HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-08, Page 7$ • • t 4 Boundary Award Sustained „asli, Nowa, Won't Go9.1 BUT THE PEOPLE WILL GOTO Adams' Emporium, Londesboro, Where they can get the hest value for their money. Please note the prices Of the following: G-ranulated'Sugar, 13 lbs. $1, cash. • rood Brown, 17 lbs: for $1, cash. Good Raisins, '20 lbs. for $1," cash. .4 BARGAINS IN BOOTS & -SHOES, balance of summer, FORKS, RAKES4,. HOES, &c. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, to make room for fall pureVales which are the newest designs out. Bargains in DRY GOODS of all kinds, especially TWEEDS AND PRINTS. • • ' BUTTER WANTED1000 Tubs of first-claas Butter wanted at 15 cts per lb. in trade at time of delivery, but not taken on account at that price at present. iIIgIest prioo for Eggs. CD -FURNITURE & WHOLES FOR SALE R. ADAMS. Londeshore, Aug. 8, 1884. • THE MOLSONS BANE, Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1865. :CAPITAL, $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. THOMAS WORK RAM, President. J. H. R. MOLSON Vice -Pres. , 1'. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts icted, Sterling and .A»ierican exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. INTE lt PAT ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Er.A.11.1V1 .7 Money advanced to farmers on their elm notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as se - v u rity. II. 0. BREWER Hager, January 158 Clinton ' • ;-•• • Vai BUGGIES. 26 New SINGLE BUGGIES For salt, cheap at CALLANDER & BROS. SHOP, next door to the Dohdrty Organ Factory. Well finish- ed and can be bought at all prises, according to finish from 880 upward. Come and see us and get our terms. Will give written guarantee with every one. CALLANDER & BRO., Clinton. J. l3IDDLECOMBE Watch agfaintii, JEWELLER, &c., OPPOSITE TIRE IBM tt K ET, CIL I N TONI Where he keeps a select assortment of WATOHES, CLOCKS, JEWLLERT, SILVER- WARE, Which we will soli at reasonable rates. Repairing of every description promptly at tended to, and all work warranted. J. BIDDLECOMBE. Clinton, Nov. 1882. — • • HARNESS OF ALI. KINDS. TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. VEDA CHEAP.. W. L. NEWTON, CLINTON. WI r .A.N1 • 'SPIRITS ItE subsc.ibH desires to return hie sincere JL thanks to his eitstonters and the pubbe generally for the liberal patronage extended to him in the .past, ..a..ed by furnishing the hest article at the lowest remu- rlemtive prita, lie hopes to merit a continuance of the siune. He would speoially recommend a trial of his direct importations of the very best brands of Brandies, Port Wines and Holland Bin, SUITABLE FOR MEDIOINAIA PPRPOSER AND FAMILV 1.1413. NEW Boot and Shoe Store, 114 PRRIN'S 'BLOCK. ITAND-MADE WORK, SEWED & PEGGED, 1..1. at prices to suit every purse. The best work, lowest prices, and satisfaction guaranteed As I have tiret•class city workmen employed, entire satisfaction is a certainty. Give us a call ROBT. AUTTERSON, Prop. H. BEACOM, Manager. BASS' ALE AND OUINESS' PORTER, JOHN' Ross, PUMP MAKER, ° CLINTON, ONT. The subscriber has had many years' ex eri- Puce. and guarantees to give the best of s faction. PUMPS, TANKS, CISTERNS, E• C. Made and put. in on short notice. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Charges rea amiable. JOHN ROSS. Clinton, In liottle.,, Pints and Quarts. CANADIAN ALES AND PORTER, - • CARLINGS and DAVIDE LAGER constantly CM .1 list received, in prime conditfon, Montreal ginger Ale, Champagne Cider, Plain Soda. tfttole Agent for Gtodericli A.le. N. ROBSON. ALBErrr STREET. BRICK BLOCK. CLINTON. 