The New Era, 1884-06-20, Page 6SOUTHERN CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editor of the Clinton .'fete Era. LEXINGTON, Ken., June 7, 1584. DEAR SIR, —I have been a week here in n city of 20,000 inhaoitauts, the county seat of Lafayette Co., oue of the best if not the beet in the State, and I have seen the greater part of it, with some of the adjoining comities, and it is to my mind the best farming district that I have ever seen. There are twelve macada- mized roads, perfectly smooth, leading from this city, with a great many others of the same kind leading out of them, on al of which are some pretty furors, parts being studded with oak, black walnut, and other valuable trees, Met like English parks, with handsome brick dwellings. The lanais of the very best quality, and,niostly in grass, the celebrated blue grass. A few miles away the crops are more Tailed --- fall wheat. core, barley, oats, clover, hem and tobacco, all of which are excellent, Wheat will be ripe in two weeks. I have seen one 50 acre field of wheat, tha fifth crop in succession without any manure, that would yield in On- tario at least forty bushels per acre ; clover is ready to cut there is an excellent crop; hemp, two feet high ; tobacco just planted ; corn well advanced. We are enjoying the hospitality of E. T. Hagyard, V.S., late of Peel county, On- tario, who has a practise, I think, far better than any physician in our part, and who, with his son J. It. as partner with hien, is•higbly re- spected.Dr. Hagyard has driven me out on many different roads, and introduced me to a number of fanners, from whom I have obtained information respecting fa ming, etc. farms are very high in price, but not dear, being from 580 to 5140 or more, per acre, but the houses on them are costly and valuable. There are seve- ral farms rented, mostly on shares, some for Bask et from 57 to 58 per acre ; although high, they make far more profit than rented farms in Ontario. I have talked with two or three such, who tell me, and I have theirstatements cor- roborated by many others. that on farms of 75 and 80 acres they make 51500 a year, half to owner half to tenant. Owners, of course, make more, and never work themselves. Labor (col- ored) is cheap; I think the advantages for feral - ere here over those in Ontario are very great indeed. The principal one is climate,' no stab- ling stock of any kind in winter, out on great the year resod, and only require, or are fed, in the coldest part of winter ith cnrn stalks ; some feed a little corn or hay. The next, the cheapness and abundance of farm hands, The bigh reputation of their thoroughbred and trot- ting horses, which sell for fabulous prices, and ,horthorn cattle, which attain suelr'1ar;;e weight without any stall feeding and labor ; I -have seen several herds of three-year-old steers, fat already on grass feed only, which will weigh from 1,600 to over 2,000 lbs. in the fall, and two-year-old steers, which will reach 1400 to 1600 lbs. in the fall, when they will be sold, they are now fatter and heavier than ours in Oaturii, are in 11Iay, after seven mouthsstall fecdin••. Sheep, chiefly Downs, (some long wooled) are profitable here,- and. their lambs are selling and being delivered at from 54 to. 55 each. I like the farmers here well, they are gentlemanly, respectful and courteous; Mar. ,hall and myself have been entertained by seve- ral of them, at their homes, in the moat hos- pitable and elegant style, such ample board, with every variety of nature's luxuries, but without our unwholeseme, Canadian pastries, Yesterday we attended a sale of sixty newly imported Jersey cows and young heifers which sold for from 5200 to $500 each, and a dull for 5750; the sale was held at the celebrated blue 4o ass stock yard, in Lexington, and was attend- ed by a very respectable and well dressed class of breeders and fanners. Whenever we have enquired of any of them regarding any subject they take great pains to informs us. I.have enjoyed, and