HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-18, Page 511 $URRAII FOR 'THE Now MA.INEY HALL O OME BIGHT ALONG. NOW 18 THE _ time to secure bargain. FiRBT CLABa __NW AT Root BOTTOM Pmts. WM. STANLEY Desires stoma ahoh $UAON rital,aligTON y BQCTIOTT SALE Nearly opposite the Commercial HotelA. , VeryDe OF .sirdabie Farm. 13EW Boot and Shoe Store, iN PERRiN'S BLOCK AND-MAbE WO SEWED EWED & PEGED at p i ea to suiteverrourea. The best workklowestprieea, andeatsation guaranteed. As 1 have tiret+oiaes city workmen employe entire eatietaetiou is a esrtainty. Give ue a eat itlhnaerota gad DakOtta Crops. St Paul, July 14. --Reports from eta- e. tions on the Minnesota end St. Louie railroad show that the crops are grO%Y �+oxr ing finely. The harvest will be ten days` earner than last year in northern 49. THE NOMINATION RBOVENED AND A TORY rte CANDIDATE BROUGHT OUT. a. I;osSEAU, Juty 16,—The .nomination of a member to represent Muskpka in the Provincial Legislature was held to- day. At noon the Returaing-Officer de- clared his readiness to receive nomina- tions. John W. J. Dill, • the Reform candidate, NOtte .thereupon duly nomi- nated and seconded. Some speaking was indulged in, and at the expiration of the hour allowed by law, no other no- minations having been made in the meantime, the Returning -Officer, in ac: cordancer with the election law, declared M. Dill duly elected. • " Some time afterwards the Tory crowd put in an appearance, and, upon hearing that Mr, Pill, had been declared duly elected, set up a howl, and•several step- ped forward at once to nominate Mc- Eachren as the Tory candidate, The dissappointed Teries•oaused much con- fusion and excitement.by their clamor ings, and the 'Returning -Officer .at last. consented to reopen the nomination and aceept,McE+achreh's nomination. How lie can legally unseat a member e declared duly elected is a conundrnm to e the majority of those people who stop to s consider the matter. . BORN. • AD u s.—In Londeaboro, ou the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. R. Adams, of a Ben. MCKra.—In Clinton, on the 2nd Inst„ the wife of Mr. Archibald McKee, of a daughter, 'MARRIED. Muskoka , Methods. T Dakota,. he progr ass of the .crops h been rapid and satisfactory, Repo from the southern Dakota indicate ROBT. AUTTERSQll, Prop• I fair condition of grain. H. BEACOM, Manager: Wheat Trade W. J, DILL, REFORMER, ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION.' Where the There will be sold by Pubiio Auction, at MASSEY LOW-DOWN BINDER KNOX'S , HOL, HOMESVILLE, o'clock,At 12 noon, on Monday, July 21st, 1854, The south-east part of Lot 30 in the Maitland onnedSion by David Halst�d and Qcontaining 50 aures, n'lore or less. The :arm, Is i miles from the growing town of -Clinton, -8 miles from Godes- rich, and o ay well mB deep neighborhood. t for cultivation; it is well watered by the River Maitland, whiich ilows past •the end of the lot, 8 sting of apples,•oppeaars plumss, a dtch trees, is• on the premises. TERMS EASY.' vernier partleulgrs can be had from MANNING g SCOTT, Clinton, agents for • r Can be seen at any time.. Ale0 the Massey and Toronto Mowers, Massey MarRester, also the Toronto Elevated li at 6 foot eat Binder, with aheafear- rior attached. Flows, SenIUers, Drills, and Sharpes Bakes. The anon will be attended to by MR. DAVID ELCOAT, wlo will be there at all times,•and • will be pleased to have farmers call, ' ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND, Clinton, April 4, 1884, Lumber and Lath. THE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS ON HAND AT HIS premises, Clinton, the Fc oryalkindsof PneLumb rLFaath, dm. Parties requiring such will find it to their ad - :vantage to call on him. JOSEPH CHIDLEY. SYLVESTER'S`• —Carded CHAMPION PLO ! THOMAS TIPLING, • HLACKSDLITH, CLINTON, . Has been appointed agent for Sylvester's Champion Plow, which has recently boon greatly improved, and now stands.without a rival. The mouldboard is made of the_ best diamond steal, especially hardened,, war-, rantd.l'fo clean in any and imported from Shef- field, England, purposely for these plows. Intending purcasers can have a trial of the plow, and on receipt' of post card It will be delivered free in any pat of the county. If the plow can bo beat, by any other nate,• we will forfeit the plow. A ear load just received.