HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-11, Page 7THE WgLL-KrIowN .ST4 LIoN SAMSO Will stand for mares at THEOBALD'S HOTEL, (hateSrrarta') every SATDaDAY afternoon. Terms -- .to Mauro, 48. WM. PERDUE, TRUSTEE'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Natter or the assignment of COHHETT do MOLES, doing business as Woollen Manutacturers. at the Town of Clinton, and of Edmund Corbett' an$ John Bolles. NOTICE hihereby given that Edmund Corbett and John Boles, doing business in the Town of Clin- ton, County of Huron, as Corbett & Boles, Woollen Manufacturers, and the said Edmund .Corbett and John Boles have made an assignment of all their ppartnerslhip and separate propertestate, and effects. ''to the undersigned Christopher Dickson,D.of the said Town of Clinton, kiookseller, in trpet Or the bene- fit of all their partnerehip and separate creditors, 'and that all persons having claims against the said firm of Corbett & Boles, or the said Edmund Corbett, or John Boles, are required, on or before the 17th day of July next, 1884 to send in by letter, prepaid, and. addressed to the undersigned, their names, residence, post office addresses, and particulars of their claims, duly verified by statutory declarations, specifying the nature of the security, if any, held by them ; and take notice that after the said date, pursuant to 40 Vie., See. 1, Chap. 9 (Ont.) the said trustee will proceed to distribute the assets of the said firm of Corbett & Boles, and the said Edmund Corbett and John Boles, among g the patties entitled thereto,rateably and d pro- portionately, o- PortionatoIy, havingduo regard to the ared remedies of partnership and private creditors, and distributing the same as. between them according to law and having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons, firms or corporations, of whose debt or claim he shad not have notice. Dated at Clinton this 18th day of June, A.D:,1884. CHRISTOPHER 'DICKSON, Trustee. MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for Trustee, SYLVESTER'S Celebrated CHAMPION PLON L W ! THOMAS TIPLING, BJ;ACKSMITH, - CLINTON, gjas been appointed agent for Sylvester's Champion' Plow, which has recently been greatly improved, and not stands without,e rival. The mouldboard is made of trio beat diamond stool, especially hardened, war- ranted to clean Many field, and imported from Shef- field England, purposely for. those plows. intending purchasers can have a trial of the plow. and on receipt' of postcard it will be delivered free in any put of the county. If -the plow can be beat by any other make, we will forfeit the plow. A car load Just received.— References from over 100 of the best farmers near Clinton. He also manufactures the'oelabrated Scotch-Diitnrond "Harrow,- The reputation of which is so well known that ho has already received orders for 30 set this. season. JOHN ROSS, PUMP MAKER, CLINTON, ONT. Tho subscriber has had many years' experi- ence. and guaranteestogive the beat of satis- faction. PUMPS, TANKS, CISTERNS, ETC,', Made and put in on short notice. All orders by mail promptly attended to. Charges rea, sonable. JOHN ROSS. Clinton, T. COOPER & 90N FOR CHEAP GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware,&c.• r Oatmeal and Cornmeal always on hand. ALSO rettv's celebrated .English Breakfast Bacon, Long Clear Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams,. And No.. -1 LARD. . At rices which cannot be beaten in town.. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY SOLE •AGENT FOR' • Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP THOMAS COOPER. & SON, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON (7LIN'CON PLANING MILL —AND— DRY KILN! "minSUBSOR.IBER HAVING JUST COMPLETED .1 and furnished his new Planing Mill with machin• cry of the latest improved patterns, is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line in the Most profn t and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. He would also return thanks to all who patronized the old firm before they wore burned out, and now being in a better position to execute orders expeditiously, feele,ponflden.t he can give sr'ttisfaction to all. F'11CTORY-Near the ()rand Trunk Rail;. way, Clinton TIIOMAS iIIcKENZIE. FARR.A7.'ISDALL BAKKERS,;, HATTENBURY ST.;' CLINTON'. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING bLb1NES9. Moneyadvanced on Mortgages and Notoaolhand Drafts leaned payable at par,at all t n y ho Offices f p , ee o the Merchant's Bank of Canada. New Y orkxe e hen e B bought and sold. PROMPT ATTENTION PAIb TO CQJ.y r.ECTIons throughout Canada and' the United States. SALE NOTE$ BOUGHT at clone rates, and money advanced to farmers on their own notes,foranylength of time to snit the borrower. All toarketableseant tiosbonghtandsold. • ' DANRxns IN NEW YORK. AGENTS OF THE MnaCtrANT'a BANK OF Omuta. INTER EST AI L-O-TVED ON DL'POSIT,S W_ \Sr PATLRAN. J. P.'1'1SDAaLL. M E. { PIS STORE.' O E /LATE SUBSCRIBER. WHO WAS FOR MfiRE than eight years in tho employ of hlr. Silas Davis, desires to intimate that he has Opened a 'fin Shop iii Oodswoitfh's Block IIURON STREET, CLINTON; Where he is prepared, to do ° • ALT, KINDS 01' TTN, COPPER AND w TT E i ::' I RON WORK, 1 tir„1 •• •'style and nu short�iotlee 1Gf✓Mi11I., LAMPS, (.LASS, &e. %it stock ,a PALL snrtct•rtctt. • sAtfi'LT,'ti'ir.yct . Clinton, Drs las'. The Editor's Triibute. tt PERSONAL AND POLITICAL,. Thereu P. Keaton, Editor of Ft,. Kayne, ' r. , Ind. "Gazette 1 In t , , writ s . IiAr the past $v .. e e years have alwloys need Dr: Ring's New Die• orrery, for ooughe of meet severe character, ae well so for those of it. milder type. I never fails to effect a speedy We, M friends to whom Ihave reoommendeditspeak of it in same high torms,. Having been •our. eel by it of every cough Ilave had for r five years, I oonaidee AVM only reliable and sure ewe for Cougbe, Oolde, etc," Call at Watts & Cdr Drng Stora and get a tree trial bottle. Large Size $1. Members of the Reform press of Oatario to the number of some thirty or forty met together Friday in one of -the Rosain House parloura to exchange fraternal greetinge, dine together, and discuss. in- formally matters of'mutual interest. The meeting was. influentially ,composed, and the feeling everything that could: be desired. Such re•uniona.are useful ae well as agree- able, Under a Liberal governmegt Great Britain is making enormous strides in the matter of education, and; the other day for the first time, a sum not only amounting to but exceeding • three millions of pounds sterling, waa voted. The educational returns.ahow. gratifying increases in all branches.' The Liberals are, carrying out the advice once given by a Whig colleague, that it was absolutely necessary their masters (the:enfranchised masses) should be educated, C1,1i11TO1V MAIa;KE'1'e,, Thursday, July 10, 1884. Wheat, scot old - • $1 00 a . 1 10 new- 065 a .100.. White wheat, old - 1 00 ' a 1 05 - 1' 00 a 1 05 1 00 a 1.05 0.35 a 0'30. 045.a•055 0 70 a 0 75 550 a'600 0 45 a 0 50 0. 14 a u 1:5. 013 a 014:. • 800 a 900 • 050 a '075 0 60 a 0 75 ,'.650 a 7 50 :•. • 0.16 a 0 .18 " new • ,• .„,. Spring, . . Oats, Barley, . Peas, • %'lour, Potatoes,' '. Butter; Eggs, , Ray, Sheep'peltt - Lamb skins, . • Beef, ' .