HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-08, Page 101011.11;111161141.4111111!44.1.1rIFIFINII01.4•0081.1 111•41.111i11101.111.1011111.0011110111111•11.00.
Z 1, NEW
Blame,—On the last trip of the United
r^ �'r My. �fl;Eii, ; Empire, the passengers were so delighted
FRI>`?AX, AUGUST 8, 1884. . 1 with the management of Capt, Robertson
----� that they presented bim with a testiinoni
LOOAL NOTIO.48al ; W. Jackson .and wife, Clinton, were.
among the number. A brother of Mr. J.
. -n. ► • a DaCota hail storm, The 'town of
Rebell has no public cemetery; a little
expenditure by lot Loaders .would make
Clinton cemetery' a Much prettier place
than it is, now that some fine monnmerts
are erected therein. Mr. T. Jackson, jr.,
left on a trip to New York and other east.
ern points, on Tuescday.. M:r W.H. Bans -
ford is now in the office of the Allan Line,
at Boston ; Mrs. Ransford is. visiting at
Guelph. Complaints are made •that the
bridge on the London road, over the river,
is in an.unsafe condition, and: it should be
looked after; Mr. -Elliott, road commis-
sioner, states thait as soon as suitable lum-
Der can be procured a new door will be
put in. Prof.`Salter has been appointed
precentor of Dumfries street churches Paris;r
is this the person -of the same name .who
lately resided here. Mr,Jes.A. Copeland,
of Moosejaw, N. W. T., was in town last
week, having _.come down_ to, attend the
funeral of his father; some dissatisfaction
is expressed over the will'leftby Mr.Cope-
land,and an effort may be made to break it.
Miss McMannus has gone on a short
holiday trip to Chicago„ • Mr. W, H. Cot -
tier has opened a tailor shop at Bayfield.
Mr. Frank Mitchell, of Woodstock, has
engaged as a salesman for the. Dry' Goods
Palace. ,Mr,S:.,Wilson, of this place, who"
has for years been a traveller for 'the
Wholesale Milllinery,House of.Brayley &
Co., has. changed to that of Robertson,
Linton & Co., of Montreal, •and'uow car-
ries dry goods samples, The Doherty Or-
gan• Co. band have engaged the Milanese
Concert. Co. who give an entertaiiinjient
in` the town .hall ,to -night; the company
were here a shorttime since, and their en•
tertainment was ver"ymuch admired; plan
Of hall at Doherty's • Music store,. where
reserved • seats may be secured. Mr.
Osborn (and wifei) formerly paymaster: of
the L. '¢. & .B,• during .its construction,
-but now of La Crosse, Wis., has been
spending a few days with Mr. Thos. Stev,
enson...The two lots, belonging to' the
Presbyterian Church, offered by auction
on Saturday, were withdrawn, the bidding
not being high enough. • 31r. J.P,•Tisdall
is. takinga week's vacation, at Elora. Mr.
E. Archibald, of Dundas, • Minn., and his
daughter-in-law, are the:guests ofMr. W.
W. Ferran: The contract for, repairs to
the High' School has been awarded to Mr:
The . McKenzie, and the repairs to the.
'Motel School to Messrs. Copp. & New-
ma painting, •. and James Cook, plas-
tering,. &c.•' Says the London Free Press:
Miss Livy,hliller,•of London South, while
visiting ata •friend's house . near Clinton
the other. day,.. accidently fell from the.
swing. and fractured one of arms. She
is . now doing as well a can be expected.
Frank-.Paltiidge,• and son," formerly of,
.Clinton, have gone to Southern California
to reside.; We Stated last week that cern-
plaints, to the Board: Of health' :should be
sent to.the.Secretery, Mr. John Callander;
this is incorrect; as he has' nothing to do
with the board "further. than record the:
rriinutes;,• complaints ahou1d be sent to the'
chairman or ,any, member •of the .;board.
`Mr.'Wnr. Muir�iasrmoved into his new
h'6use.on Albert St., :and ,,a handsome .re-
'sidence he ha's,`too, though frame, it', :is
fi'nishedin. the-nrost artistic manner,. and
is a. decided,clredit: to the • contractor; 4Mr.
.Jas, Scott. • Great preparations .are being
made at Montreal for the meeting of " the.
Critish Science Association, which takes
'place the 'latter part of this .month ; `Dr;
•Worthington;" ofOlinton,;will• attend the
.meetrng. •• Mr. W. Thornton beasts 'of po-.