-;. References from over .100 of the best farmers ;tear Clinton.. He also manufactures the celebrated • Scotch Diamond Harrow,• The reputation of which is so well known -that he has already received orders for 80 set this season. JOHN ROSS,. PUMP MAKER, CLINTON, ONT. . The subscriber, has had many. years' experi- ence. and guarantees to give the best .of 'satis- faction. ' PUMPS, TANKS, CISTERNS;. ETC.., Made and put in on short notice. AU orders by mail promptly attended to. Charges rea- sonable. JOHN ROSS. Clinton, T. IJOOPER & SON FOR CHEAP GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware,. &c.. Oatmeal and Cora meal al4vay s on hard; AL,80': Petty's selebratid English Sraakfast Bun, Long Clear Bacon;. Sugar Cured Hams, And No. 1 LARD, At • fleck which cannot be beaten in tostw • HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbing' ELECTRIC SOAP THOMAS COOPER d; SON, , ALBERT STREET, CLINTON.. (JLINNTTON• PLAN1N.G-. MIL DRY KILN! r-Lpm; SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST COMPLETED and furnished his new Planing Mill with machin= cry of the latest improved patterns, is now prepared to. attend to all orders in his linein:.thr most prompt and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. He would also return,thanks tq, all wilt) patronized the • old firm before they were bulned but, and now being in a better position to execute orders expeditiously,' feels confident he can give satisfaction to all, 7AC�'ORY—Near the Grand Truink Rall; i"ay, Clinton, • - THOMAS DIobENZIE. MONEY TO LOAN. FARR.AN & TIS11A► LL JC 1RojtV gk ate �inte BC Pc np n jl payaU d as desired by borrower. Valu NA Valuator for the CANADA LANDED CREDIT COMPANY. D. A. F'ORRESTER. Clinton Dee. 2e, 1883. • • t MTTSi'C. D, BURKE SIMPSON July 9, 1884. Vendor's Solicitor. NOTICE, .OF • Sale of , Church Lands.- • PURSUANT TO SEC. 7, CHAP. 21• 0, RS,O. and Sec, 4, Chap. 75, of 88 Victoria, the tees of the congregation of Willis Church, Clin- ton, in connection with the Presbyterian Church in Canada, hereby give notice that there will be offered for sale by Public Auction. by D. 1nolciNsoy, Auctioneer, at the MARKET SQUARE, in.the Tows or CLniron, On Saturday, . 2nd of August, A.D.,-1084, Ate o'clock, p.m: tite following lands and pte- iuises, viz;—Lot No. 1bi, . situate ou the North side of Townsend Street, and Lot No. 100'situ- ate on the South side of Ontario Street, in the Town. of Clinton. _ . • TEnnIs.—One-half of the purchase phoney to executiod n of cash deed, the day of ce to be pajd in one year from date of -sale, with interest at 7 per cent thereon.. For further partionlare ap• Ply to the undersigned... .. • . • JAMES SCOTT, Secy. of Board of Trustees. Clinton, July 5;' 1884, • DRESSMAKING Perfoct F!ls Guaranteod, LADXE$. HAVE YOUR. CUTTING DONE By; MISS O'BRINE. You WILL FIND HER FIRST-CLASS: CHARGES VERY' MODERATE. JOHN ROBERTSON, lrle i'ia Street.. Clinton. : BIJGOIES; 26 New SINGLE BUGGIES 'For salt.'':' cheep' at:..CAI,LANDER & 11ROS., SHOP, nett door to the Doherty, Organ Factory. Well finish - oil and eau be bought at itll prices, according te finish from 300' upward. Come and see us • and get: our terms. Will give written guarantee with every one. ' OALLANDER & BRO,,;.Clinton. POR SALE—COMFORTi1.3LE DWELLING House in the Town of Clinton. Contains e rooms ; garden.witli fruit trees. Situate in good locality and easily accessible, For further par- ticulars apply at Lite. NEW ERA office, or attite. SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Perrin Block, Clinton. 0 . `1TRAYED O 'VES. —Strayed from the IJ premises of the ;a scriber, lot 36, Maitland con., about th first of ht four calves about 8 months t s .old.heifers, Y Peis o roan, the'ether red with a little brindle; tate other two bulls, one roan, the other• red with 'white and red face. Any one giving such inforination as leads to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. • CHAS. DISNEY,• Goderioh township. ;MONEY. 