HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-18, Page 6A ,mprgos OREAP CONFESSION'
NO TO the Itery 01 Ow 111141111Ps Illirdtr, li
Width Sk� Itlibled.,
A detloatola from -Ionia, Micah., eayEr
Sheriff Derrick retried irom Edmore
lazing*, with him the body of Soott, the
Murderer and mioide. Au inqueet was
held after the arrival of the antler. At it
MO. Vanderburg made a (tinplate confes-
sion, implicating both hermit and Scott in
the oold.blooded murder of her husband.
She stated that the awful deed had been
committed on the night of April 20th.
Vonderburg came into the house, and not
being offered &Mat sat down on the oor.
The wife had some impatient worde with
her husband about the children, and
the quarrel Was continued till Soott,
tOce became incensed, and ' suddenly
dealt Vanderburg several blows on
the head with a club, causing death almost
inetantly. The two, Mrs. Vanderburg and
Scott, then took the murdered man by the
heels, dragged him out of the house and
wage the yard until an old well was
reeghed, into which the lifeless body was
pitched head first. Scott filled up the well
wtili'dirt and rubbish, went to bed, and it
is itippbeed fell asleep. Hispartner in the
crime eat up taillight. The mother of Mrs.
Vanderburg is under arrest as well BB her
daughter, but she denies all complicity in
the murder. Vanderburg's body was
buried at Edmore yesterday, and there is
great excitement there and threat e of
lynching the woman are heard.
Engaged to Marry Pleven Girls, he Steals
to Keep up Itis
A Londcin-f Ont., telegram says: A young
man who has been painting the town red
for some time has at lad come . to grief.
He was employed ha a monetary, institu-
tion and spent money freely, giving out
that he was in receipt of a, handsome
salary. His extravagance came to the ears
of the manager of the inetitution, who on
investigation found that he had been
spending money to the extent of.
five Ulnas the amount of his salary. This
Made the ma4ger suspicious, and by
keeping a strict watch he, ascertained that
the young fellow had been in the habit of
pilfering from the till 9,9 much as §10 at a
time. On being accused of the thefts, the
clerk owned up to everything and signed a
written ootifession, leaving town on fifteen
minutes' notice. After the fellew had gone
•the manager commenced lookingthrough
hie. drawers, and in one found a lot of
cuffs, collars and a big bundle , of love
letters. Reading the lettere, he found that
the y,pung man had been corresponding
with no less than seven girls -two in
Vittoria, Ontario; three in Pontiac,
Michigan, and two in London South.
To all of them he was engaged to be
married. The letters domed that he
bad been giving jewellery to the girls in
Vittoria and Pontiace_and to one of them,he
had promised to send money to come mid
meet him. The Manager wrote to these
girls and also to their parents, informing
them that the jewellery was purobeeed
with stolen inoney, and telling them if they
turned it over their letters Would be re-
turned intact. In response he got three
rings, a watch, and a promise that Smother
ring would be returned as soon as one'cif the
Pontiac girls could be communicated with
by her sister. Albert Griffith is the name
of the youth, and, he wasin the employ of
the English Loan Company.
The Jury Believe in his Stories Regard..
ing Leading Dublin Men With Name..,
less Offences. . . •
A Dubhn cablegram says: The jury to-
day rendered a verdict for Mr. William
O'Brien, in the suit for 26,000 damages for
libel, brought against him by Setiretary
Cornwall, of the Dublin. P. O., for an
article charging him with namelese offences
against decency. • The Judgeoccupied
three hours in summing up the case, and
his charge to the jury was greatly in falter
of the plaintiff.. The jury . was absent one
hour and a half. Cornwall atel O'Brien
both were present. Soon . after the trial
your correspondent aatv • O'Brien at his
hotel. He said: "1 have been oonfident
throughout this trial that I Would • win ;
but now I naturally feel elated. It is
glorious to have been enabled te expose the
odious gang who have degra,ted this beauti-
ful city of Dublin by bestial .crimes.'
Your correspondent aim had a brief inter--
viewthMr-Cornwall. ,He is a large,'
distinguished.looking• then of About 65, and
his hair and beard are Almost .completely
white. He seemed astonished, dazed and
crushed by the verdict, • and deolared
repeatedly that he"wite innocent. . He said
that the jurors were all friends. of O'Brien,
and that he would at once move to have
the .verdiet set aside and a newtrial
• .
A teRteoeC milt.
Child Saved trom Drowning by His Eight-
year-old Brother.
A Red Bunk (N.J.) despatch says: An
instance of heroism seldom seen in 'a young
person is related of the 8.Year old, Ran of
Thomas Wise, a maimed ,veteran of, the
late war, and who himself beciame arbero,
several year(' ago by saving a long excursion
train from being daehed from the high
bridge spanning the Shretilibury River at.
this point. The boy and a younger' brother,.
who is about 3 years old, were .out on tho
Shrewsbury River, when the latter fell
overboard. The elder boy 'attempted to
grasp his brother and draw him into Cie
boat, but, finding that irap'occeible, he
plunged boldly into the river and' rescued
the little fellow just as he was going .down
for the last time.
