HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-15, Page 1• • • •MANNING Az SCOTT Barristers, Solicitors, OONVETARCERS Commiesienerfl for Ontario aildllitnittiba. OFFICE TOWN IIALL$ Cl/ISTON, Nroftosiou41 ana oitur Or4o. ARRIAog eteENSES.---AreLY TO THE undersigeed at the Library Rooms., Smith's Block, .• 50 'JAMES . SCOTT, TA A. r 01113,XSTER, GONVEVANOER, Ineeranee And General Agent. Money to loan. . OrleCit, Heaven )3toce, Whiten, Ont. 111.0111EY TO LEND IN LA-RGE ON SMALL ▪ alolit3t8ertetl°1 3133°rtgage BeeuVitY' moderate 4LAs Clinton. re E. DOWELEY, M. D., M. C. R. S. ENGLAND .LFPhyia sicn, Surgeon, etc, Office and reeidence neat Idoleon'aTiglif, MaTliet square, nuizioa. An.LET9No-OFFIOE-AT RESIDENCE Ontaxie fitreetNilinton,opposite Gee English Church. Entrance by side gate. 0YO1flG, M. R., (GRADUATE OF TQRONTO •University,)Pheeleian, Surgeon, &a., residence at Mr. Manning's, three doom eat of the Temperance Uell,Londesboro, Out. -2.74 A. ROSE, M.D., GRADUATE OF MEDIOAL AU,University, Philadelphia, Member of C•ollege cL Flaysielens and Surgeone, Ontario. Office at George 'Grantham's, three doors north •of the Post Office, GRAND UNONHOTEL, CLINTON, ONTARIO. Mee. Money, Proprietor. Large and airy, cen- teally situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot air, large and Well lighted'eample mins. Good sta- bling. $1 per slay. 11 B. PROUDFOOT, CIVIL ENGINEER, Provincial and Dominion Land Surveyor, Architelit and Draughtsman, PnanIx 13L0c/K, Clinton. .1r1 DICKINSON, LICENSED AUCTIOI`TEER 11. for the County of Huron,• Sales attended W promptly. 'Charges moderate. Residence Albert St. Clinton. DREIEVE.-OFFICE RATTENBURY ST.- A., Murray Block, two doors east oL Reagens:O. en - 'trance. Residence, opposite the Temperance Hall, Micron Street, (Minton. Office hours, 8 a,m. to 6p.m. -air BS. wamr, TEAOBER OF X1JSIC. nuexes eite. attended at theirawnresidence,iftmeeeeni/1 Dew eidence, John Robertson'e, naron. Street, Clinton. Rice's new method taught if cleaned, DR. STANSURY, cinADVA.TB OF TEE MEDI eatDepartineet of Victoriallniversity,Tionintojor !early of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New york Coroner forthe County of Haron,SayftelO,Ont. wiLL1AMS, R. A., M. B., OrRA.DUSTE OF 1.40eTorento Univety; member of the ColleeeolPby eiolana and Surgeon.), Ont. OFFICE & Resinnece tbe 110nee formerly oodtapied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street Clinton. ORTHIN G TON , PHYSICIAN , S 1)11.GB ON -1-/Aacoue1our,Lioentiateo1 the College ofPhyei clan - a nd Surgeon a of Lower Cam ads , an d Provin ei a lDi oen tiate and Goren orf or the Conn ty o I Hu ron . 0 el ce and residenee,-Ths building f ormeriy &steeple d by Mr Thwaites, Huron* street. CI int on,Jan.10,1811. NATAVERLY.HOUSE, 'CLINTON, ONT,-THIS 1' Botai is now and has all the reqUirements of a first-class house. Largeand airy monis, elegant parlors, heated with hot air,antl in the immediate. viC3nity ofthe "G:T:"E. dePor.: "TEO bar is well -mocked with the- choicest brande of liquors and cigars. The travelling Walla May rest assured ef being well. eared for at this Minse SAMUEL PIKE, proprietor. • , • ' • ••," C. CAILTIVIOIGNT, L, -D. S. • of Stratford, will visit Clinton and be at the Grand Union Hotel ithe second Friday ki the C month, where.he will be prepared to attend patients profeasionally. The administration of Nitrous Oxide Gas, or Vitalized Air, given to patients when required • for the painless extreetion of teeth. R. 111. tioLmEs, • . . „.4 141003. ' TERNS -1111.80 Peir Amason • 01:41:1•TTON, OITT., A.1161tTST 15 1,78E.34., /ROBERT NOLAIRs PRO11,41191`. . Nov Aatertiontento. SEWIKO MetaIIINES- W, KITT sells Owned -running new lime Reeving Machine, which Cakes do lead. V(TANTED-AT ONCE SEVERAL .130.Y$ AND VI girls from 12 tole yeers of age, to work hi tbe Woollen Factory., E. CORBETT, Manager, GIRL WANTED -4 GOOD GENERAL SERVANT wanted. Apply to MRS. J. CRAM, Albert St., Clinton. SEED WHEAT uon SALE STAB wuele'r FOR SALE.--YIELDBD 43 busliels to the acre this year, and 'weighs 65 lbs, to the bushel. -42 per bushel. Well e1ea8ffi1s READOrd Conn.r,u•Scrergirian.. 