•: Wool, 11OR:SALE-COMFORTABLE DWELLING House in the 'Town of'Clinton. Contains 6 rooms.; garden with fruit trees, Situate in good locality and easily accessible. For further par - Menhirs apply at the Ntw ER& office, or at the. SINGE R SEWN_ Q MACHINE OFFICE, Perrin Block, Clinton. .6 foIJ$Z TO RENT -.-The Mosso -and quarter acre garden on the farm of Mr. J. }Iolmes, Huron Road, is offered to rent on very reason- able terms. Plenty- of room and every cone- nienee for ordinary family. 'Splendid .change fer.working man, Only it; minutes walk from town. Apply to ALBERT MAY, Huron road. ``TRAYED CALVES: Strayed from the I prenitses of the subscriber, lot 36, Maitland eon.,' about th first of May; Your calves about 8 months old, two heifers,.one roan, the•other'reu. with a little brindle, the other two bulls, one roan, the other red with white and red. face. Any one giving such information as leads to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. CHAS. DISNEY, . Gederich township. (1 001 FARM FOR MALE. -:-The subscriber ILA offers for' sale that well -situated farm, ,Lot 7th eoneession, Ooderich township, 0 acres, 80,acres in grass, nearly all cleared ;• good brick house, barn 86 x 76, stabling for cattle and horses, new granary, implement house, stnallorchard.. Tho farm ma splen. did one, well watered, in a'vorygeed state of oultivi- tion, with 700 rods of underdraining,-black Olay soil, and will be sold on reasonable. terms. 82,000 can , re- main on property, at'6"per cent for five' years, if desir- ed. JAi.1ES DUNCAN, .Porter's Hill P,O. 23 BUGGIES. It >;, as at ' said th Flop. Mr. (Gran baa been promised the Lieutenant•Governorehip of Quebec ifhe wine Megantio for the Govern- ment. The Hon, R; W, Soott, the antbor of the Canada Temperance Act, states that the working of that Act in counties where it has beenadopted has .fully realized his expectations. The candidates, for the seat in the Local tegielature for Muakoka, rendered vacant by the unseating and disqualification of Mr. Fauquier, are Mr. J. W. Dill, of Brace- bridge(L" iberal), and Mr. Neil DtcEohern, of Commands (Conservative), Archbishop Croke, dedicating a church at Ballyneety,Ireland, on Sunday, exhort- ed his hearers to.pray that Ireland might be a. nation. again. He insisted upon ener- getlo action for the attainment of their civil and religious rights. Hon, J.H. Pope, Minister of Agriculture, was on Monday servedwith a subpoena requiring him to attend before the Royal Commission appoipted to investigate the Toronto bribery case, He took the ten dollars tendered by the eherifk to him as a witness and promised toattend on the 14th inst, It is no use talking, but if Sir Leonard Tilley does not immediately return and touch up .the N. P. machine,' the country willgo to ruin. •The traffic receipts of the Grand Truuk Railway have decreased $1, 062,876 during the past twenty-six weeks, compared with the receipts: for the corres- ponding peri'odelast year, The very heavens• weep in their indig- nation. A tug called Sir John (of all' names) and three scows have been built in Buffalo; N. Y., for the Dominion gov- ernment's. use on the Welland canal. Where is the patronage to home: industries,' ye generation of hypocrites, How Have. the mighty fallen.! There is much talk about the probability. of war between England and the 'United States. ;No one seems to imagine that war between the United States and Germany is possible, and yet the attitude is much more hostile than is that.gf'Enpland. Ex -Mini- ster Sargent says Bismarck's policy is very anti.American, and that hd is quite' ready to disregard'treaties with the United States. The official return of the emigration from the British Islands during the