HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-04, Page 5SP LLI (*- and SITMIVJEEIL BOOTS SHOES W. TA):LOR&SON Our stock, for the Spring an(' Sunlm.er is now complete, and will be found on inspection, to embrace the best makes ill. the Dominion, at the most reasonable rates.. TRUNKS, VALISES, LADIES SATCHELS, &c. on and, and for sale at lox prices. Butter and Eggs take= las eaohangei Five per cent off for cash. A VERY CHQICE Co •a: At 30 cenets. per :lb TR s i i SuYPx,r n. At the NOTED TEA, COFFEE and:SPICE IIOUSE' , .S.. PALLISER & :CO ,CASH FOR EGGS. Next to Town .Hall. :• ,... G L S ``i:3+ T,aii.. 5,0 > e. Thom.psoi1. &: Switzer 6-1 STILL WE LIVE ! And do business more than ever. Better Bargains.than ever. • 4 3:300TS • & S:3CS W omen's Good Prunellas for 60 c. . Women's Lace Bobts, :$1.. ` gMen's Lace Shoes. $2. Don't buy another pair of Boots until you see our new. Spring Stock.Come.one, come allr•l' No C'i trouble to show' goods `, . cID W T; gar WANTEp, 'A QUANTITY OF GOOD POTATOES. I,, .. r aatnI>,uJa• JY>toa .otlao�t� U.A• STOVE: ANI: j'ust receive', .an lminense;stock of TJs, Girdiii & IlaCvc Fork Syts,does �c Also a Iarg1; stock of the CELEBRATED .HEADY . AIIAED PAINTS Suitable for farmers and others wishingto do their own pai'n'ting. Tullstook B llerl!Ir!arI, d than � e • BG 41ils o'" Agent for the celebrated HA.i'VREYE MILK" PArr. S. DAVIS, Clinton. HARLAND'S WE WOULD. LD• OALL THE ATTENTION QF Farmers & Da ry en Harland's improved lIIilk Pan The latest and most convenient Cream•Separator out, Call and see them, and,leave your order, early. JUST RECEIVED, A von STOOK OF B8IT9BE To4i, 1114 Spades, Shovels, 'Carden: Rakes, Roes, 4 o. ifirOur stock of BUYLI[5ER'S HARDWARE is now complete. PAINTS it OIL a Improved U�v 1' ,1�Pail. 1 L 3 �Z O ., specialty. .its s. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS ,ALlbert Street, Clinton. The public will find our stock of medicines complete, warranted genpine, ,and of the best quality. TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES. AND.ALL RINDS OF DRUGGISTSt SUhNDRIES USU4LLY KEyT IN A -FIRST CLASS, .DRUa• "►STORF,. e s��c �o�im se�ua oR� t�ot�a Doo ATF W . PERFUMES. BO(Z[TET,o dTa of Lua�n 's IO rots, La,vENDET .HAIR l3ltUSHES, COMBS, TOOTH AND NAI1. BRUSHES+. TOILET SOAPS, COSMETICS, &O. .t.)1‘1),1311!":0., CHEMIST AND_ DRUGGIST, • . • . . • (MINTON, ONT. • JUST AR.13;IV 1fi7). • IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE SHADES AND PATTERNS, USUALLY FOUND ONLY IN CITIES. • special Lines i�:5 8C l0ct, P�pers • fiiirNo trouble to show, *nether you purchase .lir' not.. H. SIMP ON Clinton... e.• COMPLETE • ASSORTMENT QF • . Comprising. all the Newest Styles in FRENCH. &.AMERICAN -HATS &'BONNETS' In Chip and Fancy Straws. ' Flower's, Feathers,. Tips, Pour• Pomp, Ornaments, Laces, Ribbons, • Silks .'and Satins. Having bought from the leading importers in the trade,' and at prices that we are enabled to offer special value in the above lines. EMBROIDERIES, large stock to choose from. DREasORNAMENTS, PASSEDtEN.' RJES AND Gnu. TRIMMINGS. Full line of SPRING PRINTS and general assortment of, DRY GOODS,,.` Hats and Bonnets: made over into;all the leading styles: Apprentices wanted to learn the straw work. BEESLEY & .SIN, .BEA.VER BLOCK. Now for Bargain§ in oots, Shoes, Harness Trunks,-. T AMES TWITCHELL' VICTORIA BLOCK. Having received my Spring. and Smuttier stock of Boots and Shoes, X would can the attention of . the public to the same. • . Sar WOi{IEN',S Igq :B UTTON BOOTS, Silver Mounted Single ;Flterness only $14.'; only $1.75. MEN'S, BOY'S; and CHrL»REN'S, j BABY CARIr'IAGt.�:S, a large variety, at almost half-price..• cheap accordingly. r 15 000 'bunches 'TRUNKS and. VALISES, very,cheap.. •,high land Pine 'Cesar: : TEAM. and CARRIAGE J1ARNESS SHINGLES, for sale cheap, c'heaper:than ever: . 'BOOMS TO LET over :shop.. BUTTER 'St EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR BOOTS .& SHOES, J. TWITCHELL VICTORIA BLOCK, CLINTON Whenfound, he was at the • OAK HALL" for one of them good fitting Suits that NE. M. FISCHER turns out, two doors north of the Grand Union Motel. Come and see my stock of' Tweeds) Worsteds, Trowserings and Summer Overcoatings. Fits- aid 'workmanship second to none• t11 work :Cuarasstc d Parties having their o*n. material can have it Made :and trimmed on short notice. GIVE ME A TRIAL. CHARGES MODERATE, OAK HALL, SMITH'S BLOCK, :CLINTON. The illigrehe. owl Prohibit'ss. A notable ei n. of h times is the very decided attitude, taken by the churohee in regard to. the question of intemperance and its legal Suppression, The Presbyterian. Assembly recently in seeeion here declared strongly in favor•pf prohibition, and their e*awple hie•been followed by•the Metho. diet Conference. Hitherto Canadian Churghea have, confined •theniselvea to denouncing the ,vise of drunkenness and counseling efferta directed towards indi- vidual reform, but the tendency now is• to range the entire influence of the church againat the liquor traffic and to fairer the legal suppression of the whole business, This, is an important change, and its first result will undoubtedly be ^to atrengthes{, immensely theliabds of theprohibitionists. Notwithstanding all that has been eaid about the decline of the pulpit, it still wields a great :influence, and