HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-11, Page 10t
FRIDAY; JUI.43: fl,' 1884,
1.00410 NOTICES.
,--... •
„ • •
" • Ihs ligla,running new Home &wing Machines:
which ..4o4a the 104 41.
"RUIT FOR 'FitZS—Recis White, and
Car?kats, Raspberries, etc., of the finest
deft; fpr ode etteap. W. 0 ..5.KARLE.
9 , . , Proudfoots of Montreal,
A own oculist, ctc., will be at the Com -
peel, Otintentron the 17th and 18th
Thos consulthiva should
cluatsiroxe TO TORONTO — The only.
ex Bien that will this season take place to
Torente, at the iow rate or $1,50 forth° round
trip—for two days—will be about the lint week
In August. This NM positIrelr bathe cheapest
trip et the season. IN aIt for 1t Watch for It,
Clo on it. flakes in few (lays. Mr, Israel Taylor
lett yesterday on a trip to the old country.
• &WO 16000. week for the intermediate examinations;
Over 90 candidates are writing here this
HUM SOHOOL.—At a meeting uf the this number being larger than could be
High School board of Trustees,ou Friday, accommodated in the town hall, the law
a motion was. passed requiring the head requires Ave feet syticefbr each candidate,
master to strike from the rolls and refuse seats :were arranged in the Skating Rink
instruction to all pupils who have not for their aecommodation ; Rev.A. Stewart
paid.their fees within ten days from their has charge of the examination, and is is -
entrance. This should be borne in mind sisted by Alr.Malloch, inspector. Mr.Will.
by pupils. - Whitehead,fortnerly of Chnton,crune near
TBE TWELFTH.—Mr John White, M.P. ly ending his existence in Winnipeg, the
ef East Hastings, has just written the Or- other day ; he took a dose of chloridine
angemen of Clinton that lie will be Jere-- for a nervous headache, butaceidently got
sent with them on'Saturtlay, .12th . last; an over.dose, and his life was only saved
together with the other speakers who wilt by the tiinelY assistance fife, doctor. Mrs.
be present, there will be no lack Qt. ora- H. Tewsley met with a painful accident
torical ability to -morrow; a very large one (1.ty last week; she was using a rake
crowd will likely be present. to pull down the Iiinbs of a cherry* tree,
when it broke, the teeth of the rake enter -
THE Caors.—From all sections of the
county come very encouraging reports' ing her forehead, making a painful wound
that bled profusely. "Lost and Saved" a
about the crops. Fall wheat, as we•Stat.-.
splendid cantata, rendered in the town
ed last week, has improved very much,
and promises a very fair crop, Sprinhall, on Saturday. efening. Sonie •one
crops are well advanced, and indicate a should take a member of the Health Com -
geed general yield. Persons who heie Witte() and hold him over the drain -g
visited different parts of thecounty say ing near the post officfor about
munites, and he would discover rail
they never saw crops looking better.
, that fres orbited too long, There is a
HORSE NOTES.— r.- S. Beattie has mor of the council being asked for a $
bought W. Shipley's driving pony. Mr. 000 loan for manufacturing Purposes, but
Geo. Co; of Detroit, recently bought of it has not take% any definite shape. Mrs.
Mooney & Rattenbury their splendid 11Doherty, of Claude, was on.a, visit to
sorrel team of mares, paying therefor her sons here last week. The council on
$400. The trotting stallion Fulton, one Monday, took preliminary steps for a
of the fastest in Canada, has been bouiht reform that has long been advecated in
by a resident of Blake. Mr. D. Tiplady thesecolumn, and that is .the collection
lately bought of Mr. Herbert Crich,. of all taxes,befote the end of the year in
Tuckersmith, a mare at $200, for which he which they are levied ; this is perfectly
shortly after refused $225. ' Tight. Geo. Smith was before the Mayor
BRIDGES.—The bridge over the Bay- on Tuesday, charged with being disorder -
field river here is now beginnisig to show ly in the train, returning &ern Goderich,
signs of weakness, and will be retaired as on the 1st df July; his fine and costs
soon as the busy season is over ,• it is still amounted to Over $6 ; Albert Holloway
perfectly safe. Mr. Geo. Tedford will and James Wright underwent: similar
soon have the Rathw ell bridge completed treatment for like offence, A stalk of corn
between Goderich township and Stanley, pulled fronuthe garden of Mr. S. Davis,
Messrs. Elliott and Gibson, road Centrals- measured over five feet long; pretty good
sioners, went out toHolmesvilleen Friday gonsidering that the seed had not been.
to see how the work of the new bridge sown six weeks. Mr. Ln. Woods has `
was progressing; three of the benta were gone back to his position in Fair's mill.