am 'stili enjoying my trip im- mensely. Have seen the home of the celebrat- ed late Henry Clay, called Ashfield farm, about :e mile frem Lexington ; it is now owned by his • son-in-law, Major ItlicDouell, who has a very valuable stock of thorougobred horses, one, Dictator, brother to the fastest horse in Ameri- ca, now 19 years old, bought this spring by the Major for 525,000, and is there standing for mares at 5300 each, limited to (10. WMar"es for the -easnn ; with a full list ho will thus realize 518,000 this season for service. ' 1 havealso seen the late Henry Clay's beautiful monument in the new cemetery at Lexiugtou, with the "soldier's graves" of hundreds of the noble sons i.f Kentucky, Ohio. and other neighboring States, the roost touchingescene I have ever looked upon,• all in semi -circles, repeated many times, a stone marks every grave, withthe name of soldier thereon, when known. Lex- ington is a prettycit theState,, College and lunatic asylm ae here. Marshall has been nut every day looking at small farms for sale. He is delighted with the country, but before he decides where he will locate, which he says he tvill most certainly do, he will see more of this Hart. He starts from here on Monday next for Knoxville, Tennessee; we are told that land -is much cheaper there. We will write. you from there next week. I would like him to live here. The weather here is now most delightful, not at all too warm. I have made every enquiry about the climate and do believe it to be the best and most enloyable, to take the year round, we ronld find, never too hot or too cold. Although the farmers here are rich and com- fortable, and know to a nicety how to enjoy life, yet I think they could matte more if they •c'ultivated their land better. The worst plows and plowing we ever saw. Canadian farmers .•ould teach them impnriant lessons on farming. The negro pnpnlation are more comfortable and happier than I expected to find then*, and can earn moderately gond wages. All the manual %Nile is performed by them. All admitthat they are behind in the science of -farming, but they make hits of money and are well off. Yours trttly, •ise+. UNEPP,iwAriue --•• "Justice to Ireland" is not a mere hollow cry, for even in the matter of the demand for electoral reform it is based upon sub- stantial grievances. Out of one 'million liousehnlders in Ireland, only some twenty - live thousand have votes. The effect of Ytr Glatlatone's new franchise bill, will, if carried, be to enfranchise several handrod thousand persons. This will increase' Mr. Pernull's strength ceneiderably; but that strength will nut he inimical to the em- pire's interests if the rational wishes of the Irish penpie in the direction of a me• Aerate measure of home rule and a radi• cat r 'u i ' e( r n of t the land lairs be aeced'e$`to: Another fact not to be overlooked is that in ohangang the character of the majority of the constituents the number of constituen- cies which aro made absolutely safe for the Parneliites.is not materially increased be- yond diose which he would parry tinder any circumstances. Thousands any so. Mr, T. W. Atkiiee, Girard: Kan., writes "I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Critters to my customers, they give entire eat- isfaotion and rapid sellers." ''lecttic Bittbre are the purest and hast medicine known and will positipeig Dare Kidney and Liver com- plaints. Purify the blood regulate the bow. els. No family can afford to be without them. Tboy wilt save hundreds of dollars in deotor'e Mlle every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle byiWatts dq_Oo. w flackled's Arnica l9atve. The best save in the world for'euts,bruises, agree, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all akin ernptions, and pee tivoly oures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction• er money refunded. Trico tis cents per box. ''Watts R CO. About .