The New Era, 1884-08-01, Page 6•
NOTES OF A TRIP TO ALGOMA. rMinit Minn now useless. They. laid the
To the Editor of the New Era.
On the 2nd July, the writer with other
friende left on a trip to the north shore of
Le Huron. We were to sail by Beatty
liue from Goderich, at 6 a. m., but it Wu
6 p. when the Steamer "Quebec" hove
in sight, therefore we had the pleasure of
e spending a day seeing the sights of the ea-
pital of Huron. I would advise anyone
going by that line, to wire to Sarnia the
day the boat leaves, lied tint the hour she
sails, after is you may intercept her at
any of the porta on Lake Huron, Went
ashore at Suuthamptou, a splendid harbor,
but no trade to speak of, and the village
was disappointing. The N. P. has not
done much for Southoruptou. The crops
foundation of a Hotel there, 235 ft.' eq,uare,
at a cost of $10,000, which remains as a
Memento of the want of foresight of the
men who conduct their businesa. But the
road will be made, Badlands that row sell
at 4 end 5 dollars will bring in a few years•
20 to 40. Having viaited the past year,
roonsider Algoma every way to be prefer-
red. Large tracts of fertile mg!, without
atone, and a capability to grow wheat,
which owing to the absence of lime in the
soil ie a failure in many parte of Muakoka,
are powerful arguments in favor fo foriner
locality. The islands in Lake Huron are
also in some respect very eligible locations.
The frost of last fall which injured the crops
of this part and Manitoba ee severely, was
hardly felt on St, Joirepli's Island, and
the Only good wheat in this section last
in Bruce have suffered greatly for want of year came from there. It is 26 miles long
rain and on light lands a full crop
cannot by 11 miles wide and is more than two
be expeeted. The rains which have been
so timely in Huron, and south to Lake
Erie, have not reached Bi uce and Algo-
ma, and in many parts not half a crop
will be secured. The sail upon the lake is
thirds fit for cultivation. It was taken up
.on the free grantesydein, veqitiring five
years eiccupatien to get a deed; moat of it
has been takeu up three and four years,
and claims can be bought front youug men.
magnificent. The islands arm clothed in 1and others, who have been holding them
verdure to the water's edge. The manage- 1 at from $75 to $150, for 100 acres, accord.
meat uf the vessel under Capt. Syme, an ing to improvement and position. Popo.
old lake Captain, leaves nothing to be. de- lation of St. Joseph, about 2,000. There
aired, and we are landed at Brucenun" is no doubt, whatever the • future of the
in good order, It is a straggling village of mainland may be,lhat those. tedands will
400 inhabitants, extending about a mile be found -meted te freitgreeingeeete..e be.
along the water's edge, with about half 1 lieve that the liere'will come when the
the houses empty. Muttons of dollers great northwest will be supplied with ale.'
have been expended here in oopper min-. pies guess oh the Manitoulin and St,
ing in former times. The immense build- Joseph. The trip to the Sault is simply
ings, remains of broken 'shafts, the exert-, delightful, beautiful inlets into landlook-
vatious in the solid rock 50 and 60ft: deep, ed bays and lakes, shining mei liquid ene.
extending over 100 acres &umwhich the ver,seems almost like a gleam of.fairy land,
ore Was taken, and the machinery still re- while the island; from the size of a boquet
r °mainline ttest to the magnitudeof the to that of 100 acrescovered with green to
operatione fornierly carried on here. An the water's:edge, a magnificent
engiue still remains here with a walkingpicture transferred to canvas, or covered
beam 40 ft. long, cylinder 4 ft. diatneter, with melte stern and grave, striking the.
• left. stroke, with fly wheels of 30 ft. des- mind with awe at the thought of the power
meter, and of at c't minutiae weight, that which could heave up such immense . maa-
when aet up, the hist 1.4.1.,kis kuockod down ses to the height of hundreds,of. feet. The
the building and killed five ca. n. At first rapids at the Sault are very fine and /in-
sight uf the coast eon see embankments gest great possibilities in the future, from
hundreds of yards lopg, leokeige hke. a the water power at prodent lying idle. We
railway track, and shiuiag like silvertn saw the old Haddon Bay Fort, 200 years
the sun. They are composed uf the gest tz old. • The Cariadiau side has tome good
ground in the wills in the processof buildings,. churches, Sta., ' Dr. Sullivan,.
