HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-04, Page 2El , .
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I 11 -*1 _ . __ __ — � �!!!!! � _____ . I . - 11, r.. - :7�__ 1 — � 1i 0" -_ -11 ,. I 1 0 ,:I - , A WAT44"NIAIA ,*ONAWOR.
'" . I .1 UPWW� mob so �- .
. I i belOW4 -60 001M W4 00
. '��..!,.,O-! 00,10 " __ L � RMT01A 01 0 . . I 4 il�40P*qr, I
, , , ,,, I., ld-. I . 1, , Vow* W. Abselow a ORNMOO
'. " . 41)k - I .1 I
. RM. i0elwiaor XVIOUR A NQNTR
%I �W 0$A6TFJL,l, V . Agoerlir�
, ,
. ,Jul*. 4 "'i 84t * � I I ,I% , , 'f � . L L. 40 . . � � I 14ifire 6"140 amp d" It *ssima saw 1"14 L Xelflovions--Xisnob A"'M wow
�, I . . � � _.% _�_; I - . ---.as— .,.-,- — . I . IPIPO"U" Toriodonso
a � ! . ;T� M OUL WX . ,N4rm1nj[ Attitudo of Indianol at OR wlawft "Wem, ,
P ;_l . I . I 1, � —7--_ 'Rho qrstiat "'midow ,Rwreack . I conflaarlatipu , 14 a LarO 1513t A obomes factory IS being bot at OVAer. * 111;U016L (Ina.) limilogtarri'mays*. Thimp-
. % . � I � rkenesocalol successes 7 1 Battleford. � son W*Iiing, formerly A, resiaent of litimi
n4v*m 0 , . , L 8�vory Flimoticry, I . . burp. pVIA lei butmorwilissathirty Java map .
------- sspss� � Coarbas been 4isoperedl *6 Issno ,. 'Po" ,
� L 4. _�. �_�,p I �i'- L 04 I I I I , taTe dead, beg soddenly "Wene4ii"I[ell.
. , - CELEBRATION-' I HB isEWB1TAKT8..TERA11PI$D; oing - - , WalLJisg,W4OYUtW-j6f# a Joan$
I . .
A (yr9wileld V6MMOXMI tO Hoar A TAST' I A4 boon married Wife With
I I I . � I � (Woo. NOTELL FULL OF BLEVER0 OEMOMHEq. T Halt-bro"d ponies are milling from 020, to three children, 11 . twice had "
0140tion"'s soloosiou- I A Londou omblegramo dated Isal . . . , 0125 -losch ,-I Aegulm,_ b4 lost both . bashands.. The first bUllballid
Uqa#%y) night.Bayat A most impressive ---,-.O— axes Welled by onsipvke—xxctesax chases A:Wii4i,apeg despatch lsmsyp: The Tim" and, WI(a, tile$ Is" night for thO first time
�_. , . L, . - �
1. .. , I Scene' Was PrPoeiii0q,tbis evening At the � arled ^IIV,,6 An eke $3urPIP9 , Mier *UUILWXT ilteamer-PottArthullP printers, weriv out on strike to -day, but 00, ,i Fears prio; 0 that time,
'WqbqYU46_ , , . , L . . nom 1$40. Aj&t I .... L . ad" Miss
� I . I Ole et. Newington lft* inew 13 ,
ettopo - u _ consdawatlew commercial Trot'rellev pill,posp %V 04 illopea as usual. I_& mar" �
FRE11011 AND -BRITISH, RIUMMON, §4iji, fil $hiii city. The o0assioll WAS the 190100. April, let, 1841, Wolluo i
I r I . . . Burned ass, Desesh-ladjami Troubles at Messrs. Geddes, 9awal.4 and 130$4 have Stioinnalialissfor, a daugliterof �
jilts at the fit$! . I -
A London oblegrelin asys - The House ,10# aW.Vice in r, celebration sib L
� .
mokeo tbisevoubi$, 109 As, birthday, ,,Of the Rev. Charles, Haddon A Moutreal despatch of jut (Sunday) � juttletossa. been nominated, for ,the representation Of farmer. and in 1849i When the. gold fever,
L �
of Commoills was I . 11 night"S dats says I., ,One Of Via most lm"Op- . was 0.0 its height. be Voont"Out,witli a num
Utmost 6&pecftY$'L the Members' benchdo Spargaiiisq., The v ne -
, kod in A 4espatch from Winuipef 4mited jut 'Palgay ilk the Northwest 064111511- .
wat edifloal was Ip give Area that has, tallen PjAC0 beta for a I Old-ilgaven, among whom Visa
L . supied, and ,the 9011091a ove;y. PAT$ -with a Congregation wbi0b, Was .1 I (Sundaij) night says: Ind all trouble*. 'Two hundred. Bud s1XV-6ighlb home ftO% bog Of . -
being .fully "00C . ado occurred. list 3 o'clock this morning; � I MotItana have L ' cLau'litin, t
pje� anxious, to bear Mr. Sepia she large numbs9 Of deg 1. . . o.areported fromBattleford. .0medayei % . g he California ran
Crowded with Mal issily. notable for - , Instantly killed, ff L , -boall Seized st 0&%ary for Charlie .,
Glakdatoliq ofstoineat of the rolftillsrY evangelical clergymen whiah, it Contained. one UnIPOUnite man losing Ur I 5 i two Indiana dermapded provisions f I lionalre, whip was shot in a San Freacigool, ;
. . . MM - yiOlstion of 060. 0"so.als Law, .
,a Egyptian to L millieter in -the ally another not expected to roo0voit 044 10 T ( atingsotole hotel[ by a railroad Contractor. Since 2852
1 Inspector Ormig, forty miles West of Battle, - A Wip.nipeg tolegromosys:X04 I �
. egotistloils forili L . uffirenoo., Almost every Baptist L teivefi by Mrs. WAIN*
The Prince of Wales. a r, also �jerjoml find more badly but not fatally injured, lbroughout no word was rec
. fid scoreg, of mora- was present, That# veto I . is flames broke out On the second A at ford B91isg refused they soamulted him FarmerW Union are 0 be held I Oil from her h6likesad I , L
y, Coo . apied Seat lay, delegates from )61%ptiot churches In all 71 . ,find 'belped themselves. Sergeant Crozier the oountr to discuss she present politic . ,,, and as yams passed
bets of the nobilit: 0 in the I rho princi. of a six -story building, 012 04- Henry street, with thirty man repaired to the spot, where Y I L . .he Was . given UP an dead. Hill
Poers' gallery. ' �Cho Liberals, to -night are parta of the United Riagdom- " 4L, 11 3upied by "ituation., ea. large estate 4 Woo
I -1. in the. ofintre Of the city, " . fathe advalfaiii-
. : . tboyfound A concourse of Indiana, assembled Mr. SAL arrived fit 0 , and Km
r6fase in their *exprossioull .01 approval, of pol ,event of the evening was the ASooUrS8 I ,!Others & 0% an a shirt toLhold a thirst dance. Chiefs Poundm%kGr . Burgess h algik,ry, and tared as it ouch was the come
I '
W Glad � a . Wfie's pliessAtatiori.Qf the subjeoto by Mr, Spurgeon. This Woo mainly per- Me"M Skelton Bl i hundred halides will go to the Rockjoe. On his return to Cal- tied to Horatio V
d India,. I M1 . 01808111b, the distinguished factory, employing three . . too , after ond- Big Boat assumed A threatening atti. . Willing Woo remar .
