HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-18, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA. FRIDAY, JULY 18, 3884, LOOA.I., NOTICES. ' • S.AW.f.YO.444earx,es- W. KITTsell. Oiligke-running .netsgeme Bewinv Afachine, iiia 'Oka £he la tf. FRUIT ,F014 -44,40 --Red, White, .0n4 Mack Curran,1fagtorrio,. etc., of the,fincot ierietees, for oak *op. .W 0. ag4.R.L14 Zen Vopt. AurtorE AsSIEEs.-The autumn sitting • of the assize court for this county will commence at Goderich, on the 22nd of September, before Chief Justice 'Wilson. This will be one of the most interesting ass;ze courts ever held in the reountY, from the fact that some of the cases to Ile Dried are notorious in their nature, among them being the Hunter rape ease, and the Beamiall manslaughter case. DIED IN THE WEST. --Our readers here will be very sorry to learn of the death of Miss Tena. Mann, "formerly 'erthis place, which opcurred at Denver, Colora- ilo, on the 1tt ot July, where he went, accompanied by her brother, about the lst of March, for the benefit of her health. Alter being there about a month she neared to grow weaker instead of stronger, and,lier mother was sent for, remaining till she died. She is the fifth in ithe family who haf•died of consumption be- tweeethe ages of 21 and 26. Dose TAxEs.-At an adjourned meeting of the town council on Monday evening, a by-law was passed levying a tax of $1 on dogs and $2 on bitches, and 25e Addi- tional for registration fees and a tag, the by-law to go into effect at once. This bY- law means -that all.degs.running at large must wear a collar' with tag attached, which tag indicates that the dog tax has been paid by the owner- of said dog, for the year. Owners of dogs not complying with the by, -law are suhject to a fine. • RATHER AwitWAltn.-:-A very modest and bashful married man was placed in • an awful predicament on Thursday night • last. He had retired to rest (though his • wife was up yet) and when the band pass- 'ke was tempted to get up and bear it, so without putting anymore clothing on he hurried to the fiont door, ' and. was taking in the sweet strains of musie, when a lady friend bolted into the house -WO -1'T, he could beat a retreat. Ile says that the best band in Canada won't get him out • again till he has got his clothes ob• . CLINTON'S Cr'xo HoirD.o.y..-In ac- cordance with the request of a large- ly .signed petition, Mayor Forrester' has appointed Tuesday, August the 5th, as the- civic holiday for this town. The only thing transpiring on this day,‘As far • as we know, is a cheap excursion .to To- ronto, the Grand Trunk Railway issuing tickets good for two days, at the very low rate of $1.50 for the trip: As the holiday occurs at a slack Season of the -year, a large number will doubtless take advan- tage of the occasion -to visit the Queen • City. • ONE of LIFE'S AEELICTIONs.-On day a middle-aged man passed through • Clinton., walking, whose peculiar condi- tion was the subject of coneiderablemorn- ment. Through a white -swelling he had lost the use of his left leg, froni, the 'knee downward, and hehad in ,iron frame strapped j the upper pertion a the leg, to which was attached a wooden support, by means of which he was able to walknt a moderate paee. He • was on his way from Hamilton to some 'friends in the vi- cinity of Goderich, and had walked all the way from Galt. He said he found' the farmers along the road very hospit- able and considerate, and he did -not allow his misfortune to cause him midi anxiety or concern. • BRIEVS.-A Very neat gilt sign for Cooper & Son has been placed in positio it is the work of Copp 4t Newmarch, pain era Mr. W. Ranee, of Mountain Cit Man., (son of Mrs. T. Rance,) has be quite ill. The Doberty Organ,00. ban serenaded all the councillors on Fria night,. who supported the resolution comma making there. a small grant. M W. :Jenkins, of the Huron road. left BOW new potatoes. on Friday that a equal krany we have yet seen. Mr. Pe Cole, sr., hasjust returned from a visit his son Michigan ; he reports the •crorr as looking remarkably_ well there. A•1 G. A- Cox. of Porter's Rill, last week se us a hasket of the finest cherries we ev seen ; this county has nt been regard as good fruit. county as others furth • est, but, samples like these show th Huron min produce as good fruit as an where else. It was by good manageme ot the lines, that Rev. Kenner pr vented his horse from running down on 011ie emigrants