HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-08-01, Page 1.C' ---- I MANNING & SOCITT Barristers, . . So1icitors-1, 00.NvBu2WE" &u.. ----, Commissioners ter Ontario and Manitoba. . OFFNE - - - TOWN HALL, CLINTON, . 1 Rroffogitionol mot.oth.tr eargo MAIMAHE LICENSES. --APPLY TO THE undersigned at the Library Moonlit, Smith's Bloat. 06 JAMES SOOTT. 'rn A. FORRESTER, CONVEYAECER, LAND, • -Vs Insurance mid General Agent, Money to loon. Orme, neAvarc Reece, elinton, Ont. • VIONEY TO TANI) tar Loon on SMALL stems on good mortgage aeourite, moderate yele of interest. H. MAMBA Clinton. flH. DOWSLEY, M.D., M. C. It, B. ENGLAND PlaYeioiari, Surgeon,. et. Office and resideece next Molson's Bank, market Square, Clinton. • APPLETON.--OPFICET RESIDENCE -11.1on Cinterio etreet, Clinton, opposite the Englith 0/wren. Entrance by Ode gate. ek YOUNG, M. B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO • Uttiversity,)Physician, Semen, dce., residence at Mr. Manniefe, three ,doorit east of the Temperenee Rall,pendeliboro, 1.1 'A, ROSE, 1b fl, ORADUATE NEDIPAL 14.. University, Philadelphia, Member of College of Physicians ancl Surgeons' ()Mario. Office et George GrantbaW's, three doorsnorth of. the Rost Office, Londesboro.. ir1R4ND UNION HOTEL, CLINTON, ONTARIO. Mite. Menu; Proprietor. Large and airy, een- trallyntituated, 'elegantly furnished, heated with hot air, large and well lighted eample rooms. Good sta- bling. 61 per day. 1E1B. PROUDFOOT. CIIVIL ENGINEER, . Provincialand Dominion Land Surveyor, Architect and Draughtsman, Pitman; BLOM, Clinton. DDICKINSON, LICENSED AuenoittnEn • for the County of Huron, Sales attended to promptly. Charges moderate. Residence Albert St. Clinton. ne. REEVE.—OFFICE RL ATTENDURY IS— A! Merray Block, two doors east of, Iledgens' en- trance. Residence' opposite the Temperance Hell, Huron Street, Clinton. Ofileelotir, s 8 a.m. to 6p.m. _ _ lel'IlS. WHITT, TEA.OHER OF MUSIC. PUPILS -1-Xlvettended at their own recridence,itneceesery.. Re- sidence, JohnRobertson's Huron Street, clinton. Rice's new method taught 'H desired. D.-STANBURT, GRADUATE OF THE MEDI ciAnDepartmentofVleterialjniversity,Toronto,for. meriy of the Hospitals and Diepeneeries, New or Coroner for the Count/ of Huron;Bayeent,Ont, RW. WILLIAMS, B.A., MI3 .., GRADUATE OF ,..Toronto University ;member of the OollegeotPlty eloians and Surgeons, Ont.. OFFICE 86 RESIDENCE the home formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, 4.1bert street' Clinton. - --- ...__ DR. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Acconchenr,Licentiate of the College olPhYsielan- and Surgeons of Lower Oanade,and Provincia Miceli, tiate and Coronorfor the Countyalluron . Oftithand reeidence,—Tho building formerlsocenpied by Mr 'Thwaites, Huron street. . Clinton, an. 10,1871. IrjAVERLY HOUSE, CLINTON, ONT.—THIS V V Motet is new and has ell the requirements of a first-eless Muse. 'Largo and airy rooms,. elegant parlor's, heated with hot air, andin the immediate vicinity of the -G. T. R. depot.The bar is wellstocked with -the eboidest bra.ndsen- liquors and cigars. The travelling public ,may rest assured et being well eared for at this bourns. SAMUEL PIKE, proprietor. . ' • .,,,, C. CARTWRIGHT, Ire D. S. , — 'geeing a • of Stratferd, will visit Olken) and he at the Grand Union Hotel every .second Friday listhe month, where he will be prepared to attend patients prefessionally. The administrates' of Nitrous Oxide Gag, or Vitalized Air, given to patients when required for the painless extraction of teeth. • % . 71011111-1111P1 irliCt . lirgICY Ill • SeirDonuanciat LINE OF. STRAHERS IC Liverpeol; and all points eaat—lew rates. 112ir TICKETS BY. BEA_TTT LINM BOATS to Manitoba and points *es. ' . nfee-TICRETS TO ALL e0INTS WEST/ ht lowest rates. liar CA.LL before making arrangements to any of these points., JAMES THOMPSON, Town Agent G.T.R, I .1 LAKE SUPERIOR TRANSIT COMPANY ilif, , . . _ . .. .. • • lAT. SadaoI 3 Agent Onto • • ! -- • . Through tickets issued te anysoint 11.1,DA,- '. ROTA, • MoNTANA., OnECIoN or likTISII CO- ' ' . DIJEDIA, . . Tickets to DETROIT, CLEVELAND, BUPPALO, ltfARQuETTE, nANCOOR, or DI7LoTH. Persons contemplating a Simmer Tour en ; tbe lake, call and ask for our Tourist Paid°. I Book, - . • STEERAGE RATE, via • WHITE STAR LITE, i Clin.ton to Liverpool, $25;15 • . , -vv. JACKSON Ticket Agent. , I TUE ALLAN LINE 1ratTrz it/ 1 '' • -1414,1 • ' ..