HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-15, Page 7a U . .. Ii . . ' • . ° - I -y 7 a ' .m..^'^-'.,,--.:.-.... -.,rte-.....+n.:�.-�+* _. .. . ' '.. _.. -. - _' .,:�.d:.. «_.a,,:::�. ,.- _....,.— .- .- , .. . ,•..,--x ....,•,,.:•,...­,- „-.. .. ; �..i., .. * : .. ..,..., - .. , r........�. ` TR SPOUNVA1ix 01100 0919. . '� Mr. Caron, Minister -of •Militia, is -to- M a ,Conservative orgeius re oicA beoa�;<fae ' , 0' exchange with Lieut.-Goverudr .Rob;» AXT TREIJQ ONt� DA A Tito xorputo cogrea onde>tt Of the ho' the party were sue'g"afol in making so faille, of Quebec. Makes Your gots' ' - ' Fltootlwr4+Rd by Aot of t'arU(unepw, 184v. Montreal witrteas writes as follows]--• $ou. Mr, lllerCibr, the 4Euebec] beral many Chvggel a ainst Holt. ix,Qi. Ross, 0 • -- At last Somethiing like a de&nits :ac• le4deir, was treated to a 1lnagliificent ovit+ ;CAPITAL, - - $,2,000,000, They were all diaproPedy. lint that Hint- count leas. reached Irate of the fiDdrng of . -^ tern nothing to the Tory mind. l!To tion. atRougem4ntwednesdsy. 31gnyCoa» �—•- ' FFICE Md1YTRF A T�•. wonder the hold is lvlr, Meredith as the Pricy CGunrcil lathe Bou glory case aervativ" axe disguil .. with t#e G1lapleau DEAD Q. their l Y probably has the ale Important points, at all events,. corrupt:. administration, and w.eregres'013t m olrAs wo>«liafiArs,........ Pre9idenw. their leader. Iia p . Y So 1 a to ai qif their app royal of Mr. Merciex'n VRVICKS, �'_ NK , J H. R. VOLSON -Vice, -Pres. greatest es record .aa the Hunker of Chargee Pave been made perfect y clear' ()ne Y t t e deterininatII . to ift a the seandalous F. WOLFEr1STAN Ti[O;1tAa, general Dlan4i;er. b of tbese i>l -that the lnelnbers of that that ha'Ye been disproved of any 'area biousseau•9hxrlebos scandal to the + Noted discounted, Callectiond zr►acle, prel/ls in the -country. Court dq not themselves behove that bottom. � a " idsi(ed, 9Gerlitt0 and American exchan3e they bays the power to give a legally 'Che Kiiigeton i;Yhi would lils.3 the bought and sold at lotueat biIi4 q deoisioiu of the questionrefexred .. f' DEALER, IN ALL RINDS OF current rates° ,. R>QiT f1A8iD)l N iFgR tt2AGE n (0oil .to them, „ This is in aocoidanile with 1lo%lnian Dovernment tq .explain why ( INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT , :., llf tl garden oonsleting of fly@ tjeres of land, a large quantity of Ameriean,, reheat is , -- adjoining the tillage of. Londesboro, on the! our opinion long ago eX rossed formaeiy pf imported duty free for use at the' Xingy' �(prn * yy (l ` pp■ ?fir t g�� �v FAR-4z;r,,8., d(,n, Baron & XIMOS Railway Where ie one two of the most eminent law off rs L►�.1lia* woraell , And . Vh4ad11.ell s 1100ts 4 Sb:"N) -Monoy advanced to farmers oft their own notes withI acre of young fruit hearing apple Orchard, one iary, and asks if Canadian one or rasps endorsers. No mortgage required as se -acre of strawberries, the balance in smallfruitp the' Crown, and therefore no one' aG sloe Peiiltent one or such as goolieborrieg, Macre duct red ourranta . unrated with tut; facts of the cane is wheat, is not good. enough for the flour H. C. BREWER rinsSer, ape n and n 6gOuOra taiti°e e This garden, •iirat rate. 9 which oes tO fatten the convict popular A Janaary 188 011n4on �anoegforagardeller, or any onewantlag to sur .treed at the conclusion referred to. tion of�ortamoutu. -. t� � aSsl1,/,rt�'d,. �' P rr ntok well - °lneantifulrural home. Apply ou th4prelnises Another point now settled la that lu the ! B or to V►AS+ vi`ATSOz�, Lonues oro *224.0 opinion of the judges. the former award, [t is stated that the Dominion 4veril- ,� 1ete in `a l departments J. B I D D L E C ) though not legally binding, ougl to Ment is selielisly considerin,, th+x " Maker, BS F sa a have been accepted by the Dominion abolition oi. Regina—that is.: to say, the ALL GOODS SOLD CIHRA.P FOR CASK a' Watch and Clock Ma er, IORTEEN COLONIES OF VRES, In move- and made legally, valid by legis}ative removal of the capital of the Northwest , C. CRUIOKSUANK, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTO151 JEWELLER, (hc., able framth Ives, nearly all of hhTch Tatific&tion, A, third is that the to some other location, It transpire$ . . might bo extracted at any time. Y arbirators who, iwidertook the onerous that, although the contract for the OPP08XTIK TRUE tl1ABKaET,VLI111T01V so J.47^ GILROY.Cllntpu, iglu. hem in 1878 orection of permanent governMetu .. and delicate dutyassigned t •' have been fully borne out in tlieirfinding• building there was let in .18$2, the gov.. ' ' ' ( where he keeps a aele0t aeeortmeut,ot �� -• 16aw- 1BUGGIES. by that of the'Privp Council so far as erament ordered the contractors not to , . C'U? silt � ylour ow� Inte ' WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWRLLERr, SILVER- . it goes. Nemesis has Uy a . bind of begin work at that time, and npthing : ' l WARE. ,� {� . (� ��� poetic justice been pursuing x. r, Dalton has'so far' been done Irk that direction.. . Which we will Sell at reasonable rates. 216 New.$INALE RUGGIRS p 11 i , _ >llCCarthy in this case, For the purpose It is almost impossible, now -a -days, ' Y $ x . 13e afrin of every description promptly ai! For solo cheap at CALLANDER &.BROS, SHOP, of ma. in a little bhea ea ital against • p g `noxa door to the Doherty. OrgattFaetory. }veu flaish• g p p to take up a Tory piper and findit truth - tended to, and all work warranted. ed and cap bo hongght at all prices, accordingto finish MackenzieiOV@rninent he stated at a fol and the sacral ublic, we ria . . ' ' J. IILDDLEOODIIIE, item $(io uRward.. Coma piid see as and get silt ' Otinton,Nov:18n. terms. will give wrtttCngguatantoewit I evelry one. ward meeting in Toronto..in 1582, khat to know, look upon. allsuch sheets with PIC . -- ---- --- CALI,ANDER & BRO-, Clinton, the arbitrators took ridiculoual ..short STRiff-Ly: PUR E �+_._ _. °is " suspicion, ' Froui. t e Mail the fat er, time to.; cglhsider so colupliegted' and of all lies—dower, to the penny.a-lineti of ' - - A1.' THE S. i14 PRIDE AS YOU -PAY FOR INFERIOR. Croot q. L .