A Policeman Dliposes 'ot Tvvelve DIshe
and is Dying in Hospital.
Fifty-one =bribers of the Church of the
Covenant, Brooklyn, made up a picnic party
at Prospect Park on Saturday. It was a
very exolusiVe affair aid included a number
of well-known fernlike. After a bountiful
lunch a geed thinge, 40 members of the
party Ate freely of icie cream, and in less
than 20 minutes after they were all writhing
in agony on the grass, while the Park ambu.
legit hurriedly gathered up a dozen physi-
cians and took them to the sufferers. The
policeman detailed as a guard to the party.
ate 12 dishes of the cream, and be is now
dying in the Yrospeot
-What is claimed to be a valuable rust
protector is among the recent German
inventions. It consists of ordinary oil
paint mixed with 10 per dent. of burned
magnesia, baryta or arc:Intim, as . well as
mineral oil. Thie neutralizes the free acid
of the paint, old the alkaline reaotion pre -
toots the iron from rust.
Boat COP.Dtear DitrWtting Three Chilitresa
Turd Save0 Xenon by Ciellahog
so the Boat all filaillat
A Detroit despatch says:: A terrible
disaster vamped on the river! near Sand-
wich Springs, on Sunday evening, in which
three Moons were drowned, and One bad
a thrilling experience, oliogiug to a mall
boat for twenty hours before being rescued.
News of the aceident'did not reaolithe city
until last night. Sunday evening a 12 -year
oldgiel, Mary Money, went over to the
epringe in company with another girl
named Millie Beech, aged 18. After
arriving there they took a walk, and ma4e
the acquaintance of two boys aged 17 and
18, The boys invited them to take a -ride
in a hmall boat. They accepted the invita-
tion, and eller they had been on the water
a short time three of the party went
down to death. The boys pulling the oars
evidently did not notice the approach of a
steamer. The email boat caught in the
heavy wells and Wail capsized. Millie
Bosch sank to rise ne more. One of the
boys eank soon after, and the other
attempted to catch hold of the small boat,
but could not reach it and drowned. Bliss
Blaney, after struggling in the water some
time, eucceeded in reaching the boat, which
was rapidly floating down the stream, and
crawled on the overturned boat. Het
experience was moat remarkable. During
the lonkhight which followed she made a
heroic' struggle for life. There wee no one
within reach who could render any assist*
anoe, and the was too far from ober° to
enable her cries for help to be heard. She
balanced herself on the bottom with her
feet hanging over one side and her arms
on the other. In this position she lay
two hours'when a heavy WaVO washed
her off. The boat was tweed aboulain
the water, and she was washed off, but
she managed to reach it again, and again
climbedon the bottclin. About midnight
ateamere' smells again washed her off and
although nearly exhausted she succeeded
in catching hold of a rope attached to the
boat, to whioh ohe clung until:Potomac]. The
boat drifted to weeds in front of the rest,
clone° of Joseph Duroobes a farmer living
at Petite Cote, where it became fastened.
The girl cried feebly for hop, which at-
tracted the attention of Duroohis at work
about the premises about 2 o'clock.
When he heard the ory from the water,
he first thought it came from his chil-
dren, wee were in the habit of playing
on the river bank, and, feeling no appro.
henaioo, he paid but little attention. An..
other ory was soon after heard, when he
made an investigation. On' going to the
river he found the girl still clinging to the
rope, and set out to rescue her. She was
very weak, and-badto be supported to the
house, where she was oared for. After she
recovered sufficiently to be able to speak,
she told the farmer her terrible experience,
and what happened during the ,previous
night. She mid she did not know the boys
with whom she and her friend went out
boating, but was positive they were
drowned. The girl was quite comfortable
last night,' and returned home this morn-
ing. Up to a late hour last night none of
the three bodies had been recovered. The
boat was nearly in Mid -stream when cap-
sized. A singular feature of the dieaster ia
that it was not„witnessed by any one, and
nobody knew anything ofit until after the girl,
wee rescued. She saye she tried to hail a
passing steamer during the night, but was
not noticed. ,
A Madman attacks the Altar, "MOPE'
• Himself Almoit Naked and Smasisteli'
**Mpg. Generally. ,•
' A • London cablegram says : '" London-
derry, Ireland, is greatly exeited over the
most , scandalous affair which has yet
dropped outfrom the Orange national
-feuds: During vespers in one of the Catho-
lic churches and while the priest --was
chanting the Magnificat, a man wild with
'excitement entered the church door and
yelled at the top of his strong voice, 'Look
out, your— pcipiets.% Then he ran with.
all his might down the centre aisle, howl-
ing and coming as he went. He reached the
sanctuary rail before any of the frightened
people could intercept him. With a bound
he passed over the rail ,and ran up the
steps to the altar. Thie he attsoked
and succeeded in breaking to fragments
the benediction Omit standing outside the
tabernacle. He then leaped on the altar
and cursed the people and priests. Dis-
,robing himeelf of his coat, vest and pante,-
loons, he danced upon the altar and then
snatched up the Communion oloth and tore
it to tatters with his teeth. The edene in -
the church was one of -terrible exeiteraent,
and during the panic several women
swooned. Finally the officiating priest and
several of the men reoovered their self-
poseession and rushed upon the intruder.