completed, and work progressing favor., Business men and others should make the
ably. On Tuesday Mr. Elliott. visited town as attractive as possible, on Satire
Grieve's bridge in McKillop, in company day. The road :WI' the Alden, from .the
with a draughtsman from -the works of Grand •Uniou, has received a good coat of
the Hamilton. Iron Co., who took mete, graver; the roads in town generally, have
surements for the new bridge at that been well gravelled this year. Mr. Hartt
place. picked a strawberry on Monday that
IN TROUBLE.—MOst of our town reed- weighed close to one ounce, but T.:Fowler
ers will remember a young man named takes. the lead. withone weighing an ounce
John Cook, who abouta year sine() was and a halt and measuring 61- inches Mund;
in the employ of Pay & Wiseman. He that's a prettylarge'etrawberry, . Mr. W.
did not consfder life here sufficiently elf, Stanley has sold fourteen reapers and half
...citing, and left to enjoy citylife elsewhere, that many self -binders already thiti sea -
His uncle,Mr. Peter Cook, of Goderich
townshiplast week received word from a
lawyer of Lockport, N.. Y., stating that
the young man, was in jail on a-cherge4of-
smuggling,. having been under arrest since
the 23rd of June, and he at once, left for
that place, accompanied by Mr. T. Jack-
son, sr., to see what' could be done in his
behalf. They returned on Saturday, as
the youth must remain in jail until Sep.
tember, when his trial will come off.,
ire heavy wind storm strikea it, it would
be better to be a foot shorter, Mr. Fred,
Corbett has sold his bicycle to a party at
Tilsonburg. One night last week Mr, T.
Cottle was taken suddenly ill at Mitchell;
he left his team there and came home by
tram.„ but hie 1th3e85 was fortunately only
Osbert duration, • Mr, Geo. S. Doherty,
(late of Pickering.) died. at the residence
of his uncle, mr. W. Doherty, on Thurs-
day, after a protracted illness of consume,
tion; Jeceased was a comparative strang-
er in town, though hegained many friends
during his illness, and passed away in fnll
enjoyment of di vine consolation and grace;
the Doherty ()igen Band headed the fune-
ral eortege, pie ing that beautiful piece,
the E'ortugese Hymn. A gentleman from
Detroit has made several visite to town for
the purpose of trying to secure the light,
ing of the new Presbyterian church with
gas. Nr. W. Jackson takes a trip up the
LOCAL St'etitttrili Miens.
, •
A. game of base ball played on -Mon-
day night 'between the -Victoria and Brick
Blocks,resulted in fairer of the latter by
6 runs.
The Coats and. 'Victoria Weeks played a
game of base ball Thursday , of last week,
resulting in favor of the latter by three
runs, The score standing 6 to 9.
A game of base ball was played on
Wednesday night between the town club
and the dry goods clerics. It became dark
before the game was finished, the score
then standing 8 to 18 in favor of the town.
The game will some day soon. be Anished.
Town V0011011,
The regular meeting of the couuoii was
held on Mondafevening. The report of
the finance committee was read, WM.
Mending the payment of the following
a,ecounte :—Wm, Gauley, 0.O8; H. B.
Eroudfoot, surveying lots in cemetery, $6;
L. Trolls% one month's salary, $21; G.
Rentgen, account for work en streets,
$593,90, less $79, amount subscribed for
teaming gravel; S. Davis, $38.88; Chas,
Spooner, refreshments for fire brigade, $4;
W. Devine, charity, $3. The receipts Of
the weigh, seales for the month amounted
to 31r09.7kede made appliea,tion for the
usual grant of $20, to assist educating
On Tuesday eVening, on the Drivin
Park, the prizes not previously awarde5 her daughter, wbieb was grants&
to members of Organ acfory, were com-
peted for. In the belf-mile race there
were four entries—jas, Doherty, J. Ar-
mour, J. Leavagoed, and S. Booth, Ar-
mour led and kept. it for three-quarters of
the distance, when he was passed by Do -
betty and Booth, the former coming in
first ; Leavagood dropped out when half-
way round' the Arta prize was a pair. of
beets by J. Jacicson, 2nd jewellery by Fow-
ler & S00. A 200 yard fat man's race
was competed by Messrs. Bnrrows and
Reeves, but although the latter Lan a goodrace,
race, be had to carry more fie& than his
opponent, who came in ahead, An excit-
ing tug of warletween sides chosen by A,
Mr, me made application for the sum
of $00, balance of grant to High School
for 1884, Which was granted.
It was moved by Coun. Cantelon, see.
by Coun. Searle, that the Lord's A,. rmy
have the town hall, during the summer
months, when not otherwise engaged, at
$2 a night. The motion was lost 'by a
vote of 6 to 4.
