The New Era, 1884-08-08, Page 650 c. iu aduaics moues lhe NEd ERS to ae suVscntts, to1st of Jan'v, ISSSI S�ribcw KIND WORDS SPOKEN ST OUR JOURNALISTIC BRETHL•EN The CLINTON Naw EItA hasanged hands, Mr. E. Holmes retiring in favor of Hr. Robt Holmes. It is a well conducted paper and we wish it success under its new management. • -St. Thome Journal. The CLINTON Now ERA has changed hands, Mr. E. Holmes retiring in favor of Mr. Robt. Holmes. It is a newsy, well-conducted local journal and should prosper under the new management.—Lonclma Free Press. Mr. Robert Holmes has assumed the sole proprietorship and control of the FBA. With one exception, probably, the Ella is the best conducted Grit journal in the county, and the Newe•Record wishes the new manage- ment every sucoess.—Clinton Nem -Record. Mr. E. Holmes who has conducted the Nur ERA with ability and success for the laatfaine• teen years, has vacated the editorial chair in favor of his eon, Mr. Robert .Holmes. Mr. Holmes, Jr., is a thorough newspaper man, and the bigh standard of the ERA is not likely to suffer at his hands.—Galt Rjortner. The CLINTON NEw ERA, a first-class looa paper, has been disposed of by Mr. E. Holmes to Lis son Robert, who is not only a good practical printer, but understands thoroughly bow to get up a readable' paper. We wish him every success, and hope that he will re• eeive the same liberal support awarded his father in the past.—Mitchell Advocate. Mr. Robt. Holmes has been given the sole control of the CLINTON NEw ERA, his father retiring. The old gentleman has earned by years of hard work a rest in the "printer's refuge," if there be such a thing. We can only wish tbs proprietor the continuance of that success which has always followed the NEw EEA.—Kincardine Standard. There ie a NEW ERA in the affairs of oar esteemed contemporary, the t'LIvros NEw ERA, it having passed into the Lauds of the eon of the former proprietor, and will here• after be under the sole control of !11 r. llobt. Holmes. We have known the young man a long time, and know that he is. capable of maintaining the high standard of Clic NEW ERA.—London Advertiser, Mr. E. Holmes, an old Hamiltonian, who for many years has energetically conducted tho CLINTON NEW ERA, has withdravtn from that journal, Which will in future be carried on by Mr. R. Holmes. It the new proprie- tor brings as much common sense and ability to bear on his work as did the retiring pro- prietor, he will deserve the hearty support of all well-wishers of Huron County.—Hant- ilton Tinto. We neglected in a previous issue to make mention of the change in the proprietorship of the CLINTON NEW ERA. Mr. E. Holmes has retired—wealthy of .course—and Mr. It. Holmes now controls that paper. Unlike most of our exchanges we do not wish the journal success, as under control of the tal- ented young editor its success is a certainty. Through the assistance rendered by Mr. Holmes, Jr„ the NEW ERA has always occu- pied an enviable position in the County of Huron. — )1'inghant 1'idette. L.t. lti E. Holmes severed his commotion with the CLINTON New ERA. We take this opportunity of bidding the old man good-bye and wishing him good luck in any enterprise he may engage in. He wasn't always in accord with our views on local questions, but he was a good, square journal- ist, of honest convictions and fearless expres- sion, all the same. Should he ever see lit to take to quill.driving again we welcome him back to the editorial ranks, but we sincerely trust he will never of necessity be forced to again tramp the editorial tread -mill. The New 1e'r.A will l,o conducted henceforward by Mr. Itobt. Iloirues, and knowing the young man to be a "chip off the old block," we have every reason to believe that! the Liberal interests will not suffer at the hands of the new editor of the NEw Enn—fduderich Si;tnal„ We inadvertently' omitted last week to make auy reference to the change of proprie- torship which has recently taken place iu the CLINTON NEW ERA. Mr. E. Holmes, tbo founderofithe paper, has retired from the pro• prietnrahip, and his son, Mr. I:. Holmes, has assumed entire control. Mr. Holmes may very fittingly be termed the father of the Ontario local press. For nearly half a cen- tury he has followed the most arduetts and wearing of all professions, and he has well earned the leisure of private life which honow contemplates enjoying, end we hope he may he blessed with health and have long Life him to ;;:joy in his declining yearn the fruity of :In active and industrious business career, Mr, Holmes, jr., has been couzected with the NEw ERA more or less '•- 1... a t ., ,,;nth up, and is no stran- ger to its readers and supporters, and we have no hesitation in predicting that under hie management it will continue to prosper, and will give good satisfaction to its patrons as well as remain a credit to the enterprising town it so well represents.