HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1884-06-20, Page 10"LrI TON NEW ERA.
FRIDA , LUN 1884..
r." •l o 4 219TIO $. .�
Acsi the article fv V' ators. Spy tlasees
f' roma 150. to $S.7',r, at W 1RW Hook RStore.
:Extra discount this week.
SZWalrl . AQH,INES-•- W. $'ITT sells'
the ht running new Home ,Sewing Machine,
�v1«' a• :taken the lei, f
;On gopi ..
• COMM. Dow t. --r The price of live
stock is falling in England, owing to an
over -supply from lawman markets, sand
We believed that prices must fall here-
This will be welcsme news for beef -salters;
but for farmers it is a far from:brightout
di osarEu,—We learn that the. town-
ship Ueborne bas appealed to the«oou.n-
ty Tudge againstits equalized assessment,
the county council having refused to de -
Crease Ueborne or increase other miodel-
• palities jn:the county ; the anatter comes
up for hearing at'an early day.
A SEL•toi,Ar, Linin.—The otherday
es Mr. Jahn Brownlee, lot 19, mill load,.
Tuckersmith,,.was plowing, he turned up
a portion, of a sea coral, which was like a
• petrified limb of .a tree. A small portion
of it.he left at this .office for the inspection
. of the curious..
A, Goon AriroxiVENr,-The EWNEra.
extends. its congratulations to Mr. W. E.
Oroves, on his promotion to the position
of headmaster of Wingh, am Public. Cheel,
Q He is quite a young man, but well -lip in
his ,protesaional studies. and tohis• other
acquirements he sometime ago added the
art of printing. -- -
AE.THVerTAI, •DintoCATION.--; young
roan named Donohoe; (son of widow
Donehoe of ,:Goderieh township) called
upon a Medical maxi of town to c+ogee,
Iris right arm; one day last weer, it being
dislocated -at the -shoulder. Haw . it be-
came dislocated he did not know mite had
gone tobed with it all right, and found
next morning when trying to pull •on his
pants that he could not do .eo, the, arm
• having by some, means been. throwin out
apiece during his sleep.
Air trEvonTtNATE Yoi TL -.-The other
day a boy named Geo. Herriott reeeiyed
a fearful blow inthe face while playing
ball with some : • companions. • A bat,
caught him across the, nose and almost
flattened it out, and. the eye was also badly
bruised. The injuries are such that, it
will take them some time to.: heal. It
seems to be the fate of this, youth to get
Burt. '..He has had a leg :and arm broken,
and many minor casualties during his
limited career and takes all the. efiairs
with perfect indifference;.'
• Ax • ExPEizSIvE SamsE.—A Goderich
township farmer, driving to . town the
other day was:consoling himself with his
pipe.and when through placed the article
in his coat tail pocket. Re soon after was
made aware of its.presence there' by find-
ing that his coat was on fire.. After., he
'bad extinguished it he found that a large.
We had been burned through a Russel
-Cord• coat, linen dusterand goat robe, and
ha wisely determined hereafter to be sure
his pipe was out before putting it away.
,TBE SIM LIsT.--Mr.S. Mercer has, un-
fortunately, suffered' a relapse,due to, his
•igoing•to work .before he was ale to stand
it, and be is confined to bed. Mr. Wm:.
-Davis was called. to Alias. Craig last week
by the serious illness, Of: his'brother, who
is suffering from a complaint. that • has so
far baffled the skill and knowledge of the
medical men in that vicinity; 'at last ac-
counts he was very low, and : an attempt,
was to be made to•.take him to London in
the hope that treatment • • could there -be
received that would prove beneficial: -
A Gonsx orTan ... Tv. ---Mr.. Joseph
Rowell, of this• town (father of Mrs: J..
Hodgens) leaves for Toronto . in a few
days, to take part in the Semi -Centennial
Anniversary of , that, city. 13y virtue of
having been an alderman of Toronto he
will be a guest of the city during thean-
xiiversary, the officials having formally
invited all old aldermen to become their
guests. •Mr. Rowell was in office forabout,
three years,, commencing. in 1865, and
was at that time noted for hiseiaergy and
zeal in the managementof civic matters,
CLINTON Fuzz Snow. -=0n ` Monday
last Messrs, John Mason, G.E. Pay; Thos.
Carbert, Jas, Biggins, and Rich. - Cole
representing the Hulled. agricultural"
Society, canvassed the town.for , subscrip4
tions thereto and-met'with very gratifying
suceess. As Clinton now , stands; to the
front as the -leading place of the County,
an effort must be made' to have a fall
show that will outstrip all its predecessors
and be in keeping with the progressive
agricultural . interests of . the •County •of
The Clinton NEW; ERA; a,.county journ•!
uI, prides itself on giving the best report
of the Blyth murder of the county papers.
