HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-01, Page 3•.•••••.. • 4 , • ' " "1„. itt.P$4.- . ,, f .. irso third August .. ' a ,. . , . woo r *aro 1 0 iiiiii i ite 041 teNe#ai 'titles TeljetthegjarIF:40243 lit: 1111A7S4r11171114"E*47erelledill. EXERCISE. -• • ha Value soh .Otow it wise Appreciated by the Ancienis-marveliou• greats, the Result ot careen* • and continued. • • • . rn[WarillUr 1r/104103g, . '' .. . , The old Romans, who conquered fumy- HIE foreigu nation-, had recognized the meet of eutheas when; they called • *heir bodioa t 0 flop °Aura vtlihou ever tonehing the rim of the hole. He threw 10)00 forty of them, aud then retired amidst the pro. longed sponse et the whole hudieuee, ter thie time everybody could appreoiete the mire.colons cleverness; of the trials. 130 the °00°43i°° Pr the ba.°4- °Wile 40 His whole outfit otheisted of a straight wooden pole, about ten feet Jong) a. Lid hardly three inches in diameter. It Wee oue oft miner° at eaoh end, and .did not seem to be very heavy. Thin pole the • • • a *4 aeibit7 1 obt Lii . yero • se . • imeneratfon. The belie whist playera of the last genera- um were Lord .orieeeme, ,aten„ Anima, Lord Henry Bentinth and Henry Lord do Roe. . Idle Hayward Oates tbst great whin* PlnYore are like rival •beauties. Itarely will one admit the.distinguithee merit of another. " Lora Henry • Benue*, when asked:. • shone . the players. ab' the Port- land ., (Mr. Clay ,vetui one at theme, answered: '" They none of thent know` goy' martins ft Gellitobwanc. gerthalem Letter in New efaven .7°1:axial ' Nothing diegueted me more that; the Wretched illustretione banging around the w*11'. Theo rP.Pmeetod . kU the gert4his • and fieltitioue Moldente in the Passeion, of COMO „phi& are so dear to 'every trie Catholic.. These illuetreelons involved the geoine** ineonnintehoien• OAS ' ahOws4 Simon the 0yrenetut• begging Of the no. Willing Christ to allow hine to bear the 81.11n illi:'4114:::TW:11:141;77100,corlial:TraLrearainCtecti; v:::::::1, Iteutiodwerathboaukreh000ek'modatoreptrettruien.otflorartlgollgoal., A POrtionla ' These beautiful 'productions et Win* iddll are exciefiritzerolettiboserdlg difeow000rar; (eve plopthee. •• a good deatte deo.orete•th. eir stoma and to give away with loiter paid 4.0 prominent nuutrizaoturer. le They : are ellio lased in. joarildeAd iblical4i;3:aolislgclig li3a1Peay.,w7th4t.rbi41...,127wiluhrer7114•7:11111tho ' wain' 414 -roullere rig derir'06aed.;ligeeings only one tat r.d.4 pti4B" 4 t°31 'n m°17,11 the thr in h re ;114eateeitti' "kr V4III. Vgt intr her- I:war jere°40seepfekg ab boldetwe es uP nbu fe , leentoth'heT Eleggwleicitheleth4nerhtffeeriede theieret °Ill . eat wo,„-,;„;- fe- throat,,, -,;-„,,-..,„i '''''.- - ---""" "'"'''' '''"4 - 7- .7-----7-r. • • • armies exercitui, et drilled or eve• shied °me. Exercise . eit ' all. aft' °Ultima and if the power of itit Menthe° has limits, they have. never been pacer- tained. It, infanta (were viatorY: Motion, f. e.,'exereise aud expeeience, would enable a hundred veterans to Instil a thousand juggler tithed upright on the level eurfece of a wooden board, tried the board, with hie feet to see that it did, not shake, their proceeded to °limb the pole. . He olatithered up and downeome ton • Or twelve times in quick thcotheiete ge then ethended to the 'hie anything about it eeeePt ereting* :Moe (0aveediebae who, be erereitaed eed ecene ideas on the eubjebt. Mr. Hayward gives a cadent, instance of the 'late Lege' gran.. vine's devotion to whist: • '' Intending to set out in the course Of the afternoon for owes, wbOreas WO read Qat the seeddiers . • . compelled Melon to bear it Others Poe, treYtel the fiat, seoond mid third falls Of Ghrisit Under Pfle burden. the meeting with Efie metbea• • the Om* tam of that uncertain Individual, Elt, theatrarefor I0enio 'effects' andubygpohouttip. gap213orertuntrozhitekgrodoBiguru,ndkeu.r. oWur tio.obvierr • bueinese ,leprd?tinfietioliog,'. itobigeothlilan7000,egionniora- Rosebuds' lilies, heliotrope/48mila; rose leaves; ferns eto.eare favorite oinaga.8191414giennlIVont ilie°83701711100allir; bonYehly423ereem.h1Tdaetiefeintetahbisartnh'rehrgli.Perhevliatil been on a spree since the Fourth.. ' reoruits, even' if the reoruits were better arneed. A 'brigade of' ordinary riflemen would have nu. cance against, a regiment• of picked archers, volt am were employed in war in middle ages- . In the Londou Tower, end in the armories of Strasburg, ieuremburg,' and 'Vienna, there.are several °oats of meitthat bave been pierced through and through and evidently by the vale shot. That a, the arrow has broken the, breast -pate., paesed through the body Of tee ouiramier, ' and then througle the baok-plate. A common rifle- ball rarely peuetrates the body of Mull- gown man, wheu mail -coats are gone out if fashion. • • • - - During the middle $$88 it was the'ouetom ttyrlifoes, and e Veil ot wealthy litirghers, .0 keep runners, who followed their leer. dages afoot while the berms were going at !till gallop. Feet_ runners vtere in great de- nand, the if perentO Wanted tO qualify :heir children for a popition of that sora• they began to train them from the -earliest thildhood, acid made them u.ndergele ain'gue . al - ar operation, namely, the remov of the very top, seized it with -handle let. go his feet, and went evinuind around in a Miele, till it made aue giddy to leek at him, BY a sudden famersation Of his hellY• 'lee then