*ble and I.a . - ,difficult a question it was a fitting., the party, it seems'to"have became a . . . T HE aUBSCRIRER KEEPS ON HAND AT Ilia rebuke t0 a QiitlC�;�oof his. stump that tire' settled»'urtrclo of faith,, that' the 'best � A HNpremises, Isaac street, ciinton, (near the Fanning Arts y ,Council jk- I should, while ossible way to defend 'the Cory. Gov- ' ; "' hG% Q*t Orooer3r. Un -T. _0W_3:L- • ; .E -S �khparti 4requiringfinielt 11findiDteo'tlLeitrtad! ebaracterizing his' sheet anchor ergo- ernnrlent°istotel}asmanyliesaspossbl'e, p . yenta to call on flim, , ment as absurd, have decided the. mat- keep ae -satin them unblushingly 'and ' 1 _ TCSEPH CIIIOLNY, p p ` - --- ter submitted to them much more pro stick to thein -fol; dear life: --Charlotte- OTC .TE1'��1, 'C ... . . • , , .._ - � 5 (r, At,(, Klt I[P . . >zl tl than.'the .arbitrators did:•: The - ' f MONEY. Te • LOAN. p Y toffs (P:E:L) i'atriot, , 1 decision so far as known at this writing , RIVATE Ak1D COMPANY FUNDS, AT , 1e e 1' , P rias fallen far .short of the , I lowest rates of futereat. Principal pa able Sxes she. western bonnaary at the - a9 desire&-� CO d byUorroWer, 0xp t o ills C041tltry a8 a remedy'' S PALL = ' TRIT..ih6, �'AMSES, Kc. th-west angle of the meridian of eTlrlfe not for hard times. The present experience Valuator for th(i CA\Ai)i� LANDEa CR;tDtT; L81.8 Of the rY oo-a ,vAovit.saying how ' , ' COMPANY. through which' we are passing is, rapidly N E`tt to Towxi mot. a D. A. FOxsri:TElt- 'far due noft it 1s to •.run. ,,- Iiidaications l-C•A•SH F.o�. EU' GS , ' G'iiuton. Dee; 20, 18w. ' were given, 'however, of an • ntention'to .disabusing the Public inind of tLe ab- '> �BR1 rrtE:nP. Heli h river 'as the northern slirdly rose -Caroted anticipations held ' , LD CLgTHEB FOR $ALE. -I take all, sorts of adopt E g forth by the Tories during the last' two rags, clothes, carpets, and hopp'e.nty old friend limit of the western part: of the d $put- ° . ,vlil save thetn.ior Ate. I also talce'btass,lead and ed ierritor. and probably t'ha , line pre- political campaigns; and' inculcating :the �T copper. 1 am hotno oti Iloiidays. - Auy person haying ys p y , much • needed lesson drat prosperity fiber �1 • �, �N rags or truck in my line cnnleavc word at my house, .V10USly adopted,,by the arbira;tots will ,' '� �tf � �x ' d �I1I r is. i�l��BO �/OV� . _ I also bog to say - ad`versity depend on a great litany other Ithuvet will business connegtio � wit! n man named be followed as far. east as the meridian !ti . ! n lfessin. Papering, painting, and jobbing of that sort , Of tyle in011th Of the Ohio. Tri' �Iny' Case things besides customs iiiitles-�Torotitp CLINTON. _ (101iC 6}' GROReB ]3EIiTLnw1. - _. . . _ 1Y. I1AitTEN,. Pedlen, Bot U4, Clinton, the whole line. of tlie-Canadiall Pacefic 1Tews (Protectionst) —A .:NIEi► ' . kZ -- I .--.:--. -_ ' Railway is indisputably within.Ontario,, ] FoF,tiie promSt and certain Dore of orystpe. ' p as: use Ayer's arsaparilia, which is the spa ,� WINES N T 1 N:�0 ht and this, opens up a rich prospect' of i!• cifio endorsed by f]te,meat. eminent medical ' � 11, , / . possibilities. One of.;these is the o ret- ,authorities, Howe Won tC q SPIRI, TS iia o£' Domi'n.ion<GaveCnmett favorites, A Brantford sscl.atigs says:='l'lte /rSHE SIJBSCRiBER. WHO WAS >;olt ntoEtE .,who ._for -nominal mors, l>ave'been-placed- t th ri'ties Ilei a enter. . /ytRE nuWc:)bn devirv, to return Ilia sincere l au eight years in the employ of ltir,.191.12ts + • .. C1ntAilO LiCense.a i o � I11T. THF, PI,bI'x•x; �[ ILL. �� F l �. 1. titank5 to his customers and the public generally tit g . . for Lite llboral patronage extended to him in the post, Davis, desires to intintate.thaL ])p has ill pO55esSi0rf Of valuable timber hmlts. ed Sui.t against Messrs. • •Groome, e''. 