He was hurled from the altar, and would
have been torn limb from limb but for
the interference of the priest. 'The, man
made a desperateiresistanoe,- and was not
overcome until some police arrived and he
was handcuffed. He had taken sudh a firna
hold with his teeth upoh the Communion
cloth that it had to be out away from his
mouth. It was aseertained that he Was of
weak, mind, and had become hopelessly
demented during the recent exciting poli -
teal events in Derry. He was removed to
an agylum.
flexwEa Rueter.
How a Il1uch41arried Ilan 'Attempted to
Escape IMMO 11148%1IttplUB Wives.
A Richfield Bpringe (N.Y.) despatch says:
George Crocker is nordead. At a public
house to -day at Three Mile Point, Otsego
Lake, were a large humber of guests from
Richfield Springs, and during converse.
tion with the host about George- Crocker,
who was supposed to have tied ti,..large
boat anchor to his leg and, jumped over-
board into the lake, a statement was made
by a stranger, suppoeed to be Walter Liv-
ingstone, hie companion in the boat, to the
effeot that the supposed suieide, having
three wives mod expecting a lively time in
a few days, hired Livingstone to cross the
lake in a boat with bun at dark and re-
turn late in the evening with the story
Of the euioide. The statement that he
left four letters is verified, but it is ins-
poseible to verify the story of the spioide,
as the lake at the place pointed out bY
Livingstone is over three hunneed feet deep.
Great efforts have been made to find the
body of Crocker, five boats having been
employed in dragging the lake. The Me*
of the stranger, who refused to give his
name'is that Crocker, who has for some
time been expecting wives Nos. 2 and 3,
decided to have a plausible etorietold of
his act and hired this man to tell A, The
stranger was slightly intoxicated vilien he
told the BO*. Croaker evidently did net
jump into the lake, as repoited, but was
rowed norms by Livingstone' and left on
the opposite side, whence he camped Into
the country. Every effort will be made to
verify the Wry of the suicide by the RM.
field Springs and Sharon Sprnage &Whorl -
New York was a BlaVe State until' July
4th, 1827. On that day all Plans then in
the State beanie free. •
NIX nillikaiNIS LONG.
Each WhJs i'veouty Thousand flasks
liswilhadt ta lane the Sturietem.
" They fish with lines six miles long in
Winnebago Lake,Wisoonein and use twenty
thousand hooks on every him," mad* New
'Cork flehernaan who has been therei " and
if they don't haul "up two thousand Rah
every time they ea it indifferent luck.
And every fish will weigh from twenty to
seventy pounds. ThaVe the way they fish
for 'Surgeon out there,
"One of theme lino will reaoh half way
across the lake. It is a rope an inch in
diameter. It ie carried out in the lake,
large buoys being attached to hat Intervale
to keep it on the surface, The twenty
thousand heoke, baited with Pieces of Most
or Ash, are lowered to the bottom of the
lake by 0 onoode of the proper length,
'Method to the line. It takes twenty boats,
with two men in each, to look after this
big Ash line. Eaola boat has one thousand
hooks in Ha chargee The hooka are
placed eighteen inches apart, and to bait
all the hooks once requires not lees than
one thousand pounds of meat. It takes the
forty men and twenty boats ten hours to
set the line for the first time. After that
the fishermen are constantly employed in
going to and fro over the line, hanling In
the sturgeon that have been oaught on the
hooks and rebaitieg where it is necessary.
"To haul in a seventy -pound othrgeon
from the bottom of the lake is an exciting
pieoe of work, but requires more strength
than skill, as the llell always has the hook
several inches down his throat, having
sucked the bait and all down without any
regard to consequences. There is nodanger
of losing the fieh unitise the snood or the
hook break% When the �rh.is hauled ,to
the surface a gaff, like a meat -hook, is
thrust into the side of its head, andthe
sturgeon is drawn into the boat and
knocked in the head with a mallet. The
hook is out out of its throat, rebaited and
thrown back into the lake.
"The average catch of sturgeon is one
every ten hooks. When a boat is loaded
with all it will carry of sturgeon, the fibber -
men row back to the shore, where °there,
take the fish and dispose Of them. The
fishermen know 'the particular seetions of
the line on which they work by the arrange.
ment of he buoys'. These are placed ten
feet apart, and every, 150th one is red.