0. ITeaTERgi. LIST, 1884-7,ILINI0IPAI,ITY OF V THE' TOWNSHIP OF IIURLETT. , — Notice isitereby glean that. I have transmitted -or delivIrred to the persons nrketioned in the third, and fourth sections of ''The Voters' List Act," the copies requked by said section to be so transmitted or de- livered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearieg by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Le. Ikalatives Assembly and at Municipal Elections; aud that said list was first posted up at any °Mee, at tins township of Mullett, on the 128h day nf August, 1$84, and remainathere for inspection. Electors are palled upon to examine the said het, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the fetid errors correctirl accord- ing to law. JAMES BRAITIIIVAITL', gent' of said' municipality. Dated et Mullett, the 12th day of August,. 1884• Western /Pair 18E14 . 'CANADA'S 'GREAT EXIIIBITION, a. AND11FUSTRIA,I, E147231112)21.3, LONDON, CAN'ADA, SEPTEMBER 22, 23, .24,.25; 26: 417,00020.0 I1 BRIiES, 8.2,000 tzi -Excess 1883. 0,049 in Specials by • . Friends of the Western Fair. • OPEN TO TIIE WORLD. . The Western Fair for 1884 will far surpass all its predecessors. The prizes are larger and the new features and novelties to he introduced, will make it the most attratitiVe exhibition ever held in Canada, Wait for it. Wrfte to the Sec- retary for prize list.posters, progtainmee or. any information required. . E. R RoBINSON, OEO. MOBROOM, • July 16, 1884Peesident, ' Seceetary. . • " • s %C. JACKSON, TCKET AGENTI • ' , , • -, heap Eicersions via the Great- Lakes, Winnipeg and return -850 00 Duhith and return .8200 Port Arthur and return..., '30 00 , Sault St.Marie 0,nd ret-nrn120,0 SECCiND CAM TICKETSNOW York to LtVerpool End return, $60, the lowest rate ever 'offered, STEERAGE TIMMS are now sold at rates ever before heard of. SolicitorSuprolie Court „ &O., &c., OFFICES-WINGHAM &i BLYTHE. In Blyth every Thursday. Collections and claims promptly and reliably attended to. - PRIVATE FUNDS. to lend at lowest rate of interest. WILKIE & WOOLVERTON. SURGEON DENTISTS. Mold the exclusive right for the cOunty for a.° Hurd process of administering chemically pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is tho safest a.nd beet eyetem yet WS-. covered for the painless extraction of teeth. (Budges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. • 0FFIC£1, BEAVER BLOCH, over Thompson- & Switzer's-Grocery Store, Albert Street, Clinton. , - MUSIC. . MISS NELLIE 11110LINES is prepared to give. it'SSOXIS on the Piano or Organ to a limited nunaber of pupils. Inetruction given at the homes of pupils, if desired. %spa': Prilltit igecy . ger DOMLNION LINE OF STEAMERS to Liverpool, and all points east-lew rates. NV-TemeeTs BY BEATTY LINE BOATS' to Manitoba and pointsWest. • rTICKBTS TO ALL POINTS WEST, at lowest rated. , CALL before making arrangements to any of these points. JAMES THOMPSON, TWA) Agent G.T.R, THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. • 0 Tim Allan Line la taking Steerago Patisengera from Clinton to Liverpool. Derry and Ulasgow for Mt 15 Excursion Tickets, good for six Mont/114, at low rates. Intermediate Mee also reduced. Accommodation good. Stallings every Saturday , Passengers require.to.leave Clinten at 4 • from (lance. bed. dirat connection 'Pull particulars and all informa' tion 0 PPli- cation to A.' O. PATTISON, G, T. li,..Agent,-Olintoli'. PHOTOGRAPHERS, vOS CLINTON, LIFE-SIZE WORE A SiECIALTY, .t DENTIST, COATS BLOCK, charges moderato CLINTON, • • CLINTON. 11,101)1.1E1MILLS. 11.TAVING P1J.RCHASED•ABOVE MILLS --J.. . • COMMENCE RIN UNNG AT °NOE.. . . Under the treanagenaent Pf •11.1n,F PPREE're. •• All Wilds of MANUIFACTU RING • . Deno -on- shoet.notice: A large stock 01 • WOOLLEN NOON TON. SALE„' CHEAP • OR 1N EXCHANGE FOR WOOL: GRAHAM, ,Pro. prietor. • • • 09.1l.11E.17, Manager. TE DENS WANTED -For removing night soil from the Model Sh000l premises. • For particulars apply to W. LI. BINE, Secretary. :FOR 'SALE -1- A GOOD VALUABLE MARE-. eight years old, for cash or note. Also, two Bug.gies, one covered, Cutter, Waggon, Sleigh, Chaff. cutter, and two sets Of Single liarne44, which Will he exchanged for !trollied or P pta. E. CARTER, well digger, Clint.aoq• QTRAY SHEEP -0 ME INTOBUBSCRIBERS 1.7 premises,. Lot- 21, 14th on., Goclerieh 'township, about middle of duly; T • Ewes end TIYREE Lawn, one of the Ewes not She red. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and tette them •away. ORRISTOPIIRRTERRUTT. • - . . • ITOIMISES,FOR SALE -ONE HEAVY TEAM J.J. good workers, splendid team for Steam Threeber One Marc,10 years old, supposed to be in foal to good siro. One Aged Marc. One large driver, nine years old. One two-year old Filly, dare brown, black points, fine block and found. Apply to the eitainix XABAtIAGE WO3IRS, Londesbore, 21) MOIR VISAING 1kACIIINE-IFO•R•811, LE..• A. A le or 12 heree-PoWer'exemAX. TfutZeiliNG n, only been in use two seasons, and nearly I. s good as nate,. will be, sold cheap. Is fitted with Eiward's Equalizing Boras rower. Ready to run itt.'anY time. Owner too old te run it only reason fOr selling. W. TOWNSEND Lot 10, Bityfleld Cou., Gederich township. 30k4 • TURN Volt SALE- THE SOL/Tli nArx lots 16 and 17, 00e.14, township of Mullett, containing 148le:tterett, of which there are about 100 wolf ,cleared, balance in hardwood tinnier. There is. a good frame barn, frame dwelling house, and. bearing orchard. About 236 :rota Myth, . and trona LondesbOro, both oil the London; Enron &I3ruee railroad. AM eon - Metered one of therbest farms in Hullo% Ap- plY,on the promiaes, or to J. BRAITHWAITE, Loiadesboro P,O, • • 28 EXECETOWS NOTICE, - NOTICE IS bereby given that all polies indebted to the late JOHN COPELAND) either by note or book account are required -to pay ,the same only to the undersigned, and all having claims against the /mid deceased are requested to pro. sent -the eanao for payment,. • - JOHN 'GRAY.- . THOS. COOPERr" Chilton, jitly 30, 1884, Executors. QPItatNnin rAnzet. FOR SAEE.-LOT 31, Concession 6, licKfllop, containing 100 acres, about 70 cleared and the balance well timbered with, hardwood, and about 6 mires of firet.elase cedar, Tho cleared land is free from stuems, 411 underdrainesl, well frateed, and all sooded to grass except 10 acres.- Thom is a good spring crook running through thcf OW, and no waste or wo6 land,r1 splendid orchard of the Jholeest fruit, also a goed,tonifortftble stonehouse all nicely finished and Well laid out, also good barn, Odds and stables.' Thom is a well and cistern at the Muse, The farre is clean and nearly fro from foul, woods. Is within 31 miles of tho !prosperous Village of Kinburtt, And Vrttliin 6 milea Of Settforth, Terme easy; will bo sold Mai& with or without the crop. - Apply ,On the'preinIsto, or address Constance PA.* elotetaneeee 804 .. EAST WAWANOWLI• number of the farmers are threshing; the grain is turning out a good yield, ,some as high as 45 busli, to the acre. A young team belonging to Mr. Walter 1VIcGowan Was left standing ia the field attached to a reaper while the driver went to shtick, leaving the machine in gear. The team took fright and, ran away, mak- ing a complete wreck of the machine be- fore they were stopped. . Gordan:len TO VVNt.1.111 Otetv Los'iseMr. W. Connell, of the • • 14th con., lost a good cow on Sunday. She was being fattened for sale, and hap- pened to fall down and break her leg, when she was at once slaughtered. Aceenwr.--The other day the wife of Mie be.. Beacom, of the.Beyfield coin, met with a painful accident. While engaged in rnilkingi A cow ran against the one she was attending to, knocking Mrs. Beacom over and trampling on her. No bones were broken, but she was severely, bruised VARA Sof,n,-The Morley lioniestead, on the Maitland con., near Holmesville, has been sold to Mr, P°.T. Evans,, of this township, for the sum of $5,300. It con- tains 190, acres, of whick1.00 is bush; has good stone house and frame out-bnildingsi and is well worth the price paid for ftl• Mr. Carter has it rented for this year, but it is probable Mr. Evans will more on it this fall. • • • ' Last spring Mr., Wm. Herbison, of the Bayfiold road, started A sinall creamery 011 his farm, principally for his converii-• ence and the accommodation of a few of his neighbors who might chose to send their cream te him: It was intended also as an experiment, and we are glad to say it' has proved a gratifying success, for While farmer's butter is selling at 14 and .16 cents per lb,, he haserefused20 cents per lb. for his make.. He makes about 150 lbs, a day, withtheWarteaan