1 1 NEW TIN STORE. /11HE SUBSCRIBER, WHO WAS FOR MORE J.. -than eight years in the employ-of-Mi',Sila Davis, desires to intimate that he bus Phenix CarriQ,ge Works L4ONTIligs.411 CIRO. J9 -ETN BRUNSDON is prepared to manufacture all kinds of BUDDIES, D'ADODNS, CARRIAGES, & CI'TTERS. Nothing —AND het the very best muffin! tled, and first-class work ,quarantecil. ttfAi.I 815115 OF di/11111Na A SIT.CIAlifi Eini•herl li,w1; always on hand. Call and examine before purcha.ing elsewhere. Spin Dodsworth's floc ETTlittiliidr: CLINTON. Where he is prepared to do ALL KINDS OF TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK; Lu the best of style and on short notice.. WY -OIL, LAMPS, GLASS, &c. in s .t CALI, ritOCIRISSO OF ONTAttio. Henry Ward Beecher is ill at holm in to m'akes. Your Boots lean of Industries for .Ontariofor 4883) hiwoondipois. • vii We gather from the report of the 1304 Peekslcill, His family are alarmed at -,•• . ,-- that the material wear° of this pro. , ...., vines is making greet end rapid strides. . '''14e yield of wueam in Pl'alne8°41/1144 . .',.. In the value ' Of farm lauds, buildings, Year is eStimated at 40,000,0.00 blithe* . • shown to be as uniform as it is . great e ea ieu ellen - . NJ itaphiments and live Stook, fOr the years 1882 and 1883, the rate of progress is corn 20,00. 0,NX/ to 24,000,000j birley, ' " , , . lulArl 7,000,000, oats, 30,000,000, It is stated and gratifying. The totals are given as Governor Acrbitaille of Quebec is being . . , . THE BOOT MAKER. 1882 Dee. 1883. SOLICITED. SAMUEL WILSON. follows, , prolonged in order that the place may her kept warm for Sir Rector Lengevin. • Land ...*. *654,793,025 632,342,500 !Iles" Corea Otruir. Safe, pleasant snit • DEALER IN ALL lumps OF • Buildings , .168,030,675 1,32;ni,t575 quick, cheaper than cottgbing. 25 cts. Iniplensents.. 43,522,530 37,029,815 The tool with the ievolver Wised up Live, stock," 99,882,365 80,040,720 in Kingston, on Saturday, under the Men, Women and Children's lloots a, Shots. nameof and shot a, boy cow« Totals -4961,228,595 $882 624 61,0' panion named Leadboater through the It is"stated in the same report that the hand, Spring.kock. *well assorted .and average price of farm laud in. Ontario is There have been destructive ' Stora higher than in either IVIichigan, Indiana, in Dakota during thepast week: Plea- complete /in all departments Illinois, or the whole Union, atim aver- sant 'Valley, one cf the greet ag,ionl- • . • • age. The ratio, on 'the basis of the tura' districts, has been laid waste. •&L14 GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH asUnfiotielott;a_tes census of 1880, is glYen .A.bout 50,000 aeres of griiin,, valued at : C. CIRITICKSHANK, BRICK .BLOCK, CLINTON : $209,000, was destroyed. Farmers are • Ave. pries destitute. Farm lands in per Acre. Don&rano upon the order of your ,Ontario „ . . .$38 37 going but go at once and secure a bottle of Michigan,. 36 15 s'u'llreetio" eta:: aeoCaseatetit:I2t5isottrielr te relieve— Indiana *,•.... • • • • • • • • • • • • •,• • 31. 11 • The Galveston, Texas, News says Illinois .. 4.6 • *a f•••••• • to • 31 $' . that: while in some portions of north We are told also that the average values and east Texas during the past week rain has fallen in refreshing quantities, of live stock per acre in Ontario,and the a still greater number of the coten States netned for the respective years are nearly equal, bat with the advantage growing diatricts are suffering from con - in .favor of the provnce. . tinned .drouth. The situation is critical i aemany &lute, . lasisEmApuiss. ' Sheriff Sweetland, of Ottavfra„ has Indigestion, . Dyspepsia, Headache, Ner• just returned -fee% a trip to Manitoba vousness.,yrinary troubles, by are oftenicaused . and the Northwest.He says the evil a torpid Liver." Same call it Liver Com. • • effects of 'undue haste in constructing 'plaint, Biliousness, ete. The Liyer governs the system; it the Liver is inadtive, one may the Canadian Pacific Railway are every*: be Bilious, or, have Fever and Ague, Head. where apparent. 