40N.EY. THE undersigned have made arrangements fortlic handling, of a large amount of Private and Coin - patty Funds, for loans 'on. real cstate•this winter, at owest rates of interest and moderate charges. LOANS PROMPTLY MADS. . MANNINO & SCOTT; TOWN HALL, CLINTON BANKERS, RATTENBURY ST., CLINTON, rruteNtecT A GENERAL BANKINGBUSIN)7SS. JL Moneyadvaneed on Mortgages and Notesolhana Drafts issued payable at•par,at all the of cee•of the Merchant's Bank. of-Oanada. New York exchange bought and Bold. PROMPT ATTENTIQN.PAID To COL. LEOTION8 throughout Canada and the United States. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at Close rates, and money advanced toI..rm r.geotn�ieteawnrotes,foranylength of timoto snit the'bo`ireWer, Ali mui'licttiira"tie fur ticsbbughtand sold. BAefnni; IN NEw Tonic. AGENTS 0E• THE MERCHANT'S BANE OP CANADA: • INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS W. W. FARRAN. J. P. T1SDALL NEW TIN STORE y, II . VR. CRi1;F, D R, WIIO #V'.1:; FAIt 1<IORE rpm eight years in the employ Of Mr, Silas Davie, desires to intimate that he lint . Orr) a Till Shop in Dodswortli's HURON' STREET, CLINTON, Where lie is prepared to do ' ALL K TNDS O1 TIN, COPPER AND 4411EET IRON.1VORIC, fn the best of style and on short notice, r mr,,' AMI's,' trLASS, tfcc, in stock A CALL tt0t tCITi?ip. - PAMU1:T1 WILSON. ,i tun, flee. �• 1111ISS NELLIE.IIIOLDIEH is prepared to give lessons on the Piano or Organ to a limited number, of pupils. Instruction given at the bcmes of pupils, ff. desired. OLD CLOTHES FOR SALE. --I take all sorts of rags, clothes, carpets, and hope my old friends will savo then for me. I also take brass, lead and copper. .X am home On Mondays. Any person having rags or truck in my line . can leave word at my house, and I will foteli*it and give value, and'I also beg to say 1 have no. business 'connection with a man. named Hessin. Papering, painting, and jobbing of that"sort done by. GEORGa Banter. - • W, MARTEN, Pedler, Box 64, Clinton. MISS GREIG, 1,tUSIC TEACHER, CLINTON. Is now about tour forming a large class, and esti take al o t more pupils. Lessons given at he? residence, Huron St.,, or at the hands of pupils, host of references as to her abilities se a teacher. BLYPH• PUMP. FACTORY. 'etg tsop ic'�tTillow rROrfiETORB, r MITI SUBSCRIBERS ITAv1110 RECENTLY A started a inciters In Blytlt, beg to intimate to the people of Heron that they are proparod to sink wells or cisterns and provide 1. amps of the very best workmanship, Having had eon• siderablo experlentn in the pump -making busf•" nt<bs, they feel confident they can give entire satisfaction, All ordure, b Mall or otherwiser p i•ann itlyililed tit ti. mos* rnrPei r lisle rates. rslytb, h pril,�1 • London, July 14. -2 -The Mark Lane Express says that trade inforeign wheat is very dull, and the market decidedly weaker, especially for the American sup. ply which is becoming oppresive, AFTER YEARS of patient research among the flora of his native. land, Dr, Van Buren discovered a little plant that is• fast Making Ila name famous on both sides of the Atlan- tic, From itshealth-giving sap he has given to the world a prepartiol2 now known as. DE, VAN BUREN'S KIDNEY CURE, which promply relieves and permanently oures all kidney disease.' . The sheep and cattle raising indus- tries are>threatened with extinction by drought in Western Texas,: Reports indicate that the late rains have wonderfully revived the crops in the country around Kingston, and crops are expected now to be -about the ave- rage. Hay is now nearly cut, ,and makes ,up in quality what it lacks in quantity. . The political tide appears to liav turned for the Itieral party since' th ist of June, from that time -election have been field . with the following re sults :—Cumberland, N.S,, (Dominion. no change. Cumberland, N.S., (Provin alai) Liberal gain, Cape Breton, N.S. (Dominion). Tory majority reduced 1421 Megantic (Dominion) •-Liberal• gain Muskoka: will be heard from next. The fruitcrop in. Germany • is mos abundant this. year. Around Heide! berg the cherries are in profusion, an one little village alone. sends off: daily some eighty carloads with the prospec of realizing a profit• of. $20,000 for the season's crop. Most of the strawberries come from Saxony, whence they are sent to a strawberry exchange at Der lin. t DARKER—MCMoRRAY,—On' the Sth inst., 7. at the Methodist•parsonage, -Mitchell, Mr. 0. 