1 fshing the best article at the lowest reins l AnOt�her is Go buying' Of Claint5 for Lim '.Ell•iott' and Fishe � .for-$24U._eaeli:; The :• _ '. ` - .� and b} f( rte , ti �_ I I lana. .- iterative prlcc, he hopes to ntorit a cit»tinuance of the p erred a Tic Sha) is Dadvtiyor th.s . �locle it xAdan-�- - her' I a„ainst the Canadihtn Pci abox.e.hotel keepers, -it will renteiii ��me.alleged • - orium Londe�s ®�, lfe would specially recommend a trial of hie direct Hailwa contractors. Who .are initwrtutiou, of the very beat brands of. HURON STPal ET, OLINxO=�, y bered, last May refused, t0 pay ill thCil Where he is prepared to do. to have C(tt and sold enormous quant- fees to the Bank `unless und'ee .protest: . ' ties oflumber-under. cover of..permits s� lick ,.ro )osition, svgs not ccs'' d; � W..here`they:can .gee the best value for. their. Please note the prices . Brandies Port Wines and Holland Gin ALL KINDS OF TIN,.'COPPEII A�TD • } t 1 p _ e o Brandies, 1 Eisai 'tho Dominion Government to out e of th f Ilowing : SIIEET.IitON wORI. I , 7 t itud the full complement of Ontario �' SUITABLE FOR SIBUICINAL PI aetlaR» AND FAMILY C'3F,: , , ' - tie$ and bridge timber. along the line of 'Licenses 21.. was' afterwards: made up • '.y �". 1., „ , . In the best of style and oilshort:titotiee..: railwa T1ie'refa ftl of•Sir John 11Tac her T'he resent suit', from- �" 4': BASS! ALE AND GUINESS' PORTER, y ,n'ith.oiltti m• p 1 (�,a1,11u1a,t `I`���i,,:-3::1��w.�. ���'' in Bottle ,' Pint and Ruurta, W.011',, LA11iZ �, G7,:ASS,,Btc: iii:Stock ..douald 'to,join.fully and fairly in the re= ices to,.be one of, ;great interest,. and it ' , fP.l'enCe tO' ills. P11S'V''•.G Olirl.Gll ..seems t0 ~ ��� °- A CArA. »Ot.iCUrY,.). will sllol'tly b-6 heard. before the Chan- C o � Brown, .� / �I S� , f 1-,: . a � • CANADIAN ALES AND PORTER, i ,s:GlliCcIi tcI1,SOa. indicate on his part an intention to ce'i ' Div"sioii; iii all ,probability: at* To C'ARLINo's (rid LnAt'IN.9 I.AUF.It constantly mt han.l• opus, von. iNt(a: obstlitct afinal settlemel t: Yf this is, p the L �stiolls embrancefi .are ;( +t�:0 ��.is � ,. ,Q0 lb's'' �Ol. ��_I c �'� • . . __ _ .� ronto I . q i . . . Jti,t received, 1» prime conditton,• . • .. y •. . the Case, lie, is, committing: -it ..great..vei•y weighty ones.. • . P - - - . { t.LIN.'vr . ,,, . ' tactical blunder and is Join r_ his best ;iA,RGAINS IN 330OTS R EiTIO.ES, . balance of suiumer,,1()ItKS, RAKES, ' Champagne )lc C`ialer 1'el f•apbicrcporfsfromtari6iislioiilt`i.i: Cg;'p,5',ci,GY,ASwWARE, toinakecooln•for fillpnrchases ' lf.... ((cl GbU get Ale, C p H , .. to ensure for Mr.. 'Mow it a new. of ', OES;,c&c. CRO Ir Plain ,Srda. ln'Manitobi andtlle-N. W, 'Territories which. are tlle,'nei. ..designs out. "Bargains: in DRQ.: hQ.ODS of.all'kinds, .. power when ills time come fou hlnh to, putt• ,\ ant for C utlerteL Ale'. PLANING LL. arrear to the people.; g ve .very , favoiiratile accounts' of tris ,' ., especially TwrI,1,038 AIN li PRi>\'1'�,... . N. RuiiSU\. wheat crop. Barley is an average crop; • . .' ' oats is iuucll below the'aveiage.,' Greet- - r p ;fir ;�� �,tT 1000 Vtiti,q of first -clew Sufter wanted a, 1,5lots, At,il.lii >il1,I•,E7, Blti(.1, nLucl+. (i,laroa, -A +u . I ria. ^1110 is G(laclstone, 3�ee�lawl; a. d BUTTE YC Alr�•t D --Per' 1'b. in trade int,time of deliveru, bust not .' ., A BEACTIFUL 'HEAD, O HAii , ere is - .._ _ , . . DRY K L N 1 . ., nothing more pleasing•'tn; ''tine external: ap 'fo1`ta ) taken on aecotitit at flint i)rice lit present: pentanes of hair, and tit• is .posreible for every i,'t �lt Praitl8 report that the when t tri �� i) �r�li5 —"' ersiitt-.to. )oesess it by nsing'the ioag aiid hal spat comnleticed }'eStel'day, `t1n<1 to Ph(I'lllx Cd ��, l : r11IE SUl3SORIBERIfAv[NG'J17ST0O.NJPLE7`F.Ii We]1 Lilown Wn areae::Hair :R:estorer. Sold flu roan- others-will-.cornmen0u-this-- Nl i00 price, fat-!: jg i ”' 14��'FURNITURE NI: SMOGLES FOS..:$A. LONDIw80R,C). Cl and furnished huh»'new Pl'auinl; 111i11'„ith n)achilt:. $ :i(i e6uts per bottle.: . yi y , cryof the latest Improved patterns,* ill .Hou propared P .week, nearly all before 'tire and of nett, ' A� �a T Y i his line to the most prompt: .. . '� .. T to to all orders h �. xnduStrleS, .The bal'le harvest 15:gO111gOD general- f,onil'ncboly, Attg. 8 1831, Jt)H1� YiRL,l�SDUi1 satisfactory manner, anda.roasontiblerfitu: IIs iFIIi•tllltal'i0„L'llreaa, Of y . and turn thanks' ta, all ,vho patronize(! .tlie .. . s in .the l ; cnttillg,18 ;two or three ateeli p oarlrei _ , . _ ,would also re ,; a re ortfol tbe.month en,th p y _ `” _ - r...,,' r . 1'• ,i • 11 kind: of BUGGIES th • were'buriled out;.and, no v being p .. . , ' w:eAlaerIS 8 leii- _. _. �` i l r. pn, d t, l 1itl & , r( ,l .. , old firth` before they - r. , . p . a thin xecute ordors ek ed)ttonsly, i • V.11tCe. is _ -very A55UrlII :The cold .than last year..t gibe ,t'A(tUU�rS. C.>,R1t1 A41., , 8 e,l PTL.RS. Ao g in a hotter position to c. ...... p P O y ., g' , . ' . .. , _ •class work iv satisfaction to all...L n- Nit the +•'rc t+c+t taatolial used, and Nr.t foclrconffdenthecmig give :. weather and- rain hid tris effect offavor- did and a bountifR] h;irvost iapracti,cally, . � ' :uarantewl. VT -Am, hu,' A oil .l»RA1Na A SmCIALTY. • . ,. ut examine FACTOR}'•--Areur die Grand Ts tail,• It'all. • d hand liealth Inaturit .of .secured. . V Y, „CZ.1�7 — hmi,hud ,inrl. uhta�., off b, (.ill n1 y . in„ thegrow� ..y. Y '' . before purcha:in,g ehewhuc• 2Cay, Gltntoo. . ' .1. T9611AS MoKLNLI.1 . the' crops, .rind the `gram 18: at present in -Malarial poaeotl can •be, cautery l removed __ . _ ._-_ a $tee of Ayei's,Ague: _ a healthy- condition, The . weevil and from tris system by the ire .specific, in the,, - Care, which contains �j, �%�. T �T T'�• ��+' midgejln some focalities; have attacked form of a v�e�gstable product; used in no other HE 11L ISIS., &:'DR . Gam.^ • SON To COO E-9 & Ivi �'!�XL KI6g th'e wheat blit not:.tb any appreciable, 'remedy:. Warranted. i t..S.tfx'c�e�:('i11htOI1.... exteltt., -The fall wheat made steady 1m ':1Ir. Johnsokl, of Stathhoy, has had W; `�` 1�� r ' as the name formerl�.gi�'cu to Scrofula iia tris season. 