'West of Brandon aohe,'Malarial Fevers, Dizziness, eto, These there is no bevel on -the line ativ ZorEsa, now taking May lead to worse troubles. This now reme- Cleadheacig,„ WhiCh MbeilS Government dY, is the lead Of all other remedies tip '11 LIVER ItiGUIAT011, It officials, Mounted Police and railway seems to act in a remarkable way,,upon. that employees. Those who were employed organ—it corrects;the bile, the urine, and the building the •road, chiefly foreigners, blood. Friend, keep the Liver healthy with ., ° • leip as Eoon • as tho road .was ZO.PE-SA. and other troubles are then cor. , From. Moose Jaw to. Metlieine Rat reefed. , there is not one Settler, and the country. The ' hop :crop in. Prince Edward* is unfit for agiticultural. purposes, the. not realizing expeotatiens. • • soil •being hard clity. • .Silver City, The condition of grain throughout where nearly one thousand miners. .and Mexico is deplorable in ..consequence of others • located, is deserted, and cot:ti- the grassliopper plague. • • . plaints about the mismanagement of the' • Frank Frisbie, teller of the First Na* subordinotes of the Interier Department .tional Bank of Portland, Oregon; is a are everywhere being heard among the defaulter for aver $50 . 000. • : ! settlers. Immigration.is suspended, , REuumicaL—Not only.the most exquisite' , and many are leaving for the States.. thing for the teeth and breath,'but•I‘Timpsit- The, Sheriff loath . a trip 'around the RY” is a beautiful little ornament andifinish Berth shore cif •Lake, Superior on hip to the toilet. :- • , way home, and says there is not one are At Cleveland,. Friday, • Mand S., trifit. fit for cultivation in the vicinity 'of the ted a mile in2,091, and :Jay-EyeSee wi 1. make en effort to lowerthe record of Mand S. , • .• • ,The latest despatches' •are to the effect at•eholira is 'en the decrease in France: wilt he reassuring news to people on this side the 'Atlantic, whO. 'feared the spread . of the plague, But there should be •no' dbatotnent of the eruSade against filth. • Cleanliness is; the foe of many diseases besides cholera.. AuMe,get up: feeling badly, 'didn't rast good; don't want' breakfast, no appetite, no energY, bad taste and breath, gimes we are Bilious. Two dotes ZO-PE-SA. ivill tone -'up' our Liver and our ambition, and set us right,. „••• They aretraining for ,the presidential campaign down in. Kentucky just pow. They had an election for 'sheriff on.Mon, day. • 'George Stewart '. Was, shot deed and Jscic. •• Cleary was disenihoWeled in the skirmlab.. • Iii the -North thetthro* mud at . opponents. In the South they silence them with brillets .or rip thein ,open with. knives. .„ The progeny of Ate millionof grass.' hoppers now dancing onthe plains. of . Nevada ,may 1e eipected •te come eastt ward • in a • year or .tWo.s A' .slight scarcity of food jtt their native home • is all that is .required. to induce them to skip over - to the rich grain fields' and ]ukuriant pastiires :Of the Mississippi Valley. At present the enormous appe- tite of the' Piutes is the 014 known check upon the groivtli of tito hopper Is White Bronze a Fraud Ctncrox, April 28, 1884. 