It was moved by Coun, Walker, sec. by
the deputy-reeve,that the band be granted
$10, the band appearing to labor under
some misunderstanding in referenee to
what was the correct charge for the hall
on such occasions adthe 24th ef May, et
which time they held their concert and paid
this sure for its use/ Several of the mein-
Armstrohg and D. (Ruff resulted in favor hers favored the motion, while others
of the forme, in two tots, Lweeoppased to it. The motion was car-
ed by the casting vote of the mayor.
A motion was introduced, authorizing
the by-law committee to prepare a by-law
making the payment ef all taxes impera-
tive before the first ofDecember.
Council adjourned to the 14th inst.
Rev. Mr. Kennedy, the colleague ,df
Rey. Mr, Birks, of Holraesville, was com-
pelled to return to his home at Ingersoll,
on Monday, (ming tea, bronchial ailment.
He will try a rest for a few weeks, with
• the hope Of being fully restored to health,
son; including other article% he has sold
40 inachinesthis season; he finds it a de-
cided advantage to havea shope in town
-with's good man like Dave Eleoat to look
after it ; as there are six other implement
agents in Wen, the farmers are not likely
to suffer by reason of being unable to
machinery. The Stratford Beacon says •
The writer of. a harrowing tile in the
CLTNT0N NEvy ERA about a boy. having
been thrown off the excursion train to
Goderich, lest week, was imposed upon;.
The Toronto News, of Monday, says:'—• the story is a canard. Mrs. Morley has • •
Thomas Robinson, an elderly .xnan hail-
ing from the County of Huron, visited erected a 70 foot flag -staff at the ' Grand
the city Saturday for the purpose of view -
Union; and then it was cut oil about 20
• ,
'ing the parade of the schoolchildren, and feet from the top of the tree. Jonas Shaw
preferring a suburban'retreat to a crowded answered to the charge of using tlasphem-
enS language on the street, when sumnion-
ton. Robinson foolishly engagehotel, put up at /vIcGuiee's. hotel, .Broek.
before the Mayor on Saturday, and for
d in a this indiscretion paid .$1 and the usual'
Ftruggle with forty -rod and whens eouple costs into thetown treasur3r. • The Engine
of masked men.met him in the village he
Company was out for practise on 'Monday
was not in a proper condition to -cope suc- .biening; have the fires elsewhere put. our
ceestully with them. After knocking him
down and beating him brutally about the men on the alert? Harry Beacom • has
body, they relieved him of $7 in cash and a opened a shop in the Perrin block; Harrycertainly takes"the cake". as the champion
watch and chain leaving him senseless mover, Mrs. W. Shipley, sr., paid a visit
and bleeding on. the sidewalk. Fortu- to Kincardine on Saturday; this is the
nately he was found shortly after the iirst tune she has slept away from home
robbery or hewould probably have bled in fifteen years. On Monday evening Mr.
A. Callender sprained, his ankle so severe-
ly that he has Blew been uhable'to work.
Mrs. Call,' 'who has been quite iJl for
some time, is still confined to .hef room.
A Catholic picnic at .Goderich, :on Wed-
nesday, was attended by quite .a number
from Hullett. =Mr.. De R. Menzies, of
town, has been awarded the contract, for
erection Of a. driving sled at the Holmes- --
ville Methodist church, The Ladies' Aid
Society of the Methodist church intends
to, supply refreshments on the 12th; for all
who wish . them, in theCotincil, ROOM.
Mr. Chas. Avery, the London who
has been in Scotland forsome tinie, has
returned home. .Mr. P. Streith has erect-
ed a large Mune addition to his house,—
Mr.A.1Vlay,:ef theOuron road, sends usa
specimen of ripe wrilat of the Democra t
variety,TliviCh. recommends' as hardy
and free from rust. Mr, Jas. ,Stevens, of
the base line, is ,conAned tothe house by
sciatica in the leg, Mr. John Cornish
gathered about $50 worth of cherries from
a few trees in his orchard this,,year. Mrs.
Whitely, of Summerlaill, an old lady well
known n this vicinity, is seriously ill.
Mayor Forrester expects to get his em-
ployees at fax pulling in the course . of a
couple of weeks. We have a letter from a
well-known.Stanleyite, Mr. W. McQueen,
HOW of Sa.nilae, Mich., which will appear
next Week. On Wednesday night a man
named W. Smith, agent for a 1"erpettia
Calendar, was summoned before the Mayor
at the instance of R. Holmes, charged
with assaulting and striking him, in the
NEV'UlIA:Office—both charges being prov-
ed he was fined $10 and costs. The finder
of two $5 bills lost between the show
ground and the station, will oblige by leave
ing there, for the owner at this office.*
Mr. Nelson Carson has returned to town.