I I . I oonal slid rej . a. In, a few MIZU , -the provisions mud pry a deputation of miners will wait, upon Wilooxen in 1862, In 1860 W110oxelt Whit -
and the Tories are thoughtfill all irl'. , -
I?osed to talL . � . preacher giving ati, outilao of his Chiefly young g ,. a.�_Uot, more than tude. Crozier bad I a "bastion, i4pitagairding the mining regulations. killed in a Saw mill, and iu 1866 Jeremiah .
I .the . top, AS'. an Oylo-WitnOBS OYS- , In
Mr. Gladotoud Said thd* neutralization 09 M' 180fitIOUS - from time when thq fire was discovere -the flames live stock. removed. and built Indiana A, rise of water is driving' the mi era 00 Vagoll, married the - twioe-dosolate widow, I
M1 L Soaring I After several Parlays the i
30glptwould be deferred until England he bid. as "The Boy I Preachers" Were out of ., the roof, and 'tile Sukatchowan River. . bar at Spriagport,, Heart .
wil drawn -frow the ;country. He stated conducted revival& in his . native Within - ten painutes, moif) the gigantic , wore induced to come within 600 living with 82. In "' �
L - �
, .
the provisional I conference of. the powers county, E086N. . He Said that it was trU8 Walls, of three sides of the building Yards of the barricade, but' they Coal was disoovered At the bottom of a County, Until his death, in 18 rominent I
to Egypt _ , )i0trationibSid beau b1siviedi ised to come further- They Proposed *ell 60 feet on Pacific avenue, Brandon, on Meantime V011118Y Wilson, A
would deoidevli� regard isu finan. that these Mil L came ormalling aOW with terrAflo rapidity refu Cal 6omprolpilise ' but Croilerwouia Saturday. , � . Citizen and stamiab fl . Walling% -
1. a in bring- n jug, Into at .SeV0 a oarrallder Of tble ' L , . I
cles, but no dociolo". Wall thsY, Might form with a wonderful degree of SUCCOR' , bout any Warm . 1. neptnotbiug but Ill I
, salvation;but the secret of the and . force, wit t or j%V8 him up, Jut'flooded the wast
*ould be,�p to a Rattl 9@94SMOUt 91§TQ 04 ilogribuls to L atone and brick. the lattat aim . As soon as quartz can be supplied in But- n1v
- ,to Sly to Shalifile0a File of . in wanted., lie Selected a small squad of floilent quantities the A,Ygyll mill'will be ran with letters -of ln%airy. In February lost
owsent I . � sue 130 was simple. it wai due Sol � numerous. The in( eater at - '.
' '' i 5he Holy Spirit,attieudiiag being by far -the 'most and airest9d one, but the others night and day. . Walling, While deputy Postm.
In Ble Lords Earl Granville explained the blessing bf I . . had been, towering eastern wall of the factory -mQp 3 bumb. Great . R. Francis"with a � I I , in I Weatherby, Or :1 on, under. -1 postuou"e. , -
the conference 0ahaina. Lora Salisbury his work, and this blooming upon the Eagle' Hotel, a eocaped into thl confusion i staff of -eight Mon,
, , .
. )btained, by. dropped' down �ndlans trying to rescue the who himself h been absent from his ,
the Foreign Secretary ob infid, mud' could only be c , lkhouss adjoining, belong. Prevailed, some' . busily engaged extracting the nuggets 1!OM family for twenty '$Fefiro, picked up, the .
ifisid the Btatelodut .0% -threi-storey bric Ut off oua� prieoner; but others eudeasydriag to stop '
- . . ,
contained mouch that was precious toBritiall a eat Continuous prayer," 13UPPOrted, by ing to, Mr. Louie, Lemieux, and a L I inspector Autrobu, the Keewatin lodo. , - . , letter .postmarked Munaie, diX661ted 110,
to the i the mind and heart atesining nine rooms$ violent, measures. I . mud I
interests and was,full of Molue,011 r a te belief both of 1. . bills; the promises co soone mud Judgmenta have been obtained at Cal. the postmasters end,, opening it, lound it
. . isyst, and the'reality of , sad forty man arrived on the .
I . irlihe efficacy 01 Ptf Whiso . L ' yete occupied by tired . I . the men recently discheirgedby the � L , for hili , . * Corrempondensoff
A Paris cablegram Baia he China. Him, to Whem it Wag aadressea. ,,,Make . L . astdo, while z was An inquiry -
future pbaoo'bf ilieworia. All of h kort moment. six covered his retreat' Afterw ,
.: Ill t . I Sleepers.. In fonly� oue''Sk I try. IR agsinist that company; aggregating with Wilson resulted, and yestirda-Y Wall I
bar of Deputies ic-pay M. Forty paid in' -YOU31 whole life- a Prayer," amid Mr. Spur- Fire partially buried C;3zI8r was distributing ,provisions 'all a 01,30*0 , . . . ng returned and spent last evening with, t
� . , .gyms I a present, 11 and God men ia their L beds m ' ' row4rd to the w611 -disposed Indiana, he . I i
4 France hu been quite, Inactive As fee gocaL to the Ole' .. Ist those on the first . 1p he wanted, Who CAMS UP Mr. W. 0. Hami . The 1
188 . iring Of theL I under .the debris, whi . Iton,'barriater, 'R,gi,fi, him ,its of thirty4lva years' ago
mks Egypt is concerned, inasmuch SO Still will %India you out IOV an 0110POt and Second floorw-ruablillf out on the street asouked. theme , . sted. by -last w Meerut,
Chilled to take part ill the.British expedi. poly Spirit that 'sholl',aloundantly 'blame one man, S, boldly film provisions, and wax stire jask received a, letter from meeting was a sold had - impressive 0116- I �
. do . think of . . eashing, in time to- solve their lives. I - ioziqr, Thb. Indian& scattered, and the Reagal, East. Indieo" from three gentlemen Yesis of trouble )love brought gt&Y'hsil*
tion. It. Was. too laste� now t9 . your labors. Prosy * without . 0 lodger, in ,the hotel' named Beimo �01 ,.