$pritig•Water . Hereditary Scrofula. The surest, most effective, leastcostly re. Are ou aware tnat in your blood the taint needy for habitual Costiveness Ie Zorxsa. Better than all the aperients or spring -water that over bubbled, for it is certain, effectual and pleasant, tacting upon the Liver and DigestiveOrgans. It invigorates, strengthens; loosens and removes, Keeps . off Ague, Fever, Nigeria, B,ilioueness—makes Appetite good, Sleep sound, Nerves strong, Brain quiet, blood pure, breath sweet, taste good, regula. tee the bowels only by acting upon the Liver and Digestion. Get a sample of p.n.s', . B ,YT$ .PUMP FACTORY, 'exguson, & Willow ]•ltoralnTO$s, milE SUBSCRIBERS SAVING RECENTLY started a factory in Blyth, beg tq intimate to the peolj le of Huron that they are prepared to sink wells or Materna and, provide Pumps of the very beat workurausbip. having had eon. slderable experience in the pump -making l>nei- ueae, they feel confident they Van give entire eittisfuetintt. Ali orders, by mall or otherwise, promptly tilled, at the most reasonable rates. Blyth. April, 1884. OLD AND. RELIABLE: Glpity'rs ifipecrfio Medicine', TRADE MARL( TuxOaesrixrot,tex KAot maim. ReKanr•an.nfailiag cure for geminal weak nese, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, andel' des. • wee that follow as a eeq.ience ofeelf-abuse —u lose of memory, unlvereal lassitude,— pain in the back, dim- neu of vision, pPretnc- Before T � tare old age, and many r '1! ir , ether dummies that n lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave. I•uit- particulars in oar pamphlet, which we desire to Need free by • mail to every one.. (� The 8pecifje Medicine le sold by all druggists at $j per package, or ata packages for fire dolla'ra_ or win be sent free by mail, on receipt Of the manor by ad- ' dressing trimGRAY MEDIOIt1E70, TorOntb, Ontario, Canada:. , of acrofula has a prominent place;This is true of every one, It is liable at any time en the slightest provocation, to develop tel in Home insidious disease. Consumption• and many other diseases are outggrroowths of 'this impurity of the blood, Shaker Blood Syrup has a won- derful power over all scrofulous troubles as the remarkable testimonials we have received un- mistakably prove. We refer by permission to Mrs. I', Elliott, Hanover, Maine,. wbo was cured by ,shaker Blood Syrup of 11. Scrofula Sores, the severity of which confined her to the house for two , years. Si* menthe previous to taking Shaker J3lood Syrup she could not get about her room without crutches, Her friend says I did *not think it possible for her to live many menthe she was reduced to a mere skeleton. Hercure is hardly less than a miracle. There, is no doubt that in Shalter!Blood Syrup We have the moat remarkable medicine that has ever been pproduced, and a positive cure for Syphi- lis and Scrofula in their numeretus forms, YERTISE Before you place . a dollar," ' worth of . Newspaper advert s., lug, get our prices. The exact coat of any paper* or list of ' • papers cheerfully y furnished* free upon appllication.. - Or Bead for New Catalogue. ' J. O. MOOCH.. Advertising Agent; „ 110110 Bog. • Detroit, Miele J. BIDDItEC(MBE, • Watch and Flock 'Maker, JEWELLER, rec.; OPPO$8 E. Tlltirstnl*Kgi•!', CLINTON. Where he keeps a select assortment of. • WATCHES, CLOCKS;. JE'WALERT., . SILVER: WARE,..' . .• Whish we will. Belt at reasonable rates. Repairing of every description promptly • at tended to, and all work warranted. J. BfDDLEQOMDE. Clinton, Nov. 1882 . IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ' TO THE • FARME• RS OF HURON. ri1HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVINI3 BEEN APPOINT - Rh Sole Agents for the wee! known GURNEY MANUFACTURiNG COMPANY, of Dundas, desire 50. cull thew/pedal attention of farmers to their Dundas- CURD 'BINDER' This machine has been thorottghIytested during the past season, and has gfvett,thc.best of satisfaction, and as several important improvements have been added for 1834, the subscribers feel Confident they have new.. I -.GOT TNE, NEST' CORD -BINDER In the market, and as they do not Wend to spend either time or money in travelling througli the•coun- try, they are prepared to alto\v a diseount.to:the pur- chaser, as an equivalent for those expenses. Intend- ing purchasers will thorefote see it to bete thoirad- vantage, before purchasing elsewhere, tie dull at our shop, and see the machine now set up.' Lxaminelt tit. leieµro and have it,explained, in dutall: REAPERS, MOWERS, . SAY RAKES, aiway d b`fi band, from best Makers,' at lowest rates PLO WS, Ile R.RO TVS, CU LTI: FA pans Re., of 'our own make kept on band and made to order.