joined hie feet at the top of the pole: let go his hands and slowly raised hie:halt till he etood bolt upright like a statue on a pillar. All , this while the phial; had no AtheVeupporb but a fist wooden board, and was balanced entirely by the management of the statue. • . One et the epeetators; on expert. Areal- can gymnaet, gob .permiseion to go .on,the stage and 'examine the pole. He looked at the lower end, took up the board, looked at the floor' below, and then examined the, board itself, Lawasehothing but' a, pied() of pine wood. • ' ' ' a "Well, how do you explain it ? e It asked him when he came:beak. "1 can't believe in witchcraft," he uttered-, "so I den' If know at all what to say about it." • , " After the , performance was over the jugglers distributed•little three, ehowing the pergola) Of tkair oliampiene, and • their pilaf:lipid': hiploite. Like. all -Japanese - petunia the drawings were made by hand, Parise he ordered his carriage and four posters iota) at Grehainet at 4. . They were kept waiting till 1:0,' when he said he should not he ready for another hour or • two, and that the' 'horses' had bettor be ohanged. . . When the party rose they were up to the ankles in oarde, and - the ambassadocit was reported -was a foser to ths' tithe of $8,000 or ZI0,000," We have. defended to the best or our ability'the hunting parsons of a former generation, but we have nothing to say in defends. of shell an Ontiagilleisinne clergymen were guilty of, according to Mr, Hayward, wholle ' uncle,- Kr. Abraham,. seems to have been one of the party. Mr. 'Hayward 'writes : ••• "The clergy in the west of England were &innerly devoted to whist. About the beginning of • the aentoryethere •wass e whist club in a country town of Somersetehire, compond mostly of clergy; .reen, that met every Sunday evening' in the back parlor of a barber's. Font of these were aoting as pall.bearere at the ,funeral of a reverend brother wheo a delay dethrred front rhe gra'ie etet being, ,teadY; and- the offinewits put &hen) in tlii4.13hnninilF • i • By way of their time Verentria, with her .handkarchief bearing the. impreseion of Christ% 'face, etc. The eosturning waa reckless, but always flashy. Sometimes Christ had his purple robe ore and aometiraes it was wanting. , I should infer their it must have fallen. off half a dozen tepee onthe way to Calvary; but I •dtd not puotieed.in.sqlvipg the mystery ass to how the adopt knew at what -palette it was On Or effe The fetees, wero- as staltree• . , . eionithe gie 00k:hut Phriet'll wok xleor*Y. alwaye ghastly, with an itetptheible e,uitli• tity of blood. To cap -the' Minuet, the leet. vieW represented qnsepb 'and .Nioodening 'deltenitingthnitodY of thii °Ambled . God- man in the hepolcheeadeipuing with blood . „ fronabeadt0 feet 1 -1. read la eleY' Binie that: thebody Was carefully anointed.-a full buodred weight of myrrh and . aloes being used-befom e it was . entombed. Newiethelees, if it . remotes any • pieta eV tceview mph tepreseotetione I will silent. • . .. . , . . ' e 'Ahether alaurd design was anirongeouP• . . • ing of the metrimeente Of cruoifixmla with 'titter disregard for protortibnia. There- • weeteepengeee the . . , . wedding presents, and these flowers oleo feria a part of the bridal trousseau. They likewiee often form the canopy ander which the marriage oeremony is performed, Ladies . are fond of these • flowerit'to wear in the °omega, and. the Mat of natural flowers for personal erns- ment is muoh lessened in con- gequetree. singing btu:date, • pots, vases ,and window . boles are .growing in ..populavity. Our materials are muslin, satin and. 'pivot ; wax for plants arid March and other ingredients for stiffening. It. would he impossible to say how many perserue are eneployed in the' binsinese, in LW oity. ' There are some 150 establish- ments, geese and snivel, in the different branches of the trade, The nuniber of employees must amount to several thou- sairlo, the great neajority ot whona 'are women and7giele, erase tee : coleeers and °titters being men. The girls. put on the wixee fan& ep the preeeing. They become fair workers in two „years and . skilful in foex-or,fiye yew: Iii is,a well paid trade, 'and 'a girl who hoe beopine an. expert oan -earn. .e.wee .. ose • who at env na k 'Of th 't t ** * * * * * -* * * * * * * *4* * e * * * * * - • * * * * ' - e ** ** , S Oe'tee \e, k •• .:_e\\...,est.„„ ,. ** ' '. ca ' * e * - „.* ' - - * * * - , * e ', ete; ,.., ttee ' , . *„, - ,,''-, _. ,. , ...,,,, ** faC,ae 'W' -e -N.,. -,,,,- .• • .,- * , * LYDIA E. PINKHANI'IA • • . • • • *VtGETABLE COMPOVNII - * * * A * IS A POSITIVE CURE 4 :*.4,*„*, . ................e....e........: e* e * ' e * 't* * ** t** ** .e* • * * • * • * 6 * * 1 * zse' ' I pleen, which waa aupposed to have ati in. luence on the vigor of the Inege. _ From the city of Puebla; in, Mexico, a andy country rocd leads acmes the -hills to iho valley of Ammo. Eerly in the morn- ng . tbat road le crowded with Italian but resembled each ' other lie oloselY as prints from the *name steel plate. They were wortlikeeping, foe both the Aubjeot and the •• workmanship illeatrated the wonderful influenoe of exeroise. • .