—Seaforth E.rpoitor A n t)ttawa co-respondent writes as follows: ---'Phaco has been a great rush of those wit.) have secured licenses from the Dominion. n. Government to cut tim- ber in the North-West Ontario to the L`a::.iuiun Lands Department for in- formation concerning their prospects. Senator Mek indsay, of Halton, has been hero for some days, and the lessees uf ,,,,, ,, island are particularly anx- ious. All the limit -grabbers have been assured that the Dominion Government will contest. the title of the Provincial Government to the timber and minerals in the territory, the object being, of course to secure spelt delay as will enable the Tory favorites to dcuude the 1n0..1, of a valuable lumber. The state- ment bf the chief Tory organ that an- other judicial decision will he roqutred to settle matters in disputa between Dominion and Ontario was, it was ad- mitted. inspired by the leader of the Federal Government, although the Montreal Gazette this morning admits that the boundaries defined by .the ar- bitrat,n s and confirmed by the Privy Council were the. boundaries of Ontario at and before Confederation. But Sir Juan IN tietermiued to adopt any subter- fuge that promises to secure his friends, Shields & Company, their share of pion- ' dor. still the wren who have secured timber licenses from the Dominion in rehire cin• contributions to the Tory cor- rupti.'n fund do not feel very safe and aro e•uleavouring to nlhtain preolises front t ite Government of On that their title. tviil L^ rocotnizt•d SMALL WS It.&T TJ K OIIILD. p$E. A bard hearted political eoonomiat. looking at a pale and puny child feebly raspingas it lies upon the pillow, says that the child might' as well die. It is eo weak and poor that 'its' life will never be worth much anyhow. There are already a good many people in the. World who are of not much account anybpw. And what's the use of adding to theirnumber another weakling, who has but slender chance of ever amounting to anything? Now ask that child's motr what.ahe thinks about lettingber child die.:About this time the bard potical economist had batter get out of the way. "Ler at CHILD DIN 2 No 1 No 1 As LONG As THERA 19 A ZENEDr TO BA 7'OUND THAT WILL SAVE THAT OHILD, TSN CHILLI SKALD NOT DIE 1 I'LL SPEND YT LAST DoroAs To Lava THE CHILD 1 " Well, try a bottle of Shaker Blood Syrup on that child. Seethe poor little fellow pick up strength. Ile revives. He will live. Hosts of other children have been brought almost from deai,h to healthy life by The Shak- er Bleed Syrup. Your druggist sella it. BLYTH PUMP FACTORY, Ferguson. & Wi110=s PROPRIETORS. THE SUBSCRIBERS RAVING RECENTLY started a factory in Blyth, beg to intimate to the people of Huron that they aro prepared to sink wells or cisterna. and provide Pumps of the very beat workmanship. Having had con- siderable experience in the pump -making busi- ness, they feel confident they can give entire satisfaction. All orders, by mail or otherwise, promptly filled, at the most reasonable rates. Blyth, April, 1884. SHAKER BLOOD SYRUP. Cures Completely Scrofula, A,ypiiflis, Cancer, Rheumatism, I•::iarrh, 'Ulcers and Skin and Mood Diseases of every deserip. Lion. $1000 Toward, to any chemist who will find, on analysts of 100 bottles of Shaker illood •Syrup, one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, or any mineral sub- stance. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Price. •• • $1.00 Per Battio, or Biz for $5.00. UEEN CITY 011 Cin PEERLESS GLYCEbiticti_ L[GHTNING RODS ,.-er-r*—q--•^,-.