The ewe between Jim red. buoys con-
tain one thomand hooks. The sec-
tions are numbered, and each boat
has its number corresponding with the Bee-
, floe it fishes. While -floe average °atoll ia
-line sturgeon to ten hooks, it is no unoom-
mon thing for the fishermen to find but one
or two on an entire Election of one thousand
" The Lake Winnebago sturgeon ie highly
Prized among the lumbermen and other in
the region. Its ileth is finer and of better
flavor than the salt water stiargeon's. The
lieh hells for 6 cents a pound at retail.
Large quantities are salted and smoked,
for sole in the lumber camps."
Books and Authors.
The trustees of the British Museum have
just purchased Milton's Bible. It (=tains,
in the poet's handwriting, the dates of the
birth of his children• .
General Gordon's letters, papers and
fragments, which Mr. W. H. Mallook is
preparing for the peat itisee of the Fors -
nightly .Reviero, are reported to be very
interesting. •
The memoirs of the late Imbed Moffat,
the African missionary and traveller, are
:being prepared by his only surviving sop,
Mr. John Smith Moffat, now residing at
Graham's Town, South Africa.
Thegerman Government, now that the
official narrative of the war of 1870-71 is,
completed, and in order that the people
may better' understand.the history of the
concentration of their natitm from it
military point of view, have determined to
prepare an official chronicle of the story ot
The Ware of Frederick the Great." Thif
'work is to be carried on under the super-
vision of Count Von Moltke.
. .
Murder Sentences in Eugiaed.
• In the year 1881 twenty-four persons
were sentenced to death for the crime of
murder in England and Wales: In 13
Cases the sentences were commuted -11 to
penal servitude for life and 2 to confine-
ment at Breadline:ix. In 1882 the capital
sentences numbered 22 114 of the criminals
were'exeouted, 6 are undergoing penal ser-
vitude for ,life and 2 are at Broadmoor.
Last year 23 persons received sentence of
death ; 5 of theee sentences were commuted
to penal servitude for life, 2 to removal to
Broadh000r, and in one cage the death
peealty was conimuted to ten years' penal
servitude. The ages ef the persons sen-
tenced ranged from 14 to 70, the former
being the age cf Margaret Measenger, who
is now undergoieg penal servitude for life,
and the latter that of Charles Gerrish, who
was executed on the 301h of January., 1882.
. •
shaker Inventions.
Mort than hall ¢ury ago the Shakers
first originated -the drying of sweet corn
for food, and they first raised, papered and
vended garden seeds in the present. styles.
From their first• methods of preparing
medicinal roots and. herbs for market
sprung the immense pitteniSedioine trade.
They began the broom -corn business. The
first' buzz saw was qinadedby the Shaker
at NetteLsbation. , The Shakers invented
metallio pens, first Made of brass and
silver. All; distilled liquors were aban-
doned as a beverage by the Shakers sixty
years ago, and during the past forty pima
no fermented liquor of any sort has been
used except as a medicine.' , Pork and
tetra= are ale° numbered eiriong the " for-
bidden articles." Though the Shakers are
'bob strict vegetarians, the amount Of meat
and grease used as food is reduced to it
, Royal Menageries. ,
The popularity of raenageries has always
been great, Yet they Were formerly the
luxury of princes. *In Russia, for instance,
150 yenta ago, the grand menageries at Bt.
Petersburg were kept solely Id the court.
Many of the animals were caught alive to
be need at the hunting festivitiee'of the im-
perial court. The Empress Anna Ivanovna
was passionately fond of hunting; the
kept 319 houndeand was a capital shot.
On one moasion (Aug. 26th, 1740) she killed
1 wolf, 4 wild boars, 9 stage, 16 turkeys,
374 rabbits, 68 duck, and several large
herons -a magnificent bag even for an
empress. The humerotia elephants in her
menagerie were expelosive pets, for they
were on sugar, butter, wheaten flour,
wine and salt. One of . them requieed a
large daily portion Of brandy, and the
keepers were sent to Siberia If a aingle gill
was abstracted from the elephant's portion.
Me. H. Irving has engaged for the
Lyceum Company Vise Rose Leolereq, an
excellent actress, with whom the play -going
public will gladly ream acquaintance.
Miss Leolereq will also join the company
on ,their tour with Mr. Irving to the United
States and Canada.
"1870 is the title of a new play seemed
by Mum Ada Cavendiehr and with which
she propose to make a feature An her tour,
which ebe will commence in USIA.
Tatra *ad War Pawnee -Same add
The Edmonton (N. W. T.) Bulletin, of
Juno 14th, NIS :„ *0 0-pe-ta-quan, or the
Pound's eldest daughter, was very siek
last winter with lung complaint, and at
one Unit' was not expeeited to receiver.
Her tether, in order that her life might lie
spared, vowed to make a dance n honer or
the Thunder God or bird. Thie dance
commenced Thursday evening of legit week
and was kept up till Saturday at euneet.