4,Barlrer, of 'Brucefield, to Mies4Catharine A.,, t1 youngest daughter of IiIr.. W.m. McMurray, of 7.'uokeramith. - is •EIED.' Txorabsort.—In 'Chicago,' 1.11:; on the iOth of May,'Mr. S. J. Thompson; youngest son. of Mrs. A. Thompson, Borrie, aged 29 years and 11 'months. • CALL.—In Clinton, on the. 14th fuel., Elizabeth,; relict of the late Rat .Can. aged. 34 years. . The Resiina Leader, whose editor was at one time on the Mail staff,repudiates•. the Mail as an exponent of -Tory opinion; "We have plenty of evidence, -'—i -t•' -nays, "of the distaste with which the billings- gate of the. Mail is received by respectable men life-long Conservatives." It adds that the Mail. has long ceased,' iv tope at least,. to`represent the Conservative party, and' that its writing is. calculated to alienate decent people. There is no doubt that the Leader speaks the sentiments of a groat many' Conservtatives, who are. heartily sick of theantics' of their organ. THE .SADDEST OF SAD SIORTS.—',L"he grey !lairs of age being brought with sorrow to the grave, is now, we -are glad to thinks becom•, ing rarer every: year ae the use.of•Cingalese Hair Restorer.becomes more general. By its ase the scanty locks of age once more resume their • former color . and the 'hair; becomes thick and luxuriant as ever; with its aidlwo can now 'defy the change of years, resting; assured. that no grey hair at. any . rate will come to sadden us. ,Sold at' 50 cents per bottle. . - .The Boundary case .came before the. Judicial Committee of the Privy. Coon= ell on -Tuesday. Their .Lordshipti de- cided that the award is not legally bind- 'ing;: and are proceeding with the enquiry into the question of the true boundaries of Ontario. Hon, Mr. Blake is reported to have sent Word to his friends ill; Winnipeg that he will, bo, unable to .:go .to the. Northwest this summer fneklon'a, Arnica Salm The best save in the world for:cuta,hruises, gores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,' chapped hands, chilblains, corne, and alt akin eruptions, and pos Lively cares piles, or no pay required.. It is guaranteed to give perfect saUsfaction. or money Price 25 mail per box. Watts &-Coy uLIN'1O111 MA1t1 E:iK Thursday, •July.:17,.:1884. Wheat, scot old :, -'1i 00 a 1 10 .: '"' new. - '065 a1.00 White wheat, 'old . 1-00-6-1 05 - • 1 00 a' 1 05 100' a 1 05 ' . 0 35' a'• 0 36 - 0.45 a 0.55 ' .0':70 a' '0 75: • .5 50 a 6' 00 '0 45..a --O 50 • 0 14• a 15 0.13 'a 0 14 • : '8.00 a 9. 00 • 0 50 a• 0 75:.. 0'60 a ,0 75- •. . 6 50' a 7 50 0.16 a 0 18 " • new. • - Spring, - O,ats'y Barbey, Peas, flour, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, HaSheep pelts Lamb skins, Beef, - • Wool, t; - • A Great Diecover5 Mr.Win. Thomas, of Newton, Ta, says: -"M Wife has been serlonsly affected with a cough for twenty -live years,and. this, spring more sea erely than ever beore. She had used many remedies without relief, and• being urged to try Dr. Kingef Now Discovery, did so, with Most gratifying results. The first i?ettle re- lieved her very 'muob, , and the second bottle 'has absolutely cured jter.' .She has not had so good health for thirty years." Trial. bottles free' at Watts & Co's. drug store. Largo size e1 G000 FARMFOR SALE - The subscriber offers for sato that well -.situated farni, Lot 17, 7th ooricession,,Gederich township, 80 acres, 30 acres in grass, nearly all cleared ; good brick ]Souse, barn 30 x75,: stabling for cattle and horses, new granary, implement house, small orchard, The farm ism spion. id One, well watered, in a very good state of•,ettltiv'a. ion, with 700rods of underdraining, black Clay soil, and will be sold on reasonable terms. $2,000 can re- main on property, at 0 per sent for five years, if desir- ed. JAMES DUNCAN, Porter's,IIill P.O. 23 H.. HOLM ES, lES So1iatorSu reme Court QFF+ ICES WM'(411Ai12 & .13I,YTtt. Tit MythTli y every ureas•,: Colicotione and claims I s and roliabty attended to.