HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-07-04, Page 14 „ MANNING & SCOTT a. -2.9/101-stasrat: 4"..1O CVO ociovirASPitilil4fLO 4', ,,4444 U- 009$1040.40IPITI40049411111#4004d.c. „ .0010tID 417--;' :%,7felW14.11X,Kr;FOI,11011514t .`"•'€1:,.^wre T*0000010/ At# othgr. 01:400, ligAERIAGE LIQPN6Stj..t4R114T THE undersigned at "Die Itilnary Remus, _Smith's. Sleek. 86 JAMES 80917. _ S„ FORRESTER, CONVEYANCER,. LAND? s Insurance and general Agent. Money to lot% times, )84Avitit, Stefflic) calt.031) PlAs , . • ' • 11,FONET TO DENA LARGE OR SHOE ITA sums op good mortgage seeurity, Moderate , ate of interest. H. HALE, Clinton. • nH DOWOLEY, MD., M. (LE, &ENGLAND • Physician, Snrgeon, eto, Office and residence AeXt HOISOn'S Sankt me,rheit 'ignores, Clinton. TAR. ATPLETONOFFIC1E.-AT RESIDENCE ,On Ontario street,Olinton,oppoite the English Chnron. Entraime by side gate, T, fk :YOUNG, M. B., (GRADUATH 010 TORONTO k/017niversity,)Phyabdan, Surgeon, Sc., residence at Mr. Manning's, three doors east of the Temperance Hall,Londeslioro, Ont. " t,gftit0FtTgA!E. ;1,:;,itaegte:ifoelfA Physicians and Surgeons, Outario. Office at George Grantham's, tbiee doors north of the Pest Office, bondesbere. , (-ARAN') UNION HOTEL, GLJNTQN, ONTARIO. MRS. MALEY, Proprietor. Large and airy, con - trolly situated, elegantly furnished, heated with hot , Air, large and svell lighted Semple rooms. Good eta'. hung. $1 per slay. • ", • 9 TI B. PROCDFOOT; CIV/I., ENGINEER, Provincial and DOminion Laml Surveyor, Architect and Draughtsman, rizaars 731.oels, 'Clinton. yt% DICKINSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER _1°J. for the County of Huron, Salee attended to promptly, Charges moderate. Residence Albert St. Clinton: DB. BREVE,- B EVE,- OFFICE ATTEN/it:my 137. Murray . Block, two doors east mf, Redcaps en- trance. Residence, eppeelte the Temperance Hall, Huron Street, Clinton. Office home, 8.mm. to ep.m. lg. RS. WHITT, TEACHER OP MUSIC. PUPILS -SIE attended at their men residenee,ilnecossary. Re- sidence, John Robertson's, Duren Street, Clinton. Rice's new method taught if desired. . - DR. STANBU,RY, GSADUATE OF TRH MEDI oar,Departnient of VdotoilaUniversity, Toronto,' or tomb of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York Coroner for the Coma ty of Huron,Bayfield, Ont. ' aheeeroato University ;member of the0ellegeofPhy- 'rniCian8 and Surgeons, Ont. Comm & Raismomon•the house formerlymeapied by, Dr. Reeve, Albert street Clinton. •• TAR. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON -1../Aceonchenr,Lickentiate of the Collegeolehysleian. and Surgeons of Lower Canada and Provincial Mesh, Mate and Coronorfor the Oonaiy.o Moron . tifficeand resideoce,-The building formerly occupied by Mr. Thwaites, Huron street. Clinton, Jan. 10,18,71. NITAVERI,Y FRXISE, TV Hotel is new and -has alt the reoprirements of a Orst-olass house. Large and .airy rooms, elegant parlors, heated with hot air,•and in the • immediate vicinity of tile*. T. R. delpot. The bar is well stocked with the'ehohiest brands ef• liquors and cigars. The travelling public may • rest assured °timing wellquored form this house SAMUEL rum, proprietor. C. CARTWRIGHT, LB. S. of Stratford, will chit Clinton and be at the Grand Union Hotel. every, second Friday in the month,where he will be prkparod to attend patients professionally. The administration of Nitrous. Oxide. Gas, or Vitalized Air, Mien to patients When required for the painless eEtractioncf teeth. rDOMINION LINE 'OF STEAMERS to Liverpool, and all pointeaket-lme rates. feer TreKzes BY BEATTy; LINE :11CATS to Manitoba and points wee4. • : kiWTICKETS TO ALL "POINTS- WEST, at lowest rates. • 4 Oar Cu before making airangemeets to any of these nointe. •• • JAMES THOMPSON, • Town Agent G.TuR. • LANE SUPERIOR TRANSIT COMPANY Jagisell,• Aunt Clilltoll. Through -tickets issued to any point in DA. MoNTANA, OREGON, Or BRITISH CO- LUMBIA. Tickets to DETROIT, ULEVELAND, .1.6U3'PA1,44, . . MARQUETTE, HANCOCK, Or DULUTH. Persons contemplating a Summer Tonr on the lake, call and ask for our Tourist Guido Book, STEERAGE RATE, via WIBTE STAR LINE, Clinton to Liverpool, $25.15 W. JACKSON, ticket Agent. THE ALLAN • ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. , The Allan Line