HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-08, Page 5cents' raid in Ady ' ee, 1st of sew subsor bers,: w" i :weir_ .wee 'the . N.U' . t' i . to tb 1885. Now is a time: to stibscribe, o t' sle'RTwGi- and s1n1:t1fM�. BOOTS & Our stock for the Spring and. Summer is now complete, and. ~vitt a fount. on inspection, to embrace the best 1114- QS. in the Dominion, at the most reasonable rates. TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, &c.- on hand,. and for sale at low prices. Butter and Eggs talken inti, exchange; Vivo per cent off for cash. i 1 A 11 MQTT3 STOVE AND TIN 510]?. Just received, an immense stock of 6.afidd & llast 'gaols, Forks,. SON, Rocs, &c, Also a large stock of the CELEBRATED READY - MIXED PAINTS, Siitable for farmers and others wishing to do their own painting. F�1 :took Machias & Pai,t OSS. Algr..A for the celebrated HAWKEYE MILK PAN. . AVIS, Clinton. 1.1A RLAVID'S Improved Milk Pat. July 17, VW. WE WOULD CALL TEE ATTENTION OI;' Farmers & Dairymen - r0 flatland's Improved Milk Pan. The latest and most convenient Cream Separator out. Call and see them, and .leave your order early. JI'ST RECEIVEII, A FINE STOCK OF llat 7;01;10.114k cyth:. Spades, Shovels, Caraers, 274.1ces, Hoes, ado. Jur stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE is now complete. PAINTS & OIL a specialty. £'A M,B. W EROS., Clinton. (.;UMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING MILLINERilomprisiug all the Newest Styles in 1 FRENCH & AMERICAN HATS & BONNETS In Chip and Fancy Straws. Flowed, Feathers, Tips, Porn Foms, Ornaments, Laces, Riitir;Is, Silks and Satins. Having bought from the leading importers in the trade, and at prices that we are enabled to offer special valve in the above lines. EMBROIDERIES, large .stock to choose from. Dnnss ORNAMENTS, P ASSEk(ENT3tlE8 AND Corr TenshuNGs. Pull line of SPRING PRINTS and general assortment of DRY GOODS. Hats and Bonnets made over into all the leading styles. Apprentices wanted to learn the straw work. R. BEESLEY .& ON, BEAVER BLOC*. Amme J. CUNINGHA_17E Desires to call special attention tolhis stock of hina and Granite Ware, Of all kinds, suitable for Christmas presents. -• Also, the finest Confectionery �t a be had. Fresh Fruit, Canned Goods, &e. JOHN CUNZNGHAME. GROCER, C I N B11T. 4 PAIlg , E . ly{i is Yom! Fro sA t. .f lolls, 'Rr agrlI tivArsoh Am.* Wow Tome 1p4'+►1A4 o-r-togi'►tw•:ya to omp*Lirep opneity awdrtbnalelrNrgthsa.1oats Higaation',� regain energy, eomfor#, hes tlr d"apprrte, RI�I� fair 741 • A eingIe bottle, of ZO PL s4 s9?1i (tothis.. A few dols euiptieb'ttio$ wb4 p'or' Billbueneea, n$100.04,. pep>x4,. tugiall—f f, ills 749P4. iwtt 'Rlr, Zbrkli+! i! # aiigooP� �ud2t art nte$'to'ttIv;them, It0.gtWupon Around the County, Mr. Thos, Inglis, of.Belmore, had the misfortune to. have one of his horses; so 401)0 lilacgl,e 'ith a snowing machizte' 11h_1Gelr, t?lat` it lrad to be shot. r gl )ct McDilrniid, of the Ord coneesglou, Stanley, ]lasa horse feaI, daree reentha old, from his imported 4t Wm" app 14"x* Try >w. Ia sent mare, #or which hes refused IS3fi0. �V`q ;regret to Tearli that i'r. Charles. Girvin, reeve of ,Wewanosh,, is quite" Cile ill . with congestion of the rungs, He has many friends who will hope to soon sea ,. 10n out again. Mrs. McKnight, of Tnckersmith, bas said her farm, the old McEwing home- stead; to a gentleman from Usborne, for tile. sum of $8,000, Mrs. McKnight in-" tends to move to Seaforth to. reside, IT ISN'T ExTRAy4ciANT to Claim that ZO. ,PE -SA le a sure cure for Dyspepsia and the Liver. It is a,re,ular prescription of a doe - ter of lar8e praettoe, and for these troubles it iµ as good as the doctor himself on the spot. „ Mr, IlfoI! O die, ef: Kippers, is home again -frons his trip to Scotland, after an absence xif out twoHIS 60 C. TEA, 4 SPECIALTY ought with huhu several fine montliEtanimale,- scam ao-ENT FOR but was; unfortunate enough to lose a Glare on the journey. Almost every week we are called gni° to chronicle the death of sante of our 41d,i'esidents,This Weak we have to announce that of Mrs. Richard Fansen, which took dace at the residence