on rriclay evening th fellow appeared too bewildered -to -than hie danger. Mr. Tames Trow,. M. P., f South Perth, paid. a business visit to CU to on Friday, Walter Coats,. of. Tee water, late of Clinton, had a visit fro burglars one night last week; he sleep Over his store, and they went into his Ired room,. he recogniked one of the partie • and they decamped without taking much At the last regular convocation of Roya. Arch. liasons, in Termite, among the offi cera elected were R.gx, Comp: D. M. Mal Idbh, re-elected, Grand. Superintendent o aurora District, and R,Ex. Conip.R; Rad eliffe, (collector of Customs at Clinton, Grand Principal Sojourner. On Saturda J. McDonald was up before the Mayor o a aaige of lieing drunk and disOrderly .fined $3 .and costs. John from Bruce, was charged with being drunken contributed $5 to the town.treasu.ry ; Jona Shaw was up charged with' being one' o those who created a 'disturbance on a tral on thelst ofjuly, and was fined $1 an cests; B. Beattie was Cherged: With: as sault, and was also asseased• $1 and costs The Mayor, ota. ChiefConstable' Paisle have been kept tolerably busy during thi Month, in dealing With delinquents, and • have added considerable to the town tree eery. Miss Jennie Runt, of Stapleton, bas taken a situation in Toronto. On th lst of July a little girinamed Thenipsen, while rafting in the river, foolishly sat down in, the water in .her clothes,,And ha been laid uPever since with a serious at- tack of diptheria.; she is just now .oht o danger. Mr. James McFarlane; of Stan- ley, who recently visited..Bruce, statee that. there are numbers of farms there which :this year will • not support the smallest family ;. in many sections there has not been a -drop °tram since seeding, and Consequently .grain has not grown at all. Mr.W. G..Potte, of the express offiee, ie away ' for a: week's holidays. • Mr:. A. Bishop; M. P. E, for- South Huron,, is among . the witnesses summoned to give' • evidence before the bribery' coinmipaion, •which commenced its sitting On the 1,4th inst... The number of persons on -Clinton voters' list qualified:to act as jurors is 242; manyof those wohld he just as well pleas ed if.'they were not 'qualified. Persons ;who have friends .at Brantford, may ex- pect 'a visit from them on the 23rd, as there is an excursion from:that place to Goderich. -on that 'day.' Mrs.'. Ldthani, mother of Mrs: Morley, „has been very ill several.days, but is now out of tlanger. Mr. W. W. Ferran is building a brick stable at the 'tear of his residenee. • On• . Monday evening an Irish .woman amused 'ar.croW4-atDickson's.corner,by‘tleesening her tongue"•on them far seine 'imaginary •offence, and her language'was more ..for,- cible:than eloquent... We have this week to record the . death of Mrs. R. H. Call, whielroeeurred after .a short illness, on; 11/enday morning; decepeedwas. a delight- erof Clem Stanley, of Kinburn, (for- merly of Goderich .township) arid while in the northwest•with her hushand.,:contract-. ed a fever which never left her_ -SYstein ; a recurrence of this fever to • er with ilaknation.of the hings, was t e cause of lier. death; she'was a zealous •'ember of the Methodist 'church., and leaves two young children, the GoodJemplars ; of which body she was member, headed funeral procession.'Frank Mitehell, • of Woeristack,:is spending his holidays with old friends in this viemity. • Mr. J. Me- Garva, and his father-in-laW,Mr:Wallace; of Goderich, left here on Wednesday.; -on a • triple -the old country; they sail • by the Cireaarrian, of the Allatt Line. Mr.Buthh--• Toronto, nephew of Thom as Stevenson, is trying to. recuperate his 'health here. A. • gentleman : who visited Goderich this week says -that not only wait grass .growingin the streets of that little' place, but they are being used as a goose pasture, over one hundred'• of these are - tures being counted thereon ; some people - hold to the idea that there is. nothing but • geese in:the tOwn anyhow. A gentleman named McLaughlin, Of .Glasgow, is visit- ing friends here ; he expresses hiniself as exceedingly_well2pleased'with this coun- try.