HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-15, Page 5a S • •. . • . . • irlaING An4 ItAVIVIC:310011 BOOTS ,rr • ‘•.-,7 • ; • Oxr stock for. the $pri and Siinnneg 4 Itqw eiimp10, awl 7, yrillibe found on insocti nx to embrace the best makes in tke . Ddrainion,iit he most reasonable rates. TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, (to, on hand; and for sale at low price, 44 Iix.an.d. Ego* *ben in oxpl;ct.v.gg; •rive PeP Ce;14 off for cash. .. . NIC.A.JVITKO9121E-is • ) , • • 45 STOVE A.ND. t Just received, an imniense stock. of. OP, Gardtil & Harvest 'fools, Porig, $68,' ;Also a laige sok of the CELE11111tATElli READY - MECO Suitable for farmers and othera *biting to .do their ow7i, painting,. • Fall dock hiliorebrinro, & rint 0 • tirAgels for the celebrated HAWKEYE MIL PAN, • S. DAVIS Clinn to. . • • . •• WE V0i,ILD ArrEtgiciasr: Farmers tt Dairymen =-TO Flarland's improved Milk Pan. The latest and most conVenient Cream Separator out. . • Call and see them, and leave your order early. --.. • • ' JUST RECEIVED,. A FINE ,Trqpit'ox 11.kitT.4;spl's Improved Milk Pito. ParJuly BP. &des, $140;cre:Loh. Care• Itto.3cosi, Hoes, cf4c. • lie Jur stockofBUILDER'S HAR1)SVARE is now complete, PAINTS & OIL' a specialty; • zsgeatti,4v3i) sztos cimitezt: V., • • • •• • • t• 0-(DCDT3B.. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SPRIN 1LL1NE Comprising all the Newest Stiles in FRENCR & 'AMERICAN RATS AD BONNETS its Chip and rancy'&totas: Flowers, koiii ?Usk Ornaments, Laces Ribbons, Silks and Satins, '• Having bought from the leading importer() in the trade, and at prices that we are enabled, to effer Special value in theabove lines. EMBROIDERIES, large stecle to 460se frtni., PASSEMENTRIiki AND GIMP Innwqs. 'u11 line of SPRING t1t:1113z. and general assortment of DRY GOMA Hats and Bonnets' made over info all the leading etyles. ' :Apprentices wantedtojearn the straw work. R, BEESLEY' BEAVER .1114QCK! • Now for Bargains in Roots, Shoes, Ilaruess, Trunks, JAMES TWITCHELL'S. , BLOCK. VICTORIA , • Baying reesivednly Spring rand saalocoAtiovoi.nacto.aaa shoes, aicam ail•bthe 'attention of 'jet ante .the„).0.10 to the Annie. ' • . Or gam we ha1. toobromple tbe#etb of on Vsii's? 'Oldest settlors, Ani tile person .of $4. riltisitietit tVinf,, v9le ditid fluntlaY ftibrAit 4rt ilie:Txplest4e ltaid807wYtatitPtite Itifilmtb 0 7647f herW' ditigthrale•ai husband tavinepassitd. the valley of the shadow 04 death abonbien year age. Itobt,, Thtnelotee,. a boy in the ' Sea.' ii, .fs oo itiri7it„ , f /ri Orepz 1 ot 10 ri e?,?..1 st pi;O atit :f :I 111,i t4vb , it 1 ,a, - .01? , v71:::1 . IiisIlmj hai pisa i 4 .444 , 1 if &It'd ohitrse iliiilnipreastiioh wait pe- 'rn' '-iakbit'aial hisliAtidiiittiethshah bad.: ; Tbie•trilifghit likobielteri aid the palm of tbeduitid badly squeezed. : . The, following decidedly "personal" iteM appears in the, Howick Enter- prise: --- To the inquisitive ;Teeple of Gerrie.... Neglecting to announce my departure OD the 3rd of May in ;the' Howick En- terprise not thinking it'itgeessary to put out a public itotlhW,Ilii inquisitive .peo- ple of Oorrie havens:J(1e it their fastness to say a little more than they can prove. Now I• want three kind friends of mine to onderstan 1 that 1 will leave Got rie and retut n when I please without stating either where I ah) going or Whin 4 will return. I wish those people also to at. tend to their 'own busiriess and let mine alone or I will most certainly Make them prove what has been said Any person whbse curiosity is not yet satisfied end Ida?, 'wish to know More . of my affairs, an obtainall the informs - tri they respire by applying to Ens- lAnee 1.,:tike,. Hespeler E. 0. Ont„ or. by lipp:Crio4,p9roosaiiy. at the Lake they WO be koatedlitire as they deserve:, ' • . ' Ektila *.ursek Gorrie. ..,; wiii, liiaav Iirurtirfere, MWatts & Co 's are weeps alive to their beiness, and spare no painsto secure the hest of every article in their line. They • have secured the agency for tbe celebrated. Th. Reg'a New Diegovery for 'Oonsereption. he only eertein Sore knit9. i9iPPRAPPIP• the Throat Pit Uogi!: Se' 99 a irt. ipgr flay Pever, Bronchitis, nr to' IT4a491',1'.. tiNls emailhil; c?Idi;.14°41r191Pfailia-411t)ST9#,P guarantee. Tidal Bottles free. egtilqr six* •S'i *FOWLER • 4t: -SON,. BEST STOCK OF • IN TOWN. 0 • yin PLATED WARE, NEWEST DESIGN.q. :JEAttLLERyi Around the County.. Mr. :lraS, Gray, bookkeeper, Seafortli, bad. one ,of • 104i.