There has been considerable sickness
among children in town ; for several days
the infant children of Messrs, D. F. Mae -
phonon, W. B. Laing, and S. C. Gilroy
were not expected to recover, but we learn
have successfully passed their 'most criti4
relatiyea from -M .. •
eel time. Mr. M. MeTaggert has eeyeral Tbe
_Vatiortous; nattei, Clinton
ontreal visiting here..
ITY 13C)01‹ STORM,
RICHTER iy1OUTI-I ORGANS, 10.1Key, brass, 25 cte.
EXPRESS WAGGONS, Iron axle 2.25, also WOODEN
axle, 75c. and $1,50. 1 ,
• .
BABY CARRIAGES going Verk.cheap.
NEW stock of BLANK. BOOKS.
ALL PAPER--guAPEVrthe'dtTtE,7fILNonD.
g•-)r-otrfiet and Lacrosse Sticks.
TNans,ii splendid assortmeitit.
iJammoekarood and cheap.
Xlird Cl'',a,g-es and Walking- Caries.
• •
gentleman referred to in the following
paragraph is an old Clintonian :— On
Sunday morning about 8 (Mock, a berg -
lar entered the residence of W.J.Mellat
fie, Brantford, and proceeded to Mr. IY16,1
Haffie's bedroom where he was helping
himself to valuables, when Mr. Mellaffie
awoke and told him to "drOp that," when
the robber with a large knife, tinned on
McHaffie who drew his revnlver, but it
missed fire. A scuffle ensued, the robber
making several plunges with the knife at
Mr. McHaffie, but with a pillow he ward-
ed them off. the knife cutting through the •
pillow, inflicting a slight flesh wound
McHaflie's arm. il'he knife struck the
bed post, and the bled° broke in two.
The robber then fled through thewindow..-
MeHaffie again fired at him but missed,
the ball passing through the window
BEIEFS.-16. It. S. McLean, of
ton High School, this week has charge of
one of the rooms of Rineardine School
during the examination, Mrs,- E. Wat-
son, of Blyth(sister of R. Fitzsimons,)
bas been seriously ill for a couple of
weeks, was in town last week, having re-
covered sufficiently to be out, Mrs•Swite-
er, sr.,.has not recovered from -her illness.
There was no reason whatever for the al-
arming statement in our eotemporary Iast
week about the supposed drowning offtlr.J.
Govett,as his wife had heard of his safe ar-
rival at the home ofhis mother inEngland.
The rain of Friday and Saturday were
very acceptable in this part of the coml.;
try. Messrs. C. & H. Andrews have pur-
chased a machine for loading hay.; it its
said to be a great Whig of labor n the
hay -field, Mr. Ben. Stanbury, who has
been teaching sehool at .r'wicb(Oxfoid)
is home for his holidays t. he says that
every man he has niet there iaGrit, con-
eequently be has reached "the happy land"
epoken of by poets and others. Mr. Geo.
Pope„efllullett, has left with t18 a few
stalks of spring wheat, well headed out
and Measuring nearly fiverfeet io leegth
ouster Celebration in Clinton
olzkot11\ •
One of the attractions for the tholisands of visi-
tors expected here will be a visit to
llere a Ire at display -of Hats anti Fill'IliShillig 1(111 be •SOCE
, • • ."
The Celebration promises to be the largest ever held in this section, .
and every visitor should net rettirn home till. they make a parches°
For the next few days we are offering a Bors.
STRAW HAT at 15o, Worth 85c. The biggest
bargain yet offered. —
Ask to see our great Unlaundried White Shirt
at 76 cents. .
Ask to see the great selection of Ties, Collars,
Cuffs,. Shirts, Braces, 'Underclothing, &e.
,, • • - .. • . • .. • .
For Prints
4Y 84::..WISNIAN'S. •
• For' Whitp.Pique0
For Corsets and Gloves
For Boy's Clothing
For Gent's Furnishings
—II •
For: 1-lats and. Caps
For every class of Staple
. and Foreigil Dry Good.s
. ,
Some shrewd people defer buying a Suit until the
slack times, which are generally in July *Al
August, . and by doh*, so buy at a far greater
reduced price than at any time during the year,
as all merchants clear out their spring stocks to
make way for fall. To those people we would
say that we are commencing to think about the
fall, and to those who /five not bought a Suit
this year, BUY ONE NOW. You can buy a, Suit
$4 & $5 cheaper than You could in the busy time.
Buy a White Vestand Light Coat •
for the Hot Weather,
• . •