. I to " returned to' Battleford. In the of the Royal Artillery, making for P L f .ipkioi to, both of iliew, slid the
of co'dominion. Egypt . Upoe - eutbring - L,'Y,oUr' .-Pulpitp, No$ - ISIESU out at an' 5 police I times a and wr
. .. reviving-& scheme MRnall ; her fate ill Pray" . UrIDj your. young shoemaker, i 11 me, , I d and partioulais respecting the country children who were littisi,more thesubabiess. -
during the setvi0e of soiig,,svdd L ' Fing him tothe J"Ice several. policemenware,disarmea,but Ian I a father left, have gi
is neither Ffeuoh nor Ell . ,reaching to the uncouverte4i buVewthe men were - osie _ recovered, Poundmaker in the Begins, district: I . . when th" rown up and
I a matter of cb)mqera.fic� �aifj Europiil; and Will sermon. while y brosibed him last. .A their Arniq were, air own. it is more. them
� I . .i., L Street the Poor follow % made a vicious' fittean'pt to kill Autrobua A'deipatoll from Fort, McLeod, North,. have families of ill
uropean question. Ur,. loring them -to into yto the Saviolit. � . Olt as ram CIO
I falways be a E .. imp ith a Peti-L - second :simmir mamed Joseph -'Larous'. - - A dispute arose �be., likely, th . firiiage.vill 00, V&
. , zed iihe Prelude ,each appeal to them Wi ' I - : with a war club. Great excitement Pta whet Territory, Pays I . L I
. ... Gladstonelp Government. .r000gal - I boarder Also, was readuad in.% very danger children twee a Crow Indian * and As cowboy here. romantic history. - � . I I I _
* facts slid was the .-first to'pkopQBe'thG tion to God to add the force of - Divintl c0il- - � I ii to the General Hompi; vailid in . Baittletbrd, women and u . - � I I
I atUrjAjZ%tIon Of Egyp .' L. ' t. I &ug your ouft, state and .take Battle- The Isitter shot, the Iudiau;� who,'in the - — ' .
31 it. Fganoe: has the vicuou , o. your w6rdo, .laud' I I tal, WheraliQ 113L ib P.Arary critical state and fle6ing to the barracks for safety- vg,ew 21ARV MAIIJUIETT.' -
end of . � ford deopitolies to -night say ill is quiet. throe'sot death, raislid himself and Shot 44 SLAL I . .
. beatolialuess'podsible-to sattlethequistion ,tongues will baeomailrose.of men . Mina.. Four othSill, . I . . — '. , --A
. . � may live L Until.., mo * . I
. . with -the Gladstolmo-0abinet. 'Itione0811- gaggle irresistible in their potenoy-1, . L I � Iced, Dubuc, Adolphe Spinore, . and the t . iouble is over. � his Slayer with a ravolver,, Before dyingthe Trualiss Atu.A to a novoillustle, kilit"de- I
, , L ed a , . Novel ATauticUll Chi I I cowboy Out. Ave more shote into the Irldisn's I
. my be ,maintained between . Mr. Dwight Moodj�, the American . . mud another whose Ussuiels, . see. . 1, . I . I � frattessed. *for Love. I - .
loary that harmol .is go* important g�fiot, followed Mr. $purgeon. After's few Louis Lemieux from their L ARostFortagls despatch sfi�s: A navel body. - , .
two nations whose &word I I not known, w . era Also -relgased - � . 'More . -From Moose Jaw west four, times the 'A Minneapolis, Mitim,' deopv4h says ., , -
. loing fie"gad, incident has just occurred bore of
� tothe peace and-Ailierty of tile IwOtl(!-' *oidootoongrelitulstiOu to thaPastOtand iositione, their lives l: . . &via of. Any former year is under Crop. The The suicide of James Hulett, while Sested - .
(Ap enge), It"Is- necessary, also to limit the people' of the tabeinsole', Mr. Moody' periloul, 11 ,
Wth their bodies and 1fdAds only being ;Interest tlmsn� anything that hall transpired , a that at 9, table in the, garden - At the Nall! Of 1 '
the fnglieb Occupation of Egypt, but France solid he desired to heartily and thankfully _ghtly iiijured,ibrough the fortunate: air- Since the days of the Chesapeake and Canadian Pacific authorities astimat all -
- I
has no intention of Submitting A French testify to the ivsPitstion )as had obtained, oupistances that b6ams fall upon them.. Shannon. The Enterprises a Steam. tug the surplus whemt crop of the Nort4weot M6oth'el verand , in company with his - -
. . . I Spurgeou, -and ill be about five million bushels, and 'the. nepbe�v, 0. Spencer Pratt, when he dravr :
I I . from the preachings of Mck eisomped by, his hitherto owned by Captain MoCrookis, of w or and. blow .his braine, out,
Occupation. I . xample The botal,keeperl, Lemieux, Fort Francis, figdrao this time. One Lewis nilaBon Bay Company'a officers fistimlate a'rbvift romantic, .
TEM WW OPERATIONS, . from 16 contemplation of the ,a pisn-o.forte failing above him and .5p . a
- Brief , addresses own - )wned halt ,intereit in her, the surplus at seven millions- - is a, terrible ending to .
� is telegraphed that tb� . 0 Afforded"by his lifework Dther savilui,him from being,crushed to death by formerly'4 , ay'lloduded several feet
. .From Cairo il I . were also made by.Mt� Pentecost And 1 1 . a of brick,, � Sears on'their fmde4 and MoCroakie bought bim . but and gave , The Departmeni of Agriculture has judk love episode. The boi . .
. position of DDngDk ill regardea.se becoming L the Mao I I issued the first'.orop report, of the'afieson, into the air mud fell out in tile middle, of the .
anore and move desperate. The commandisr evangelists, �suia. tbb' utmost enthusiasm all these fortunate men complain b.im his *'Promiesory notes in payment. I.. a a a
heads axe � not It covers 305 ,townships out of 475 ill. the &Isla. Haslett was highly educate in& .
of the camel fokoe , together with 300 men, WAS manifeateil by the vast congregation- . ; who foals sore around The 'notes matured end were . , O family in .