Sz:Ward churn. Next season Mr. Herbison intends to put in steam newer and prepare for a more extended business, • : SELF BINDERS. -Last i'veek an agent ' for theliaxwell elevator binder brought one to the farm of Mr. Leiper, ilth con. Alter giving the reaper it fair trial ite•a field which was rather rough and tbegrain hard to gather, it proved -141satisfAct9ty, and Mr., Leiper was becoming disgusted with binders, wLen luckily.Mr.T.Watson, of Wessels, came alongand got leave to i try his Toronto hinder n the same field, and after two,hours work it gave entire satisfaction. Mr. Leiper was nere than well pleiised with it, and was not long making ,up his mind to purchase,' There are several of the Toronto Elevator Bind - ere in this township, and every one is giv- ing the best. &satisfaction. .. • e ' ,•• • ' BitreFs.--A Hullett man writing from Itianitoba says: Oh July 2nd he plowed with overdose and mits.on. Every person is busy harvesting. Fall wh:e4 Is fair; spring wheat is splendid; oats aro , very good, but:barley is a poor crop. Mr, J. AlcGregor; of the 12th con., and Mr.Allen, of the llth ohne, Italie erected very neat dwelling houses on -their farms. • not.inusvilLt:E. BRIEFS:L-1.11r. W. (boner.; .it t'llinten;ie engaged in Making the internal inaproy e- ments in the -Methodist Church', such as erecting a gallery, S.r.c..; when it is Corn- pleted it will be the neatest .rural church in this •vicinity. Mr. Sherritti. the blind preacher, occupied the pulpit of the Me- thodist church; on Sunday,' moraing and eyening ; he also delivered .a temperance addrese at Ebelifiers'on Friday evening, and one at Helinesville Ott Monday •eyen- ing, both of' ,whialr were well Attended. Mr, 13irks made a flying visit to London this week. . ' . tiLvTif. • Mr. Charles tawden, of Buffalo, wa.s vi- siting hisebrother this week. • . . The Mains farm,. consisting of 60 acres; was put u by ituetion, Fridaylitat 'but did not se I; the highest bid was u oder $2,- 600., which was considered two low. Mrs. itreeellar has heught a lot from' Mr. t..Mallory and is preparing tilt build a fine house. Mr. Jae; Page is erecting a frame house. Messrs. Lawrence St Gra- 'cey- have • dissolve& partnership and Mr: Lawrence is coining here and Mr.- Gracey going away. • . Mrs. and Miss:Clara Ranee, of Clinton; are-visitilig Mende here, AH801 Hays, of Godertch, is also visiting friends hero. Ides. Oaks, of Exeter, is the guest of Mrs. Souther:a. Mrs. Nation, of Lucan, who was. visiting friends here, has returned tome. Ur. Jas. Hewitt; who has heetein. the emploe elf Mears, Lawrence &Qtacey for it number of years, moving to St. Catharines. Mr. James Carter,.who 1'; - lived here for a. mil:1353er of years intend to move •to Winghani shortly. Mr/. II, - McGee, of Toronto, was visiting .friexide this week. me. Patrick Heffron, who stated on it trip to Cape•treton, returned on Thursday, having only reached Mon, treal, when he took siek, and is now in it poor state of heeltia. • • • Secret AND. PRESENTATIOR-A very pleasant and successfureocial was held on Tuesday evening,' tbe.'12fh inst., ,at the residente of Mr. Edward Sheaf% Blyth, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Methodist .church.. During. the whole evening the company had a grand social time. Towards the close an addrees was read, and a purse of Money WAS presented to Mr. lames Hewitt, who has been a most native and' efficient ;member of the church for the last geVeD years. Matta been trustde, choir leader, bible -class teacher, class leader and local preacher, and has diseliarged the duties devolving upon him in such it manner as to seeure the respect of all Who have been associat- ed With him. As he is BOW to Grimsby his removal has areated a Va. coney which will not be easily filled. He is folloWed b the best wishes and earnest .prayers ef arge Circle of friends, • MORRIS. Mr, Robt. Taylor, of Maris, while pre- paring td go out threshing, was making a stake with an axe, the axe struck some obstruction and glancing quickly Off it hit his hand at the knuckle, almost sever- ing the first finger, while the others were cut to the bone. It was attended to by medical aid, one of the fingers, if saved, will be pOwerieni. Mr. Taylor will have a summer job, to attend to. it. — tiaEct.eueaveerale--Public school. opened n Monday/oAug. llth, with a very fair attendance. paired, Mr. T. 111eKenhe having the eon - T. I: -.a b, /aieldngs have been reei steueteneteme 1-Lifivnsmxxe.