six •months ended June 30th last shelve that the depar- tures for Canada greatly decreased,when compared with the same period in 1883. The numbelrALivere: In 3,883, 27,840; in 1884, 19,476.. And 'yet' the Dominion Government hae not decreased its enor- :mous expenditures in aid of .'immigration, Rev. Dr. Washington Gladden declares that no man can honesty • heap 'up such fortunes as have been gathered by some of the great financial bandita of otir own time.. This is true enough; such fortunesare, the.. greater part of them, nothing but loot; and ' 'the men :who ' have gathered them are. "nothing but thieves' and robbers." -New York Sun. Sir John has provided a place worth $1,- 800 per"annutn for his nephew,' by. super, annnating :a civil servant who is said, to be good for fifteen or twenty years pf further service. Not only that, but it is said that. the nephew is utterly incompetent. •"We do not see that this is such an objection. Jt is probably not intended that he shall do any thing beyond drawing the salary, nd there is:no doubt: as to his competency q'that.directi'on: ' 26 New SINGLE ,BIiGGTES.js For solo • cheap . at CALLANDER & .BROS, SHOP, next door to the. Doherty Organ Factory. Well finish- ed and•oan be ;bought at all prices, according: to finish from 600 upward. Come andsee us and get our terms. Will giyo written guarantee with every one. , CALLANDER & BRO., Clinton. R. +I: :HCIL MES, SolicitorSupreine'Court OFFICES=WINGHAM & RLYTH.. hn` Blyth every .Tbuisday. flellectiones and claims promptlyand retia'rly .attended to. PRIVATE E'UN»S' to ;lend lat lowest rate of i'nteres't:: „ WILKIE &• WOOLVERTON. ' NURGEO111 DE'NTIit3TB', •IIoldthe 'exclitsiye"rtghtfor the county for the Hurd precess• of administering chemically Mite Nitrogen Ifenoaido, which is the safest and`best system yet dis- covered for the' painless extraction Of teeth. Charges moderate,. satisfaction guaranteed.. OFFICE, BEAVER. BLOCK, over Thompson' * Switzer's. Grocery Store, Albert Street, Cl lnton. MONEY. 3MONEY:' THE undersigned have niade arrangements for the handling of a large• amount of Private ,tttd Gem. many Funds, for loans on real estate this winter, at otaest rates of interest and moderate charges. ' . . LOANS PROMPTLY MADE. • MANNING & SCOTT, .TOWN ALL, CLINTON MONEY TO LOAN. lRiVATE AND COMPANY',FIJNDS, AT owest rates of interest. Principal payable admired by borrower. . • Valuator for the CANADA LANDED CREDIT COMPANY:. . D'. A. FORRESTER, Clinton.' Dec. 20. 1883. + . M V SXC« KISS NELLIE HOLMES is prepared: to give lessons 00 the. Piano or Organ to a limited number of p11161s. ' Ittstrnetion given at the homes of'pupits, if desired. • . OJi» CLOTHES FOR SALE. -1 take' all sorts of rags, clothes, Carpets, -and hope my old. friends will Have them for me. I also -take brass, lead and copper. 1amh meo kendays. Any person having raga or.truck in My line,can leave e word at inY hOna e . and 1 ry'iil fetch it and give value, and I also bog to say i have no businoas ;connection with a man named. ,llessie, .Paperieg,painting, and, jobbing of that sort done h4• GEORGE BENTtF•t', W. MARTEN,. Pettier, Box 64, Clinton, • MiSS GREIG, • MUSIC TEACHER, CLINTON. Is. now forming 3 large class; and can take about four inure pupils. Lessons given at her residence, Iiuron. St., or at the Totes of pupils, Beat of references As to her abilities art mother. • • • LL1'I11Cl and. L 1. h. 1 f1IIE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS ON IIAND AT ,HIS ..l1t >rolnlses„Isaac street, Clinton, Omar the Fanning 1111Factory) all kinds of 1►ine Lumber. Lath, ate, Parties requiring such will find into thole ad- vantage to call on hint. .. . J YT PIt t7ft1l1LEY. 