Pound was direeter ; his daughter book no
aotive part in the cerelliontee, not hang
strong enough yet. There were between
sixty and iieventy families present, some
coming from Egg Lake, Victoria Bear Hill
and other points, also it number of the re,
doubtable Big Bear's men -in all about
forty-two tents. The dancers numbered
twenty women and eight men. There
were six clitunomere, Dal3413g was
kept up Thursday and Friday, night
and day, unomeingly, without anything of
note occurring, On Saturday Tongue
MOH was hung pp to, the centre pole, as
also was Ts..koots, of Pa-pas-ta-yo's band,
and sumeeded in brealciug loose, Tongue -
master also had two guns tied to his HOU
by cords through the akin and creased on
his back, with which he danced till he
shook them loose: About 6 o'clock Satur-
day evening speeches were delivered by,
Wape-ta-quan, ;or Whitehead, Ma-me-na.
wika, Pa-pas.ta.yo Pound. Shtning Elbow
and others. The first -mentioned said they
were poor now, but the Good Spirit still
remembered them, andthese danoee were a
good thing to bring them more directly
under His notice. Shining Eibiiw wished
the Indian agent to show hie affection for
them by giving them something to eat.
Ma-ine-na-wa-ta, wished the white men to
-give money or provisions, go that the old
and poor pight have a feast after the
dame was over. After the speeches
were • concluded ,Pa -pas -tis, of Big
Bear's band, attended by twelve
warriors, clad for the Dion • part in
nature's veStmenth, fantasticially orna-
mented with paipt and feathers, numbed
to the tent to the MUBi0 of drums, sleigh
bells and fire -arms. ThlaY formed a oirole,
around the piles and began it war dance,
whink resembles the famed Red River Jig,
except the noise; A more perfect repre-
eentation of pandemonium cannot be
imagined ; the leader going around shooting
off hie rifle and the rest dropping down one
by one as eaoh shot, representing the. men
he had killed in battle. Each of the twelve
apostles told of his valiant deeds, amid loud
ones of approvalfrom the onlookers. One
old buck had his daughter brought out-, and
she danced on his blanket in, his honor.
Numerous presents were thrown into the
ring, whieli were distributed by. Pound.
Pa-pas-ta-yo told his equew to bring in a
horse, which he presented to the noble
lady, Big Mary Ann. He gave an account
of his brave motions, the principal being the
killing of seven Blaokfeet in one battle a
few years ago. Others of the braves made
speeches of similar import.
Sad Death of a Scientific- Investigator.
Binghamton, N. Y., was disturbed on
Sunday at the church -going hour by the
crash of an explosion that threw windoW
sashes andglacie e,oress the street. 'Paha°.
men &eked -to Firemen's Hall, the some
of the explosion, where Professor H. A.
Clum was..19und dead upon the floor, which
, was strewn with the debria of °hairs, it de-
molished etove and his gas-feherating ap-
paratus. He had been generating oxyhy..
drogen gas for use in a stereopticon exhi-
bition - that • he was to give in the
Baptist Churoh onSunday evening, and the
stopcock to the gas being turned off, and
unnotieed by him, the explosion occurred,
bemuse there was no room to store the
gas except in the heater. The right side of
his face was crushed in, and he Was killed
instantly. Rev. Dr. Haynes, whose °hutch
he was to ocenipy this evening, on hearing
-of the 'explosion had the preliminary ser-
vices conducted by a layman until he could
view the seem, •and, then returned and
preached an eloquent Barmen upon the ace
oident. .
Professor Clum claimed to be the in-
yentor of the machines now used in the
signal service of tne United States for reg.
istering meteorological observations, and
considered himself the father of the science
ih this country. Mr: Clum's ottani was
adopted under Chief Morey,who, he claimed,
agreed to make the ip-overnment remuner-
ate him largely for his patents. Mr. Morey
died and Clum has never beep able to get
the present Administration to prop-
perly interest Heell in getting him
the royalty that he says. he
W9•9 to have; consequently 'he con-
tinued his study of science until he
perfeoted an instrument which is • in the
hall here on 'exhibition, and which, he
claims, is a vast maprovemen t ovei anything
ever used and has often foretold the
approach of storms. This, he averred,
would perform the whole signal service
-business of this Government with the help
of 25 men, where 1,500 are now employed
at a large expenee, thus saving over 21,000,-
000 annually to, the Government. He
travelled in Germany, France and England,
to perfnerhir-leilo-w-leergia of meteorological
mince, and held British lettere patent for
important inventiens.• •
East Living, !Speedy Endiog.
That our financial methods result- itt
over -cerebration and•nervoue exhaustion is
a painful fact universally recogniaed. We
sleep too little, eat too hastily and , keep
ourselves on the verge of financial 'delirium
tremens all the time. There is 1OSS serene
enjoyment and less of really healthy exer-
cise in tbe career of the Amerioan merchant
than in that of the ordinary hod -carrier.
Our bueiness life is characterized first by
reatleambes, then by reoklessness and last
by a premature decay of physical energy.