-Tlie farmers in this vi- cinity are progressing very well with their harvest, some having finished. The self - binders are doing good work. PitasoNAL.--Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kilt return to Belfast on Saturday; they hair spent six weeks in this vicinity, and carr with"thenithe best 'wishes of all. Mrs Ward has been visiting friends here dur ing the pest week-. es ' EA PORTA. The Foresters' Brass Band visitedatay field on the civic holiday, and discourse sweet music to the citizens of that place Rev.J.13roley, of the Methodist Church leaves this week fora few week's holidays A young man from Cobaurg will take hi place till he returns. . Rev, Mi. Le* ofMontreal, who is act in g its agent for the Whitby.Yqung Ladle College, preached two. excellent eermone ie the Methodist Church, on Sunday, Lest Monday being our civic holiday a good many took advantage of the extra cheap rates, and tvent on the excursions to Toronto, London and Goderlch, while others went to the lake.. • The teacheiS, officers and :adults of the E.groond vette Presbyterian Sabbath School pickilicked at,Bayfield test Friday. The weather was all that could he desired, and a very pleasaot day was spent. ' A week' ago last Sunday, while the•Sal; vation army were. on parade, pne of •our young Men was driving his horse devve street, andatteMpted to drive through Ilie ranks,but was prevented 'from doing so by One of the soldiers taking the horse by the, head,. either to turn it to one side o the read or to passed by; but was not allowed to do either before the -driver;,with no little force, struck him with his whip. As a result' the 'young map was arraigned before the Mayor and John Beattie, Esq., and was fined $1' and costs. It does not pay'te attack an arnly with lerge foeces. . EMMEN. O0CD WORR,-On, Friday last there was cut on Mr. Wm. Baker' e farm, 2nd con., nine acres of heavy spring wheat in six bouts with a reaper. Three men were kept busy binding. COLBORelE. Mr, John Levy has fully recovered from his recent attack of inflammation. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanstone, of Brus- eels were visiting. friends in this vicinity last' week, Mr. White and the Itlisse•s Jessie and Clara Dundee, have returned to their h9llie in Putnam, after visiting frieeds here ' A young gallant, in company with two ladies,. while crossing the Maitland river at Unionville paid more attention tothe ladies then to the lines, and consequently drove into a hole in the bed of the river, from which the trio were towed by a yoke e • of oxen. . DASHIVOOD . NEARLY F.A.TAIOn Friday last,. C. Holbein, while shooting bee -birds,, whieh were destroying his bees, narrowly escap- ed being slot. It appears that he and his son were preparing the gun -wee loading ; the barrel, while the other put on the cap, u• Having got it in readiness, the son,:by • some means, let his thumb slip, causing the hammer to close on the eap, discharg, the gun, the contents of which grazed es Mr. Holbein'a Cheek, and inflicted an,ex, tremely ugly Venn ' • s ▪ AeOIDE-teT.-On Monday evening, while Einannal; son ofwidow Fried, was palying, with a small home-made toy gun, he met with painful accident After leading the concern with it good charge of pciwder, he lit the fuse, which, to his notion, burn- ed very 'slowly. Not being content to await the result,. he laid the gun down to examine it, and while looking inside, the powder ignited and the contents of the gun flew 'into his face, knocking the Skin o 'his left cheek and filling his eye, • • • • SDP CATIONA:L JOTTINGS. Donald Ross, an ex -student teener High.. Scheel,. spent a. few Clap/ , in town with. frierids this Week. Bred, PeSren,:f teeeher 'at Gampbelre °rose, riear Brampton, Was -in town yes - f terday on his way_to.lis school. • TheAany friends of Miss Dick, teacher No. 4; Hallett, will be pleased to learn that r§lie.: is speed.ilyreCav. ering !thin .t.he. fever; • 'theeteion TAXT Bo.ox..