is tailing Steerage passengers . -- from Clinton to Liverpool, Derry - and WaSgow, fc4. $23,15 ----gtbaparen Tickets; cdcalOr tix nionths, at low rated. Intermediate mites also 9 redone& ,Aecommbdation good: Railings every Saturday from teuebee. Passengers require to InaVe Clinton at 4 p. on Thursdays, malting direct connection with steamers at Quebee, Full particulars and all informatifilv on, appli, cation to • A. 0. PATTISON, G. Agent, Clinton , PHOTOGRAPHERS, VOSr.11°I" • CLINTON. L1VE.SiZE WORK A SPECIALTY.' DENTIST, COATS IlLOORv charges Modal:ate CLINTON • ) rnaA VOL 19, No, 27. TERMS - $11.60Per Alsatian, ClANTO.N, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1884. Te* Aerettiteltitilifi! ,WAN'PE11-t-A 000.11): GENERAL SERVANT VI- wanted. Apply to tilts. REEVE,: at residence Opposite Temperance 11*11. EXCURSION TO TORONTO FIRST WEEK IN, AUGUST. FARE .frOm dillioll, $1.50 Tickets good for Two days. Furtkr yarticalars in a fey -days. rrio LET.- LARGE PROIIT yARLOR, famished. .1, with or without board. • Apply four doom east* Dr. Reeve' residence, Huron St., Clinton. IUD DEBTORS -All OVERBITE' ACCOUNTS -A. owing the undersigned, and not eettled at once,,_Will be .placed nrcourt for collection.-- JOHN CUNIGHAME, Clinton. 110ElPRICIERATOR FOR SALIE-.-A GQ0D second.ban4 Refrigerator, Sr splendid order, krt4- ericakianike,lor sale cheap, Apply to sAs DAVIS. Mammoth Tin Shop, Clinton. Dtnanutvi RIILL-Thoraiighlored Durham •Bull for. service. Lot 43, Ba Meld °epees - Won, Goderich Township, Temps, 41 per 'cow for the eeaeon. JOHN O. ELLUDTT. * ,17111111ER FOR AIME AbOwt one tuna - A/• red thousand feet of HEMLOCK LUMBER all sizes, for sale very ebeap. Amply to JOHN SHANAHAN, lot 29, Ord con, of Mullett. 1DOARDERS -THREE OR SIO.UR respect.. - .LP able young men can find comfortable board atrasonablerates, at MRS. SIMPSON'S, nearly op °site the Model School. ' lop W. WILLIAMS, B. A., M.B., GRADUATE de• OVE /.9/1111(-A note signed by .tioast 11nynr,1 -LI and JOHN WEIR, to H. Andre.ws, !ores°, was lost about the 15th inst., in 'or near Clinton, All per-, sons are -warned against negotiating such mote. A. DRYDEN, Clinton. • 113RIRAIS BULL FOR BERVICE-THE subscriber keeps for service athie promisee Lot 36, Maitland concession Goderich township, (at Holmesville)a goodThoroughbred Durham Bull. Tarms,,$1.50, with privilege of returning„ If necessary. 'CHAS. J. DISNEY. STORE FOR BALE -WILL SELL CHEAP .or rent on easy terms, the Brick Store and Dwelling in the Village of Bo yfield,lately mien- • piedliy R. Barker. Good opening for business. "Beat stand in the Village. For partieulars.ap- ply to ICBAIIKEE, Blyth,,' FOR BALE -COMFORTABLE DWELLING House in the'Ton of Clinton. Contains 6 • manna; garden With fruit trees. Situatein good • localitoi and easily accessible. For further pars tioullars apply at the NEW ERA OffloGi or at the SINGER SEWING efacerinp OFFICE, perrin Block, Chnton. • • "6 J'oehalz.WO RENT -The hone() and quarter acre garden on the farm of Mr. J. Holmes, Aaron Road, is offered to rent on vel,y reesen- able terms: Plenty of room and.every cove- nience for•ordintry family.. Splendid 'Chance for working man.. Only 15"minutetimallr :from town. Apply to Aleentem mey,..,Euron.road. , CALVES: 4 -Stayed from, the 10pretnises of the subsCribet' t- SO, Maitland con., •a»outth 5ret of May, fdtkt qhtlyee about months old, two heifer.one roan, the.other red with a little brindle; the other,two bulls, one roan, the other red With 'white and ,red face. Any e *Mug such lamination aeleads to theft, overy'will be suitably rewarded. .." CHAS, DISNEY; Goderich townshIP. Q•001.11 FARR FOR SALE - The subscriber idlers for sale -that Weil -situated farm, Lot 17, 7th bencession, Goderich township, 80 acres, po rtereS in rass, necily all cleared; good.. brick house, barn 136 x 75, stabling for cattle and horses, new. granary, implement house, small orchard. The farm ;on s'plen- did one; well watered, in a very. goodstate of cultiva- tion, with 700rods of underdruning,', black clay soil, and will be sold on reasonable, terms. 52 ,000 can re- main on prepertjr, at _0 per cent for five years', if desir- ed. •JAMES DITNCAli, Porter's Hill PA. 23 • eeetiailke• ste %nee veer teMil BUGGIES. 