. I . . . of, except Lewi�ux . . id Province- -laud prepared for crops is and came from an ariBt4crati .
enemy. Thil Governor of I I I _"_ .1 the 01milit. I , . . . 1. I . - ..�, paid., - Lewis recovered judgment ai: I The his nephew he arrived I
ifave joined the -WARE PRODS,L]VARRA.- . � . y to re- Bent "on the '"sheriff. . The .little about 75.per chat. more .than * lailit year. Now York. With I 1.
Gondola, raiteraws his demand, - or. ouqQor, . . I � . . . . . . . , . Rdw,the -fire originated is likel, ro calmly , floating . at Three hundred mall -twenty-three townships in the'oity from New York an roitteto the - 11 , ..
. And advises the Christians there to embrace 'Opera' e -in the Enterprise JAI . . .� ri—port oyer �40,000, acres of wheat, an Pacific coast, where the two proposed to pass . .
110.0sis VVIevessed by a. ilarge, Nurnber main a mystery; as there was non . 11 dop�ty sheriff ,
Islauliam in order to facilitate their return '. elf jpractleal..jillson-A Blk A"'Ifulchlisa ccuipmrtment where the flames are believed. Bnilhoc,in the -bay. T a inerease.;t 2D per cent. over laat'Yev,r ; oats three,11161311is in Tleselaurs seeking, About �
.1 1. I was resisted. He .
to Egypt- . .1 �...�, L � . . . rarty. . . . � _; to have had'their origin, There-Waro attempted seizure but largely decrOssed., The condition. of all a mouth, ago he come east, had expected to .
I - . .1 � iarders, tonobild nd Lemieux than Secured a y6ille'lef police and took I reported claim the,hand ofaladyathis oldliquio'but
TheForte, has 15,000 , men ready to send A Gilelph despatoll of Thuraday. night's fifteen bc rep, a n in charge. ,the crops on the lot of June if 2 �
to Upper Egyrt. It is intended. , that they and his WIN., With a f8mills,, Servant, -&dlii possession and. placed two me: Married
a Red Sam date gays: : To -day some 700 Grangers . a good,. except for a want of rain, in a few arriving there found ,that she Wag -
shall disamblark'st a. Port On ill' I 1. the roof when the, fire alarm was given. The bold captain felt U91Y and mqdit ted leg, where _ii'h%a� Since Imnen. The This diaippointment broke his heart. .,
. that thete from the COUpti0s of York,. Grey,.Simooe The youngsters wore all in the east -end .of escape. About midnight he got up Stamm, Plac . b the wheat crop of Since leaving for'the West the . bought of ,
This action is due to the news - -_ I— Agri,. tile hotel, which eacapel6l as it,slothing had blew his whistle I and gallantly steamed out probability now is thal � . I
. is Imminent danger df the Xalidi's. move- * find Feel .paid a visit to the Ofifario, .. the Northwest will reach 2,000,000 bushels Suicide had boon uppermost ill Tio, mind', . .
1, Mont Spreading into Hediess. - . . 1. I vultural College here. The party came in happened, the beds being in -the state they out of the harbor. The alarm was soon . . . and it was with the utmost care that his
. two sections. Those from the a6unty of. note than I%st yeari , , , - I '
, Th re is &.panic at 'AaBoump on account obout 200,. aid came by the ware abandoned by the inmates when Your sounded and the Police obarte'rell the 1. A - letter . from as,�gentlerpen liViDgL Sit young nephew restrained him from self- -
. correspondent.viaited them. subaeque0ly. Algonia. and started "in pursuit. After sk . � . ortboapt\ 69 delltrUOti011. The two entered the verall- . '
of th: rebel advano It is reported lthat'� York numbered � .
the Forte will `P'st ,4 , gular train, from Toronto ; the greater. - the 1 hugb f I tory chase of about 40 miles she overhauled the Clover Bars, some distance n - Vis-a-vis along .
a; oroe of 10 000 men lie re iho, Hamilton & Nortb.� The other part next " is contains the following: 11 The dab and Bested themselves �-, �
. I Egyptian number coming on't seemed to be allotted to the boarders, who � tug and effeoted ,her ,,capture mud iguo- Edmonton � . -, .
, � �
t Iy a*
ervation on tQ I ffersis with Mouth .of May.. was warm and dry. We the tables, Where they Chatted plesioantlY,
an army of obp . 1. western from CollirgWood, Bariie,0rillia., were tbe-oh had a flurry,of snow on -the 3rd of May and. laying pl"s for the future, but. the -OOpV9r- . � _'
frontier near El Arish, long the line by Special .'the landlord minicusly towed'her into the harbor. Tile
8 �going to .and other points a! . himself. . .. . I .gallant little tiig� -iow- lies vied up at the �
Another English, regiment . ii to the AS A ajight� frost. on -the, night -of the 4th of sation .of the: older man was constantly - .
. I
Kench, half ,isy-between Assiout and train. Upon reaching here they drove I .. Maisrs. Skelton'BroB. & Go.. :pproxii *]*art, an object of as much curiosity, the , -
� ere they were met -by the d the. brave cap , neither doing mf�y dasociage. On the broken. In Spite of the - cautious
' I . BY,: : . �
� o college grounds, wU � took a Great Eastern, an Italia lies 'Ma . , . . , , , , . .
Assouall. . . . as Mille and rrbfb000r mmtefy oBtiiiiste their lose on . * 2M heavy showers in , the Afternoon. The watch I him. by his 'P%XtU .