The race for wealth keeps US strung to' the ,
highest tension every day, and when any-
thing unusual moure the strings snap sud-
denly, and there is nothing left us but "six
feet of mother earth. We can hardly be
called sebaPPY people, and very seldom do
we thoroughly enjoy_the Money we make,
To our mind it is a serious question, 'Dom
it pay ?-N. l, Telegram.
The Meteor Bursts.
The recent meteor appears to have been
rather too close to Belleville for domfort, it
having NUM when over the northweetern
part of that eity. The intelliginter says t
Pieces fell in the Coleman flat, where some
bays wen. playing (Weise, and Borne of
those fragmente ware eickei up. 'ionic' of
which are in poesession o Ald. Davis and
Dr. Bell. Mr. ,Tames Byrne, maohinist at
J. M. Walker ck Co.'s, also found a piece aB
large as a mart's hand near the city limits,
and of this we have emnt. a small portion.
The material is that of which mob beam
are usually canoed, bamely iron and
other materials Weed by every strong heat.
The „death is announced of Miss -Sarah
Garrick, a pensioner of the Royal Drained°
College, who olaimed reletionehip with the
great David.
4111A6011*1flailli Oft 01111SOL1* f
Iftensairlusalle Vests Performed ller the
44iftaiPIOSIC OM.
A Saturday night's despatch fr002_,,,__N,,fw
York fkiityli Tito RIblige W4uill.F°
Theatre looked for a time this afternoonas
if a °Moue had etruck Hall a dozen
men swinging te. Me chair Welk CaPilia)ng
spinet theiipthleitere on th9
UPAttilig flfraituret and ?lunging wijdly
thrfu8h**130 491MM% Pga gtiffnli
the alleged us =patio girl," was
at the bottotn • of the - storm. A
spore- of golenin-looking men sat
in a minetrel.like circle aroundthe stage
waiting for the phenomenon. The girl is a
fair type of the middle -claw young lady
of the far South.* Above the medium
height, magnificently formed, apparently
without an mime of superfleue ileeh abont
her, ehe would be taken for an atblete,.buir
for the' soft, peaohy complexion. Her
hauds are rather large and the wrist and
foreerra are beautifully moulded and
thoroughly developed, A olose-fitting
bleak Folk dress made the girlish
fatie look older than the 16 years
she pleads guilty to, but the fluffy bangs
that strayed down ever the fair forehead
served mean offset to the too mature dreee.
Her manners are as pimple as those of any
farmer's daughter, and the high keyed tone
has &plaintive cadence peouliar to country
villages, Throughout the experiments aloe
laughed 111 a good-natured way as though
the entire affair wog a huge joke.
The " phenomenon's" . r> manager an.
wowed that the force exerted by
the girl was inexplicable, and then
called for an umbrella. The owner of the
umbrella rained it and stood under it with
the young lady. Both had hold of the han-
dle. The borrowed umbrella yanked itself
downward, hit the owner under the ear,
pounded about the head, and finally as he
struggled to bold it steady passed him over
before a dozen grave -looking editors and
landed him in an ash heap just off the Meg°.
To the onlookers it seemed as though
the phenomenon was pushing the man
around by force' of muscular, strength.
Several muscular men tried to hold it
billiard cue, but the athletic maiden was
too much for them. A 200 -pound scientist
sat down upon it ohair•'Wise Hunt Placed
the palms of her hands against its sides
and lifted WM clear off the floor. As the
chair began to rise the observer could
not fail to note how the fine muscles
in:the forearm grew rigid and stood out in
little cords. Half a dozen men tried in
vain to press to the ground a chair which
eke held aloft. Back and forward oyer the
stage they ethiggled, but she was too strong
for them and mine out victorious. The
young lady up to eight months ago lived in
the back woods in the most benighted part
of Central Georgia. The girl is extremely
pretty and seems honest in her -inability to
explain her power.
Pearls ot Great rile°.
The most expensive collection of pearls on
record is that evened by the Countess of
Dudley, which is far more valuable than
the celebrated, pearls belonging to the
Queen. The Countess has a coronet of
pearle. The top is composed of pear-
shaped pearls. There is a very large one
in the centre, and the others are graduated
in size down to the mealiest. In order to
get them) pear-shaped pearls in the requi-
site sizes and • colors ' the jewellers were
obliged to buy mob an enormous quantity
of pearls that when the famous necklace
was completed, with ear -rings, brace-
lete, brooch and finger -ring , to
match, they had £76,000 worth of
odd pearls left. A pair of matched
pear-shaped pearls, weighing 110 grains;
were recently sold for £1,250. When the
Princess Royal of Engtand married
IP aced& William of Prussia she received
a necklace of; thirty-two pearls costing
222,000. In 1789 the French government
possessed pearls valued et 250,000. One
that 'weighed 108 grains was valued at
£9,000. Two that were pear-shaped were
valued at £14,000. The black pearls bring
very high prime at present, but genuine
pearls may be bought that are white, pink,
or grey. The peouliar color whieh is called
pearl is a aort of transparent drab. There
is at present a greater demand for pearls,
as there is, in fact, for all kinds of jewellery,
than there has been known for a long time.