26 New SIN.GLE BUGGIES ^ • , For sale • &bap at 'CAL/ANDER & BROS. SHOP, next door to the Doherty Organ Factory.* Well finish- ed and can be bought at all prices, according* td finish froin $60 upward. Come and bee us and get our' terms. Will gjye written guarantee,with every one. CALLANDER `ti BRO., Clinton.. HOLNIESi SolieitorSulireme AO. nsa WINGVAX& BLYTH. . . iilyth every Thursday. Collections and Oltiluid erometiY,and reliably, attended 'to.- 'PRIVATE FUNDff to, lend at lowest rate of,, interest. WILKIE & WOOLVERTON , petritotornmENTiTS, Hold the bx.ilnsive rightfor the county for the Hurd process ni• administering. cheriiietilly-pure. Nitrogen Monoxide, which lathe West and beet system yet dis- covered for the painless mitrablion of teeth. Charges moderato, satiffaction guarantied. Omer, BEAVER LOCK, over Thompson st Switzer's. Grocory•Store Albert Street, Clinton. ,MONEY.'.11/101101.7'.. mug undersigiled have made arrangements for the JL. handling of a large Smouot of Private and..Coni pany Funds, for loans ow real' estate this winter, at moat ratev of interest and moderate charges. • MIAMI PROMULT tIADE, 7IIA1(NING SCOTT, TOYM htLI, CLIBICN JOHN Ross.' PUMP.MAKER. 'CLINTON, ' ONT. The enbsonber has had many years' (=Peri' enee. and guarantees to give the best of satis- faction. . PUMPS, TANKS, CISTERNS, ETC., Made and put in on short notice, All 'orders by Mail prolinitly attended to. Charges roe. minable, • • JOHN ROSS.,Olinten. N'EW ERA BAKERY. - THOS. DUNLOP HAS pleasure in informing the people of Clinton that he has ommeneed business forAhinisOlf in the building adjoining the NEW ERA office, where ho Will condilet the BARING BUSINESS in all its branch - and w IL e pleased to receive a ,share of patronage, believing that he can give satisfaction to all who favor 145 with their castor% BROM) ThrtriotAbil. • ,t Z I it OLDIES At solif FullsItillsers. "Romer:Mr, itilie.UKLLitEt,ToTf*Clinton, putup Over one thousand feet of rodding in this vicinity this week. - Sraume ent leneeiThneo.-During the thunder storm that passed over this vici- nity recently, the lightning stnick Mr, C. Floodfs barn, resulting in the splitting ef one of the rafters. NEW DARN,-Xr, Three Little, of the 13tie con., is having a large frame barn &dee =his premises, The raising, and usual dance in the evening took place on the 24th of June; ' leennovBeineries.-A number of farmers on the 12th and 18th concessions, haee been busy for the last two weeks making board and wire fences, and improving. in Many ways: Much nicer and better ime proved farms elfin those between the 12th. and 18th concessions, we think would be hard to find, Amman.; - On Sunday last, W4 Mrs. 'Richard Brown, of the' 6th con„ aecoo panied by. several inembere of the family, were on their way te church, their home took fright and ran away, throwing them all out, The only serious hijury sustain- ed was by Mr. Brown, who had the small hone of her ankle :broken. ' • AFfeLacheone-Mr. John Miller, of the 18th can., is laidup with a very eore arm. It appears that One ef the bones in his arm is decaying, the cause of which ie unknown. On Monday, the 23rd of June, he went 6 Lucknow to have the decaying 'bone out out,' but itls feared we will never recover from, the complaint, as he is 84 years of age. • • SOROOL.-Tbe the scholars of 5.5: No..'', on Fridaylast,. was but poorly attended, chiefly Owing to: the :Way time of the year; ,All the par- ents that ever° present expressed them- selves as being pleased with the manage- ment and progress of the, scholars. Mr, G. A. Newton, of Harlock, who was pre- sent and heard a, number of the classes, made, a few brief but appropriate remarks to the effect that a teacher, he order to be successful, must have the . co-operation of both parents and pupils: The teacher, Mr. Lamb, deserves much credit for the energetic and• Pain -taking manner in which he works. He is *beginner, but he does pet seem to lack the talent of con- ducting a school, ' • lenrue:s.,--Thare seems to be prospects for a good apple crop, but plums and cher- lies are going to be very scarce, There is no scarcity of potato bugs the§ year. Mr. Robert Gaw intends linelding a new house• this eunnitee.- The average attendance at school section No. 6 during June, Was abont 70.