'BLYTH PUMP FACTORY: Ferguson, &'tX7'�,L1o't rROrIngTOuS. •• ri1Itx•T SUBSCRIBERS HAVING II .GENTLY 11., started atDieters/ in Blyth, beg to intimate to the people of Unroll that they are prepared to Sink Wells or cisterns, and provide Pumps of thovery boat u nrlinittnshlp. ' tfavnig had eon- siticrable experience inthe pump -making busi- ness, they fetal eimiliniit they tali give entire t arttett. Alli riders, by mail orr,tlfet•ttiSe. promptly filled, at the most reasonable rates. myth. April. 15$t: Hon. James Sk'Ead, Senator for' the Rideau Division, died on Saturday: 'a Ottawa, "aged 67. years He was born Cumberland; England, and came' to Ottawa' many years ago, -where he engaged in the lumbering and forwarding; trade. He sat in the Legislative;Council of•Canada f&Om 1862 to I867 and was called to the Senate • by Royal proclamation at Confederation. He was.a Con9ervati®e in politics. Having been unfortunate in business in :' his later years'bis"name.was frequently mentioned. in conneccion.with .offices of emolument; among: others for the.postmastership of Ottawa, ,which was made vacant: a few months a;o by the death of Mr. Currier. The latest rtitnour about the • Pacific Railway Magnates, is that Mi. Stephen is 'about to demand -that his $4,000 :piano, lately•purchasedit New, York,, shall be adinitted at a-IlOmina ' l Valuation for' this. tones s duty..The era Government n meat probably• willprotest' against having inch a demand pressed upon them, and Mr. Stephen.may'. have to pay. his $1.,000 or so duty; •on the understanding that the money will be •"recouped"oto him in some other form: At first it was.supposed that Mr. Stephen based his demand uponhis contract, privi- lege of importing railway material' duty free, but this it seems, was a mistake, He claims that his piano is a'fine..work of art, and that itwould tie a model for Can- adian piano; makers,. Is this net a slur upon our manufacturers? , 1s it trite that they require to be taught their business by, Yankee piano makers? Leet session Mr. Farrow, the member for Ndrth Huron boasted that "pianos,gcod enough for Queen Victoria's parlour" were being made in Canada. What does he think• of; the Stephen•incideot. • A Liverpool letter, June 21, 'says, This week has'been ene of great excitement in Liverpool among the . resident •.Canadian cattle. exporters, in consequence of the detentio n byInspector for Moore of all the P cattle land ed ex -Mi ' selssi ' ` 1 which ch sailed from Montreal first,.week in' June, with some 450 cattle belonging to .one or Iwo cif the biggest exporters. in the trade. The steamer arrived about 14th and discharged cargo in excellent time for the market on Monday, 16th, t et the owners were inform ed that an order from' the Privy Council had been received instructing their deten- tion, and that pending further advice, the cattle could "not be ,removed, lir addition to this the own ers their were agents ants w ' e proliibited'from •eanal xamining the •animale, access being' only permitted; to four cattle - le :13 attle-le:tl for feeding purposes. This e)ctra- ortlinary action on the palet of Mr: Moore it possibly covered by the, special. order teem the Privy Council, but as he has deeli:ied'te hire any-its1orni.atikn whatever, •relative to the matter, no opinion can be formed as to whether he is' strictly adher- ing'to instructions, or what---invery pos- sible -exercising his own judgment as to the ifiterpretiitipit of this edict from head tluarter•s. After 'missing -Monday's market in Liverpool it strong effort was made to release the cattle for Salford or Wakefield oti Tuesday. at'd Wednesday, but