--......."4„. TAO. • --•.,..„7•777,57, ro -,- r I .. .4 , ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. _ . The Allan Line is taking Steerage passengers from Clinton to tiiterpeell, Derry and Glasgow', for 821.15., Ewes's-sten Tickets, good for six Moiltbe, at low rates. Ifinermediate rates also reduced. Accommodation good. entilings every Saturday . from Quebec. Passengers requfre to wave Clinton at 4, p. lo., on Thursdays, making direct eonneetIOn with eteamors at Quebec..,' , — Full particulars and all information on open - cation to A. 0. ,PATTIS.ON, . 0, or. rt,, Agent Clinton. PHOTOGRAPHERS, % It VOS CLINTON'. LIFE-S/ZE WORK' A SPECIALTY. DENTIST, COAT'S BLOCK, tiirgoi moderato CiINVON • V014.19, NO, Et TERMS $1,00 Pier Ann/pm • • I CLINTON, ONT*8 LOCAL- :C. AliniCH CHIMES Prefiehing in the Meeting Romp, Per, rie's bleelt, on.Standny. evening. at 7. Sanaatinentel eervIdas will he held at ' golmeeville Methedist church On Sunday next. Rev. Mr,Watt,.,of Stratford, will preach in the Presbyterian church on Swede"' next, Capt. Barnbly, of the Army, occupied the pulpit of Alma church on Sunday morning last. Varna Methodist church quarterly ser- vice, Sunday morning next, conimencing. at 10. Rev. Mr. Orey will attend the Qt. Adel meeting on, Monday. The quarterly meeting of the Londes- boro Methodist church will be .held at Londesboro next Sunday morning; the official meeting on the Tuesday morning following. As Rev. Mr. Edmonds. of Seaforth will s y eave for the old country, for the benefit of his health, Rev. Mr. Craig, of Clinton, will supply for liim two Sundays during his absence, sometime in August. FRID.AN, A;ITG:US-ii'l -4384. stolen -our aistoioneyeei Igor Aartvtiseintuto. I VerANTIRD —GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, V V at °nee. Apply to Mlie. W. pottEnTY, Rattenbury St., Clinton. ExEolussoinii NOTICE -- NOTICE IS herebY given that all partiee indebted to tins late Joule COPELAND, either bee--note--or book acieount, are required to pay the eame only., to the undersigneccerid all having claims against the said deceased are requested to pre- sent tint same for payment. JOUR GRAY, THOS., COOPER, Clinton, Jitly 20, 1884, Exeentors- erENDIMRS WANTED-.. AT ONCE, FOR repairs to the High With), to be made dur- ing the holidays. For particulars thereof ply to D. R. MENZIES. By order of the board, W, IL MINE, Secretary. OOA'n WAREN. — IF THE PARTY WHO took it ivhite water -pivot Coat from the bar of Theobaldes Hotel, Clinton, on the 121.b of July.. will return the same, they will confer a favor, and save further troi.tble. as the party IS known. 20 TX OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE— THE imbscriben offers for sale her House and Lot on Mill Stret e, consisting of one-quarter acre of teed, with it number or beam; fruit trees and small frame house. Will be sold cheap Apply to MRS, a', TAYLOR, Or .AS. Rain, Clinton. . 30 JJOIRSES FOR SALE—ONE HEAVY TEAM good workers, splendid team for Steam Thresher One Mare, 10 years old, supposed to be in foal to good sire. One Aged Mare. One large driver, nine years old. 'One two-year old Filly, dark brown, black points, line block and sound. Apply to the PIREHIX CARRIAQE WORKS, Londesboro: ' 20 IfilENDERs WANTED — MODEL SCHOOL -I- Repairs. .Wanteil immediately., tendert; for re- pairin,,-, whitewashing, and calsonmmig tHe Pqblic Meal. .Also Tenders for painting and repairing Blackboards Also, Tenders for removing night soil from the premises, , • For particulars apply to W. E. HINE, Secretary IIEIL'JIIIWE FOR S a LE. A 10 or 12 horse -power CLIMAX' TintaSnInO. HACMInE, only been in use two seasons, and nearly as good as as newt will be sold cheap, Isfitted with'ElwarePs Lqualiling Horse Power. Ready to run at any time. , Owner too old to rumit only reason for selling: W. TOWNSEND Lot 10,-B5yfield Con., Goderich township. 30e4 RELLETT, HOUSE.—The new frame, Wipe of Mr. Dayld Jackson, on the 9th con., is rapid- ly approaching completion; and will be a good one when finished. SomataEw.