- About two-thirds of the votes in 'this township are good sound Scott ,Act men. , Mr. Jas. Braithwaite, township ..elerkeand his soneldarshallehave returned '41'm the ;Southern Statee, whither they 'wen e en a prospecting trip;:they are, said to be .muclepleased with that 'country,- letrelt. 'Adaras, �f Londesbero, vice-presie, dent -under the. Scott -Act' assoefietion, far this • municipatity,. will. shortly hold a number of meethees at different places in the tOWnship. • , . ehattraueth: 'RltLIGIOUS,-ItOv, Mr, Turnbell will preach his farewell sermon in the Presby- terian ,church ,next Sunday. •Pipric.'.--ellie picnic which was held In Mr, aylor's grounds, lake shore, last Sat- urday, under the autpices of the Sheppard - ton and Leeburti public schools, was_ a cle- cidedsuecess. All appeared te have en- joyed themieleos-to their butes. content. The most- intgresting and gxcitieg Part of' the day's preededinge Waelhe tug.otwar, between teama chosen from • Sheppardtim and Leebiirn eehoolsein which 'the latter Were victorious, an 'also. teams chesen frOM the above neielthethoods Which also was, decided in f,aVer,of the latter. InTifteiat'r, ENTERTAI1qMENT.4•The ,11- lerary entainmeot which was postponed a week ago one:remount of rain, was held in the Presbyterian •church' last Monday, efening. The audience was not as large as vve Would like to •have seen. Mr: T. McGillicuely, of the Signal gave a very in- structtere. address 'on temperance. Read- ings were given by Messrs: Strang, High School, Wilms, and*Brown, • alse splen- did recitations by Aerie McCarther and Ge 'Clutton, the choir rendered some excel- lent pieces of bulge for the OeCaSIOR. It0V: .J.Tu rebid occupied the chair 'very accept- tably. The proceeds amounted to, $14.75: • ' BOMB; A garden 'party was held at J, Moser% on Tuesday evening, and was well attended: . ' .^ • ' • ' The union' picnic which as held'in the grove adjoining BJyth, was a successful' and enjoyable one na,every respect. ' Mr. Miles ' Young; nes purthesed the building 'occupied by T. Jones,. from L. Thorne, ef, Seaforth, for the Aleey$ um of 431006%jewel. pedleie who Wes selling ,without a license;. WAS areeeted here and brought before Miles Young, J.P., who fined him $10. e- • ' • On Safurday night three young fellows visited Poet Sellaheatrawbetries, and he. caught them stealing the luscious fruit, - He taxed them 25c. each; which should be a warning to others likewise disposed: , . Mr. Charles Hamilton left foe Algoma on Wednesday, to attend a sale.of land in which he has an interest. Ere WM amine- panied by Geo. King and Alnx. Limas, of Blyth, and John 111-46011, and J. Lasham, of leondesboro. ' IVIANonESTEtt. . • ORANGE HALL DEDICATION. •••,... The new orange hall in this village was for- mally opened in Fridey. evening last. There was a large attendance, and good aidressee were „delivered by Rev. Messrs. Cele, of Dfingannon, Caswell, .of Man- ch8ter and Sohn Gray, of Chiffon. The hall is Very nicely finished, and a credit to the society it whose interest it was reeted, • •pima/OUR TOWNSHIP, " Mr. jas, Rowden, of the 13th cone has a field of fall Wheat which be believes will yield. him 85 or 40 bushels to the acre: Mr, William Oldworth, of the lot con., is 74 years of age, and this spring 'lie has cut nearly 100 cords tabard wood. Who can beat that? Is sTo",Ex?,,-.4. young black horse, belonging to Mr. Robert Acheson, of the 14th, mysteriously disappeared from Go- derich a couple of weeks since, and no , trace of it has been found. He: fears it has been' Stolen. • Mr. Chas, W. Williams, of the Maitland 'concession, to whose illness reference Was last week made, died in Clinton; on Thursday, and was buried from the red.; deuce of his brother-in-law; Mr. H. A. Evans. He was one held in high esteem by all, Mr, James llecilwain, of the fourth line, has erected a White Bronze monument in the cemetery at Goderich, in memory of his three little boys. On the front shaft is an emblem of Christ holding three children ;.on the tablet •etTalre them, 0 father, in Thine arms, and may they hence- forth be a messenger of peace between our human hearts and Thee." This is the first of the kind here; and it is very neat and attractive.. Vann