• • . ' whiling away one of them produced a path of cards from ha, , pocket andpeoposed feritliber."When the BOX.' .ton oath° to announeithe preParationa were complete, he found these 'clerieal worthies deep an their game, using the coffin . ne 'We .ear., . vac. a- podia it. Veer, st ,Minathei, 'an insteementi fee- gemovnig 'n*Dilliov vintWar -cruise :n crown of thorns, . e Pilleref flagellation, iwo Metope, a vigor. ous looking metal rooster (1),.' and in the matte a. raddern shirt evtthe three dice tetlearn the, basinease, about go per cent. prove unfitted for it and hay- to dro oub. 1, • fi t• dt Lent ' . e P t rii ' ., 8 V7oratien Came from Frenoe. Now, hoivieter, there are ample opportunities to' acquire the i teade.in the Unite'd Statee. The use of eitificial hlants . ,^ ,F nil f th pai tai Co laint 41.7 * -9-"--- 11 I" $ Weaknesses so connoort to our best * *. *VEIVIALE POPULATION.* , it,. * ,.__* • *. J.* ' IT wiLL Cl7RE ENTIRELY THE WORST FORM OF ;SALE CON:PLAINTS,- ALL OveMex Tnorinuts,f1m. .4 ell * * * mokstere, who earry homy baskets on their ienks. They of ten come' from a distance d ten or twelve miles, but make the trip at 6 sharp trot, and tvithout- a .single stop. eheir children trot at their Moles, carrying • mall bundles dr bags, -and thus learn their wades so graduallythatthey hardly 'feelgreatly - - he hardships of IL • . • • D; is certainly thatenow.a.days A 8_ __ DeinAinumLitieTIc WONDER. - , - - • . • The Ander ot n Quebec Young Ludy, • . • wane ,aileep. - . , . ' . • . • ' The rendents•of a little• village not far - • excited distant from Montreal are , , over the atrange actions(' of, a young lady Prerjel° stopping who atat the residedoe their table. hope the. sexton prised them as much SS another' sexton did • a curate at hie first funeral when Jaywalked upao. him with• the aPPalling *nuance: ment, 04 Pleatie, sir, the eorPse% father • ." H re is' anot °wishes to Rath to. you. e her grim Hairy about whist related by Mr. Reikes M his dairy re;fecting the father of . tbe late lamented r. George Payne : beneath, to 'dignify thee Chriet% gement* 'were parted by lot! A monk showed me a rooky bank near by, ' whet° . the ea ..eorY disciples( fell asleep,. proving the itatement Conolusivele by pointiugout indentations in the • atone where , they • lay. Then he brought on the .Grotto Of . the Agony, marked " 1,3? a. • . very decent repro. . . Ben ion o e on o an, supported t V ' f the El f M d b and flowers for decorative purposes le increasing • elegy year. Ib orate e0 . her cent Meath decorate a honee:Witb.“theni then with natural flowere, and. besides the rate decorations will answer' . for ,Many thethione. Aktificial flowers Will keep their brightness for two eeeers."...-Nete-Yerk* . T le e grata. • .• 0.,,, Leman= Atm ULCERATION. PALLINH AND . medgxesvs, AND vms coNsEQuENT $piral. w mos, AND IS ' PARTICULARLY ADAPTED VO 'T031 . calmer' or Lira.- * * * . * * • * 414)* " *IT **ILL Dlesot.vu Aim EITEL Tutions mom UTEHT,TS IN AN EARLY STAGE or DEVELOPMENT. TEENDENCYTOOANCEROUS DUMORS!THEREIS on:sax= v we ereenierny rie me. *, * • * * * Ir REMOVES, PerfurIcriss; EleTtruxtry; DESTE0x8 ALL 4ItA,VIN9 vpursursui.exms, AND RELIEVES weAlc.. D was TOO ,* queer a itnell, short -legged dow 'Mtn eitsily moKen he tallest mau. lt ham net •been always so. An ostrich prove8 that two lege Can . • et as fast as four, Went of exercise pro- ably amounts for the whole...difference. ge;t to football, the favorite game of the english school bops is the game mated. ' hare and houuds." ta watching their 'Imes I netioed thlit for. one boy w . -ho is too' hortaegged th wits, at leasatwelve are too hort-winded. - Ureic lungs give out a long ;elite before their legs do. . But that Bort If short-windedness min be readily cured ' • er various kinds -ot exercise, eepeasally by '-' - • of her uncle. it appears th t •thi th :13iVt% 'III the Pub few months she lime e* i , e ktl. e i • symptoms' of somnambithera.. ' W i e tep -12 parently asleep she would rise, and wit • 13 i tl ' 1 a . lk downstairs in her. Yea 6 gil Y °tine 'WI that' '' Perfee0'eafetY_. - t WEB 01111. after hen sin ular feats she would performliog t. g . k _ , e ,tk retune to het bed, and on swat ening ut e morning could not recall the circumstance . . Ashort ti herfriends, to her mine. - ,me ago ek ' 'whe regard her present etate • wit great anxiet tried an experiinent. One evening Y1 • eves found. walking in recently, when. she . . . . her/sleep, a gentleman proottring pen and . . , . . ., , '• • - 'i • ' `0' s her to etter. he . ',One evenink I went into Watierse club, whera 'I found Mr. George Payne waiting to make .4 rubber •at whist; others soon ' are ed 'd the 1 y he H thi ' iv , an . p a . . gan. o ng. re. mathable paned, except that Mr. Payne. Was &info= to -continue ' the game, and though we pliwed. till 4 or 5 o'olo k ed 0 , Elefiln disappointed at the. party. breaking. up. I went home to bed and von after lOo'clook. ' - ' • my servant, Chapman, came into my room to tell me that Mr. Payne had been that . . morning ,0 o in a- tia on u ney ea . h t • . til 1 P t H th ,Thtis he had been•purposely playing all the . , . . 'Mat in order to pais tloe time' till he was sumnioned into eternit and to' .a y the angel. Lastly, the point was indicated. where Judas bestowed the .00i:therms kiss; and then my genial and ....a- _.____ _ .. . ea*. - ilia on par.. - 11-. lee!ueu. owerimge Pee . leCt .. 