—The voters' list for aullett this year contains the names' of about forty female voters (mostly widows) who will be entitled to vote at the next election,should they be so 'disposed; We are afraid this will stimulate personal canvassing, and Make it much' more popu- lar, especially if this classiof voters are young and good *king — which; of course, they are. I • W,INGII.Ant, People around here are now busy ft,t harvest work and everything in tovvn is quiet—we might say dull, The fall wheat in -this neighborhood is.kood,beyond all expeetation. • • _There has been no building operations to speak of going on in this town this year, tied onsequeiatly not much work for tiradesnaen. ' .Our furniture factory is working full time, and turning out large quantities of furniture. Our foundry and tannery are also, each, doing good business. The Johnston ez. Hamilton grist mill was put. up for sale branetion- here en the 29th a July, but no sale made. Grist mill property is not eery saleable now, The National Policy has depteciated, eenettry Mill property , neatly. . one half what it was some years ago. . While the municipal elections were go- ing on, and for some .time after, certain parties were profuse in' promises of what they could and would.do for this town: We were promised a bran new railroad, a. salt well, and ether things. Several jour- . neys were made to Toronto, and perhaps further, about them. But the bubble has burst—The humbug has been exposed— not a-werd is -aid about. them now. The --- WARN FOR SALE— THE SOUTH HALF e42. lotte16 and 17, con. 14, eat -Unship of Hullett, con tain bag 1483i aeres, oi which there are 'about 100 acres cleared, balance in hardwood ben: There is a good frame barn, frarne dwelling house, and bearing orchard: About 2% miles from myth, and 5 from Londesboro, both on the London, Huron. dt Bruce railroad. It is con- sidered one of the best farms. in Mullett. Ap- ply ou the premises, or ta J. 'BRAITHWAITE, Londesboro P.O. . 28 NillTICE TO *OWNERS OF DOGS.--- ice is • Nothereby given to parties owning dogs within the Corporation of the Town ot Clinton, that 'the taine Inuit be registered with the Town Constable, and taxes paidfor the same. .M1 doge rdiming at large must Wear a collar and tag, the latter of which shall be procured from the Town' Constaelo, and for whibh 20 cents shall be naid (wlficli ineludes registra- tion) in addition to the usual dog tat. Parties who allow their doge to run at large, Without complying with the by-law, are liable to stifle. ' J. CALLANDER Town Clerk. 20. r QFILENDID FARM FOR SALE—LOT 24, Concession 6, Melfillop, containing 10() acres, about 70 cleared and the balance_well timbered with hardwood, and about 5 acres of .first-class cedar. The cleared land is free frotn stumps, all underdrained, . well fenced, and all seeded to grass exctipe10 'acres.— There is a good spring creek running through the place, and,no. waste or wet land, a splendid orchard of the -thoicest fruit, also a good, comfortable stone house all nicely.' finished and well laid nut, alto good barn. sheds and stables. There is a well and cistern at the - house. The friths is clean and nearly free from foul weeds. Is within 1 miles of the prosperous villige of Kinburn, and wtthin 6 miles of • Seaforth. Terms they ; will be sold either with or without -the crop.— Apply on the premises, deaddress Constance P.O.-- M. N. MeMICHAEL. • . • 30-4 . CLINTON VOTERS? LIST. ---NOTICE IS hereby giveli that 1 have transmitted Or delivered. o the persons mentioned in the third'and fourth SOC - tins of the "Voters' List Act" the copies required by id section to be to transnritted or delivered of tho. ist, made pursuant to the said Act, of.all i?erseris ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said. unimmtlity to be entitIedlo vote in Om said Ditinici- ality at 'Electim for members of the .Legislative As-' embly and at Inenieipal Elections ; that said list Was rat posted up .at my office at Clinton on the six - eosins orlay of Jolly. IS64, and remains there or,Inspeetion. Electors are caned upon to examine t.lid said list; and if any errors or other omissions aro found therein, to take immediate proceedings to•have the said errors corrected according tciiaw JOHN ALLANDER, Clerk of said muniemelity... • Clinton, July 10,1884. r ' , BEES' FOR SALE. • IGHTEEN COLONIES OF itEns,,In move- able frame hives, nearly all of which are very heavy with brood, and comb honey whieh ight be extracted at any time. .30 - J. C. GILROY, Clinton. R. H. HOLMES, OlicitorSupreme Court It'FICES—WINGHAM. &BLYTH. In Illyth &very Thursday. Colleotions and laime• promptly and *reliably attended to.