'tetoes sown the middle'' of June, which.
are noll*`in.•blossom,%ndhave not yet"had
aliening potato. bug.., upon them.. About
45 owners of dogs have complied with the
by-law and paid their dogg•tax. W. Gray
neglected to" payyhis poll "tax, and was
consequently stt ii Toned before the Mayor,
who . fined hien `'$5. and costs • :lie would:
have saved considerable to have' paid" it
in the first , place:. Mr. Ii. Andrews ' re-
turned from Manitoba, last•week;, he was
Much pleased wit11'his trip, and says. the,
country.is improving, fast. IDIr; Jas. Sniith
has returned with his'_family,frQnn Wood-
st'ock,'and again` taken 'up bis residence
here ,:'hesays that for its size, he " could
not find •a more: progressive"or pleasant.
town in Ontario thee Clinton his • many.
friends will.,be sorry. to learn that his son'
Alfred• is still' in' a` precauious state. of
health. Mr.'WilI Beesley is sppending a.
week with.friends back at Westfield. Mr.
James Smith intends to erect a• hew,house
;this fall en his: lot next to th'e:.Episcopal
church. Mr. James Elliott, councillor,
Goderieh township, took a car :load Of
stogk to Montreal, on Wednesday. Quite
a.large number of •people visited the beau-
tiful and highly-etttitivated•"market garden.
df`Mr.•Jos.Allanson on. civic holiday„ and
were very much • pleased with all that
they noticed.there; 'Joe is an '• excellent".
gardner, and doesn't take a back seat with
any one; he claims that he will make a
display at the fall shows that will "eaten-
, h
eaten-ash the natives," and he can; do it, too..,
Miss Laing, of,S"tratford, is visiting friends
here. • Messrs. W. H.. aline add George
Glasgow, leave .this week -on a.short�;.tri
up the' lakes.' . Mr. W. M. Giffin, of this
place, has sold his house and lot in the
village of Bismark, for $850. One of the
heaviest raihs of the season was experi,
enced.to the south of this town on ties=
day evening, while not a' drop fell here,
Mrs, David Elcoat, who has been in poor
health for some time, has gone on�a visit
to Dunbarton, to -try and recuperate. Mr.
T. Glen, ;of Stanley, came to .town on
Wednesday and bought • a 'Massey self -
binder, although •he"had cut his. fail wheat
and barley With the ,old style -reaper,-•
Miss, Jemima Rankin and . Miss Bella
Densmore, of Stratford, have been visit:
ing Mrs. Chris. Dickson during the past
week ; they left for home on Wed1lesday,
Mr. W. Ciidmcre, of Tuckersmith, expects
to leave for the old country with a cargo'
of cattle, in a few days, and will probably
be accompanied py Thos. Hinsley, of this
place. Mrs. Gordon, who has been di for.
11'. hi,Ills "of Clinton. lost 'his entire crops
prWANTED—at u once to 1e:rru •the
printing business, Mart be able to
read. Appy at thew ERA. .effice.
1?E]YAR1 —A atcitablerewarti'wili' be given
e4e, party who found a Silk Drew lost o*
t1te Biytla Gravel Roaii, a few weeks since, on
xettlrning•thesame to J. CR.4:IB, Clinton, or
vi s..1. 111ciiRO ", Riyth, • •
R:EMOYEP—The Singer Sewing ?i(achine
Office ce has beer , removers to the Town Hall
i i-ifl, where ale bu$mless will henceforth hbe
E (2R4 Jvio.an,teaa nays on
on Pocket Books, Purses and Ladies Satchels
for the next 39.days, before stock•f,ak ng.. Big
hargains*in all kinds of good's. C. Dickson,.
Oity Book Store, Olinton,
Lssv Curer Excnnsroi .QF Te', SEASOx.—
a Ron t forget the excursion to London on the
ogeasion of the Caledonian Rimes there, Wed
nesday, Aug: 13th. Everyeffort "has ,been put
forth to make the games the most interesting
ever held in Canada, the greatest athletes, dan-
cers, and bagpipers of the 'World having agreed
to be present. Tickets good going mall regu-
lar trains Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday,
and returning on Wednesday and Thursday,—
Special train will return tram London Wednes-
day, at 7 p, m. Train leaves Clinton at 4.18 p.
m, Tuesday, 8.40 a.m. Wednesday, 'are $1.28.
gO4V1X eiraPif' .
