HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-04, Page 10•
FRIDAY, JULY 4, 18$4.
' '1,PfUlA
/307" Rfers the Roo -an.
Rtatentery busihrle-eit eh* .0. DX,ON7802,7,
(Jilt, .Ieeet Storet? " ' ' I
494.1.Kari4 Wet c.44,§ssW. JfTse
As tsehet epeeist etie 44ome &wino c(cOn4
wheels takes the 440. , tr.
The beet 6 and 18c. Cigar, Cable nett El
Padre at WEIR'S ROOK STORE, ale°
Richter Orpans, 20 kelj,900.,
' RA4ips,R FOR $440.--4, clibi'ee of:tise,
i ssmerty raw. will be sold cheap, Oeorge E.
. -
77Fterson, lot R1, ,qnd con. of ogiteet. , .
.., 0OULIST,—.Dr....Prondfoot, Oje' Montreal,.
'Me well•known peuti.st, ftic., *lift be at the Com.
Incroial Hotel, Clinton, on ,tlie 27th „Old 18th
i of ,Taly, , rhos wiohing to Oirall 14m...should'.
• caltearly, , . .• . se,..."'''11- • .•
"is ! . . - „,:„. ..,„
Brune SoLD.-esTinder• power of wort,
gage, in which several persons. in town
were,miterested, the farm of W. WiteOn,
being lot 28,,andleilf cif lot •,22, pon.
of Hay (edjoining the village of Hensel!)
Was sold by Dielsimems mots sen
, • day last, to Mr. John, Wilson (nephew' et
'the late. owner) for the. rem of $10,925,
which is somewhat more than the' mpset
price. Nine lots in Hensel, belonging
to the estate; sold at from $21O tO $150. ,
CltmixtuY etreTEA.-s-Mrs.W.Herbison
left with us last week t sample Of the
butter turned: egt by ,the ;creamery' Mr.'
Herbison has lately started. It was
good an article of dairy product es We
ever tasted, and sshonlds command the
highest market price. We might nice -
tion in, this connention, that the creamery
4- is ndw itunAing Steadily with every, pros-
pect a gond ileesteVetelde, ' ) •
Sroi411 ,:wes
ling.tbe street watering in Jewinls
yard on Friday, the a.fterpoon train came
along and frightened the horsee, pausing
them to run away. The tank became'
• detached from its fixtures, and the 'horses
cavorted around the yard with the:waggon,
which decreased in size with everY'reves;
,lution until 'there was only 'the 'Wheels
intact. The injury to the waggon was ell
the damage done.
Tins MortLny LAND SALE, --The fol-
lowing are the sales made in the list of
lands involved in the chancery huh 'of
Morley vs. Morley., which appeared in
our advertising columns for the past three
weeks. At the Clinton stale on Tuesday,
Mr. T. Pottle purchased' parcel No..2•be-
lot No. .25, 14th con,, Goderich, for $3 020.
and thetwo village lots in Teeseetters par-
cel No.+8, were• perchased by Mr. Chas.
Hamilton, of,Blyth, for $80. Parcel
Ofinomeritead in Goderich tewnship, Was
drawn. fromssale, for OA Present, as
• the reserved price was not reached. On
Wedne,sday, at Dungannon, Mr. , John
Mallough purchased 'parcel T. 4, lot Ne.
hfi ld 100 f 119 -
Baixes.—Mr. Bailey is preparing to
erect a house north of the Organ Factory; given In the town hall, on ridav even
in a little while this section of the town ing, under the direction of Mr. T. Jack-
0.13.0sggstk POtistiPlk of *coto on, jht 844 U woo ret44110-1Jit-JozAt
found an-ye/Acres: seaturday was the em- things in its way that bas yet Peen given
tial 'Queen's biethtltty," and the only flag here, either by local or, foreign talent.
flying wasca,nper .flyelard one flo4ttug The leading parts were taken by Miss
from, the *talc en iii011. The wife Grace Robertson,, Miss A. Greig, Mr. T.