withont avail, 1Fhe cattle 'Were afterwards releae• ed, inspection allowing there waa nothing whatever wrong With them. Exeter haa purchased a new bell, which a l novel fn i the Custom inu It was lyingm ofiiceat London, of wasurchaaed at Troy, N. Y. at a cost nearly $300. and weighs 1500 lbs. Hon. Mr. Carling, allows the ata eat fund for defeating t tScott Ad, togccrcculating in the preee,,that, he has on• tiuted one thousanddollars tows ` ethe uncontradicted. On the rule that silence gives consent, we innet therefore accept the statement as correct. How do some of our local ,temperance advocates, who are Tory partizans first andtemperance advocates secondly, like this, the action of a Dominion Cabinet miuieter and a member of a. Government which has been seeking to steal a reputation for setups- thizing with temperance, because of the severity of legislation it passed knowing it Presscould. never be enforced? -•.Ottawa Free • The Tory allies of the Quebec Bleus, are always crediting them with a tremendous amount of liberality to the English -speak. ing Protestant element of that province. We are assured that the latter have, if any-. thing, more than their share of . represen- tation and official recognition, In view of these frequent assertions as to Bleu liberality,, it is a little strange to read that the Quebec administration does not now contain single representative of the Eng- lish-speaking Protestants of the province. The vacancy left by the retirement of Hon, Mr. Lynch isto be filledby a Frenchman. The' Catholic. minority in Ontario have never been without a representative in the administration. of the province. Joaeph Dillabough, Hamilton: corres- pondent of the Toronto Mail, is a smooth. faced boy; who has taken upon himself the -mission pf revolutionizing Canadian jour- nalism. His first great effort was a slan- derous article defaming the 'character of a very handsome lady moving in the highest circles of, Hamilton society. When'arrest= ed on a charge of libel he made a written apology, acknowledging that he had lied for the sake of a sensation. On Friday he was jailed on a charge of writing to the con- tractor for the government buildings at I;Zamilton advising him thatt Irish Invin-: oibles will endeavor to blow :up: the buiid• Ings on'July 12. Before young Dillabough is released from jail he will probably come to the conclusion that Canada is altogether too slow for journalistic genius. • ' The New Yprk Herald fooka'for only evil results if Blaine is elected President of the United States.: It regard's hie nomi-• nation as a new sectional doniinatiou-an "attempt of the worst Western, dema• gogism, swagger and bounce' to make itself the controlling force of the Union at the expense of the Eaat, the South and the tniddieaection:" Fortunately the . people. have it in their own:hands, and need"• not elect aman whose political ideas have so. much of the disturbing element in them.. It is absurd to believe that the. West can dominate the South,East and • Middle section pokes the major portion of the electors so decide. '• What is most needed.., in the States, at the present time; is a Calm, dispassionate presentation of the facts. That guaranteed, a change Of Gov ernment would Most certainly be the •In order to conceal the real state o,ft`e Dominion; finances at the close of the fiscal.' year, pat ended, it seems that the Govern- ment have given instructions that various large amounts due from ,the Government contractors and others shall be carried for- ward and•appear in.the Accounts of 1884 5, instead of those of 1883-4. 