SoLne-tfr,„Wm. Murphy., of the 18th concession of Godericle tovvnthipehas sold his farm of 80 acres, being lot 22, to, a Mr. Clarke, brother-in-law of her. Deck; for the sum of $6,200.. Thiele considered a good price, lthough the firm is as good a one as there is along the line, and shows that farm property; in.this: county at least, has not 'materially depreciated in villa. Mr. Murphy will probably move, into Clinton to reside. Osreteenheettention was made last week of the serious' illness of Mr. Hugh Sturdy, of the Huron road, and this illness terminated by his death on Monday even- ing. He was for about 50 years a resident of this township, being one of the very first to settle beer). Up to within a recent period he was a very active min, and it was nothing Uncommon for him, eveu in late years, to walk to Goderich and back, . a distance of about 16 miles. • He was over 84 years of age, and there are very few men left • in the township as old as he Was. He was a member of the Eeiscopal church; a native of Ireland, and was interred in the Goderich. cemetery. Howes an uncle of Mrs. S. Pike, of Clinton. RUNAWAY -Wm. Old was driving Mre Samuel Bissettei team dOwn the hill at the Maitland bridge, neer Goderich, on Do- minion day. A clip came off one of the whiffletreee, and the horses, taking fright; broke' the dtieblettee and detached them- selves from the waggon, became unman- ageable, and plunged over the bank. fifty or GO feet below. One would think a horse could not go down where they did 'and live, 'but, strange to say, they were little hint Ole •hung to them -with geeat courage, eod egatereedatveesiteriatelf being taken. over too.. ; • Hamm -414 If. eiebel has erected a neat Isere, fence along the whole front Of his farm. Mr. Harbettle has one bent of the Helmesville bridge up, and is•workitig away at the remainder of them: Mr. D. derier will have'lotq of friends'as long as•hii cherries lag) anYhokv.WO have had no ran here, of 'any ticeouric i'or ,six weeks, And spring crops will be light nniess We 'get some Soon,.. Some. farmers have com- menced heyeng, Others are nearly through, Smite Ace.ee the Principal topic' n ovri•i a lid • many farme'rs have:,..deiteritmied to' raise more stock: with theit'berley and less hell •:, Clinton: Milli School, . ,. berTohfePfuoplliolr enrolled, e hllead.sattemaveenratgeoleattendance4unl. in each room during the month of Jane i -- Division. No, es roll. Avg. attepdaaou, Mr. Lough* 43 38 ..' 1 Mr. Linklatnies 53 41 Mies O'Neill's', 57 41 Mise Field's, 55 *7 Miss Foxton's, 58 49 Miss Oliver's, . , 40 43 : MissMiss cast pede is' ,r , a , ": 119 7 2 , . 06 1 . • --.T. - Total, 507 384 • , The result of a Written examination is given below. Six of the highest in, each roma are to 'have their Eames entered on the, ho4r roll. • . .. " • NR. Won's DIVISION, ' . . Senior elution, marks attainable, 739 :-.- Ida Johne 589, Aggie MOGarva 587; Maggie Paisley 536, Minnie Cantelon 531, ,Nellie Fair„530,. Jemima Holmes 496, 'James Gor. den 459, Al, !Williame 435, Joseph Miinaghart :$1'844.1.19iolirli sltetliltiobere3a9r9is attainable, 630: - Muriel Redwine' 438; Harriet Iffelmes 430, Bella Cree 426, Jennie Cruickehanit 425, Er- nest Hovey 412, Harry Shepherd 908, Mag- gie Jackson '400 .Robeit GauleY 396, • Tena Ceopei 385, Willie Fisher 082. 1., . Wt. LINELATEn's •Divisioiri *, Senior section, marks attainable, '5O Alfred Rance 437, JameiNtanbliry 433,.. Wm. Bowers 420, Wre. Cole 419, leereie Dare' 40e., May ,Tieling 399, Ahide Moore' 3.74,' Lucy Keane 369, . John, Menne1361, -George Barge ' • Junior section', marks attainable, 630 :--•• Genie Fremlin 384, Malcolm MeTaggart 381, Mary Tivitohell 870, Sadie Greig 369,; Wm. Lavin 327, Sydney Smith 321, Ella .Dickin. son '318, Norman pair 304; John Grayg$9, Robert Ores 240. -,.. • . . ' , . . miss 14 ethx.'s, nivis'ioN. ' Senior. Section; marks attainable, ' 415.: - Jelin Dunlop 387, Iffuldah .Whitely 331, Alice_ Kenney, 327, Albert Rlliette324, Ada•Arther 317, Sydney Jackson 816, ;Mary Paisley ,815, Hattie Dodd 315, Albert Moore 314,, Willie Jarvis 812, Emma Moore 801, Mary jnnor 306, Harold Whitt 306, Hugh Scott 305. • Junior section, marks attainable, 380 May Robb 834,. Milly Andrews 326, Minnie Herman 324, Lizzie Carter -821, Beale Robb 818, .WilliCRObeitiiiii 314, Calyenie McDon- ald 307; Tena Cooper 306, . • . . MISS "riEix's DiVisION. Senior section, marks attainable 370 --: Etta Speoht 351, ,Fred. Peckitt 340, Charlie Young 307, Hattie Patterson 277, Fred Brown 275, Antos Oriole 213, Hugh Moore 240, Lilly 0 oven 239, Willie Demo 234, ' elemior section, Marks attainable, 340 : -- *Nettie Combe 885, Emma Webb 325, 'Carrie Cooper 318; Nellie Jarvis 310, Charlotte Barge 301;Libbie 'Ornickshanks ,801,. Hattie Rumball 295, Alice Cottle 294, Mary. Martin. 