5111. A. 11. LANDON, s BRIDGEPORT', CONN. • Dean S,e, —Did you ...lye the inclosed testimonial or is it a fraud? Yours Very respectfully, W. M. OIFFINiii .This is to certify that I saw during the summor.Of 1808, at the Schonburint Palace Gardens, at Vienna, Austria, an equestrian statue of Prince Joseph, and which at that time had stood exposed in the Open air for 86 years, and said statue was cast of pure stne,•and in appearance it was fresh and Perfect. • . A. H. LANDON. Sup. Pembroke Iron Works. - Bridgeport, Conn. .DRIDUPPORT, CT., Mny 2, 1884. MR. W. M. GIFFIN. DEAR Sia,—Your card, Aril Matt hand, the testi- M0111111 you refer to, signei by one Mr. Landon, is genuine and no fratid, the statue having. been seell by hint as statqd, and also by thousands of other 'Ameri- eau tourists, and can be seen the same to -day. • it you or any of your customers wish to satisfy themselves as to the utility and genuineness of the work, if they will take the trouble to come W Bridge- port, we would be pleased to show them what is being. done here, and think they will very quickly admit it is no humbug, and yourself as an agent for the goods would be geently benefitted by the visit here.. Yours &r. A. II. LANDON, " of the firm of Parsons & Landote—, Parties intending to purchase a Monument will find it to their advent:4ga to.. see our White Bronze before buying elsewhere. W. M. GIFFIN - AGENT. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, Huron Street, Clinton, 3 doors east from Dr, Lumber and Lath. MHE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS ON HAND AT IIIS ivtil Lt.:IV:Tar ii,tioultarojtiptilninetoli,,,nmeaLtehre,Fitiangrag, dm, Padres requiring such will find it to their ad- vantage to call on him. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, MONEY TO LOAN. — • 1DR1VATE AND COMPANY -1.1INDS, AT loWbst rates of interest. Principal payable atedesired by horrower. Valuator for the CANADA LANDRO CREDIT COMPANX. D. A. FORRESTER. Clinton. Dee. 20. 1833. OLD CLOTHES FOR SALE. -1 take all sorts of rags, clothes, carpets, and hope my old friends will save them for me. I also take brass, lead and copper. I am horilo on Mondays.. Any person having rags or truck in my line, can leave word at my house, and I will fetch it and give Value, and I also bog to say I have no business connection with a man named Paporing painting, and jobbing of that sort done by Oadlgoz W. MARTEN,,Podler, Box 04, Clinton. • • "PLANING' GMILL 141R1TIT GARDEN FOR SA 11,1s—A (8001) fruit garden consisting of live (IOTA ot land, lLdjOi n ing 1110 village of Londostooro. on thalmie un . Huron & 1i rue c Hall Ismy. There is ono acre of young fruit hearing apple orchard, one :5 eV(' of stru wherries. 115. lift11111Ve in small fruits such as gooseberries. black and red currants, gi apes, and 11 general k itchetifin Hon. A small dwelling bruise 110(1 stable. This is it Brat -rate i hence for n girdencr. (15` 0150 wanting a bettor f 1111 ritral h(me. Apply on 1110 premises to WM W.1T,ON, Loutleshoro. *211-3 p DRY KILN! Th mug 811 usaalailt BAYING JUST CO3iPIA71111) 1. and furnished his now Pinning 11111 o ith cry of the latest hnproved patterns, Is 110W pteilaretl to attend to all Orders In his lino In the most prompt and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. Ito would also return thanks to nil who patronized the old firm before they were burnefl ont, and new being in a better posithin tn execute rieders expeditiously, fools confident he cart givo satisfaction tr, all. FA (1'01? > 111 ear -ihr Grand Trunk Ran way, clintoi,. TuoNt McK SNZT ••1 To RESIST Malaria, Ague, Fevers, Head- ache, Colds;Kidney Disease, Pain la the Side or Back, Constipation or • Clostrivetiesg, keep ZO•PE SA handy, and take a dose twice a week, It acts upon the Liver.: and Stomach like magic. ••• It is ,not neceisary to belittle Mr. *mat in order' to speak Well ot the late Mr. Brown. And it is wortivremark; ing that' these Conseriative journals never discover,any sign of merit or patriotism in te work of a Reform a is leader !mhedead.