1?1 •With 80111.0 olive leaves from the garden as, a •mild signal. for bakhsheesh. ' , It may be Of interest ta. some. to know" , • 'that the Greeke, enraged at the. idea that the:Le:tins-should have a monopoly' of this "I havete t cl -t- G th P *ON . g x e . an . oppom ion e • ,serdane on the opposite side of the road! I ' uneeritan&thet itis not yet exhibited th . . , - , • - . . - • . • .Feanes; tie • ate odetedians evesh • to wait -aviobil0, Mr Iheolive trees th grow Mei. . . . e .gr . . e• ' "' ' a e • ' ' - --- . , • . .0-, wonderini canyon. .• i. D• • ' id you ever notice What arigeat whis• peeing gallery the 'Gland • Canyon' of the Colorado ia ?" asked Judge Harrison this morning • • • ' • CI . ' ' . Wonderful " ism& Jud e Kennedy as he - ' • g - • ' his feet gentle moon the table ahd placed - • - • - • . - transferred a quid•froin his left Mime right cheek. • . _ter was-througa there' 801118 weeke lige," • rommed•the alletioe, "and eve made. Dome experiments. Oneef the parey.fireaoff agun near the needles. and when we got to Cotton. , wood, more than 84 'miles away, we found suss or THE STOMACH. IT ourtE$ BLOATING, MUD AWE, ilfinyous PIMSvneTtOlf, GXNBRIM EMBILITY,„ DEPRESSION ANDINIHGEsTioN. * , * * 2 d'*;,, * '• T' * ........T_,E-LING ...M....BATH/10 DOWN, CAUSING‘PAIN, we e _ _,I0...T exp BACKACH.E,.IS ALWAyS PERMANENTLY pump BY ITS 'USE. *• * * s* ,* . * * 411T WEEL AT ALL TINts AND 'UNDED ALL CTEHTUN-' ST4141:148 A" "AlW"Y 1V4.11 "1 LAWa ...TIC" atm= THE FE mAVE SYSTEM. * • ^ * ., ^ * 44rITS PURPOSE is SOLELY FOR =LEGITIMATE nit MAW OF DISEASE AND Tim RELIEF oF PAIN, AND. mar IT DOES ADD IT CLAIMS TO DO, THOUSANDS iabiza °AN oLaimy TESTIFY'. -Oi. * * * r IIIDNEY Comm ' on THE emei or, mere EITHER SEX THIS REMEDY, IS uNsunressEn.'.11 • terrea E. rituclIAMT; VEGETABLE COMPOUND pmpared at Lynn, MasA Price $L Six horses for gold by.cadr &Ca. SentByMG11, - * * OF 2.* no w ts $5. sountain exoursione. • . • , Lllting weights in anether' livelier:it lung xeroise. There hi a story of a Grecian lamson, the athlete Milo of (ketone, Who papee, requested %ante a obeyed . mechanically, and, .sitting down, 'wrote a note to an abseet friend„ °meth in eveiy reaped, although her yes at. the time A fact =taint . • . . Y• . 7 - • one could have told by his manner that .he - had met an • awful roe eot in view."--- a _ t, a , .P P . , . .2..O.Ple Zare, . . • . - • • • • . - • , ..'Srlie 0ittsgileit • Soldter • in. the' Soudan. . •_ . taught . • , /' 'Chi *area lathe 'sending , , n. , . ris: a camtaign has the Ariebtat 1 !inane -good lesson -respect tbe town marshal still :on the lookout for tho. fellow who had been shooting iu the city Emus.. _ . e. It's got a fine eoho, too," said Kennedy. WO pestage paid, int , a Piss or ,Lozengss on Teeeipt of price fu3 above. Ills:khans.% •Guide to Health,' will be mailed free to Lady stanip, Letters 111confidentaly answered. • No family should be without IA . P LIVER. MID. They cure Constlpatien, ousness ;is. any' • lay after day carried a calf . around he arena, and .in same were oloeed. singular that the wrieingaloMughout waseexoellent,'so . , • . • ,.• . Two vireo. TYKES. for the English, a more pleasant feeling for lb themto harbor- than ; -' I wait. down at Fort Ways along in ' . I - . Torpidity a the TAvx•.er. 25 cents per. bo. '. gained strength as elf gained in weight, till heacould finally theWeede being written vegetate? Wong the . . , .. '11 . ' . . ,• P. their eentem li and inilieinguishable bete. for the Egyptians! February, and jUlta before I left I got into a little Ow with a fellow ' lie D. V 141. L. 31. . e,rry i steer. We may . doubt if the steer full there lithe: , At efaiesashe. °mimeses . Odille m thisi state freely :end. k T. A Gre 1 ravel er and a Heed Worker. . ,. . .. , The kiodoessr whieh their prisoners have . , . . . .. .‘ and said that .wee no part of a.. gentleman. i said 11 „ easaa ^ 0 as quite grown e butis no doubt - hat De. Wiuthip, of BostoneMassee pew. iced with dumb- belle . and bagfuls of pig on till he was able to lift,' though only for moment, the weight of the•heaviese Meer tue n the Texprairie. It.is equally thrtain ' hat.before he began M exercise he was tilt uniest student et thee riiedisial college. aid if a weakly mail. of modern times mild uplift such a weight, why should not champion of the Greoian armlet have been to carry it for te distance. of half ea elle ? For it cannot be denied that People ave become more puny since they began o trust to gunpowder and steam instead of )exorcise. .• , ' • • • In countries where they. still rely (teethe trength their limbo, quite correctly. •Re• , cent y 1 • though exhibiting' the same steal- . . .h tones; she.hafakept 'her eyes open, whir, 1 however, only give.a vacant shwa. • On ante occasion while stetting out for adrive she became unoonscioue, and the nett moment revived only to be found in her old *tate: 9 • . • . . C . Sheeeide asked to and at the'bulding. • of 'aleietie toter' the reins. potettiaing home she became herself: again, and when acquainted With her strange actions fele tl hur rimed . The oun lady's about lide. .7. P . y g 18 years of age. Several doctors have. ex.' pressed themselves as" puzzled • with .the oafieeitnd she will be taken to Boston to . visit eerie° of the lights! of the medical pro- relief can be afforded fessioo te Heel! • any_ . . . . • • There is a famous travelling dog in Eng. land known 'as "Railway aetela" says The .Gotclere Argosy: Ile spends the greater part of his • time in making excursions. over the railroads of the kingdom, and has even been in Scotland and France. Of °three . the railway hen& all knew him, and %few ..months ago, when he was run over and