" LoeT Alq) S.KVED.".--Thie‘cantata was
of Dr, s away' east visiting
friends. MM. J. Iansford and children
are vieltii*relitrielin the States While
Messrs. ,T., X4qullael and Platt were
riding from Gesterich to Clinton, en their
wheels, on.Friday, the latter tools e head-
er, and 'completely emashed a splendid
'bugle las carrying 444/10 time, besides
injuringbimselfsornewhat, Several farm-
ers have commenced to cut their hay;
this is earlier than usual, as the 12th of
July isgenerally regarded as the time for
commencing. Mr. Chas. Morrow, of Da;
kota; formerly of this place has about 200
acres in cropilthis seasen, that are looking
T. Jackson, jr., James JacIrson, and L.
Stevens. The 'piece .reeresentre young
man starting out under the - Most
auspieous circanUita4es; by graLlual
stages, descends to the lowest depths—the
result of tieing licoox—and who after-
wards reign*. l'ax..T.440pop,, took the
part of "Harry Potty," the young man,
and. Miss Robertson "Mrs, Gray," Acting
their sarts with' considerable dramatic
reality, and' "true° to life," but the cos-
tumes in their portion of the cantata were
scarcely in keeping with their supposed
poverty. Miss' Greig, as "Miss Sharp,"
an old maid performed her part exceed -
'splendid. Mr, Henry Qarter, of Coderich Well, being more natural than some
'ewnshiPlitati new bay on tlie market on
Saturday. An arganieet • for the f eat
Act wan. tO„b.e, found, on, our ;streets on
,SeturditYsevettleg„ .4* young woman
went reeling about, at times unable to
'keep 'her 'feet, and whet 'made the sight
• ofhe. others 'ad entirely et. home in her
movements, while J. Jaelssop, as "Squire
Jinks," acted the part of a nervous ad-
mirer to perfection, Lu, Stevens, as
."Mrs. Gray's father," was.. patriarchal in
appearance and.perfectly free in his man -
more pitiable was the presence of • two ner. Several of the other performers, also
small children clinging to her skirts, A rendered' their parts exceedingly well,
'rather uncommon thing in this neighbor- and weare confident dieted' present en -
'hood was, the presence of six small girls .joyed themselves immensely. The audi-
os pallbearers, at a. funeral last week.- encs was notes large as antibipated, per -
Messrs. Beesley andllrunsdon, since their baps because of the entertainment' being
rettirreerom,1VIAtiiteba, have gone.ipto the got up by local talent, people assume
bank-bern. business and already have sev- that it would. not be good. Between the
tool jells onhand ; they are geed workmen.
The ledge of, Rend Temples's here has
been teMporarilyeeepended by the Grand
Ledge -because -tin* members refused to
pay all assessments that ,were levied on'
them ; some of tbemetnbers intimatethat '
there has been • crookedness somewhere,•
outside. of the Rica management of the
organise:time' Several'', merchants .meee
largeshipments' of' Isntter Saturday
Before the. veleeteer camp broke, up at.
.Londen; last Week, Ool.A.'." M,Ress„,(Treas
'surer: efOetaisio)'„entertaieed all.the PM,-
severAl parts of the cantata music was fur -
Greig, pianist, Hugh Combe, cornetist,
and Homer Cooper, violinst. We believe
it is the intention to repeat the cantata
on the evening of th0,12041111te 194 4.
should griefed 'a full house.
EXOtraet010 TO' `Nst40114—The• Grand
Trunk is arranging cheap, P;Mlii.oa "tit
Toronto for all points between, , Goderich
and Stratford to take place about the first
week in August, "The tare from Clinton
will be only $1.50,, tickets good for tWe
days. ' This will be the cheapest excursion,
of the season, and those who wish to visit
that city should make their arrangements
3f01,10Pa 134aN,-3Tr. Mn Stephs
enson, of this place, raised the frame of
one of the largest, if not the largest, barn
in the county, on, the farm of Mr. J.