-=• PRIVATE FUNDS to lend at lowest rate of Internt, . WILKIE & WOOLVERTON, SURGEON DENTISTS. Bold the exclusiveright for the county for the llurd process of adininitering 'chemically petro Nitrogen Monoxide which is the safest anal best system yet dis- covered fair. tite !painless extractknt of teeth. r'hargos madorato, satisfaction guaranteed name,. D AVl:ll ' MLOOl , over Thompson '& Seltzer•. bleier} Store, Albertyti el, CI halm. r. For a xecorp of straight extrvagance, we will. back Canadian Tory rule against the world.---x,ondon: Advertiser. Crop reports.from all parts of Nova Scotia' state .that.ptospects of a • good yield d i n all kinds of grains. were never better, notwithstanding the recent heavy rains: ' . Southern Manitoba, the most thickly settled portion of the North-west, is without. a railway; and, hundreds' of 'miles ofterritory along the route of the, . O.P.R.. are without settlerfor both of which facts -the people are • indebted to the Ottawa .Government, ., If it behatethat Mi'. Carling has con. 'tribnted $1,000 to'- lfelp Mr E. 'King Dodds to defeat the Scott. Act, he,has' done a most unbecoming,act. Mr.Carling should not forget that while he is an eminent brewer he is 'an indifferent sort of Cabinet Minister, --Winnipeg Times. (Tory.) ; _ . ]n determining to .abolish the. super- •annuation•systom, after those who have been provided for, the •.Government is nodoubt acting wisely. There .should lie no such thing as a' supernnuation fund. It is little better than a ;pension and; it usually happens that.as soon as a' teacher has :. been superannuated be takes up `other- woi:ic.. -To onto .Tele gram . A. despatch from ` Belleville . saes While Geo. Adams was hunting in the. vicinity of Beaker, in the township of Carlow, he fiitally,, _shot John Smith; whose cap he saw and , mistook for. a' -bear. r.: , In accordanee'with a resolution pass- ed at a recent session of the .GrandLodge, Wilson Lodge No. 89, G: R. C., . Last night: passed a•resolution that in 'future, the use of all intoxicating liquors be, . banished from ` the refreshment table, `This is.the'first lodge to take action. The welcome ,news comes by cable- ni"am: that the Cholera: is subsiding in France, and that' there is now more panic than disease, . It is to bo hoped the .report is reliable, but no neglect of preventive measures should be permit. . ted onthis. continent,.even though the danger of an earpy visitation may be temporarily lessened. This is pre-emi nently a case in which prevention is better than': cure. Mr. J: C. Frith, the proprietor of a great wheat, sheep and cattle •Iaisin'g farm, containing 50,000 acres, in. New Zealand, has announced to leis workmen that .he would be compelled to stop •eul- tivation and discharge all .his hands, owing to the low price"received for wool and wheat "It does not pay," he says, "even With the best of labor-saving machinery, to farm in. New Zealand.. Yet 11e uses steam plows and traction engines imported from England; .in addition to the best harvesting machin- es and other agricultural implements from the United States. This is a very im olltant t and th New .Zea- s statement, e P m , Zeit- land press alnlits that it is an unplea- sant truth. It seems that the chief cause of it is the high pride of farm, labor now prevailing in .that country, from $lto $1.00 per day • and boardbo- ing the customary farm laborer's pay." Profntnont among' the greatest mbdieol discoveries, by the' MOO, (ares it hos affected, MOVnnvgqns &tangy Lone loads the van, '&objected to the minnteetcheinteol'nnnlysls, 1 iia ti�en Mond to cbniain none of thole itihuisal lnkre• thetas s r inroetel•ising� the worthless specifos dolly oied to the public. haver ingredient possesses n potato. oda ta• bilitr to the varfnns roanpinlntttpfor•rtliir)r 1t1 has firm tom. 1Dinnsded, and its eVlnnay is hempp estabtlshed by testimonials bnatly re t'iend. w.o am thnrefere ronfidoat that n o hnrC a preparation whirhwr ase niter to the pablic alai the ns. man,. at it will"1 c kind not nnlr a relief hitt All ahsohtts' ''ir 'nrny.