293 Katie Taylor 289; ' • MISS FOXTOR'S DIVISIOR.. - • ". .. ' Senior section, maths attainable, 260': - Theo, Speck 247, Peroy..Holmee 240, Ada Jones 237, Grace Bastian 233, Gertie Young 230, Eva Hessian 224, Maggie Keane ,15, Dottie Fair 213, Mary Forden 210. -,Ageie Deint.197, Minnie Young 192. ., .. . : Junior section, marks attainable, .250 :- Henry Cole 230, Annie Irving 221, Flora Rai- son 218, Phemie.Oree 216e Tommy &eh' 212, Sadie Reeve 208; Clare Friendiship 203. Davia Caiitihni 194, :George Nitaniins 191, Lochart Cree /79,' ... .., • . - .. e• '' • '• ' • • Y' ' ineSeCiavelee neyistoe. Mii.ei• s4piem marks,,lati;inahla, 170:H.' Emma iiinith , 157, :AriniWariiitr,152, :Ediw Robb lbl, Jessie Gorden ,,148,, Er. IAMB 139; 'James Hanlon .139, Jelin. Nioffet 1371: Jackson n:13 eige.y. J.3.5, Melee lre iti..433, . 'Hereeee • ennieeeseetion, marks attainablei.125‘ :•.-' Day Spooner 120, James Wilson 110; i/IIIP:ia .Thempeon 117, Emma., Tipliug 117,, Robe Cunninghenie 114, John, Moore 111, Robert Taylor 108, Ernest Cooper ,108, Susy, ;Ghia: 104,,Flossyllattistin 104.... ,. I ' •• • . '. • with' ROLmse DIVrsiom" '.. ' • l'''''' Third class -Hattie' Davie,. LantaVhomp• self, Mary ',Matheson,. Amelia- Fitzsiihons, Annie Cruickshank. Birdie HeywOod, .'llettie. MoOrrie • Annie Alexander. • , . ' Second class4Alex. Angus,' Willie Smith, Ehnen Jones, Miry Bastian, Bertha Dristicill, Marion literland, ' - 's . First clam -Ida Holmes, Alice . Oudmore, ,Ilerbeit ;Mei]. Howarel 'Holmes, Sellie.Pat. terscin„ Harry Reeves. ', . • ' . • • MISS CALLANDER's DIVISION.. • • . Viret class -Hester Holmes, Bertha Beak., Nellie'Giimes, 'Mabel Teweleyeelowaid Grant, 'Second "class -Susie Powell, Ada %Mew ald,• Grace' Ovetherrye Ralph Bezzo, -Violet Frenilin. • • •e. ' - 4 . e Third elatisLelnie Pickett:" 'Malcolen .314e.: buaig, Richard Worthington, Willie Biggait, Frank Glevi, Jennie Moffat, Jeshie Gardiner. Fourth 'class -Alice Twitchell, Lottie Can - tele!), Lester Whitely, Mary Mainrchiee Mary Campbell, Willie Maffei,. Geo. Fordaii. BE LGItA VE. . Mx. John Wheeler, of the 4th con. of Morrie, has raised iteplendid barn, and unlike' oth'ere; he has mieed it with' the foot of the rafters ea high as the teplatfie rafters in, the barn', his fathei raised, and that is on 14 foot posts. . • Mr: John Milky, of the fith con. Mor - raised. a, barn last week. GG x 80 ; it IS one 'of'the finest barns in this section, and has stone work all round. - - Statute labor is now all the go here. -- Mr, John Owens was pathnetuiter on the 9th of Wawanosli, and he cut a hill 'that had been *sited to be done for a long time. HOLIUMSVILLE.' , 13ItIEFS,-We observed, when at the. picnic .on'Tuesday, that three bents of the new bridge were op ; the lonklooked-for will , doillyi be an accomplished face this seasOn. Mr. Pickard preached a very tippropriate liermon. on Sunday morning last to a large congregationein'the Mahar, dist church, The unionbids fair to woik well here, everything so far has been ar- 'ranged satisfactorily. iretuteeinies. On Siturday. 'minting at L30 4 flee broke oat in the frame building occupied by F, Dunforc merchant tailor, and T. McCulloch, boots and shoes, The fiamee spread rapidly, cutting off all chances of saving anythieg. The next building te catch MS a large frame stable belonging to the Central Hotel.; it evasaottn burned down. the, Central Hotel next caught fire in the upper storey. George:A*0re two-storey brick building, 'used as 4 gro- cery below and dwelling above Was soon one Mass of .flames. The Tecumseh ilmate,a fourotoreyeffiansard reef, veneer- ed brick building, stables And sheds" owned. and occupied by Mr, F. Frey, being the 'next building to the south, also teok