Thompson, McKillop, last Friday. Two
barna 50x36 feet were moved together,
and on top of these was built another of
the same size. :From floor to peak is just
fifty feet.
SPIV/Ana cv Co.NincTioxs.—The list
of convictions made by the magistrates 'of
this county for the quarter ending Tune
10th was published in our issue of last
week, and, embraced 75 cases, a larger
number than the preceding quarter.. Of
these 20 were for being drunk and disor-
derly, 11 for violation of the Crooks Act,
17-casee of,assinilt, and the remainder di-
vided up among general infractions of the
laws. Twelve' $20 fines were imposed,
and two as low as 25e, the total amount
of fines levied being $319. Goderich ma-
gistrates bad 18 cases, Seaforth 11, Olin-
•nished.by an oichestra.nomposed of Miss ton 16, Wingham 10.
AT. .THE • ,
• -.330-C) ST
cers pf the 83rd Battalion a supper.— - • •
The memhere of , OlintoU: Volunteer Co„
whoretwined from London; on Saturday,.
and, were paid oft here, speak in'the high- •
•est terms Of the attention and kindness
'Shown them by Captain D. A. Forrester,
Mr. T. FoivIer'showal oriSattirday i.
strawberry measuring 5?i 3e, inches. A
horse belonging to J. Reeves -of Mitchell,
at a hotel here on Satuiday. Mr, j.
Powell, and , etron, have beep
visiting relatiyes 'and friends here: •Mr.
Thos, Newmarch had.taken a situation in
RICHTER MOUTH ORGANS, 10 key, brass, ets,
.,. •
EXPRESS WAGGONS, Iron 4Xle $2.25, also WOODEN
4xle, 75e -.•and• $1.50.
BABY CARRIAGES going very cheap..
town and will not return to. the nor'west. .
Mr. Cornish, of the base line, has foe.,
lowed the camel° ,of Mr: W. Tiplady, N
and erected .a witesandsrail fen& along . . • • .
the front of his farm, which will material-
ly lessen sneeeblockades in thewinter ; if THE LARGFST 'VARIETY AND
others alongthis ioad 'were to do likewise CHEAPEST in the County ofHuron.
it would not be so' badly blocked 'in the
winter as it usually' is. Mrs. C. II. Ghent
And daughter, of lJnioneille, are visiting 174ckqucter and T--,itarosse'StiOlks.
relatives here., The wife 'of Rev. A. Stew- , • • ' • • • '
. art is; visitinf her parents at Torontos—
nx •QtrA.NCt.—A pleasant meeting.
took plebe at Lond,on, on Wedireeday last;
between. two old comrades in'arnis,4essrs.
tienry Cook, major and acljutantof 'the
33rd (Huron) battalion,' and Themes Pitz-
pitriak,isight baggagemaster at the Rich-
, mond street depot. They joined, the 2nd
battalion of the 60th Rifles in 1844, caide
, to.banade in the same year, wnnete Eng-
land in .147, and to the' Cape of Good
Hope in 1851, They' remained there until
:4855, when Mr. Fitzpatrick went lack, to
• England on the way to the Crimea, While'
Major Cook served in the. Indian mutiny;
and ins:Chink' They..inbsequently came:
to Canada, but had not met for nearly 00
years till the other day, when, as may be
ipred, the meeting was a pleasant ore
" TUE, onors.—In this immediate neigh-,
boyhood the crops are looking splendid.