— ItIVATE Ettame ro leed at lowest rate of e tercet. • WILKIE & WOOLVERTON. URGEON DENTISTS. old the exclusive right for the county for,tbe Hurd roceas of administering chemieally' pure Nitrogth °welch', \eh' h is the safest and best t oyered for tile painless extraction of teeth. einages oderate, satisfactioti giatiranteed. Omen,. DEAVER. LOCH, over Thompson a Seltzers Grocery Store, lbert Street, Clinton. • XCURS1 M- VV.*. --etwat020 o TORONTO UESDAY, AUG. 5. wets:$[150 Two Days L - • • . Chilifrettunder 12- Half price The Grand Trunk Reilway will run an Ilxeurtion to Toronto nn the ribove dete, for all stations between GODERTCH cind.DUI3LIN 'at tho very lour fete of $1.00 for the return trip, ticketirgolel for throycluye, Parties Withing to retitrn the wine day, as leaV6 Toronto at 0 p.m., it speciel, trein being run too their Accommodation. Trein will leave ari followei—otler,oh, 0 a.m., Olin- „ telly 0,27, Seafotrh 6,45, 'Beb1111 7, arriving at Teronte before non. • mountain' in labor did not even bring forth a mouse. The only pleasure left us in connection' with.the .matter is to pay the expenses incurred,. and for no good result, except; Perhaps, experience. For some date back wehave had' and still have a pareelof insuifinershere called the "-Lord's army" masquerading around our street. .They are an herd looking a specimen of an army as we have vier seep. Their pitice-edIngineelil to be rblirleirepie- cei religion,bordering on :blasphemy. They have not made 7 one convert of any standieg•or sense here ; with the.exception of it handsome printer •girl, who, we be- lieve has been created it lieutenant,. we. think, in the service. It IS stirpriSing to think that some Of the regular Ministers give such Men tie use of their churches: - If trained and educated ministers cannot influence their coegregatiens•for good, it seems absurd to expeetthat ex -bartenders and ex -gamblers can do so. --Corn. „ popititicrt TowNsitte. A 13ftEAR.7.--As Mr. jos: Cliurehilloil the 14th Coe., wag; driving his binder from one field to another the other day, the team ran away, breaking the machine pretty bad :before they were stepped. . • • MAYFIELD. : • ittEEs.The weather is fine. Red no. mistake. Haying about done. John Me. Leod had tlie hest hay here, about 20 tons off six acres—good for John. We have had beautiful rains,' and all crops are first class., . Fall Wheat never 'looked better, what there is of it; some faithleas. fellows ploughed it aip in the spring,„.,• now they are sorry. John A. has turned his atten. thin to South Huron since Sir :Richard went down. Some says he can .make crops grow. Our Little Oliver has been and 'gone and done it at la.st. "Mowat won't go" just yet, 93,000 'quare miler of land, at one sWeep. Capt. Spence had takett his departure with his schooner, she was suceessfully launched last Satur- day. :Want of admission to our Inirbor has been a great looLttahim and far mote to many %heft, espeeialli.to our noble fisherman ; it is too. bad, it is inortrthaii too bad to use poor, men se; money was voted last session ;at Ottawa, to .fix the breach .irc the north pier, July is gone and not one stick in it yet, somebody is sadly to blame, hundreds 'of dollars worth of fish had to he thrown "awaSt the lake out of. our nets, owing to thefactthairthe least blow from the west filled up the channel, which took days for theeisher- men and others to dig out; again, .this, ould not be dene• until the sea calmed down, and. then before the.hoats got out their nets -had been too long unliftedithe t oh had -died theni, and.had to he thrown away. This has moved even our Tory friends to cry shame on the govern - inert, but what do the tt •e4re, all 'they witut is "call in de members:" Ouetend 'Morrison is painting ,and otherwise orna- menting his property on Front street, tvhile he isat it we would remindlitre of the large tree he left near Oran*, that he might have taken away, it is neither useful nor orminaental where it in. Rev. Mr. Taylor preached a sermon last Sun- day to the Foresters of this plate, they looked well. Mr. Taylor preached the Sunday before on the cure for poor Ire- land; two Sundays previous was devoted to the Orangemen,and`so time flies. We hope heavill reach the sinners soon, roe we are not all good yet. Roe. Gee' has eutated on hie duties here, eta' seems to make a good iMpre8Siet1 leel far his Wits lute •not yet arrited, on heeount.of ill health, if she was here our fresh airwetild soon put her ell right; numbers of peo- ple from the east,visit daily-J.