This may be trap;'but had the Advocate
been in operation at fhe'time referred -'to,
you would have ',to take a back ' seat,
brother ERA. --Blyth Advocate. [Let's see.
The West Aiding Good Tampion met in
Blyth last week a report of which appear-
ed in the NEWv En & and Advocate. Will
our youthful confrere' please tell -us which
the best report. The. E
paper gave NEW
ERA wn't take a back sett with any pa-
per so far as local matters are concerned.
•Anaty• N'oTES.-=Converts still bentinne
to join the ranks of the Lord's Army, and
the number in their street processions
make quite a formidable artily. What.
-ever objection may be raised against them,
this much can be said in their favor, they
have succeeded in reclaiming a'- number
who were fortih'erly the ontcasts of society,
and these are evidently' trying to become
better members of 'Society. When they.
went over to Bayfield' last week, an at-
tempt was made to break up their meet-
ing, and threats wore made against them
should they returia, but Capt. Homily
says that this will not deter hire from again
attaeking the strongholds of sin in that
pl e. The Sundaytii htmeetings in the
town hall are attended bylvery large num-
hers, hi fact many dome its from the tout.
try who are unable tO make their way, in-
to the hall. To use a common expres.
cion, "it takes 'the army to draw the
crowd." Oa TuesdaySeveral members of
the army wenn to Michell to participate
in a grand Jubilee, attd it is intended to
hold a similar service. in this ,town in
tLe course of a short time. It has been
decided tO erect barracks here, but when
it will be done and where it will be locat-
ed are points not yet.fixed.
TUE Dn&Tne ROL.L,—Mr. Jacob Miller,
aro ni"744
aw Bch . - ✓<
(father o Mr.J I l �r, of town, n
brother of alir.' James Millen died on Sun-
day 1444 the residence of pis son 4leorge,
at the a Of 70 years; he l?d been a rest -
dent oftho township for many yea;re,, and
hls funeral on. Tuesday was very lamely
Monday, had only been a resident for a
limited period; her death was the result
of a severe cold contracted some time
since, Mr E. Keefer was palled awayon
Friday to attend the funeral of his fater-
in-law, A, Church, Boa., of Lydonville,N.
Y., and on y evening received
word that his infant son w �aa d ing, re-
turning by train to Loudon, bre rove from
there to Clinton on Sunday, reaching
home just a hour before it died, and at
the very same hour t'1ii. Monday when Mr,
Keefer's father-in-law was interred at
Beaver -dam cemetery, Thorold, his own
child was interred here; the have the
sympathy' of all in their elouble affliction,
$xIEFa,-^Jim Jackson got a black eye
from a lacrosse stick last week; at least he
claims items alaick did it. Mr;M.Fischer
has several orders for suits from Wood-
stock this shows that Clinton business
men can supply customersaaywhere:. The
Mutual Marriage Aid Association of Ham-
ilton has bust •up;:' a number in' this
neighborhood were roped into the concern.
Mr. S. Haywood, while outt'ing grass with
a sickle the other day, cat the back of his
left hand severely. We were slightly in
erre; lastnveek in suyingahat the Doherty
Organ Band would have a picnic on the
int of July; the picnic is for the entire
Organ Company and its friends, at which
the band will be present; the merchants
have given prizes:to the.extent of about
020 to be -competed foriainong the rands;
the public are at. liberty to attend, but
will be expected to provide: 'Mr. Bay-
ley was last week in charge of the photo-
graph gallery of Mr. W. Wade, Seaforth,,
during the latter's absence on a business
trip to the other side. -i1r. Mark Cassels,
of \s ingham, spent :a couple of days
amid his.old friends here last week. The
first home-grown strawberries of the sea-
son were sold on the market on Saturday;
at 25c. a quart. Mrs. Woolverton, ort`
Helaine ,n, who died last week,' was a rela-
tive of Mr. Woolverton, dentist, of this
place ; the papers of that' city speak very
highly of her. Mr. Robt. Dinsley, who
has been in Wyoming district for a year
past, is home on a visit. Mr. Dougass,
ofthe� Woodstock .,Sentinel, (a relation of
Miss . Douglass) called on us 'kat week.
The Volunteer Company, under. command
of Capt. Forrester left here by special
train on. Tuesday to put in their annual
drill at London; no doubt they will have
a good time, as that is really about all
the boys go 'for now-a-days..A team be
longing to Mr. James Watson,: 'Mullett,
ran away in town on Tuesday, and made
•matters pretty lively for a few moments;
the tongue .dropped down and eventually.