-The Minis- -ter of Edueation hits 'ordered the substitue ton • of Baldwin "On the art of teellool management," far Currie's " Common Scheel Edo cation;" for the use of the • teachers' in trainitig at the model schools. TIME FIXED. -By a recent department- . atennotincement r we note that the Pro- • Norinal *Scheel will re -Open on Aug. 19, and the session closes on the 19th' of December. The county Model *heels -will re -open on the 9th September. ....A.GatCulattRAL ZEAliIINATIONS.-The examiners have been at work during the present week exarainiiig the answers 'of the -candidates who wrote at the recent agricultural eXaminations, held through- out tbe province. The result, it is expect- ed, Will he annottoced on Monday. Tira SCHOOL I./HAREM'S QUESTioN.- Thelull after the .tinssation of the wrang- ling by agents -of the rival. publishers in this Much -vexed question; was followed by tbe annOuricethent that ,Mr. Little, of Halton; and Mr.• 13ryan t, of. Galt, • under - the supervision of the Education Depart- ment, had inpreparation it new aeries of readi ers. It s now reported that this let- ter -mentioned series' having :preyed unsa- tisfactory, a fresh series is being prepared,. .which "let, however, hereAdy for some At the Close 6f. the Norivood High School ler the summ.er vacation the, points. presented Mr. J. ipavidsOn, M. the head master, with a gold -headed ebony eerie,. and the assistant master, Mr. G. W. Jackman, with a pair .Of golci,spectacles. The presents were each Accompanied by .an isideess, to whieh a suitable reply •was made. -Canada. School 'Journal; [gi: -Jackman is thesen, of' lr, H. Seaman, of, 'this „ town. 'Mr. G. W. Jackman is it - well known ex -student of our High Scheel ' :and, like mese -othere froin • the school, has 0 done w.e11.1 • : Nr.w- LimEnari.t±nt,-The litora,.. ture for 1885, second class. And luterme- diate , examinations, is the ;Lady of the •1' Lake; special reference canto v., .and ._r Irvieg's Rip Van Winkle, We give the a, names and prices of some of the leading u editions :-Lady of the Lakes(nates by fr th Taylor) and Rip Van • Wiekle (nOtea by Chase) one -Voluane 00 cents, published by in Gage & Co.; Lady of the Lake and Rip a Van Winkleei otes by Arty/strong', one -vol - wale, 00 cents, Canada. Publiihing Ce.; se Lady of the Lake, Canto v., Cowper% a :Taal*, book v,, and Rip Van .Winkle, brief p hates by Bigg, one Volume. 80 cents, pub- I' lislied by Copp, (Ark .& Co. • • SECOND CLASS CERTIFICATES. The Iv following candidates named the recent non-professional .examinatiorts for second T1 eltegi certificates, addition to these a• th further statement will •appeaterespecting So the candidates who presented themselves B for both second and third-chiss standing,. Th some of whom will obtain second-class, Co but their' names are 'not included in the no present list,. which contains these ;who Co tiled fee second-class only, the examiners A not having eompIeted their Work. The be list, as given in Montitty's dailies, was gi publiehed in order that candidates may pr apply at once for admission to the Nor- wi Peal Schoo), if qualified to attended an Stendeset-A. &met, 13; J. Barr, A; tea A. Neville, It; D. Moradyen, A. da Gonnittotr,--D. N. Eerr, .4; N. Tip;he, on A ; 0. Onerteron, A.. ; R". Set- as burn, 13. Dunbar, ; Holland, hit s p; IL A. Stewart, A.; S. Taylor, B; T. R ou Ilutehart,13; .A. Scotb,'"A; R. S. Swan; it 13; ht,Croley 13; W A, • 'PAWN 11Osa, Messett is at home spending her holidays. Car: roll; Esq.; vreo has Veen °iron a trip to Detroit, retur,fied hoine on Saturday. Mr. of the law •office of• F..Holne, stead, whOlas been away for sOMe weeks for the good of his health, returned to • town laet Monday, feeling somewhat better than When be loft. .G. J. Liffeton, Cutter. ter' Dukan etc PUIICEtri; 14ft iRet Saturday for a holiday trip to Detroit 'other .places, . Miss Budd, eleGhelph, is visiting her sister,. Mrs. T. W. Caidno. left last Tuesday for the inirth-tvest ; ,he took -with him it lot .of horses. While there. be Will ..superintend the removal of tliC•erpn...froui. his. farin One at those pypn,lar temperance enter- Iainmenia was given in. Card nO'S 116,11;1.40. Tilesday,`and was a grand suctess in every respect. The hal1. was filled th its utmost. seating capacity. , The sOpgs readings, recitations, and addresses. were 'listened to with every attention by the large and -ap- preciative audience. J. •II. Flagg, Esq., G. W. C. T. of the I.O.G.T was present and gave an address. He has knit return- ed from the cOuntY of. Halton, where the Scott Act is in force. 