-more:Alm, better, so .lotig as they do right, Our woollen ,,mill is doing good Work. - Chas. Tough on drive over the Brownsot line hills better than any man We know, cau- tion is a word he should study. -Robin Adair rode 82 miles in the Saddle witheut stopping, a few days age, 011 his white horse — urgent besinese, Surely, Rob. Rowell lost it valuable mare is few day% go, no CAWS given, Bob is a good fellow, oily for his loss,. . 4 0 BOLDESVILL.E. • , DRIEFS.-111r.Ca1bede preached on Sun- day morning, and Rev, Mr. Campbell, in evening, to crowded houses, The new shed for the church has beert cerapieted, and ia quite an accommodation. Mr. W, 8, Lawrence is harv.esting on the farm of Mrs. Whitely, Tuokersmith. • • MIL VTR. It is said that Dr. Sloan horinvested in considerable land in Algoma. We hive his in Vestment may prove as profitable as his other investments in land have denlet BRIEFS—Quite a number of people left for Port Stanley, ,on the 29th. Mrs. and Nisi§ Martin. of Gealerich, friends in Blyth, Mrs. A, Lircase, of Alvinston, is the pest of les. Tanner.. 'The -results of the bear scrape was a fine of V. Mrs. Moore is recovering very fad. - PORT ALBERT. PERSONALS, -L -Nr. WM. ' Phohottom; of Lonclonais visiting.friends in this piece. MrandIVIrs.Mahaffy left here by steamer, last Tuesday, for Weillaeebilrg. . Pinn The planking on the north pier is completed. , The work has been done well and facilitates loading very much.. The pile werk will be com- menced next week. .• • SHIPPING. --The barge Irelftnd, of Wel.. lacebtirgOook on a deek load of bark last Tuesday, Her hold was loaded with salt, so that the water must be of a pretty fair 'depth in the harbor. EAST WAWANOSII. NI% R GiblilQII left for the northwest, Where 'WS two brothers are settled., ' - Mr. H. Deacon, of eon: 10, East Wawa - nosh, lost a valuable sow the ether day; •" ' . • Mrs. Loyd has purchased the 69 acres south of her farm on whichMr Masters is dwelling.Messrs. G. McGowan; R. McGowan, H. Ross and G. Keeland, of the 2nd and 3rd don's. have secured cord binders, all Of them working welk. , t West Quinn, son of Geo.Quino, got his arm badly cut by falling on a grain cradle when carrying it to hiehrother,. who was reaping. He was taken to a doctor and had hitt arm dressed. ' • Mr. Jos: Edley, who was SO derionsly injured by a tree„died on Saturday- night. after. a lingering . He Was Vaned at Londesboro, where SOMe Of his relations were previously interred. As one of Mr. John Robertson's hue, of the 9thcon., East Wawanosh; was driv- ing a load 'of ;revel, he fell off and was rIth over, receiving injuries which:it wits wo:licl be fatal, but he is recover - c OLBORNM. Mr. NI. Levy Went to Stratford last Saturday: • , G. Meyer is home from Brucelield, on. the sick liSt: Mr. G. Stewirt is learning the art of photography. with Mr. Itebson,' of Godes. . . -Mr: and Mrs. G. Cameron atid Mr. and Mra:'Segar, of Goderich, are camping nt the falls , • , . Ed.. McEab eet a severe gash in his hand while slaarpening,oaper knives, one day last week, 4 0 .The new vera,dthili in the front of Mr. J. Long's houae_makes quite an imprOve- rilept Id the plae.e.. On Tuesday last, S. Conoly bound nine acres of wheat in eight' bouts; It beiog, a fair average crop"; :eau •Otir sister .town- .ShiPS beat the record.' • Quarterly meeting will be held at Ben - miller church „next Sunday, at 30 o'clock a. m. The business quarterly meeting will'be held the following Wednesday at 1 p. in:. ., Parties residing %eta for twenty years say they have never seen the water Bo low. as it is this summer. Mr. Harbottle is money in; pocketby laying'the bridge over -last Winter. ' ,A fourteen year old son of Mr. T. Cous- ins VAS thrOWIL off the back of a three year old colt last Saterday, the telt step- ping OD the side of his 'face; he died in eight hours and_ was bulled on Monday. On Friday last as Mr. Harbottle's men . were VllOiiJs44f5oli the etmer tructure of the rid e- -of them had 00- . . .casmarte--eress.