• tdI ALL KINDS or MACnixa ltEPAIat\a Abe LlhAda cerin WORE promptly: attended to. MILLER & TEDFORD. Princess street,, opposite Fair's mill, linton, April, 1851. • • FAI;:114N &'1'ISI)4.A,L • B'AN.•KERS,;' RA:TTENIAIRY 'ST,, CJLINTON, • If tRANSACT A GENERAL BANKINGBUJINESS. bl.noyadvanood on alortgegce and Notesof hand Hrafte leaned payable at par,at isle the otRCes of Cho Merchant's Donk of Panada. New York ezchtinge bought and bold. Paosxtr ATTENTION PAID TO COL LECT1o$athrottghout Canada ead tho'Unittd States. SALE NOTES • BOUGHT, al clews rates, and money advsnoed to -farmers on their can note s, for anylongth oftlmC to suit the borrower. Alt marketable eeenr . tieshoughtand Reid. • , BANKERS IN lfaw YoRIe, AGENTS Or ;DO MgacnANT'g BANS or CANADA. . 1.1V 7'LREST,4LLO WEI) ON DEPOSITS W. W. k'A.ERADT..• J. 1'. TISDALE, N' • •� sS eiRiS T... • Health & .'Happiness for all, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, . Dys- pepsia,.Indigestion,' Dizziness, _ Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, And 'every species of'diseasc arising from Impure Blood, &c. dtc,' - PSSPA.an ar THU - - Climax Chemical Company;. MONTREAL MONEY TO LOAN. •PRIVATE AND COMPANY. FUNDS, AT lowest rates of interest. Principal payable as -desired by borro wee. Valuator for the CANADA. L*$DEN CREDIT CmrAlit.. - ; 1)'. A; FOREESTER. Clinton. Dec 20. 1883. NEW TIN-.' STORE. • r1IRE SUBSCRIBER. WHO WAS FOR MORE than eight years in the employ of Mr. Silas Davis, desires to•.intimate that he has nm' Al • ` w:1.. ,HURON STREET, CLINTON, . Where he is prepared to 40• • ., ALL KINDS 'OF.TIN, COPPEI% AND SHEET IRON WORK, In the best of style.and; on shiort'noticb, i01 GTI,, r,AMPs, GLASS, Jig. in dim]; • A C 5Lt :HOLLCITED,• ' . • ' , .SAMtjEL WILSON Clinton, D'tie.1888 • ILE MOLSONS BA.NKt incorporated by Act of rerliainent,;1853. CAPITAL,,:: $2,000;000; •" .HEAD OFFICE, 'MONTREAL. THOtIA WOIIKII111 ,.......,Eresiaent. J. IL B. MOLSON Vice fres. _F. IVOLFERSTAN TIIOMAS, Cienerat Manager, • Notes •.discounted,.. Collections .made Drafis, iss-sed, Sterling and American errhange bought and sold at lotoc t ' current rates, • IN'rEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS.. I<'AELM•PCI t(4. SMonoy advanced to farmers:on their 'own notes with" poo or more endorsers. No mortgage ,required as'se- curets. .' II. C. BREWI.1.. nagpr, , January 1583. • Ulmtou Gc to CO0PEE'S. FOR CHEAP: G'I,OCER IES Crockery, "Glassware, &c. Oatmeal' and Corumcal al«,ays on Haul, ALS 0 Pettti's celebrated Breakfast Long Clear -Bacon, Sugar.flared pants, IIrt<1..(,. 1 ',.Alin.' A8 Picts' which cannot be Denten itl tette. HIS 60, C. -TEA A SPECIALTY SOLEAGENT i OR : 1ioh iiys' ELECTRIC SOAP ' ds-Ic" • . T TO..CAS COOPER., • ' . ' ALi1•FlR3' STitltgT; ULINTOef THE subsc:lb r desires to •.return his 'sincere thanks to hes customers sia Me public generally Por the liberal patronage extended to him in the past, and by furnishing the best artinlo at the lowest toniu- herativo-price, he hopers to merit 0, oentinutnec.of the semO. lie w0n1d alrwdiall,y reoommondt it trial of his direct .importations of..tlso very beat brands of Brandies, Part Wines. and Holland' Gin, SUtrsitta reitlifsincisaGnineteen atie Patina C'lsr• BASS' ALE AND QUINESS' PORTER, 1h,Bctticsj Pints and quarts. • CANADIAN ALES! AND PORTER, <'sttrvo's and DAiiizS Note constantly en hand. Just/received* in miliio condition, ' lltontreai Ginger Oke, Clit1mpagne Chien Oohs,,Sadd. k3cil Agout for. Gotlorloh..if,:in..' N', 1 OBSON. .ttiill;f4' 8't lt[:tt1'; Ii1t1ClC I1oon... out:TZi:1', 4 . • S. TOWLIPAIt :.' SON. BEST STOCK Ql' • ViO N-- •IlSTR�NGS ,moryr1, • FIN 'PLATS WARE. 4 NEWEST DE51(4Ne IN" JEWELLERY Repairing, done Promptly. el on, Coag 2at1i, 1883. ' mummunewor N LARG.E STOCKOF. SPRING 000PS! wow IN . S'L'OCI3 , Ut b* acing all the Latesit Styles in. all classes -of. oardii, '*whieli will be sole.:at ,the clot este prices. • 1.4 C3 IR, I 1\1" Large „_Stock, o t' gent's !Furnishing Cocci . 