, ----------------,— . I President, Mr. Java I .. 0130,000. They insured.for an aggregate under 6preot awaiting his trial. - . 3.1st'of May .was varyw&rm, and apipbared he ,'ondZy %saw %he - revolver - from
. I
A CILOUIP ciff UkUTLAML. . .Brown, who eitended, to them h cordial of 070.006 in the- following substantial - fLaulghable justice Dispensuilon. to be warmer than Any diy last summer. big belt. ,As -lie aid so young : Pratt �
. __ . I .� I .1 welcome. "After !partaking of lunch in A� , OM680 - Royal,' North British, Imperial, Port �*thur is just . now oro�wded with, The water in illeSukatoliewan'river com- jumped upand endeavored' to wrench thil � I I
A Steamboat Ssoppe4 by - a shower 'a _' large, airy top 6 belonging to the institution$ mmarcial Union. Norwich & . a Super- 1, I
. . short, Guardian, cc . ' hoodlums," tramps from. eveiywhere,. minced rising the. Middle, of the mouth. wespontrom.his hand, but by his
111014gusting Ilimectm I Mr. Mille,and Professor Brown, in Union, britiall America,* Ph(anix and Ldn7, railroad navvies with and -without money, 'Seeding is all completed, mad-atothiiseason human effort, he got the muzzle to head " - �
A despatch from troy, X.Y�, says: This, addressees, explaitied the objeata and 'Work- � don andliveipool" and Globe. The full and miners ditto. .The othei'day soveil of , L
orning the tow -boat Oonneoticut, Ingo of the college. - The remainder -of the of -the year I . home . never Been the crops and fired.'Tattooed across the breast of the
in for- . insurance is not expected to cover more them were sent to jail for 11011-PsYmbilt Of jQ0kilmgLoO ,wen. The good wheat brought dead man were. theme words: 1!iLsmthe .
Warly a poiggenglij ,steamboat running - in oxamining1be buildings ,
dgy was opentr J thou two-thirds of the logo. The work of finea for drunkenneAs, and this is ;ihmt tot. in by the Edmonton & Saskestabowkil'tand slave of Mary Hafflebt," And oil the arms the .�
I . .
between this city and Now 'York, r6dahed .1 plots,.and the toxin gen- ;f, th6�fife Wag then go , .
. and experiments . .. extinguisbin OU-SCOO1132- lowed - " The'raian were put below 'in in. Th�are was a. L i
I flotillas Commodore TAM. or AY, the party visited the i Company was - indeed a boon to the settlemi same words in alioiker for i . .
Albany with n rge. The ally. Unfortuaal Was to Pfighed -L old the buildings remained default,' A few minutes afterwards while .plant, and I look fdrwar4 to the best bar. siniflisir inscription oil the abdomen. These "
pie, the old riv6i 'Insp, in chel . term when nothing of importance .tmodX�g only five. minutes longer there another Case was in 0iogress they came io-thia'distriot." ,., . incisions were still -deep and appeared -to, . , , �
C' 'It be seen in -the cattle Shea$ f. growa's, thont vast ever reaped - ' . ' �
dock presented a stisuga ,mPlifigivAn 8- . - Pro votild have been dreadful loss -of lite, somiking into the court room, and, wi . .
. nportations being still'. me , the'.- I . . Three tiera of lakes have been alocoielied . have been borne for iomei time- ` Mary
was ooveredL With a* repulsive yellow mesa, , recent live stock it . brave man. Were arrangibg thaL 'Slightest hesitation walked sorooA as ' tii d have, I
I and the other pirts s5f the vessel were AlV quarantined at Quebec, and the fat cattle, their ladders . .'to reach the upper stories . the- room past the ,, . Chief of at different eilevatious close to each other Haslati w . ' tile � w6 An &'logo vO as' - L
I - - But for L the - ah'al's Police and. Six a discovery that
with an odd-looking sab- whibb.'werer undoubtedly the f1piat lot Over. with the , hose and nessr,11olb City. ' Sheriff Chipleau is disappointed him in love, but it is eead-w , � )
b9imeared pie, � asid :. . onstables', And int- go.ouililmisinaddover. the he not big wife, as the. similar names might -�
stance, Commodore i Toull shipped', from Guelph,haVing been delivered presence of mind In- dirioting thO'm%ln the street. They had been gone about five has gone back *'to investigate thelp. imply. Hulett was formerly 4a the sts,- ", . �
I About 11 o'Clook, lailt might I W" yisterdayfor export to Great- Britain- Oak, oc. minutes, whe dawned upon . , -.1skes, Which its , asboUt L S t' . ow York,. ead bad ,
standing on the forward - deck. , -last In however, ladder to go up on ilia adjoining bI in it suddenly _Thoie We' a 5, . I
the eXperijilentail L H.; Shorey I ct' the .Port Arl L . loner memo 1 of) with scompetincy. 6
passing ,, Perry's Reach -I' .field, and in- aujisd by. & Co., the map 4 re �hur police.foce that seven man mile in extent,.osch contain waters of a istiril from Imaging - . . I I
so we were I .. there :was plentY, 00 illt0rast Ing the home theroon would have been - The jailor was at , — I
3uddenly darseued and be. jimenta -in cibya ere 'fit . ,had e9oAped from' jail. deep emirald green'sbounaing in.trout. -� -, .
the atmosphere i abruct.. Expei I whelmed in .the . burning. OnoCinterVie This is the veritable oaradiee for Sports- . 1. . ,
came filled with. Insects. Fdratimalwass Present being carried 01% with: the certainly over wed upon the subject, and he .NicVXLLZ A4AMINii .� �'L
completely dumblduaded. With alsound j,lew � -of ascertaining - the influence debrio,,aa thetalt of the building, as the ,136%ted that the viiiii came down ,to the Leslie, men, and there is grant 'Lexcitombnt Over , I IL I � � . — . i . I , '' . I
. . � .
chief remarked, was as sudden AS A OI&P Of bat me he had -no rbom.' for., them L he told 'the diecov VY* I I 'L , , .' .' The nisgurs -paronet NAlke r to do the .
-drops.on- a window the a to 0 slid � . .room, This A Meet.a . . . I .. country Some Rervice, .. .1 . i
Mks a patter of rairl ,ofiliffereatramparesoutbe a eorop thunder. The people. residing in the theintoreturn to the court Ing Of heyar a, Union Conn. � . .
Mass Struck the vessel.' We Vere turned 'highly, illi8rdsting, sadi. L oil WAS hold at .t met L' L . ? .t . .
. soil. A new'sud, .Amerloaa,Hotel opposite Bay ths AN was they did, said After arriVibg there jailing, Brandon yesterday. Reen' LA Toledo despatch says: The booriall . .
into confusion all handoof us. Theall 0 tiorf,to'ihis -department is the introduo0du ittleen 6r.tweift .11 a Sentinel lations, were pigged urging the local Unions scoundrell.who calls himself -, Sir Obtiries . I .