- EA-nreirstringer ; when he reached the centre ofit it turned,throw-• ing hint, On the stone beneath, a distance of fifteen feet. He was severely bruised', but had ro bones broken, he thinks he will be 4ble to go to Work in A few days. DEATH OF THE MOST FAitiOtT13 OF CA- NADIAN PROTTING $111B13.-011 July 23rd the famous stallion Old Clear , Grit was kicked by. mare belonging to Mr. Gorge Briggs. Although the accident - was a severe one it Was at first hoped that the injury inflicted might be sufficiently heal- ed to enable the veteran to contieue in his career of usefulness, but on Mon- day night it was found that be Made DO improvement, and so ik was deeided to put him out °this misery, It was a hard task, and caused Mr,Whitely, of Seatorth, his owner, a bitter pang to consent to the only, if heroic,. remedy for his sugering. Every precaution had been taken to pre- vent Just the thing that had occurred at the time of the accident, but the mare proved ungovernable„ and lashing out she hit the Among Sire on the right fore leg caueitg.a compound fracture of the radius hoe. IIo was shing•up, and for it day or two hopes were entertained that the brok- en hone would knit, but on Monday it became evident poor Clear Grit was past reeovery.., Dr. Campbell then administer- ed `boison, but the old fellow died hard, and finally he was hit on the head with an AXO. Been then he exhibited great tenacity of life, but tho struggloWas brief, and at last he suecumbed.e—Weditesday's Mail. .21103:410ranOtt Topios The at Wilkinecnt's Cerner Goderieh township, on Saturday evenin was attended by more than eiteld fin their way into the church, and the ad dresses of Messrs. Morrow and Csunpbel were attentively listened to throughout. The canvass for signatures to the Scott Ant petitions has been cOinpleted in this county. About 5,200 names have been .secured, but as some of these are irregular, they will be struck•off before the petition is filed with the sheriff, which will be done on VielOth inst. ' • The Good Templars intenfi to hold an opening meeting to -night (Fittley) when a splendid programme wilt. ittsis,,.„ rendered for the . entertainment of these. present. Rev. Mr. SaltOtovill deliver an address. 'The hall will be tastily decorated, and .as :there is no admission fee, a large number should be present. On Monday evening a, well attended meeting was held in the Goclerich drill shed. The speakers were Mare* for, and Moir against the Act. The addresses were pretty much the same is those given -elsewhere in the county; The vete asked for at the close of the meeting was re - speeded to,by nearly all present in favor of the Act, only one person rising to his feet' in opposition to the Act, although a. ferwst "vootlitee.rs kept _their seats during the The Rev. Mr. Morrow held it Meeting in the Presbyterian church; at. Lanes, (Aitiffield) on the evening of the 28,rd July, which Was very largely attended. The chair was occupied by, Mr: Harrison. After Mr, Morrow had requested any one Who wished to speak in opposition to the Act to come' forward, without receiving any response, he proceeded with his ads, dress, and held the 'attention of his hear- ers . for an hour and a quarter. At the close of the meeting. a vote was taken, when almost all present manifested their' approval ,of the ACt by rising to their feet A large majority is is expected for the Act in this township. ' A meeting tor the -formation of a Wu- nian's Christian Temperance Union' was held in the Baptist church, on Monday evening, at which a large needier were present Mrs, A. Stewart was elected Prestdent; .14 Vice, Mrs. Kenner ;* 2nd Vice, Mrs. Chidley; Secretary, Mrs.. W. garland ; Treas., Mitt. 