11-Iarvest er eiice aS t}ie .ma'oi �� W t ould'ba . provement dor b iuucll political exp . suss o4 s aupel.tltiplt tlap� i, c , n The public wit} fi11d 'our stock o.f medicine; comlilefe, wsirrant'esl ; genUiue; fad or•. . NoR bac . , , wethther..has • been very favorable .t d t of novices and he has aid. Band p , . �t cured by a ldng,s tou(.h: Pbe work fa p ayt i 1 '£or zt. ' Ravin' n the best quality. t ) `� / the crops .have a been reapeft in i lendid. o t c y' g won an _elec- , C HLA! GROCCRIES wiser now, and knows that . P condition,'. The. s rine `wheat 's'also: iH . ` ..TOILET SOAPS; PETiFtT1%IEFtY, SHOULDER BItAC1 S,TT:USSE- -KEPT NiYES P o tion at a -cost of some �p5;000, lie lost it' Crockery, Glassware, &c. p at. a,' cost. of some .� UOQ inose, and AND TALL I:INDS OF DI UGGISTS SUNDRIES USi1ALLlr'.ItI _ �SCROTULA fine order, a except. in -the northern and o_ . north-eastern Counties, w.be're its growth.. missed diageirrlificatiori "by the skin of, 1-N .A FIRST' CLASS .DRUG i�TO�tE. .__ Oatmeal sed Corn�e�l al�va s on hard, can only be eared l» 'a tholougln rixrifieR• was Clrecl*ed for want 0£ rain, xhe mill his tcoth." IIe 'sou ht election again, _ tion of. the blood. If flus t, neglected, g .. the disease petpetuatea' its taint throuob die,` of the presont month w111 see it ryas defeated by a"handlgome majority, --=-- - A L s (' generation. ufter-oeneration. Among its . •. .. ., s m tomatlk developments are, ready' for reaping, and sbould the, pre- Antered: a petition against'llrs successftil P9ttv's C9l@brat6d Ea lisp Britilut Atonll i�`�Ze;>t►a; Cntaneouia Ertiptionfa, Tu sent weather continue the -quality 1t is o 'ponent; boasted that Ilii M1vould unseat ."D., I I . �. . . .. t 1 mora, Boils Carbuheles, Erysipelas, : `believed will }ie as good as that of .the 'and die ualif him, made 127.. char ge$,• - - C:) : . ' I Lo(eJ Clear I3aca)c, Saga) Cured fln)nc, purulont f dicers, Nervous. and Phy - And 11 o. 1 .LARD, g g y . • _- ... gieal Coi><apser et°a IP"Sliotved to con- wheat., poor harvest, of fall wheat failed to establish' oi�e,• acid was ]eft., . 'tet tires which camrot be bcatc» in tut+u. 1° time Rheumatistoo Scrofulous Cay 'last year caused„loss, to be sown this a 2'iri ~pith 1,SQ.Q Of 0ourt.expenses t0. tarr�i, Kidne _and.•Liver Diseases, "T 9y y ae Consalmption, and yeti year', anti, the good harvest of . Spring ray. INJr: Johnson is out %5DO in {. HALL for -one c wheat I+dst` cash• ° out of his :year in. Rarlifilnent i,, When found, he vlras ' '• HIS 6U C: TEA A SPECIALTY ouotheul th our other den1 emus or; fatui mRladies .are year caused the filrmers to . g� e0 •SOLE AGENT FOR produced by It.' - Oil whatever character• hr had for of them good ::fbttiug Suits,: that MR., R YISOAXP .8o* .k large area.this yeaT, r P Dobbins' ELECTRIC sOA To Malaria, :Ague, '1eYera, Heart political honesty, and all that Ile :rias' Ayer S. Sarna r�ila he �etdQ I{idney Disease, Palo Ili the Side 'got to credit is reflection that'he sought turn Out, two doors'�north o .the Grand .Union THOATAS COOPER d; SON, l a0 '' Oonst patron or Cpstriyepess, keep' , ALBERT $TRh;ET, CLINTON ays reltabte 'er $sck, L0 serve Johan Qi. and 'Mr, ''Meredith, e1. me. an the only otaerful and arty ZO•PE SA handy,. aiid take ti ince, ,twice a Hot. Come and see my' stock of bloq(lpurtj Ing medicine.. It 1s so effect- John '& A: mi tit , do `aolnethin for: the , : 'tv k. It nein upon the Liver -and Stouhaoh g g . r udil an alterative that -it eradicates `from k poor dupe,. but la ,v ix I not;: and. Mr. T the 1! tem