. I ad % of .f, thin, gaups," lycemeters laud , bursting out fully f Y minute" diatellygained their liberty I I . .. 11 - Wag �
was 8 d ad the crew flow. arou 6% , brought before L
earth before the brigade arrived. 'The building calls upon the.sheriff to provide etter jai to take advantage of the Incorporation Act, L'NeVille, Bart.'" the '
. mud. "Rhai 'insects -flew wtsi tile tdoms, thermomatergov,hichrecoid the tempers- . . .
completely filling thim sad drivinj the , led by Mr. W. S. Evans, as well all accommodations but. it 'that ware d6neit oondemaing the elevator- 11104POlY, the grand jury 6.1 LUCAS Co,j O., on, Wednesday -�.,
. ture at different depths. One.oftheplem- Wag owl led by Waits. ' ould not fail to halve a most depiesoing - -now ad -Act, sad the, -laud law - for indictment on .two charges, one for L �'�!
Of, a � .7 icial Board . I L
- -.-Bight to sob -the men in$ gestures of the excursion, v *the -pre- Shorey,& Clo;i, oil the Come Notre Dame pffect Upon.the. Port Arthur so boom It inted bigsply a the other., for perjury'. The - �-,
men out. It was it I . rm9L the Ana stone block oco% " -regulations. A committee. was appo nd _
rush about driving the peaky'things from gapes 6f a large number of the gentler sex's an other North*oIlls'Nows. , . to wait on, Xr.'Burgdoe- The union gap- result in U06 Yet officially known
their faces. The whole thing lasted twenty whooeemed to enjoy t"hemselveal And no d St. Henry streets. The loan is about by., Mr. I � \
. lot inside a thorough examixfoltiou of the , 080,000, chiefly coveted by insurance in the _� A German, laborer on the Winnipeg ports the Local Government f6i. its' 66tion. Moore, attorgey for Mr. Wilituoy" bat there
minutes, but it seemed an'bour to those on d . I
. I I more officres already mentioned. The total I'dis . * in a J a he *Ill be indicted
board. I have seen many. queer things dia. oil .00()o sewers was abristruok oil Saturdayl and in the recent trouble. and urges an., appeal is no too fordo b tb t 1.
l departments in which they &to a fire is between 0160,00 and 317 , . died on Sundiyjn, the hospital. . . to Great Britain,,rairetting th%tL S ro-dis. of! each'oonat. Among the now witnesses �
ing my boating lifetime, but this is the iroo concerned.' 'Theme excursions -to by th I I . made6 A coin-' for the prosectiti � on was Rev. Mr. 11606, �-
. '
worst on record. I was actually soared. A Agricul- . I — I
t a inentlyquecessfulColldgeo profit ,WAja ON fjociALimill. ., . The $4n says Relpfia his collsopeo. The tributibn of Fiesitig W1%s not . eider the of Xowmrks� X, j., , ho performed. me - * , - �
Why, I could not see the piiia-,lights. 0, a, no on , a'sourde at greast I . � population in vanishing'. There *Ora 1,800 alittes was appointed , ,to loon W age . O I
. . I . . I , — , . . he .... thought, the warri oremony.
bugs came along 110 hard that' whea,,A a so Bar �� ataria; so -the. presenoe All morto Ill'socleaAes suppressed in'Alwo, Pon IS theta. -,in "the fall of 1882, hut 600 -shipment.of-grain, this season. - . . � I. a, Newark lady ' to . I
- MY face looko Of O ereAq- who have. visited the' ..t . .. once-Zorrahm.. - ,., I courd hardly be numbered, itow. The I . . .. I . .1 which -,umt6d , .
struck me they really hurt , t I . acuthestuffethodislitAlsilsop. .-As Neville was then known. . .
as it it had been pounded. 'The' allore we, college t Yee ye . in 6ficcessioli, would 96 A Berlin cablegram days' Field Marshal WitiA mistake WAS thebad selection. . � Georgia Ferry .
killed the more'soelmiled to come, I thought .to . . . . . . The loss by - the Fort Arthur are on I A Philadelphia telegram. flays: Bishop -previous, to, lhe� priedner's appearance , , ;
. prove. , . � . . . . . - Baron Von Molatauffol, Governor of Alsace. , he distin- before the -grand jury he"'was taketil'int6-, , *
I . I
I the world was coming to an -and when the .. . — ,. . PAR . LIS., Lorraine, has began a vlOorous'aud talent- Saturday is 025,000,; insurance, 014,000. Simpson died thii. m0lpillg- T i the Sheriff's officlei where he was met ,by , ��.
cloud passaad.' Th�`dsrped criffers covered connOD0,1LIE C.AIR8180N. , . less Warfare againat -Socialiom in that Onl� bag man who burned, Mr� McPherson, guishild Bishop of the ato E- CbUrOh Of ill dail '
the deck six inches deep.l Thiy were. the , I . . I ber's6f a 'Commercial traveller, from Winnipeg. United States was born in Cadiz, Ohio, on Rev. Mr; Brice. who sav4naila, exten
, - IL � . . � .
Very Old'ftlfasm in. Wrouble-111 Blil.. Provinciii. He has dissolved anum hooW .The,'guesta lost agi6l6d.deal of,propertY.,lblo. the 21st,of June, 1810, He lost his father big band .aud�,.Saying,. "!.How- are YOU, - ii� ' '..
size of'the ordinary grasshopper and. had A . . any . ill , -
-_ . ... . � I -
I - . 1, lious Ravol"d. . . _ I.. �, - ,� ., wotkirigmeii!s' associations, evening so . . . . .... I .. � -oil . U mil infant, and. I&S-whole.eare (it pajq-?*,, Neville, Appeared to rempize e.. . �
yellow Wings. They came .from the west I � , . mud ,benefit, societies, -charging that they - fire breaking out at 3 &an; I . while j1p at once, and re6ponaed .
and were trav I . . ' � . "'New' York tologram says : Kerilan's were Vehicles for the propagation of Social. The Canadian, Pacific ell ears who iLr4 his sialloatioll, devolved upon hie, mother. Newark gentlemi , . .,,Doyouknow � �
' ^ The news It illb,"tiango Affair - soon agency, giya, that ,owing to the physical . . nurseries- now operating between the Columbia'Rivoi He tQOx,1hs degree .of 311. D. if, Madison to the salutation a6rdlany .
6 'of PeOPIG, Went condition of , c College in 1883. , He,'hoWever, felt it big me 211 naked Mt. Brice; .