'Biddlecombe. A oemniittee of two for each ward was ap- pointed to 'canvas, for Members. A .pay - meet •of ten cents eutitles all to become members: Meeting will be held every second, Tuesday, in the Baptist Church; commencing on the 12th inst. A:regular constitution will be adopted at smile fu- ture meettng: • ' • 8, 1' . TheliveliesfMeetingof the series held i by Rev, 'Mr. Morrow; n this county; was that held at 'Varna; on. Friday, evening last Mr. JAS. Keyes occupied the chair, Mr. Morrow 'opened the meeting by la speech of about forty minutes length, and was followed by MT. Moir, of Exeter,. who attempted,.. by distee don Of facts; to ShoW - that restnctive legislationtTailed its Objeet;'.partieularly id applied to. drinking usages. Mr. °now replied to Mr. Moir, atid was unmerciful in his ex- posure of.the latter's tactics, giving him a fearful " dressing- detvn.". A standing vote showed that- abOlit nVery time. in *the house was in favor of the Ad.. Tindit; was it large attendance of in- telligent Men and women at the Seat Act meeting in the town hall, here, last Thurs- day evening. Many .weee there who are opposed to the Act, though they are not . drinking men— lint there was scarcely one present who did not see Thal IVIr;„Moir, .the advocate of the 'liquor, interest,made' the weakest pOssible ' defence of his sub- ject. We believe he waa speaking on the -hardest side of the qeestion, but there was .nothing tn•his remarks that was real- ly an argument on 'belaalf of the liwker interest: there were plenty of pleas' and distortions„ and .niisleading statethents, which any Scheel boy :could refute; but nothing more, and it was evident ' that he was speaking contrary to his oWir convic- tions. A number °bids stateleents were absolutely false,and their fallacy was ex. posedby MP Mare* in a manner that some eoneidered mere forcible than po- lite. Some of the tiDdienee thought Morrow a 1 ittle two Severe, in dealing with his opponetit'a—hit.iertainly.did not spare his feelings at all, but allowante must be made for the fact that in dealing with an 'unscrupulous opponebti, he has to be bit pretty hard bdfore 1i feels it, Mr. Moir •is what 'might be termed "a nice easy Speaker," but he possesses tio vim or force; this, however, is not to be wondered 'a, as it is pretty hard to grow eloimentin it cause that )19.8 entailed so much misery on the human faintly ashes theuse °Metier. On the other hand Mr. Morrow is fincible and earnest, throwing an amount Of lite and energy into his remarks thip, if they do not darry conviction, leave.. an impres, sion in his favor on the, minds of his hear- ers. It is altogether likely that our towns- people will again have an opportunity of hearing both sides of, the question dis- missed, hefere the Act is•vOted on. aoitinaSpoitit. • • . DittEEs.—A: handsome monument to the memory of the late Thos. Moon has been erected in the cemetery here,' The river at this, place is ahnost dry, being lower than it was ever known to be bereft. Every available heed is new in the harvest field. Several availed themselves of the cheap trip to Port Stanelyeati Tuesday , The hard crowd spoken of in the NEw titA last week, in the persons of 1301110 Frenchmen with a bear and monkey show' have not struck this place yet, but we Were favored with a hare show of another hind, benign hat cleaner on .tramp, the wetst speeinian of humanity that over 'sttuck here; our hotel -keeper refused to give him liquor, to he did not like this place and 'gripped Out • The appointment at Summerhill is pick ing up an attendance, large congregations. being there at all services lately. 'The organ which was some time ago removed, has been replaced in the ehurell, and adds to the interest -of the eerViCeS. - The following persons were elected to represent the congregation on the official board of the Itattenbury St. Methodist , chureh, on Wednesday:—F. Rumball,Dta Williams, W. S. Perry, W. R. Lough, 'W. -1 S. Harland, John Collins, Thos. White. i Sacramental services of the Clinton Methodist church will be held on Sunday next. The love -feast will commence 'at 9,80 a.m., instead Of being held After the morning service, as usual. Rev. Mr.Gray will in in the morning, and Mr. Sal- ton n the evening, : The amount raised for general purposes on the Holmesville circuit of the-Metho. dist church for the year'ending 30th Juno last; Wks 4766; the several appointments 'contributed the following apaountsa.Ebe- neaer;$126 ; Hohnesville, $f02.50; Zion, , $68.25 ;''Sturdy's, $58:26; Sharon; -$121. Rev. W. Birks, of HOlmesville, rept 'With a painful accident last Friday. While standing on a step -ladder, pinking`cher- . ries, the ladder spread, throwing hini to the ground, and