copper extraction. If a process if making Bishop of Algoma, resides berm he is high -
it into artificial stone ouuld be discovered, ly esteemed by all creases, and goes about
the inventor would realize a fortune.. The with 'knee -breeches and silk stockings, in
mining has ceased, and the land, 10 square •the fashion of a century ago. The eanal
miles, is now offered for sale. Ifirdivid- at the Sault is worth . going to see, it was
ed into 80 acre lots and sold at 6 to 7 dol- built by the T. 8, Goverumeut, is .fro e to,
lars an acre, muoh of it is excellent, was all shipping, and the teaming (done of the
burned over 20 years ago,tand was all sown immense lake steamers through it is some -
with timothy and clover, and today among thing to:beseen, not deseribed. - The coun:
the undergrowth the clover is red and try on the A.merican Ride is reported ex -
the timothy headed out for mile& The cellent, and this will almost a
clover does not draw with the frost here cit', ne,..,e
some future time. We • trick pas -
and after 20 years is as vigorous as ever. sage by one of the splendid lake steamers,
These 80 acre lots are sold at -one quarter for Port Huron, passing through the
down and the remainder in 6 years with in- American Sault ; it is very.fine. They aro.
terest at 6 per cent. Many a man. with a making a new:passage to Spore 15 miles -of
small capital could make a home ina few navigation,which ierill coat 4 to 0 millions
years, as the land would would he fit for a of dollars, one item will 'give au idea of
reaper in a year or two. Roads excellent,
high price for produce and the location
very desirable. 'Oor party have travelled
through parts of Lefrvy, Plueitne and
Rose, nearly 30 miles. The roads made
by; the Goverment are lirat.class. We
saw mauy bluffs of rock, and, some parts
covered with rolling stone, but the rulellis
that the stoue is in bluffs or hills and the
remainder of the land mho° of stone as
the average of Huron.' The crops are suf-
fering for want of rain, all spring wheat,
the fields Been will average 8 to 12 bushels
an acre, farther north it is better. A gen-
tleman from St, Helens assured um he saw
fields 20 miles north which will average 15
t,. ne lee.ecla per acre. Hay is a light
crop, oats look well. All grains and roots
later than Hurou. Much of the land is a
heavy clay aud looks like a good wheat
land if it was properly worked up, the re•
mainder a yellow loam with clay bottom.
There are tens of thifusands of acres in the
to get the testimony of themultitude who
have used The Shaker Blood Syrup for spring
debility, langeor, laositude, and that general
feeling of stupidity, weariness etel rre-
haustion which everyone feels during thio
season, we eheeld be able to pregent to our
raiders such an overwhelming mass of corn•
meudetery reessagee, that the few who have
not tried it would do so at ;Ince. It is a
tiositive fact, and has been so effectually de.
monatrated that rm one to -day denies it, that
The Shaker Blood Syrup contains more real
medicinal value than any article now before
the public. Hundreds, in spite oPtheir pre -
Micas, ere taking The Shaker Blood Syrup,
and now honestly declare it to be the beat
medicine ever offered to the public; ; and they
are quite right, and thia sentiment intuit and
will extend just se far as people will allow
themselves to be influenced by facto and by
the testimony of those people who have tried
it and know •wifereof they speak. In pre-
senting The Shaker Blood Sprup to the pub-
lic we suffer, because people have been So
often humbugged by the week decoctions
with whioh the country is filled. It is often
diffieult to make people believe what an ad-
vertisement says, because of the evil influenee
produced by those unreliable, worthless pre.
paradises': It is true that hottest people are
constantly suffering from the effects of • dis-
honesty, and this will probably:always be so,
but it does not require any remarkable ability
to see how' the real worth of The Shaker
Blood Syrup impresses •itself upon people.
Our reputation reets upon the value of, "Ole
medicine, and we. are proud of the record it
is making.
the difficulty of the werk., There is half a
mile of rook eeetivating; /00'f.
deep, to betaken out where the
30 ft. of water, We saw may Indians
and half heeds, they haee'teservea, one six
miles square at Garden River and aro ere;
Awarded at:Toronto, London and
t. wide 8 ft.
re is already
gaged in firming, their only.crops Appear•
ret Bale bee all. Perste:nese ,Dralafe.
Ev0ry Barrel GuUrante.d.
to be potatoea end corn, the former being
excellent. They state that they get from
75e, to $1 per bushel for potatoes. They
live in little log houses whitewashed out-
side. • One fact struck us as very peculiar, ;
that either owing- to residence indoors;
h ou ofDarwin's theory
of evoiiition, they,are atiproaching co1.
or their 'White brethren.' Tile moat ,
cent spechnens we could :hardly be.
distinguished from, ordinary White ehil-
drete Heine briSainia and Londen. The
burrs and burdocks again) appeared evi-
dence of civilization: Crepe .good' to Bee-
ter;above that fall wheat epotty,
bet spring traps Uniformly good, hey crop
• Cures Completely •Scrofula,
Cancer, Rheumatism,
. Catarrh. lacers and Skin and
Blood DiaCitScal of every.descrip.