•NEw WHEAT.-Seyeral'loads Qf new fall
wheat have beep delivered at Fair's mill
during the past weekk. If the wholecrop
turns out as well as these loads, it will be.
more than splendid. What has been de-
• livered averages 62 lbs, to the bushel. '$1
has been theprice paid,. but this is really.
more than market price, and those who
sell cannot expect to get ,"more than the
general market price. '
missioner Elliott let the contract forbuild-
ing the approaches to the Holmesville
bridge on Saturday, . Mr. Chas: Johnstou.
taking the. contract for the Colborne Side
at $208, and Mr. XL Marshall the Gode-•
rich' township sidle, at $109. Mr. Har-
bottle has air of the bridge bents erected,
and four of'the trusses completed, and
expects to have thebridge ready for travel
in a shortitime. •
ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday Mr.' D..Mul-
loy was returning from •Brucefield, riding
on a spring board on the waggon, when
he accidentally fell off, the waggon pass-
ing over ,his body, and the fall. rendering
him unconscious. Some friends brought
him home, ;• and medical' assistance was
called in; when his injuries.wele found to
be painful, th'ou'gh not serious. The team
were turned into'a field by ,the roadside,
Alis brongkt home •.next day., • • :
HORSE •NOTE4f._—Last sppring Mr. 5:
McDougall,-of'Porter's:HIU, sold'a ilial
lion which he had travelled the previous
season When foaling time:name lie was'
so:well pleased with'the stock it 'left' that.
hgrrde'termined•to buy;it back again; and'
tlia o.attifeW.},ayssinge„s;ta,higher'figure
than• he, soldit .fol•.' He has also: bought
a breeding .mare with five..crosses, ;and a
two'year o1'1'filly with 'seven crosses; the
Ili is'a pprticularl �'ne one, and will be
worth cpfeiderablo bybthe time itis a year
or two older.
WATERSPOUTS -Visitors to Bayfield on
Tuesday evening were treated to a°eauti-
• fol •and very • unusual sight on the lake,
being the appearance • of, two immense
waterspouts, at a supposed distance of
about ten miles frein shore.. The clouds
were funnel -shaped, of a dafk lead color,
the blue aky'in front and the bright
low tint behind, caused by the settingsun,
forming a combination of.colors that was
wonderfully beautiful. The waterspouts
were rapidly moving landward, but got
smaller by degrees,, until they were entire-,
ly absorbed by4he clouds. :Quite a. num-
ber of people witnessed:the: unusual sight.
QUIT HUMAIIGGING Tlie street water-
ing cart was used on Fridayto swill out
the drain across Victoria street, 'near the
Post office. • It is time the authorities
quit humbugging about this drain. It
bas been a source of trouble and• annoy-:�,
ance for years, and is only getting -worse'
'dnstead e€ better,. the nuisance extending
own Mary street. The authorities know
perfectly *ell the cause of all the trouble,
and the sooner they remove it the sooner.
will the evil be remedied. The matter -
has been shirked by. every council we
have had for years, and it is time the mat-
ter was promptly dealt with, either by the
council or Board of Health.
.E c'prslois.—Last Friday Stratford
.i et;bdist Sabbath School': excurted to
oder ch. .The excursion to Toronto, on
Tuesday was well patronized, 217 tick-
ets being sold at Goderich, 253 at Clinton,
149 at;Seaforth, and'45 at Dublin'; this is
the first excursionever run from this
neighborhood to Toronto enabling piss,.
edgers to return the sante night, after
spending sit hours in Toronto. The ex-
cursion to Pori Huron the same day was
poorly patronized,iew being on board when
the tram reached here, althoughit con=
silted of ten ears. Next .Wednesday a
ebeap excursion is run to London to en
able parties to witness the Caledonian
games ; on the 12th and 13th an excursion
is run to, St Thomas to enable those who
wish toparticipate in the OddfeliowS
demonstration there, to do so ; "oti the 25th
inst. the Foresters have an excursion to
London. •
VIor tTIox OP Tan Lrcu&S1:
Before•the•Grooks Act was amended last
session, hotel keepers were: allowed to
have more than one liquor bar in their
promises on special occasions, such as
holidays, or when there was likely to be
a large crowd in town. This privilege
was withdrawn last- session, and before
the 12th of July last Inspector Yates
notified all the hotel keg ere here that
only one bar' would •be allowed On that
day, but it is alleged that all violated his some time, died on Tuesday, at the age of
. instructions, except Messrs. Pike and 82 years ; her husband formerly kept a
-.Kelly, but running two or more bars on blacksmith shop on the Bayfield road,
that day. The hotel men claim they were where Mr. Jun.r now resides, but died a
guided by legal advice in acting as they number of years ago. We are sorry to
did., 'However, Mr. Yates has laid infor- learn that the youngest childdof Mr. W.
lotion against those who violated the Doherty is so ill that no hopes whatever
law and was prepared to push the charges are entertained of its recovery. Mr. .
through on Wednesday, but not wishing Linklater, and wife, are spending a cou-
to take what might even appear as an. ple of weeks visiting friends around Wing
undue advantage, he agreed to let them ham. D. McLennan, at one time a grain
stand over untih Saturday, in order that merchant hero, was in towel on Friday.—
the hotel keepers might procure legal Miss McQuarrie, of Blyth,,has been visit -
assistance to help in their defence if they ing friends here. By letters received
were so esirous. The cases wilthere- from, parties who went from here to Port
fore, be up for hearing Saturday morning. Arthur, we learn that nainber`s of work -
Men of mans* classes are out of employ
nient, And that in come lines there • is .a
complete stagnation in business. Tom.