falling on his light hand, • he sprained it so severely that , he hen • since been compelledto carry it in a sling.' Next Sabbath being the third atwitter - nary of Rev. Mr. Craig's . pastorate of St. • Pattl'a church; he will preach sermons in keeping therewith, on that day. Mr. • Craig's labors here have been yery accept- able, and it is entirely. needless for us to. Bay that he is held in high eeteem.by all who *now him, 'tier outside of his own church. cirele.' , • •• • Word was reeisiVed• list' Week, ' stating • , that it *mild be impossible for Rev. Mr. Kennedy, the ..young'inati of HoTmegville Methodist circuit, to take any,w,ork.What- eVer until after •September.. • His medical adviser .states that itwould be dangerous... for h'i'mroEngage in palptt•work 111 his present.condition. . There is some.talk of Ebenezer church,. (a short .distance..west. of Londesboro) Which has been •connected with•Londes- bona 'Methodist clinrch. -Since the .union; .; • being Sold or closed' up.. •Some . faction: exists about the hour -of serviey,- and -several: !whit- attend there are SO situated that they can attend 'another church more conveniently. ' • Mr. • A. H. ,Drumm preached 'in •the . Rresbyterian, church On Sunday evening last. .%Ve are pleased to learn that be has . been engaged, for it time,: as assistant to Dr: Ure, of Rev. .Goderich, and enters upon hiswork at once." From personal acquaintance with him - we are able- to .heartilyrectirniitend him' to the. people of. Goderich; , and feei•corfident that he will- give t eiraentire.satisfitetton. A Meeting of the Guelph Conference • SpediAltceirrrnitteelltlethodist -church) was held. in.. Winghant, on Wednesday. It was decided, 'in view of the conference Action; that it Would not be prudent to make an effort to.. relieve embarrassed churches. this year; it was, . however, agreed that a collection shonldhe taken up throughout • the.entire 'conference for • the purpose oreeppleyeenting salaries of ministers who were placed on fields .of labor unequal to their siipport, and whoke • . eased could not be otherwise provided for: 'Zion Methodist Church (at -Taylor's' Corner's,..Goderich township) waS40rEntil . ty dedicated- on Thursday ot last,.week, by Rev. W. C. Henderson, President of the Confereimeanthepreached in tlie after- noon. An Me ere= fesiaval was held: in the evening w ieh Was well ettended, • considering the in. On Sunday ser- mons Were prealrM by Revs. Jet; -Gray and T. M. Camph . The amount real- ized .from the epee sefvtces, subscrip- tions, Sic., was $176; leaving about 140 to , bit•protided for, which will free the church from debt. The church is 'veneered brick. 2.1x88,' gothic in style, with- porch, .very neat in appearance, comfortably titi.sneu inside, 'andwill accommodate abut 150 persties. It was built by Mr.E. Sharman, who: took tho Whole contract, • and the ' trustee in stees;i .jaritaihtvery welleomprettiesofied. with the ' • The Lord's A raiy banquet on Tuesday: eight was it -complete • sueeese„ if a big crowd„in attendance eonstitutes is success. (bite te Dumber fr* other places . *ere. here to lake part, and entered into. the • proeeedings with all tlie earnestness Con- Cel'eable. Supper was served in thevouns ell chamber trete 6 o'clock, and the room was filled until it late hour... The pr00es4 • sion .Was headed by a banner, two large and three small' drums, and the . tunes were beat to double quick time. The 'at- tendance at the town hall was all the building could accommodate, notwith- standing that an admission fee WAS charg- ed, and If any one went out their place was gladly taken by others. From about p.m. to 11 o'clock, the time With token tfp with addresses and singing, Sorue . the addresses were very good, fie was also some of the singing, but -when About six tereboerinet; were vigorously used to "well the chorus," the scene Was inde- scribable. An intermission toot.' place until about 12.80 when the "all night ser. viee" commenced, stad cofitinued until 'about 5 a.m, It was considered it grand success by the friends of the army, and , will, perhaps give enlinpetus to the work. Many objected to the amount of noise that was mode nod the beating of the drums on the etreet fit .5 ti,111, Tho finer, dial results of the banquet we have tOf, learned.