The , plentifulness cif imitations • does not
appear to destroy the value of the genuine
artiole. ,
. . •
Pinkerton and Fugitive Slaves.
• .
ThereAre probably living in Canada at
this day some colored men and women who
owed their liberty, when elavery prevailed
in the South, to Mr. Allan Pinkerton, the
noted deteotive, who has just died. By his
efforts and energy many a famished and
hunted negro who, guided only - by the
glimmering light of the north star, had
broken away from the bonds of slavery and
made his way to Chicago, on the terrible
journey to the .welcoming borders of
Canada, had been fed and clothed and
passed safely on his way,-oftentirees under
the very eyes of the officers of the law, who
were ready and anxious to send them back
to Servitude and ,puniehment. In those
days it was not an uncommon thing to see
Mr. Pinkerton's doors beeieged by numbera
of prayerful negroes, seeking his aid in
behalf of gime trembling fugitive whom the
law was about to consign to a physical coe-
dition worse than death, 'and it is needlese
to say these appeals- were never made bn
vain. ,
. •
- Belle Boyers Exploits.,
Belle Boyd, whom father hold a place,
under the Federal Government at Washing-
ton before the warlbeotome noted early in the
oonfliot as.a female spy. She was a sharp -
featured, blaok-eyed woman of '26, With a.
Di "PUMP dash of mariner, a quickness of
retort, and an utter abandon of manner
and bearing which often carried her over
the boundary of modesty. She carried a
revolver in .her belt, rode a spirited horse,
and easily ingratiated herself intothe
attentions of young Union officers, from
whom she would extraot valuable military
information. She also had in the valley of
Virginia, it. siaterhood of coadjutora, who
reported to her frequently-. ladies who had
the good sense not to make themselves so
conepiououe as she wee, and whose services
were unknown, except to her, and were
therefore effeetive.-Boston Journal.
Rebind. •
" Give me your hand," said a young
gentleman td a young lady wheen he was
teaching a game of made, and I
"01', please, don't say any more," she
hastily interrupted, "1 am engaged to 'ray
cousin, and we are to be married next
summer." ,
The young man gasped three tithes, then
fainted deed away.
The Byron Memorial Fund makes qood
proton. Me. J. L. Toole has subsorthed
200, and Mr. Irving, Mr. T. Thorne and
Mr. David James £100 each.
Rirr. 0. E. &mem, the distinguished
Baptist preacher, promises to be unselfish
to the end. Ho has resolved te devote the
222,500 presented to him on the 50t1' an.
aivereary of hie birthday to religious and
philanthropie inatitutione.
17,000 Men at Work on Constrilction East
and West.
OnWednesday Mr. Colliugwood Schrei-
ber* Chief Engineer mai General ?demagog
of Government Railways, limited in
Toronto on bis return from a visib to the
Northwest. In conversation with &reporter
be stated that there were now about 18,000
men at.work on the mete= motion of the
Canadian, Racine Road. 4toont 9,009 of
these ere et week between Port Arthur and
Dry Lick, and 4,000 between Bannerman
and StidbuO Junction. The contractors
are making very mid progrese, and have
already completed over two-thirdof the
heavy rook -work. Cut of the five tunnels
on the section four will have daylight
,through them in about another month, and
the other very ehortly afterward. Traok
has been laid 67 miles eaet of Port Arthur
to Nepigon and 14 miles of track construoi-
MI at Gravel Bay. In addition to this, 140
miles of, road las been completed and track
laid between Bannerman and Callender, If
the eame rate•of progress is continued dur-
ing this Bummer and winter, as in the past,
the whole of the track on the Lake Superior
seotion will be laid by Pila.y let, 1885. On
the Rooky Moiintaiq motion of the Cana-
dian Peoifie there are now about 4,000 men
at work, and traok has been laid and come
plated five miles west of the summit of the
Rooky Mountain range, and grading COM.
plated an additional distatice of ten
This makes a completed track 968 miles
weet of Winnipeg. On the Pacific section
there arcepow 170 miles of track laid, and
within two menthe the whole track will be
completed on what be known as the °oder-
donle Contracts, leavieg a break of &tomb
276 miles yet to be completed.