of her son J'anmes,near Exeter on Friday..De- ceased 'lie ..beth? t sufferer fon many years, and at the time of her death wys eighty years old, The Board of Directors of the Howiek Mutual Insurance Co. met' in Gerrie, on Saturday the 16th July.. Seventy- eight applications passed covering risks amounting to $109,550, and for the month of June 85 applications passed, covering risks of $102,100.. Ther roses for these. two mouths amoontingelti forty six clolllt; s, a very small bill of loss' certainly fey so large a company. Phe.e was a lively time in, the house • of Mr. Robert .Boyce, 2nd concession, Stanley, one evening last week. When retiring for the night one of them took a ]amp to his . room,. and in turning. downthe' wick he turned• it too far, causing it to;drop into the, oil and mak- ing the lamp .explode, The room 'was • OLJOU� enveloped inflames in : a moment, and is S R t N GS rush was made forwater, but fortunate- ly ,no ortunately.no water could, be had, '.aid Mr- IN TOWN. . • • Boyce took buffalo robes 'and 'thus smothered the 'flames before any serious... FINE PLATED, WARE, dm -mos was done. . - THE SADDEST - or SAD SIOHTS.—rho grey hairs of age being brought with sorzow to the grave, isnow, we axe glad to think; becom. • . • Ing,rater eery year as the use of Cingalese . IBair Restorer becomes more general. By its use the scanty locks of age once more resume their: former color and the hair becomes • thick and luxuriant as ever ; ,with its laid we • caw now .defy the change ofyears, resting assured that no grey hair at anyy rate will come -to sadden us, Sold at 50 cants per. Cl -on. May 25thy bottle. FOR CHEAP GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, &c Oatmeal and Cornmeal always on hand, AI+SQ Pcttv's cciabratad English Sraakfast Sacon, Long. Clear Bacon, Sugar Cared 'Hams, .41nd No. 1,LORA. At rices which cannot be 'neaten in town. Dobbins' ELECTRIi SOAP THOMAS COOPER Jr SON, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON FARRAN & TISDALL BA'PiKERS,' RATTENEURY ST., CLINTON, r 1n Naar AGENERAL BANJEINCIBUBINESS. Moneyadvaneed-on' Mortgagee and Notes of hand Waits payable at par,at all the o1�� 01 Merehapt'a, Bank of Canada. . New York exchange bontht anti; sold. Peoarpr ATr'E:HTION PARD TO CeI,- LEcTioxstbronphout Canada and the United States. S4CE NOTES, BOUGHT at (dose rates, and money advsneeetotarmers un their own notee,foranrlength el timeto snit the borrower. All' marketable recur tteab'onghtend sold. . GASTERS IN NEW XORx.« AaYENTs oP TBe . 0 MEROBANT , P..�NK OF V.ANADA. LN'1'EREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS W. W. FARRAN. J. P. T1SDALL S... FOWLER & SON. I3EST STOCK .0F NEWEST' DESIGNS IN JEWELLERY Repairing done promptly. Now. for Bargains irtH Boots, Shoes; Harness, Trunks, -- JA ES TWITCHELL's,'..VICTORIA BLOCK 1Iavin receivud rc `ljl irt; and Sodimer stock of Boots and Shoes, I would calX.the attention of • the public to.the same: Dar IFOJIIEW'S BvTTO.tTBOOTs#. only $1.75. MEN'S, .110Y'S and CHILDREJv' ,. ciceap accordiagli y, . TR U2v s and VALISES; very cheap; .TEAM and 6'A);'RIAG I A.B.Y. 59 cheaper than ever. BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN IN'EXCH ,Sliver.1Vlounted Single :Harness only $14. BABY: CARRIAGES, a large. variety, at almost haifi.price: 15,000 branches high land Pine &' Cesar SHINGLES, , for sale cheap. . ROQ1115' TO LB?; over strap ANGE`FOR• BOOTS • & SHOES a .T. TWITCHELL, VICTOEIA-BLOCK, CLINTON. irearelenotemewaimmsereememee ver ' ' Boa; ' Store Aa ' J D ST TO 2SLAZ "I= Fans, .Croquet, Baskets, Iaadies'Satchels, Canes, Stephens', Dailey's, and Stafford's inks. Linen, ' Foreign and Vellum Note Papers. Large' variety of Envelopes, very cheap.. Note Papers at 1Oc, per quire, extra good. Spy Glasses from 25cts. to $3.75 each. Combs &; Brushes, all prices. Concertinas, &c. Richter Mouth Organs, 10 keys, 20 cents. Berlin :Wools; Canvas, Tassels, &c.1 Briggs' Stamping,.Patterns. `et and Cord .Necklets, Collarettes, Bracelets !Novelties in China Goods, et©. 'Cigars, Pipes, &c. WEjARE SEL1,ING GOODS VERY LOW -TRY- ES. Bekver Block, next to AiexWeir. -4