--Toronto Tele- gram. • : Ertl/noes teaches ,that delays are most dangerons, and in no instance is prompt ac- tion more:neoessary than When qhe first ap• preach of kidney 'diose is made manifest. To all who are experiencing veins in the back_ or whojeel that their kidneys are going wrong, Da. VAN BUREN's KIDNEY CURE is, a friend indeed, as it will certainly relieve their pains, and if persisted in, effect a permanent etir;:he' werking men of all' classes have made demonstrations against the Reuse of Lords, and now the churches are, be, ginning to take action. One hundred thousand Congregationalists . have de- nounced the rejection of the Franchise Bill, arid at the annual meetng of the United Free Methodists the presidentof the union said the House of Lords had insulted and oppressed non -conformists, but the day, of , reckonieg was corning. It looks as if the nonse of Lords wad have to go.s, A Blowing to ail Ilititiltled. In these tiMeti when our Invspapers are flooded with patent medicine advertisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly OM you, If you are Milieus, blood out of order, Liver inactive, or generally debilitated, thei•ti is nothing iti the world that will cur° you so quickly as Eleetrio I3itters. Fruit JA11il We do not forget that we bad ;1, 'return every one of our Jar$ last season: No use to any one.. .It has.nUde us particularly , • careful this season, to buy THE SELF SEALER, . . ALLISER & .09 Par.CASH FOR EGG -S: • • Next to Town . , SlErlr@iia, 50 e. Thompson & Switzer '4 1 . 0 niihed-i0 the course of a year or so, • ::" -.. • , • ' I line. IriStead oE tins section being„.6-1._ • • ' senalvi v.,., ;A.. four will not be sufficient to complete it '- W . ,. - . - . . ,., • .. , C; from Mihail, to Michipoton, the moat tel „And do business more than ever. Better Bargains than ever. (D difficult portion of the work being not .E.41, . , . • .. .. • . • • . . . , et.• yet surveyed. The people of Winnipeg 1300ril $i -TOMS 'and ;the West' irrespective- of • political 1,„.1 • , creed, ire ;unanimous in denouncinm • • , . - • • t• this,repid aonstructien of the line, and Women's Good Prnnellas fan 40 80 C. Women's 'Lace Boots, $1, (r) look upon the building of the part north Men's Lace Shoes, $2. Den't buy another pair S °"'• YOu• -see our new Sprine Stock. Come one, com • tronple to show goods. DO s of ,Lake Superior as a crazy action onall. the part. of the GO'vernment. • The Editor's Tribute. Tperon P. Keefer, Editor of Ft. Wayne, Ind.,. "Gazette," wiites : For the past five years have always used Dr. King'sNew pis. obvery, for coughs of must severe character , - as well as for those of a milder type. ' 1 'never fails to effect a speedy -cure. My friends to whom I have recommended it speak of it in sethe high terms. Having beeti'mr: ed by it of every cough I have had for 'five yeara, I consider it the only reliable and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, etc." Call at Watts & Co's Drug Store .and get a free trial bottle. LargeSize $L mit • (.0 • 4 , W4NTED1 •A QU.A.NTITY OF GOOD. POTATOE44 - • . . • , • 00U.1)0.1c-Ir -•11110.S' lia)11IX C.) lig INUTeil;ZI: ; • tj NIP4T"hurlif1441,11.A.E14..7, 1884. Wheat, scot old - $1 00 a. 1 10 " • new . .0 85 .1 00 White wheat, old - -1 00 a 105 " new • = - 1;O0 ' a 1 05 Spring, • . • - 100 'a 1 05 Oats, • Barley," .35 a 0 36 Peas,. - .045 070aa 001555 ' Flour,• 550 a 6 00 -- .Potatoes, ., 0 65 a 075 Butter • • • 13 • a 0 14 Eggs; . 