Iitkreditliry Scrofula and like magic. orsteds �'rOWser'Ir�gs IS 11jjteurU]]je`�,1'x"a,U(� qa 11Ie>editlicallnotif'hewould) 'Wears,Weedv�r'... the kindred poisom.of contagious diseases ' $ on the whole, rather sorry for Mr. '�, and mercury. At the'aame time it err Sir Hector 'Call eVi1i' 1's t0 lie bear- CLiNron-, Aprll 28, 1884' riches Raid vitalizes the brood, restoring betted by lii5'�aryfriends in Wrnnlreg Johnson for we think that hie Political and: u m mer• OV kilt. A. if. LAND05, BRIDORPORT, CONN. healthful action to the vital er dna and':. on the oceasiori of bis visit 1;0 than city.- ) e S� gg r�oa n IIRAIt Stu, --Did yon g[vo the inchsod tustimoulai or rejuvenating the entire system. Thiagreati 1.. i. , t601[ advantage Of 1115 weak - i if Yours ver res eeAusoy, . • 1, abouii the 20t1t inst•, Hess. `1. �L1,t3,; VVOr�smia,ar�ahi b"eCO3�,C1 t0 O�CLC�N r (tnlrat( SW. i. OI'F1A. - active �VlediC{n®, • • .. - . . - t ht ,FIN. R»itnnerof R� .” . As the British PriYy Council 11ifs de- l ULISIrtio3 MALAiliETS. Thta is to cortify that I saw during g hisrcdonald°5 .malt. �' AU ork �uar�szt�ed. ,, . 18684 at rho 9ehonburnn Palace Gardens, • at Vienna, is comptlsed .of With cairns 3intiduras cried' that Sir John 1.xharsday, AugV 14, 1884. ' • • ' ' �gg a : Austria, an equestrian status of Prince Joseph; and S(ir`stiparillclt With Yellow Dock. Stix iia crust 1. tip his tralis •.bah �Vhc "scot old » . ;1' 00 . a .I t0 p-arties. 1a' Vail 'heir' '� wri i71a, 81^1 1 which at that time had stood exposed In the open air tingia, the Iddided O ' P0tdRSitent and XOrf1 y p aft " �: rya /�yt for of •ears, and said statue ,vas cast of purl. zinc, and TY09hy and other iugredfientd of )'oat po- . lend baggage, and clear out of Ba.t Port . 1, , now - , . 6 S5 a 0 Qo can' �l€7i,�re .1t ', : � �,�,de r �txid t rimirn.e^a on -• > x In appenrnnce It wasfresh and perfect. tency Carefully and selentificalig eom- - ` - A. It. LANDON. oinihed., Iter formula it a;owrally knowlt ages i� n'hic}i portion., of Ontario he White 'wheat;. olcl .. 0 00 a 0 901 00 ' Rup, Pembroke Iron Works. to tris awlCdical rofeaaielt,.uu(1 !fit brAt estabh5hod himself• at the bidding of ' t` new 0 85 a 100 I OttCom'. ' Bridgeport, Conn. p Spring, S�.. hyateiaus eonatantly. preatH]bD Avon's 0:15 a 1 b0 Ottawa schemers, there will be very Oats, 0 35 a 0 31i GIVE +' y1LI+;' .. CRIAI.' . 'C;H A EtC�F et 11�OIYI'l11 Awl•;, . pp • BRIDORPORT, CT., I1R.V% 1884, 1AR8APARILLA-as'att little left',of the Vanitoba constituency..- %atle , 046, a. 0 55 . Alit. tY. At. aIFFIN. .{. //.••.�� - 0 70 a 0.75 L - 1naeR SIR, -Your eard, April 28, at hand, the testi- ..ALbsohite- CUre of. Varenllos. There will, accor'diq ' to Peas, ` r3� _3• . monial yon refer to, signed by one Sir. Landon, is 1.n g' Flour, • 5 60 a 6 00 �8 �T " ■ ' ge»»roe nntoo fraud, the statue having been soon by . a 1OrtlltYCSt COtOnI Ovary, be nothing' + 09 &. 