. ommoaord Garrison, his istic dootrinesi and wareAn fact sct)h, yes, yOU!re ., -
_pread, and any number . . .
down to, the dock to see the steamboat. 'friends have. advised him,'to make aii and bot-bodo of sedition. . Among the end KsmlooPa confirm the reports Of the b, mail WAS licensed all a local from Newark," amid Neville, who the llfixt
The oolmolodore was liopt busy toiling his assignment in Order to'.protaot sit his benefit organizations thus suppreesed exiotence of. onarmous.timber wealth in duty to Prose] rdained as deacon in instant diisoovefed Mr. Xoore-attorney for
- � armed about interests. He -hall liabilities . (if about five is the Germania So6ioty, and as its lhose regions.�, The, Douglas Ar, so largely resabor; he walg� 0 � '
story, and the people that ow I embera are alniost: All Go aus used inabip-building, re pine, recl.codar -N,35,andselder in 1891. Us Was'Vice- Mr.whibally-64itting backof the.door, at
him reminded him,,he said, of the'atowds milliong,w, Millions. He in . is ex. and cotton -wood clothe the sides of the Pilisident of Allegheny done&' from 1841 . wbi6ho-iurnedpalgana began stammer-
,ibb assets of fifteen much Surprise . find , indignation rm � prolemBoy, of natural science. Ing doubts me to the identity of the Newark ' I
of insects that ho-logsw'the night before. : has no interests Ill Wall OttOOL 143 . At its suppi6asion., The messettreo , mountains. ' - ' I - I to 1851, find inted editor of, the . gentleman. AS tha qRse now stands it - i
.. I
. . . � 1� liabilities will 'be . liquidated iind be will Preg"i'd eptaosion of B ' Jsmi . n&'WSFI Made , seems very probable that Nivillowill Serve I .
Jor tie -J! ocisliam. bo6Ve also as M. Rolio, 96 pr�minelut hotel. -in i848 he WAS APPO
cnOLKRA CORMIS WICOTi, flien retire from active business. . . extended iiii the explalsioli froultilb Pro- arrested on Saturday night for. Western 0hriiiian Advocates; a . . I . . .
I . . � . Terry says he oic give, 'no Idea of the. kooRer, Wag � name. Bishop in 1852. He WaSiso, weirlil personal from 10 to 15-yeare fit Columbus. . . �
AlarsoluX Outbreak of lite Plague in & Vince of two workmqu nained Diabal mud , forging Mark - Fortuffe's, Fortune, . friend of Lid - coia, and, contribtited, greatly I __1 ..................... 0____�__' _.L . 1.
I . N I Condition of Garrison's affairs. He is a Froedlei.: The speoi0c charge against these balobgsto outworthadunty. Thechuge ustein the The fyaaaWach jKlo,"Sousta in Trp*ble.
Vrench City. , very old inow, hick And feeble, and his man is that they hive been endeavoring to arises from -one of the'lloom trinimatiolio, by his zeal and . eloquence' to 0 . I I . �
- � an - A Baft says - 3 ohii.,Green- I
A Paris cablegram tooday says . There boailycorlditionisolmobt):10,111106 nOt'take secuta the eleotlon t6thfiGarmaultei0h. Romp AdMitS Writing the.119,1210o' but claims cause of the'Uhlioa during the Civil wax Aslo tolegram.
. I .
aq alarming reports of cholok#,,st Toqlou. cqxo.�f his business. Melville 0.� Day, big ifhe was enthoiized'by Fortune to sign I *ood, a wasilob, tinkeri, was brought to No. , . i
. Ib is said that two handred.6atha occurred gon-in.lawsl thinks. with astefal mana, staq of 'Hdrr August.'Bob6l, - the fAmous; the I I . -An Insinue notisswo 111calect., 5 itRition by I a police offioar who found him � I
. $si, SooliallAt leader, who, is no* 'a member Of it.. He wadralessiod on bail, . ' Mrs. � - ,
yesterday ana the .city in id .0, 'AMO tit ment there will be far more than anotigh to severity of theme . Two boys Were bathing, in the "Ini- �� A osmaen, v. J,, despatch anyle oil fhe otreet acting, in % strange manner. -
. . tanic. The Gavorament has ordered, the . ,pay an clalms In full. Gii.rrismil, has begin the Saxony Diet. 'The Unday) when 'one, 12 Katy Ann Cliasody became ranged . He was partially intoxicated, and tile . �
. , attacks to be evacusted'and sanitag"re. partially prostrated by the haest'sna fix. measures forms A markilid contrast to the boine yesterday (S � I the death Of hot police surgeon recommended that he be
liberality which has hitherto characterized Years old, goth CoMrsda limaked Xewton, 11 recently on Account 01 affliotion bar t1ir .
. . '00,U01OUS are- being �rapiaiy, tokdn. Eight oiternfifit slid is quite ill. His failure the rule, of Baron Von Miatatiffet,195-4-frid- -70-ft-ft Of age, on his . back and swam out in husband. Towaallo-her , sent I 0 a 0 'I
thoiisand persons left Toulon Yesterday- Created great excitement in Wall street- said he bag received a hint from Pripoe - the river. *'The latter got frightened � anit I children were attacked on Friday . it' teen d' It a a t I
- . In cossfiquences of deaths of pupilS. in the Amongst the preforenow aft the Bsil� of Bismarck to the egeot that he must dtamP chokall the other,_. and both went down. odarlat fever &ad dlpbthei:14� The in or at, where he " Acted so ang an at Oil I
schools the'r6mmitader of the pupils' hat California, "0.000 ;. Bank of Now York . . I that the friends of i
I .6 I when the ela6v lacked himself free ,&ad refused to give the boy ,medicine 6 0 1
. . . at Soolalisit at any 0086, or a now $Overnor execution. a - sort . �. :
been sent haiiae. ; I mud National Banking Agaboiation, 0200,- 0 - ' ma to theloisak, where he faluted, New- died oil Sunday morning, Who the d d at! In Are ter him. , . I
, illib *& ,3ointoal6i:AIssoo.LoXr&ipe. 0two I . I
LxTgn.-�Tha report of soholers, Olt . Toulon OW , union Pacific Trusi (36mpany" 0100.4 W 801 , . on Bank. Big body, -hag -,not yet .boon doctor called yesterday the inessne w — 0 �
is confirmed. The ,troops'aud, dock 196botero 000 ,, T. W. Peeirtaill & Co., 650,000,; E Meg - . . I 4ro*a bilift 'from the houses And becstild 96 nave -pot AskeA no ZoEteustou . �
I , save been olliefly'attilaked, ,thd disaaAa Is & Moorej The polka, which Was i4troatkoa into r6doybrod. .