Taylor, ex -reeve of E. Wawanosh,was in
town on business connected with fi niah-
ing lumber to parties here,ia>it Friday. -.-
Mr. •Passmore, ho lately started the
Blyth Advocate, sad through town to
Goderich, yesterday. Mrs.and bliss
O'Neill are enjoying the invigorating
breezes of Lake iduron, at IUncardine,--
Tbe number of pedagoguee.who may be
seen in town will be considerably.,essened
next week, as rural sobools re -open on the
18th. Mr, T. Tipling bas. been Confined
to•the house, for several days by a slight
attack of inflammation of the lungs. --
Tiro CHILD” DESERT ehr,--The baby
left at°the Grand Trunk Station here is
still in charge of Mr. Pattison (thoagh
being looked after by several ladies.) and
been sent to London Infants Home, The
following additional particulars as.t..00, its
parentage have• been learned :—Aliout a
week since a womaninamed Mary Marti -
son, who had been confined in the Lon-
don Hospitala cou•ple of weeks previous,
was arrested at thatinstitutjon on a
charge of stealingjsome �- ewelryalid clothes
from a fellow -boarder, In a boarding-
house, a couple of months pprevious. • She
acknowledged the theft, and having two
small children to take care of the Magi-
strate allowed her to go on bail being
given to appear when called for; She
then stated she was going to friends near
Exeter. Instead of getting oft at Exeter
she came on to Clinton, left her offspring
as before stated, and disappeared: She
is supposed to.bet,not very. far from town
• yet, but exactly where is• unknown'.
There bas been a load. breach at tbie
station of the Lord's Army between Capt.
Handily and Gen. Robinson. The gene•
ral demands all the money that was made
at the . late banquet, also,. the drum that
was purchased by the soldiers for this ata.
tion, These the captainrei'usea to give up,
PA lie does not recognize the general as the
head of the army now, he having resigned
at the Goderich banquet, The general
claims that the resignation was condition••
al, and that the army have not complied.
with the. conditions, consequently be is in
authority. still. Oa Sunday the general
"held the fort" in the telnperanoe hall,
and the captain ,attacked the enemy" in
the town hall. The general threatened
legal proceeding's on Monday, but did not
take •them.. The captain, it is said, is
Willing to submit the difficulty to a com-
tnittee of Army captains, which does not
`suit the general, The captain and all
but a few of the soldiers have severed
their connection with the army, and are
carrying on .the' services among theln-
selves,, having appointed a secretary and
treasurer of their own to manage the fi-
pendia] part. There has been a good deal
of street talk about some of our citizens
who are members of churches joining the
army; and having funds belonging to it in
their possession.. We believe this, is not.
correct; although they have been helping
at the meetings they are not members.
No one appears to know which is in the'
`right; the captain or -ggeeeral; both have
their sympathisers, We might here say
that the captain desires to thank the la-
dles who provided for the banquet, forthe
assistance thus given in making it a suc-
cess.. . ,., s . ;.,
1�i�000- WO"
Stationery, Fancy Goods, Jewellery.
Silverware, Bibles, Albums, hammocks,
Pocket Books, Ladies. Satchels,
Wall Paper, Cigars,
Baskets. Croquet sets
Balls. &:c. &e.
'o as to„clear out the stock befor,e stock"hiking iii' August.
. i
We will show this week.: a
• case Of
adios and Children's
Bou h for tests than the : cost of
ase of Embroideries
Away . Down: in Price: (.
j e
I e:: •
L.1 -.I 3::�_�.Jb3.Lx:...,s.C3:�a.uu Vin., w :.,�.,
ohne and see our Great
,Stock of
Which is '• the Larges, and.
in this•countX .
rrhnno.i ;apt x' C7liatoln:.
WE :4 AVE. A FEW:•MORE 'tom'' OUR..
Light Colored Suitings .left,
,n •.
equally law "Prices:
The prospects for the Fall certainly look good, and Ave intend to keep up to the
times accord pgly by increasing% our stock still larger-than'we have ever had ii,
e " before. We intend giving' •
,Special Attention , to lice . fitting Garmefits,
,Ana also special, attention to Trimmings, whichare more than"half to the .ef tect
Ora Suit. We are adopting new improvements in our cutting system, which art
sure to give at nice, Olean fit to every customer who 'will favor us with their fall'
0 trade,which we respectfully solicit,