'They ,wre for some time in need of rain,
but late rains have niade a very decided
and encouragingimprovement in theie,
appearance. Spring crops in particular,
are baking well, and fall wheat even has.
done better than anticipated. In, about a
week or so it will be necessary to coni -
silence cutting grain, and We antielpate
that fall wheat will prove to, be a boater,
'crop generally than was at, first supposed'
it wcield be The hay crop will be a.,
good one: In some parts of Ontario the
drouth has been very long aiekdamaging,
spring grains not even sprouting, -and
"while a little more rain -here would be
very acceptable just now, farmers should,
and doubtless do, feel delighted that the
prospects are as bright as they are.'
to' :
. .•
HURON LivE STOCK ,Assocrertots.-2
The annual meeting of the ;above named
association met here, at iCethiedi's hote),
on Saturday last, the. preeidents'sTaities
Biggins, Esq.,in .the chair. The Med.-.
Trews, M. Y. McLean,' Esq., mid, the
nancial report for the past yeat,'slidWing'
balance to the credit of the asSeelatien.
All the old officers were then re-elected,
and a committee: appointed to canvas for
` subscriptions for the fail sale,
be held about the end of October..s:After.
a few other matters relating to the sale
were, dispoied of, the meeting adjourned,
're' discussing the benefits of the sale at
came out that frequent private sales were
made of animals, at much higher prices,
which had been withdrawn At the sale • by
their owners, the prices bid not heing,;sii-
tisfactory, and the private sarelrbeingthe
result of their advortiemisent in' the cata-
logue..It is to be hoped the foitheoming
sale, will be well patroni,sed.-•
rnAune..-A„ vendor of e'-isen'Xiiiation
pen hi:Add:and inketandvietiMlied, neze—
ly-every. business' map in town the ‘pther
day be belling to them for one dollar and
a haletehat could be got in 'almost Any.
ordinary stationer's store for one dollar.
It lie 'astonishing ,what an-infilience a
good deal of "cheek" and an' oily tongue
poSsese. This same man sold 75 of his
inkstands in the town of Galeria).—
'Expositor. • 'rhe same individual took
in* a number here also. , Another good. -
for -nothing scheme was werked on a
number here recently, by a man who .613f
tamed a, number ,of advertisements for
a "Perpetual Calendar" at $2 for each
space, and had either of the printing
offices in this' plate solicited advertise-
ments for a similar .purpose, the canvas-
sers would probably have been kicked outs
side. As an advertising ineditie the Cal-
endar is not worth a cent and the ,people
who patronized the individuel in question
have the eatisfaction..44nowing that
Alessi's. W. air and Praise. Irving are
away on. a trip to Cleveland; they went
by the.steamer 'Oconto; from.. Goderich.—
Three woinert and four. men, 'helplessly
drunk, was a sight that 'could have, been
Witnessed in aback yard'not farifrons the:.
brick' block, on Monday afternoon. The
Grand Union bun i Again:running All
'those' iVhe have flags, should run them Up
Ontlie 12th inst: anti just. bete Wa
e might
VEILI1.*See ,siplenclid assortment..
1-1.ammock's *wood and cheap.
13ird flames and Walking. Canes.
:itaythlt it wmild%be, witie to run theni up . .
on 6.ieTy. special occasion when there is ,a. "
croWil.in, town, as: they add to the appears
-anCe of the,town... Quite a number of our
citizens are enjoying'the festivities of the
Toronto Senii-centennial. . Reeve Meaux.-
chle lS•at' C'Froderieh attending the equali7
iatibii" api.i.ea' of Usborne; before Judge
Toms is there to watch the interests
of Clinton: in theenatter. s 'The' town
council will.nieet next Monday' evening.
As usual Jno Ewing was up to time with
Splendid new potatoes, On the 1st ink, he
leaVing tie:his usualcentribution of these
articles; and an assortment ,of other siege -
tables, on Tuesday. 'The echoelsolOse for
the suemiee holider.s On the 11th' inst.
The entrance 'examination to the High.
