beesley have gono to Port Hope on i' the wood work, and Mr, A. Campbell the
visit. Messrs. Geo, and in;. Irving are y brickwork; the building will' cost be -
home from Chicago on a visit. , tween eleVezi and twelve hundred dollars,
Elliott has his eteamthresber out in his
barley field and is running away.
[Since the above was in: type Mr. Dem p -
sty, of this tawii, to whose daughter Mr ,
Pratt is married,, has reeeived a letter
from his son-in-law, giving a detailed ac-
count . f ,the storm, which broke every
pane of glass in the neighborhood, cut
down eve' ythingveeetable as if done with.
a knife, and left numbers, who sbort
time befbre had good prospects, witbont
the slightest means of giving but their
daily labor. The letter also states that
Mr. Davidson; of Stanley, who married a
Miss Huddle, of Goderich township, lost
the whole of his crops.)
Tuesday, Mr. W. )I unns, representing
Bruner'& Nichol], Wholesalers, Toronto.
was in town, and having a thorough
knowledge of•tlte places in the county of
Halton was questioned as to the working i
of the Scott Act there, He stated that he
was not only satisfied from bis observation
that the Act had been a success, but he
also had abundant evidence from business
men in the different places, Jae claimed
that, all statements to the contrary net.
withstanding, business was on a much
better footing; in •Georgetown, Aeten'and
Milton, than it ever had been before the
passage of the Scott Act, and business men
found it easier to collect their accounts,
and the most of them . were satisfied with
the operation of the Mt- Being told that
the hotel accommodation of Georgetown
was now inferior to what it had been, he
stated that this was not so ; the hotel ac-
commodation there, he claimed, never had
been good, but he got just as good fare,
&e,, there under the Scott Act as he ever
did before. He had not the slightest
doubt as to what would be the result of
the prs ntAnti-Scott movement
believing that:the Act would be maintain-
ed by a sweeping majority. He stated
that in his busness travels he bad taken
particular trouble to find out correctly
how matters-stdod. in Halton, and had no
hesitation in proclaiming the•Act a'bene-
fit and its administration a success, and
if thewas colifident that Act c w s serif ed
in Hurcin, one year's trial of it would con-
vince the most prejudiced, of its positive
benefits. .
Books• Stationeryv °enc (oos Jewellery
9 d! ! •
S1 vcrware, Biles;Albums,„ flan hocks,
' Packet Books, Ladles.. Satchels,
Walt' Paper, Cigars; Wipes,
Baskets. *Croquet sets
Balls. t,.
:WILD. 13E
So as to clear out the stock.befoie stock -taking iti ,Aagust.
. � E� I'►3� D' T '..
Ie� Will show this week a
case of
allies and Children's
Bough for _lessthan the cost of
A Case of Embroideries
Away Down in Price
One of t ,e°best-se l ..
Sumther Ties.
have sh oar
Blaen °°: and ,,Calors,..
Tile most .fashion-
able and best 'Sell -
lug. . Collar in the
ma 'ket.
a shot
Over great .sell ug .
• line: Yn turn. -down
Linen Collars.
Our now styles in FALL TTATS will be complete by the 16th hist,, and; as
usual, we• tali Show Tim ,LAI1GEST AND FINEST
SELECTION in this part of the counti`y.• . o
The 'Famous ou i trttor, C� xa�t�arat
a VESTS, 'S, di:c., at
equ,ail� rcw prices:
Tho prospects for the Fall certainly •look goad, and we intend to keep up to the
tune accordingly by increasing our stook still larger: than we have ever had it .
. • be, ore. We intend' giving!
Special Attentionto Nice Fittic st. Garlhents,
And also special attention to Trimmings, tglhioh are rnbit than half to the .ecce
of a Suit, We are adopting tow improvements in our cutting system, which al
sure to give a nice, clean. fit to every customer who will favor us with their fal
trade, which we res iectfzilly solicit.•