• Lion. •
$1000 reward to any chemist who will
find, on analysis of 100 bottles of Shaker'
Iodide ot t s m, c sub- eie
mood (44.33.Ve mum
.stanee.'. •
• Prime; •;• $1,00 Por flottlo, or Olr far $5.00.
. •
raittara': ',GLYCERess\tlit:,),,
" •
.„ •
•• 7
older parts of Ontario not as good as aver- not heavy but mead in splendid condlitipn.
age lands here which are stinting 'at 50 to 'The bearded'fall•Wheat, reliable or &Since.
60 dollars an acre. Farms can be bought crates nearly wileersally seerifricte Sarnia.
6 to 10 miles from the shore with 40 to 541 to Londim. Is said' te. be 'hardier than •
acres cleared with fair improvemen teed. $5 the soneca. .0i) the Beatty Line the. sail
to $7 per acre. Wild.lands can be got well of Niter is prohibited, .you can get iton
situated at 3 to 4' dollars an acre. I was the Americae beide •by applying ''to ' the
offered a aection, 040 acres, 40 cleared, stewerd, but there is no open bar on anY
frame barn, 500 acres level enough fors of them, evidence of 'allealthy temperineo
temper., for $2,500. Another 160 acres, 40. sentiment,. In. coedlusion, the prooabili-
cleared, fairibuildings, timbered with hard- ties are that the north shore will become
Nyuiel. ui, e ,•,....1 road, a few rolling stones, the cradle of a hardy,'sactive race, whir will
for 51,000. These are both good. lands. be to Canada what Scotland has been to
Land can be got 30 miles north at 20 cents Britain, and New Euglaud to tlie United
an acre, on condition of settlement, The Staten. Being in a:most healthy .location,
Colonization Leads extend 25 miles of the accustomed t� laber,. despising difficulties,
distance. The evidnoelgoes to show that the they will be noted for their energy, enter -
land improves as you go north, that at 50 prise and perseverance., We thoroughly
miles the bush is open with very little nu' enjoyed•our, tripewe • goe.a :shake of the
dertrush and ,the land of fine • quality. hand 'from myold friends, and made some
There are no Canadian thistles, a few seen new ones. Our headquarter& the
• once, in a whole days'drive; no burdocks, BrUile• Milles; the people are kind. and cont. -
no deckling or weeds of' any kind. The Webs, arid the traveller for business or
absence of thistles was a pleesing feature pleasuret will find bin -moll at home with
in the eyes of a Huron farmer. A timber our kindhost and hostess. Of the Algoula
of school homes were seen, and fa very in- Reese. • ... w. s.
teresting school examination was attended A StItstling DiscoverY• .
by the writer, in which the proficiency of
• no .Frotct. '0 St Toronio •
$500 REWARD 6,, •
Will gide the above reward to the first person who will prove that a single building has been
burned in the Dominion of Canada upoe which rods manufactured by our Company halo
been placed according tot ourrules for the protection of buildings against tire by light-
ning, With Company's Grnarantee.
This Company have erected .miltions and millions -of feet oferrid in the last seven years
(since incorporation, Jane, 1878) in the Dominion of Canada, and considering the great num-
ber of violent thunderstorms, and the almost daily occurrence of buildings struck and burned
by lightnine, this 13 a wonderful showing.
• . .
Fixtures, Ornaments, Weather Vanes, and Electrical Apparatus. Sole proprietors of Um Non -
Conducting Glass Ball, Special attention given to -the erection of Conductors on Churches,Soliool.
Houses, and other public buildings. A good responsible party wanted in every Vity,Sonnty and
Township tbroughoutthe Dominion (none others need apply) to handle our gads. :Write fox*
terms and further information. 011100 and Works -494 King Street, LONDON, ONT.
THOMAS C. HEWITT, President and Manager.
EiGisTNzzrstri Agent, CLINTON.
1111P1111001 ar:em.qs,.
. • •• • .
The A absorifige keeps *Bic .11110.'st
hand. 1Pitherals, Urulshed at
the shollt 4!1?",t,lespottt,Iggt.
Lending Undertither.
TUE. Tow N
Mr. Sim, Johnison, /Teton, Dak., .
the pupila reflected credit en both teacher
and taugee There are several teachers that his wife had beep troubled, with acute ---- -
ilroftehitis for many .years, arid. that all rem°.
wanted, salaries good, higher than in Her- dies tried gave no permanent relief, until he . .
on, owing to the temporary scarcity ; there *cured a bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery •
are six wan led no *for tlie Sault St.Mai le forConsumption, Coughs...and Colds, whieh
schools, to lieges 18th of*euguat, F. Big- had a magical'effecteanu_p-1 rodubed a penile.
gangs, See The country' is healthy, no nont euro. It is guarmiteed to Cure all Dis•
fever as in the far west ; ono M. D. is eerier; 6E, Threat,. Lunge, or Bronchiali Tubes.
mileadistant. From a closeeexamination Trial bottles free at Watts iterlo's. drug store.