'Thisnice•little: scheme, will, of course, enable Sir Leonard Tilley to make a better showing for• the past year, but the prospective deficit for the current yea'? will be.thereby improperly increased. But Sir Leonard probablyex- pecte that he,.will ..b'e snuglyhoused as. Lienteuatit-Governor of New ,Brunswick before, the end of the present financial Year, leaving to his successor the duty of • finding excusesfor the, failure '6f his N. P. At all events the ,bare official 'state •ment.of the fi•nancee at`the end of.1883-84 will give•a very, incorrect impression re specting'their real condition, r Abontspring-Water. . The surest, most effective, least costly re. medy fpr habitual. Costiveness is Zoesst. Better- than all the aperients or spring -water that ever babbled, ubbled ler itis certain, effectual and pleasant, acting -upon' the•. -Liver and Digeativeorgans. It invigorates, strengthens, loosens and' removes. Keeps off Ague, Fever; Malaria, Biliousness=makes'Appetite good, Sleep sound, Nervesstrong,Brain quiet, blood pure, breath sweet,taste' good, regula• tea the bowels Only by'aeting upon the Liver and pigestion. Get a sample' of zo•PE•se • '. BORN.. Scorn. -In Stanley, on the 2ndeon., on the 6th inst:, the wife of .Mr W. H. Scott, 'of a WHITEte.-In Goderich township, 10th, con en the 3rd inet t hs wife sof• , r Mr 1i. J, Whitely, of a daughter.' i - V'Iiiz toes. -On the Maitland oou,,(3oderich township, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. G. Williams, Of a son, • MARRIED. Bao'vN-CLARxa.-In Clinton, on the 30th. July, by the Rev. J. Kenner, Mr, R. Brown, to Miss Sarah Clarke, all of (r".nton, TAXLOR-BnrtuieeDFN.-At 'the residence of t i h bride's s father, lin t 9 flet on the th Inst, r , p , by the Rev, J, Kenner, Mr, Jacob Taylor, of Clinton, to Jessie H., second daughter of Jno. Brickenden, Esq: INGLIs- GnIFFIN.-At the Rectoryof St, Jame's Cathedral, Toronto, an June 2th, b the Rev. Mr. Damoulin,Mr.Jas.W. Inglis to Miss Pint°' A. Griffin; both` of-Wingham, HubsoN-Mehniuu..- At Wingham on June 26th, by' the Rev. H. Mc.Qnarrie,. M. J. Hudson, of Morris, to Mies MargatetMcLean, of Scotland.. A'1'Tl;it' i"•--• ]' lo. LiN1.GA , � rn.-- h A.t the reside nee of the bride's father, ou the 2nd inst,, by the Rev. H. McQnarrie, Mr: Jas. A: Patterson, Turtle Mountain, Manitoba, to Eliza .A., second daughter .of Mr, : Wm: Linklater, of last V'awauosh. ')IED. DortntTi,---In Clinton, on tho 3rd inst.,. Geo. S. Doherty, (tato of I.'iokcrieg,) aged 25 years, 13 manths onll 4 days, 1';Asr.--•At l',trlihill, ou the 27th June 'the infant on of Mr,- John hast, formerly. of Mullett, aged 4 months. • (iA in'tov.---Tn Clinton, on the 8th hist, Mary, slaughter of litr,Arthur Ctntelnn, aged 9 months.. lil•'t:wN,•--1n Platt Co., I11., Luey, 'wife of Mr, John Brown, formerly of. Clinton, aged (14 years. ho Makes Your Boots ,UICgSHANK, THE BOOT MAKER. DEALER IN ALL KINDS ,OF /lent Women :it'd ' X� Children's 1! n .._... Dots it Shoes. Spring ing Stock well assorted, and complete etc in • alb depa t meats ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH C. CRTICKSHANK, 73RICK BLOC CLINTONK, Beaver Book Store SCAM JC$T TO H..ND Fans, Croquet, Baskets, Ladies Satchels Ca SteStephens', D lie . '! nes, p , a Y s, and Stafford's Inks. Linen, Foreign and Vellum Note Papers.. Large variety . of Envelopes, ver chez Note Papers at 10c per p quire,extra• P good. Spy Glasses from 25cts. to. $3.75 .each. - Combs & Brushes,. prices. ,Concertinas, &c. Richter Me _- r outh:Or... . rte, �0 keys, ir0• cents:. Berlin Wools . Canvas• ..Tassels &ca Briggs' Stamping Patterns. • Jet and Col'd Necklets, Collarett °' es Bracelets. Novelties in China. Goods, etc:' ' Cigars, Pipes, Pi "s &c. g WE