0 16 a 0 16 Fray, - • • • • • 800 a 9 00 Sheep pelts .: • • 0 40 a, 0 60. Lamb skim. ' -- 0 15' • • 0 25 . Beef, * • 6.50. a 1 50 • Wool, • - - 16 a 0 18 , Stickleti's AroicalliSalve. The best save. in the world for cuts,bruiseic sores, ulcerstsait ihentri, fever sores; totter. chapped hanc19, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and foe tively cures piles, or no pay required.' It. is guaranteed to giv,e perfect satisfaction or money refunded.. Price, 25 cents per box. Wattb & Co. • . • MORTGAGE SALE . . . or'A ' ' r * • i a • - its , and workmanalb, p $300032. to none. VALUABLE FARM • An .work .th.i.aratnitood. ., . . , . Or".4'"Eri's esz CO, HEMISTS & DRUGGISTS, Albert Street, Clinton. The public will find oiir stock' of medicines complete, Warranted' genuine, -and'ex the best quality. • • TOILET SOAP% PERFUM4Y,SHOULTIER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONCiES: " • AND ALL KINDS op,DnuaGisTs' SUNC*.tES USUALLY KEPT • .111. A iIRST CLASS- DRUG STOBE. • . , I30:D-Y" I.J0Corl" ? • • When found, he was at the ()MC HALL for. one, of them good. fitting Suits thatallt M. FISCHER -turns out, -two doors north of:the _Grand. Union _ Hotel. Come and see my stock of ;• . Tweeds, VVortieds, Trowserings and Summer Overcoatin s. . • • Parties having their own material can liaVe'it-.±nade .and trimm.ed on short - notice. . • TIIE TOWNSHIP OF tjNDER AND. BY VIRT1111 or TUX POWER OF sale'contained in a mortgage which will bo pro, dudertat the timed' sale, there will .bo sold, by Public' Auction, at TtAITENBURIPS.110TEL, in the Palm bf 01111tohlon • . SATURDAY Aug.9118834 • At ono (Mode in the aftetlioeni by. Joseph P. Brine, Auctioneer, that Valuable property lately occupied by Wililam T: Atkins, viz. Tho East flail of -Lot untidier Nineteen in the Third Concession of the Township of Hallett, in the 'County of Huron, containing 50 acres, It is situated about two miles from the Town of Cfin- •ton. .ThoMarc about, 40 ades oleared. ; the soil is a good Clay loam' The buildings consist.ohl comfort- able log house, a good frame barn, nearly new, and a large stable, 'Moro is a, good orchard, now in baring. Tho Vendor reserves the right of ono bidding, • Tkatms,—The sum of 5800 to bo paid MI the day of sele,-wben att agreement is to be signed. The balance of tiro purchase money to bo secured by Mortgage for' live years, at sevetl•per cont. interest, payable yearly. Per further particulars apply to IT, HALE, Esq., Clio, ton, or to,.tho undersigned. tk* J. 1,,AiRio4 Auctioneer!' 0. A, HAIllr, Youdor's Solicitor. Clinfon,..ltflf"18,1884. . P . GOOD ritlit3Z IfOlt SATE The subscriber itrs for sole that Well -situated 151111, Lot IT, 7th concession, (lotIcriell lounslilk SO acres, teres in -cress, nearly .411 eleare4 ; brick barn 30 x 75, stabling for cattle and homes, DOW granary, ImPleniollt house. 300,11 droll:dd. The fatm Ise, splem did one, well watered in a very good state of cultiva• Piny area bleasing to all niankind, and (Ian tlun, with 700rods of untlerdraming, black clay soil, fand will ho soldon ree,otiable form% $2,000'etta rc• 01 ((15 ly fifty cOntS bottle by Watts neun on p1'opert3', at 0 percent kr five vte+, It desir. • oa. .T.011.14 1)3NLl, POrfeCti Xtili P,O, 2. • . GEVE 31F1..A. CRARGES MODERATE., • za..§01-13EZeJ. OAK 'HALL. SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON., swop/. TO ILAND, Soap, Vreixell 31Etrut411,0 klooper°1.4 JE.4xtv-naticler, . / TOILET REQTISITES of Cho latest Manufactures of the world. PrtIsro.s.se PuBseurrrots and VAlif Ilsonlo; filled with care and despatch, DMINEL'O'FANTs of all kinds kept, aAflovifir04. fl.. <7,01VEIM41.. CHEMIST ANT, DRITGOISTc • • . 'MINTON, ONT, 1' s'