1de said from whit he learned hy observation, and *mil what people whceresidein the couinty told hiin, • that the act was a. success in every parti- ctiliir. ' The proceeds of the entertain wen t will be.. applied to the funds of the Scott Act association.. DONB ESE ILO:, At the recent Meeting of the quartette* board of the Londeshore Methodist•ehurche the Ladies Aid Society, of Londesborp, presented . the.trustees...with.:•Ithe sum. of ..$100, to help pay offthe debt on their par- sonege. This certainly speaks well. for the ladiee of that neighborhood; and the board ackhewledged the gift by a vote .of thanke. Londeslidro appointment • Paid' off $200 Of -the. debt at Ohrtstinae, and •now the ladies reduce the debt to .000.. The parsonage und land cost .14400 it few 1. • ' Aso «, • years sino. --------------- : , • ' EXETER. • • . • • : F.t SOLD. -Mr. Davfil Mill; of D's, baffle', has &Baptised of his firm, . contain- ing 150 acres, being ,lot D, COIL. 7, to Messrs. Clarke Fletcher, for the sum of $11,500: Mr, Mill will probably in-tiVe-:' to Exeter, ' • . , • i•PenesTetteal/Sei.--egne night last week a young man emplOyed Stanlakes mill on the lake road, about three Miles from Exeter, made a wager with his employers that he could prociiresiiguk.,-Orwiliskey within a ••certain lengilfrof time, The MOIley' being duly deposited, the pedestri- an prepared for trip to•Exeter to pro- cure the whiskey, taking off all his cloth- ing but his shirt. In thie Boni -nude con- dition he started out ,at a. break -neck speed, but he had not gone far before it rag evertook him, and thinking he knew the horse he caught it by the Inutd, ex- peetilag he *mid eeteh hold of the beggy behind, and thus get it lift on the way, The ,driver not being accustomed to see- ing such costumes as he wore, took the traveller for it highway robber, and treat- ed him as inteheiitrikilig him it bard blow on the head, which tolled him to. the ground, and the buggy wheel passed over hinf, ' '1de laid the road .for about tete hones before he was plaited up, He had an ugly wound on the head where he Wita struck 'With tile wimp, . 1. 4 • . (1 . °4 i re . . . ' . • . . . . . LOCAL CHURCH CHIME ..•••nw• Rev, ;Tate Gray, and wifetere attending the etinlithy °amp. Rev, Oar, Salton re - Wens therefrom to -day, me gaolers and frien-ds of St 1Pan a Sunday Nehool, to the number of about three hundred, picnicked at Gocierich,:on. Tuesday. Rev. Remy, Of Florence, former- ly of Germ, and cousin of Rt M. Racey, of Clinton, has been appointed rector of Zorra by the Biehop of Huron. Rev. Mr. Stewart and family are ex= peetecl home from their holidays on. Sat- urday, Mr. Stewart, and Mr, Denby, of Varna, exchange pulpits on Sunday. ' Rev. Mr. Turner, of Dungannon, being in del/tate health, purposes taking a trip to the old country; it is expected that his place will be supplied by Mr. Ashley, dur- hig his absence, Rev. Mr. Kenner preaches at Holmes- ville, morning and evening, .oh Sunday next, and probably a.t Sharon in the after- noon. His work on this circuit on Sun- day will -be taken by Mr.M. Runiball in the morning, and inothe evening by Mr. Alex. Birks, who also takes his outside services. . Rev. Mr. ItlecCosla, of Winghaen, will preach in St. Paul's church, next Sunday/ morning and evening. In the afternoon he will address the Foresters, in the town hall, who will be accompathed there by the Doherty•Organ Band, which has learn- ed a number of sacred pieces especially for the occasion. Foresters from Bayfield, Blyth, Londesboro, Ooderich, aid other places, will also attend. At 11 recent meeting ofcaptains of the Lord's Army, in Toronto, General Robin- son wile re -instated in hi a old position; Major Gray was deposed, and commit- tee of captains appointed to work WM the general. It is said that all the cap- tains eonneeted with the army) e'xcepting Capt. Harably, of (Minton; are now week- inge3eith..the General: The -army bereds going on as usual, but there is t. that an effort is