fire, and In Spite or all efforts` to save theme Were completely burned to the ground. A part of the furniture and stock Wee saved. The following are the losers ee,-.F. Frey, Less on building andetock, $9,000. Insured for $4,600; George Ballot, Toss on building $2,300, on stock' of groceries $1,000, insured for $2,200; Thos. Meanie loth, lees en stock andlools, $500, lose on furniture, etc., $200, insurance on stock, $300t; A. Mickus, loss on building end damage to Central Hotel, $2,100, insured; T. �Neiil, damage by removal Of stock and furniture out of Central Hotel, $700, insured; E. Dunfeed, stock of clothes, etc., loss $1,000, insured for $500. EAST WAWANOSIT. Doeiee--.Mie Jelin Carl reeent)y received word of the death of his daughter, Mrs, O'Connell, pf Saginaw, Mich. A servant of Mr. T, Brown was kicked by a horse a sheet time ago. A feW farmers w,ho, sow- ed their turnip seed three weeks ago, have been forced to plow up their fields, on ac- count of the pants being eaten by small flies, Picnicsnow in all directions,, Hoes vere church held' theirs last week. Mr. MeCasseyhas the contract for the erection of a, barn neer 'Whiteelitirch. Efforts are being made to have the services of Rev. John Gray eontinued at the union church throughout the slimmer. Mr. A. Ding- wall still enntinues in a low state; three doctors have attended him. PORT ALBERT. Tun Geness.-Everything passed off satis- factorily here in connection with the games on the 1st The sports, of different kinds, were carried on vigorously, and ;the prize money was distributed in the evening to the victors, to the satisfaction of each. The crowd in attendatioe was a fairly largo One, considering that celebrations weri being held in the !negate towns. The ealithUMpian pro- cession attracted a good deal of Atte/Alen, pleasing the &dockers very ninth. The three mile walking thatch was well contested, Some very fast walking being done, The wreatling match doubtlem somewhat astonished the. spectators; no less than six athletes compet- ed. They .were Men of good physique and showed great skill end address. neellitetele. Aire 11•••••••=111, Clinton having noeformal celebration of 41.9 let Of NT, Peng_efitilaillOnts Spent 1201404e 1)d:riolin4reolen,ye‘angd °Wet upiYhroerret.hosAe A who preferred to 'remain near' home, the eehief flue of Whicrermi held at' Stapleton, under. the 411SpietilLOttlie ,Deherty. Organ Company. A large crowd attended this one, and as Wry arrangement necessary for their mat* and pleasure had been Made, all appeared to vend a Very plea- sant time,- except that 'threatening rain broke the gathering up earlier than was intended. During the day the bend gave a number of pieces, andseveral of our business men having generously given prizes for competition aMOPII the .omploye ees of the Organ Factory, they were won as follows :- Fat men's race -3. entries, prize, mous- tache imp by J. Cnninghame, won by Jas. Burrows. 1.03,04orydftorna,cej-4ameespue aphreizrty., prize hat, by W. . Egg race -2 en., prize china Aal nn ine. Sanger by Thompson & Switexei, T. O.' DoheetY: Hopping race- 4 en., prize, c ina to- bacco bole by Palliser & Co, ha...Doherty.' e15Q yd. race-lst prize hat by X: 'Oral „ b, Booth ; 2nd prize, hammer by Harland Bros:, Ed. Doherty. . 15Q yd. race for No. 3 shop -let prize silk handkerchief by Pay & Wiseitian, J, Doherty; 2nd prize album by 0: Dickson, John Armour. - • t Hop -step -and -leap, for apprentiee bey!, pen 'knife by S. Davis, James Doherty. 1102-step:itaid,leap, glass set by., An- • gus, Je'Greig. • 1 • , P, , , -Married men's race -- pair conereo' s shoes by Titelore& Son, Te CleDoherty. Brickleap ler members of the baild, silk handkerchief from Hodgene eetat4David -Ceuff. Prizes by Messrs. J. Jackson, Ferewler & , Son, A. A. Emmett, B. 11. Racer, and T. Copper & Son, were unavoidably held over for competition at another time.' flosses. Caer arid Arnietrong had 'the 'general . managenient of the picnic, and note' little of its :euccess was due to their labors, - These parties desire to return their eincere thanks, to all.thoee who aided in Making pthriezeps.ien.... /0 a success, and .na,r, ticulatrly• to • • the business Men who gave the splendid :- _ CLINTON ..AS KEEN RIC OTIIRRS7 . the