,caught in the road, throwing the waggon
up into the_air and breakingit more or
less -es ecially more. Mr, hos. R.MiI,
ler,, teacher, Porter's Hill, put'his arm out
of joint'on Monday morning, while.getting
out of a waggon here; he: remarked that,
"it often 'acted that way" `stating that; it,
often came out 'of joint and got beds in
place itself; .assiist'ance was :necesa' ryb
Monday: morning to replace it., A poesy
book containing a small some of money
was found in town, which•the.owner can
have on applying at this office. Dr.Recve
mourns the loss ofa.spplendid ham, which
soinebody.Was 'theughtful enoueb..to re-
lieve•him-of the other night. :•:Ham • is not•
healthy in summer•doctor, and the Zan
who took it was simply a philanthropist—
to himself. A legal gentleman in . town
almost had his nose chopped off. the
other day, by a friend who -threw e�dust-
pan at him ; the mark on. that por-
tion of. his face shows: he did, not get off
scot free. We have already .several;com-
mercial travellers residing xn our 'midst,
and another one at London has expressed
his intention . of moving here as soon'..as
he. can Sud a house suitable; the location
of Clinton, combined with its social 'ad-
vantages, make it a. particularly desirable
place of residence for. commereial men.
having'routes in.this ° section.. Mr. J. B.
McKay, f(son of • Mrs. ' Thomas. McKay;
of this place,); is now President of the Do
-minion Business College, Kingston; Clin-
ton boys,make their mark wherever they.
go. A sitting' of the; Division Court.will.
be held here . on the 28th ihst.,..'there is
not' much to •colne up for settlement.-
Mr. Joseph Allanson cuthis hay on 'Mon-
day' and Tuesday, he is bound_ to "take
the cake." Wesley. Bear wears a hat.
made entirely from °newspapers, fourteen
of Which were used in making it, • in dry
weather it is as desirable: a form of head-
gear as one could wish for,- but if he gets
the ppolities miked he must look out for
headaches. The excursion from Kincar-•
dine to Goderich on Wednesday was only
fairly;patronized. The excursion to Lon-
don next Thursday should draw a gond
crowd, Mr. Jos..Al`lanson left us a basket
of •splendid ggreen. peas'„on Wednesday;
they, were well filled and show . that this
'section will produce as .early vegetables'
as more' southern localities. Thursday.
was the warmest , day of the season,
gguratively, it was .” as hot as blazes."
Mrs. •Jolie} Taylor,'of town; received. the
sad intelligence• this- week that her bro-
ther,. residing in the township of Esques-
ing; had been killed by a horse. Mr. ani1
Mrs. Carslake ere taken guile. 1
M s. Cax a to 11 n
Wednesday, and fiad to call 1n a doctor,
who found that they had , been poisoned
bypartaking of canned. lobster; the poi-.
son was exceedingly, rank, And would,.
have •.caused death before morning, had
not strong antidotes been administered-;
the can. had just been opened, arid the poi-
son may have arisen from the tin; they, are
recovering. • Mr.Jonathan Millon of Ben -
•miller, has justpurchased through Mr T.
:0. Doherty a Heintzman grand piano.—
The recent rains were almost. worth their
weight in gol'd'�to the crops of this county.
The reeve . and deputy -reeves of Rowick
have set an exainplethat all. other like of=
Eiders in the county will of course, follow,
which is this, when passing through Olin -
ton the other day they so fascinated
by the beautiful appearance- and tone of
the Doherty Organ . thateach ordered odi
to be delivered at their respective homes.
Messrs.'Brundson and Beesley are On their
way home from , Manitoba, owingto dul-
ness of trade. Mr. Hy. Cook, of the Hu*
ion road, came in to the army meetingon.
Tuesday evening, tying his"hoarse in ront
of a store; when he name out'tlie horse
was nowhere to be found, some of'theboys
having allowed it to jog off home. :Mr.J.
C. Stevenson is. home from Louisv�ille,I�y.
Mr, Andrew Dietl. succumbs to the ma -
triennial fever in the course of a,le* days
I. II .
attended. Miss E. Lorimer, who die on
WHAT THEY wExn,--Rev Dr. Wil -
OM... e r•ef 4.1,Pgikr4 0
(erenoe, was, a num er o years ago, a
ler' ak Wilton, ;Salt. ".RO!Cf °Vre, of
Goderich, a leadigg Presbyterian .Stair ,
served an apprenticeship_ as blacksmith
is McQuesten s foundry .Hamilton, many
years ago. Rev. W. C. 'Henderson,. M.A.,
the new President of the Guelph Confer-
ence, was the son of a farmer in the Pro-
vinCe of Quebec.