- Mr, Geo.' Cuningham, of Milled, .left here on Tuesday,' for ' the nerthwest: Mrs. S. Andrews and daughter are vial t- ing ,; relatives at Collingwood. • Miss Grew is visiting friends at Pickering. Mr; W. Ransford leav'esi his week for Boston. While riding at 'a 'rapid rate around the Dri..ving Park, on Tuesday eyening, Mr, Thos. Jackson,-ir, was thrown fm his bicycle,.being rendered insensible by the fall„ and the bicycle be- ing thrown nearly thirty feet; fortunately • he was Tiot hurt beyond theSevefe contu-• sion..he received. A fliers° belonging to. Mo. John Mooney ran away. on W edneS, day, throwing hitn (Mt on the road, and: breaking the -shaft of the buggy, Mr.. T. .Tackson, sr., expects to build three brielt stores on his Huron street' property this fall:. Mr. W. 11. Ransford has visited every town and village of importance in the county, on his bicycle. Mr, T. Jack.-' son leaves on a trip to Winnipeg in a few days. The. firm of Dunlop ett4Cnight bakers, has been dissolved', by the sudden disappearance of Dunlop, and the money. Qt firm, leaving ]night to meet the liabilities as best he can r• this Dunlop has no, connection 'whatever with the person of the same name Who runs the New Era Bakery," as they are two diatinet Per- sons, We had a friendly call froin seve- ral Datil:4f bicyclists en Wednesday, who aie on a week's outing, and were on their way to Goderich item which place they return to Detroit on rriday, riding by way of Bayfield, Exeter, Strathroy, Ste, The hay crop has been nearly all gather- ed, and was secured - in excellent order. - The Wanderers, of Clinton, played the school lies a stile teathers of whieh yfielderiCket Club, •onItrednesclay, and by place might justly be proud; •and that beaten. 7 •wieketaj Must sprithe up, boys. hey are doing good work is gamIttm. * yv nen we enhanced the retUrn `6f 16. 11 who give any 'attention to...educational__ T. n; en d, ay in rs, us re ter to nt er er at y- nt e- 6 ze s- s, 1 • , OLD TIMEns.-Mr. Young and wife, from the State of Connecticutare visiting 61d friends in this neighborhood. In the • year 184$ he settled on the farm now owned by Mr. Thos. Farquhar, -5th eon.. of Hullett, living there for sometime; and afterwards selling it and removing east. • He thought the county of Huron, and Clinton in particular, had made Wonder- ful progress. Mr, James Maxon, of Eg- mondville, •renewed his subscription to the Naw ERA on the 12th ; while here he stated that he had been in Clinton 61 years ago, at which time it'consisted of one log building ; he expressed the opin- ion that Clinton was deitinecl to he the leading place of the county, whether it' became the county town or not. MODEL Scnom-On Friday forenoon closing exercises took place in the primary and next division of the Model sebool, the various classes being eXatained as to the progress made during the past half year. The children, by the readiness of their answers, and their cheerfulness and vivacity, gave proof of the good manage- inent of the teachers, In the afternoon the children assembled at the school house, then marched in file to the town hall, where they had arranged to go through.a programme of dialogues, recitations and singing, the two primary .divisions net taking part on this occasion. With scarcely ,an exception, all genie& out their part of the programme with ' great credit to themselves, and as each co/mind- ed they were rapturously applauded. After the programme was finished by the children, Dr. Williams, chairman of the school board; took the platform, and in- vited several of the ratepayers present to join with him in presenting the prizes which had been provided for the several successful pupils. After the prizes had -all been disposed of a resolution of thanks to Mr. Thos. Jackson, it., and 1Vliss Greig was unanimously passed,'far their efforts in carrying gut the singing part of the programme so successfully, they having devoted considerable time efficiently training the children. There WAS .only one thing to regret in connection with this really pleasing entertainment, and that was that there were so few parenta and guardians present, These that were" there were not only delighted, but they' gave a stimulus to the children and en- couragement to the teachers. If the peo- ple of Clinton wish their schools to fulfil their highest, purposes they 111114 net neglect their duty of encouraging both teachers 4 pupils by an occasional visit to Eie ls, and attendance at exami- • 71Ali ens an similar entertainments to the above mentioned« The Clinton Mo - 1 •• matters, •. Chas. Avery, of Stanleylast week, we omitted to state that he 'brought back a wife in the person of lilissMilne, of Mains Drumixture, Scotland; this example may have a -good effect on, his