ARE SELLING GOODS VERY LOW -TRY US. Beaver Block next.to Thompson& Switzer.' lex. Weir. p. Desires his call: special attention 'to p stock of iria and Granite 'Wane; Of. all . kinds, tis -'lilt able for Christmas pre.sents... Also,: •the finest: Coufeetio4ery to be had Fresh Fruit, •• Canned Goods &c, • JOHN CUNINGIRA,1VIE..GROCER,:. CLINTON. c)k; At . %:INDf,. TRUNKS, VALTSE.S, &c.. VERT 'CHEAT?. i L. NEWTON, CLINTO i, TEN� TS MUNN & CO.,, f the 6orsNTrrre AbtasroAN .con -t tinuo to set as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats Trade Marks, Copyrights,for the United States, Canada England, )'rance,'ieermany, etc. . Hand Book about Patents sent free. Thirty-sevenears'experience. Patents obtained through MUNNy CO, are noticed �..inthe.SerlN kTirio Amami:L the largest beet, and moat widely circulated eolehttee paper. 41.20 a fear. Weekly. ,Splendid enmrat inga !I'M interesting In. formation. Specimen copy of the Scientific Amer. lean sent free.. Address MUNN A Co, Soraarnwco ,bassos o OMee, =Broadway, Now York. 0 re Is White Bronze 1 a `t lid �Z CtixTox,April 28, hail. `•• MR. A. II. I,ANDON', • kAlnoxroxr, .C'oo t. DEAR Sat,. -Litt you give the inclosed testimonial or is it a fraud? Yours ver, respectfully, W. M. GIFFIN This is to certify that I saw during; the 'summer of I868,. et the Sohonburnn Paiaeo Gardens at Vienna, Austria, an ogtlestrianstatue of Prince Joseph, :and which at that thne had stood exposed in the open air for SSyears, and said atatuowas east of pure sire, and in appearance it was fresh and perfect. a A.I L hAAnWN, .Sup. Penthroke Trott V orks. lrid;el'ort, Conn, Bator.kroai, l:T,, May2, 1814. W. 81. 11IFIIN. • 1)0818eA Sttt,--Year rd,'A rll28, athtnd tho testi- monial you refer to, signed by one Mr.Lemilon, 14 Runtime and no fraud, the statue having horn 80011 by him as stated, And also by'thunsands of eller Autori•• eau tourists, sad can be aeon the same to -day. 1f yon or any of your. 4'uotomers wish to satisfy thetnselvos as to the utility and genuineness of the. 14-brk, if they wi11 tltke the trouble to come to Bridge- port, we would be pleased to show them what is hell„ done here, and think they will very obeli lv admit It is no itnmhgg, rind yourself as an awl t for the goods woaldho ttreatly benefitted by s t•j• i,,•••• . vt+urs &a. A, II, LANDON, of the firm of 1'n +, t ': ';'. • Patties Intending i•. purelinsou Mon•nt•r'n; vrt!1 find It to• their ftu.;tntairi fin -.• . of e ilronre before bnying elsewhere. rim -V. M. i,rN ()ENV. OI'14(l ANI) RESIDENCE, E, 111trott St, ('lintolt. 0 doors oast rrom tie. Th +`y a.• Perthol Fits Guaralltood1 Laa=Es. HAVE YOUR,. CUrT:INa DONE By MIss °'BRINE: ,Yoit WILL I?IND HER FIRST -.CLASS. CHARGES A s vERx .On>i.ATr. JOHN'. ROBERTSON, Victoria Street. Clinton. ` i.URRAAR .FOE TH'E cw J1AIit1!1\iliI nAw„ /1,01all .IR(;IT,•r ALONG': NOW Is •THE V time to 'secure a bargain k'rfes'r °LASS • , MIAUTInQ1•:n'Y AT ROCK. .BO,rroac PRitirua. • •, •.._.- 1V . � T r .li 1' Y 1... �.l�EY. Desiree. to announce to thepublio-titat he has opened a shop for the convenience of his many easterners, cit IIU11ON STREET, (1Z1NTON” .Nearly o -osite th Ne y pp o CQmelarcRal Hotel, Where the !RAMEY LOW-DOWN BINDER Cas be Seen at any time. Also •tite Massey and .'Toronto nlotvers, lYYfssSey' I aarvester, aim) the 'Toronto Elevated ti 41; 6 toot ent inflater, with. sheafieatr-a Het attaebed. I'141ws, Senators, Drily, and. Slf.erpes Rakes. Vibealae) t'.tl. etc atrentit,d to by . MRDA Tl') V .•:Id'U 1,' ". W..s sill be there at all tunes, and wsli l80 pleased ,to have fanners call, Ara, 51N1i:1 Or IIRPA/Its l:Tsl'T ON ;ItA,i'D. . Clinton. :i pe'1 i, I844. .