� . 080,000 ;' Michigan Cox company' ingiana eopoe 40yosrs o.. is in rhythm Repbria.-from. Bailleford are that the violent that the neighbors were afraid to AMCUttfimjd6SP&tCh6hY2: Mr, Samuel .
pronounced Atiatie aholdia, and quataiiii $7%000.- I I I -. Ily the Pot I 1ance known am I Ilia mile regret their, jimeby notion and I no. a h her. The, doctor informed the Catalay, the bond of the great retail ft
.1 � tine Ilia been established everywhere, �14 " . aim lia, . 23porlotholliopeator, who went upstihii$ find - 6a house hate, has takeirtion through
be . , o Is a 6 sit defeat if! the 140 trodbles � P bI
. Latin Johnson, a foulaild Member of the Mkoviaki limit a Sickening Bight. The dead body WAS gos'a',S. Abbott, Tait & bbott against
OM "lluir DOWN.. I ' Bully Emerson, the Minstrel, $6180 listrivad a as or a renewal of friendly Vals- is other
� Boston bar, has distiligtiabod horse f in tione Wit 0 polloe. The PtiBODGM don- t1lipidly d000mpooing and the tw Brasittreet"o oommerolel agency for 050,000
siort of Work-Mlon Zday- winning a Suit fo I In Abe Oregon... One of 'big Professional f death
General isompaps r 0, deserted wife'.who sued red have n tomanded for eight daia. Children Were almost At the Wall O damages lot, oiroulaitibg reports among its 10
IOX ter tho,39asslan 011'Vield. I fi�r the custody of Imar ohildian, , Wanda Says Emerson, Is, goial to San V
. Fkandfaco to got married to a Wess t)iYl&d 116avy. raino in the fat west haill pre. in the Samoa goom. The ohlble Officlir clients that plaintifit had asked big English . .
.. I Woo Lillian gasksil bag boon engaged to ,Lottaw 7 V uh few days, , 4191affloted the bousaand placed a nar,00 in 'creditors for an, 006*61011 Of time- Plel'afiff
A t1lituaville (Ph.) afkallsht0h flays - From appear at the Albatubra Theatre, London. . iu return from Europe, early, in hittalot ilia p . � . . 41 slintgo Of the ohildifelf. . I aepieft that there ,was Any grOuna tot the I I
all arts of thg oil regifin.replotts are fosiror- She will Malta hat appoolt4oce, in Burnonci'd September, and will, Commence - bar 'The contimat for'. Paving Main street, . I - 40 � - lmpoaahment. t
ably burlesque, ,,Black JWY64 Susan.,, , . Winni ay iWo*mou have been ost- I I _*_�
o to the lirtip6iolL shu6.4dwhii, Except American tour ski Dalylo Theatre, X.T., oil figs was &Vraxdod to -day, the price A great mal . .�
_ .
with wells kiveady Undbt-wayo'. work, it the 15th of the saime month, tin& she '*ill beingTI-02,OW, . , . -, reated in Warem,*, Lo4z and other Polish Mr. Wilkins, flabary overaboro latt'Belts- )
I . The Mendship, botwou great mob is beg! . ptation ablate, 'villa yesterday for the book country with
Tended in the Alleghanyo Brad- �n hot Season In oil Vngliah ssaos , I
being SOB I The thetaloweliat has rumtki 91 in the towns, on the 6,bargol of being Anar
. I rd-, lefiald- and Macksbarg districts. arely intimate or 'permanent. It iis h, e illb by Mollhao find bade the past few dayd. It dro ad into Show md the pian. .You lidnot- I know �06,mo speckled troitt mlaa ottallon troak
,o thra, Boswell that most a preolatea a .1ohngbil MI%Ud entitled, 41 Nitottalhei.11 a
n jailor districtauthe operatotal but 463 , Pan
one haVe joined the InOvOlidenbi andthe Ganitto has I glft, no, 00 -mato ;_46 Mr. John A. Stevens is writing A now the devahtigo to so plounhi MIMI, by that oyj*pt*ip# bitter than SUY other, fry, whish *111 . be deptolited in thoporthem
love it Inspires IS that of 4 Pupil Ot a Son The Weather Is otPietsIV81Y Sultry- What YO11 are YOPtself ; for You Oh*W Me lakes. -
rospeata wo that by July lat there Will Pigs *blob 116 Will PfOaUOO 218111 06"On Three cowboys xvis been Arredled hi, then what your Ideal of manhOOd is, What Rev,, 4..9teloos, B.A., Of St, 1611ho X-13-* -
Ee little new,Work in h4nd from Itichlourg A dry sit store has boon. constmotea b; Unter the title of 'I A Christmas Gift. alsibly to be.
t6 Pittsburg. Some dkilloro Ana tool. Lord Fitzhataitige at his Barkley Castle . Utica, N.Y., on Aug, Oth *ill celobtAtil 'Medicine Hat tot 0118aling 16 1100010-,' kind of . Man yen long JUQxPr8 i yestorday morning, At Xifigaton, max,
aring to leave the region, farm in EnglAna, With the Olga Itio. Beesutifulbouquoto of praltIS d6w6re are The 113111go,rian elections have resulted Was a eat aughat of the late , - �
at of M66Z- the 107 anniversary of the basUla of 0 ,'ad iO, the IsOup, oupezinteadolot. of
� .
dressers are J*e W taluing whether it is orectiom , isod tot list$ Oil Sunday by the Indian , largely in favor of the Liberals and Rim, I
night men in &troll have applied tot ble to Store kamy, In which Oan. Herkimer fell, by Off4l vas Impossible, to Dr, Dickson, 1110011 I
it Isla. pot pounds, until Win- unVailing a monument tolhe hatoos of that chilgran alting the fashionable drive above � calm. 191 60WO towns It I Rockwood Asylum, .
4 Russia ; they intend 16ing to' butter when I ratings. some of tile hold'allsoglons oil adicount of riot& I . I
passpoicta f Olt Baku, bit the ter, when It would fifFUll 28. � . . Attie, I I. the ota tort at the �., � � . . . � I . ,
I . . I -
the oil fields . , ,,i I.--- 1. . I � .
I I . I I . I I . � ..
- I , 'I I
.1 1�
th I
I llil�
mud b
U the
� I I . I 1, I I .. � I .1 � � � I � I.. ,- 11 I I � .. I I I . I.. t .. - . . I � 1. � -11. I I . - 1".. . . I � I . � I . .
� . . . . I . . .
. . I I I . t . .1 . .
. I . 11 I
I . I . . '. .
., . I., . . . . I � I . 1.
. . I . -
I . I .
. . I ,
I - 1� , . I . I . I �. I I . . , -
. I I . � 1, . � I . . , -
I I . 1. I . I � . .,��