Jost a leg, they were all • extremely syra. pathetic, and took great pains .to . convey , him home. After jack 'got out again he ' '• istravels,an qui resumed la d q te recently the to English papers had an interesting. account , et the attentions paid him • by the Prince . and Princess of Wales, who met him at a •railroad junotion waiting for a treine There ' ' ' . is another dog, a pure Scotch oolley named "Heti," 'received at our hands, and the forbearance 31 the might well have sliciiin to theaew e , y. . one punishment have un• expeOted ! et . , doubtedly gieen theta' fearless barbarians some glinothering ot.a-new world of ideas; the English, they understand, are is mad- ful as they are lime°. "But why, then, do you come to fight net 71 asked one of the prisoners. The questioner was not well up i Mice. ' And he had narrow views about -°00 • , . . . . other matters, .as for example,' in military .thoties, when he bluntly, and even roughly, ' ex reseed ' his inabilit to ... P. 0 7 underetana now . an honest People like the English could . have sneaked round by•the.rear•of the entrenchments at El Teb, instead of attecking them *might. f ' di a' ' rather lonely and noticed that the remark hung around the neighborhood pretty well, but when we stopped for dinner, twelity. miles away, I'll :own up I Wee-etirPrised to find the make still falling out"' pert of a gentleman ' in the slime tone of vibe that I had used, except 'possibly. it sounded a • little more husky." y • "It's .agave country," said the . genial justice, "aud, as you say, its mho is .won• dada'. I was dawn there along in the fall and d when I went bath • last Month half of • - - ehe conversation we had indulged m was still floating around promisououslY. rhae 'Made e verbaroorteraot.for. a'aiining claim that the other. party teied eo . go hack on, but I Clinched' him by getting' a; atone- . t a i ee THE way eas agefeeit., . e40 - , VEGETABLE LIWI AND VrArlit.. . E . : tr lee • FOR ' 3:01E1813P3333PISX.AL, ' 0 . Loss of. Appetite ' . e. . .. • - -a a, 1 , , inaigestion, .' oour..blomacn, '• • .. . • Habitual Costiveness t S. • IC eadac e and Biliougnets : : of as in Turkey, Hun-, soy and Afghanikten; • there areof . who has the been so long known as ' AT LAWN TENNIS. Jack, and leads • a 'eimilar, life,' though. f th f b h'.•'. orwar y rem e ron w ere is tribes- a , e. . .. men wake 'prepared to receive us. On the, - - - grapher to 'take' down the eoho word .for ' -.'-,2 Price, 2+5. per bottle. .Soldby all Drew...0 . .plenty eon .earning their' bread by .00mmon labor ' .' b. .• . . . • • ae • --e-- more ' useful:. He is . employed to . thee land -Mad • this is oue of the. most .0 , word what had been said six months before, • • " ' from ' ' and then I got affidavits( m those who 4 • rho could astonish the so -celled athletes of ,Giele Not uninteresting: Because They make collectione • for • the .".tailway• P. leasing•features of General Grahara's brit - . , . knew him thas the Jim's ' a""tee-aaa-et•-• - French circus. A Turkish porter will boulder a box which the driver of a New ork express waggon would hesitate eo . ' '. . Are Flushed! • , servant% • orphan fund," • and in ' : "Do youog men.play tennis bethuse.they this Beriine be brings( in, on. the average,- like it, or because it is the correct thing?" over el.0-a week. This aneoients to enough, .. . . . . luta ottle osimpaegn-the ribs& •so diet veer. Kum _ mineeived,...and. .a_s. heartily e_xpressedi, his admiration for hie enemy. voice Was and had him where he couldn't squeal: Wonderful thing, that eanyon.7-.Deadville Democrat. . . • • • 30. ' Ar''' • • • . - - . / izi , to 'IAL. . DE.. ,,, .nload without easistance. .. , • . . During the Afghan war the native vier. lore carried cannon to e battery: on the op of a hill from where the•English soldiers rere unable to carry them down again: The foot soldiers of the Turkish Jani. (tries had to drill in 'Mll Armor, run, rreatle and even swim, .without removing heir iron equipmenta. Stith.. a value did. heir drill -master set upori the Wham° of szly training that they would never. atiept a recruit of more ;than 12 yearn of ' "Oh, that's about ' it, I guess in many in the. COUtf38 of e . year, to support pH oases. They hear 'co. much. about tennis orphan chddrena, . He carries on this that they take to it., 'Of • merge there are honorable. canvass on all the railways, be -e some first-Olase • players,' but most people" ing " eniployed " by a charitable moiety. jute] knook the balls around." " . . He has visited a great number of the, thief "Like to weer • flannel olothee, knee oities in England and 'Walee, and has twine breeches and .little•roupd hats?, - . crossed the channel to Fran .: Thus useful - ".0h, yeeethe languid. youth*. de. ..They dog has a• plated medal ohed to hie take a out in showing their -shape. But collar, bearing the foll .g inscription: many really :fine. pleyers-men who take e I am 'Help,. the railwa dog pf,,England, off thole coats and roll Up their sleevesa•t and travelling agent for the ..orphans of are •• infatuated • with the game. Mr. railway men who are killed on duty. My ' 1.n the tee el,. of .,therse, he ma his hest to exterminate .him ..- but in camp he .often po e q e pity o ing sue s k f th e ' ' f kill' • h'splendid fellows who after ell are only b lli re e ng hg sinstithose rotten g yptians:" (The Brit- h Id* r' cent tfgrth Egyptians'ge w 10 ,,,*° et° ..!...