1:i00C cc A fresh stock of tliese' goods at• he'Iow_est prices. R. COATS &. SON, Clinton. a the Year ea ♦` -ho 4% 'JOHNSTON'S °�' S SAPAR :'.: A.S ILL _ A_ A Lim COMMIT, MIMI& And fol Purifying the Blood. ' Ithee been in use for -2pyeara;' and has proved to be the beat 'preparation in the. market for SICK HEADACHE, PAIN IN THE SIDE' OR BACK. LIVER: COM- PLAINT�MPLES. ON .THE . FACE, DYS TILES, and all Diseases that arise from a Disordered LYver or an impure •blood. Thousands of our best people take it and give it to their chil- dren. Physicians prescribe it daily. Those who nee it once, recommend it to others. Itis made .from Yellow Dock. Hondu- ras Spaniel, Wild • Cherry, Stillingia, Dandelion, Sassafras, Wintergreen, and other ,welt -known valuable Roots and Herbs. It is strictly vegetable. and can- not hurt' the .most delicate constitution. Itis One of the beet medicines in use for Regulating the Bowels. It is sold byv all 'responsible druggists at one dollar for a . quart bottle, or six. .bottles for five dollars. } Those who cannot obtain a bottle of this medicine front their druggist "ma , t sendothe tis'in. • 1 one dollar, and we a send 15 :outputs h 00., Yria>sbttmrrs, 'Annenelacnoi ONT.'. �: -- SYLV-ESTER'S Celebrated' C . ' CHAMPION PLO. , TXLOMAS TIl'LING; • . BLAl7KSMITH; CLTNTON .` Has been. appointed a' ent.for Sylvester's• Champisa Plow, which has rebentty ,been greatly improved; .Ail now stands without a rival. The mouldboard is made or the bestdiamond steel, especially *hardened, . wgre ranted to clean in any field, and imported from Shet- field,.England,purposely for these 1o . Int n�' ppurcasrs cahave-atrial of the plow, and en it of peat card it will' be delivered free in any part of Chi. ' county. '.If the plow can bs beat byany:other make, we will forfeit the: plow;. A car lowliest 'received. - 'RefereneeS. from over 100 of the best. Pitchers near • Clinton. : ,. • • He also manufactures the eelelirated • Scotchi iontond Harrow, The reputation of whioh is'so Weil known that he has already received' Orders for 30 'set tht§ season. PLANING MILL DRY• KILN 1 13111E HAVING JUST COMPLETE! J. .and furnished his now Planing Mill with machin- ery of the latest improved patterns, 1s now prepared to attend to all orders in his line' in the most prompt and satisfactory manner. and at reasonisble rates. He would aloe retire thanks to. all who patronized the old firm before they were burned out, and note* being' " in abettor position to execute •orders expeditiously, WATT* a; CO.,'.Agents, •tunntota' feels Confident he can can:give's:/tlsfati,onto all. r17'01"' '.Velar he r1rin llx. :LSILGQgtl,r ent.ac, . QQUEEN CIT Y 0R3 11it1114 SiCilNlill' • . Phc nix Carriage %York LoNDEsDOIF%O. - .1101I .\' BRTINSDON O la prepared in ulitnufartnre all kinds of i4170U11uS; . AWArtjed at Toronto, London fold WAGGONS.CARRIAGES, & CrrTBUS.. Nothing but the cry. beatmatola4used. and first-class workGQLD MEDALS Ndineirashteetdoedws.rk tinsAntt orn1NhOaanedN JOlnanlNaAnd$reExCatAsOLhYe. , • Guelph, in. 1183, for before purchasing Ctttowhere, : ' AND OOMER MACHINE O.L.S.. For Salo by 411 First' -Giant SOL\seers.. Every Barrel Guarantettd, S, M TEL :ROGERS..kAt ,ge ,, s0 7Pliont St• East, Tor.nto. 4._ Ate 3811"lirSZ�"' UNDERTAKER. Funerals Furnishhed in first-class S yiel 9005i Halitata 18 Akrf;Sl tses, CtOotei:e W? AEL.ICT1f175,. ;4 T:I,TIXS,' VALISES, Vicc. -VAR W fall. INTE TON, OL'11'\t`tor. a