School, -commenced .yesterday(Thursday)
and will be Continued tcsday; it will be
some tune before the names of the success -
fel. candidates are knoWn ; over seventy
are Writingat tehocil here. The examiiis
'ations for teachers' certificates commence
at tlib high school.: nektlgon4nY, The,
fall eb,eW ot the Hullett.Agricultural SO-
ciety will'he held in Clinton;'n Wednes-
day and.Thtirsday, theist 11.4a 2nd of Oc-
tober ;' besides.. the regular list of prizes,
a number of good specials will be offered
for'competition. Miss Li White, who has
been in:the bid oolnitr 'for several months,
'returned to town on 1luesdey, aeconiplin-
led by a Mr:. Jacques.; Miss White thinkS
that Canada is by all oda the nicestplace
in whicli to:reside, ass there issless red -tape;•
forroalisni . and fewer' grades in some
than there are in, the old laud. 'Mrs. O.
Moffatt has bought the small house And'
let at the end of mill street, paying there-
for the'. sum of $2:00. Mrs. Jackson, of
.Winghatn; is here on a visit to her' sons.
Mrs$: Mercer is abieto be out again. Mr
John Copeland managed to drive up to
toWn. font .Varnit, on. Moridayito see his
friendsberes heswes Sq weak that he had
to bepreppeel up in theluggy. The only
Division ,Coiirt case' before Judge 'Doyle,
on Saierday, was a snit between Jos, ,Al-'
'anion and J. GilroY;in reference to levels
ling offs. lot, there being a misunderstald-
ing as to *hat was a proper levelling up
of A lot ; the' jud1te. split differenees
giving judgment, for half the' amount
elaimede Mr. G. •Doherty, who has been
lying ill for some thin:sat the resident(' of
-Mr:•W. DithertySis so low that his death
is expected it.any time. Mr. MeAllistet,
of Detroit, brother-in-law of Mr. 3. 'Scott,
Of the Institute, was in town this week ;
it was thirty years since they had seen
each other. sRev. Mr. McQuarrie, of
Winglison, .wa\ in town on Wednesday,
have accowpa»ied his &tighter to the
en traeee examiatienv Meestorace loose
ter la visiting her relatives a Dundas ; is
this why Horadelooks supremely happy.
On Tuesday the thermometer dropped 40
ilegiees botwe ni and 10 o'clock 'p. =—
Messrs. Craig 4nd Hearn gathered lunar,
ly 200 sheep end 'lambs yesterday. Me.
Ti„ Hayward hitt eoppleted the brieltwork
for It. Jenkins new hens°, on the 16th
concessionlof Goderich township; Henry
Steiens has the contract for the whale job:
Mrs. Switzer, mother of Mr. ten, 6:ssiteer,
is dangerously ill at her tesidenee in God -
oriels township; inflammation of the hoW-
els is her complaint, and as she is well up
their nioney literally was thrown away
and they helped a lazy deffees make it, in years. tears Are entertained for her re-
) ,
PSfat spec" out of them. Ws a poor return eovery. There ill be an immense tern -
their investment, but that's all they get out in Clinten, On the 12th.
Th •d
Imp Iwo', a. Linen Lawn.
'KEEP K0014 in a Victoria Lamm.
KEEP. KOOL a Bishop's Lawn
and you Will be' KOMFORTABLE.
Light. Col'd. Prints.
Light Dress Goods.
. .
. .
Look for them1
• •
One of ouit
best sellers
The Latest Shape in
V. •
The. Famous Ilatter, Clinton.,
. :
r . • . .4 As '.' V 'a ''.' 1‘
. • .
Some' shrewd. people defer buying .a Suit until the
slack times, which are generally in July and,
August, and by doing So buy at a far greater
reduced price than at any time during the year,
as all merchants clear out their spring stocks to
make way for fall. To those people we would
say 'that we -are commencing to think about the
fall,' and to those who have fiot bought a Suit
this year, BUY ONE NOW. You can buy a Suit'
$4 & $6 cheaper than you could in the busy time.
Buy a White Vest and Light 9oat
for the Not Weather.