• . °PA' P. .. d e ' -le' 8. menmianee inctmeequeneo o. an teeeigir ° mei t at ,Tokar. The blue-istoketehad, With their ownehtmds, dragged their guns all the way from ' Trinkitat. Seventeen' miles-. across. and and mud; They Were thirsty The slaked • for Water from thine of ' the' _ Y . .. ' • '' , - `• • A, connective obituttey. . After eadozen or More years Of child:leis married life Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rem - , . Phee7e of Canton Cleetre; were on Tuesday of last week the reetpiente of a eon; Three and one-half days did they wear -the badge of menthol:eland then the laid of promise - . P bloittiomed in Elysisn fields. With.peouni. • ary Memo to well 'care for ' ohildren,4 and with mutat and religiousequalities to well train them, fhb...acquaintances of Mr. end . e (SEPoI , • 4 LECTRO-VOLTAIC. r -4' kq/SI.I.V."4 oil ere i T.nitg frOIT1 NERVOITS peiraTONewielgIna92114 areseeepeetne I brti-iirts:',i'?:iD, Sei-:loL%6 Pamphlet free. 'Voltaic Belt • • 4-, ' 9 e4-1 o a ' D ' -'' . • • • - • .,,I.VLit.) . MIN end r 1 , . 1;.p.Ityri4i8 N G" 8 1 ;: tiN, -Wasaglirer• DEBILITY. "JOST VITALITY, 'fkor4. TAT: 'afna e).,cce'lliY tigotell Alt OnNiirg11. °moll for niestratee dress ' _ • - ' 6.., liarelAll, IVIich,':- . : • go. These cadets( were exercised for Labouchem thinks e a.. young couple office is No. 806 City road, London,' where h th had EgYPtmas ev om eY• just come to ' . Mrs.. Humphrey COM but viish that many ears, like the sees of -theeeld Spartans, efore they were assigned to actual duty, nd the result Was that . the Janizeries epeatedly beat the armies of all Western Weep° ooinbined. - ' • . ,can't • thrt . and play lawn tennis. subsoriptions .evi be receive 11 'thankfully• d • • • Take one blaak.eyede girl, . put a croquet andateknoveledged." Help makee the cur- mallet in' her hands, send her stowed a omit of the. train ander the eye of the con. orequeafield, following a stupid bell, cheat- duotor. He does not performany Woke, ing the. other hitting her but relieve. e Btiklisheeshi" replied the Egyp. . time, ol mg ou t ea pa ros. e gyp., h de t h' • ' I Th E t'an who came • wIle No' -drank i ..eass' .. .. up i e convoy_ hale ene %veteran eteee and spilled most .o f the reste Tbe British .themel years, instead of a few -days, had nurabered the child% eaithly life; But . " safe in the atm' of Jesus " it on never.be the viotim , of temntation.-Winsted. Herald.. eap...e. . ,.. . . . , • . YOUNG XIII/N t-KKAIPTIIIS. - '12 V . _HE . OLTALX0 BELT Co., of Murshall, Micb. c2ffer to Send their oelebratedEttoTno-Voriremo BELT and other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES OD trial The ancnent Greeke managed to. train not nly their troops but the whole nation ' by ffering liberal prizes for proficiethy in all inds of bodily exercise, *such as running; aping, speatetbrowing, and wrestling. side, and toes,- silently exhibits hie Medea First and •t- which always, somehow, get into 'a . girl's list, he makes his appeal to •the majon y way; teem dress her in a tight -fitting tennis of British.travellera. After thee we. have' suit, set a jaunty ilanneeteat on her curls, no excuse for haying that dogs am- onlY . and ivatch her as 'the 'flies about °vet se good as targets for a etbne. tennia court, 'assuming a thousand - soldier - • 7 . . . . . Y admits tnat.he might have ,faxed rote% worse than did if onlythe. Arabs were ne. knoveing as 'the ,..,_. were p noky. ' • wny i they no ou o our convoys . . (I'dI t ffY • - e?" "Why• did they not itetath us at night in the • . Dime Experience , .e. her ' ' b a t i t . school, Potion° con up a se eo y t charges(' for tuition are seldom small. e '-' ' ' h t i . training imparted as ourren ve. ne. every- for thirty days, to men (yearns or Old) aillieted .,wIthaervone debility, loss of vitality and man - boll, 04a4ntil•rIginaed Lraolur .anv.:20.1111, g'ilaIr Idni* as ir Compfete z%topYrtion to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk ie incurred as thirty days Lila is allowed. Write them at .1 a distaeoe of ZO yards their spearmma poses„' ' .., . with the glow of health in her ohee,ka, sue. Tea . ierebas 2" "Why did they nee weafoonit Where, and for this nation ehe can demand .arbitrary her 'wishes. -One onoe for mustrated-pamphret free. Mild hit a target with unfailing certainty. • • sorter soca diamonds in her eyes( ; .sfaid tell me in . which they did hot- uhderfoand?" '" Why at corapliance.with of her appreciated maxims is geletthe ' . 9 .. . - -YA -..e '- WESLE Pi, LADIES !heir runners competed witheherees and reyhounds. It is on reoora that ..the tampion; loathe of • the. Spartan' Helotes nee cleared 52 fate, and a native Cio. The weinenin-the smithy -to. -0 f eL - Waioh.game she is the more olierming:-To OL ye my mind, tannin is a great game for Aide -Waste., England, work in the. shops and are often more muscular -than, the men: , tion. Mr. Labouthere appears to think . .