• er tie anbject, 1 conclude thatothie country Large size $1.
as a field fur emigration, is not yet under-
etood. The manewith telt thonsand..dol• ffe else
lars may get into way ef doing More S.IOU WV LER Sz: SONs
quickly, by setting his drills and reapers
at work ou the prairies of the west, but
the emigrant with $500 to 54,000 should
consider the isolation of the prairie, the
absence of timber,. the severity uf the cli.
mate, and the fact that he may bavo to
sell his oats at 10 Ms. and his wheat et 40
ces. Here, we,have, a climate like our own,
plenty of timber, schools and churches,
owing to the dose settlement; more acces-
sible, and 1,000 to 1,500 miles near mar-
rrairio farmer must place his
principal dependence on raining graitiothile
liere,ja system of taixed husbandry eau be
• 1%1'yr/1,10A /1.1 profitably tie in Huron. There
is no doubt, also, that a railway will be
built to connect the Canada Pacific With
the Sahlt, which mast paas through this
section, and which would place it le as
good a position as the county. pf Anton..
The 0. 1' R. have not good managers to
eonduet I ;;‘•!: hi; einem They have thrown
;tee? t.II OrlefiL0 Sim ,.it the line to Al -
Black Spocits, Illot-'
elms, &a.. 0041 bo rethevediti-
stseitly by applying ,
d kiffeetuttl.
PillE,E.25C. ;PER BoTTLE
Lalli by all Druggists.
.Colebrated. CHAMPION .PLOW
• • Large ztooit Clez.Via Furnishing tkoada.
Has Mimi appeftifed Apo for dylvestor's abaniplon 3I•XZ1C)CMIROIS.
Plow, whfon luta recently boon greatly trapro_ved, and
nvv ostands without a plum!. -TIM mouldboard is made
of the boatdiamond steel, especially hardened, wok -
ranted to clean in any field, and imported !thin Slief-
!qinerals Furnished in first,-cInss Sil
OMID EF.iLAKIN i' aLian,,svI. on h. R ar.3
MOI*R.Nrkl, RI'() ST( +RE.
TRADG; rMaay:KI:AL1631411iP:71;72BlurriElu'i;A'1V1:14":e:d1::1(''1:14111:4
MSG for Seminal weak
nese, apermatorrhea,
Impotency, Irbil all dib.
eases that follow aa a
—sele,ielnocses ttoatiaemlfmatisye,
iteac lours °tr.; avu :11 oitunsas,e1 ktpu,rdedelcal
tore rold iffsee,aagn Hd many Takhig,
Before Takin&
lead to iiisinity or consumption agd a premature grave. Full
particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by
mail to every one. t The Specific Medicine is sold 117 alt
druggists at $1 yier package, or six packages for five dollar.,
er win hs sent free • by on receipt or the moneyby ad•
Toronto, Outario, Canada. •
WATTIC& VQ.,1 Agent*, ,ustutoig
Before you place a dollar's
• worth of Newspaper advertie-
tng, get our prices. , Thnexact
cost of any paper, or Est or
papers cheerfully furilisluid,r -
free upon applibationi
arilend for New Catalogue.
J. C; HOUCH; . •
• • • Advertising Agent,
novas 811002. Detroit. lifieW
MEW ci,00D
.04.1ccidn. •
. .
Enibt'aeing• all tile Latest -Styles in
all elates of G-ood, whieh .will be-
.iolicl at the elo*4esit.priees.
CD ERiii\T
i ALTAL, yrs .A.avcatiiipt4
• r
tieid; fleeted, purposely for these plows. Intending
!NEWEST Dt4:41(INS IN purchasers ran have a trial of the plow, and on rceolin
of postcard It Will bo delivered troll,. any pint of the
J E LERY eo.thity, plow can be boat bv any Make,
V we win forfeit the plow. A car load lost received.. •
• Iteforenees train over no Or the hest fermer4 near
1.1c,,41io manufactures the eciebratrit
Repairing done Promptly. ,voteit itiaitiond 1Ilterow‘
at oti. Itfay Oath. 'fl“! leputittion of Which 14 so urn Mown Clad hs
a rosier reach 01 entail ror,h) lei; this Jolson.
A fresh. stock ot these goods at•the lowest prices.
COATS & SON, Clinton.
4. •