• shoulders .dialeested a frit,444 •,• . ):Tlie4010stiki farm; Ith oon, bf. Stan- SY; 144:4413137 ba been sold to Mr.. Irtievi4 fyin.. $6,000. ' safe, eicesaet. and iiunk , 9,14pp-that, coughing. ebb • • Nfr, .W; Blackwell, Seaford), teller in the bank Of Cotter:nerve teak a "header" Off M8'1.40:fine on Thursday, 'and dis14- 4attki las; Cellar The Brussels School Boar 4 have en gaged Miss Adams, of Ingersoll, in the :room: vacated ffY• Miss Higkins, en efir count O illness„ at $300 per annum. cSpracse.—Not only the most exquisite 91)4 for tin teeth and breath, but "Tram; O'beantyel little ornament and finish itithe toilet: Thos; Russel of Usborne, intends litart•'fer Britoin in ten days. He willretorn in September with a number •of thoreughbred cattle and sheep. UcLeart, °tee 12th con- • eaSstiOn of TupkersMith, has corn on bis farni which on the first of August mest- 'leered 10 feet -.in length...(0.What,WilI it be by Putting titne? • , DOR'170. IND upoq the drder 'of your tiatilat at .000 Seelite a bottle of HUB" Conon It iis eelek to relieve— sum to mire, costs hut 25 eta. . • coNale, of :lifitataiing-rod peddlers euceeeded last *eek in getting Ste, OM farmer to sign a note for $150 melting him believe that it was an agree- ment to act as a local . agent, The old etory. , On Monday. while David Sproat of Tuckerernith, was_ returning from .the • field, he got on sideways ott young horse which became alarmed and.threw him backwards, breaking and dislocating his arm, 4 * •• • • Au! We get up feeling badly, didn't rest good, doe't want breakfast a sppebitei. no emptgy, bad taste and breath, gums we are. .ioj. Two doses ZO:Vp§te. toneup and otjr i”°60i91,ts an4 set us right. OOh Wedheaday evening last Charles. N1p'ilioeseaker of 1(ingsbridge, for- merly of .0oderieh,. attempted suicide • ih his stable.- Mrs. Noble bad sent her • little boy out to call his father to tea, •and. was horrified to. learn that the , • wretched man Was hanging by the neolti . She ruched into the stable' and found -- Min suspended from :a Wooden peg 1..):y a• .etrap and a piece of rope, his knees just Clearing the Boor.' She polled the'Strep • off the peg, and with the help of some neighbors loosened the rope just.% time • to save the spark of life remaining. • EXPERIENCE teaches 'that delays are LuOgii, dangerous, and in, no instance is prompt ao. tion more necessary than when the first preach of kidney dieease made manifest. To who are experiencing pains in the hack„ or who issel that their kidneys are going Repairing done Dromntly. wrong, DB.- VAN fittREN'S KIDNEY CURE is a friend indeed, as it will certainly relieve their' , ,313. May 2,501.1m. apaarinee,, and • if persisted in, effect a permanent' ti.:41'11114. 50 ora S011. Switzer E64 STILL • • . 'A Ild.,(10 husineais 'More • than ever. • 1300Tal. 4,4D 1--ric)M.S • •• • Women's Good Prunellas for 60 c. Wornen's 'Lace •Boots, $1. • .0 r.. .0 .1klen')(Lace Shoes, $2, Don't buy another pstir of Boots until' . • r.* ;you see our new Spring Stock. Oahe one, come ail: . No • " " trouble to show ' 7 Pm& WANTED, A QUANTITY OF • COOD POTATOES.. : • • . . ;AlgttpaEir IVE• Better Bargains than ever:, • ' eaver ook Store HAS AI= rans, Croquet, Baskets, Ladies Satchels, Canes Stephens', Dailey's, and. Stafford% Iuks.: - Linen, Foreign' and.ltelhim Npte•Ppers. •e Large variety Of Envelopes, Very,tehea,p. • Note Papers at 10c. per quire,.extra kood. Spy Glasses from 20cts. to $8.75 each. . Combi-SiBru§h6s, all prices. Concertinas Sze. , Richter;4unk Organs, 10 keys, 20 -cents. BBer.glignesos.0414. Pillar ras.attTera44.40.1+7,. 04101,10.001404es, Bracelets • "...401,09 .0. • 6. • 161PWO1FIEN'S .BtIPTCY .VOOTS, #.Silfste Harness aoly 04, onl..44BY 0.4,124.tAatSf a Mage voriAtY, at Ornime 41f -price. • 15,000 bunches high Land Pine, & Ceaar SHINGLES, for sale ekeap, c 'taper than oda,. c .80010 14E4 Mkt 440p, & 'EGGS TAREN EXOHANGE Pon BOOTS & OES. J. TWITCEELL, VICTORIAA3LOOK, CLINTON' .1 'llf.E.ANS., BOY'S and CITILD.REN'S, cheap q,ccordingly. PRUNES arta VALISES, tery cheap! MAN and CARRIAGE EARN:0Z we1ues, ii '•Nq AR18ELLING,GOODS:**RY:IA4—(TIti US. Thompson& s SwitzerI Beaver next' to Alek 411 •