• _ . . . . that tennis( :as if A wornan. at Newesietle, Pa., 'cled li- ik" ----1 i t ey no eep.quie a Tob, and, w en T bt we got close enough to theta' ' jump upon ue With their spears? "-N ' • AC . tneteent enturY • . . .. , - .to f . . . Shun ,best value or your money.you can. un the inferior or dangerous even. if cheap. d " b ' ' f - Therefore on t. buy ' substitutes . or • COLLEGE, . . . eialuiraToN,• CA DA . ' Will reopen, on..septemeer 2nd, 1884. It is -the .. oldest and largest Ladies'C011ege in the Dominion. ,of ona, in Southern Italy, even 55fee1. - But the most e wonderful results of life. mg training are seen in the aohievements f the Oriental•storobatea who come from over players' go about working lecke in a Mr wages.. A. genie.. Mats bub 10 or 15 room her three little children, One a babe Minato, and. offeese104g intervals' for de. of 4 months, ' and goes to. the Salvation lightful chats. • Generally, - tennis parties ArmyMeetings. . . " . take turns at the court, and play and did Ladies who adapt „their fancy work to 'lawn 'the . - • • - . . . Gord:.on. and the.Biabill. An Assouen despatch esye: A mordant arrived here reports baiting left Eordeetto two months ego and. Dangbla seventeen that invaluable • • . &rade -- Paused's • Extractor, the always Painless Corn •' mire, sate and painless 00r12 remedy. . . . _ . Putnare's never fails, 18 painless, prompt and certain; Beware 0-e ea . Sold bstitutee_ , .Haa over 180 graduates. The building cost s- sumo and haover 150 rooms. Faculty -Five gentlemen and twelve ladies. DiCnaio Slid rt A speoialtiee. ddreslithe APrincipal, . . • A. BURNS, D, • .DLL.D. ountries where -population obliged uo,h .people to Work . miracles iri corder to. " altetnately. I oonfess that tenni% is- season are now embroideeing on • linen, ho more fit to be played in the heat of the• duok and bamboo cloth ivhile they drink in days ego. While at Kordofan he was fre. 'fluently in the presence of tbe Mahdi. The . •emewhere by dreigists and county miasma • • • • . ..71011a0111111 W011a0111111: Mel their numerous competitors. • During the last Vienna' exhibition a mop of Jepabese jugglers atteextee far afire attention than the display of their art works end manufectures. They dey, with the _thermometer op in. the SOS brOSZOILOB the hotel piazza. • ., . nineties, thattoroquetebut it is barbarous ' • The mother ofigliarlie Ross suffers con- to say tbaca, girl is not interdeting When stantly from bielatieholy. 'She never ex- ilusheo tp.a excited:" ' petite to flnd her boy, and it would be a • merchant ultimately. escaped ham • there . together with an Egyptian lieutenant of Rieke Pasha's army. Many of Hicks') men were in the hale. The Catholics who were -4.--- „ . . Take, rather than give, the tone of the °company, you are in. If you have parts, you will ehoiv theme more or less, uppn every subject ; steel if •yod have not, you .P e Thousands of young men Are exelatm 1 ing theigenemertAirINtertgang ,t,- 9 00 IFOUtlirCHE GralwER °skive y the only tellable prepare. thinal overconvince offered to the IMMO. A ,a,tive .ad amazingly clever rope claneers and amblers, mere boys some of them. Int their best performers where all goy- „- _ • ' I' f t h t It that.h Illiamors of blot matrimony. re ie o, er o nowe wasdead. • ' A. Parisian lady last veeek having lost iiii A 'oath illuptrative of ' the Mph Custom perm g ass, as amen ing over e ma er o " 1 ' • et 1 t* th tt of in in" ihe in the Mahei's potver *ere safe. The rebels . had Hurrounded Khartoum but • General r on opens hem an Mlle a me G d d' 'd t 4c1; • d h • e ' • • leaders The Wish Ps d ''s had better talk • sillily ppm a subjeet of other people a than your °wit choosing.- ' • ' ' ' Chesterfield. . . • triWill the MOOG SkePtkal. • Isewaro of bogus Imitations. Sem pottpaid. In plain wrapper, on reeeip of price. SLOOP per box. 'A . 0, ALLEN'S Box lpi London Ont. eaded old men. It had taken them. a, life- merryine. g and giving maoiage witty a friend, and said ehe had onlY lately- rural districts was heard in •a Limerick infl once ' u I deolith bog.. Almost daily lettere are Nerve team Cure. AVM USING. solo Agent tory. B. and Clarinda. ime of practice to master the difficeilties f their speciel trioke. One of them began .ift .tterformancur by putting . the palit of is left 'hand upon a bee, and lifter itteeteh• og out his legs horizontally in Ond.direetion ,nd his right arm in the other, he raised ,imself in a way that his whole weight wee • lost_hee huthana also, It never rains but Court: johnlIttyea, with two other men, it pours. - Went to Mrs. Re ates home, and an agree- • ' •• ; • . ment was entered into that Hayes( should A Denveeolergyman thine& that when a marry Mrs. Ryan's datighter. He was to woman declines a seat in a oar offered to get 'a marriage portion, 61;750, and the her by a inan who eaoupithe it,. the ' has marriage waste take plithe on •the following covered a •noultitude of sins and made a Sunday. In the interim the defendant convert to the doctrine of 'woman suffrage. . exchanged between General Gordon • and the Mahdi. • The ,meethant adds the Mahe stne the in. habitants of Dongolit are loyal telthe Rho- dive and hostile to the Mahdi. e He says the artist Vientelli, wleo was °speared at Kordofan by Mahdi, is safe. • • . , • • Poison's a/ERMA:en opreeflatulenee, °Mlle and spume. . Nereiline three vorcatiag, diarrhoee, cholera, and dysentery. Nervi, ,lina cures headache, sea sickness and summer cotorlaint. Nerviline • oures neuralgia;,toothaohe, lumbago, and viatica. a . ei, , 0 . . 1 . : ,E. FiTs P '''a" Tgocur°1=1!M;4147ff,!7t,".';,"T,A! mar !I 1.,i - ,.,,„'1, i ha.o' Mod+) tho 0.0:1513 or P.m, Femme. etetetiareergettleteee';"egtMeleweaVret vegektli=sge.0ri=g a_eure„ 8011d At utiported on the edge of his . left band. Vitliont ever touching the ground witUfaily ther of his body, he then began to . . In Bianco stook gambling has largely in. obtained 0250 to OOVOr the exesnBea• but • • - - - , when' Vie guests( wake asseMbled for the chased arcking French weenie of means, w hile those whose incomes are ite In the. Lund ot• Dliortre. 