being made to joili softie other established. organization not rem- sented in town yet. . The tulloWing appears in thealebe, of TU6Sday, And explains itselfe--:One culty in the way of the 'aged minister$ of the late B. C. church in Canada express- ing. themselvee-on the -proposed . union was their relationship to the ,Annuitant 'So- ciety in England. Tents of the adjust- ment were asked by the Executive of England and prepared by a committee duly authorized en this side -of the water. It will be a matter of gratification to all interested in the. Union ,movement that allthat was. asked by the Canadian au- thorities has been granted by the Confer- ence in England. Rex. J. Kenner, Clin- ton, has the following cablegram:-7"Ternes. : accepted ; money shortly." : • The Cliihi be.seitiOit, Case, AtREST OF ' THE OlilLDeS MOTHEB.,1 • , . The Alleged Father of the frAllds Oar readers are all familiar with the general facts of the childdesertion ease, .. which occurred at the ) Clinton railway .1 station a couple of weeks sine,' but as the railway authorities were desirous of find- ing out more itheut" the Metter, aertela facts then known were ,not made public, the result of which ha been the arrest of . the mother ef 'the child. Acting under instructions Chief Constable Paisley went inte•Hullett, On Monday, and arrested a "girl. nailed Annie Wright, on a chairge of child. desertion; she being the mother of the one left at tbe station. She admitted her guilt, and said that Wm. Merrison,of Hallett, was the father of, the child. She was brought before the Mayor, who, with the evidenee before him, had 'no alterna- tive but to commit her to stand her trial. The girl stated that she had been seduced under promise'ef mairia.gee and finding it impossible. to .prdcure employnn t her child, had left it, hoping that "'some. one would Adopt it here, and as she then :expected to procure employment in the vicinity of the town,she would be in a po- sition to exercise 2. diStal1t WatelifilkffeS4''', 0,70 t. It is said that Moirison has ac- knowledged the paternity of the child, and it is quit -likely that -steps will be taken to make hiin provide for its.maintepance. The girl was taken to Goderleh pn Tues- day, and a,ppeared to keenly.realize; that " the way of the transgressor is hard." It is not likely that a sbVerd sentence Will be passed upeee her, considering 411 the cir- cuinstances of the case. We hope the day is not far dietant When public opinion will cause the enaetment, of a law topunish the seducer V.2 a crimi- nal,. • ,• . se* see • , Tb e 'following appeared , the . dailies • n Monday; but ' where the' Word "Olin"- • on" occurs should be Winghant-On ay, nigh afthe:13ensler -House, Ba.ffale,. man named W. 11. Wilson was arrested. ')r grand.larcency, having- sneaked into oonis occupied by four of the hotel guests, thong *horn were Delmage, of linton; and' another gentleman hailing.. ori the same place; and stolen. 05 froth eir clOthes.' Mr. Dulmege Via asleep tho room where Wilson was operating; ucl PflIN awakened by 'sOme silver drop - hag on the floor; He sprang up and ' ized the burglar before he could eseepe, ndtgave lahn a moat unmereifiil beating, bunding his head almost to ajelly.. Dur- -g the -contest tho other ClirStonite ved and joined in. The thief was AN', arde:turned over to the police. , BRUSSELS CA,DEDONIAN GAT1tERING.-- ie extent gathering'of-the . e. filisgela. of •thirtru§selis'-Ottledonian• ciety, Intl on 'Victoria Square . russels, ' on' .Tuesda.y,. September Oth. e programme will include, a full list of ledonian githaes. in which the. most - ted athletes), and dancers/ of nada and Untted States will take- pert. grand Firemans' Demonstration will held in the ferenoon, ivlien $50 williee veil for the 1st, and $20 for the7rid ize for the fagot hose reel rade. There 11 also be rues open to firemen only, d a tug of war between the 'visiting ins. Return tickets.; good for four ys; will be issued at singlefare. Every' d will take -the gimes in, ecourse, and food for thought we make you pre, nt of the motto of the society, "Cum- •• • ich tir'ar-natlatichean." We advise r readers to handle it carefully because is rather delicate. The NEW ERA. knowleges an invitation to be present. • . . • •