}•,.p,l.,11iere‘orplilnt lndigastion.ronstlpnflna nod Implore BS+o; , Prrr trial betties at t'onabe'N drug stoic, Wito: Makes. Your Boots ITICK8HANK,THE ' BOOT MAKER, ' DEM ER IN ALL RINDS' OF Men, Women' and Children's Boots & Shoes. Spring Stook well assort and ed, a complete in all departments p .ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH ' 0, CRUICRSHANK, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON' Fruit JARS uy theGeth Only. We do not forget that we 1iaci. to return every one of our Jars last season: No use to any one, .[t""has made us particularly careful this 'season to buy THE SELF tl SEALED, S. PALLISER &'CO CA.SH POR EGG.S: Next to Town leave'- Book --Store HAS ` JUST' TO . HAND Fans, a ns Croquet,net as 'cts , Ladies es Satchels, Canes, Dalley's, and Stafford's Inks. Linen, Foreign and Vellum Note Papers. Large variety of EnveloPes, very cheap.Note Papers at 10c.per quire, extra good. Spy Glasses from 25cts. ; to $3.75 each. • - Combs :& Brushes, •all prices.Concertinas, &c� • Richter Mouth Organs, 10 keys, 20 •cents. Berlin • Wools, Canvas, Tassels, &c.0': , Briggs' . Stamping ing Patterns. Jet and Col'd Necklets,Collarettes, Bracelets. •..:, :racelets. Novelties in China Goods, etc. • . Cigars, Pipes, &c., WE. ARE SELLING GOODS VERY LOW -TRY Iz.. . Beaver,Block, next to Thompson & Switzer's Desires to call special attention to his sleek of ins aid _Qratkite:. Of all kinds,suitable for. Christzeas presents. � n Sent S. A.iso; the finest Confectionery to be had, Fresh Fruit, Canned Goods Sze, JOHN.' bUNINGHAiVIE. 'GROCER,' CLINTON. • Or ALLKINDS. TRV 1V 1]_S' VAL , . ISLS, VERY 'CHEAP. . ' 8 L NE'WTOST, °LINTON, • TENT: ytUINN & CO„ of the Scrnottrio AMrnICAit eon tlnuetonotassotfettersforPatents, Caveats". 'rade Marks, Copyrights for the tinned States, Caveats." n land, Franco, dermany, Oto. stand nook about Patents pont free. Thl ' rt >sOvo earn experience. e.' SpENTIFO AMISIRttMUN &'CO.aro noticed to tho SCrENTlxrO AMERIOAN. the largest . best, and most widely circulated solentifoPkner..*3.20ayear.! 'Weekly, r,3pplendid engravings ami interestin In. formation. Specimen copr.Of.the i4ebentifio Amer.. Jean sent the. Address MINN & CO 0 SetENTXE'til ,AmintioAN ofitee, 2a,l Broadway, NOW York, to t% t • ♦; Is White Biouze aFraud • • CtINTON, April 28, 1884: ano..A, II. LANI)ON, BnniOuroaT, BONN. ,, • DEA Sns -Did you give the inclosed testimonial sr is it a ffattd% Yours very respectfully,' W. M. GIFFIN, ' This is to certify that I saw during the summer of 1808, at the Schonburnn Palace Gardens at Vienna. Austria, an equestrian statue of Prineo' Joseph, and, . which at that rime had stood exposed in the open air for 85 years, and said statue was east of pure zinc, and In appearance it was fresh and plated: A. 'H. LN. Sup. PembAN rkeOn \r. Bridgeport,IroWoCksonn. Batnonronp, Cr., May 2, 1881- 11R. W. M. GIF.FIN. • hand • tho testi. Y ur Card April 28,at DEAn S1R O nionialyou 'refer 'to, signed by oo Mr.. Landon, is. genuine and no fraud, the statue having been seen by hbu as stated, and also by thousands of other Anter'• can tourists, and can ho 80011 the same today. If you or any of your customers wish is sattsfv themselvesas to the utility and genuineness of tho 'work, if they will take the trouble to come to Bridge- port, we would be pleased to show thorn what is Poing k admit • theyor 1 • 'and fila)~tell! v Y dune iter aid #tl 4 Y s�OOr t110 Will agent 0 is n., humbug, and yourself as an Ag g • would be greatly bonelitted by the visit here; YOaurN &e. A. II. LANbON, of the firm of Parsons & Land.,u. Parties intending to purelies8 a itxonttment w111 ilrtd It to their ativantttgo to sec 011r. White Bronze before buying elsewhere, Tf N .i ? .W. XL GRIFFIN ,. AGENT. 'OFPTCT; AND Tti:st1ENC'I1, Ttitrou Street, • Clinton, 3 doors east iron& DN Reeves,