4-. e Chicago iausband-" I am shocked, iny ' ' . . Nerviline cures sprains, bruises, outs, ato. N • • b Pelson'ii erviline is the eat remedy in the world and only coats 10 and 25 cents to try "fl Of My infallible . renfedy, (live ESprmq ,,, ,, ,,o,.. 0,11re. It costs vs, notelentAk.ip .,1 gi,,,,,14.(4,4 rlt,, Noeyork. . part urn,so, his wrist, elowly at first, then moro. nd &ore queerly, till his outstretched feet thirled around like the epokee of a hora fly wheel. The rapidity of his Wedding breakfast, lie quarrelled about the .. • small dui/Eli themselves by risking Moderate sums money, brae Off the Match, and quitted - . ni. t e mammon, 0 tOM b es an atones the house. A few days. letter he itistrried bl b 1 d I that are constant y . ., , g p . , • another girl with a larger pip-Aim:I. He 1 taking lace * ' • • ' dear, that you should waltz with that an er • the idea of allowine ati u Or g , - e a En Y° never saw before tb pot hie arm around you in that style." ' ' , - • it: Sample and large bottles at any drug ' ' Nervilino, • store, Try Poison a Nerehme. . ...--......--e- , • . • e , . . .. . EYE, EAR AND 'THROAT • --- TN it. G..5. RYERSON, L. R. 0.P. ontal lotions WV Wonclerful. 'enough, but hove A Oontrived to keep hie balance WOuldilittes' •uzzled the best aorobitte of our gyneniatio mediation% • • • The next performer had an attendant. ''. returned part of the money loaned; and. an , •., . , . , The most influential man in Dodge chty, a . tiet•Off to the claim put in a bill for an - f entertainment which he - gave for M.rs, Ks., is said to be Batt Matterva, whci has haled thirt .twef arsons thoordin to Ryan. , The items ineluded whithey, port et • Y .0 • ,g 131031 fame and hi spoken of ast a '80- and sherry. The last Item was $20 put °?rn • • dell e h , , a /I' eatable gob e ow, w en e len t moue :. down to " olergyrthat Mr intehded mar- 0 . „ i Wife-" I should not have doh° xt Jove, . . only X found after a few moments' oonver eation that I formerly knew him." • tt • It Indeed 1 , , . " Yes ' he was of my early husbands " • • • • le . • ' u a t. e & I -- wee' hero," he mud to bus men., " &net mind letting yeti off a day now and df h'f 1 then to attune your • gran at er a unere , but 1 think you ought to have the courtesy to fiend a few of the fish round to my house." • ii ,--• , s. rt.,Laattlrer on the nye, Ear and Throat Trinity ARAMs! College, Toronto, Oonlistani ur a . o, o enera osp a , NI 1 t 1 t t the Tor nto G• • 1 H it I ' Clinical Assistant ROyal LOndon Ophthabnio Hospital, leorefleld's and Central- ,London Throat and Ear Hospital, 817 Church Street Toronto, Artificial Human Eyes. held a tin box by a leather strap, and , -. , . „,. . , , , . rho wung it slowly to and fro like the pendu. It „ large Maitre Of • riage." judgMent for the fulranioulikwas A oar loaded with marble. on the Howie.. given. , • ' • tonio B. rt, broke down . near Fall village, ' ' • A Sensation hoe. been caused In Dublin by the arrest of a Quaker named Pillar, ea..... • • . • -The question whether young. women . WANTED, LADIES OR YOUNG . mon , lm of a olook, .the we ox' was a large hole about ale itioh and a ,alf, but certitinle not noon than two mime, in diameter. The juggler dapped ack to a distance Of about twenty yards , -' .1. ML688.) yirterday morning, wrecking the The canal at Sault gto. Mario ifi BOW whole tram. Braliesman Jones Was killed, lighted by electricity.. The Pionenetelle us and an theknow0 Man, Who was stealing a that " ettoopting when the eughee gets tired,- ride, had his leg cqt off, a dozers or more 2,000 candle . power lamps Ilia. Gehrge' Steno, ati 'Wane innate of who is a Married man and the father •Of a large family, and who is alleged to have. eaeuraule,ted a fortune by lotting bourse at OnOMBOtis rents fee earieue fel in . o 'bus - ' .13 edhandled praotipes. Warrants have been is u for the seine line of studiesties their Shall ptirsue - te find ite olfet objeotion brothers, seamsent . li sioal loonatittition in their differ , ,p y _ . a i ' Ar nines:Oa On eine . subieet are ne y g . , . . .. on both . Bidet( , but tne peewee ed. n 0. ay or country tO take nibe, ligh e uasant Work to their own hotemil SO to $ an" P" ing.e Tosillalea.vnIcestitiontlau work ht. py - Please culdresSEELIfliLlE0 MVO. gO., VII hia, Pena, me began to throw little copper balls at he tin box. The first ball was taiight by kie attendant, -who theteupoo raisedthe ox a couple of inches, but continued to 4 • pour tbeiP brilliant light down. upon the the Poorhouse at Boonton, gag saturated Er • • noble t. Mary' ,River, and the rapids go her olothing with kerbeend on Tuesday flashing • snd laughing past as if in se ght and applied a match.. She 'HU ecstasy of joy at the 'parch of solace," mimed to death.. . several other arrests on similar °bargee. Pike County, Alabania, will Ansi A i,00p Polind block of gypeum to the World.'s Ext coition. , : • . ., f Mr . Pinkhein's Ve etable aptation o , la. f "1 t ' te d' Com ound to the three sti non s a en mg _ _Pro, .rto or 041.Eort nee...0 . . the fe Ull . . g i . d no argument , its works ate its proof.. . , - ieCAliiit to seem n litutfileri Education ar Spenoeriati Pen ./ nianshie_ at inn -SPIONOtell 4 • IAN liuSithliifi- cor..toto 1,tat'n ?Meat Lily/int kV. NICAS•