brother Jelin. Mr. Robt. Callender, who has been teach- ing in West Williams, is visiting here ; rumor states that be intends to carry off some day WA a nmstestimable young lady of town -AO wonder he looks so haRP1'. oCept."Driseoll, for 20 years on the G.T.R. here, has severed hisconneetion therewith ASKS A Lata, -On Tuesday Mr. Geo. Jackson, of Egmondville, made, an inform- al request for a loan from the town of Clinton, of 0,000, without interest, for ten years. ..He stated that if the loan was granted, a joint stock company would be formed to run the woollen millghere, the company to raise $10,000 additional. He wanted a special meeting of the council called, that, the matter might be consider- ed at once, but was informed that they would consider a written application only, and such he did not put in. number of the leading ratepayers who were spoken to, on the subject, strongly objected to anything of the kind, while a few others were favorable to the preposition, What will be the outcome ot this, of course, we cannot say, XXCURSION TO TORONTO — The only, excursion that Will this season lithe place to Toronto, at the low rate or $1.50 hm the round tri -for two days—wIll be on Tuksonr, tirit op Auousr, This Will positively be the eheapest trip of the season. See advertisement in an- other column. . 111111101.91111111111b... LOCAL. CHURCH CHIMES There will be preaching in the meeting room, Rattenbury street, on Sunday next, atIlev. aa(17,113: mdeponald, 4 Seaforth, and Rev. A.. Stewart, Clinton, exchanged p111.. pits on Sunday last. Presbyterian Sabbath School picnic at Goderich to -day. That of the Methodist schmoeoelserr Tuh.uitritadeaey, B. yand W. Jackson have raised over $100 towardsthe erection of iron fences for St. PAW'S church lot, • Rey, Mr. Salton will preach at Holmes- ville next•Sunclay evening, at Summerhill in the morning, at 1O.0, and at Ebenezer at 2,3Q p, m. The )Lord' e Army made "a big spread" inprocessien. on Saturday night; being joined by large numbers . from Sertforth, and other places, - 'There is some talk of the Sunday ser- vice at the London road Methodist church being discontinued, but nothing definite has been decided upon, • Rev. Mr, Tupler, of. Dungannon Me- thodist church, is entirely unable to take his work, owing to a paralytic stroke, and • temporary arrangements will be made for • the supply of his work, until such time as he is able to resume it. Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr.Renner, • his pulpit on Sunday evening was 'filled by Rev. Mr. Salton., Although this gen. tleman has onirbeen in town a few weeks, the'has become generally popular with all classes, bis sermons so far leaving a very favorable impression upon his hearers, $1.5,000 WORT'FI —OF— • • • • • 'Books, Stationery, 'Fancy :Goods, Jewelleryi. Silverware,. Bibles, Albums, Haffimocks, Pocket, Books', Ladies Satchels, Wall .Paper, Cigars; Pipes, • Baskets. Croquct -'sets Balls. ike.. WILL BE ,• • • . . • , • , : • • D AT BIG RBDUOTI0NS! o as to clear out the stock iieforeratock4aking in August. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODy. 08IR/±0. .35io3KBOW. HE BIG 200 We )014 show this week a. case of adios and Children's Collars, Boukhf for less than the cost of. manufacture ALSO .40 se of Embroideries , Away Down in Price Wiseman, THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. • • Is *famous for hi* Great . . Display of • ' • 118,ASSOPtINi.is the. Igge81; • .• • 111 111.0 C011,11tYs Our GREAT SPECIALTIES in Men's Felt Hats at 5,0c., 75c., and $1, have had a larger run than ever this season, and thetsgterwithout doubt, THE CHEAPEST GOODS ever offered in Huron. .• oy s STRAM WOJR9111-1 35e, Hats ots of fast4 Our great UNLAUNDRIED 'WHITE SHIRT at 75c. Cheapest Shirt yet offered. W. JACKSON,. Av.{ 'The. Vsionnioitti4 Uatter, Clinton • • : n , y -•- y:- V, .1. y• V, , u y • • ,, • .a.pC80,1\7" CLOTHING • you Suitof • , BUY :ONE..:111rOW: We are; 0: ering" .th0 balance of iSipring ion-4.:morioier.8tOok at lower prices than we have ever done before sinoe bei�ry in 414$PtteSS • • can and see what kind of a Suit • we can giie yot. for $13. See what-we'kive you for $15. See what we can give you for $17 At the above prices we are offering BEAVTIFIJI, SCOTCH TWEEDS that are werth•froin $4 to $43 more a Suit, ii••••*.nr • We have a large assortment left of all kitulsof LIGHT MATS, WIIITE VESTS, &e. • THOS. JACKSON 8 SON, •• CLINTON • •