0 fi0 r Per all diseageq cttttat'(i by 'the vitiation of p Potatoes, [ j him as stated, and also by thousands of other Amari• 6 13 a 0 I4 �/ r"' pM j 1N ,rYoN�,Q Call tourists, and eau be assn the same to -day. the i)lo0d. It ill eollCCtttt'atC(1 to ill(" high- remainin fol, ,AtiornO' Gxen illl Allller OAi�. HALL: SIYri'1" H' S HLOCii» ��••`�y y''+' r 1� if you or fitly of your customers wish to satisfy est prttatieallle degree, far beyond any t0 r0}1CesGg1`It but 1l2a'• GiOrregan'S .itvote ngg5 r' Q 15 a U 1(] . tit niseit•es as to the utility and gonuinoness of the tf If premier Alb%vat _ , a 8 QO a 0 00 - .. , k if they will take the trouble to conic to Bridge- other preparatlon 6V W111C11 like: COMO lit 'Yt� hlter,ioutlt, , " 0 �0 It Q SO •�•-•"•'• + • -"''•""•'" _ - ....�.., asp , ENT ort, ae would be plomed to shoe• them what Is being are ellilued, :inti la illtirefore ilie•eheniaest, is tendc- (Til t .J1,00ption . in dnttlrl0,. .$peep pelts • • . ^- "'^- . lin»c here, and thinit they will very q»iekly admit it Cant), akitla ` . Q IG a 0 25 hnmbu Hort }nursclP as nn agent far t, gontla a9 Well ail the best blood purifyitlg wadi- Att0ri14fy-(ii:iit,ral Miller will have to + is I g, .}reef, . . . ,. Q 50 a 7 50 wn»l,l be gn•ath benefitted by the visit here. OiuO, in trio world. be teliderEl(l a tleW Seat in Manitoba. Y,,,irakv. A. it. LANDON, 10 It 0.18 l�l-i'J Ytl El RA �%AI `,RVO �� +� of the firm DQ Parson+ C Landon. ".!- " - a rflia Honors Nvill %lot be easy fOr all that,14 I �`+'oolk loinys.Attnicn. SAIVe. I JAYNN do CO., of the scirmtl'TRICAlim A coffin• ' Ayer t Isarsap� Theattelai rted steal of the territory will Thii' best save in the'world forettta,brutees; "j'b%0S..DUNILOI' tlnuotanopat+saltoltorsier Patonta,.Ca ats�ltc (s ' r , r u n binuum°nt will imErAilED m Y. . ^^ lY1CeTS 8 s14 tlteitnl, fever Bored, tetter, e " Marks, CoAYrights, for the United States, nn o l f'ar,i(isIutr.ndingt)1nr ha» rer1111R a Oil0 of tile' ,most barefaced Ames,, s b 'ra find it to then. itd,antage to see Omr white `i� e n AS ploasure in in[ortriiu the people Ot Clilitoti Pn lits �detit free °mhl ttr�d t ab �oaainI oip°okrtobn e r %frRSS' 0iia 1 ed 1lanatz, :cl,tl,nla"ne, corns, thud ail slit. yy' yy ee yy . C, �4. er'$e Co., LOlise rj bcr11 lletlSe(1 I p, a L7 iliac :he has eofninotloo lauslnoss for himself tri patonta6btntnodlhrouahMONli 1aCO.,nrtlnbtico,l+. Bronze befmr hilt ln+r (lsrirherr. �f *✓ Arriniattron-, that ever IlaS ertipttolaa, Ball '1+d3lively etlreS pile 3, of no thebuildinit ad)olainlr� theN'At/• EAA00100,aheee.lto '[u theBCfONTlrt°AMERMAN the largebt best , ant s • i .i t Analytical Chemists.} . In tbP 1)otnlulott• ,rho TanIto',y 1»hit a rel aired, It 14 . gaatauteed to give willcou(Inotthe,p ail a huslN'EsSinoilitcbrafid ost,)doI rlrculnktld ecfeutlaapa or. 1201 411r, �•. It. 61 t(1' 11 - AG .E t y i , real t3 efutt reit, Istioe oa, utidwitl bo, �Rased to roocive a sharo of pattotiig eeklY, t.. ]endid (l, y its an tnteredtfnot 9n. ' Sold by alll?ru�gIsis prico$1;aix at�la butt tll(Y tools •hewerrrr the ilfpcttla.tsfactlon nrtrtun yr a i s r r t ;, 6elfevin#t flint?e ek 1t i (vC sat{sfactiisu to ail who faro' ormattoYt. pecimots copy Ct trio 9eionti0o 4NITI r+' (•i'f'1(•1' 1\,t 1:1 �i I)i;N( I% Huron, trAet. r � t+its er box,. t4aub&C icnnseni feCC. Address l4ttJNlYh GO.. SCtttI4 ri8'1Fa1 rlin1,,;,.., d,tor,t vtl,t trout Dv. l:(•eV(••,», i10tt10d Loi' rrr <`011al)1l'at01'�t wCl'f• at Ottawa, r > C r ...bii&*Ith theiraas.ltn, liAi•As D841raaxD. Attdtb.lCAytatll10,,•tliiHroaU�149Y, NONYBrL s a� t . . a . . • G .. - . . ° . . . I . . it ... , , . - —A ° ,