when that is directed' to the accomplishment of a pro - deal end, it will.be veryapt to bring..an iirresiatible preisnre to beer.in favor of the - object 3utight —Toronto News. JZn PhYsicsaua Outdone. Mrs..Ilelon Plat►rvi, No, 331 Daytou St., Chicago, I11., is now in her sixty eight year, and states that she has suffered with Con= sunaption for about;,ten;years, was treated by nine physicians;' all of them pronouncing' her Base hopeless, She had given up all hopes of ever recovering. Seven bottJ ,s of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption completely. cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her a postal . and satisfy yourselves. pall at Watts & Co's. drag store and get a free . trial bottle, PERSONALAIND POLi;TIOAL. It is said that everything green in Massachusetts is' being attacked by the army, worm. This suggests an easy and-.. tbod, of getting rid of the editor of the To- • ronto Tory organ, Turn the army worin on ' A London Telegram says:—Her Majes-' ty in Council to -day granted an order for tate reference of the Ontario. Boundary • Question to the Judical Committee of the Privy Council, The petition from On- tario and Manitoba making' the request • was laid .before Her Majesty in Council Friday. The, hearing of the question Was fixed for the 15th. of Jttly. A nnmber of Toronto• dudes had a'fox= hunt on the Island the other day. A fox was carried over in a hox and turned loose •with a pack of mnngrel curs at .his heels. Real fox hunting, •where the' chased ,.an n- al has a chance for its life, is brutal en-. , ough in all,conseience; but, when it comes to hnntinitaaiefoxes where there is no shelter, the brutality is greatly increased, and idiocy is added. Ientt there a man in Toronto with nerve enough :to hunt the dudes? • ' The American Prohibition Convention for the purpose of nominating ticandidate for the presidential election was held at Cr icago. , 1'ts platformis the only square, solid' one which has ever been set up by a political party. It demands:prohihiti,on, opposes secret societies, asserts that all cavil rights and freedom should be granted to Indians and Chinamen, favors a re- . duction of the tariff, and demands the sup- pression of polygamy. This iii a platform. of principle not of political expediency, There is no bid for the Irish, the German,. the hoodlum; or the whiskey vote. Such a platform should be.successful,'but there i3 no chance Of that at present. The German. Government proposes to deal 'decisively with : explosives. The 'new law permits, the ..manufacture, sale :.' and possession of explosives, as well• as their importation from abroad, only by authorization ofpolice, and a register, is to be kept of the quantity 'of explosives, while the heaviest • penalties are incurred by persons endangering the .public safety by explosives, or Inciting •persons. to the: criminal use ofeuch material by speeches. before' popular.. assemblies,. The death :penaity.is incurred by a Person' MAO causes death' by _the use of explosives. .;Prince Bismarck is apparently determined•to se- cure the personal, safety_of•hsmself and the "Hohenzollerns. • Great discontent prevails in the North- west because of the scandalous abuse of the liquor -permit privilege within the territories. la this connection,theCalgary Herald 'pertinently asks: " Are we not alt '13ritish'suhjeats and entitled to the same • treatnsent? Why should the man of influ- ence and position be permitted to bring iii" all the whiskey ho wants, when it found to be inch a curse to his poorer and leas influential fellow citizen? A.gnvernment that has one: haw for the 'rich' man and another for the poor man is not worth.. the Came. We are firmlyoonvinced that illicit' trading can never be effectually stopped until the permit systeni is. abolished. Then, and not till thou, will all feel on au. equality and the law be•respected." • The•Globe "sizes up" the present Do- minion Governinent in .the following terse manner:—W,e have too profound a, con- viction that Canada's present rulers are tile most arrant, n.'fscrupulous schemers: and the most self -convicted and self -con- demned "'lie's- .on the w'h'eel,9'to thiiik of saying, even were it to "help a loan," that they are men of mighty intellects, of un- tainted reputations, and j of a ion "cloud compelling" and season -constraining ca- pacity. They were,,we all know, to ward off dull times.. They were to counteract the depressing influences of bad harvests; They were to guarantee at alltimes and in all circumstancesgood wages and plenty of work, We have never so insulted their intellects as to hint that they ever had the slightest confidence in all this which they said.• They said it, however, ell the same,,and they stand to -day before the world convicted charlatans and something worse." to . agwl`dr IVIOf,ted. Can any one 'Wag no, a case of Kidney or Liver coinplaint that Illeetriq,.l#itters will not speedily. enre.2 Wo to they -0411 .net, as thousands of ea eelillreeds. permanently enrol and who 04.•daily,4ebeintnehdire I:loetrio Bitters, will, prove.. Bright's Disease, Dia• beteg, weak back; or tuiS, trine* complaint quickly tared They purity the blood, , eg ,. ate the bong s,spd pi,'Vdireetly on the'disoas- ed parts.,sey r .1004e • guaranteed, For sale at foc. a tthby Ikatte & Co.