RATIIEit A SET BAOK,T•-On Thursday
oiled week,ust after the: meeting of than
Licensed Victuallers, three somewhat
weighty members efthis Association warp
passing along, Albert.srteet, when ones Of
them in .a bombastic mat,ser remarked,
Shaw me a Scott Act man and I'll knock
him down." A well-known resident of
the town who is small of stature, hearing
the remark, boldly avowedItis priciples
with the expression , "Here isone fox
you."The UV., turning to the party, was
astonished' at his frankness, and amid the
cutting laughter of his friends walked
away, reniarkipg "You•are not the man 1
was looking for," .1
STIMET •SWEEPl'No6,—•The streets have
ing been gravelled, of course every one
gets as far away from the gravel as pos-
sible,. In Many of the stones broken on
the streets are found perfectly petrified
cockel shells, showing that at onetime
all the gravel used for the streets was
once beneath the water, Clinton is said,
to have more sidewalks within its borders
than apy town of the same size in Canada
—and . still people are asking for more,
Toff many people leave, their horses uh--
tied and then swear at them if they get
frightened and start off. The crowds who
are nightlyonthe street give the town a
yens anita ated• apPearaneth 4 .K r • ice
A picleiuson sella hots.hold• future
ea titto, market square, • ilight1 U'rid4y,g
Prior to Bev. B. Davey, late of•Londeg-
born, leaving Bervie..circuit, he wars men
seated with a purse of $66, and Airs,
Davey with a silver knife and fork.
While away last week tev, .3; Kenner
Was presented with a. ban4$9me Oa watch
in recognition of his services as Treasurer
of the Superannuated Fund ug the. late B.
C. Church.
These who wish toattend an excellent
and instructive entertainment, 'should se-
cure seats for the cantata Lost and Saved,.
which will be rendered by a large number
of voices next I<'riday, 27t1 Inst.
Messrs. $, Andrews, A. Churohiil,htiss
Correll, rMrs, Lavin and Geo, Allan were
booked through to Manitoba, by W.Jack-
leu, agent Northwest Transportation Co.;
they sailed by the Quebec, from Goderich,
on Wednesday.
Q -.-Ab Lyndonsille, Orleans Co°, N,
Y., ou Friday, June 15th, Archibald Oliurch,
Esq., (father'of Mrs. Edwin Keefer, elinton,)'
'aged 70 years..
KEErEa.—In Clinton, . on 'Sunday, June
16th, Raymond Van DeCarr, infant son of
Edwin and Clara • Reefer, aged 1 month.
Loalncsx,—In Clinton, on the 16th inst.,
Elizabeth Lorimer, aged 32 years and 11
months, .
Matz-ft.—In Gederieh Township, on the
14th inst., Jacob Miller, aged 76 years, 3
months and 7 days. •
... AT 'THE
RICHTER MOUTH ORGANS, 10 key, brass,,.25ots.
EXPRESS: WAGGONS, Iron ..axle , $2,.25, also 'WOODEN.
axle, 75c, and ,$1.50.
BABYCARRIAGES going very cheap.
NEW, stock of BLANK. BOOKS.
YzAPES'1.' in the County of anion.
croquet and L.o,eeosise •St ck
`F`anci, �, ' aplendi d' aaf sortaireen°t. •
3 ;mmor�h;s `ooc1 and ola�eap.
,•#ird Cages and Walhiuausl.
11K -4.0k OM*
And in order to clo so see the grand assortment of
1�I Y .4.`! !�7t
They take the place of Muslin, Also, we
show a fine range of
And WHITE GOODS. 'for the hot weather.
A • nice range of
• Satin. De - Lyon, for Mantles,
Our job Brie of Dress . Goods. ..
Our job line of. Hosiery
Don't or�et the • Boys Clothing.
Our stock of WHITE and :COLORED; SHIRTS is the Largest
.and finest in this . section:' Sizes from I to 17. • OUR GREAT
UNLAVNnnIRD' SHIRT, reinforced, .at' 75 cents, has hada big
sale, , and eople should 'see the they p � :l � linebeforeey purch;lse.
1 Nothing has ever beenseen, like it..
Tut WrMili tnar;,
Full range•of'`_LTNET & CEL:L`CJLOTD COLLARS up to 172
° `. - ,
.The ''atrnoils liciaittOro -C1i n.to, x.'.
To be a l em in the
Towu :gall, Cliuion, oo Fridy. Jif•27fti
]3eautifu l caner r
3e ,ut f'f.l .costiu;
C> r'eh ;stt
Secure your Reserved Seats early, at
Jackson's Ilat Store, and,..get a goad seat.