editor of the Brussels Post; Who .' • spent a couple of days in town recently,, publishes his opinion of Clinton • and mate tare here as follows i=-Olinton is a very promising town rind from its Oentral posi- tion in 'the County, gond eurroundings, live business MB and 'enterprising r news, papers is: destined, at no distant deer, . he not only becorne•the Capital of the county but attain -to the .proportionii. of * City, There are no lees than three townships represented within the town lireitil. We visited the Doheity, organ factory., where sonie 30 or 40 the work of manufacturing the celebrated siii‘ Men are eca.pnod „ 'masts w were ehforwo from Threouggrohnntdhefiovoarrloupu,s aioniirafit. . organs explained. A very exteniiive busi- yneere; ips),:borieginega.rrizi. n.l.n. aitud.ifth„evret;!hekaviesi. an excellent choir in this .Methodist).- church under the leaderthip of W. Didier- ' iy,. Mist Caliendo, organist: The 'poles are' teken, principally by:, MisseeNellie Holmes, who bas a dear, fullt ride voice. .4 .4„. TOWN. 0HUROHI .OHIMES. • .. 'The Presbyterian 'Sabbath School picnic will be held at Goderich,on the 18th July: The'. Holinesville Methodist Sunday ' Scheel picnic was ;held on Tuesday!, and • was a very pleasant affair throughout... The new Methodist church, at Taylor's: corners, Huron ROW; is nearly ceMpleted and will be dedicated some time in July.. e .It'ie expected that•Rer Mr. Salton will .: entee :Open hie duties as assistant. to eno 'Rey. Jetties' Gray, here, on Sundey. next. -I: ReiveAlreBlatchfokdefoinietly of- Pin - toe, ilioves.froni London to.'take &large . of his newappoietnient at Steathroy this reireeke ' - .:" ^ " ' • . e el. ' , • , , ' Ther, e Willbe preachi.ng iii the Nfetho-. 4i3t dituph) Summer Hilt, this (Fridley) • eveiiing, at 8 ceeloek, and Sundae more- irig next ae 10 30. . ••• ' ..The Rattenienry street 'Methodiet bele, break:heal expects to ficild its pienie at Goderith, about the 17th of 'July; The'-. Ontario street school' they Ooseililyeolti in e ' at the same time.. ..^.•:: . Rev, Mrellamilton, a former ste,dene of-- Clinton High Scheel, :preached in Lon- ' desboro Presbyterian Church, on:Sanday, This pulpit is At present va.o.int; Uncles- . bore people -not having yet seleetedee sue-, . • cessor to Rev, Mr. Lougheade. • , 'Rev. Mr, Treleaven (formerly 'cif Bay- , ,field) Was Presented:with , a.dressing case. by the Young' People's Association of' Queen's aventie church, Louden, as a fare- well gift,' en the occasion of his leaving to take charge (lithe London South congre- gation. e • , - . , • - , Cepsiderable diseatisfaction exists' on the Bayfield circuit of the Methodist Church, at the reannerin which that circuit has been carved up .by the conference, some of the member allegingthae. ie will be impossible to sustain n minister proper.. . ly under the existing arrangement, .. . . - We have never said a werd•yet A'gains't the -- Lord's 'Army, but when they diseurb, public' worship as they did oti Stinday evening, while passing 'the Presbyterian oharch, by ,the beating,of the drum, and in other ways', very. ' mach to the annoiyande of beth pastor and people; it is time to raise objecticeis to 'the Same. Churches', and Sunda's? Schools have rights that should be respected; a good deal of -license and latituOe has been,ellewee the army, but there le no reasen why they should. , ' abuse their privileges. . STANLRI. EXPLANATION, -The report haVInie been in- dustriously circulated that the death of the lad, Ogilvie, who died at james Snell's, in, 'Stanley, was tamed primarily by abuse, and finally by neglecting to procure proper 'care and medical attendance for . hint when ill. The medical Wan mho attended the case in' justice to Mr. Snell, Wishes to say that Dennis - Menai advice was sleight the mom nut it appear- ed necessary, and'thathe was urged by Mr. Snell to spare no means which could possibly be of service, and further the 'affection eir• premed, and evinced in every way, by the led, for both Mr, and UM. Snell wan gene sufficient evidence to show that he received anything but hineness at. 1.11 hsnds. Allan Pinkerton, head of the noted Pinkerton detective agenciee, died at his home in Chieago, on Trieseley after. neon, 65 years, . • •