Mr. W. C. Van Horne, Vice -President
and General Manager of the Canadian
Pacific Railway, arrived in Toronto on,
, Wednesday on hie return trig%from Win-
nipeg. In oorivers4tion with a reporter
last night he statecl•that the so:called arid'
region west of Moose Jaw has turned out
to be the best watered of the( whole'weatern
section of the road. This season the rains
hem been frequent and copious, more so
than in the region() supposed to 'be more
highly favored. The ten experimental
farms ownedby the.Cenadian Pacific, Rail-
way in this yery seetion are all doing mag -i('
nifieently. Grain in that region is nui°12
much farther advanced than in Manitoba,
and there will be tt.: surplue of at least
10,000,060 bushele of wheat for shipment •
- this fall from the Northwest. The progress
of construction on the road was most satis-
factory, and there was now no room to
doubt but that the road on the north shore
of Like Superior -would be opened for
through truffle by an early date in next
c_ Cost cot a nova 'W editing ;Dress.
A Paris' eorreepondent of . the Daily •
:Telegraph, writing on fitehions, says: Five
guineas looks, in .plain Engliith, a 111%0
,sum for silk to oost the yard. The prom
is quoted as that'which Was paid by Her
Majesty, for the -dress she wore as her
grauddaughters weddiug, and exoites time
astonishment. It says much for the sim-
plicity of Euglish•wome.11-even the highest
in the land -that such speoial mention •
should be made of this fabric) and its
money's worth. . I am • afraid a Parisian
fashionable would fail to exhibit the least
astonishinent at the Royal expenditure.
Moat likely she would have stored' up,
either iu the file of paid or that of unpaid
bills, some record of a similar character
belonging to•hereelf. Three Or feu; pounds
a, yard Is a legitimate plias tb pay, accord-
ing to her tariff, for rich Lyons -woven Mike.'
Monsieur Chose meets, gently worded cora- '
plaints against toilettes that cost more than
four figures in Freneti money, with argu- •
=eats (mob de these -and they were nob
vain arguments, 'es a visit to the Lyons.
warehouse will prove,the proprietors .
whereof depend entirely open the great
couturiers • for the sale of their moat
reelserelid goode. When 4he exorbitant:
charges of French dressmakers are quoted
this must aLwaya be remembered. Note
only bas each gown a (damp of its own, but
.it is oompoiecl of the very beat materials,
sometimes eepeoially woven for the pur-
pose, and in almoot every otoee the trini-• .
ming, at least, is made to order. If, besides,
this, long oredit, tho loos oecaeffined by bad
debts, the expense of keeping up a luxurious
establishment, be thrown into the balance,,
it will not be found that the profits Etre BO
large as might be expected. It is admit(
to onside(' what is obtainable for £4 or 25,,
a yard. Broeaded compo -ed of fancy Bilk
'and satin, or. of satin and 'velvet, both'
textures being of one color, need not omit
more than £2, but by iningliug Ottoman
with velvet mid openwork', mud by working •
over the thiek parts inter(' relief, ibis seep,. -
to increase the 22 to -g3. or £4, even with- ""' • '
out going to the length of a special pattern,.
as the case with the particular royal robe
in question.- Every additional color in a
brocade adds coteiderably to- the expense
of the weaving, and the materials ((old cur-
rently at the marahande de nouieautes-
Louis ,XVI. silks, Genoa velvets, Renais-
sance brocades -are seldom marked les.
than 50f or 601, and eve() then they may be
in their second season, and have com-
manded a higbet pride on their first intro-
duotion to -the world. Some of the jet
woven tisanes are extremely expeneive
-those whero. the beads predominate,
and which, tire like coats of mail: (me
thee() whereat the bugles .form a more
or less intrics.te pattern. Three.guinete is
a very ordinary price•topitya yard for such,
fabrics. Even to the Parielan roilliner it is '
hot all profit. Her material( are costly in
••the.fitrat plioce, she being careful to-testriot,
hercheice to the boot of things, BO that, by
the time she has conjtired them into fairy
form, they are worth something approach-
ing to what she ()bargee for them. It is,
wonderful how many y&rds of fine lace •
may be ruched into a capote, the quantity
of ribbon needed te construct a handsome,
°mule is perhaps double what an outsider .„/-1
would take it to be, all gold trimminga
mount up to a good round aim, the pieoe
velvet -velvet out up ruthlessly on the
oross-is generally worth twenty franca e.
yard, the best artifinial blossonas mounted,
on flexible Heenan are fat clearer than real
flowers at Christmas time, and, in ,spite ot
Algerian ostriola farms, the feathers of these•
ungainly fowl " usually add a caniple of
guineas or so t6 the cost of the bonnet or
ha they adorn.
ln Milford, Mase., bout 1760, George "
Washington tied his ho to the trqp while(
he went into the house get hie inner.
The tree hasil"))1 to.01 few iv eke ago
when it was ontd i wu, no was in the way
of travel, and We 1 :to memorial blOoke.
Hon. Robert Lead on, sixth sou of
the late Lord Lyttelton, is t be married to
Miss Edith Bantle, dest daughter of Mr.
Charles Bentley, on the h
The census of Mexico gives t epopnlation
at 9,686,777. No State has 1,000,000, two
States have leas than 100 000, and several
States have less than 200,000 inhabitants.
But Senor Romero thinks that the propuls-
ion le really not far from 12,000,900.