�-,-,.stir -. $500- REWARD THE GLOBE L1GIITNING ROD C.0PA'TI LONDON. ONT. INCORPORATED 1878. CAPITAL STOCK $5d,$Oli. Will give the above reward to the. first person_w�ha will prove that a single building has bee.: burned in the Dominion of Canada upon which rode manufactured by our Company bar been placed aaeording to our rifles for the protection of buildings against tire by HOC ning, with Company's Guarantee. REMARKABLE FACT. This Company have erected millions and millions of feet of rod in the last seven year.. (since incorporation, Jnne, )117S) in the Dominion of. Canada, and considering the great num- ber of violent thunderstorms, and the almost daily occurrence of buildings struck and burned by lightning, this is a wonderful showing. DMANUEACTURER$ OF ALL KINDS OF COPPER CABLE LIGIITNI1G CONDUCTORS. Fixtures, Ornaments, Weather 'Vanes, and Electrical Apparatus. Sole proprietors of the Von - Conducting Glass Bali. Special attention given to the erection of Conductors on Churoheti,dehoo1. Houses, and other public buildings. • Agood responsible party wanted in every t,ity, Coun and Townslup throughout the Dominion (none others need apply) to handle our goods. Write for terms and further information. Office and Works -494 king Street, LONTMN, ONT. THOMAS a. HEWITT, President and Manager. D. B. ICEN»'E1Ty. Agent, CLINTON.•. F m �etoranec' \CYtiNOEC i ENG NE GOLD MEDALS Awarded at•Toronto, London and Guelph, in i883, for , PEERLESS AND OTHER MACHINE OILS. For Salo by all First -Class Doalors. Every Barrel Guarantezd. SAMUEL ROGERS, Manager, 30 Front St. East. Toronto. Cabinet Pallor F'llrIlitllft Waiving, U NDERT:flINfi, The stth,eriber keeps the Brest CASKETS and COFFINS Always on hand. Funerals furnished at the shortest notice and lowest prices. A CALL SOLICITED. Loading undertaker. REMEMBER TITE PLACE, • OPPOSITE THE Tow HALL. THOS. STEVENSON. YOUR FACE. Tan Freckles, Sunburn, Pitliplca, illaul: Speeke, Blot- ches. Sc., can bo removed in- stantly by applying Tan & Freckle Lotion. Sato, Hurn an d Effectual. PRICE 2SC. PER POTTLE So!(1 by all Druggists. SYLVESTER'S Celebrated CHAMPION PLOW ! THOMAS TIPLIN0, BLACKSMITfi, CLINTON, Has been appointed agent for Syl roster's Champion Plow, which has recently been gree fly improved, and now stands without a rival. Tho mouldboard is mado of the boat diamond steel, especially hardened, war- ranted to clean In any field, and imported from Shef- field,England, purposely for those plows. intending purchasers can have a trial of the plow, anti on receipt of post card it will bo delivered (roe in any pat t of the county. If the plow can be beat by any other make, we will forfeit the plow. A car Ionil Just received. - Referoenc.es from over 100 of the best farmers neat Clinton. lie ai+o nlanutxcture-. the eeiebrata+l Scotch Diamond Harrow, The repot:01 m of s;•11 k „ well known that he Inas aln`tic rviceil ed order' far ^,a •et. 01, . ae5Cea. WATTS tic CO.,l Agents, wanton A., "A.i BENNETT, UNDERTAKER... Funerals Furnished in first-class. Style OoOD HEAaSE8 rN ATTENDANCE.' • Minima bfoDERAmr;. RED ROOKER STORE. OLD AND RELIADLE.TRADE MARK Gray's F3pecific Medicine, Tun EtnsATENeLcs'i rKADE 'wIARKi `RaazoDY, an unfailing cure for Seminal weak. • nese, Bpermatorrbea, Impotency, and all db, • eases that follow .as a sequenceof self abase —as toss of memory,. universal lassitude, pain In the backs dim• Hees of vision, -pr'oma• Befog Taint oaerold dgeginthatmter. %wag• lead to insanity or consumption Ruda premature grave. Pull • partienlare in our pamphlet, which we Sabre to send free by ,mail to ever} one. Cr' The Specific Medicine is sold by 'ail drmgg1stsat- 'per:package,-or-six.packsgee-for-Sve•doltire---, or• will be Bent free by malt on receipt of the moe0y by Ad- dressing THE DRAT MEDIOINB-00., TorontorOntarlo, Canads. DYE TI, . Before you place- a':�iodor's. worth .of Newspaper adverbs- los,' get our prices. The exact cost of tinny paper, or•liert a! : papers cheerfully furnished, • free upon application...ttislrMi - OrSend for New CataIo$up. J. C: -HOUGH,:_- _ Advertising Agent, BOVEKLSLOOS. . `- Detroit. MSch: LARGE STOCK OF NEWSUMMER .1 00-) Embracing all the ]Latest Style •-an: all Glasse& of !Goods, which will be sold at t.11ie-closest prices, I C) ER) / 1\1"" C+ $IST ALS 3rC E I C i L I s 1 Large Stag o Cant's Wurniekting Coact ,t w A. fresh stock of diose goodsat the 1owesj l)rices. R. COATS •R SON, Clinton'